• 2 days ago
PAUVRE vs RICHE À LA PLAGE ! Qui a les astuces les plus cool pour une journée parfaite ? 🌊🏖️

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment un amateur de plage fauché et un bourgeois de plage riche planifient leur journée ultime sous le soleil ? Dans cet affrontement épique, nous révélons des astuces DIY économiques face à des conseils de luxe extravagants pour une journée de plage inoubliable ! De la protection solaire créative et des astuces snacks insolites aux gadgets de plage haut de gamme, ces deux styles de vie se heurtent dans une journée pleine de moments hilarants et de transformations surprenantes.

👇 Regardez maintenant et décidez : Quelle astuce de plage choisiriez-VOUS ? 👇

👉 Abonnez-vous pour plus de défis délirants et d'astuces de vie géniales !
👉 Aimez si vous êtes complètement sur cette vibe de plage parfaite !
👉 Partagez avec votre bande—voyons qui gère vraiment bien la plage !

💬 Question pour VOUS : Quelle est votre astuce de plage indispensable pour une journée parfaite sous le soleil ? Partagez vos idées dans les commentaires ci-dessous !

#AstucesPlage #RicheContrePauvre #VibesD'Été #AstucesPlageDIY #JournéeÉpique Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00Hmm... Let's see...
00:02Oh! A treasure!
00:05Finally! I'm going to be rich!
00:07Wait... What?
00:09Come on! Oh! Come on!
00:12Oh! Aaaaah!
00:14Oh! Aaaaah!
00:16Huh? What?
00:18Is it gold?
00:19Oh yes! I have to check if it's real!
00:24Oh, my little goldfinch!
00:27Let's go, Daisy! Let's go home!
00:30Oh no! Butter!
00:32Anyway, it's always gold!
00:35What a beautiful weather!
00:39This beach is so...
00:42Oh, no!
00:43Yes, Miss?
00:44It's too rainy for me! Do something about it!
00:46All right!
00:50Ah! Much better!
00:52Much better, Miss!
00:54But there's too much sun here!
00:56Wait a minute, Miss!
01:00Ah! Much better!
01:03Ah! Today is a beautiful day!
01:06I love this beach!
01:08Hey! Wait for me!
01:11Oh! It's time to swim!
01:13Let's go, Ruby!
01:18It's too hot!
01:20If only I had money for shoes!
01:22Miss! Your red carpet!
01:25Oh, come on!
01:26What took him so long?
01:29Oh! But I want to swim!
01:31All right, let's go!
01:36Oh, wait!
01:37Did I forget my stuff?
01:39Oh, no!
01:40Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!
01:41Here they are!
01:46It's too cold!
01:47Alfred, put this away!
01:48Don't worry, Miss! I've got this!
01:55Oh, no!
01:57How can this be?
01:58Alfred, help me!
01:59Don't worry, Miss! I've got this!
02:01Ah! Finally, a little cold!
02:07Oh! It looks like the water has warmed up!
02:09That's better! Good job!
02:13I mean, it was a pleasure, Miss!
02:17Ah! What a beautiful day!
02:18Oh, wait! What's going on?
02:20Who is this old man?
02:21And why is he looking at my stuff?
02:25A thief!
02:26I must protect myself!
02:31You won't steal my stuff, you dirty thief!
02:35I think I heard someone in the corner
02:41Oh, whatever!
02:42I'd better go home
02:44Okay, let's put all this here
02:46Try to steal my stuff now!
02:48Wow! It's heavier than I thought!
02:53Oh, Chris!
02:59My hero!
03:02Are you alright?
03:04It's him!
03:05With her?
03:09Very well, now I'm going to be a miss in distress
03:13Help! Help me!
03:16Help! Help me, please!
03:18I'm coming, Miss!
03:37It's alright, Miss! I'm here!
03:38I didn't need your help! I wanted Chris' help!
03:44Chris the Rockstar! I'm in paradise!
03:50It's you!
03:52Out of my way!
03:53Hi, Chris!
03:55He got me first!
03:57No, I got him first!
04:02I'm going for a swim
04:07Where did he go?
04:10It's all your fault!
04:13Very well, I'd better hide my stuff now
04:17And...yeah, just like that
04:21Now no-one's gonna steal it
04:28You! You won't get away with stealing my Chris!
04:33Let's try my new incredible sunscreen
04:38And now, leave a little message
04:42That'll do
04:46Ouch! What happened to me?
04:49Oh no!
04:52Look at yourself!
04:55It must be her!
04:56Alfred, give me my incredible and expensive sunscreen
05:00I can smell it
05:07I can feel its divine quality
05:12Why does it smell so bad?
05:16It's a healing cream
05:20You've earned it!
05:21Let's see what's new
05:24What's trendy now?
05:26The rock superstar Chris
05:28has disappeared from the beach by the sea
05:31Fans are worried about their favourite singer
05:35We don't understand where he could have gone
05:38Find him!
05:39Please, find him!
05:41Has Chris really disappeared?
05:47I need to go to the toilet
05:50No toilet paper
05:53That'll do, it's fine
05:55Let's go
06:01Let's read the news
06:03Chris has disappeared!
06:06I need to find him!
06:08Let's go
06:10Ok, let's go now
06:12I'll save you, Chris!
06:15Oh no! How did this happen?
06:18Chris, where are you?
06:22Hello friends
06:23As you know, our favourite rock star Chris has disappeared
06:27So we're going to...
06:31Take care of the lights now!
06:34I'm sorry Miss
06:37I need to come up with a plan
06:39Ok, let's see
06:41I know
06:48Wait, that's perfect
06:50Come on, please!
06:53Come on!
06:59Chips, classic
07:00Let's go
07:01It's too hot, I'll go and swim a bit
07:03Of course, Miss
07:04Be careful
07:05Chris, I've come to save you!
07:08I'm falling asleep
07:11That was a bad idea!
07:13I'm gonna die!
07:15Wait, what's this place?
07:19Where am I?
07:22There's someone here!
07:25Stupid beach, where am I?
07:30It's Chris!
07:33He's running towards me!
07:35Look, he's so handsome!
07:39I've found him!
07:42Kiss me before I die!
07:45Finally! I'm saved!
07:49I'm coming home!
07:50He's going home!
07:51Wait, wait, wait!
07:52We need to launch a lightning bolt!
07:54Come on!
07:57No, no, no, wait!
07:58What are you doing, Chris?
07:59Give it to me!
08:01Give it to me!
08:06What have you done?
08:10Wait! Where are you going?
08:12Chris, I'm sorry!
08:14Sorry, can you hear me?
08:16Chris! Chris!
08:18Look around you!
08:19We're on a deserted island!
08:20We're gonna die here!
08:25Yeah, that's right!
08:27I've been through worse!
08:31So what are we gonna do now?
08:33Let me think
08:37You make a fire and I bring the food
08:40Fire? What?
08:42Where's the food?
08:43Wait, is that what I think it is?
08:46Finally, food!
08:47I have to find Chris!
08:50Oh, and here we have...
08:53Come on, give it to me!
08:54I'll take them!
08:55Chris will be so happy!
08:58And what's this tree?
09:02Come on!
09:04Come on!
09:08Oh, my head!
09:13More food!
09:14Where are you?
09:15Chris! Chris!
09:16Oh, you're back!
09:17Look, I found the...
09:19Wait a minute!
09:20I didn't tell you to make a fire
09:23Yeah, you're so beautiful today
09:27Yeah, your eyes are just very...
09:35Someone help!
09:37Help me, please!
09:38Where am I?
09:39Where am I?
09:43Chris, it's you!
09:44How are you?
09:45I feel better now
09:48Do you want some water?
09:49Yes, please
09:52Bring some water!
09:56OK, I'll bring you the best water
10:01Here you go, Chris
10:02Thank you
10:03Thank you
10:04Let's drink to our return from the island
10:10I'm glad you like it
10:12Well, I...
10:13It was so good!
10:15It's true, I...
10:19Something wrong?
10:20It's embarrassing for you, my dear
10:22Look at your teeth
10:24What have you done?
10:28Don't worry, I'll show him
10:30I'll take my revenge, Ruby
10:32I hope you like ants
10:35Let me serve you a drink, Chris
10:37Let's see who's going to pop
10:42Can you bring us some coconut water?
10:44Yeah, in your dreams
10:46Yeah, whatever
10:51What's that?
11:02Hi, how are you?
11:17You both look beautiful today, girls
11:22I really need a toilet
11:23Where are the toilets?
11:25Um, they're over there
11:30It's right there, in the forest
11:33Over there?
11:35Isn't it too far?
11:36No, it's fine
11:37Go on, go on
11:39It's fine, whatever
11:47I can't stand this anymore
11:50Don't worry, miss
11:52I'll save you
11:58But I really need to pee
12:01There's no one here, so...
12:05Oh no!
12:06Please, no!
12:09Who's there?
12:10Get out!
12:13You're here!
12:20It's you!
12:22What a relief!
12:23I've found you!
12:25Where are you from?
12:26From there
12:28I'm from the city
12:30I thought we were on a deserted island
12:32No, let's go home
12:35Wait, wait
12:42OK, I'm coming!
12:45And that's how I saved the day
12:47You're so brave
12:49Look at this
12:51It's incredible!
12:52How did you do that?
12:57Where did she find that?
12:59I have to do something
13:04You can do it, Ruby
13:05It's true, look at this, Chris
13:07Fishing is really a treat for me
13:12Look at this, Chris
13:13Look how big it is
13:16I'll show you a big one
13:18Alfred, do your thing
13:25It's so heavy!
13:30Wow, you're an incredible fisherman
13:32Look what I've caught
13:36Wow, it's even bigger
13:38You can't even catch a fish like that here
13:40I know she's cheating
13:42I'm gonna try this thing
13:56Where's Maya?
13:57She's gone to get some fruit
13:59Oh, some fruit, eh?
14:02I'll go and help her
14:05Come on, come on
14:06I've got to finish before anyone notices
14:11I knew it!
14:12She's cheating!
14:16Until next time
14:21Maya, I'm gonna find out what you're hiding
14:23Let's see
14:28What's this place?
14:30Why is everything...
14:34More fruit, miss, here you go
14:40How is this possible?
14:45Who are you?
14:46Where are we?
14:50Are you a friend of Maya's?
14:52Well, never
14:54Then who are you?
14:56You're gonna tell me what's going on right now
14:58I didn't know
14:59I'm sorry
15:00I just came here to get some fruit
15:04I'm gonna tell Chris
15:06I didn't know you had such pretty eyes
15:10Get away from him!
15:12She's been lying since the beginning
15:13We're not on a desert island
15:14I didn't lie
15:15Why are you lying to him?
15:16I'm not lying
15:17I'm gonna show him
15:18Let's go
15:21Wait for me
15:23Where have you been, Chris?
15:26Tell us what happened
15:27Please give us an interview
15:29It was so hard
15:31I had to kill tigers
15:33Fight sharks
15:34Find food
15:35You know what that is
15:36Are you serious?
15:38And those girls kept me locked up in there
15:40Breaking news
15:41Two girls beat Chris
15:42See you in the next episode
15:46So many crepes
15:47This one
15:48There you go
15:54That was a good nap
15:57I'm burned
15:58My sunscreen
16:01It's empty
16:04It's my breakfast but...
16:06This yogurt will help
16:09Much better
16:12Bon appétit
16:18OK, we'll take care of it
16:29This water is so hot
16:32But I know a few tricks
16:46One more time
16:52It's cold
16:58It's time to meditate
17:14We've got a problem
17:15Roger that, I'll bring the ice now
17:18Ice, ice, ice
17:293 hours later
17:35Oh my god!
17:41Is that my voice?
17:44Oh no, no, no
17:46I'll get even
17:50A bottle
17:52What's that?
17:59I've got you
18:04Where am I?
18:11Oh my god
18:15Is that my voice again?
18:18Thank goodness I saved my phone in a plastic bag
18:24No signal
18:26What? No signal?
18:46I've got a signal
18:50Oh no
18:55That wasn't a good idea
19:02Oh my god!
19:03What was that?
19:22It's you
19:29Guards! Bring me my chair
19:33Where's everyone gone?
19:40It's just my stomach
19:41I'm hungry
19:42I think they're wild animals and they're going to eat you
19:47Oh my god, stop!
19:50Where did you find that?
19:51Where did you find that?
19:52Well, I climbed the highest tree to give it to you
19:55Really? You're so brave
19:57Oh, yes, yes, it's me
20:03It's starting to get cold
20:11Maybe someone needs this
20:17No, no, no, no, no, no, no
20:20I've always had them on me
20:22It's getting warmer
20:25I need to find a way to get out of here
20:27Poor dolphin
20:28There are so many bottles
20:32Wow, that really worked
20:34It's time to come back
20:37Let's go
20:42I'm not going anywhere
20:43We're home
20:47It's so nice to be home
20:49And I want an ice cream
20:56Burke, look! Give me another one
20:59Er, please
21:01Thank you
21:09Thank you
21:15Oh, it was a map!
21:16Maybe it's a new adventure for us
21:20Now it's my turn
