Here is the deal ... Santa Fe authorities on Friday shared the shocking revelation that Betsy Arakawa likely died a week before Gene -- and it was the rare virus spread by rats and mice that killed her.
00:00It is relatively quick on the order of days to a week to two weeks so you know
00:08similar to when someone gets influenza. So most people get influenza particularly
00:12if they're not vaccinated. They can get a fever, headache, aches and chills and then
00:18if they develop difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. One of the best tests
00:23to see if you have difficulty breathing is by walking up a flight of stairs. If
00:28you're normally not short of breath after walking up a flight of stairs and
00:33suddenly you are short of breath after walking up a flight of stairs, that's a
00:37serious sign that your body's not getting enough oxygen and that's a sign
00:41that you should get further medical attention. So you know on the order of
00:46days to a week after someone's exposed and infected they can progress fairly
00:52quickly. She may have been struggling you know for many days and been you know
00:56progressively short of breath and experienced you know lightheadedness,
01:00dizziness, shortness of breath when she exerted herself and walked around and
01:07for you know whatever reasons did not pursue you know additional medical
01:12attention. I mean it's important if you're living with someone who's
01:15experiencing you know chest pain, nuances, shortness of breath to get medical
01:21attention. We learned that lesson in COVID right that people who develop
01:26respiratory breathing symptoms the earlier they would seek medical
01:31attention the more likely they were to survive. So you know we don't know why
01:36she may have not pursued medical attention earlier but in those you know
01:41last moments she would have become unconscious and then you know not
01:47ability to you know drink or take in fluids and you know pass relatively