00:00Previously, on Australian Survivor.
00:05I'd love to be in the majority alliance.
00:09Tensions rose between Laura, Zara, and Miles.
00:13Logan, obviously she's tied with Laura, Zara, Karen.
00:17And the five strong Braun alliance.
00:20The guys are definitely trying to throw.
00:22Made their intentions clear.
00:24Are you throwing?
00:28He's doing it on purpose.
00:29But with AJ doing the same thing.
00:32Let's try and get it in.
00:33Brains took the win.
00:35What the hell, man?
00:38After giving it her all at the challenge,
00:41Noonan went on the attack.
00:43You're trying to convince us you did them a favor.
00:45But you've said multiple times, you don't care if Logan goes home.
00:49Noonan's mudslinging has definitely hurt my reputation.
00:52We're going up poorly, right?
00:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:54And in a moment of panic.
00:56This is an idol.
00:57Any votes cast for Pauly will not count.
01:00AJ played his secret immunity idol.
01:03You're not going to tell anyone any lies yet.
01:04That's great.
01:05You wouldn't be threatening to tell anyone, right?
01:07Yeah, I would have.
01:09But his idol went to waste.
01:12All right, man.
01:13As Pauly saved himself.
01:15Can we help her?
01:16You could have by, like, voting with me.
01:1914 are left.
01:21Who will be going home tonight?
01:24I don't know, who could that be?
01:26That would be you.
01:41Well played, Pauly.
01:43You played an idol correctly.
01:45Which at least one or two of us did.
01:49Now that we're both here and safe,
01:51can you tell everyone that I didn't throw out Logan's name?
01:54No, because he's here.
01:56Come on, Pauly.
01:59Why would I make this up?
02:00On the first day of the beach,
02:01you're saying I came to you and threw out Logan's name.
02:04What you said to me was,
02:06Logan and Laura cannot be re-enjoined.
02:09I didn't say that to you.
02:11Say what you want to say.
02:13I didn't say they could be re-enjoined.
02:15But then, what...
02:17Good move.
02:18You have my trust.
02:20Oh, okay, Kat.
02:22So, okay, hold on.
02:23Kat, can we talk?
02:24Like, what's with all these silent digs?
02:26Like, why are you digging?
02:27Like, have I lied to you at any point in this game?
02:34This is what...
02:35It's called a hidden immunity idol.
02:36No, no, no, it's okay.
02:37You just proved that.
02:38You don't trust me.
02:39It's fine, it's fine.
02:40Kat, that doesn't prove...
02:41Okay, okay, hold on.
02:42Are we in alliance or not?
02:44Like, seriously.
02:45Okay, I think we are as well.
02:47I feel awful.
02:48I feel embarrassed.
02:49And then when I played the idol incorrectly,
02:51and you made it sound like we weren't in alliance anymore,
02:54that hurt.
02:55I told her everything you wanted.
02:57Not everything?
02:58Yeah, I was in...
02:59It's a hidden...
03:00Have you watched Survivor?
03:01How are they able to tell?
03:02Okay, don't patronize me.
03:08I know.
03:09I'm excited.
03:10I'm excited.
03:11I'm excited.
03:12I'm excited.
03:13I'm excited.
03:14I'm excited.
03:15I'm excited.
03:16I'm excited.
03:21I'm excited.
03:22I'm excited.
03:23I'm excited.
03:24I'm excited.
03:25I'm excited.
03:26I'm excited.
03:27I'm excited.
03:28I'm excited.
03:29I'm excited.
03:30I'm excited.
03:31I'm excited.
03:32I'm excited.
03:33I'm excited.
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03:35I'm excited.
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03:37I'm excited.
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03:40I'm excited.
03:41I'm excited.
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03:44I'm excited.
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03:46I'm excited.
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03:49I'm excited.
03:50I'm excited.
03:51I'm excited.
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03:53I'm excited.
03:54I'm excited.
03:55I'm excited.
03:56I'm excited.
03:57I'm excited.
03:58I'm excited.
03:59I'm excited.
04:00I'm excited.
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05:00I'm excited.
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05:17I'm excited.
05:18I'm excited.
05:19I'm excited.
05:20I'm excited.
05:21I'm excited.
05:22I'm excited.
05:23I'm excited.
05:24I'm excited.
05:25And to be honest, I've had enough of his hostile takeovers.
05:26How he knows where the vote is going.
05:28How he shouldn't trust anyone but him.
05:30And his hostage plan is the only plan.
05:32It's giving me the ick.
05:35Kaylin, I say this to you everyday, but I don't know what I would do without you in
05:44the game.
05:45He lied to all of us. He's now got his back against a corner
05:50The only person I trust 100%
05:53Frankly, I had a very emotional reaction because I was like, ah
05:57Someone's best mate just got thrown under the bus with an idol
06:00You can do that to me. Yeah, I
06:06Just don't believe him
06:08But it's so funny that whole vault thing. He's done that to me and you are a vault
06:12Yeah, he's employed in it. Does he do it to you guys? I haven't been this is a vault
06:17So he'll tell you something to make you feel special that you know
06:22Same thing to everyone. I know it's no originality
06:27It's like a robot googled how to be human. Yeah chat GPT. Tell me how to be human
06:46Right now the tribe is suspicious of AJ and I can understand why
06:55He's got a heart that's pumping polluted blood
07:00I want to use this opportunity to swoop in and take the reins
07:08While I've got you all here, I just thought I would pitch to you guys today
07:13It's just to start thinking about
07:15What going to merge with me would look like with you?
07:20Strategically, what do you think your advantages would be keeping AJ around instead of replacing him with me? I
07:29Mean look all I have to go on is the person I've known for the last 22 days
07:33But then apparently that's not a lot to go on
07:35I feel like I know you all well enough to know now that you were plays that I want to play with
07:42And I want you to work with me because I think my integrity speaks tenfold especially compared to someone like AJ
07:51He's a manipulator he's lying to everyone and he's scheming every way to get forward
07:57He's a manipulator. He's lying to everyone and he's scheming every way to get forward
08:02And if that's what you guys
08:04Can trust and value great, but if you want someone on your side that is gonna do what they say they're gonna do
08:10It's me
08:13I believe that strategically your odds of getting further in the game. I'm much better with me
08:19Let's make our own moves and let's just get him out
08:23Let's blindside him and get him over and done with
08:26before merge
08:28Over and done with before merge
08:34Maybe George better watch out
08:41To be honest after that performance, I'm a little bit conflicted
08:45AJ's always been a part of my Alliance, but have I come to fully trust him?
08:53Probably not Paulie on the other hand is a snake oil salesman
09:05When Paulie makes those pitches, I know there's a bit of truth to them and I kind of want to buy the snake oil as well
09:14Part of me wants to work with Paulie
09:40They tweet you out here in Samoa, I'm feeling pretty good to be honest
09:52Yeah, we're chillin
09:54Because I do feel like we control these original brains tribe members and we can pick them off one by one
10:01So I'm living very easy life in this island. Simon's great. It's another rocks and fish for a bit. Yeah
10:09In saying that though I feel like on this tribe
10:12The boys are calling the shots and as we get closer to merge Kate and I realized that remaining Braun strong makes no sense
10:21So it's kind of time to make new friends
10:31Thank you
10:34All right, so we got everyone here yeah, I want to say something to the group
10:40In the early days the OG bronze
10:44Made a pact that we're gonna stick together as much as we could to keep us out of tribal council
10:49To maintain the size of the group and to maintain our alliance and our bond
10:54Why can't we do the same plan now?
10:59Why can't we all unite as one make a new alliance so we could potentially come into a merge with eight people
11:08Why can't we be the mega Alliance and that way we're all gonna be having a bloody margarita together in the jewelry villa
11:19Jesse has proposed a mega Alliance with every single person on this tribe
11:26Jesse's an absolute goose. I mean it's gonna suck because we're gonna have to
11:31Push away some of our OG bronze and you're gonna have to push away some of the OG brains
11:36Absolutely, not. He doesn't want to work with the brains. I think someone wants to be the boss
11:45Think he wants to be the strongest player and he loves to be in charge. I
11:51Think it's more his way or the highway which is gonna start from now
11:58Like bold moves saying you want a mega Alliance. Oh my can we talk about that? It's a great idea
12:04It's a mega Alliance
12:12I think that'll work the way through it's not even gonna work past the next boat
12:18Jesse and the boys love to be really macho and you know, say the final say
12:25Make a mega Alliance JLP. Sorry Jesse made it so I'm sick of it. I want to have a say in things
12:45The real world I'm a DJ and a dancer
12:49Big part of me is really glamorous. I love dressing up. I love being in outfits. I love to party and get wild
12:59You shouldn't judge a book by its cover
13:01Very often people look at me like the ditzy little DJ girl, but they don't know what I'm ready to take control
13:16From here on out. I'm making the big shots on my own Kate Morgan just came back from the well
13:24Oh my god, they are being sold to us. Hello lady. Come come
13:29It's time to make my own Alliance
13:32That's what's gonna get me through to merge. I
13:38Think guys
13:41I'm what merge
13:44I'm truly saying that but I don't want to save you both and then be dumped to the side when we get there
13:51Yeah, I have a really big Alliance on that side, yeah, we're gonna put it to here. Yeah, so we want the same protection
14:04They are well on board obviously, I mean they're in the minority they want to work with us girls
14:16Let's call it girls gone wild
14:29The boys have no idea what's coming for them
14:54Come on in Oh No, what endurance
15:02Endurance challenge interesting. They might be water in that truck. Oh
15:08Here they come here. They come rains getting your first look at the new brawn tribe. Holy Noonan voted out last tribal council
15:23Morning hi
15:27Yeah still in
15:29That's the way
15:31Karen that was quite the tribal. Yeah quite the surprising tribal
15:40Look everyone sort of licking our wounds getting used to the information that was dropped
15:46We're here. We're together. We're united. We're gonna move forwards
15:52Information that what about you Paulie? How are you feeling after that tribal? Oh, you know what tribals tribal? It's never a fun time
15:58But I think we're good
16:05How we're gonna move forward post the tribal and everybody seems to make good decisions based on that
16:12All right, shall we get to today's immunity challenge, yeah Jesse, thank you
16:22Once again immunity is back up for grabs
16:25For today's challenge. You will each use a pole to hold up a trough above your head
16:31If you tire you can drop out of the challenge making it more difficult for the rest of the tribe
16:36When your tribe can no longer hold on the trough will dub and you're shot at immunity
16:43Will be washed away
16:45Last tribe still standing wins immunity and is safe from the vote loses tribal council where somebody's gonna become the tenth person voted out
16:53Brains you have two extra today. You need to sit out two people cannot be the same of back-to-back challenges. Who's it gonna be?
17:00Zara and I will sit up. All right, Kate and Zara. You're on the bench everyone else minute to strategize. Let's get to it
17:12All right, here we go everyone grab your pole get it in position
17:19Oh, you kidding me get in the slot there
17:24Take the weight
17:27Push up that will release the mechanism
17:30There you go
17:32Come on. Everyone is in position
17:36This challenge is now on
17:41It's gonna be rough
17:48Very early stages of what will become difficult
18:00Yeah, if I can feel it flowing the water
18:08Not a good spot for me
18:10It gets too much for you. You can drop out
18:13But once you're out, you're out can't come back in and you cannot hand off your pole to someone else
18:19That means the rest of the tribe is gonna need to take up the slack
18:23arms again pins and needles
18:26They've only got one hand on over the other side
18:35Well, that just got a lot heavier what was that they don't push it oh my god that was a lot heavier
18:41Hey, what's going on here? That's heavy lift it up very early in the challenge
18:48Rains are struggling
18:53Really starting to lose it
18:57First five minutes
19:00That is it brains dog and brawn when immunity
19:15It got so heavy
19:18So heavy all of a sudden
19:22Well, they're obviously great
19:27But the hell you were all pushing guys everyone was
19:32Every one of you were pushing. Oh, I was getting comfy. You're fine. Yeah
19:42Lock it in. I made it heaps easier. Yeah
19:46I have no idea
19:52Morgan you don't look happy. I'm just confused. You're confused. I'm just pushing and then red stuff fell from the sky. It rained blood
20:16Asia I've never seen this challenge and
20:19That quickly is something else may be going on here. It could be but they all say that it isn't so, you know
20:25you just got to believe people in the game of survivor and
20:28Yeah, maybe it was an accident. Maybe somebody slipped and it became heavy for everyone
20:32But it is what it is, and I guess they all seemed quite happy with the result
20:38What about you you happy with it? We're not going to tribal that's great. Yeah. Yeah true that
20:45Congratulations, Braun
20:47Unity is yours. You are all safe
20:53It is a win, all right head on out enjoy your night off
21:02Hey guys, see ya
21:07All right brains tribal council tonight where one of you will become the tenth person voted out head on out I'll see you tonight
21:16They say they didn't throw it I call bullshit
21:35Very that looks real hard. I don't know what happened in that challenge a
21:40Going back to tribal tonight means someone's got to go home. I
21:47Guess our mega Alliance was just a pipe dream
21:52But oh, well, I have full trust in my alliance the OG beautiful Braun Alliance, so I'm not worried at all
22:03How about Zara Laura and I do a well run we're gonna head down there now we'll see you see
22:18Yeah, I know they seem solid
22:23Yeah, yeah, I'm done yeah
22:26I know Kate and Morgan have promised to keep Zara, and I safe. I'm just hoping that'll stay true
22:33We just have to have faith in the process
22:35Let's find an idol just in case
22:45Think I would like to put on Laura
22:49Yeah, me too, I would I was the power she has over there
22:52I think Laura reuniting with Logan is more dangerous than
22:56Miles reunited with AJ. Yeah, totally
23:00But so what do you want to do with sleep? So we got four on Laura
23:06And then three on miles
23:09Your miles yeah, and then Laura and Zara miles
23:15Laura Laura Laura Laura miles and then they're miles
23:20The miles is just dead but wherever you go doesn't matter yeah
23:23So we still have to obviously tell Zara and we dump in a mile floor. We're going on miles
23:28we just have to hope that they believe us the girls because
23:32Zara Zara, but I know Laura's susses of donkey
23:38So you guys go so you do what me and bed did to matter what you've got to go do it to Laura now
23:43Yeah, we're gonna speak to Laura and Zara. It's your time to get some dirt on your hands
23:49Jesse thinks he's running the show. I love you guys
23:56But he has no idea what's about to hit him
24:12Just had a chat with the boys they want for on you me like don't freak out. Okay. Yeah
24:22Myself Kate Ben Jesse on you. Yeah miles is a dead vote
24:27PD you girls on miles, right? Yeah, that's what I think is happening
24:33But what we're really gonna do is we take away the tubers we might have to wait still but then no
24:37Yeah, I know. I don't want my name to be pulled out of the end at all
24:40It's gonna have its cape to it on the chandler. We flip that there's only two votes
24:44There's actually no other way we can do it if you ask work together. That's for Jesse 100%
24:51So yeah, it's just girls on wire. Yeah, yeah
24:55That's scary
24:58We're just not sure about marks, that's it. Yeah, I'll talk to him. Okay. Yeah
25:04Yeah, who suggested me?
25:07Jesse just goes we're gonna get rid of her
25:09Why does he want me?
25:12You have a be alliance
25:15And you've
25:16Explained to me that you're gonna help me with your big alliance and Morgan
25:19Yeah, I hope you stick that plank. Oh, we're really putting our asses out. Yeah
25:24We're gonna have to do heaps of explaining. Yeah to Ben and PD up. Yeah
25:32Know it's everything. Yeah, if we do the Jesse, we're fine and then he's gone
25:40Jesse might be expecting this. He's like, I love you guys. Let's stick together till the end. He's a deckhill park. I
25:50Am terrified I have to trust in people that I've known only for a couple days. Yeah
25:58But I don't think I have a choice right now
26:06Miles can we talk to you? Yeah, they're spitting on me
26:11So my name is gonna get pulled out. Okay, it's my name getting pulled out as well
26:15So that's playing between you and I
26:17But there is a plan in place. You need to vote for Jesse
26:21Jesse and
26:22If the plan works, then you were not going to be the person going
26:26Okay, so act like it's you going home
26:42It's quite dangerous
26:45There's a big risk. There's a huge risk
26:47If we don't deliver this, yeah, we are as well
26:55The girls I've got apes I'm feeling something weird song
27:01We've you are you know, he'll pull a sweep
27:27The girls I've got apes
27:30We be right
27:32I'm feeling something weird song. I think I'll pull a sweep
27:39We could always pull miles in and us four guys go on Laura
27:47We're safer I trust him and then we change PD to Laura
27:52I'll try
27:54We want to bring you into something. Oh, I'm happy to listen. We're going to toss you though. It's a test
28:00Yeah, sure and we got to be quick
28:02We want we want to work. We're a bit sus
28:05The girls yes, we we don't want you out now. Okay. I appreciate that
28:10We're a bit sus the girls may go with the other two girls that make it fall
28:16And switch their votes, yeah
28:19What would you feel like riding Laura?
28:22I'd be happy to write Laura. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and it's like guarantees your safety
28:27Yeah, the guarantees if it guarantees my safety I'll do it
28:30Yeah, it might if it if worse happens, it'll be 4-4 if it goes 4-4 draw. I'll be able to convince Morgan on the stool
28:38But we do this are we gonna jeopardize our five Alliance and the girls just gonna flip on us
28:44So we don't have that anymore. Oh, is it that time of the game?
28:48Well, even if we just get mild at five, yeah, we're still that five majority
28:54Cuz me
28:55Yeah, but yeah, but if the girls switch I understand
29:03Yeah, okay, I say Jesse and Ben have absolutely no clue
29:11Like this is the most bizarre move imaginable
29:15At the end of the day Laura is someone I do like working with but they don't need to know that
29:20So I just not and go sure Jesse we got this
29:24Do you're not gonna leave us for the girls
29:28Yeah, yeah, I appreciate you guys like me thanks boy, you're right man, you're in we'll keep this all down though
29:35We're gonna need a name
29:42But hunks
29:45Like that we could be the yeah, I could be a hunk. I think the hunks is good. Yeah
29:51Me you yeah, like a speedy. Yeah, okay
29:57With the Z. Yeah
30:10Well, there's PD
30:15We've had a thought
30:17Now the girls are chummy with the girls and that the coffin falls for a long time
30:21All we want to do is just change your vote to Laura and not saying anything because cuz miles are going on Laura to the
30:27Protects us against a book a girl gang slowly happening. This just gives the boys a bit more power
30:32Yeah, I think we got to start thinking a bit outside the square
30:35Okay. Yep. Yeah, we're called the hunks
30:38Fair enough, you know just in case you forget it just have a look
30:45Let's get back. Let's get back in baby. See
30:51If I don't get bugs coming out of my bum then you guys will wish you ate the bug rice, hey
30:57Yeah, exactly of the game
31:02It's all part of the game
31:15Currently there is a plan Kate Morgan say that they have me they say they're gonna prove it to me, but I can't know for sure
31:31Can I talk to you
31:38I'm just gonna grab Laura. She just ran off and grabbed Laura. I think we might be on the
31:47I'm trusting you tonight if any part of you is thinking
31:51To not to vote for me. No, then I'm saying it can't you can trust me
31:56I see you and Morgan at the end really
32:01Yeah, yeah, I trust you
32:03I know
32:06Okay, you go back so everyone's
32:09But anyway, I trust you
33:01Have been searching high and low
33:05But this afternoon, I knew that I needed to go again. I have manifested my entire life
33:11Everything that happened for me. I have chosen. I
33:16Knew that I would find information right when I needed it
33:22I need to make sure that this
33:25Advantage this knowledge is used correctly
33:29All I'm thinking when I'm reading the scroll is how is this going to save me?
33:33It's gonna feel so good to finally be at the top again
33:45I'm gonna do something ultimate sign of trust trust forever trust for life trust forever trust for life. Yeah, you found it
33:53What is it?
34:07Experience the game like never before with extended tribal councils unseen moments interviews and more over on template
34:33I need to tell Zara about this knowledge
34:37Because if I didn't I would be enemy number one
34:44I'm gonna do something ultimate sign of trust trust forever trust for life trust forever trust for life. Yeah, you found it
34:51What is it?
35:03You find that
35:05We wanted to show you to show you that everything that I have I'm being completely honest
35:09Yeah, that's why I want to show it to you. We're doing this together. Mm-hmm
35:20I cannot catch a break in this game. It is so frustrating
35:25There's no good case scenario for me with having this information I
35:30Have been scrounging and working and clawing my way to get somewhere and
35:35Then something like this comes along and throws a spanner in the works. We'll see how it went. I
35:42Want you to know that I am
35:45Showing you that because I want to try and protect you too. No, I'm just upset
35:49Zara is so angry. I want to minimize the hurt of my allies around me
35:57But I found this advantage, this is a solo game I'm going to use it
36:09Oh, okay, I'm sorry
36:20This is the ultimate disaster coming to fruition
36:26I'm kind of backed into a corner right now
36:29Laura has her own agenda
36:31But so do I
36:34Sure, she found the advantage, but I am here to win and
36:39I'm gonna take matters into my own hands. So tonight I think I'll have to tell everyone this piece of information
37:31All right
37:33So Jesse, I've seen a lot of challenges over the years, but rarely one that is over that quickly
37:40What happened today? Yeah, honestly, I don't think we communicated well enough with our pole handling and we cooked it pretty much
37:47We've got we're not good with the poles
37:53Miles AJ
37:55Admitted openly that he threw the last challenge. Is this potentially an eye for an eye?
38:01It's definitely a possibility that some of these ex-brawns could be throwing challenges to try and do eye for an eye
38:16So, sorry you have a lot going on tonight
38:21I'll tell you I'll tell you what happened. Okay this afternoon. I found a clue
38:29And the clue was that the person that you vote out will not go home they will go to the Bronx
38:42So we have a decision to make
38:53Wasn't gonna tell everyone but I thought why not
38:57Wow interesting, yes. Yes, definitely
39:03So Morgan does this change the calculus for you
39:07I think it has we have a lot to think about now. I'm obviously not going to discuss it as a group
39:13Why not?
39:14I think it would be great if it got open to group discussion and all together as a tribe we can select the best person
39:21to go over
39:24Well, we'd like to start. Well, let's just narrowed like who actually wants to go right? I'd be very keen to go
39:34I'd also be very keen to go
39:40One of the bronze wanted to go home
39:46Question what should the goal of the person who's sent over there be?
39:53Do you have a view on that I do wouldn't it be to foster pre-merge relationships? Absolutely. Yes
40:00That's exactly what I was thinking when I found it that I've said to you guys that I want to work with you
40:05I've showed you that and that's exactly what I thought when I found it. I'll go over and start new relationships
40:11for you guys
40:17Then is there a little bit of a contradiction there where Laura is saying I want to work with you
40:22But I also want to go. Well, yeah, I mean
40:26We can say it openly. We know Laura's best friend forever over there
40:31Logan's there and Zara's best friend forever. Karen is also over there
40:36I know Karen is working with Kristen over there at the moment as well
40:40And it's a chance for Zara to go and you know meet up with Karen
40:44But also make friendships with Kristen who we're all so tight with as well
40:55I don't want to go because
40:57Whoever is over there is over there
40:58I want to go to gain all the correct information to read people and get the right information and then bring it back
41:06That's the only reason that I want to go and I just want to go because I think it's the next building block before merge
41:13Would you consider going over and if AJ's causing a ruckus trying to get AJ?
41:20Yeah, I have said over and over we do not like chaotic players
41:27So miles I think you'd be the first to admit that you've been playing from the bottom this entire game
41:33Why did you put your hand up?
41:43What about for you Kate, what's this vote about for you?
41:47this vote is important because yeah, it's just about getting the numbers that merge and
41:53Trying to say safest as possible. Do you know what I mean?
42:01Whoever that person on the other side is has to have our back
42:06If you guys think I have these amazing relationships, let me go over and figure out what's actually happened and I'll be completely honest with it
42:16It would be kind of ideal for me if neither of us were
42:21But it seems like we don't have
42:27All right, anyone else got anything else to say be honest wasn't gonna handle this like this
42:35Strong aren't because I told Zara
42:42Just think if if you guys think that I have these amazing connections over there. Let me prove
42:47That they can be of use to you guys. That's all
42:52All right, well
42:55Think it is time to vote
43:10You won't be voting someone out of the game
43:13You'll be voting someone to join Braun
43:17All right. Well, I think it is time to vote. Sorry, you're up
43:35I believe I voted for you. This tips the balance of votes in my favor
44:27This is gonna be the last time that's our strong arms me this is not the way that I wanted to play
44:43Recount the votes
45:01If anyone has an idol and you'd like to play it now be the time to do so
45:09Okay, whoever has the highest number of votes in here tonight will be joining Braun I'll read the votes
45:16First vote miles
45:30Laura that's one vote miles one vote Zara one vote Laura
45:37Two votes miles one vote Zara one vote Laura
45:43Zara we're tight two votes miles two votes. Zara one vote Laura
45:49Laura tide again two votes Miles two votes Zara two votes Laura
45:59Zara, three votes Zara, two votes Miles, two votes Laura, one vote left.
46:07Person joining the Braun tribe tonight, Zara.
46:16Can I give everyone a hug?
46:29I wouldn't have done it.
46:41You got your gear?
46:43Can I go back? My weapon's down.
46:45Okay, yes, I'm gonna need your old buff. Oh, you're no longer a brain you are now
47:05Officially a brawl
47:08There you go
47:12Grab your torch head out to the Braun camp and good luck. Thank you. I'll see you guys soon. Bye
47:26Well information is power in this game, but in the end, it's what you do with it that matters
47:32Grab your torches head back to camp. Good night
47:37Good night
47:44Tomorrow night
47:47Zara's betrayal. I did what I did and I don't regret it. Has Laura on a witch hunt?
47:59Go! In the desperate race to make merch, has each player fighting for their life