Chhattisgarh Energy Investors Summit: छत्तीसगढ़ अब ऊर्जा क्रांति की ओर तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। आज रायपुर में हुए ‘छत्तीसगढ़ एनर्जी इंवेस्टर्स समिट’ में कई बड़ी कंपनियों ने 3 लाख करोड़ से ज्यादा के निवेश का ऐलान किया है। इस निवेश से राज्य में परमाणु, थर्मल, सौर और पंप्ड स्टोरेज जैसे क्षेत्रों में बिजली उत्पादन के नए प्रोजेक्ट शुरू होंगे। इससे न केवल उद्योगों को फायदा मिलेगा, बल्कि आम लोगों को भी सस्ती और निरंतर बिजली मिल सकेगी।
00:00We have all come together to worry about a sector, energy, power, without which not a
00:07single step is possible.
00:09So our government is worrying for the next ten years and in the same direction, today's
00:16summit is also being held here.
00:19Today, an MOU has been held in the oil sector.
00:24Thermal power, nuclear power, green energy has been held everywhere.
00:31So all those who have been MOUed, I welcome all of you very much.
00:40And just like our Prime Minister is also very concerned about green energy, he is also
00:52So in that direction too, Chhattigarh is moving forward.
00:58Here, the pump, storage, power, restoration, as well as the situation in Mumbai, an MOU
01:05has also been held.
01:07So all in all, this is a good sign for our state.