Today in Roblox Tyler & Snowi MUST ESCAPE THE SQUID GAMES! ๐ Can we survive EVERY LEVEL AND MAKE IT TO THE END?!?! This ROBLOX GAME has so many FUNNY MOMENTS! ๐Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like ๐ if you enjoyed!
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#funnymoments #cartoon #roblox
00:00Today, I'm in the back of a police car because I got wrongfully arrested. I'm innocent!
00:07I need to be able to get back to Snowy somehow. Can I get like a phone call? Let's see what happens guys
00:13I guess they're gonna be taking me to the jail right now. Do you like the music? No, I don't like the music
00:19Change it to something else
00:22Yeah, hey, what's this see you next time hey that kind of looks like whoa
00:27We got in a crazy car accident. Oh my gosh. What's going on? Hey, who are those guys? Oh my gosh
00:35They just oofed the cops what's going on sleep gas. No
00:40Huh, what where am I? Oh my gosh. Hey, Snowy. What are you doing here, Tyler?
00:47You're here, too. Yeah, Snowy. What is this place? And what's up with these outfits? They're making us wear
00:53I have no clue. I just woke up here. Let's ask these guys if they could tell us what's going on here
00:59Whoa, look at this Snowy. Oh my gosh. Who's that guy? I don't know. He's really scary
01:05You are now in the squid game
01:08Squid game! Uh oh
01:10It's time to make your choice
01:13Make our choice? Okay, so I guess I will go blue and you will go red. How about that?
01:18I've made my choice. Me too, Snowy
01:22Look. What does this mean?
01:24The game continues
01:26The game continues? Whoa, there's squids!
01:28Wait, there's actually squids in squid game? Hey, be careful. Use the button to attack and deal with the squids
01:35We need to attack and deal with the squids, Tyler. Oh my gosh. Whoa, this is crazy. Come on, Snowy, punch the squids
01:44Yes, I took care of them. Now, come on. Let's go through here. We must run away from here. I agree
01:49I think she's gonna help us escape this place. Here. I got the key card. Oh, she's got a key card
01:55I'm so glad she's here. Let's go. I'm glad we could have a friend with us today, Snowy. Come on, Tyler
02:02Let's go through here. Guys, stick around because this is gonna be the craziest Roblox squid game
02:07You've ever seen in your life. There's gonna be crazy new games, bosses and everything
02:14But we won't be able to make it to the end without your help. So hit the like button if you haven't already
02:19Yeah, guys, we're really gonna need all the help we can get. I have three doors here
02:24I'm not sure which one I should go through, Tyler. I choose green. I choose green also?
02:30No, it was deadly for me. What? Snowy, you can't get eliminated before the games even start. Come on. It's okay, Tyler
02:38I have some more chances. Okay, yellow was the right one last time. How about yellow on this one? Yes, I did it
02:44Let's go to the next area. It looks like we're gonna need the key card right here just to open the door
02:49Yeah, Snowy, so let's swipe the key card and see what's beyond this next door. Oh my gosh. Oh look, it's the stairs
02:57It looks super cool in here. Oh, no. There's the front man
03:06Wait, oh my gosh, so wait, they're pouring lava in this room. It's like a lava flood escape
03:12Here comes the lava snowy. Let's go. Let's go. Oh my gosh. Wait, how do we get across here?
03:17There's a lever right here Tyler pulled the lever and then now I can get across this might be trickier than I thought to get
03:23To the top. Yeah, Snowy and the lava is rising super fast
03:26So we need be as quick as possible. Hurry pull that lever. Anytime I see levers. I'm just gonna go for it Tyler
03:33Yeah, Snowy, that's how we'll be able to escape this round. Oh my gosh, the lava is rising fast. Let's pull the lever
03:39Let's pull it. Okay. What did that do? I think he moved the staircase over here. Let's go. Let's go
03:44We're still going silly and the lava is rising super fast. How do we get out of here? I don't know Tyler
03:50Hopefully we can make it passes. It's getting way closer. Okay, here's another lever. I need to pull it
03:56Hopefully we can get to the next flight of stairs. Let's pull this lever and it made this thing swing over jump on it
04:02Whoa, this is crazy Tyler jump off. Yes, we made it up here
04:07Look how close that lava was to oofing us snowy. That was crazy
04:11I can't believe we made it but Tyler we have to keep moving forward. Let's bust these blocks out of our way
04:17Hey, look snowy. It looks like there's an elevator through here. Maybe this is our way out of here. I sure hope so Tyler
04:24I click the button and oh no
04:29Not red like green light and look at the doll. Oh, this is bad Tyler
04:36She is fried that guy
04:38Turned to dust. We can't let that happen to us Tyler. Okay guys green light. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go
04:45Oh, no. Okay red light. This is so scary
04:48Middle of the field. She's not usually I feel like something different's gonna happen. Yeah, so II oh my gosh
04:55That was so close. Why does she look so creepy now? She's so cursed right Tyler, right?
05:01Yes, I made to the middle let's go Oh silly look it's the front man
05:09No, it was not too easy for me
05:12He's gonna make it way harder now
05:15Look silly, they're attacking the other contestants
05:21Wait, so we have to defeat those squiddy bad guys while getting to the end of this
05:26Yeah, so it's still red light green light both all these different squid monsters
05:30Oh, no, look they all stop to and she turns around. That's hilarious. I think they'll get zapped to Tyler. Oh my gosh
05:37Oh my gosh, look out. Look out. Oh, no. Oh, no. No, she zapped me
05:43Let's try this again. Oh, yo, Tyler. Whoa, stop stop. This is scary
05:47Look how many squids there are you got this snowy don't get zapped like I did
05:54Love how they give you coins when they get punched. Yeah, it's pretty awesome
05:58But I see the end in sight and I am determined to get there
06:01Whoa, look at these messed up monsters. Oh my gosh. Why does that one have a bomb head?
06:06So we you got zapped I got scared of the boy Tyler. I see your dead body over there silly
06:12Yes, I made to the next one. Come on, silly. We only have 20 seconds to get to the other side
06:17Whoa, that was super close, but I heard silly the squid game doll is gonna come alive today
06:23No way, look silly. What's going on? We made it across the line
06:31You're freaking me out. Oh, no, he's making the doll come to life
06:40She almost zapped me but now there's a hole in the wall. Come on, let's go through. This is so cool
06:47Oh my gosh
06:53Come on silly, I think the escape is through here. Whoa, there's a ton of those monsters down there
06:59Whoa, there's so many. It looks like we're gonna have to defeat at least 25 of them. Yeah, it's open that door. Let's do it
07:10Let's get him silly, let's get up. Whoa, the monsters are getting worse. Tyler. There's flying ones now, too
07:16Oh my gosh, this is crazy
07:18The monsters are gonna get a harder and harder as we get through here silly, but we are determined to make it out alive
07:39The boss wanted to have some fun with us. Oh, you just hit me with his gun
07:44I'm snowy. What did they mean by the boss wanted to have fun with us?
07:48I don't know Tyler. Maybe he wants to have a tea party or something. Ooh, that does sound like fun. Come on, silly
07:55Let's see. Oh, there's a cutscene. Whoa. What is this? I think it's one of the games. Oh, no, this is intense
08:02Yeah, what's going on? Whoa, the floor is opening up
08:14New rules, oh my gosh, no, we look out. It's a squid game boss fight
08:23How do we take this guy down run so we run oh
08:29I have no clue how we're gonna take him down, but he has a health bar of 800. Oh my gosh, that's crazy
08:36Whoa, look out for the spinning tops. Oh
08:39Whoa, oh, no, they're super fast. There's stuff flying everywhere. This is crazy
08:45So he's gonna try to fly above me and cook me. No, no, no, no get away. Yes. He fell
08:51Okay, okay punch him punch punch punch. Come on silly punch him while he lands. Okay, Tyler
08:57As much as we possibly can take day. Oh, no, he's back up and he's sending his spinny boys after us
09:04Look out for the spinny boys silly. Whoa, he keeps moving around. Oh my gosh, look out
09:09This is the craziest squid game. I've ever played
09:16Remember silly we got away from the land one more time and then we could take him out
09:21But guys, we can't do it without your help. So if you still haven't hit the like button hit it right now
09:26Yeah, guys, I don't know how we could defeat this guy without your help this is getting crazy
09:31Whoa, look out for the spinny boys. This is so scary Tyler
09:35There's a multiple spinny boys everywhere and it's chasing me with the fire. My health is super low
09:41Oh, he just landed. Come on. Let's take him out punch punch punch. Help me silly. Help me. Yes, I think I did it
09:49Whoa, he's losing control and his machines breaking. Oh my gosh guys
09:55Look, he hit the eject button and escaped
10:00That was crazy
10:02He says, um
10:04Congratulations look like you won. Who is this guard? Hey snowy before his mech suit exploded
10:11I was able to grab a blaster from it. Whoa
10:15Wait, are those hot dogs? Yeah, so we I think this blaster is cooking the hot dogs on the end of it
10:22And then I'm gonna shoot them
10:24Perfect because I'm hungry and I could just eat a hot dog. There was two of them silly. Here's one for you
10:31Now we both have blasters and we could blast away any of those squids
10:39All right, so let's get across this glass bridge and oh no
10:43I think the blaster may be too heavy and there's a ton of squids down here. We can shoot up we can shoot
10:50Eat some hot dog squids
10:53You hungry for some hot dogs eat up boom boom boom boom now that we got rid of all those guys
11:00I think this is the way out of here. Snowy. It looks like we made it to the other side of this glass bridge
11:05Okay, come on. Let's bust through this wood and then look there's an elevator. Let's see. What's through here. Okay, Snowy
11:12We're pushing the button and whoa, what is this?
11:17She doesn't play by the rules. Whoa, she's shooting lasers
11:22You need to hide behind the green shelters. We'll go that way
11:25We have to hide behind the green shelter so our lasers don't get us. Yes, now we come on. Oh my gosh
11:31Oh my gosh, let's go. Whoa. She shot a laser. Luckily. We were behind the green wall
11:36Yeah, we have to immediately run towards the green wall because she shoots so many lasers. Oh my gosh guys. Check this out
11:44Okay, she's charging up the laser and whoa, that was super close. Come on, Zoe
11:48We can't fall down into the lava. Okay, Tyler. This is so crazy
11:53I've never seen squid game like this before. I know right? Hey, look Zoe
11:58I think we have to push this wall right here as we hide behind it from the lasers
12:03Yeah, so we can get to the next platforms over there
12:06It's so heavy. Here comes the next platform. So we come on. Let's go. Oh my gosh. Look out
12:12That was super close. Yeah, Tyler. We're almost there though. Come on. We got this Zoe. Oh, no, she's charging. No
12:19Oh, I thought that got me. Look at her Zoe. She's just standing there smiling at us
12:25She's happy because she got me Tyler. Come on, Zoe. Let's keep going. We got to go up this ladder and hide
12:32That was so close. Look another cart. We got a ride. Here we go. Here we go. We're moving. We're moving. We're moving
12:39I'm holding and oh no the tracks end right here. Oh, we got to go this way. Come on, Zoe. Let's go
12:44Whoa, that was so close. Yeah, Tyler. This is getting out of control
12:49Oh, no. Oh no. Oh no hide. Whoa, she can shoot her lasers from so far away. That's not fair
12:55It looks like this is our way out of here. So we we got to crank this lever
12:59Let's go. Let's go. I'm opening the door run through through here. So we let's go. Let's go. Let's go. We got a run
13:05Oh, no, why'd it close on us?
13:10Wait, what's going on? Oh my gosh, it's more sleeping gas. Oh, no, I'm falling asleep snowy
13:18Good night, Zoe
13:20Huh, where are we now? What's all this and there's other players?
13:26Welcome to the mingle game. Oh, no, it's the mingle game
13:30The rules are quite simple. When a number will be called out, you must gather in rooms. In rooms of that specific number.
13:40So watch, Zoe. All of us are gonna spin around on here and they're gonna give us a number
13:44So that amount of players has to go in each room. If there's one more player or one less player
13:50We'll get kicked out. Come on, Zoe!
13:52Ride, ride, ride!
13:54But there's way too many people in this one
13:56Okay, where do we go Tyler? Oh, no, there's one empty spot over here
13:59We only have nine seconds to I'm going for it. Let's go. And yes, that's three out of three snowy
14:06That was a close one. I'm not sure we're gonna be able to stay in this game for very long
14:11Oh, no, so we the next number is six four five. Okay, one more player needs to go in this one. And yes
14:17Wait, I need to come over there Tyler. I only have 10 seconds. Phew, that was a close one. Okay, Zoe
14:24It's the third round. What number is it gonna give us and then we gotta run into the rooms
14:28What if it gives us a really small number and there's not enough rooms for all of us? Oh, no, it's two
14:33Oh, no. Oh, no two two all of them have two. Oh except that one. Come on, Zoe
14:39We gotta get to this one. Run Tyler before that guy goes in. Look at all those people out there that are gonna get eliminated
14:45Oh, no, look Zoe. They didn't make it in time. They're about to get oh, they're getting oofed. That was crazy
14:51Get ready for the next game he says
14:54Uh oh, what's the next game gonna be?
14:56Come on Zoe this way it looks like we need to go through these doors right here and let's go. Oh, no
15:03It's the glass bridge
15:05The game has already begun. You need to get to the other side by jumping across the right. Oh, Tyler. This is gonna be scary
15:12I'll go first
15:14Okay, phew. This one is safe Tyler. Okay, so we all go second. How about green? Oh, yes
15:22Okay, let's go. I can't believe we got this lucky so far
15:25I'm gonna go with blue. Oh my gosh. I made it. Yes
15:29I can't believe we got past that first try whoa, but look out for the bricks of lava that are on the floor
15:34I don't remember. This is the original glass bridge game. This is like squid game, but even harder. Maybe this is squid game 3
15:42Whoa, look at that guy
15:45He does not want us to keep surviving snowy, oh my gosh, look at this flying monsters
15:51We have to punch them and get past this glass bridge, I'll take the first job
15:57No, it wasn't it wasn't for me silly it was a trick whoa, they're playing crazy tricks on us Tyler
16:04Oh, oh, there's all these monsters. Is it yellow? Oh, yes, and how about blue? Yes. Okay, Tyler
16:10I'm coming. I can't believe we survived that game. We're still in this. Come on Tyler. Let's go
16:16Oh, so II it looks like this next room is filled with squid monsters
16:21And it looks like we have to defeat 45 of them to get to the next area. Let's do this thing
16:27Let's punch him silly. Come on. Whoa. Oh my gosh. These ones throw lava balls at your head
16:32Hey someone hungry for a knuckle sandwich cuz I've got 10 of them here. Oh, yeah
16:38We serving up knuckle sandwiches on these squids. Oh my gosh. There's so many of them silly
16:43They're attacking from left and right. Okay, so I am at 42
16:4643 44 I just need to get one more and I see him. Where are you going?
16:51You try to run away you try to run away. Boom
16:54Some of them are running away because they're scared now Tyler. Yeah, so II we showed him who's boss. Whoa, what's this area?
17:01Let's see if she could tell us what's going on
17:04Look the passage is blocked. Oh
17:07First you need to activate the drain to remove the acid from the floor. Why is there acid on the floor?
17:14They don't want us to escape Tyler. So we got to get over to that lever somehow. How can we get over there?
17:20Oh, look at this snowy
17:21Wait a second
17:22If I push the button then this thing goes across here on wheels and we can go to the ladder. Let's climb
17:28I can't believe they filled this entire place with acid. Yeah, so yeah
17:33I think they use the acid to dissolve the bodies of all the oofed players
17:37We can't fall in there because then we'll just become one of those bodies. Whoa, jump jump down silly
17:43Oh, I miss this job. I'll come back now
17:47We just have to pull this lever and then that should drain all of the acid. Let's see if it works
17:52Yes, it's draining all of the acid. Yay
17:55There it goes. Whoa, are we gonna have to go down this drain? Oh, no, that's where the acid way
18:02That's scary. Here we go. So we let's jump down. But before we jump down there, we're gonna need your guys's help
18:09So hit subscribe right now if you haven't already if you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for?
18:15They're hitting subscribe
18:18Here we go
18:20We jump down and look silly. Oh my gosh. It's super hot in here
18:25We're gonna have to find a way out of this one. Maybe if we click this lever right here we could get across
18:31But how do we get past these pipes? There's all this fire coming on. I got it Tyler
18:35We just have to turn these dials and then it turns the fire off and we could get past
18:40Oh, yeah, nice job, silly, but there's no turning off the ones on the wall
18:44We just have to wait for it to stop. Come on, silly. Let's go across these platforms. And yes, we made it to a checkpoint
18:51Now we just have to get out this conveyor belt guys. This belt is not stopped. No, it broke. Oh, no. Oh, no
18:59No, I saw you fall
19:00I didn't expect it to break Tyler
19:03But this time I can so I just need to hurry up and jump over the right part before it breaks
19:09Sorry about it breaking silly. I think it broke because I ate too many hot dogs from the wiener blaster. That's okay, Tyler
19:16I did so I'm glad we made it out of there. But what's this snowy?
19:21It looks like I can't get this door open. We need to use the key card Tyler. I got it
19:26Over here, what's happening Tyler? Oh my gosh. I don't know. She said to go over there activate this mechanism
19:33We have to activate these coffins. Wait, what? What is he doing? I don't know silly, but I'm pushing all the buttons
19:48Look some energy is flowing through the pipes. Why what's going on?
19:53It causes energy to flow through the pipes. Oh my gosh. Oh, he's that what was creating the fire now
19:59We created energy ball. Let's take the energy bullet Tyler. That must be what's keeping all of the monsters alive. Come on, Tyler
20:07Whoa, what's happening now?
20:12Superpower I think it means we're super strong. Whoa, I can kill them in one punch Tyler hit East
20:25It gives us a super awesome special ability all you squids are going down today
20:31Yes, we defeated the squids, but let's go through this
20:38That's a massive sewer
20:41Snowy is this a giant pool ball that we have to push? Oh, I guess so. Just hold your nose Tyler
20:49We gotta push it along here and look so you activated some platforms we could go across
20:54I guess all those squids and monsters have to go to the bathroom somewhere
20:59But Tyler if we're in this sewers, that must mean we're close to getting out of this place. Oh, yeah, totally snowy
21:06Come on, keep pushing these poo balls along and let's keep going
21:10Gross, I don't like the poo balls me neither
21:14Yeah, don't fall down snowy I do not want to fall in that sewage it's ten times worse than falling into lava
21:21Yeah, Tyler. I have to agree with that one. Come on, so we were almost out of these sewers
21:27Yeah, we got to push another giant poo ball. It's the only thing heavy enough to activate the platforms
21:32Yeah, Tyler, but why so much poo? I don't know silly. Maybe the sewer is like backed up today
21:40Here's another elevator, come on, so II I think we need to pull on this lever here and it's gonna take us
21:46Yes, we're going up. So we're getting out of the sewer. Yes, Tyler. Finally. That was gross
21:52Yeah, and look here's what we landed. Oh, so II the next area is called the playground
22:01I feel like it might be a trick. Let's see. Oh, what's going on?
22:07Why is there a giant school look Tyler, it's the cookie game
22:19Whoa, he's making them huge. Oh my gosh, you ran him over. I think it's turning them into monster cookies
22:28Even the cookies have come to life
22:31Get behind the minigun quickly the minigun. Whoa, look at that snowy
22:36We got to get there Tyler so we can defeat the monsters. Here we go guys
22:40We got to shoot these giant cookies. We have to cut them out snowy
22:45We have to cut them out in the right way with a minigun. No more little needle. We use bullets
22:52Yeah, so II or should I say mega gun? There's nothing mini about this
22:57Well, Tyler you have to watch out for the squids too, oh, yeah, look out for the squids look out for the squids
23:03Hey, look, so there's a skate ramp over there. Oh my gosh, we can hit the ramps and stuff, too
23:07Whoa, there's a circle cookie
23:09Maybe we can eat the pieces of cookie after this snowy after we defeat all these monsters if we live
23:16We got this silly. We got this. Hey, look over there. It's a swing set. Get it. Get it
23:22Yes, the swings have been defeated
23:25But if there's a slide, I'm not gonna shoot the slide cuz slides are way better than swings
23:34No way, so II the best thing at the playground is always the slides
23:40Are you team swings like me or team slides like Tyler I'm team slides
23:45Slides for life
23:47You'll see by the comments Tyler team swings will win. No way. So we everybody likes slides better
23:54Oh, no, there's starting to be a lot of cookies coming at me at once me too. So II me too
24:00Hey, there's a trampoline over there. Get it. We got to take out all of the playground stuff, too. This is so cool
24:06I think we're almost done snowy. Oh, no, it's the umbrella cookie. That's the hardest one
24:12We have to take it up in tiny little pieces Tyler so it doesn't crack the cookie
24:17I didn't know they were gonna do this in the next season of squid game. Yes. I defeated the umbrella cookie
24:27Because I never lose
24:31Okay, we got to follow her there's cookies raining from the sky don't let the giant cookies crush you let's go into the elevator. Oh
24:40Oh my gosh, come on, come on, let's go it's closing and yes, we made it out of there snowy
24:46That was a crazy cookie boss fight. It was a deadly cookie storm
24:52But look at this room. So II we got to get across these lasers. This room is crazy
24:58I think this is the final room. So II it's the final squid game challenge
25:02And if you fall down there, you're done for you can't respond. Come on silly. We're almost to the other side
25:08Yes, I see another checkpoint. You win. There's acid goo everywhere. What do we do? What's this?
25:15It looks like we could click on something. Oh my gosh, so we we could push this down and let's run across
25:20The floor isn't lava. The floor is acid
25:23It's time to shut these acid valves off
25:27Yes, there's no more acid in here and look silly. I think this is the final door
25:33Whoa, what is this place?
25:37This is an observation point says this is an observation point. What can we do here?
25:42Whoa, look silly the monsters have changed the monsters have changed. What does that mean?
25:48They're mutating they have become much stronger
25:55That's me
25:59My gosh, no, we whoa, what's happening? Oh my gosh, silly. We made it to the very end
26:06Look, the way out is just through that door
26:12But before we run out through the vent and go back to our freedom it's time to try my superpower
26:19One last time guys while we're escaping and going to our house. You should click on one of those videos
26:25That's on your screen right now and subscribe if you haven't already
26:31See ya