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โ€‹2025 Stats ๐Ÿ“ˆ
Results prior to this episode:
-$20,583 + $13,755 WIN ๐Ÿ˜ last episode
= -$6,828 YTD

YTD Side bet totals:
Vegas Matt +$712
EJ +$3,815
WBG -$5,598
W2Jesus $ +916
Kevin $1,555
Poofesure +$200
Coach Z -$1,000
Big Mike -$300
Annie L -$300

To see our complete 2025 stats and results join our Discord ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://discord.gg/vegasmatt
00:00Well, today, feeling a little better. We're going to fire it in there in a minute.
00:06If you notice behind me, W2Jesus is sitting at a machine, just waiting for the machine next to him to open up,
00:11so we're not crowding that other gentleman.
00:14We're going to play $300 a spin, one bonus round.
00:17So that's always like a $100,000 ball or Sando.
00:22In the meantime, we haven't played these Locket Links in a while.
00:25We got the OG Huff & Puff. We got the Eureka Real Blast. Is there one of the ones?
00:29Piggy Banking.
00:30Piggy Banking. We're going to play those while we wait for the big one. Let's go.
00:34Piggy Banking.
00:40Now, if we do win, we've got to give W2 credit, because he's over there holding the machine for us.
00:45Yeah, and he wanted to play this game, too.
00:47He was the one who said this. He likes the old-school Locket Links.
00:50So, image $5,000.
00:53Uh, yes.
00:59We have not played this in a long time. I'd like to get one big pig.
01:02We did that, and we won $20,000, remember?
01:05Uh, no.
01:07Ah, we needed it.
01:11Man, that tequila just knocked my cold right out of me.
01:14You feel good, right?
01:26All right.
01:28Bank. Oh, yeah. Oh, I thought we had it.
01:32Come on. Get three of those, and we can take the money to the bank.
01:38I think it's going to be pigs or banks.
01:40Oh, look at that.
01:45Are we sure that we want to do this?
01:47$300 a spin?
01:51I think so. Why wouldn't we?
01:53Well, I mean, it just seems like the universe is trying to tell us not to.
01:56You know, we've got Matt in a weakened state.
02:00Yeah, I'm getting better, though.
02:02Yeah, you seem better. You seem better.
02:06Well, I'm saying it's going to be banks.
02:09All right.
02:11I'm willing to bet a lot of money.
02:13How much?
02:15That doesn't surprise me.
02:17What's the most you would bet on that if someone was to take the action?
02:20I don't know. Maybe $5,000, I guess.
02:24What are you?
02:26I mean, oh, you know what?
02:29Coach Z and I came up with a prop bet today.
02:32Oh, yeah? What do you got?
02:34Long drive competition.
02:36Oh, this is a good one.
02:38He's offering me 20 to 1 on $5,000.
02:43So my $5,000 against his $5,000.
02:48Against his $100,000.
02:51And does he know how much you've golfed in your life?
02:54Yeah, I disclosed all of it.
02:56Would you like me to disclose it here?
02:58Yeah, let's hear it. What have you golfed?
03:01I've played a par three course twice, nine holes twice.
03:05How'd you do?
03:07It's a long drive competition.
03:09I probably shot, I don't know, 150?
03:11One shot.
03:13Who goes first?
03:15He goes first.
03:17Wow, that's a big deal.
03:19Yeah, no practice shot, no warm-ups, nothing.
03:21Yeah, that's fine.
03:23What if he just, like, tops it?
03:25There's a chance I could. Yeah, that's the thing.
03:27Now, where is this going to take place?
03:29Are we going to go, like, top golf so you have the yardage?
03:31Or are we going to go, like, to a course par five?
03:34I hope we can record this.
03:36We definitely can.
03:38He wanted to double. He wanted to do 10 to 200.
03:41But I mean, I'm a huge underdog.
03:46What if I swung and missed?
03:48Do you golf? Sure, yeah.
03:50Can I get action on this? Sure, how much?
03:52Against you?
03:54I golfed the other day.
03:56I golfed the other day.
03:58How far do you think my furthest drive was?
04:00280, 210.
04:02210, 220? I'm closer.
04:04295. That's strong, yeah.
04:06All right, why not drive me?
04:08I shouldn't have said that.
04:10WBG could be a sleeper.
04:13You're giving him 20 to one?
04:15Listen, I had to do a big enough number
04:17to get him up and interested in the bet.
04:19I held the golf club for about 10 minutes today,
04:22which is the longest I probably held
04:24in the aggregate my entire life.
04:26Oh, really? Yeah.
04:28I've never gone golfing. Oh, yeah.
04:30I forgot you guys got the golf clubs.
04:32This just came up.
04:34What golf clubs?
04:36There was a casino that was giving away golf clubs today,
04:38so we each got a driver.
04:40If it's a good driver, can I buy it from you?
04:42You can have it. If you want it, you can have it.
04:44Done. Locked in. Nice driver.
04:46It is. It's a stiff shaft
04:48and a whatever with a thing.
04:50Oh, yeah, that's good.
04:52A flight stiff shaft driver.
04:54Retail about $6,000.
04:56I'm more of a tailor-made guy myself.
04:58Oh, no!
05:00This is going bad anyway. W2.
05:02The hero.
05:0412,572 of $15,000.
05:06That was a sando, though.
05:08Lock and links.
05:10No wonder we don't play them.
05:12$300 a spin.
05:14Total in is $15,000.
05:16I was sitting here. How did we do on that game?
05:20They have a side bet on the golf.
05:22Thank you, by the way, for sitting here.
05:24Oh, I heard about this.
05:26Is this a 20-to-1?
05:28It's going to happen.
05:30We're going to record it and everything.
05:32We're doing it.
05:36We got it?
05:38No, it's a hand pay.
05:40Oh, idiot.
05:42I was so excited.
05:44Wait, we got it?
05:46Five of a kind nines.
05:48It's a hand pay at $300.
05:50It's two nines on two columns.
05:52All right, so we're in.
05:54You say what?
05:58Let's get a bonus right away.
06:00We're on the honor system.
06:02No practice.
06:04Oh, come on.
06:06Oh, I thought we had it.
06:10Mini's $5,000.
06:12Nothing mini about that.
06:14I mean, listen.
06:16I love that one.
06:18Thank you. I got it from you.
06:20All right.
06:24Oh! Yes!
06:26That, my friends,
06:28is a thing of beauty.
06:30$27,000 major.
06:32Who's better than us?
06:34Give me a few minutes.
06:36I have an idea.
06:38Let's fill it up.
06:40$208,000 coming up.
06:42Let's do it.
06:46Come on.
06:48Don't rest on your laurels with that.
06:50Let's see more colors.
06:52How about a minor for $25,000?
06:54A little icing on the cake.
06:56All right.
06:58Well, the major's good.
07:00That is really tremendous.
07:02They could be all the rest of them small,
07:04and it's still just unbelievable.
07:06I thought we were going to get $7,000.
07:08And then that big, beautiful major
07:10just reared its wonderful head.
07:12Yeah, what could be better than that being the eighth one?
07:14That's like the eighth wonder of the world.
07:16Meta rhetorically.
07:18Yes, I realize there is better.
07:20What's the best?
07:22Oh, yeah.
07:24Two out of three live.
07:26Nice. Come on.
07:28Let's go for $200,000.
07:30Oh, wow.
07:32Was that $60,000?
07:36All right.
07:38One more shot.
07:40All right.
07:42That's pretty awesome.
07:44One more bonus round?
07:46We'll see.
07:52That is beautiful.
07:54That is a thing of beauty.
07:56All right.
07:58Now let's see here.
08:00Let's add the rest of them.
08:08All right. Here we go.
08:16Matt, you might be a better gambler
08:18when you're a little under the weather.
08:20I should be sick all the time.
08:22Let me be the first to welcome you to Front Street.
08:24All right. So what is that?
08:26$32,700 plus $10,000. $42,000.
08:28Halftime report.
08:30Beautiful winnings.
08:32Triple power Wolfie. What did you say?
08:34Timber Wolf triple power.
08:36You can just read it right there.
08:38I was trying not to turn all the way.
08:40Timber Wolf triple power coming up.
08:42We got 10K Straps triple power
08:44after that big beautiful major.
08:46Man, I was really surprised that we hit that.
08:48I was like, you know,
08:50it makes me think I like betting $300 a spin.
08:52You know, I always remember the big wins,
08:54but I forget we get completely wrecked sometimes.
08:56Let's fire it in here.
08:58Timber Wolf triple power. You remember this?
09:00We did really bad, want to get even or get even worse,
09:02and then we did really well?
09:04No. We got a big check. You don't remember?
09:06No. A little bookkeeping.
09:08We took the
09:10image out plus $15,000,
09:12so we're winning $15,000
09:14plus everything in the machine.
09:16Where'd you put the $30,000 that I had sitting here?
09:18I put it away. That's almost $28,000, bro.
09:20That's tremendous. Very good.
09:22And which one of the bags do we like the best?
09:24The purple, the red, or the green?
09:26Well, we got rising last time,
09:28and we got a real rise out of it.
09:30Hey, I don't know that I was there for that.
09:32No, you weren't there for that day.
09:34So think about how much better it'll be with me
09:36bringing the positive vibes.
09:38Yeah, the powerful juju.
09:40Yeah, it's very powerful juju.
09:42Wins are good no matter what, right?
09:44How about that major?
09:46Yeah, that was good,
09:48but I'm glad we quit, too,
09:50because we could have just kept on going
09:52and playing for the free feature.
09:54Oh, we would have gotten wrecked.
09:56We've lost $60,000 doing that
09:58on that exact machine before on that $300 bet.
10:00Let's not do that.
10:02And never with the free feature counter that low, either.
10:04And now we're just so relaxed.
10:06Vegas Mac can focus on feeling better.
10:08Play a nice $60 a spin.
10:10Ooh, that would have been good.
10:12I was talking to my doctor.
10:14He said any jackpot over $25,000
10:16you should be healing a lot quicker
10:18than you would have otherwise.
10:20Just like our friend T-Bone says,
10:22jackpots are good for your health.
10:24He does say that.
10:26Sort of double pops.
10:30So you need the owls in columns 1, 2, and 3.
10:32Are the owls wild, too?
10:34No, the moons are wild.
10:36That's good.
10:38I'm over the moon about it.
10:40Why is it making any noise about that?
10:42Oh, it's making a big noise.
10:44No, the wolf is.
10:46There are some that are barely better.
10:50That was good.
10:56Should we kick it up since we're doing good?
10:58I don't know if that's
11:00ever really a good idea.
11:02But is it ever a bad idea?
11:06Yeah, I guess it is.
11:08A lot of times you just burn three, four thousand dollars.
11:10I think this is an important lesson to teach people.
11:12Oh, yes! Is it double?
11:14Should've kicked it up.
11:16We should've kicked it up.
11:18EJ, your instincts on that are actually quite good.
11:20It seems to me.
11:22You believe in instincts?
11:24No. I mean, I believe they exist.
11:28Alright, let's hope this bonus doesn't go cold.
11:30Accidental fast spin
11:32by Vegas Matt.
11:34Many such cases.
11:36So every one of the outlined ones you get
11:38gets you something in the end.
11:40Ten tens.
11:46Oh dear.
11:48Oh dear.
11:52How many spins?
11:56What does that do?
11:58I want to get a full screen
12:00of red Santas.
12:02Has this ever happened?
12:04I'd like a full screen of wolves.
12:06Blue wolves?
12:10Nothing makes it.
12:12Santa in three would've been a mess.
12:14It was a Sando, not a Santa.
12:16We're getting wrecked here on the credits.
12:18What do you mean?
12:20There we go. We need those.
12:22What's that do?
12:24I don't know yet.
12:28Oh, so the gold ones have to be better.
12:30They're jackpots or credits.
12:32Most likely credits
12:34because the minimum jackpot is 2500.
12:38Re-spin with the times five. Wolves, pinks.
12:40Santas. Alright, we'll take that.
12:46Go ahead.
12:52You pick the big one first.
12:54You eat dessert before dinner
12:56like that, you know?
12:58Is this high water mark?
13:02Pretty high.
13:0415,000, huh?
13:06Over 16, right?
13:08Which means over 30.
13:10We're winning 15,000 plus what's in the machine.
13:1231,000 of winnage.
13:14I think last time we played this
13:16we had the question of
13:18if you trigger it with multiple colors
13:20do you get all of them?
13:22Answer is no.
13:24But if you trigger them with three
13:26you get it for sure.
13:28You need three to trigger it, yeah.
13:30Speaking of questions, have we asked a question of the day yet?
13:32Not that I recall.
13:34No, I was just wondering.
13:36Maybe that's the question of the day.
13:40Is there a luck has arrived?
13:42I don't think so.
13:46I'd like a lot of wolves.
13:48They're kind of like buffalo, I imagine.
13:52I'm gonna look.
13:54Okay, yeah.
13:56You started looking, I noticed,
13:58but you announced it just to make sure
14:00I get a bonus credit, which is very nice of you.
14:04Started the looking process.
14:06How much is that?
14:08That doesn't seem like a lot.
14:10The bears were good that one time.
14:12At band camp.
14:16Back in the 80s the bears were very good.
14:18Walter Payton.
14:22Refrigerator Perry.
14:24Mike Singletary, Jim McMahon.
14:26Was it just the Oscars?
14:28Yeah, not too long ago.
14:30I don't know.
14:32Is that a triple? This is huge.
14:34I'm giving credit.
14:36Yeah, give me the credit.
14:38Darlene, I found your question.
14:40So it's a triple?
14:42Yeah, this is really good, potentially.
14:44This is a massive guy.
14:46Welcome to Front Street.
14:48Let's enjoy this.
14:50I'll enjoy it.
14:52I should be sick more often.
14:54This is sick.
14:56Oh, I see what you did there.
14:58Oh, it's like a Buffalo Gold feature here.
15:02It's a Wolfalo Gold collection.
15:04Alright, we got a wolf and a thing.
15:06We need some re-triggers.
15:08This is big.
15:10Alright, we got two of those things.
15:14Oh, it's freeze time.
15:16Oh no, we got it.
15:18It's the bags turn into wolves.
15:20Is that a lot? No.
15:22Five of a kind is the key, huh?
15:24We're getting a lot of those credit deals.
15:28Well, our first jackpot.
15:32Re-triggering with the multipliers is the nuts of this game.
15:42Three of a Santa.
15:46It really hasn't done much yet.
15:48Now that's all wolves.
15:50That's four of a wolf.
15:52Well, we're going to have to get it all into jackpots, I guess.
16:00Oh, that reveals a wolf.
16:04It's not nothing.
16:06Four of a wolf.
16:08Oh, we got the Santa's gone for this.
16:10And we're re-spinning.
16:14Wolves! No!
16:16Is that anything?
16:18No, it's almost massive.
16:20Five? No?
16:22Wow. Really disappointing.
16:24Well, we still have eight bags plus one gold bag.
16:26I mean, I appreciate your optimism.
16:30The spins could have been so much bigger.
16:34And we got one jackpot.
16:40I mean, yes, 3,000, that's really good, but...
16:42It should have been a lot more.
16:44It should have been way more.
16:46It's so disappointing. I think we should go to a new game.
16:50Well, I think this one's done pretty well for us.
16:52You got any others in mind?
16:54This machine wouldn't put...
16:58Wouldn't take the large voucher,
17:00so I put 1,600 in, so we're winning...
17:0433,000 plus what's in the machine?
17:06No, it's 30,000...
17:08Plus 2,000.
17:10So 32,000 plus what's in the machine.
17:12Minus 18 bucks.
17:16We were winning 30,000 plus 35.82
17:18before here.
17:20And we'll just get a bonus here, and then we'll figure it all out at the end.
17:22Didn't we play this a few days ago?
17:24Very recently, yes.
17:26Do you remember liking it or disliking it?
17:30Do you remember how it works?
17:32I remember it's always busy, and we keep trying to get on,
17:34and someone's always playing it.
17:36How did we do?
17:38We got a $5,000 ball.
17:40We did?
17:42Yeah, we got a $5,000 ball. Do you remember that?
17:46What do you think the dragon's sign is?
17:48I think he's a Virgo.
17:50I mean, it's a Zodiac, right?
17:52My wife's a Virgo.
17:54I'm a Leo.
17:56I'm a Libra.
17:58I'm a Gemini.
18:00When you say that, people are always like,
18:02is that a bad thing? I don't know much about astrology.
18:04Oh yeah, it's a complete disaster.
18:06What about you, Coach? What are you?
18:10Oh, the age of Aquarius.
18:12I don't really get into it.
18:14Yeah, I don't either.
18:16They say Libras are the best, and I believe them.
18:18Everyone else is a complete disaster.
18:20Everybody knows that.
18:22A little shaky, shaky.
18:26So did we decide we like to or did we not?
18:28Or what?
18:30Yeah, we like it a lot.
18:32Let's get a bonus.
18:34So I don't have to go get a voucher.
18:36I don't want to give up any of that
18:38beautiful cash that we've been accumulating.
18:40How about three of those little
18:42koi fish deals?
18:44Did we do the question of the day, Justice?
18:46We didn't read it yet.
18:48Oh, you didn't read it yet?
18:50No, I found it, though.
18:52Let's read it real quick.
18:54Darlene, I told you I'd find your question.
18:56Darlene Young would like to know,
18:58Vegas Matt always has a saying from his dad.
19:00What sayings does EJ
19:02say that his dad says
19:04along with Vegas Mom?
19:06WBG, W2, Code C.
19:08Do we have any sayings
19:10that we've carried down?
19:14Fire it in there.
19:16I'm certain there is,
19:18but I...
19:20I mean,
19:22all the ones that you hear every day
19:24are from my dad, so I'm not the best person to ask.
19:26I remember one that my mom used to say.
19:28Well, there's some more money in it.
19:30Let's talk about it.
19:32The image in this machine is 5600,
19:34and then we were winning 15,000
19:36plus the other voucher we have,
19:38so that's how we're going to do this.
19:40The voucher is 18,000-something.
19:42So the
19:44expression, the saying
19:46that I remember that my mom used to say
19:50don't let foolish pride stand in your way.
19:54Don't let foolish pride stand in your way.
19:56Right, right.
19:58Don't be too stubborn.
20:00Swallow your pride.
20:02Get done what has to get done.
20:04Do you think you listen to that?
20:06You can be pretty stubborn sometimes.
20:08I mean, you should have seen me
20:10before I knew the phrase.
20:12Oh, really? You were more so?
20:14You look like you're growing a beard.
20:16I've never seen you this unshaven before.
20:18You know...
20:20Did your mom say shave or no?
20:22My dad tells me to shave all the time.
20:24I know.
20:26I enjoyed a spa treatment.
20:28Oh, yeah?
20:30I got a facial, hydrofacial.
20:34You're not supposed to shave right after that
20:36because it's exfoliating on its own.
20:38And if you shave, it's like double exfoliation.
20:40Have you ever had a beard?
20:42I have had a beard.
20:44Yeah, I saw him with a beard.
20:46He can grow a good beard.
20:48Why don't you fire one in there?
20:50I remember walking into you in the gov
20:52seeing you when I hadn't seen you in a couple months.
20:54You both had these big beards.
20:56I was thinking of firing in a beard.
20:58Easier than getting a neck lift.
21:00Oh, you're covering up the neck, huh?
21:02The problem is I can't grow a beard.
21:04I don't think I've gone through puberty yet.
21:06Or something.
21:08I can go three weeks without shaving
21:10and it just gets a little bit itchy.
21:12It doesn't even resemble a beard.
21:14Coach, how about from your coaching days?
21:16Were there any sayings you used to tell your players
21:18or that you learned as a player?
21:20Oh, tons of sayings.
21:22When I played football in high school,
21:24our coach would always say,
21:26Winners never quit.
21:28Winners never quit.
21:30It was really big on the fourth quarter.
21:32We're never going to lose in the fourth quarter.
21:34You got to strain.
21:36Eagles don't flock.
21:38You gather them one at a time.
21:40Eagles what?
21:42Eagles don't flock. You gather them one at a time.
21:44Too soon with the Eagles type stuff.
21:46Definitely not too soon.
21:48Way too soon.
21:50You're outnumbered 4-1 here, WBG.
21:52Yeah, go Birds.
21:54That was a complete disaster.
21:56I don't mind standing on my own.
21:58You won a lot of money on that.
22:02Mostly from you guys.
22:04I got wrecked on the Super Bowl.
22:06This game is a complete disaster.
22:08I can't wait to win the long drive competition.
22:10I can't wait either.
22:12Should we just bet more?
22:14Let's bet $100.
22:16Wait, $100? Is there $75?
22:18Let's just do $100.
22:20That way we either win or we don't.
22:22But then what are we going to do when we lose all the money?
22:24Are we going to keep going?
22:26That's not going to happen. We're going to win a lot.
22:28Yeah, I was going to say when we lose all the money.
22:30You've got a law of attraction.
22:32Yeah, okay.
22:34Lots of luck has arrived in this game.
22:36You've got to wait
22:38for that animation to go by.
22:40The dramatic effect.
22:42Anybody want to go on record
22:44with sayings from their family?
22:46How about your mom?
22:48Your mom has to have a gem or two.
22:50Don't eat sugar.
22:52I don't know.
22:54You're putting me on the spot here.
22:56Oh, she had some sayings.
22:58I remember she taught you guys all kinds of nice things.
23:00But I forget what they were.
23:04She had sayings.
23:06But I don't know the sayings.
23:08It's hard to do this on the spot.
23:10See, like you wait.
23:12Oh, you got it.
23:14Darlene, winner.
23:16Bet more.
23:18It never fails.
23:20Darlene was already a winner.
23:22Is this the one where it goes up?
23:24It's a boom, boom, boom style.
23:26I don't know why
23:28I think he's going to remember a game we haven't played
23:30for a year and a half when he doesn't remember this one.
23:32Oh, you got two
23:34on that other screen. That's good.
23:36Oh, yeah, great start.
23:38Oh, this is good.
23:40We need bigger ones over there.
23:42It's hard to get them in the bottom right.
23:44That's the thing.
23:46Oh, there you go.
23:48How many more? Two more?
23:50No spots?
23:52There's one.
23:54Oh, we got this.
24:00Oh, we got the old spinner.
24:02I don't like how it starts with the mega in the window.
24:04I always think I got the mega for a second.
24:06We'll take it.
24:12I would just be happy with the spinner.
24:14They don't have to make me think I got the mega.
24:16I like a spinner.
24:20Alright, we got to fire one in here.
24:22You got it.
24:26Oh, yeah.
24:30It's my idea, by the way.
24:32We need eight more for that other deal?
24:34Oh, wow.
24:36People are saying you're the best on the Denomin' Bets
24:38if anyone is hanging.
24:40What happens when you fill that screen up?
24:42Anything special?
24:44Oh, a vulture.
24:46Grand, I think.
24:48Is it live, we think?
24:50I don't think it is the grand.
24:52There's just a mega, there's not a grand,
24:54and that appears on the spinner,
24:56so I wouldn't think it is the grand.
25:00Keep firing them in there.
25:02Three more.
25:04Two more.
25:06That bottom right is just so tough.
25:08Get it.
25:12One more, baby, let's go.
25:14We've never opened all four.
25:16Yeah, we have.
25:18Oh, we have?
25:20We played this game once,
25:22and it was in the last few days, right?
25:24I don't remember.
25:28And all this stuff looks the same to me.
25:30Ah, idiot.
25:32What's going to happen with this spinner,
25:34do you guys think?
25:38I'll set the line at $250.
25:40I'll take it.
25:42Okay, you got it.
25:46Yeah, sure.
25:56Are we back up to a high water mark?
25:58Yeah, high water mark.
26:02So we're in this $5,600?
26:04Yeah, $5,600, right?
26:06I like it.
26:10Oh, I remember that.
26:12Let's get the free games
26:14at a more reasonable $50 bet.
26:16It's not that hard to get the free games,
26:18I don't think.
26:22I don't think so.
26:24Oh, I think that was really good,
26:26what we just did there.
26:28And we haven't had the luck has arrived,
26:30I don't think.
26:32Or wait, no, the coins popped,
26:34but not the luck has arrived.
26:36But I think every time luck arrived
26:38it was $5,600, correct?
26:40Yeah, remember we added a certain number of blocks?
26:42Oh, you can't bet more?
26:44Right, but did it do the luck has arrived thing?
26:46So it's $50 or $100,
26:48those are your only bets.
26:50There's nothing in between, and nothing above.
26:52So $50 is max bet dollars,
26:54and $100 is max bet $2.
26:56Oh, that was good!
26:58Oh, idiot.
27:00You got that last time. Remember that?
27:04You really don't?
27:06It's always the same to me,
27:08I don't really pay that close of attention.
27:10You just enjoy the moment,
27:12you don't worry about remembering it.
27:14I mean, I got other things to remember,
27:16I got bills to pay, and planes to catch,
27:18cats in the cradle, silver spoon,
27:20little boy blue is the man on the moon,
27:22when I'm coming home to that I don't know when,
27:24we'll get together then.
27:26I've been everywhere, man.
27:28I'd love to, Dad,
27:30but that song I always don't like.
27:32Yeah, I know, it's very sad.
27:34Yeah, like your kid grows up, you forgot about it,
27:36then he doesn't even want to hang out with you.
27:38Yeah, if you call it it,
27:40that's hell.
27:42Well, I'm talking about EJ.
27:44So let me remind,
27:46let me do some housekeeping.
27:48Darlene, please send a screenshot of your question
27:50to info at vegasmat.com
27:52so we can send you a gift card
27:54to the vegasmat.com merch store.
27:56And thank you very much for the question.
27:58Yeah, that was a good bonus she got us.
28:00There's still one more thing we need to figure out,
28:02what do these gold bricks do?
28:04We still haven't got one of those, huh?
28:06And we need to get the Nautilus bonus
28:08on that other game.
28:10We got the WBG's mom's
28:12Easter Bunny holo deal.
28:14I do remember that part.
28:16Rolling in the deeps.
28:18I still want to see the fully solid
28:20chocolate Easter Bunny, they're always holo.
28:22Not always, they have both.
28:24You're right, the ones I got as a kid were always holo.
28:26The ones from the drugstore are always holo.
28:28Just like my Easter when I got that
28:30cheap holo bunny.
28:32That's what I said, that's the feeling it left me.
28:36Are there any holidays coming up right now?
28:38St. Patrick's Day? Easter?
28:40I'm sure there's a bunch of them.
28:42What month is it?
28:44March? March, yeah.
28:46Tax Day?
28:48Oh, that's a bad one.
28:50That's like a fleet disaster.
28:52Deep Sea at maybe a 3,000 floor?
28:54I like that Deep Sea game.
28:56What's that?
29:02This gold is getting your head.
29:06If you get the Holden Spin
29:08with a gold one, it's a
29:10Super Holden Spin.
29:12Are you sure? I'm positive.
29:14We're not nerds, we don't read the directions.
29:16It just says it right there.
29:18Who gives 5 a lot? Every machine.
29:20Play all four grades
29:22in the Super Holden Spin.
29:24Oh wow, it is a Super Holden Spin.
29:26So we gotta get the Super Holden Spin too.
29:28We could always
29:30just fire like 250 spins
29:32on Dragon Link.
29:38I don't know why I like that game so much.
29:42Or maybe more $300 spins
29:44on Buffalo Link, one more bonus.
29:46I vote either this for the gold
29:48thing or that for the other thing.
29:50What's this?
29:54It's one spin
29:56on Dragon Link.
29:58We got it.
30:00Oh, we got it.
30:02What does a Super Holden Spin do?
30:04It probably has them all open.
30:06Oh man.
30:08What is it with 5?
30:10That's just a theory.
30:12A working theory?
30:14Should we bet
30:16100 again? Yes.
30:20Fire it in there.
30:22Can you imagine
30:24the Super Holden Spin at 100
30:26with the dragons and everything?
30:28Dude, that'd be so sick.
30:30Bro, you know.
30:34Gotta make that happen, Matt.
30:36It'd be awesome.
30:385 of a kind Chinese restaurant menus.
30:44Fired that right in there, huh?
30:48That was a nice $2,000
30:50$2,000 5 of a kind.
30:52Oh yeah.
30:54$100 10s.
30:56This has to be
30:58an OMBR at 100, right?
31:00Come on.
31:04I mean, these games...
31:06You always win.
31:08Yeah, just one more bonus round.
31:10Hope it's the Super Holden Spin.
31:12There it is.
31:14Whatever we get, we get, though.
31:16Free games or
31:18Super Holden Spin.
31:20I like the super duper.
31:22The super de-duper.
31:263 of a kind.
31:30What happened?
31:32Just some shifting and shafting, buddy.
31:34We're good.
31:36I thought we had it.
31:40Is a Gilded Rabbit a thing?
31:42Gilded Rabbit?
31:44What you talking about, Willis?
31:46Well, the gold is gold, right?
31:48Well, it's just the foil on the outside.
31:50Oh, we got it.
31:52I told you.
31:54It's always in there.
31:56Alright, maybe we can get a super in this.
31:58Now, our good result was on 5.
32:00Do we want to do that again?
32:02Why not us get the super, right, Coach?
32:04It's 5 or 8, Coach.
32:06Why not us? Why not today?
32:08Alright, let's enjoy this.
32:12Fire it in there.
32:162 more.
32:20That was really loud.
32:22Sorry, buddy.
32:24Trying to get a bunch of people coming around us.
32:26I'm going to get them sick.
32:28I like the enthusiasm.
32:30It's good to not be self-conscious.
32:32I was doing better about
32:34not screaming in your ear recently, too.
32:36Alright, let's go.
32:38How much is that? Only 200 bucks.
32:40That is rather mini.
32:42Rather mini, yeah.
32:44Alright, let's enjoy this. Let's get the third game up there.
32:46Notice the major.
32:48It's like Huff & 4 Puff. There's a major in there?
32:50You don't get the progressive amount.
32:54Oh, we don't get that.
32:56We don't get that.
32:58Alright, we get that.
33:00One more to open.
33:02There we go. We got it.
33:0416 more to open the next one.
33:06Might as well be 8 million.
33:08Well, there are none up there, really.
33:10A lot of real estate to work with, though.
33:12That's the good news.
33:14I'll take the under on 12 more.
33:18Oh, we got a spinner.
33:20We got a spinner.
33:26Let's get a couple more spinners.
33:28What do you guys think about that?
33:30That's a capital idea.
33:32Let's see if there's five of us with five spinners.
33:34Oh, that one is going to do the thing.
33:36It's going to be like a party.
33:40There we go.
33:48We're making progress.
33:50Four more.
33:54It seemed like a million miles away when it was 12.
33:56Four seems doable.
33:58Come on.
34:02Here we go.
34:06Come on.
34:08How'd that one go up from 500?
34:10See how it's pulsing the 500?
34:14It's got the bird feature to it.
34:16And if you land another pulsing one,
34:18I think that gets more money added to it.
34:20The pulsing boxes are more valuable.
34:22I don't know.
34:24I've always felt that way.
34:42Oh, it's only 500.
34:44800 would have been better.
34:46Nothing major about that.
34:50We'll take it, though.
34:52They're going to make it.
34:54We've got a lot of games left, by the way.
34:56Five minutes.
34:58We should be allowed to call it a major.
35:00Three games left?
35:02That was overall quite good, though.
35:04It's a high water mark, I do believe.
35:08Already, yeah.
35:10I like it.
35:12Let's get it again.
35:14What's that?
35:22What's that?
35:24Two of a kind WBG Rabbids.
35:28Oh, we got it!
35:30Wow, we got it again.
35:32I'm getting it again.
35:34Anybody want to bet that this is a five-figure bonus?
35:36I'll take the under.
35:38I'm saying over.
35:40Even money.
35:42I'll take 100.
35:44All four of us take the under.
35:54400 bucks.
35:56I don't know if WBG is going to be able to make it.
35:58I'll be fine.
36:00I'm not taking advantage of you like this.
36:02I know.
36:04I probably should.
36:06I want you to win, WBG.
36:08Come on, WBG.
36:10That's all we need is a $5,000 ball.
36:12Just wait until the golf swing.
36:14He never loses, though.
36:16We'll see.
36:18I'm eager to do the golf bet.
36:20I'm a little nervous.
36:22My hands are getting clammy thinking about it.
36:24Wow, we fired it up there already.
36:26Did you chunk it?
36:32Oh, look at that.
36:34$200 mini.
36:36Pretty mini.
36:38When's the $2 Denom a $200 mini?
36:40Who made this game?
36:42We need to write to them.
36:44Dear Light and Wonder,
36:46what the hell?
36:48We need to call our congressman
36:50and get legislation on mini.
36:52You can't have a $200 mini on a $2 Denom.
36:54That's just ridiculous.
36:56That's for a mini?
36:58We're calling for mini-monks.
37:02That'll be the name of the campaign.
37:04Let's open up the four-banger.
37:06Puffin four-puff style.
37:10Come on.
37:12We need something here.
37:14Let me get this $400 ready.
37:16Oh, WBG.
37:22That was spin five, right?
37:26We still have games, I think.
37:30We are gameless.
37:34Oh, it crumpled it up.
37:40That's what he did to us.
37:42That's what he did to us.
37:46Payback is a bitch.
37:50Not bad, though.
37:52Let's tag it.
37:54$7,140. Not bad.
37:58Still don't know what the golden egg does.
38:00Should we try the deep sea?
38:02One bonus round?
38:04I can find out what it is.
38:06Here's the updated status.
38:08We're winning $9,400
38:10plus this $25,000
38:14plus what's in the machine.
38:16Wouldn't that just be $35,000?
38:18No, it can't be.
38:20That's $25,000 plus $9,400
38:22which was the $5,600
38:24that we added to the other game.
38:26So $34,000 plus what's in the machine?
38:28Wow, that's huge.
38:30I want to give this machine a workout
38:32and get the Nautilus bonus.
38:34Is it safe to say we're just absolutely destroying today?
38:36Yeah, it's one of those days.
38:38You know, it's funny.
38:40We had a friend who came to the casino with us the other day.
38:42Back up a second. You had a friend?
38:44It's actually your friend.
38:46She won $2,600 on an $8 bet.
38:48And Vegas Matt goes,
38:50We never win that much. We're over betting the machines.
38:54Look what happened today.
38:56I think we've been under betting the machines.
38:58Well, but Vegas Matt's memory is not
39:00exactly photographic.
39:02Do you remember playing this game before, Matt?
39:04Of course. I've played this all the time.
39:06We've played this several times.
39:08What did he say?
39:10Vegas Matt's memory isn't photographic.
39:12Coach, what do you feel about the deep sea?
39:14I think it's going to be fun.
39:16It's like Huff and Puff.
39:18No, it's more like the Magic Hats deal
39:20or whatever it's called.
39:22Hold on to your hats.
39:24It's like Huff and Puff,
39:26except instead of huffing and puffing,
39:28you have to hold your breath in this one
39:30because it's under the sea.
39:32No, this is when you do not want to huff and puff.
39:34Yeah, exactly.
39:38You need six of those deals.
39:40All right.
39:42And the Nissan Ultima is like the mansion bonus.
39:44All right.
39:46And the Nautilus, we still don't know.
39:48We've never gotten it.
39:50Maybe today's the day, though, AJ.
39:52That's what we're hoping.
39:54How much would we start with in this thing?
39:58You know, $3,500.
40:00Betting bigger has worked all day
40:02on all these machines.
40:04You be quiet over there, WBG.
40:08Oh, idiot.
40:12Oh, we got it.
40:14We don't got it.
40:16Nautilus, one time.
40:18Oh, I'd love that.
40:20The Leviathan is like the Mega Hat.
40:24And we're still hoping to get a full screen
40:26of Blue Seahorses.
40:28We don't know if it's possible.
40:30We have gotten it. Big win.
40:32I want to give us a chance to get it.
40:34Is there a $75?
40:36There's $75.50.
40:38Oh, there we go.
40:40Very Solomonic, meeting in the middle.
40:42Oh, we got it.
40:44Oh, get that.
40:48We haven't gotten crabs in a while.
40:50That's probably good.
40:52No, the crab has arrived.
40:54Oh, oh.
40:58You don't hear a lot about that anymore.
41:00You said that last time.
41:02Laser treatments and stuff.
41:04I heard Snoop Dogg refer to those
41:06as the Little Homies one time,
41:08which I thought was very funny.
41:12Oh, we're getting wrecked.
41:16Oh, come on.
41:18We're getting wrecked.
41:20Winning $34,000.
41:22Well, I don't like going off the high water mark.
41:24Whose idea was this?
41:26Mine, I think.
41:30Nautilus, let's go.
41:32$34,000, get even or get even worse?
41:34Get even or get even better?
41:36Yeah, that'd be sick.
41:38I don't think we can bet more than $10,000.
41:48Your limit is $10,000.
41:50But then the four of us can bet
41:52whatever the table max is.
41:54I'm in.
41:56Yeah, let's just get this bonus.
42:00Oh, what a complete disaster so far.
42:02Oh, yeah.
42:04This is one of the
42:06best days gambling ever.
42:08This machine is a complete disaster.
42:12What happened?
42:14The crab's just chilling up there.
42:16Trying to catch a fish.
42:18Oh, triple noiser.
42:20There's a lot of activity.
42:22Oh, boy.
42:26Should we go
42:28until we get the
42:30Nautilus bonus?
42:32No, I think we should go home.
42:36Two more.
42:38No, Nautilus, no.
42:40It's not a Nautilus.
42:42It's gotta be easier to get the Nautilus
42:44than the Ultima, right?
42:46Yeah, we've got the Ultima, yeah.
42:48So if do is a thing, we're definitely
42:50due for the Nautilus.
42:52I'm not sure
42:54do is a thing.
42:56What a day.
42:58All right. By tomorrow,
43:00I'll be feeling 100% and I'll be back
43:02to my normal self with a crisp
43:04memory. This game
43:06was our only sandow. The buffalo was
43:08beautiful. Bunch of wins. Good times.
43:10$34,000-ish in winnings?
43:12Exactly $34,000.
43:14$34,000. All right. Get even or get
43:16even better? $34,000.
43:18One hand. No, just kidding. I'm not
43:20doing it. I'm going home and going
43:22to bed. Hope you guys are
43:24going to bed. I always joke that my superpower
43:26is I put millions
43:28of women to sleep every night.
43:30Men too, I suppose.
43:32Anyway, I don't have anything else to add.
43:34It was a fun day. A lot of good slot
43:36machines. A great
43:38week up here in Tahoe
43:40and we will be back in Vegas
43:44Subscribe. Yeah.
43:46Subscribe. That'd be cool.
43:48Let's get to 2 million subscribers.
43:50Fire it in there. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
