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M&S New in Spring Fashion, Home & Food Haul + Altrincham Charity Shopping Vlog
Cross body suede bag - https://bit.ly/3XypYOy
Necklace - https://bit.ly/3UIi0RY
Blue Jeans - https://bit.ly/43eMC2n
Leopard Jeans - https://bit.ly/43rF2RW
White Oxford Shirt - https://bit.ly/43rRh0M

Cookie Recipe (similar) - https://www.notquitenigella.com/2023/06/05/crumbl-cookies-recipe/ & https://cookingwithkarli.com/crumbl-sugar-cookies/

INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/freyafarrin...
HOME INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/freyafarrin...
TIKTOK - https://www.tiktok.com/@freyafarrington
BARNEY INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/barneythegr...
BARNEY TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@barneythegrea...
PR CONTACT - freyafarrington@hotmail.com

My Amazon Storefront - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/freyafarrington1

My LTK Shop - https://www.shopltk.com/explore/freyafarrington1

#marksandspencer #spring #haul


00:00Hello guys, good morning, welcome back to my channel, welcome back to a brand new video.
00:05I have just pulled up in Altrincham this morning and I thought I would start the vlog here.
00:12You might be able to tell I'm pretty fresh faced, I don't have anything on my lashes
00:16or brows because I do actually have an appointment which I booked last week for today, which
00:22I don't do anything to my brows and lashes if I'm honest.
00:27I have on the odd occasion before going on holiday, like years and years and years ago,
00:32not even anymore, I don't bother, but I decided I want to try and like improve my brows.
00:38There's not much shape to them, I want to try and grow them, I don't really pluck them
00:43or do anything to them to be honest with you.
00:46So I'm going to a professional who can help me out and whilst I'm there I booked in for
00:51LVL lashes as well which I do like and I have had that in the past.
00:55I probably won't do that on the regular, it's the brows that I want to maintain a bit
01:00But I thought I'd bring you along with me, well not, let's sort of bring you along with
01:05It's my first appointment though, I'm going to a place called Brow Game in Altrincham,
01:07well it's actually in Hale but I'm parked up in Altrincham first and foremost because
01:11I want to go to a couple of shops and grab a bite to eat before I head over there because
01:17yeah my appointment's in about an hour and a half.
01:19I thought we could check out some charity shops, I also want to go to M&S, whether or
01:23not we'll do that today or maybe tomorrow I'm not sure yet but I want to do, I've seen
01:27they've got some really nice new in like fashiony bits that I've been liking the look of and
01:34also the Custard Cream Easter Egg so we're on the hunt for that and we'll probably head
01:39over there tomorrow or today depending on like I say timing.
01:43So we'll head to do a little bit of browsing the shops, oh no it's just started raining,
01:48I've got an umbrella in the back, um yeah, oh let's be quick before it starts tipping
01:54you down, I've just washed my hair this morning as well, went for a run with Barney and freshly
01:59washed hair, it's not ideal when the heavens open.
02:04Got my sunnies, my new sunnies to pop on to hide the fact that I've got no eye makeup
02:09on although I'm not really that bothered to be honest with you but the sun was out and
02:13now it's not so maybe these are going to be on my head instead but never mind, right
02:18let's go.
02:19I thought I could do a little voiceover for this section, I was starting to film in store
02:24speaking about the music and people, it was very loud, anyway first thing I wanted to
02:28note was one thing I love to do is look in recipe books if I find them in a charity shop
02:33and especially if they have people's recipes in I always take a little sneaky picture and
02:39save them and bookmark it because I just love the idea of like creating recipes that strangers
02:46essentially have had in their recipe books, so anyway I had a quick look at some other
02:52books, some frames, I love those aperture ones, quite like these little goblet wine
02:57glasses and this little simple minimal vase, I found some Zara home bits, those napkin
03:06rings were lovely and yeah just had a good mooch, always love a Tony's selection from
03:12is it Oxfam that they have them in, but yeah I always treat myself every now and again
03:18to that, I also really was tempted by that slow cookbook, quite liked the aesthetic of
03:24it, the look of it and the agar one from Mary Berry, who knew she brought out an agar cookbook,
03:29I certainly didn't, some Harry Potter Christmas bits, some lovely little spring bits, these
03:35little like crockery and cake stands were lovely and yeah that was everything for the
03:43charity shops, then I popped into Homebird which is a shop I absolutely love popping
03:48into when in Altrincham, they've got a couple in the North West and they always seem to
03:53be having like bringing new bits out which I love, I love it when a store keeps updated,
03:59this pot, absolutely stunning, very rustic and kind of one-of-a-kind, they had some decoration
04:06bits for spring and Easter, lots of faux flowers as well, before heading over to Gail's for lunch.
04:11We got caught in the rain, the heavens have opened as predicted, oh my goodness, anyway
04:34I realised my parking ended so I couldn't spend too long in there, in like when I say
04:39in there, in the town, in the centre, so I'm gonna head over now, I've got myself a little
04:46bite to eat from Gail's, I went for a ham and cheese ciabatta, I think I might, because the
04:51parking ends here, I'm gonna go head over to the brow place first and then park up and enjoy my
05:01lunch before heading in for my appointment, but yeah I'll give you the before now so that you can
05:05see when I come out exactly the difference, so here's the before of lashes and brows, this is
05:14very close-up and personal but yeah, see not much shape to my brows at all, hopefully we're gonna
05:19get a bit of a lamination and a bit of a tint and same with my lashes. Okay fresh out the salon and
05:26I thought I would show you straight away, so this is just lamination and what she's recommended that
05:30I do is have the lamination today, which obviously what we've done, and alternate and have HD brows
05:38next time where they will, you know where they do the markups and everything, I'm not really sure
05:45what the difference, like obviously I know the difference with lamination, I know what that is,
05:49but yeah so obviously it just, my brows look a lot fuller here on the tail, but she says this
05:55area here, you can even see the line here, is the area that needs most filling out with my brows,
06:02so to not pluck I have to put my tweezers in the bin and I have to solely stick with a regular
06:12treatment in order to get them to what I want them to be, and yeah to stick with the system
06:19of what everyone's raving about and what's actually selling out, she said we managed to
06:25get our hands on some from head office, but nano brow, I know Molly Mae mentioned this and the
06:31Molly Mae effect of things selling out is real, because I've known nano brow for ages, so the
06:38fact that they're like selling out of their stock is probably a good sign, it's a sure sign that it
06:45works, so I'm gonna give this a go, this is literally daily, morning, evening, I'm gonna
06:52keep it by my toothbrush so that I don't forget, and be really religious with it so that I can see
06:57some, hopefully see some growth, which will help obviously in turn with my brow appointments,
07:04for them to shape them and get them looking nice and full and fluffy, and yeah I just, I can't
07:12believe how full they look on the sides, I never thought I would get my brows looking that full,
07:18I got that, I did also pick up whilst I was in there, I've tried this before and again didn't
07:23really use it, it's not one of those things I've used religiously, it's a lash conditioner, so it's
07:27not so much for the growth like the nano brow is, but more just keeping your lashes in good
07:32condition, as well as brows, you can pop this on lashes and brows, so it's from Nuvo lashes,
07:36there is actually a place that when I came for my patch test on Saturday, there's a place like
07:41downstairs called plant, is it on here, the plant boost, that was packed, it was so busy and the
07:49girls all had drinks in the office from down there, they do like smoothies and wellness juices and
07:55acai bowls, which I've never had one before, so I thought I would get this as a bit of an afternoon
08:00pick-me-up, not even pick-me-up, like a fresh, in fact I wonder if that will keep for my breakfast
08:05in the morning, I bet that will, maybe I'll treat myself to a nice delivery dinner or something
08:09and actually have this as my breakfast and then I did also just grab a cappuccino, although there
08:14is a place not too far from here, just around the corner called the garden eatery that looks
08:18really nice as well, I almost popped in there, and maybe next time I come I'll have a look in
08:23there, because I think they've got more food in terms of plant-based food and like banana
08:29breads and stuff like that for a bit more of a treat, but the day is getting on with me, it's
08:34getting too late probably to do a bit of an M&S trip, plus I want to be able to have proper
08:40makeup on, not patchy makeup from having been sat in the chair for an hour, so yeah, time to head
08:47home and I will pick you guys up again tomorrow. Good morning guys, it is now the next day and we
08:54are ready to, ready to head out of the door, I'm gonna drop Barney off, here he is, for all of you
09:02that like to see Mr Barney in the vlogs, he's desperate to go because he knows where we're
09:07going don't you, you know where we're going, to doggy daycare, you want to go to doggy daycare, yeah, he's
09:16like come on mum let's go, and we are gonna drop him off today, he's got a groom booked in haven't
09:22you, we've got a photo shoot with you tomorrow for tails, who we work with and yeah we're gonna get
09:30you looking all nice and clean, he had a good run around yesterday in the mud, it's the first time I've spoken today,
09:39it's bright and early just before 8 a.m. oh my gosh, I'm yet to have a coffee, I'm yet to have any
09:46breakfast, I've just grabbed a naked bar for the road and I think I might grab a coffee when I'm
09:51out and about, but I'm heading to M&S like I said yesterday, I'll show you what I'm wearing today, if
09:56I'm honest it's actually a very similar outfit to yesterday, I've just got on the same jeans which
10:00are from Everlane, my Veja trainers in like the neutral colour and I'll try and leave all of this
10:07linked and put it on my LTK as well, my blazer I can't link this I don't think because it was from
10:14Tesco's last year, I've got full like shorts that match it and trousers so it's like a suit set but
10:19it's a really nice linen blazer, sun is shining today, feeling the spring vibes, I'm not actually
10:24that warm, cold either so I'm just going to brave it with no coat, necklace Ana Luisa and then my
10:32bag is from All Saints which is like a green suede bag, I've been loving wearing this and yeah
10:39just a little t-shirt I'm from Abercrombie & Fitch, these are my favourite baby tees they're called,
10:44Barney's wearing a collar from Amazon, this is his daycare collar that he always wears to daycare,
10:50super cheap and really easy, quick release collar that I think green is your colour, kind of matches
10:57me with my green bag and I'll just come into the light as well just to show you my lashes and
11:02brows once I've got a bit of makeup on today, I always find sometimes when you have brows and
11:07lashes or something done like that without makeup it looks a bit harsh, I feel like they just kind
11:11of look complete with a bit of makeup on, so lashes, obviously the LVL that I had, they are
11:18just about, my lashes are quite long so they are just about touching my eyelids, so I had the
11:23medium guard, I think I would actually go for the large in future so that they're not as, although
11:28I do like them, I don't know, I don't know, I wouldn't get these done all the time, it's more
11:33my brows that I want to maintain and upkeep and go back regularly to have a bit of a brow journey on
11:39but I am surprised, pleasantly surprised at how much volume I got from my brows just from having
11:46the lamination, I really didn't think I would get that, so yeah, it's probably not going to be as
11:51much of a journey as I thought it was going to be, I'm going to continue, I've started with the
11:55nano brow this morning, I'm going to use it morning and night and the lash conditioner as well I've
12:00popped on first thing this morning, keeping it by my toothbrush so I remember every single day
12:04if I'm cleaning my teeth I've got to do my brows and lashes and that's the way that I'm going to
12:08do it, so yeah, really happy with that, the M&S that I'm going to has a boots next to it so might
12:14pop in there, do a bit of a boots little trip as well, I don't know how many beauty brands they've
12:21got of my, oh sorry Barney, just kicked you, I'm so sorry, that was a bit dramatic for me wasn't it,
12:29I just kicked you by accident, he was lying down right behind me and I didn't realise, I'm so
12:33sorry, I'm so sorry, should we go to doggy daycare, come on then, I will see you guys when we get to
12:42the shops, lovely beautiful blue skies today and it was feeling very spring-like so I had that in
12:48mind when I was looking at all the different fashion bits and bobs in M&S, however they had
12:53loads of sale finds as well, the built-in bra tops that I love from Primark and Uniqlo, they've got
12:59them in M&S as well now, lots of Oxford shirts, like clean crisp white shirts, the blue ones,
13:06I love the striped, lots of knitwear, again loads of sale finds and I honestly could have got an
13:12entire haul to do a try on, I was fairly restricted, I did pop into the changing rooms which I will
13:18show you some bits that I did try on, loved that dress as well and all the different textures,
13:22like how nice is that vest, I just think it is stunning, anyway had a good look around the
13:28fashion section before trying on some bits and then heading over to the home and food department.
13:58Right I've come into the changing room, we've got a few bits to try on, firstly a wild card for me,
14:25I don't know, I just saw them on the hanger and really liked them, I think because they're
14:30like a really washed leopard print, they had them in like a zebra pattern as well,
14:37but this like leopard print, I don't know, I just, it's a bit funky but I kind of like it,
14:43I'm unsure if it's too out of my comfort zone if I'm honest with you, but
14:46um I also picked up this t-shirt, this is from the brand sale, so it's from
14:51Autograph and it's reduced down to nine pounds, a really good basic white tee
14:55and it's quite like a soft floaty um good one for spring, so I think I'm gonna pick that t-shirt up
15:03from the sale, but yeah I got these in a 12 regular, they're a little bit gapey on the back,
15:08I could have maybe gone for a 10 but I do quite like jeans to be comfortable if I'm gonna wear
15:12them and they're 45 pounds, let me know what you think, are they a bit too, too wild for me
15:20literally or do you like them, I don't know, I don't know, okay next up I have this shirt and
15:27trousers, I've got this shirt, it's just like one of their oxford plain shirts, um about 25 pounds,
15:34they've got a few different colours, striped versions, I just went for plain white to try on
15:38with these which I thought I would love, I actually really find them unflattering on me,
15:42they're the barrel um trousers in a 10 regular, firstly I think they come up too short, I prefer
15:49them a little bit higher and I don't know, the barrel leg on me, it's just really unflattering
15:54with my bottom half being a bit bigger, um I wanted to love these, I think I probably should
16:00have sized up to a 12 to try these on, but even still I'm not a fan of the elasticated back either,
16:06um I just, the trousers are a no, although I do quite like this shirt and I might pick it up as
16:13a good basic to have, I bought one recently from Zara that I ended up returning because I wasn't
16:18100% happy with the fabric, but this is just a classic oxford shirt, nice fabric. Okay when I
16:25first saw this I thought Varley juke, it is a very similar sort of style and design to the
16:31Varley tracksuits that they do, the double soft ones which I love, very expensive, and this one
16:36is a bit thinner which I actually feel could be more suitable for spring and summer, the only
16:42thing that's putting me off this, um the bottoms are uh 20 pounds, tops 25, and really nice shape
16:50on the bottoms, nice and high waisted, the only thing is these are both in a medium which are
16:54actually 12 to 14, so small is going to be too small for me at 8 to 10, um but I could have done
17:00with like a 10 to 12 but never mind, um yeah the only thing that I don't love is this like, this
17:08what they've added here at the top of the zip, um because I probably would wear it undone like
17:12that and I just don't like that that just looks a bit odd, um honestly that's probably the only
17:18thing that's putting me off getting it, otherwise I probably would be tempted. As for the bottoms,
17:23I do like it as a set, I don't know if I would just get the bottoms, um I like the fact that
17:28there's a little slit at the bottom as well, this could be a really good travel outfit,
17:33or am I talking myself into it and just ignoring that little bit, I'm not sure,
17:38because again when you compare it to like Bali prices, it's uh a lot more affordable, this set,
17:46I don't know, I've got to think on this one. Bought these tapered trousers in, ankle grazer
17:52trousers, which I thought would be like the Zara ones that they did, was it last year, the year
17:56before, um similar, they are similar, um they feel more comfortable than the Zara ones but
18:03they're very slim fit and I just don't think, again it's not very flattering on me, I feel like
18:08you need to be more straight up and down to wear these, um and like slimmer legs, so yeah I'm gonna
18:16keep returning these, I'm not gonna take these, I got them in a white, I brought them in a white
18:21as well or like a cream, um and yeah I just, I know for sure this is gonna be a no and this is
18:28in a 12, so it's just how they fit, um they're a bit big on the waist for me, so I know that I
18:33don't need to size up, it's just not a style for me, I don't think. Going with a double denim look,
18:39the base outfit is actually my outfit, so my jeans and t-shirt, I've just thrown on this shirt over
18:44the top, um only 29.50 was it this shirt I think, so I think pretty good and obviously this whole
18:50double denim thing, I don't know, is this shirt a match with these jeans? Maybe, um but yeah this,
18:58it is definitely a hybrid between a jacket and a shirt, this one, it feels very soft and
19:02comfortable, I did size up though to a 14, they didn't actually have any smaller sizes but I'm
19:07glad um I picked up the 14, I think it's probably best on me, let me just roll up the sleeves,
19:14I don't know how I would style it, sleeves down or up, but anyway yeah pretty good for
19:20a denim shirt I would say, but I just don't know if I'm cool enough to wear double denim or maybe
19:25if it's maybe not the right double denim, I don't know, if it was done up it would be like that,
19:32yeah I think it's slightly off isn't it, it's not a matching denim which is probably throwing me off
19:36a little bit, but anyway that is everything that I got to try on from M&S, so I'm gonna head over
19:41to Boots now, pick up some toiletry stock up, well I'm actually gonna go to the food section but
19:47food section at M&S first, then Boots, then probably head back home.
20:47One, there was one left, one left and I managed to get my hands on it, the pistachio egg that
21:10they've done that's gone viral as well was gone, and yeah I don't know whether to just save it for
21:17Easter though, we'll get another Easter egg at Easter and just try it now for you guys to you
21:23know have a review. I forgot to show you yesterday when I went to Altium, I only really got one thing
21:32and it was from a home bird and I got this, how nice is this, it's like a mango wood board, like a
21:42display board with these handles, but I was thinking they had a couple displayed on some of
21:49their tables where obviously you could put like some decorative balls, you know like those moss
21:53ball things or baubles at Christmas time, or you could actually use this for bread, like I said
22:01little bread board for when you're hosting set a table to bring over some garlic bread on this
22:06and I just like the fact that it's so rustic and just looks way more expensive than what it was at
22:11£12.95, not way more expensive but you know like something like this where it's more antiqued and
22:18rustic like this from a garden centre or something like a more high-end brand, you end up paying
22:24quite a bit for these sort of things, but I thought that was lovely, I wouldn't mind having a bit of a
22:30kitchen drawer organised and sought out at some point, I don't know when, I'm just trying to think
22:36but I don't know when, I just feel like it was such a mammoth task, so when we did the pantry it was
22:40such a big job that I'm thinking the rest of the kitchen just feels too overwhelming but I'm not,
22:46I think I'm gonna have to do it cupboard by cupboard, anyway I didn't get much from Boots
22:52either because I was having a look and some of the things I want to stock up on I thought let
22:57me just check my PR section first, I've got a set of drawers in my like filming room, water room,
23:02there might be some spares like say for instance a brow gel or a mascara and I was thinking
23:09rather than get new let me see what I've already got and not only that but I feel like you can get
23:14better deals and things on places like Look Fantastic, Sephora and buy things online with
23:19beauty nowadays, I feel like gone are the days of going into Boots and stocking up because you can
23:24literally just get so many more deals online, I know they do do offers every now and again so
23:29these are on offer, the Sunday, what do they call them, shower foams, whipped shower foams, I decided
23:37to pick up this, these are usually about £12-£13, this was down to £8 and it's in the scent
23:43lemon zest, I'm not gonna, oh yeah I was gonna say I'm not gonna spray it obviously because it'll
23:48come out loads, I can smell it straight away, that smells lovely, so I have the vanilla one and I
23:54wasn't all that keen on the scent, lemon zest however, it smells amazing, it was okay the vanilla
24:00one but it just wasn't my favourite and I don't need to buy it again, they had these on offer at 90p
24:06and this is like literally the exact colour of my tiles, I have a beige bathroom and the top floor
24:11bathroom which is what Tom uses is also dark green so I got those for our showers, oh I got, I did get
24:17this for my makeup bag, pencil sharpener and I also got some spoolies, I remembered when I went in
24:26she said to me, the brow lady said that she would give me a spoolie and some cast oil but I think
24:33she forgot because I kind of left and then I was like oh I'm sure she said to do that in a couple
24:38weeks but these are just really handy once you have had a brow lamination, see how that hair has
24:43just gone down there, just to brush it back up and back into place and then I, like I said I
24:50needed a new brow gel so I've not got any brow gel in currently so I need to, I think I've got
24:56the got to be one upstairs as a spare so I will check first before putting in an order and then
25:02maybe we could do some kind of a reorganise beauty new in after I've placed an order like in another
25:09vlog so any suggestions, like any absolute holy grail products that you have within your beauty
25:17routine, specifically I'm going to say makeup, holy grail products that you've used and loved
25:26for as long as you've been using it so as soon as you discovered it you've kind of like always
25:31thought that needs to be within my beauty collection, let me know in the comments below
25:36and I'll have a read through, pop in an order and maybe try out some new bits as well as some
25:41trusty old favourites and we can do a full, like a really fun beauty video sometime soon, so anyway
25:48that is everything I got from Boots, I got a couple of other bits from M&S, not just the custard
25:54cream egg, I got some fashion bits so obviously you saw me in the changing room trying on some
26:00bits, you didn't see me try on this because I haven't actually opened it up so hopefully it'll
26:04fit but it's in a size 10, 20 pounds, they had a couple of like samples like out the packet and
26:09obviously you can't really open these so I had a feel and it's like a really thick long sleeve top
26:15and I've been loving wearing a long sleeve white top with my white company gilet, the Borg gilet
26:22or any gilet and yeah so I thought I would get this as a slightly thicker alternative because
26:28the one that I have from Walsates is very very thin which is nice but just when it is still a
26:33bit cold, I am finding I'm a bit cold, guys I braved it, I went for the like the print pants, I'm not 100%
26:41sure if I'll keep them yet, I'm gonna, I thought I want to get them home, have a good styling
26:44sesh, try them on, see what Tom thinks as well because sometimes I feel like a man's opinion
26:50can sway you, not that it should but if he, I'll show him some Pinterest images and I'll say what
26:57do you think and if he says yeah okay then I'll stick with it but if it's like what are those
27:03then it kind of tells me in my mind well maybe this is a trend thing that I won't like in a couple
27:08of months or whatever that I'll get bored of but I do really, I like the fact that they're like
27:14like I said like a washed trouser, I saw Lisa try these on, Lisa here on YouTube and she wasn't
27:21a fan of the wide leg but I actually thought it looked really good on her so if you're watching
27:26Lisa this is your influence that has swayed me to get these and they're also very very comfortable
27:32I thought so yeah I did pick up the autographed t-shirt from the sale down from £20 down to £9.50
27:41and then I went for the oxford shirt in white at £25 so they are my clothing purchases and then
27:48for foodie bits I got this for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow I'm not sure but just a little
27:55chicken protein salad, got some baking bits because I really want to bake the sugar cookies you know
28:01like the crumble cookies that I've had before and loved they're quite big cookies and loads of like
28:08frosting on the top and I've got some decorations to make them a bit like fun for Easter so we've
28:14got some spring flowers, edible flowers and little decorations, jazzy sprinkles, little chocolate
28:22flowers and then Tom is more of a chocolatey person so I did get a couple of options to
28:30decorate some with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles, eggs, icing sugar, I've got all the
28:36other ingredients, oh and I did get just in case I want to add some food coloring to the icing
28:42again to make them a bit more spring-like I got green and pink, some wafer daisies
28:47we've got everything and then yeah to add into the buttercream for Tom's chocolatey ones I just
28:53got some milk chocolate, I don't think I've ever made chocolate buttercream though so we'll see
28:58how that goes, I mean my buttercream I just stick with icing sugar or butter if you want to add
29:03anything else into it but yeah we're going to try adding some chocolate into his ones, I'm not sure
29:09if I'm going to get a chance to do it today though because I have to leave the house by about two
29:15three for a couple of hours so then by that point by the time I get back it's already half 12 I'm
29:22not I don't want to start it now and then not have time to finish them so I might do those tomorrow
29:29after the little photo shoot that I've done with Barney so maybe we will continue this vlog on for
29:35yet another day, oh how could I forget I also got some flowers kind of as like props, you guys know
29:41I'm wanting to keep more flowers in the house which I've got some on the table currently and I
29:46saw this bunch, I've always seen this bunch from M&S, it's 15 pounds and they've got some bunches
29:51right up to sort of 35-40 pounds so I think 15 pounds for this bunch it's actually really
29:56reasonable, I've got this again as a bit of a prop if I'm honest for tomorrow's shoot in case we need
30:01some florals to make it feel a bit more spring-like and as well as obviously I just love flowers in
30:07the house, I also find that tequila is really good for styling so the M&S bunches tend to be the
30:14biggest, they're five pounds and then they have for one pound these little daffodil buds so we'll
30:21pop those in some water and hope that they open by tomorrow, if not then doesn't really matter
30:27we've got them for, it says freshness for a five-day guarantee with these daffodils although
30:31I always think they last a bit longer than that
32:02look at that sun shining in the garden, makes me so happy, I've just been sat at my laptop
32:08getting on with some editing, responding to emails, also got a little Costa coffee but
32:18I've had an email coming to my inbox and it might interest some of you, it might totally be
32:24irrelevant for some of you but it's from GHD and it's kind of more of like an awareness type thing
32:29of letting you guys know if you don't already, now this is a limited time thing, they are offering
32:37if you trade in your old straighteners and upgrade to the new GHD chronos then you get like money
32:44back, for those of you that maybe have some old straighteners that you are thinking about upgrading
32:50because with GHD if you've had straighteners for years and years obviously the technology has
32:55improved so the latest HD motion responsive technology for the GHD chronos gives you 85%
33:02more shine than the old GHDs, two times less frizz, up to three percent, three percent, three times
33:09more breakage protection which I think is the key really, the fact that your hair will be a bit
33:14more protected, I've got Daycare sending me some photos of Barney having the best time ever in the
33:20sunshine, oh bless him, sorry I'm getting distracted by doggies now, cute doggies, there's a picture of
33:26him here, this dog, I think I've got a photo of them as puppies, if it is the same one, oh my goodness
33:36is that the same dog? I think it might be, look at them, this is when Barney was, I mean obviously he
33:43doesn't look puppy but he was a puppy there, look at them kissing, so cute, you can tell he's a puppy
33:51with his like furs, he's not as fluffy, they actually sent a video, hold on let me turn the
33:57music off because copyright, they sent that video of him so you can tell he's a bit smaller there,
34:06how cute is that?
34:19Oh look at him and that's him with that uh husky, can you see how they're both small, they're both
34:26puppies, oh my goodness, I'm assuming it's a husky, somebody tell me otherwise if I'm wrong,
34:36so cute, so that was May 21, so he'll have been, December, January, February, March, April, May, six months,
34:46anyway getting distracted, there's the benefit of upgrading your straighteners for that reason,
34:52yeah when you upgrade with GHD you'll trade in your old straighteners and receive money off the
34:56latest, so anyway that might be relevant to some of you, it's annoying how backlit we are, there we go,
35:01I'm just spun around for a second whilst I'm sipping on my coffee, I thought it would be rude
35:07not to give it a little taste test, I hope I've not hyped up myself in my head too much with me
35:13being a lover of the original chocolatey coated custard creams, but here we go, now the first thing
35:20I will say that this ultimately is the full product and that costs £12, so it is expensive
35:29I think for what it is, I think they should have priced it at £8, I think that would have been a
35:33reasonable price because even £8 you know you're getting a decent easter egg, great pounds,
35:40I feel like a lot of the main brands now they all have like their very budget ones at a couple of
35:46pounds and then they have the really luxe ones at £15, I think we need more middle of the range £8
35:52ones, anyway how am I going to get into this, oh yeah it's more, yeah I'm glad I've done it now and not
35:56easter because I feel like it doesn't, it doesn't feel like an easter egg, so we've got a nice
36:04chunk, it's not actually as thick as I thought it was going to be, I think the edges are a little
36:08bit thicker, tastes fantastic though, this custard cream layer it actually reminds me of
36:24kinder, there's very much a kinder flavour going on here, oh that's dangerous, I'm just going to get
36:32out myself a couple of pieces whilst I carry on with my emails, a bit of editing and then we're
36:38going to do some fun sweet treat baking tomorrow, that's a wrap, Barney was a very good boy, it is
36:50the next day and we've just done our little shoot, very spring inspired, I've got some of
36:55my decorations out from storage but I'm yet to like properly style or decide what's going where,
36:59so I probably will do some kind of spring clean with me, decorate with me at some point soon,
37:06but I just thought I would just show you how spring like my house is right now, we have all
37:12of the flowers out, some cute little easter props that we've been using, obviously the tails treats
37:17as well, some more bits over here, my daffodils aren't quite out but they are starting to peek
37:24out and yay we're a very good boy, we've got some cute photos, I actually got some non-branded ones
37:32as well so I'll, if I have, I will have them by now so I'll include a couple on screen and I'm
37:39wearing, if you are interested, although there's a few bloody paw prints on me now so excuse that,
37:45I'm wearing my M&S Oxford shirt in white and these linen trousers from Tesco's, I've just
37:52thrown on my slippers, I did have my beige trainers on which were over by the back door but
37:56I mean yeah, a couple of muddy paw prints later, power of editing, I'm sure you won't have seen
38:02them in the photos but I am, I'm just thinking for whilst I'm in the house I might as well just
38:08keep this outfit on and just bung it in the wash, it's not been worn for any more than an hour,
38:13it's just got the odd paw print on me so excuse that, I'm a bit of a mess but hey ho,
38:19um I thought we could bake some cookies, some Easter cookies.
39:13Okay, what does pink and green make?
39:29Basically red with green,
39:35yeah because green isn't the primary colour.
39:43Let me in on the plan, together we're stronger, don't wait any longer,
39:57years have passed and restless legs have settled, we're finally home, down is up, we've been at the top.
40:13Battery's flashing red but quick taste test, oh look at this,
40:23so happy with them, oh my goodness, let's sit down and
40:32let's go to bed and chill. Delicious cookies, all I've managed so far in between the tastings of the
40:39buttercream, the edible bits and bobs, I've only managed a mouthful of that cookie so far and it is
40:45delicious so I'm going to store them in some airtight containers and they should last for a
40:50good while so yeah, delicious and I thought to kind of round off today's video I've got a little
40:57bag of B&M bits and also purchased from HomeSense actually, well no I should say HomeSense, TK Maxx,
41:05put it in this bag, it's not from Moschino, it is actually from Givenchy and they have this
41:12like gold label section, like quite some good designer brands in our
41:16ones, so the one that I go to is Hanforth Dean, they had some Gucci boots, they had
41:21what do they have, I've seen in there or they had in there Chloe, Jacquemus, Givenchy, Gucci,
41:29Louis Vuitton and they do a lot of like pre-loved stuff on their website as well, I think they have
41:35Hermes scarves, so yeah they have quite a selection if you're wanting to get designer at a
41:40discount. This hat is on sale currently on Givenchy for I think it's about £250 and they were selling
41:47it for £99 which isn't the biggest bargain but I had a voucher to use and I thought rather than
41:52get lots of little bits it was a birthday gift so I decided to actually treat myself to like a nice
41:59purchase so with that voucher I bought this and I just thought I know it's a bit up season hence
42:04why it's probably in TK Maxx but the fact that they were selling it online currently baffled me
42:10at full price so they've just got it's just got like the Givenchy on the front and then the
42:15logo on the back or you could wear that at the front I suppose and it's just a simple grey beanie
42:19they had this in dark grey as well. B&M I got these which actually are quite fitting because
42:25I could use these for if I were to like bake cookies like today and then give them away to
42:30people £2.50 they had loads of different designs of these large cupcake boxes and I just went for
42:36the most kind of like neutral so that it could be used all year round there were some quite like
42:41girly pink easter-y type themed ones which is more suited for this time of the year or for a female
42:48whereas this could be kind of like for anyone at any time £2.50 for two boxes this I'm really
42:54intrigued by I saw Fairy had released this new skip the soak I think it was on Mrs Hinch's story
42:59that I first saw it they've got a couple of cents I went for the lemon and it's just this power
43:03spray that you can spray all your pots and pans and everything and either like wipe it down or
43:09just spray load it into the dishwasher so I'm going to give this a try it looks really good
43:15and yeah I'm intrigued I also got these chew toys for Barney he likes the yak chew the cheese
43:20chews just like to nibble on and I saw in B&M they've got these different um I want to say
43:26flavoured ones they've got a spirulina cheese chew and strawberry I had to get the little
43:32anthropology tube of this lemon mug I just thought it was so cute and perfect for some not just
43:40spring but also summery like iced coffees three pounds that one was go back to old school now
43:46with sudocreme and any like um stubborn breakouts to just dab this on and dry it out and I just
43:54loved the fact that this was just such a tiny little size to do that with and then just some
43:58decaf coffee to stock up with sun has come out so I'm going to pop my dog walking gear head out for
44:05a nice long walk with Barney maybe plug in and listen to a podcast for the rest of this afternoon
44:09and get back and do some editing so I am going to close off today's video here I hope you guys
44:14have enjoyed it do give me a thumbs up if you have and of course I know I've mentioned it before
44:18but if you are not subscribed it means the world if you haven't yet you can do it on your desktop
44:25or your phone just simply subscribe and yeah it means a lot so yeah I hope you all have a lovely
44:30rest of your day whatever you end up doing today and I want to send you all the love
44:35and hope to see you all very soon in the next video bye guys
