• 2 weeks ago
“Born Young is Nick Thune in his prime.” Said Nick Thune as he was writing this. Please enjoy 30 minutes of Nick do | dG1fR3BuYTVXUjBSX1k
00:00This is a song I wrote for a lost dog. It's called Here Girl.
00:05Come on, girl. Here, girl.
00:17And she was, I mean, she was in the front yard, so it was a very...
00:25Babies are being born.
00:27Nothing to do about that. I've tried. They keep coming out.
00:32Problem is, is we don't get to go in the hospital and check out all the new babies anymore.
00:36Before the pandemic, we could just make our way into any hospital we wanted and just be like, where are the babies at?
00:40And they have to show you. So now we don't know when babies are being born.
00:43It's hard to even know it's happening unless we're on Instagram.
00:46Right. That's how we find out babies are being born on Instagram.
00:50People have a baby and then they post a photo of it on their Instagram page.
00:54They put the baby's name. If we're lucky, they put the weight.
01:00But they don't always put the weight, which is just like, just tell us.
01:07You're going to get a DM from me and you're going to feel real dumb.
01:13Just tell us what your baby weighs.
01:19But they always give us the name. And what do you do with that on Instagram?
01:22What do you guys do? Do you like it? Not me.
01:28I love it.
01:33I take that baby's name and I get that baby a Gmail account is what I do.
01:38Just that baby's name at Gmail dot com with no underscores, no periods, no numbers.
01:43It's the way God wanted Gmail to be, right? Pure.
01:48Without sin. No numbers. Underscores. You know, sin.
01:57I'm holding on to about 47 baby Gmail accounts right now.
02:01I don't understand allergies, but I get them.
02:08There's a lot of buzz about this show backstage, by the way.
02:11The staff, they're all like, when's it over?
02:19Here it goes.
