• 14 hours ago
In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I'm playing my brand new MODDED Minecraft World. That's right.. we bringing back Diamond Dimensions.

Edited by: http://www.twitter.com/NoGoodDavis & Me, DanTDM

Modpack used - Integrated Minecraft : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/integrated-minecraft

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM
00:00Here we go diamond dimensions reborn episode 3 i was gonna say cut to the intro but we can't because last time
00:07It got copyright claims
00:10We'll see if we can fix that for next time
00:12Anyway today I embark on the adventure that you guys chose in the previous episode
00:16We could either go to the illager fortress or to the villager castle and you guys chose the villager castle
00:22to return bernadetta to our home, which I think was a good choice because
00:27I think we would have died horrifically at the other one
00:30This episode is a huge adventure where so much stuff happens. I throw bombs. Let's go right i'm throwing it
00:36There's a villager with a mustache. Oh, what the
00:39That mustache is terrible and I get sprayed by a skunk
00:44Ah, oh, we are what the enjoy the video and if you're not already what you're doing you gotta hit subscribe subscribe subscribe
00:51That's right. Bernadetta today is the epic adventure no comeback. Come on. It's going to be fine. Don't be scared
00:57Come on, bernadetta. How are you feeling? Actually?
01:00Overjoyed, okay. Good personality
01:03Athletics she runs faster jobless. That's good because we're going adventuring right now. Let's see if we can do uh,
01:10That's not like a hive I shake hands
01:12Your grip could crush diamonds my friend truly impressive strength. You know what? Let's leave it there. I agree
01:19Okay, let's go and see one thing I want to do is go and see if this guard can come with us because you guys have
01:26Oh, wait, wait, wait here. He is. Here. He is. Yo, what's good, buddy? Why does he always look so?
01:32Distant and shifty. Yeah, you look well shifty man. Why can I like oh
01:39Whoa, whoa, what's happening? Oh my
01:44Wait I can carry this guy
01:46What if we roll? Oh we can roll as well. Okay, this feels wrong, but also could be quite handy
01:51What is his head doing? Oh my god. Oh, no, he's very unhappy about this. I'll put you down. Sorry
01:56I don't know what this guy's gonna if he's gonna follow or anything. I don't I know
02:01I know it's crazy. You shift right click as a
02:04He gets smaller as well
02:07That's hilarious, right? I'm gonna leave you here
02:09Actually, i'm gonna put you over near the tent just in case you don't come with us. Uh, you can protect the tent. Oh
02:15Survival skills one what happened here? Are you now employed? Why are you in my bed?
02:19Why were you so interested in standing on my bed quest book help me they said something surviving this world
02:24Oh wait survival skills one survive and get rewarded
02:28Oh time since last death. Yes, can't have you dying me so easily here
02:32I'll cut you a deal survive long enough to give you rewards. I'm gonna get the soul bead xp levels and random raw iron
02:38Okay, you know what? That's not too bad
02:41Uh, let's pop the raw iron in there
02:45Did I get that or is that something they've just given me?
02:49The soul beads i'm gonna keep the bombs. I'm gonna need another axe if we're we're going somewhere
02:54It's probably a good job. We got some iron. But yeah, we're going on an adventure. Let me
02:59Go into it's in the quest book, isn't it? Let's activate this. I can't remember where it is rumors
03:04Yeah, here it is. So you guys voted we can't seek vengeance. Do you know what you basically said? I'm too weak
03:09I get it. I get it. I am right now. So we're gonna go here. We're going to lead the villager, which is
03:17What's your name
03:19She's gone. Never mind. Uh and you as well, buddy. Yeah, you're coming with us
03:22Uh, we're going to the castle we get the castle explorer map
03:25Let's take that with a reluctant gaze you turn your back on fleeing villagers, uh illagers even perhaps
03:30This is for the best. You are likely not strong enough to take on the illagers fortress
03:35The game knows the game knows and will hopefully be rewarded for returning these villagers back safely
03:38You follow the villagers as they point their way back home. All right, give me this map
03:43So this should be here open
03:46it's searching, okay, that's not a good sign because
03:50Oh, wait, maybe it is
03:531000 okay. That's not too bad
03:551830 blocks. That's a cool little feature. By the way. I like that, right? Let's um
04:00See if we've got we got sticks somewhere surely. Oh, literally no inventory. Great. Okay, let's make axe
04:07Just in case we need one the rest we can kind of carry we don't need the chicken egg that can be thrown
04:12Straight over there. Oh
04:15Spawn something
04:18That's cute that's like a little
04:19Raven duck unbelievable. Uh, let's go
04:23We've also got this as well. I forgot about that. Right bernadetta. Are you ready to go?
04:26You know, like you're ready to go you got like sparkles and stuff. I think we should just do this so we need to go
04:37Oh god, okay. There's business off and
04:39It's f3
04:41South east where's south east? It's not showing me where i'm looking. Oh my god. I can't cheat. That's crazy
04:46Okay, we're gonna go this way. We're going this way bernadetta. You better be following me
04:50Look at me holding the little map. I can't believe how small I am
04:54For some reason i'm really small. Wait, should we should we get on a horse? Probably should shouldn't we?
04:58Um, we could have a compass as well
05:01If we're not gonna be able to see the direction we should have a compass
05:04Let me make sure that she's following because I feel like she's not you'll follow me follow me. We need to go
05:09Uh interact follow me. There we go. Much better. Yeah, we're taking the horse with us, too. Let me get the lead
05:16Thank you, uh bernadette, I don't think
05:19You can get on the horse, but she said she's fast. She's athletic. How athletic are you though? That's pretty decent. She's on her way
05:25Maybe we should just run
05:27Yeah, we should run because this doesn't feel fair. We're just gonna run it. Sorry bernadette
05:31I'll be back in a second, right you protect the uh, the tent because you're now like
05:36Employed you were unemployed and I saved you from jail. So that means you owe me one
05:40Bernadette, let's go. This might actually take a while. I don't know if i'm in the right
05:45Okay, this is definitely the right way. Let's go this way. Oh, what the
05:50Hello sir, that mustache is terrible
05:54What do you mean? No, I see it. What's this? Oh something's happening here fruits or something
05:58Who are you I thought you were santa red merchant
06:02spiky bomb
06:03He's selling explosives. Well, you're actually pretty good
06:07Blue bomb man. How can I keep you around?
06:11I don't think i'm gonna be able to i'm gonna
06:13You know what? Oh, man. I really want to keep him around. How do I can I?
06:17Keep him in a hole or something
06:20Okay, um, it's gonna be okay I promise I feel awful. Why have I done this? It's okay. It's gonna be fine. What are these?
06:26these are
06:28Bigs, I mean i'll eat those you're straight up. I'd eat those. Okay, let's go. I need to sleep soon
06:33Because otherwise it's gonna get scary
06:35We'll come back for the red villager. Don't worry
06:38I just wanna I want to employ him to my village, but I don't want to get distracted at the same time
06:42I just want to I want to get here complete the mission
06:44I'm guessing she'll leave us if we return her to
06:47Her house because she's not gonna want to come with us if she lives in a castle, right?
06:51You know you're gonna stay
06:53She is quick not quick enough though. I am faster. Let's do this
06:56I don't think we have come this way yet. Yeah, we're going into uncharted territory. Well, let's see what happens
07:01Let's see what we find on the way
07:04What's the worst that could happen? Oh, there's another dragon over here
07:08Someone said that you can harvest the dragon with like an empty hand or something. I'm gonna try that quick because oh wait
07:14We got coal
07:16Do I need coal or is that my other world? I actually can't remember. Yo bernadette. Where are you?
07:21No, no, no, no, this can't happen. You can't be getting stuck out here
07:24I guess this biome is annoying to
07:27To go across but the whole deal is that I return you. You can't just
07:31Not be here
07:33Where did that come from? You know what big one get out of here. Stop it. None of this bernadette
07:38Oh, there she is. Well, keep up. Well, come here. What are you doing? I'm gonna be following
07:42Am I going too fast for you?
07:46What is the problem are you okay you're still overjoyed let's do another
07:49Shake hands, maybe well, well if isn't dan tdm great to see you my sporty buddy. I'm good. How are you?
07:55Radical man good to know it. Let's go. Come on. I think this biome is hard for her to um
08:00Get around because you gotta go up all the blocks and stuff. We're going on a detour
08:05Calm down. We're going on a detour to the dragon
08:07Apparently we can collect the dragon bones, which we will need at some point. She's really struggling with this biome
08:13there are just random blocks everywhere, but
08:16When you can't jump properly, I guess it's a problem. Okay, have we been here yet?
08:20I I don't actually know I guess I can check on the map. We I don't think we have oh, it's snow
08:26And we don't want snow
08:28We haven't been in one of those yet either
08:31Where are you? Yo bernadette? Come on
08:34You're probably picking flowers or something, right? We need an empty hand
08:38Apparently if you find like the right place you can
08:41You can grab it
08:44Yeah, it's gone cold great, oh wait
08:48Don't give me the bones
08:50Yes. Oh my god. You've got a lightning dragon skull. Yes. I just tried to wear it task completed dragon skull
08:59Uh, why do you do you need a tissue or something? What's going on?
09:04Don't think it's in here hats. There's hats
09:08magic trimmed out master archaeologist
09:11No, that's not it
09:14Oh, here we go skulls of beasts and monsters. There we go. We got the dragon skull. We need fire ice and lightning
09:20Oh, look all those rewards as well. Wow. Okay, we need to look those up
09:23But for now, we've got building to right building to left. We still need to go I think this way
09:29Oh, what if she falls in snow though? Oh god, it's right there, too
09:34Okay, we're just gonna have to hope she doesn't that's cute. Give me that
09:38No, no, no, no, okay. Okay. This is bad. Look bernadette. This is tragic
09:44I don't want to die. I hate snowy biome so much. How do I give her boots? I need leather boots
09:51What is happening? Are you dying? I feel like you're dying
09:54I am not in the mood to deal with snow and I don't have leather boots with me
09:58Bernadette no, don't die. Please. Oh, she's dying. Oh god. Oh god. She's died. What's
10:03Chill okay. She didn't die that much
10:07She's screaming look come on. Yeah, we're definitely going around this you're shorter than me as well. We're both
10:11Vertically challenged. Are you sinking again? Oh my god
10:14Uh, we're not gonna be able to survive the snow. So we need to go around your castle better not be in snow
10:18Otherwise, we're in big trouble. I need some apples man. We need some food some sustenance
10:23I do kind of want to see what this is though. It's looking pretty mega
10:27But I also don't want to get us killed because then i've definitely fallen in the snow
10:31Because then i've definitely failed the mission bernadette, what do you say do we go in?
10:35I feel like we go in of course. It's ice. It's blue. Let's go in. We're fine. Welcome to mountain tower. Look at this thing
10:43I told you we were going on an adventure today. I was not joking. Something sounds uh
10:48Interesting in there, right? We're gonna need some
10:50Emerald, thank you
10:52How do we get in? I was gonna say i'm guessing it's not friendly because there's no front door
10:55But here we are. Let's go up
10:57illwood stairs
11:00Knock knock
11:04That pot is cool a herb jar a bestiary lectern
11:10Oh, this place is cozy man. What's up here?
11:13we got
11:15corundum clusters
11:18Little balcony this place is nice an inscription table a cupric lantern, but I have so much to learn. This is crazy
11:27Inscription he's like someone's investigating spells and stuff up here who's up here. Is anyone in here?
11:33It's abandoned. Oh
11:36An elder statue that's cool trapdoor scribes table. No, give me that back. Thank you witch hazel. Oh
11:43Oh my god, I definitely shouldn't be uh touching that i'll take the
11:48paper, maybe
11:50close quarters
11:52open 25 chests
11:54Um, I feel awkward don't know about you, um, she probably can't climb the stairs I want this though, how do I get this?
12:02Oh, i've got it. Okay, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. No one's here
12:05No one will know but that we need to go but a debt we need to go. Where are you?
12:09Okay, you're that why are you there? That's awful
12:12Now we have to break this man's house because you've fallen off. Come on. Let's go have a book of shadows
12:17I don't think I should have the book of shadows, but we've got it
12:19Anyway, your village better have food by the way, because I feel like we need some okay
12:23We're still making progress. I'm hoping it's not over the snow. All right, let's keep going
12:28I forgot to empty my backpack as well. Let's put this book of shadows back
12:32This is a guidebook of hexerai. I'll put the dragon stuff in there. Can I use it to craft?
12:37Banner patterns. Oh my god, the dragon command staff. Wow or bone meal. We don't want to bone meal it
12:43dragon command star
12:45We can make that
12:47but then
12:48Does that mean we can then fly a dragon?
12:49Oh, look, it's your least favorite biome your least favorite biome and my least favorite biome next to each other
12:54Oh, this biome is gonna be huge. Isn't it? It's gonna be like all the way through there. Oh
12:59This is not good. Oh my god. What is that?
13:03That's like a that's like that thing from harry potter what's it called a hippogriff that's what it looks like
13:07Oh, come here. Come on. Let's keep going. We've got a lot of blocks to walk. This is not ideal
13:10I think this is gonna loop around there. I think we're gonna have to go across
13:14We're gonna have to go across the snow, but this is treacherous because we could both die
13:19Can I give you armor?
13:21If I could give you um
13:24Talk. No, I don't want to talk. I want to
13:28Armor, I'll always wear my armor if I have any
13:31Okay, so I can let's see if there's any place to get leather because I think we're gonna need
13:37We're gonna need leather boots to get across this. We've reached our first hurdle. Oh my god. It's you
13:45If there weren't so many of you i'll take you all down
13:48but i'm hoping
13:49There is some form of leather in here, but this is treacherous wizard tower. Yeah, don't oh wait. I'll take this
13:58Let's see. Oh, is this what we had before?
14:01Yeah, this is what it was before leather. Oh my god. There's actually leather. We need how much?
14:06A decent amount just heard something questionable. I got bread compass. We could use two
14:13Oh my god, there's actually enough leather. No way and chicken sandwiches
14:18Okay, we have um
14:20Where's she gone? We've hit the jackpot
14:23No more figs today. We got chicken sandwiches for dinner. Let's go
14:28Oh my god, there's emeralds too. I didn't check these last time cookies. Oh, wow botany
14:33Um more apples. Okay. This is the trap, isn't it? There's a trap down here
14:37Okay, what else we got super strength, yeah, this is it
14:42Trying to figure out how to make super strength. I think we found the perfect amount as well. Let's not lose this. That'd be awful
14:50Yeah, there he is
14:52I think there's anything in there that I want though
14:58No, there's brewing stands, but I don't think it's worth it because that guy's gonna kill us right I need crafting table
15:04We can actually now have leather boots. This is that's literally the most perfect thing that's ever happened to me
15:09Right. There we go. Uh, can I give you this?
15:11Uh interact armor. Hey
15:16I'll only wear armor in case we're under attack. How do I give you it though? Take this take the armor
15:27No way, no way. How does this work?
15:30We have just got the perfect stuff patience, oh gift wait, can I do gift?
15:36Okay, I always wear my armor if I have any all right, let's do interact gift select an item preserve right mouse button how thoughtful
15:47I'm not convinced
15:48Bernadetta, i'm not convinced at all. Come on. Let's go. Let me see if you uh, not float. What's the word?
15:55Let me see if you can walk across now. We just need to get to this bit
15:59That's all we need to get to
16:01I know you can do it. Come on. Let's go. She's gonna sink isn't she?
16:04She's gonna sink potentially die and then we just failed our mission
16:07The only other option I have is like building a bridge, which I I really don't want to do see i'm gonna be fine
16:13But I don't know if she's going to be
16:15Please don't fall
16:19I'm just gonna have to like just check on her make sure she's not falling through
16:23I'm, hoping the armor works. Oh god. This is a big test
16:29It doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't work. Okay, we're gonna have to
16:34I'm gonna have to build you a route out of here
16:37No, come out. Come out. You're safe. Look chill. Oh, wait, she put it on. Oh wait
16:43Oh my god, she did it
16:45No, don't don't take it off. Oh my god. Wait
16:48You just had the armor on
16:50Need to have the armor on at all times. How can I get you to path find up here?
16:58My god, I can't believe i'm doing this i'm not gonna have enough blocks for this
17:02Why are you laughing?
17:03This is all because of you you had your boots on the boots that I gave you so the gifting works
17:08But she doesn't use it at the appropriate time. Maybe because she was taking damage. Maybe that's why
17:13So I just have to no, I can't say that
17:17Uh, wait, uh interact stay here i'm going to go and get some more blocks to make a bridge
17:24This is some high maintenance work here. Wow bridging across snow
17:27There better not be any more snow on the other side. Maybe unless the castle's right there, then i'll be down. Where is the map?
17:35Now we still got like a thousand blocks
17:40Brian i'm gonna finish the path and then let you free. Okay, we're close
17:46We're so close. Okay. Let me see if you'll do this
17:50I can't believe I had you done this you use all my blocks too. I'm running out of bread
17:53You better have uh your village better have a lot of food because i'm gonna need it right, uh interact follow me. Let's go
18:02Wait wait
18:07She's a villager I can pick her up yo
18:10Okay, this is decent. We figured out the solution. I didn't need to do any blocks at all
18:14I can just carry you over the snow
18:18Hi, I interact follow me. Let's go. Okay. See teamwork
18:22I'm gonna I feel like donkey and shrek right now. I'm taking you to the i'm taking you to your home
18:30I feel like we're on an epic journey as long as the dragon is not involved
18:33Uh, we've already had a dragon that's deceased involved but not a living one, please
18:36Yes, that's what I like to see cobblestone. You're supposed to be fast
18:40You're not that fast. Are you here we go. That's the blocks going down. That's what I like to see
18:45What what what happened why are you why are you screaming what happened?
18:51There's no need to scream
18:54As well look I can see that she's got oh, yeah
18:56She took damage and then her armors came up and now the armors are gone. So that definitely works gifting her the armor
19:03Go away, go away
19:05Thank you. Oh, oh, come on. Stop it. I can't believe that's a thing
19:08We've got one mission and one mission only with under a thousand blocks we can do this. Oh, okay. What's this?
19:14Block of rough emerald yoink
19:17There's loads of emerald out here. You don't get actual emeralds though
19:23Why is there smoke
19:25Was it a giza?
19:27I think this is a geyser. It's healing me
19:29Yeah, it's healing me. Oh, that's sick
19:31Wait, I need a bucket to grab this stuff. I feel like i'm about to get heavily distracted
19:35I'd love to have a bucket so that we can have spring water. I might even mark it because
19:41Having that on us is gonna be well good. Uh, let me
19:44How do I make a waypoint? Yes
19:46Uh spring i'm just call it what it is healing water
19:52Can I can I type can I type here we go?
19:56Aqua confirm right the healing water is there. Let's go. We're getting distracted
19:59My pickaxe is about to break as well, and I don't have a replacement. Oh, no more snow
20:03Uh, let me pick you up quick yoink
20:07It's so weird, I love how it makes them smaller as well. It's just so funny
20:10I don't know why their eyes go like that either look
20:13Very creepy. There you go. You're safe. Now. Follow me. Follow me. No, don't just keep wandering
20:19You've fallen straight in snow unbelievable get out where'd she just go
20:26Where is she in here? Oh my god, what are you doing?
20:29You fell in the tiniest patch of snow come here come here right now
20:33Oh god, I didn't mean to do that. No. No, no, it was a snowball. It's no what no. No. No, don't yell
20:38Felp it's I was trying to pick you up
20:41I was trying I was trying to pick you up. Chill. Okay, this has gone wrong
20:45Stop screaming because I picked up these flipping snowballs
20:49She thinks i'm smacking her with the snowballs. Oh god. Is she even gonna follow me now?
20:53Uh interact follow me. Okay. She is gonna follow me. Are we forgiven? I'm sorry, uh, Tor
20:58I'm, sorry, uh talk
21:00Well, well, look you decide to show up. Um, i'm gonna give you a hug to say sorry you're sweaty and dirty
21:06That's fair. Let's go. I can't believe she fell in that massive pile of snow
21:10And one opportunity to not mess it up and she messed it up
21:13Okay, we're 500 blocks away from your home. We can do this. What about bamboo? Well, those bamboos are well thick
21:20Stonehenge. Oh, we made it to stonehenge. I used to live near stonehenge
21:25Look how big this is
21:27I don't even need bamboo for anything though. I just don't think I can pick up other stuff. Are you good?
21:32Where are you?
21:34I mean, it's not that fascinating. Come on. Oh, wait, is this it? Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, this is definitely it look at this
21:41Oh, where is she?
21:43Where are you?
21:44Find it there. Come on
21:47Look, it's here
21:49Wow, this place looks crazy. This is the most ran. Oh my god. It's huge. I hope I get good rewards from this
21:55There's gotta be stuff in here that I can borrow right there must be look at the size of this place
22:01This is where you live and I took you to a tent. That's crazy. Right? How do we get in?
22:06It's gotta be a big old front door on this. Yeah, we did it quest completed find the castle. It's fortress of the villagers
22:14this is
22:15Not gonna lie. This is impressive
22:17Very impressive, right? Let's see where
22:21That has completed. Here we go escort to the castle
22:26Yeah, I didn't even look at the road. We get 48 emeralds and some steak and taters
22:31Do I have enough room for emeralds? I do
22:35Let's get actually let's get into the castle
22:38I feel a bit fraudulent if I collect the reward when technically we could still die out here. Let's go inside. Wow
22:46Look at this place. There's another guard villager who's having some issues
22:50Entry fee. Oh, what the?
22:53What do you mean entry fee
22:55I'm gonna take this. Thank you golden carrot coal
22:59Yes, sir. Yes, sir bones. Thank you rent a steed for 10 emeralds
23:04If I just go in here, are these guys gonna kill me?
23:08I'm hoping not let me crank this and see what happens
23:13Nothing's happening but that we get behind the door. Wait, is this part of it? I don't think it is
23:17Is it hermit's hollow? No, it's not. This is separate
23:22This place is cool. Oh, it has so much stuff in it. I'm gonna have to come back. This is well cool
23:27What's as in shiny book in there an adventure book in there?
23:31got engineer's goggles
23:34Man, I wish I could build like this
23:35I've never been able to build properly blood echo a charm slot right click to imbue with a blood spell
23:41That doesn't sound good. I don't think I want to do that. He's got turtle eggs. Oh, he's got tankards beer
23:47Tankards beer. Yeah, probably shouldn't be drinking that right now little cuckoo clock. This place is adorable. I love it
23:55It's even got this block of emerald in there, which I was gonna take but i'm not going to right
23:59We'll come back to this. Oh, no. Okay. This isn't going. Well, is it?
24:02Bernadette come on
24:04Where is the door? Oh, wait, here we go. Here we go
24:07entry free six emeralds I do have
24:10Six emeralds. Oh my god. Did you see that?
24:13Whoa, this place is sick and then you can close it again. Oh my god
24:19That is awesome, that's the create mod i'm telling you create mod is like next level. What's the other way?
24:25Oh my god
24:27That is awesome. I made it
24:30Is this so this is where you live, huh? I'm gonna let you go free
24:33It was a pleasure to meet you. Uh, you can keep the armor if you want, uh interact move freely
24:38Pleasure to meet you. We have completed the quest. Oh, this is the actual bounty board. Oh, yeah, you can do bounties
24:44I forgot about these. How do I get this stuff though? What would I really use?
24:48There's not much you can just get a zombie. Is that right? Oh, no, this is what you need to do
24:53This is what you get as your reward. What's this one? I just get iron ingots rare bounty. Oh, that's cool
25:00Well, i'm gonna sleep here because i'm a bit spooked out. It looks pretty safe though. Hello
25:05Overjoyed and witty, uh talk
25:08Unadventure well, hello there. I'm proud to be a village farmer. If you need any help, just feel free to ask. Thank you
25:14Who's that up there? Oh my god, this place is massive. There's a throne what all right, let's explore
25:20I'm gonna try and who are you male? He's a cleric novice cleric
25:24I guess I can trade with some people as well. Right? Yeah glass bottles and stuff. How are you doing?
25:29This is a good place to trade
25:31Glass bottles and stuff. How are you doing?
25:33This place is mental. Oh my they've got nfts on the wall. That's crazy
25:38I was kind of hoping I could buy or borrow stuff from here
25:42These are cool
25:44Sword pedestals. Oh, they've got a little factory going too. Oh, it's like a blacksmith nice. Can I open this?
25:53Oh, that's like a door to the outside, oh no, I blocked him out. I blocked him out come back in
25:56Oh, no, they're leaving
25:58Oh, this is here. Okay
26:00I've got shield
26:02Iron chain mail. Someone's crying. I'm not gonna take your oars. You can have those
26:08This is so cool cooking pots a whole kitchen going on. I love this. Whoa, okay
26:15Someone's showing off with their book collection
26:18Straddle jump straddle board. We talked about that before didn't we fire aspect quick charge
26:24I should try and put some of this stuff away. Um
26:29I don't know why I bought that with me. Yes
26:32I don't need that
26:33Put a maggot away because I kind of want some of these books these books where i'm running out of space man
26:38I need a bigger bigger backpack already
26:40What's in here?
26:42Tethered teleport pet will teleport his owner even across dimensions
26:46Each level makes pet immune for additional second after attack. Uh, do I want that? I don't know
26:53Look at this place man. It's crazy. Oh, hello. You don't I don't feel like you're dressed for the beach. What's going on?
26:59Is there a beach around here?
27:03I'm not saying that name am I that's gonna get me in trouble. Well, they have a beastiary here. Um, can I grab this?
27:11Well, it's just a lectern
27:14Uh, let's see best bestiary
27:18Uh, you need three manuscripts to make a bestiary, okay there
27:25Linked imagery pet can pick up items and teleport them to the player's inventory an abacus
27:30poison resistance and bane of illagers four
27:33That could be quite good. It's got shockwave creates a shockwave when taking full damage. It damages nearby entities. Oh my god
27:39I'm gonna look so cool
27:42So the library is where it's at for the loots right now look at this place they got statues I want a statue
27:49Of me. Oh, hello. Hello. There's so much to explore around here. They got these guards
27:53I mean I have one of these guards now too, but I don't know if he's actually gonna protect me or not
27:58loot chest
28:00Oh, it's a leather rain one lina rain. I feel like leather is gonna be pretty important. Uh, can I make this into?
28:06Yeah, that's it do that that
28:09Another maggot on me. I don't want that. I'm gonna get leather just in case
28:14You're laughing and your name is ha that's hilarious
28:18Got a hat stand with sheep disguise helmet what disguise?
28:23Hold up disguise
28:26I can become a sheep
28:29I need to test this out, man. Uh, let's put that up here
28:33sheep disguise
28:36I don't feel like i'm looking like a sheep to be honest
28:38There you go
28:40There's doi
28:42What is this blaze burner? Oh, this is where you're making meat and leather
28:47And you're stuck in there. He looks pretty upset about it, too
28:50I would be as well mate not gonna lie. I thought i'd be able to pillage a lot more stuff from here, but
28:57You know what i'm not doing too bad we've got a bow up here
29:00Oh, these are like barracks, aren't they? We can steal loads of stuff from here
29:04Never mind all this chest up here
29:07Oh, give me give me give me give me
29:11Carrot on a stick. I don't think I need a carrot on a stick emerald compass
29:16Because i'm pretty sure these barrels will just randomly generate as well
29:21I mean I already have paper on me. So I might as well take the paper
29:24There's paper in here too. Just in case I need it. I'm taking a lot of just in cases which uh,
29:30Usually like results in my inventory being massive
29:34I'm, also very lost in this place. This place is so big
29:38Oh my god, we've got so much more stuff right leather. I'm gonna swap this out for sure get some iron
29:44Crafting blueprint placed on a wall. It can be used to specify ingredient arrangements for easier manual crafting
29:50fire protection to
29:52loyalty to
29:54Uh, let's get rid of this as well to make more room. Let's get fire protection. I don't think I need it though
29:59Oh, we've got gold
30:01More leather. Let's eat one of these
30:06Whoa, i'm glowing oh my god, I am glowing okay
30:10And i've got night vision as well
30:13I'll trade that for gold. No problem a way stone. Oh, there's a way stone here
30:17Isn't that a thing that we had in like an old pack where?
30:21You could actually teleport
30:23I'm sure that was a thing. There's another like house over there too, man. This place is cool
30:27I could see why she wanted to come back
30:30She ain't gonna want to come back with me is she right right click we got zorg zed
30:34So when I right click this you can teleport but it's in exchange for I think experience
30:40So if I put a waypoint near my house, I should be able to zip between them, which is very cool
30:45How do I make a way stone though? I'm sure it was expensive, wasn't it?
30:49Yeah, we need
30:51mechanical crafting
30:53warp dust
30:56By crushing a warp stone
30:59Oh wait, we need an end crystal. Oh, we need those bottle of tears. No way. Oh, okay waystones are well expensive
31:06I think we might have seen everything so far. There's another couple chests over here. Grab these
31:11another chicken sandwich
31:15With the golden carrot there's a bucket that I wanted
31:18So I guess I could take that with me too. We don't need a boat
31:20I'm gonna take the bucket you could definitely just take loads of stuff from here
31:24And when we can teleport between them, which I don't think is gonna happen soon
31:27Oh, they've got like pets in here too. I need to get on my enchantment and stuff keeping the slime in there as well cute
31:34What's in here?
31:36Just stuff who's crying who's crying. Let me tell you a joke
31:38Who's crying unhappy depressed? Yo, let me tell you a joke ready. Um
31:43Oh my aren't you a dashing adventurer pray tell?
31:46How did you manage to find your way here? Um exploring?
31:50What's your step my dear adventurer make sure your manners are as charming as your smile. Oh my gosh
31:54Are we gonna tell a joke?
31:56about an animal
31:59Impressive. Who's jjjjk?
32:01What name so they've got scribes table to give me that back i've done that before is this prison?
32:07Oh my god, we found prison. I don't think we don't have any active prisoners now, which is good
32:12Or maybe we used to there's bones down there copycat panel. Is that so you can like
32:17Make something look like something else without going to get it
32:21copycat panels
32:25Think you can make them out something snoring who's snoring place is massive. Oh, wow. That's cool as well. I like that
32:33peculiar bell
32:37Another chest i'll take those. Thank you golden apple crate
32:41Hold up
32:43Who's snoring? Are you asleep? You might be asleep. How do I get in this?
32:48I'm, just gonna quickly
32:50Get rid of that put that in there. No one saw anything about let's see. Yep. There's guards in there. I need to run
32:56Let's have a little sleep
32:58And I don't know what else we could do in here
33:00But we do have the waypoint now so we could come back here at some point. It's added a waypoint for me
33:06zorkzard, I mean
33:08Not the greatest sounding place
33:10But who am I to judge when I live in a tent this kind of shows us what we can build as well like that create
33:15Um door was nuts I could just steal all their carrots and stuff as well
33:19But it doesn't feel right at all if I plant them again
33:24It might feel okay
33:28I'm gonna take I'm gonna take carrots. I'm gonna I bought your like i'm gonna say princess. I bought your princess back
33:35Just making it sound better than uh better than I was
33:38Yes, now we've got food for ages
33:41I'm used to just eating raw carrots in my uh, let's plays. Anyway, I planted them. It'll be fine
33:46I just took them all back. All right, so we got some more food, which is good
33:50These guards we can't interact but we can pick up which i'm not gonna do. Oh look the steps
33:55So you can make like a hay bale step. Oh, that's cool. Actually. I like that
33:59All right, open up i'm out close up behind us this time. Okay, so now we need to kind of get home
34:03I don't have a waypoint for home, but luckily I can go over here. I need to head that way, right?
34:08I'm gonna try and get home mission complete. You can actually craft an end crystal
34:14In eye of ender. Oh, hold up. This is decent
34:17So we should be able to make one as long as we can get to the nether
34:20get a blaze rod
34:23some ender pearls obviously and then
34:26A ghast here as well so we can craft and that's good
34:29I don't need to go all the way to the ends to make my teleporting stuff. So
34:33That should probably be on the list too. I can't remember how expensive it is, but I don't think it's too much experience
34:37But you know what? I completely forgot to get my reward. Let's get the rewards yoink yoink emeralds
34:43Emeralds and food. Oh my word. That's cool
34:48That's really cool looking. There's a little house on the side as well. Oh, man. Oh, no. Oh, no. No, no
34:54I don't want this again
34:55Stop it
34:56I will take your loot though. Give me the emeralds
34:59loyalty and punch wait, I might be able to
35:03Yeah, that's right shoot each other
35:06Shoot each other
35:08Wait, is it in here? I don't know. I'm just gonna run. I'm gonna get myself killed. I'm definitely gonna get myself killed
35:13I'm, sorry. I know there's villagers in there, but I need to go. I can't do this again
35:18They're gonna follow me all the way home aren't they? I was getting too big for my boots. Okay random
35:22I was gonna say little house. This is not a little house at all abandoned house
35:29Okay, something doesn't sound right in there, um
35:33Yeah, it really doesn't sound good I just saw something walk past the window
35:39Do anything in here?
35:41Hello. Oh, yep. There's a ghost. Nope. That's a skeleton
35:46Wait, there's like a oh, there's an actual ghost in here
35:49Whoa, I don't know if there's gonna be any good stuff in here
35:53Man I feel like these guys do so much damage
35:58Oh, no, I forgot that you get haunted as well. Why did I do this?
36:02I'm haunted. Oh, there's guys up top too
36:07Get chopped
36:08Get chopped
36:09That's right. I got my door strap. Ow. No. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Okay, i'm gone
36:14I got no helmet now as well. Why do I do these things? Oh my god. What is that a phoenix?
36:19Yes, got it. Got it. Got it. Okay. What is this?
36:22A phoenix? How you doing? That's definitely a phoenix
36:27But it's kind of like oh wait the power of the sun
36:30Receive a blessing from the great and noble sun bird. I have been blessed. Wait, what's sunbird's blessing?
36:37I don't know what it does though
36:41Oh, wait, can I fly i'm like floating
36:46What the
36:50Oh, it's gone
36:51No, it's gone already. Okay. Never mind, man. I don't know what happened apparently as well. You can make a book of alex's mobs
37:02Here is animal dictionary
37:04You can craft it with random ingredient. I think this tells you about all the mobs
37:09So we probably should craft that at some point as well
37:12Can't believe i've been blessed. I was like floating and stuff. Oh, I don't need to get distracted again. That's an outpost. What is that?
37:20Wait, hold on. They got tnt
37:22I need to see what that is
37:23Can I just like if I do this and then zoom in I might be able to see it
37:26It's got a creeper face on it. Wait, let me see what that is
37:29Is it a bomb?
37:32It's a spore bomb i'm gonna try and just walk past it I don't
37:36I don't feel like I need to know what that is. It's close though so we can come back
37:39I don't even want to imagine what the raids are like in a mod pack like this. That would be
37:44Terrifying. This is another illager post thing. There's like illagers everywhere
37:48Or is this one just like abandoned? Oh, look, it's a woodcutter. Oh, that's cool mechanical saw someone's just left their toolkit about
37:55Um, I don't think I need any of this stuff
37:59Nah, I don't need any of this right? We're almost home. I think wait, can I get one of these?
38:03I got bones
38:09Which one do I want
38:11Depends how many bones you take. Okay, we got one
38:15One please please get two last chance
38:18No, we're gonna have to leave you here. What's your tongue doing?
38:20Can't believe that I want to call my bones and just did not want to be my friend
38:24Yo, let's go
38:26We got dog now as well
38:28Oh my god, what was that noise?
38:31Oh tasmanian devils, I don't trust those especially if they're hanging around with raccoons
38:36I don't think so. By the way, you're gonna love our house. Look come and see i'm gonna see your new home
38:41Here it is and the village is still here, too. Don't look so sad. It's okay. Look we got dog now
38:47No, I almost made that mistake again. Okay. I need to not do that. He's cute
38:52I like him a lot. Okay, we need to just dump a load. Oh my god
38:57So much stuff I need to make I need to make chests
39:03It's gonna get out of hand real quick this I think let's just make enough for two chests
39:11Then we're gonna put that because it's like spilling out the tent already
39:16Let's put iron in there coal in there
39:19Got more coal which we can put in here and in here
39:23There's so much stuff did come back with a decent amount of stuff though
39:28Not even sure if i'm gonna use all this stuff, but it's at least handy to have
39:33Compass, I didn't go back and get that spring water. I probably should have done that but plenty of emeralds now
39:39They can go in the pink chest. Oh, yeah, we've got loads of emeralds
39:42Wow, I think we start buying stuff. Can't we we start buying stuff from
39:47The shopping page on here. So if I go on there and go to
39:51Wait black market. Yeah, we don't want to do that
39:54Biomaps. Yes, we can start buying these so if I wanted to go to
39:58I don't know
40:01I wanted to go to
40:03Archaeology catacombs 20 block. Okay, 20 blocks of emeralds will give me a map farmhouse. These are all villager ones beekeepers brick house
40:11cottage 10
40:13These are a little bit better. We found the hermit's hollow as well. Didn't we necromancer spy but then nether ones
40:19Illager abodes evoke a fort pillager camp. I think we're close to one of those already. That one's fairly cheap
40:25A witch's tree stump is fairly cheap as well
40:29Different villages we can go to
40:33Oh, then you got these ones, but I think we've got we've got candy cavity already this right here
40:38Was absolutely clutch just turn that into a load of golden apples. Come on earth
40:43I've got 10 golden apples now this cute little flower as well. Let's put this outside
40:48Yes, put the bed back down
40:50And we got ourselves an anvil which is pretty nice. Let's put that
40:55Let's put this side just for now, but you got a decent amount of food and stuff as well
41:00Oh, man, okay. That was quite the journey, but we completed our first quest we did it
41:05Uh, where was that? It was
41:10Rumors right? Yeah, we did that one. So this one
41:14Archaeology camp I need to grab
41:16Two different archaeology camps
41:19Then we can buy an archaeology site
41:22explore the lands
41:24Tick. Oh, wait, this castle has been added as well
41:26You approach a castle its walls age by time and the numerous scratches telling of many conflicts as you approach a guard calls out to you
41:33Halt traveler our fortress requires respite to you
41:35But if you want to use our services, you must pay the tax six emeralds and we'll do business with you
41:40If you'd like to use a crank handle near the door, or how do I give these?
41:44I probably should do that submit
41:46I don't have them on me. Do I I need to get the emeralds?
41:48I feel like I feel like I should do this pay my fair share
41:52Uh one two three four five six because I did steal stuff. Let's just put that out there. We did steal stuff
41:57Uh, there you go submit
41:59Oh wait
42:02Trading for warrior gear
42:05As you make your way through the castle you stumble upon a sign that reads buying or unused equipment
42:09We need more guards to fight the rising energy forces so they'll buy this stuff for emeralds
42:15Oh, I missed all this stuff trading for archery gear
42:20As you walk around the castle you overhear some guards. It's wonderful that my family is safe here, but the taxes are a killer
42:25I know right i've heard some guards have been taking odd jobs escorting traders and protecting bases
42:29It pays pretty well
42:30And as long as the king gets his taxes turns a blind eye to it
42:33I'm thinking about putting up a job posting as well want to join me
42:36Okay, so if you six blocks of emeralds for a guard spawn egg, oh, we've got the boy already
42:42You're worth six blocks of emerald. Yo, where is he?
42:45This oh god. Oh god. Okay. This is not this was not in the plan. He's doing his job though
42:51Don't kill him. He's worth six blocks of emeralds
42:54No killing, please
42:56Not today, sir
42:57Dog, are you gonna help? You're just chilling
43:00Got him
43:02Death the only thing is we have bad omen now, it's not the bottles. What is that? Are these arrows?
43:10Fragments what is this?
43:13He was throwing axes like that. Yo, good job, buddy. How do I feed you up? I'll take this
43:19How do I heal you god that was terrifying
43:24Oh, he's healing up already. Okay. Let's see what on earth happened killer raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from villages
43:30Obtain a cladding upgrade smithing template obtain some crude cladding
43:35So this is crude fragment. I mean, you have to make crude cladding
43:40which we can then use to
43:43I'll make like different helmets and stuff. Oh cool
43:48Bane of villages could use that right now. Couldn't we? Okay, so we got that
43:51We've already got some crude cladding as well. So we can just use it to upgrade
43:54It's like you can only upgrade leather though. How do you make one of these?
43:58Mesmerize. Oh my gosh. Okay. What are you looking at? Oh my I'm holding carrots right now. Sorry
44:06Good job, buddy. You did your job. You got like I can't believe you're worth that much. I am worried about this though
44:12Uh, I might have to drink some milk. I have to note as well that they don't do bottles of omen
44:20What was I even doing? Oh, yeah, uh just in time join the royal guard proving your worth a position of high prestige
44:27Uh having seen the job posting on the bulletin board you approach the captain of the guard intending to offer your services
44:33You make your proposal and he takes a quick look at you then scoffs. You can't be serious scram kid
44:37We ain't desperate enough to take vagrants like yourself ain't trustworthy
44:41Plus you'll barely look like you know your way around a sword. What's still here prove your worth and then we'll talk
44:47So they want five ominous banners. Did I even get one? I did. I've just obtained one
44:53So if I get five of those and return to the castle, maybe they'll give me like another quest that's quite cool
44:58I like that kind of progression. That's sweet. Let's put that in here
45:02Don't really need the crossbow, but we'll take it. Anyway, the cladding will definitely take man. What a eventful day so far
45:07Oh, no, no, no. No, I completely forgot that. I left that villager in the hole
45:12I hope he's there. Where did I mark it? Was it over here somewhere?
45:16It's already okay. I thought it was getting dark for a second. It was over here, wasn't it?
45:19I need that villager. Oh, there it is. Oh my god. Okay, this could have gone terribly wrong
45:25Yo, are we still in there
45:27I thought it would have despawned for sure. I mean, that's a good thing, isn't it? Because oh, I forgot
45:33Weird your mustaches. Is that a skunk by the way? Yo, what's up, buddy? Here's a skunk
45:38Ah, oh, we are what the?
45:41Oh, he's spraying gas at me. Okay, um
45:45Hippie smell get sprayed by a skunk and now i'm like all ludicrous. Look at me
45:50Got nausea. Oh, I forgot about the bad omen too, right? How do I I don't like this get off me
45:55Okay, we need to do
45:56A boat means you boat shenanigans again, so we need crafting table
46:02Are we gonna need something else?
46:05I wish I could just lead him though, right? You're coming with me buddy
46:08You're gonna have a new home and we're gonna test out bombs
46:11And it's gonna be fun. I promise. Okay, so come here
46:14Follow the emeralds look he's even he's like try the bombs try the bombs this way, please
46:19come on, so we're gonna get sprayed by skunks and it's just
46:22It's not gonna be fun. I know I stink but i'll stay a little bit away from you. Come here
46:26You got rockets as well. What do you have? Actually? I forgot you've got
46:30spiky bombs normal bombs
46:32Blue bombs, which are really expensive. So I wonder what on earth that one does cannonball
46:38Hold on a second
46:40We can get cannons
46:42Oh potato cannon that sounds sick as well launch homegrown vegetables at your enemies
46:47That sounds sick. Oh my god. It's actually really easy to build. Oh, we have lots of things that we can do
46:53Slingshot as well. All right. Can you come out please?
46:56No, I know i'm sorry. I'm, sorry. I put you in there
46:58I'm, sorry, I stink but we need to go. I want to trade bombs with you. Here it is. There it is
47:02It's finally come out. It's because I smell isn't it? But yeah, you got it, buddy
47:06Come on, look, you've got the the bombs ready to trade please look at him. He's just enjoying I get it
47:11He's enjoying the cherry blossom. It looks fantastic. Come here
47:14Unless he just like he's smarter than a regular villager and he knows what's going down
47:18I need him to come out. I'm watching you as well
47:21Oh, okay. Never mind. Gotcha
47:23So we're gonna take this guy because especially if he trades, hold on. Let me see cannibals. They hard to craft
47:29Yeah block of lead. Yeah, we're definitely gonna take this guy. We're gonna sit him outside the the tent
47:34I am a bit worried about him being killed, but we'll do our best to not let that happen
47:39What's the best way for us to go here?
47:41It's not very flat. So we're gonna run into some trouble. I think but how do I not know all that cold was there?
47:47By the way
47:48Did I not go in there? I'm sure I went in there
47:51Anyway, that's not important right now. Let's go. Oh god. Look. He's traumatized
47:55He's still very angry about the attack that just happened as well. Okay, we got new friend
48:00I don't know how we're gonna get him up there unless we let him roam free and see what he does
48:07He's gonna put his prices up, okay, he's not i'm, sorry, i'm trying to get used to this axe movement look at it
48:12It's not normal. That's just not normal
48:15I really love it. If you could go up here though. He's come up like three blocks. Do you follow carrots?
48:20You're gonna follow carrots. I mean, he's not a pig but it was worth a try. Come here
48:25He's liking his new sonar like situation though. The only thing I can do is like, uh,
48:31What dirts no, we can't go up slabs. Can we uh, you're gonna stay in here for now then i'm just gonna have to protect you
48:36Right, we're gonna try some bombs. We do have bombs already. Where are the bombs?
48:41bombs bombs bombs
48:47Oh, let's try these out can we use them to make anything else
48:51Silver bomb your phantom bomb
48:55How do you make phantom powder from a phantom creeper? Oh, that looks horrific. Okay. What do I want to we don't want to throw this
49:02Let's do it in a safe location, but I just need to make sure that guy is protected we've got mini melons, too
49:07Let's go right i'm throwing it
49:10That's the worst bomb i've ever seen in my life what just happened I kind of want to try the big bomb now, but
49:1640 emeralds is going to be a lot. Is that what it does? Ow, that's so bad. Why are you selling such terrible stuff?
49:24Huh? I mean I should expect it from a villager, but come on that was awful
49:30Okay, uh round two. Let's see if we can make a cannon just for just because
49:36It's a dispenser
49:38I think we can make this, you know, I don't know if we have any redstone though
49:42Uh, no, we might not have any redstone if you double click it tells you if it's in your chest
49:46I used to do this in old diamond dimensions, too. It's such a good feature for someone who is so unorganized
49:51Yeah, I don't have any redstone. Oh, that's well annoying and what we're still missing is
49:56a good way
49:58To get underground all this wasn't very good
50:01I kind of want like to be shown where there's some good caves lichen mushroom fields prismic chasm
50:08Redstone cavern. Oh, it needs a source gem obtained by placing lapis or amethyst in an imbuement chamber
50:15Okay, never mind. Yeah, these are all these. Okay, we probably need to work on that then what's an imbuement chamber?
50:20uh imbu
50:22How do you spell it imbuement chamber here it is
50:26Oh, it's one of these
50:28in the magic workbench
50:30This is getting pretty intense magic workbench
50:34pewter inlay
50:36Pewter ingot who knows where to get that from? Okay
50:40We definitely need to find some kind of like decent cave because otherwise it's not gonna work. Uh, is there underground structures?
50:48Overworld. Yes underground pink salt
50:51Ancient portal sounds nuts. We could get mineshaft. Actually. We got 16 emeralds, right?
50:56Let's do a sleep and then we can get 16 emeralds. We've got that easy
51:01Where is it? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we've definitely got that. So let's grab that have a quick sleep
51:07see if I can find
51:09A decent way underground because if not if a mineshaft is close
51:14Uh, what biome are we in the clover plains?
51:18Oh, I just want to try and work out which one I want to buy
51:22Gimme, so which one do I want? Acacia, bamboo, birch, cherry, dark oak, deep slate
51:27Jungle, mangrove, mud, oak. I'm gonna click this one reward collected. Okay, let's see how long it takes to find one
51:34Here we go
51:35Please don't be long
51:391684 blocks
51:42Northwest I've heard this is just this is just too far away. Let's buy another one
51:46I want to buy stone and see if that changes things
51:49I want to submit
51:51And then we go stone
51:54Where's my stone one? Give me this please be closer
52:011349 that is closer. Let me see if this is worth it
52:05Uh, let's just go. Let's not think about it. Let's just go. Come on, buddy. Let's do it
52:10Yes, it's like this way. I think we'll be able to get there pretty fast. I just want to find some kind of cave
52:16That's all I want
52:19Oh, no, no, no, no
52:23Okay, we can get around this one. I'm having flashbacks deja vu. I don't like it
52:29Is this new territory as well? No. Oh, it's going to be in the middle of the ocean, isn't it?
52:33That's why there's no x. Oh, it's in snow
52:36Of course it is
52:39Why wouldn't it be oh this biome is horrific for horses? Wow. Oh, look they put it in like the smallest snow biome for me
52:46This is great
52:47Okay, so it's under here. So we kind of have to dig down so we need to
52:52Don't go wandering off buddy. Why are you wondering stop wandering? Come here. We came all this way together
52:59300 wait, why is it still 300 blocks?
53:04Okay, that's the wrong one
53:07300 blocks. Okay. We're close to the oak mineshaft one as well
53:11I think i'm gonna go for the oak mineshaft one
53:14And see because it's got an x on it
53:17Let's see if it's easier. Oh, I feel like this one's gonna be far as well
53:20Not as far though. The other one was 300 blocks below the surface
53:24This one might not actually be that bad if it's on the surface, this would be great
53:28Let's just keep going. We can offhand it. Oh my word. Um
53:32God horses are so hard to navigate in modded biomes. Wow, we're going up buddy
53:42We're back here scene of the crime i've started a raid on your oh god
53:48Oh god, I don't have a oh
53:50What do I do? What do I do? Do I just leave her here? Do I try and fight it? I'm gonna die
53:56I'm gonna die. That's the that's the fact of it. This is uh, this is not ideal
54:01Okay, let's um
54:04Let's tie you up so you don't get killed like come here
54:08Uh raccoon, oh no god, what has he got in his mouth what the oh
54:13Oh my god, what are they doing? Is someone lobbing bombs? Oh, no guys. This is
54:18Oh god, she's dead. She just died. This is cursed land man. I completely forgot I had raid on
54:24Yeah, i'm not tackling that are you joking? There's no way
54:28I'm, sorry sim purter. Not my fault. I swear. Oh
54:32Man, i'm a bad person, dude. I'm a bad bad person. They were throwing bombs
54:38So note to self the raids in this pack are completely different
54:42They had a man in a red cloak just as I was saying the bombs were awful. They start lobbing those
54:47So that's worth noting. What is this?
54:53We got loot chests, that's terrible
54:56Oh dust, okay potatoes and stuff. Oh my god. It's found a diamond. Whoa. Chill out, buddy
55:01I'm gonna sleep. This is this feels I feel uneasy definitely uneasy just got myself a diamond though
55:07I will take that. Okay. This is definitely cursed. I'm out of here. I'm out of here. No, no, no stop
55:12I'm out. We're on top of where we're supposed to be. Are we seven blocks six five? What is it just like here?
55:18There's no way i'm doing i'm digging down
55:20Okay, i'm doing it if I fall to my death. That's this is how it is. That's how it's gonna be today
55:24Oh, wait a second. Yeah, this might this might be right. Actually. This is a ramble of tangle roots
55:30Oh my god who built this discover the renovated mine shafts. There's a person
55:37Oh my god, um, hold on why is she red all right, let's go sort this out quick
55:45There we go, oh my god, she's an actual zombie that's crazy, right
55:50This is not what I had in mind really
55:52Oh, she's fighting. She's fighting
55:55Yeah, okay. Could I talk to you?
55:58bar man man gone
56:00Not ideal language that um
56:04Are you gonna hurt me?
56:05No, leo, come on. No, don't do this
56:08Think about your actions look in the hole in the hole. Oh god
56:13Oh, no, oh no, this is all gone very wrong. What are you doing? No calm down zombie
56:18Sort yourself out
56:20There you go. I like your outfit though. How do I i'm gonna have to kill her aren't I i'm guessing you can
56:27She's an expert mason though, but i'm guessing you can heal
56:31these guys
56:36Yes, okay i'm safe now jeez this place is nuts this is not a normal mine shaft
56:42This was worth the journey wasn't it?
56:44So i've kept that just in case we want to do like I don't know farms or anything. Oh my word
56:50I don't know what that means open 50 step
56:53Open 50 chests. We've got pocket factory music disc 13 on the originals. We just found redstone as well
57:02What does that say it could be obtained by polishing rough cinnabar on a grindstone?
57:05Arcane crystal dust we definitely needed that ring of recovery cooldown reduction. Okay, this is good, right?
57:11How do I i'm put this in my slot? Can't I race the isn't there a ring?
57:19Yeah ring
57:2115 percent cooldown reduction. Is that on this?
57:25It might be well, this place is crazy. Look, there's so many loot barrels
57:29Got a brush skeleton skull. I'll take that. I feel like we've gone off on a massive tangent here
57:33Which wasn't the idea. I just wanted to make a cannon but um
57:38And I now have enough redstone to do that, uh
57:42Yo, what do I do? I feel like I've
57:44I feel like i've traveled too far. I also look she's a master
57:47No an expert mason if we heal her i'm guessing you have like expert trades ready to go
57:53That would be cool, right? I need to put some stuff away
57:57Oh, let's get rid of
57:59I could use the crossbow now
58:02But let's swap this out. Oh my armor is so bad though. We should definitely come back here at some point
58:07i'm gonna do some exploring
58:10And then if we if it gets too much we get too big for our boots we're gonna we're gonna just leave okay
58:15Uh, is there anything in these though? Can't you get diamonds from them or am I making that up? I want to take the brush
58:22Let's not take the bricks. I'm just harvesting bricks right now
58:26Grab these and I hear zombies. There must be more to it. Oh, it's you never mind
58:30Is there any more to this? Oh, wait a second. Yes, there is
58:34Are we near more entity surely not there's something crazy there too like a weird structure. Yeah, this mineshaft's pretty
58:42Pretty deep. I think azurine mate. Maybe we need that
58:48I can just make blocks out of them. Okay, cool
58:52Oh, hello, so i'm out i'm out no, no, no, don't follow me don't follow I said don't follow me
58:57You guys have killed me before. Oh god. What do I do? What do I do? I need my crossbow
59:02I need to run as fast as I can and crossbow. I need that crossbow in my imagery right now
59:07There we go got him
59:11Gotcha buddy
59:14Okay, I have not whoa he dropped loads wanna take the enchanting bottle, okay
59:21Shoot crossbow shoot something an arrow we have done it. Okay
59:23So the crossbow is actually turning out to be quite good. What enchantment has he got piercing, right?
59:28I'm gonna have to leave this one here. I hate leaving it like away from home
59:32Next time we're gonna explore this mineshaft make some cannons. We did a lot today to be fair and then we found this so
59:39I'm, enjoying this a lot man. It's really hard to stop playing
59:42But I hope you enjoyed it too
59:43If you did leave a like that'd be awesome subscribe if you're brand new and i'll see you in the next one
59:47In the scary mineshaft, I might die