• last week
The Spaceo Humanoid robots made by Muks Robotics were featured at the India Today Conclave 2025.
00:00Just to give you a bit of a background, the year was 2013 and there was a young kid in
00:06a city called Pune, who was doing his dentistry and while doing that in 2018, he said, I'm
00:18done with it, I don't want to continue doing dentistry, this is it, this was somebody else's
00:25dream, not mine and he decides to quit his program at that time and focus on something
00:32that he loved, something that was his passion and that was robotics.
00:36Incredibly, he did not enroll himself in a university like Harvard or any other such
00:42university that specializes in robotics or artificial intelligence.
00:47He went to YouTube, saw lots of videos and self-taught himself to become the first man
00:58to make a company right here in India to produce an artificial intelligence powered humanoid
01:07which is right behind me.
01:09I'll get the gentleman on stage and he'll narrate the story as to how did he learn all
01:15of this himself, whether it was reading books, whether it was YouTube videos.
01:20But before that, let us just give you a glimpse of what is it that Mooks Robotics based in
01:26Pune has created.
03:15Oh, that is incredible, a big round of applause for Mooks Robotics and without further ado,
03:33I'm going to call the man behind all of this.
03:35As I mentioned, in 2013, he quit his dentistry course but is still a certified doctor, Dr.
03:44Mukesh Bangar on stage, please.
03:47And as I mentioned, what's really incredible is that he self-taught himself to produce
03:53all of this.
03:54This is the first AI powered robot that you've got here in India.
04:00Come over, come over, come, here's your mic, here's your mic.
04:05But before I speak to Mukesh, he gets ready, let us also show you the journey, something
04:11that I spoke about.
04:12How did it start?
04:13It started in 2020 in Pune.
04:16Here's a brief look at the journey of Mooks Robotics.
04:18Actually, first of all, thank you so much for having me here.
05:43Come here, Mukesh, we'll be right next to the thing that you have created.
06:07First things first, tell us about the incredible journey.
06:09You know, most people go enroll themselves in top universities.
06:12All you did was watch YouTube videos, read some books, and you've reached thus far.
06:19First of all, I would like to thank you, the India Today group, having, you know, sponsor
06:29us also.
06:30That's a big thing.
06:31I think we will be the next superpower in this robotics and AI.
06:45It can be.
06:46It can be.
06:47Do you have any competition in India, or your competition is only from the US or China?
06:54As of now, there is no competition in India, it's from the US, and China is a big player
07:00for us.
07:01Okay, so this is completely a make in India product.
07:04From the scratch, we built this product.
07:06That's the thing.
07:08You told me what you were saying at the start.
07:12How did you?
07:13Can, is it possible?
07:14Because a lot of people may not believe it that you saw YouTube videos, or did your background
07:19in dentistry help you?
07:21Actually, as a child, I, you know, used to open the watches, and then radios to learn
07:38these things.
07:40But no, you know, mom's dream was to be a doctor.
07:46And then I went into dentistry.
07:52And then in second year, the, you know, there is a brain, which is the mysterious organ
08:02that I love into that.
08:05And then I started from the neural network and AI, then this.
