90 Day Fiancé Season 11 Episode 4 Love is the Absence of Judgment (March 7, 2025) FULL EPISODE HD
00:0090-day fiance. Oh my gosh. Would you say these in our country never?
00:06Watching Maddie walk around New Orleans is like a kid to Disneyland and they're like over stimulated
00:13When does the flashing stop stop?
00:16It's like a different planet to me
00:20Welcome to Wyoming
00:23Juan has been used to traveling around the world flirting for tips and
00:28Our relationship is not perfect. Nobody's is and there's been times. I've been really challenging for us
00:33I'm still nervous about the situation with a girl reaching out
00:37Lady reached out to me and had said that they had hooked up if he wants cheap. There's a will there's a way
00:44I still have questions. I need answered and I will be getting those
00:49So my mom she's really excited to meet you. She had asked maybe you want to sleep in like a separate room
00:57Stay in my mother in those house
01:01It's really hard. What do you think about more beautiful person?
01:07They're not in their own place and have to consider me here
01:13I've always been the jealous possessive person in the relationship
01:17So how far can I push it without me saying like wait a minute. This is my husband
01:23What if honey it could be a better partner to Matt than me it's a risk that comes with being in a trouble I
01:33Can't wait to take you to see the family
01:36It's important to me that you and Jordan get along your stepmother. She and me is enemies
01:43She say my dad is stupid. This girl is coming just for the green card
01:48Her concern is just about does dad really need to have more kids?
01:53If there's a problem there, I want to know and I want to be sure who I'm marrying I come from for my new family
02:00Why should me the book?
02:04Now I say I send me snake
02:07You don't come in the bed. Okay
02:23One of the eggs that are not fully cooked for some reason so I'm doing my best at making them
02:30Not fully cooked. He's probably gonna be thrilled about that
02:45Okay, well, let's go surprise him
02:53Let's see if I have some juice
02:55So it's our first morning in Torrington. No surprise
02:59We did not have much privacy last night and I gotta get the boys to sleep
03:04And of course, I mean sleeps in bed with us so that doesn't allow much time to be intimate
03:11Rise and shine
03:15Good morning wakey-wakey
03:18Breakfast with eggs that are a little bit soggy. Oh
03:23This sounds like the pervert morning. This is time to get ready
03:28There you go
03:29eggs and banana
03:32Sorry, no, that's good
03:35Hurry kids. We're good. The kids are good
03:39They're tired because of our late night
03:43Well, thank you let him is leaping a little yeah
03:46I guess I gotta get ready. What?
03:48Well, I thought because it's just you maybe you could snuggle for a little bit and then we'll get ready. So back in bed
03:59Okay, I don't know how to start
04:18This is how it feels I forgot
04:22This is better than breakfast
04:26So I'm realizing sex in life it's gonna be different now
04:30It's not like it's not the same like when she goes in a cruise ship and we stay in the room
04:35But today we got some privacy. So you need to take advantage and we did that
04:40I don't know if you can see my face, but I'm feeling so happy. I'm feeling free. I'm
04:51For you, yes
04:53You ready to go see my town? It's actually pretty nice outside. I know it's hot. We might get hot in our sweaters
04:59Where's the cold weather? It's coming
05:02So last time we got home pretty late and so it was really hard to see things
05:05So today I really want to take one on like a tour of where I grew up
05:09Oh, I'm hoping this tour will just be able to get him a little bit excited about where we're gonna live
05:18This is my parents house
05:20Right here this big one. So this is the house. I grew up in that's a huge house
05:26It reminds me of the Prince of Baylor in there
05:31This is the Main Street
05:40Okay, if this is the Main Street how many restaurants you have six restaurants six restaurants
05:46One Chinese restaurant and two American restaurants
05:54When I get off the cruise ship on the islands, I'm used to having a lot of restaurants a lot of options
06:00Where to go to eat?
06:02I guess I'm gonna get tired of eating the same thing. So I better start cooking I guess
06:09I'm so excited to walk with you down Main Street
06:12There's the Chinese restaurant that's actually open well, that's that's the reason having a restaurant
06:21Here's the gym you want to peek oh, this is the gym but I'm peeking it you're gonna like going to the gym
06:28Well, it's actually one person
06:30Maybe I'll get you to like board games
06:34So I'm coming from a place there is energy to a small town
06:41Low like a retirement home. Do you guys play bingo here? There is some bingo in town. I would love to go to bingo. Oh
06:50Tarleton one of the best places for living
06:54There is one movie theater. They are all movies Dracula the Grinch, but what's better than a classic movie?
07:02There's a lot of cows. If you like cows you can go visit the farmers. I can smell
07:12Don't even know it come to Torrent on Wyoming. I invite you guys. You're more than welcome
07:21Well, it's very different from Colombia definitely and what about like the cruise like what do you think is gonna be
07:28the most different from the cruise
07:30All about the cruises drinks and bars and food and you know chops
07:35You know one thing I think that's similar is like the cruise you have like a thousand workers
07:41So you like live in a small community?
07:43Already, you have one bar. We have more bars here than you do on the ship. Well, I think difference about
07:50This I know this is a small community. The curse is good a small community too. Well, you know people go
07:57In comes in some people go home and then other comes from vacation and then you start seeing new people
08:03I don't know everyone in my town. I mean, I'm just saying that's the difference. I don't know all 6,000 people
08:08I know like 500 people
08:12The cruise ship in the town is a whole different thing. It's not the same life
08:16I think she's wrong and she just don't want to accept it. I
08:20Haven't seen one person though. I've known as we've been walking down. Mm-hmm. So what's the difference?
08:27No difference
08:30My life is totally changing and this is not helping at all. I
08:35Think it's very she just helps me get used to this new life then rather telling me
08:42You're wrong. And this is the same thing and is the same it is not the same thing. We all know that
08:48Besides her I guess
08:51It's not even winter yet uncle
08:57What do you have booze
09:00I see boobs everywhere like boobs boobs boobs
09:05This really didn't know you were like doing this a lot
09:08If it's if it tells me that she's like bisexual, honestly, I think I'm catfished. I
09:16First met Douglas online happiness ensued, but now everything's a different playing field
09:23Alia was born. I
09:25Just need to see what we both need to have in order for this relationship to work
09:33we have 90 days to figure it all out, so
09:37Get off the pod
09:48How could you do this to me when I've done so much for you
09:54Like how
09:59So they're waiting
10:02Patiently waiting at a hundred and four degree temperature outside every minute felt like an hour
10:10Until there was no patience to wait anymore
10:18I understand. How are you feeling?
10:23I don't know. I think I was like frozen inside and I was just getting lost. I
10:30Don't know what's what's happening
10:33Not having it
10:36Everything just became like everything was falling apart
10:44I'm here. I should be happy. I should be living my fair tale
10:49I'm in a country. I don't have anyone here. I
10:56Just remember about these two friends so everything's very uncertain
11:33My name is Alia, I'm 25 years old and I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
11:49I'm feeling amazing
11:53When I was little kid growing up, I always use it to look to the other girls asking myself
11:59Why I'm not like them
12:02Because I always felt that I was a woman. So
12:06What I realized now is that I am trans woman. I waited all my life to be here
12:16It's like a dream that I always had
12:21When I was a teenager I was expressing myself as a gay boy
12:25But that was not enough to me because that don't represent the person that I am inside
12:30So I just keep like looking more feminine and adding like dress high heels hair
12:36Nails and then to bring all the space together. I gave me a name
12:41Hey, thank you
12:44You two are gonna live here in Rio Shawn lives in Hollywood, so I'm moving to California to live with him
13:02Name is Shawn. I'm 62 years old and I live in West Hollywood. This is my
13:10West Hollywood Hills home that was allegedly built by Charlie Chaplin
13:25This is
13:27My very first antique purchase that I used as my salon reception desk when I owned a hair salon I
13:34Started doing hair and makeup since 1996. So I've done everything movies
13:39TV and major shows like ugly Betty Desperate Housewives
13:45films like Men in Black
13:48And I've done it for 35 years this I call my
13:52You know Barber feel you a Hollywood deal your room
13:54I have all sorts of what Aaliyah probably thinks it's Josh keys, but for me, they're like little pieces of art
14:02In this cabinet, I don't even know if I can oh I can this is my favorite Barbra Streisand dress
14:09This dress was in a movie called on a clear day. You can see forever. I love the auctions
14:15My wallet probably doesn't love the auctions. My kids are probably thinking I'm crazy
14:21But I think they're gonna love the auctions when I drop dead and they'll be like, oh, that's over a million dollars. Great
14:26Thank God. It was such a freak. I
14:29Met my first wife in beauty school and she had like the best hair which of course for being a hairdresser
14:35You better have good hair and I knew we would have like kids and jump into that right away
14:41overall that relationship was
14:45Pretty good. I mean we lasted 14 years
14:48We raised three beautiful kids and then we went her separate ways and we're still friends
14:56This is where all the action happens
15:00And yet I have an old man bed
15:02Because I decided this last year to get an adjustable bed so I could like watch TV sitting up and be lazy. So there's that
15:09since my divorce I
15:11had been identifying as
15:16And that's how I met Douglas I
15:20First met Douglas online through a dating site in 2020 during the pandemic. I
15:27Loved his curly hair and his brown smooth skin and his bubble bud and his amazing legs
15:33And I mean there wasn't much that I didn't like
15:41The pandemic was over we would go traveling to places that a Brazilian to travel to without a special visa
15:50During our trip to Spain was gay pride
15:52So I thought it would be nice to ask him if he wanted to dress up and do anything, you know, okay and festive
15:59He said oh, I've never done that before. So I said, well, let's go with shopping
16:05Bought an outfit and then all of a sudden happiness ensued
16:10He got asked to go on a float going down the streets of Spain with people
16:15Looting and hollering and so Aaliyah was born
16:21Ali and I applied
16:23Well Douglas and I have applied for the K1 visa, but now everything's a different playing field. There is no more Douglas
16:39This is an art adventure book that I made for Aaliyah
16:46Kind of feel like maybe it's a bit of therapy for me. It's
16:52You know great moments of times with me and Aaliyah
16:57Because Aaliyah is a fun time
16:59I'm more in the loss of the first chapter
17:03and now it's
17:05this metamorphosis that's happened, so I
17:09Want to focus my energy on what is and not what was?
17:16so I just
17:17Need to see what we both need to have in order for this relationship to work
17:24The reality of the whole thing is that I met somebody I fell in love with somebody. I was ready to marry somebody
17:30I had all my boxes checked and that person died
17:36But now we have 90 days to figure it all out so
17:41Don't get off the pot as they say
17:50You got to be here somewhere I wanna find it now
18:03So hard already to find your person let alone find the third person so there's so much to lose
18:1290 days
18:14Oh my gosh, would you say these in our country?
18:16Never nothing
18:19Watching Maddie walk around New Orleans is like a kid to Disneyland and they're like over stimulated when does the flashing stuff start?
18:28It's like a different planet to me
18:32Welcome to Miami
18:36Juan has been used to traveling around the world flirting for tips and
18:40Our relationship is not perfect. Nobody's is and there's been times. I've been really challenging for us
18:46I'm still nervous about the situation with the girl reaching out
18:50Lady reached out to me and him said that they had hooked up if he wants cheap. There's a will there's a way
18:56I still have questions. I need answered and I will be getting those
19:01So my mom, she's really excited to meet you. She had asked maybe you want to sleep in like a separate room
19:10Stay in my mother-in-law's house
19:14It's really hard. What do you think mom? What beautiful person nice and thin?
19:20They're not in their own place and have to consider me here
19:26I've always been the jealous possessive person in the relationship
19:30So how far can I push it without me saying like wait a minute. This is my husband
19:36What if honey could be a better partner to Matt than me? It's a risk that comes with being in a trouble. I
19:46Can't wait to take you to see the family it's important to me that you and Jordan get along your stepmother
19:52She and me is enemies
19:55She say my dad is stupid this girl is coming just for the green card
20:00Her concern is just about does dad really need to have more kids, baby. I'm sorry
20:06If there's a problem there, I want to know and I want to be sure who I'm marrying
20:10I come from for my new family. Why should me the book?
20:16Now I say I send me snake
20:20You don't come in the bed. Okay
20:41Are not fully cooked for some reason so I'm doing my best and making them
20:47Not fully cooked. He's probably gonna be thrilled about that
21:03Let's go surprise him and see if I have some juice
21:08So it's our first morning in Torrington. No surprise. We did not have much privacy last night
21:14You know gotta get the boys to sleep. And of course, I've eat sleeps in bed with us
21:19So that doesn't allow much time to be intimate
21:23Rise and shine
21:27Good morning
21:31Breakfast with eggs that are a little bit soggy. Oh
21:36This sounds like the pervert morning. It's time to get ready
21:40There you go
21:42egg some banana
21:44Sorry, no, that's good
21:47Hurry kids. We're good. The kids are good
21:51They're tired because of our late night
21:55Well, thank you let him is leaping a little yeah
21:59But guess I gotta get ready. What?
22:01Well, I thought because it's just you mean you could snuggle for a little bit and then we'll get ready. So back in bed
22:11Thank you, I don't know how to start
22:13Sorry, I know how to start
22:39So I'm realizing sex and life it's gonna be different now
22:42It's not like it's not the same like when she goes in a cruise ship and we stay in the room
22:48But today we got some privacy. So you need to take advantage and we did that
22:52I don't know if you can see my face, but I'm feeling so happy. I'm feeling free. I'm
23:03Free yes
23:06You ready to go see my town? It's actually pretty nice outside. I know it's hot. We might get hot in our sweaters
23:11Where's the cold weather? It's coming
23:14So last time we got home pretty late and so it was really hard to see things
23:18So today I really want to take one on like a tour of where I grew up
23:22Oh, I'm hoping this tour will just be able to get him a little bit excited about where we're gonna live
23:31This is my parents house
23:33Right here this big one. So this is the house. I grew up in that's a huge house
23:39It reminds me of the Prince of Bel-Air in there
23:43This is at the Main Street
23:52Okay, if this is the Main Street how many restaurants do you have six restaurants six restaurants
23:57They are Mexican one Chinese restaurant and two American restaurants
24:03Those are too many
24:06When I get off the cruise ship on the islands, I'm used to having a lot of restaurants a lot of options
24:12Where to go to eat? I
24:15Guess I'm gonna get tired of eating the same thing. So I better start cooking I guess
24:21I'm so excited to walk with you down Main Street
24:25There's the Chinese restaurant that's actually open
24:29Well, that's that's the reason having a breast and shake
24:34Here's the gym you want to peek oh, this is the gym but I'm peeking it you're gonna like going to the gym
24:40Well, it's actually one person
24:43Maybe I'll get you to like board games
24:47So I'm coming from a place where there is energy to a small town
24:55Like a retirement home. Do you guys play bingo? There is something going down. I would love to go to bingo
25:02Tarleton one of the best places for living
25:06There is one movie theater. They are all movies Dracula the Grinch, but what's better than a classic movie?
25:15There's a lot of cows. If you like cows you can go visit the farmers. I can smell
25:26Come to Tarleton, Wyoming I
25:29Invite you guys you're more than welcome
25:34Well, it's very different from Columbia definitely and what about like the cruise like what do you think is gonna be
25:40the most different from the cruise
25:43All about the cruises drinks and bars and food and you know chops
25:48You know one thing I think that's similar is like the cruise you have like a thousand workers
25:53So you like live in a small community?
25:57You have one bar. We have more bars here. They need you on the ship. Well, I think difference about
26:03This I know this is a small community. The curse is good a small community, too
26:07Well, you know people go and comes and some people go home and then other comes from vacation
26:14And then you just are seeing new people. I don't know everyone in my town
26:17I mean, I'm just saying that's the difference. I don't know all 6,000 people. I know like 500 people
26:23The cruise ship in the town is a whole different thing. It's not the same life
26:28I think she's wrong and she just don't want to accept it. I
26:32Haven't seen one person though. I've known as we've been walking down. Mm-hmm. So what's the difference?
26:40No difference
26:42My life is totally changing and this is not helping at all. I
26:47Think it's very she just
26:50Helps me get used to this new life than rather telling me
26:54You're wrong. And this is the same thing and is the same it is not the same thing. We all know that
27:01Besides her I guess
27:04It's not even winter yet uncle
27:09What do you have booze I
27:12See boobs everywhere like boobs boobs boobs
27:18It's really didn't know you were like doing this a lot
27:21If it's if it tells me that she's like bisexual, honestly, I think I'm catfished. I
27:28First met Douglas online happiness ensued, but now everything's a different playing field
27:35Alia was born. I
27:38just need to see what
27:41We both need to have in order for this relationship to work. We have 90 days to figure it all out. So
27:50Get off the pot
28:00How could you do this to me when I've done so much for you like how
28:11So they're waiting
28:15Patiently waiting at a hundred and four degree temperature outside every minute felt like an hour
28:23Until there was no patience to wait anymore
28:31I understand. How are you feeling? And I
28:36Don't know. I think it was like frozen inside
28:39And I was just getting lost I
28:43Don't know what's what's happening not having it
28:49Everything just became like everything was falling apart
28:56I'm here. I should be happy. I should be living my fair tale
29:01I'm in a country. I don't have anyone here
29:08I just remember about these two friends. So everything's very uncertain
29:38Just stunning
29:48My name is Aliya, I'm 25 years old and I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
30:02I'm feeling amazing
30:05When I was little kid growing up, I always use it to look to the other girls asking myself
30:12Why I'm not like them
30:15Because I always felt that I was a woman. So
30:19What I realized now is that I am trans woman. I waited all my life to
30:26Be here at the moment
30:29It's like a dream that I always had
30:31When I was a teenager, I was expressing myself as a gay boy
30:35But that was not enough to me because that don't represent the person that I am inside
30:40So I just keep like looking more feminine and adding like dress high heels hair
30:46Nails and then to bring all this piece together. I gave me a name
30:51It's Aliya
30:55You two are gonna live here in Rio?
30:57You two are gonna live here in Rio? Sean lives in Hollywood, so I'm moving to California to live with him
31:14My name is Sean, I'm 62 years old and I live in West Hollywood. This is my
31:22West Hollywood Hills home that was allegedly built by Charlie Chaplin
31:37This is
31:39My very first antique purchase that I used as my salon reception desk when I owned a hair salon. I
31:46Start doing hair and makeup since 1996. So I've done everything movies
31:52TV and major shows like Ugly Betty Desperate Housewives
31:58films like Men in Black
31:59Scream and I've done it for 35 years. This I call my
32:04You know, Barbara Velia, Hollywood Velia room
32:07I have all sorts of what Aliya probably thinks is tchotchkes, but for me, they're like little pieces of art
32:14In this cabinet, I don't even know if I can oh I can this is my favorite Barbra Streisand dress
32:21This dress was in a movie called on a clear day. You can see forever. I love the auctions
32:28My wallet probably doesn't love the auctions
32:31My kids are probably thinking I'm crazy
32:33But I think they're gonna love the auctions when I drop dead and they'll be like, oh that's over a million dollars. Great
32:39My god, he was such a freak. I
32:42Met my first wife in beauty school and she had like the best hair which of course for being a hairdresser
32:48You better have good hair and I knew we would have like kids and jump into that right away
32:54overall that relationship was
32:58Pretty good. I mean we lasted 14 years
33:01We raised three beautiful kids and then we went our separate ways and we're still friends
33:08This is where all the action happens
33:12And yet I have a old man bed because I decided this last year to get an adjustable bed
33:17So I could like watch TV sitting up and be lazy. So there's that
33:21since my divorce I
33:23had been identifying as
33:29And that's how I met Douglas I
33:32First met Douglas online through a dating site in 2020 during the pandemic
33:39Loved his curly hair and his brown smooth skin and his bubble bud and his amazing legs
33:46And I mean there wasn't much that I didn't like
33:53After the pandemic was over we would go traveling to places that a Brazilian to travel to without a special visa
34:00During our trip to Spain was gay pride
34:02So I thought it would be nice to ask him if he wanted to dress up and do anything, you know, gay and festive
34:09He said oh, I've never done that before. So I said, well, let's go week shopping
34:15And bought an outfit and all of a sudden happiness ensued
34:20He got asked to go on a float going down the streets of Spain with people looting and hollering
34:26Ali and I applied
34:29Well Douglas and I have applied for the K-1 visa, but now everything's a different playing field. There is no more Douglas
34:47This is an art adventure book that I made for
34:52Kind of feel like maybe it's a bit of therapy for me. It's
34:59You know great moments of times with me and Aaliyah
35:03Because Aaliyah is a fun time. I'm
35:06more than the loss of the first chapter and
35:09now it's
35:11This metamorphosis has happened. So I
35:15So I just need to see what we both need to have in order for this relationship to work
35:23The reality of the whole thing is that I met somebody I fell in love with somebody I was ready to marry somebody
35:29I had all my boxes
35:31I had all my
35:33I had all my options
35:35I had all my options
35:37I had all my options
35:39I had all my options
35:41I had all my options
35:43Somebody I had all my boxes checked and that person died
35:48But now we have 90 days to figure it all out so
35:53Get off the pod as they say
36:02You got to be here somewhere I want to find that now
36:13It's so hard already to find your person let alone find the third person though, there's so much to lose