• last week
00:00I want to give you these cup odds, and I think we have, I think, Bob, you told me we have
00:05a before and after from earlier, as in this is what it was going to be.
00:10Now this has to be the before.
00:12So this was before all these trades today.
00:14Give it a before first, Luke.
00:16That's the one that has Carolina at the top.
00:18So Florida, Carolina, Edmonton, Dallas, Colorado.
00:21This was before the trade deadline.
00:23Now let's give you after the trade deadline.
00:26But look at how much it changed.
00:29Carolina drops all the way down now.
00:32Look at that.
00:33Carolina tumbles, and Florida's the favorite.
00:36Not even on the board.
00:38Not even on the board.
00:39Edmonton, Colorado up to $850, Washington, Vegas, Toronto, and the Jets.
00:43Yeah, listen.
00:44There you go.
00:45You know, and I'm not, I'm not buying that.
00:49Okay, first of all, the Jets didn't get worse.
00:53They were already loaded and winning and kicking ass and taking names, and they added a couple
00:57of tough guys to that lineup.
01:01They didn't get worse.
01:02So I don't buy that.
01:03I like, I really think Dallas and Colorado and Florida should be the top three.
01:09To me, Edmonton passed gas.
01:13They were my favorite to go to the finals.
01:17And as of today, right now at 521 in the East Coast, I don't believe that they did anything
01:25to warrant being where they are at 7-1 even.
01:28I honestly think Dallas and Colorado should pass them.
01:33I still like the Caps and Vegas and Winnipeg, and I think Winnipeg's ahead of the Capitals
01:41for me because of Hellebuck and their scoring.
01:44I still think they're better.
01:45I like the Caps.
01:47They're tough.
01:48I still think the Jets are better than them.
01:50I think it's just Winnipeg went down because Dallas and Colorado got so much better that
01:55I think that that's what just moved their number down.
