• 2 days ago
We also spoke with Al Sharpton at Thursday night's gala event ... and, he says a Chauvin pardon would prove there's no law and order in America.


00:00Derek Chauvin possibly being pardoned by Trump?
00:04I think that if he does that, it shows that there is clearly no law and order in this
00:11This man was convicted by a jury, this man was on tape, and there's no way we're going
00:16to accept him being pardoned.
00:18What about, I wanted to ask you also about Cuomo running for mayor, how do you feel
00:23about that?
00:24We're going to see the way it lines up.
00:27You have him running, but you have a black woman who everybody respects running as the
00:32speaker, and Adrienne Adams is going to be a serious contender.
