• 2 days ago
La NASA vient de divulguer une énorme nouvelle—un astéroïde massif pourrait se diriger vers nous en 2038 ! 🌍🚀 Les scientifiques suivent cette roche spatiale, et bien que les chances d'impact soient faibles, elles ne sont pas nulles. Si elle venait à frapper, cela pourrait causer des dégâts sérieux, selon l'endroit où elle atterrit. Mais ne paniquez pas encore—la NASA travaille déjà sur des plans pour la dévier ou la détruire si nécessaire. Serait-ce notre propre moment Armageddon dans la vie réelle ? Regardez pour découvrir ce qui nous attend et ce que font les experts pour protéger la Terre ! 🌠 Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00A huge asteroid of several tens of meters in diameter rushes towards Earth through the immense darkness of the cosmos.
00:07Get ready for some terrible news.
00:10There is a 72% chance that it will hit Earth in 14 years,
00:13with potential impact zones in North America, South Europe and North Africa,
00:19some of the most densely populated regions on the planet.
00:22Astronomers closely monitoring this space invader for some time,
00:26but it has now gotten too close to the sun and it will be impossible to follow it over the next 7 months.
00:32Of course, there is a 28% chance that it will completely miss our planet,
00:36but what will happen if it hits the Mille?
00:38A devastation and a world destruction.
00:41This is what awaits us.
00:42Thousands of lives lost, billions and billions of dollars in damage,
00:46entire species scratched from the surface of the earth,
00:49cities and villages in ruins, fields and forests destroyed.
00:52Is this the future that awaits us?
00:55You can rest assured.
00:57This is just a hypothetical scenario created by NASA to prepare for such a situation.
01:02The Space Agency has been thinking about this type of disaster for years.
01:06Even cooler, it organizes asteroid impact simulation exercises every two years
01:11to put scientists, government agencies and international experts on the same wavelength.
01:17The last one took place in April and brought together about a hundred people.
01:21During these asteroid exercises, the experts act as if a giant space rock was heading towards us.
01:28They then think about all the thorny questions they may ask themselves,
01:32such as what is its size?
01:34Where could it hit?
01:35What should we do?
01:36It's like a huge brainstorming session to make sure that if it were to happen,
01:40we wouldn't have to start from scratch.
01:42To make these scenarios as realistic as possible,
01:45we mobilize the NASA Geocruiser Research Center.
01:49They are the ones who follow real asteroids and calculate their orbits.
01:53They simulate months of asteroid observation,
01:56with uncertainties about their size,
01:58their trajectory and their potential impact zones.
02:01This type of uncertainty makes decision-making much more difficult
02:05and plunges them into a simulation as close to reality as possible.
02:09If an asteroid were really heading towards Earth,
02:12it would not only be the problem of one country, but of all.
02:16This is why this exercise calls for international experts.
02:19In April, they met for the first time.
02:22They worked alongside American agencies such as the Planetary Defense Coordination Office of NASA
02:28and FEMA to determine how the world could react to such a crisis.
02:32Because the impact of an asteroid would have disastrous consequences on a global scale.
02:36The big question is this.
02:38Can we really prevent an asteroid from hitting Earth?
02:42The experts consider two main options.
02:44First, we could send a spacecraft to collect more information.
02:49If we knew more about the size, mass and orbit of the asteroid,
02:53we would be able to make better decisions about the next step.
02:56The second option is to try to deflect the asteroid.
03:00Basically, it is about deflecting the threatening object from its trajectory so that it misses Earth.
03:04This may seem impossible, but the NASA DARP mission has already proven that it is feasible.
03:09Two years ago, they sent a spacecraft to hit a small asteroid called Dimorphos.
03:15And they managed to modify its orbit.
03:17It was a great victory for the planetary defense.
03:20But missions like this take a lot of time to plan, prepare and perform well.
03:25This is why it is so important to spot dangerous asteroids as soon as possible.
03:30Currently, NASA is working on a new telescope called NeoSurveyor,
03:35whose launch is scheduled for 2027.
03:37Unlike the good old telescope,
03:39NeoSurveyor is designed to detect asteroids in the most difficult conditions,
03:44including those orbiting near the sun.
03:47It will give us a better chance to act early,
03:49and potentially stop an asteroid before it becomes a threat.
03:53If you still think that an asteroid impact is something that is science fiction
03:57and that the threat is not real,
03:59what do you think about this?
04:01Early on Sunday, January 21,
04:02a small asteroid about 1 meter wide entered the Earth's atmosphere
04:06and, fortunately, disintegrated above Germany.
04:10NASA's impact system spotted it 95 minutes before it hit the Earth,
04:15and predicted exactly when and where it would arrive.
04:19At 1h32, local time,
04:21the 2024 BX-1 asteroid turned into an incandescent fireball visible up to the Czech Republic.
04:29Some small meteorites may have landed near the impact site,
04:33about 60 km west of Berlin.
04:36It is only the eighth time that an asteroid has been detected before hitting the Earth.
04:41It is a remarkable example of how tools such as scoots help us track asteroids
04:47and prepare us for anything that could be bigger.
04:50Another example.
04:51On December 4, a small asteroid offered a dazzling light show
04:56in the northeastern sky of Siberia before disintegrating without danger in the Earth's atmosphere.
05:01The space rock, about 71 cm in diameter,
05:05was spotted a few hours before hitting the Earth.
05:08Thanks to the observations of astronomers from around the world,
05:11a special alert system managed to predict the impact more or less 10 seconds in advance.
05:16The asteroid entered the Earth's atmosphere at 1h15, local time.
05:20Authorities were alerted, but no damage was reported.
05:24The NASA Atlas system spotted the rock 12 hours before it entered the atmosphere.
05:29This is the fourth imminent impactor,
05:32that is to say an asteroid discovered in the hours preceding its planned impact,
05:36detected this year, and the eleventh in total.
05:39Today, China also has major projects in the field of planetary defense.
05:44It is working on its first mission to hit an asteroid,
05:48and it has a double goal.
05:51One spacecraft will crash on the asteroid,
05:54and the other will stay behind to study the situation for a maximum of one year.
05:59In other words, it is not only about protecting the Earth,
06:02but also about learning more about the solar system.
06:05The target is the asteroid 2015 XF-261,
06:09a really long name, which is also about 30 meters wide.
06:14It recently passed near the Earth, on July 9,
06:1750 million kilometers from us.
06:20It's true, it's still quite far.
06:22But this space traveler was going at a speed of 42,000 kmh,
06:27that is 30 times the speed of sound.
06:29China will send a space probe to study the asteroid.
06:32They hope to learn more about its structure and composition,
06:35which could help us in future planetary defense missions.
06:39Then, they plan to hit the asteroid with another spacecraft to test the impact,
06:44and the first space probe will stay in place to observe the remains for a year.
06:48Timing is essential for this type of mission.
06:50This asteroid offers us good study opportunities for the years to come.
06:54Thus, in March and May 2027, it will pass less than 32 million kilometers from the Earth.
07:00In April 2028, it will get even closer, to 21 million kilometers.
07:05A year later, in April 2029, the asteroid will pass only 6.7 million kilometers,
07:12which will make it a target for such a mission.
07:15Another good opportunity will occur in April 2030,
07:18when the asteroid will pass 7 million kilometers from our planet.
07:21To give you a little context, NASA's DART mission used to target an asteroid
07:26located at 11 million kilometers, and the trip lasted 10 months.
07:30The leaders of the Chinese project must therefore choose the right time,
07:33depending on the time their spacecraft will need to make the trip.
07:37The mission should begin by 2027, but this will not be China's first attempt.
07:42In 2023, they planned a planetary defense test with a different asteroid,
07:47which also measures about 30 meters wide.
07:50We do not know exactly why they decided to focus on another object,
07:54probably because the timing is more favorable.
07:57Most asteroids are actually time capsules dating back 4.6 billion years,
08:02remains of the time when the solar system was being formed.
08:05Their study could teach us a lot about the formation of planets, including the Earth.
08:10China is therefore tackling a project that combines planetary defense and pure space science.
08:15It is certainly taking great steps in the field of cosmic exploration.
