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Bill Murray is a pop-culture icon and Mark Twain Award-winning comedian and actor, who has entertained us for nearly five decades. And now, you can catch him in the critically acclaimed comedy Riff Raff, in theaters now. But how is he with spicy food? Find out as the Hollywood legend takes on the wings of death and discusses his iconic roles, reflects on SNL’s 50th anniversary, and shares a dab with Pete Davidson.


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00:00The tongue is disabled. That is the show. That is the show. That's the concept.
00:14Hey, what's going on everybody? For First We Feast, I'm Sean Evans and you're watching Hot
00:18Ones. It's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings. And today we're joined by Bill
00:22Murray. He's a pop culture icon and Mark Twain prize winning comedian and actor who's entertained
00:26us for nearly five decades and thankfully showing no signs of slowing down, taking on the wings of
00:30death today and also starring in the critically acclaimed comedy Riff Raff, which is scheduled
00:33to release on February 28th. Bill Murray, welcome to the show. Thank you very much, Sean. What's
00:39going through your head as you prepare to take on this gauntlet? Are you a spicy food fan by nature?
00:44Well, I do like spicy food. You know, when I go to an Asian restaurant, I look for the red stars.
00:51And, um, when I go to a Mexican restaurant, I ask for the stuff in the back.
01:13Oh, this is sort of biblical. We're going right to left here. Okay. Let me see your tongue.
01:19I guess you get asked that all the time, but I mean, no one's ever asked me to see my tongue.
01:24Yeah. That's actually the first I wanted to see if it were in pieces or charred or scarred or anything.
01:42That was good. So I thought you were great in Riff Raff and your role as a ruthless mafioso
01:48and also in part because of the comedic alchemy that you have with your co-star Pete Davidson.
01:53How early into working with an actor can you tell that there's that creative chemistry? And was there
01:57a moment that it clicked for you on set? I don't want to ruin the movie ending for you or the
02:02beginning or the middle, but, um, really just the first lines we had to say, you know, you just feel
02:08it. It's like a humidity almost, you know, when someone's timing is good, you go like, ah, it's
02:14a great relief. And I was like, oh, we can do this. This, this will even be fun. So we started,
02:22we began having fun, you know, take one. This is karma sauce, which I'm overdue for.
02:37Reminds me a little bit of P.F. Chang's.
02:41I'm sure that's what they were going for.
02:43Well, I think it is. It's good. I like the taste of this one. There you go. Two for two. Yeah.
02:52So I've had the pleasure of interviewing a few people that have gone through the Second City
02:56Theater to Hollywood Pipeline. And I've heard you say that improv taught you how to make the
03:00other actor look good. But, you know, at that time at the second... Well, that's the thing that Del
03:04Claes said to me was, you know, actors get uptight about being, coming off okay, coming off well,
03:10like now. So, you know, but thanks for reminding me. So now if I try to make you look good,
03:15I, I'm relieved of a whole lot of tension. I'm relieved of a whole lot of, like,
03:21concern about how I'm coming across and how I'm getting over. And not only does it relate,
03:25relax you, it relaxes them, you know? So it's like, it's a win-win sort of thing.
03:31And, you know, but at that time...
03:32But I interrupted your question. So that was not making me look good. I'll get back to it.
03:37But, you know, at that time there's a depth chart at the Second City Theater. You know,
03:41there's a pecking order. You have a real sense of where you stand.
03:45Is competition good for comedy in your experience?
03:48Yeah, my brother Brian had a good way of putting it. You know, like there are people that,
03:52you know, an outsider or an amateur or someone who's like a successful jerk will think that
03:59competition is like trying to dominate or trying to one-up the other person. And it's not. It's,
04:06it's about, I'm going to set this level. Can you match that? Great. Okay. You match that
04:10and then take it up here and then I'll come up here. And if we match that, then we'll go here.
04:15And we just keep, we just keep matching ourselves. That's how we compete. We compete with each other,
04:21not against each other.
04:28Okay. I think Sriracha is cheating, honestly.
04:30It's better than I expected. For a sauce that's cheating.
04:34This one tastes pretty good. They did a good job of matching
04:41the pickling and the garlic. The world got all pickled the last few years. And I'm not, I'm not,
04:47I'm not sure that that's where we belong. And I don't know if we came to this earth to pickle.
04:52I don't think that's why we're here.
04:54So, SNL recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and I was actually in attendance at Radio City
04:59Music Hall on Friday when you were prized your Nick the Lounge Singer character. What was your
05:04prevailing sentiment experiencing SNL 50? Like, could you have imagined when you were on the show
05:09that it would still be going strong all these years later?
05:12I mean, the fact that we all left after five years,
05:14because it tells me all you need to know.
05:16But that's what you did, you know? I figured it was like high school. Five years later,
05:22I figured it was like high school. Five years, that's enough.
05:26So, first time we had a party was 25. Once it got to 25, it was like, why would it ever stop?
05:34I used to say, if you can come out of Second City and Saturday Night Live,
05:39you can do pretty much anything. Because those are hard, demanding, live shows that
05:47you have to deliver. If you're no good, word gets around real fast.
05:58That's a good looking label. That's got some real style to it. That's a piece of art.
06:04That's really good. I like that one.
06:08Seems like we're crushing it so far for you.
06:10It's got a little more zip tie.
06:12It stays on your tongue.
06:16But the hot sauce is preventing my mind from connecting to the tongue.
06:21That's the show.
06:25The tongue is disabled. That is the show.
06:27That is the show.
06:28That's the concept.
06:30Is there a film from your career that you look back after wrapping,
06:34after shooting, and thought, I'll never be able to make something better than that?
06:38Yes. I thought the movie Broken Flowers that Jim Jarmusch directed,
06:43I didn't think I could do better than that. I thought that was sort of a perfect movie.
06:48It really did happen. So everything I had to do, I knew how to do.
06:53And things that I hadn't done before, I was able to live. And because it was all happening,
07:01really truly happening to me, it came across as a performance.
07:05Los Calientes.
07:17So I'm from the Northwest suburbs of Chicago and distinctly remember an elementary school
07:22field trip where we went to Woodstock, Illinois to tour various locations where you shot your
07:271993 film Groundhog Day. Were you actually bitten twice by a groundhog during shooting
07:33of that film and had to get a rabies shot?
07:35I'm not flipping you off, but that right there, that nodule there, that's from the groundhog.
07:40I wasn't sure if that was something they were just throwing in to spice up the tour.
07:43No, that's real. He got me back to back two days in a row. And the second day I was cheating,
07:48or I thought I was being smart. And I put some fisherman's gloves, like steel gloves on
07:53underneath the gloves I was wearing. His teeth went right through the steel.
08:00Yeah, their teeth are about that long. Yeah, I got upset with the animal wrangler.
08:05I said, who the hell trained this gopher? You know, self-righteous actor stuff. Who in the
08:11hell trained this gopher? You know, with real rage, you know. I am not leaving my trailer.
08:20And so they, and the two of them, they were like a guy and gal couple.
08:23Look at each other with this. I said, what? Well, he's really rather,
08:31he's really rather, he's wild. Wild? What do you mean he's wild? Well, we caught him just over that
08:38way, over there by that field. We caught him there like two weeks ago. So I was driving the car with
08:45this. Letting the animal drive. So, you know, you get what you pay for.
08:56Wes Anderson says that you wrote him a check for $25,000
08:59to secure a helicopter for a scene in Rushmore when Disney initially denied the request.
09:04Is that true?
09:05They initially and finally denied that request. And forever denied that request. But he wanted
09:12to make a helicopter shot. And it was sort of the end of the movie. And I just thought,
09:17what? Because I knew it was going to be good. You know, I felt good and I liked him. And so I did.
09:25But I lie awake at night thinking, he's going to cash that check one of these days.
09:38Okay. And here we are with the one that's got a cat on it.
09:43I'm chewing, Sean.
09:46I see that. So over the years doing interviews, I've been fascinated hearing from comedic actors
09:52like Bob Odenkirk and Bryan Cranston about how doing comedy can be a hack for doing drama.
09:58Do you agree with the age-old adage that it's harder to make audiences laugh than to make them
10:03Sure. You know, you can fly on an airplane, you know, and you can see people crying watching
10:10Is that your phone?
10:12Yeah, I set an alarm for myself to remember to try to show up for the show.
10:23Okay, there you go. I'm not crazy about that alarm.
10:29It's a good alarm.
10:30No, it's the best one they have.
10:31It's kind of old-timey.
10:32Yeah, it's the best one they have. I had a Blackberry that had a much nicer alarm. Very
10:39beautiful. Very elegant way to wake up in the morning. It almost felt like you were being
10:44lifted up.
10:47Oh, you got multiple alarms.
10:49I set two alarms because I knew I'd forget right in the middle.
10:53And see, you missed it the first time, knucklehead alarm. That's what that one is.
11:05Butterfly Bakery? You wouldn't think a butterfly would be so blazingly delightful.
11:16I like this one.
11:18Yeah, this has got some range to it. You could really, like the man says, you could put it
11:23on a grilled cheese sandwich or top a nut and fish.
11:26The mind wanders.
11:29Is it true that you actually knocked down the final three strikes in that final bowling
11:33scene in Kingpin? And if so, what was the immediate reaction on set?
11:37Well, I saved them a lot of film. Every ball that I rolled on film in that movie is a strike.
11:44They were shooting the crowd reacting to this horrible human being winning the tournament.
11:50And doing it, it makes the performance, the acting part of it pretty simple, you know,
11:55when you actually make the strike and the crowd is actually going nuts. You know, you
11:59get to like work the crowd and work yourself and everything. It was fun. That was a really
12:05fun job. And the editing of that scene is one of my favorite scenes I'm ever in. It's
12:13it's it's that ELO song and it's just gonna have a showdown. It's such a silly thing and the hair
12:21keeps exploding as it goes and stuff.
12:23It's on my Mount Rushmore of movies. It's one of my four favorite movies of all time.
12:27Yeah, well, it's unusual.
12:35Kansas City, here I come. Okay, here we go.
12:42A contemplative look.
12:51Well, that's yeah, that's making it to the back of the throat.
12:54The others didn't make it to the back of the throat.
12:56Right. This is a takeover. But you're handling it well. I have to say that.
13:02You are.
13:02I told myself no tears.
13:06So you've been involved with minor league baseball since before I was born as co-owners for teams
13:11like the Salt Lake Trappers.
13:12Still the same rules. Nine on a side, three outs in an inning, nine innings. It's still the same.
13:17The St. Paul Saints and then most recently the Charleston Riverdogs.
13:22Is there a publicity stunt or game day promotion that you're most proud of?
13:26Thinking back on your tenure as director of fun for these clubs.
13:30These may sound sensational, but I mean, we had Viagra night before anyone else did.
13:37And believe me, there were women standing in line for.
13:40Filled up to seats.
13:41Yeah. We decided to have a game where we wouldn't open the gates till the fifth inning
13:47and then let them in. So we announced the tens, zero. Nobody came.
13:51We also did a thing a couple of years ago where colon cancer was a big issue. And one,
13:56someone contracted in the baseball community. The president of our company, Mr. Dave Echols,
14:04um, volunteered to, uh, to, uh, have a rectal exam while, uh, announcing the game, uh, to the fans.
14:15So he's, there was a curtain, but you know, he, he, he, he took the rectal exam
14:24and we may have saved lives. I don't know if we did. We may have saved lives.
14:28A queen majesty from Queens, no less. I like it.
14:43Bill, I don't know what I was expecting when you came in here today, but
14:49I'm not sure I was expecting you to just take walk this whole gauntlet.
14:52I really liked that one. Wow.
14:58While in high school, what was the most memorable show that you played as lead
15:01singer of your garage rock band, the Dutch masters?
15:06I still get good word of mouth from Mrs. Dowdle because, um, we were our band,
15:12the Dutch masters. So we were playing at the Dowdle's house and it was supposed to be outdoors
15:19and the party had to move indoors because of rain. So we went, but because everyone got wet
15:24first and then went inside, they completely trashed the inside of the house. And I still
15:29hear about it that Mrs. Dowdle said, and you know that Bill Murray, he helped clean up.
15:35And you're still a lot of fun. One more sauce remaining and coming up.
15:40And this is yours. This one's got your brand on it, right? First we feast, that's your outfit, right?
15:50Is there anyone else that's hungry and wants to come in and eat? Is that my cue?
15:54Last time I was doing so poorly, he excused me from the last week.
15:59Yes. I think the first guest, I pulled it off the table. Yeah. I had to protect you from,
16:03there was some medical concerns because of my Crohn's disease. Oh, by the way, I shit black.
16:10Okay. Yeah. I didn't need an update. I didn't need an update. Flaming hot black shit. Well,
16:16here you are again. Yeah. All right. I hope it goes better this second time around. Yeah,
16:20me too. Because this time you are actually dabbing. No, all good. With no workup. All good.
16:25Let's go. I'm going to take a little milk just in case. Those are not good swing thoughts. That's
16:32almond milk. Ready? What's almonds? I'm going to roll this one a little bit. There you go. Okay.
16:38I'll do a little roll. I'm ready, pal. All right. Cheers, guys. Cheers. Thank you for this food.
16:51Fuck. Motherfucker. I don't know why I thought it would be better. The second time around,
17:10I got it. On top of it. And then Bill, just no showing all the way through the lineup.
17:18And thankfully, the wings of death are behind us. Pete, you've been here for moral support
17:23the entire time. I've been back there cheering you on, Bill.
17:28And you know, you did the show back in 2020, A Hot One's Classic in the Pantheon. I'm wondering,
17:34since you've already experienced this before, can you let Bill know what he's in for,
17:38for like the next 12 to 16 hours? And do you have any tips for recovery? A lot of Pepto Bismol
17:44and two-pie cottonelle. Yeah. The good toilet paper, you know, not the some wet wipes. Oh,
17:54there's the tear. I was missing that. I'm taking right back. Oh, wow. Look at that. Yeah.
18:01Get over here. Oh, come on. Get over here. Oh, my God. Oh, you fell up.
18:06Me and Bill had a really good time, by the way. I hope you guys like the movie.
18:11Bill, Pete with the assist, taking on the wings of death, living to tell the tale. And now there's
18:16nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you. This camera, this camera, this camera,
18:21let the people know what you have going on in your life. Dude. Pete and I are in this movie
18:28called Riff Raff. Yeah. It's really good. It's really, really funny. This could be like a really,
18:33I think people get really excited about this movie because I've never been in anything like it.
18:38I had a blast. It's a really good time. We played at a film festival and they laughed at everything.
18:46It's that good. It's really good. It's a good one.
18:58Well, that was pretty hot. Well, of course, that was a bath of sauce. I put a bath on there.
19:02What the hell, man? You didn't even move. You've been showing that a little bit of trouble.
19:06Yeah. Bill, I was not expecting that at all. Not even a tear. You didn't even wipe your face.
19:11Usually he's like, don't put your hands in your eyes. You're going to die. I saw that too. Don't
19:15touch your eyes. I didn't do that. Oh my God. Incredible. Thanks for having me guys.
19:24Try to look tough. Okay. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Here, go back to back.
19:34Then point at him. What'd you say?
19:43Who the hell trained this gopher?
19:48You love Truth or Dab and the even spicier Refresh edition. And now
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20:16Godspeed and be careful around the eyes.
