मुंबई, महाराष्ट्र: साइबर फ्रॉड, साइबरबुलिंग और सेक्सटॉर्शन के शिकार लोगों के लिए महाराष्ट्र साइबर सेल ने गैर-लाभकारी संगठन ब्रश ऑफ होप (BoH) के साथ मिलकर हेल्पलाइन 022-6536 6666 लॉन्च की। यह हेल्पलाइन मनोवैज्ञानिक परामर्श, कानूनी मार्गदर्शन और आपात सहायता प्रदान करेगी। दो लाइनें सप्ताह में 6 दिन सुबह 9 बजे से शाम 8 बजे तक उपलब्ध रहेंगी। लॉन्च में बीएमसी कमिश्नर भूषण गगरानी, अभिनेता फरहान अख्तर और अभिनेत्री जैकलीन फर्नांडिस शामिल हुए।
#MaharashtraCyberCell #CyberCrimeHelp #CyberSafety #StopCyberBullying
#MaharashtraCyberCell #CyberCrimeHelp #CyberSafety #StopCyberBullying
00:30This is a very important campaign because whenever a girl, our country's daughter is traumatized by cyber bullying or sex torture,
00:52So, it is very important to give information about the remedies available to him.
01:00So, there are two types of remedies. One is civil remedy, in which his counselling can be done.
01:05It is very important to remove his shame or destigmatization of crime.
01:10So that he can go to law enforcement agencies without hesitation.
01:14That's why it is very important to counsel him before that.
01:17Because law enforcement agencies are not trained counsellors.
01:20So, in this way, Brush of Hope has done a very good initiative in which they can train people.
01:25They can tell people about the crime.
01:27They can empower them with awareness.
01:29And then, they can encourage them to report against the criminal.
01:33So that the criminal is caught and other girls are not tortured.
01:37See, the new generation, we call them the Gen Z generation.
01:40They are exposed to many things that we, the people of the old generation, did not even know.
01:45For instance, for the new generation, getting views on social media, increasing their followers is a very big thing.
01:52Whereas, we were unaware of this.
01:54So, that's why we should be sensitive.
01:57Every new generation has new paradigms, new trends.
02:01They are important for them, even if we give them very little importance.
02:05That's why we should be empathetic in their sensitivity.
02:08We should think about them.
02:10Also, we should tell them about cyber-hygienic behavior.
02:13For instance, we should not touch any suspicious link.
02:15We should make our password very robust.
02:17Apart from knowing about cyber-hygienic behavior, we want to make them a real citizen who can confront such cyber-criminals.
02:27You heard the statement.
02:31In today's world, the biggest criminal syndicate is that of cyber-crime.
02:38So, we all have to be alert.
02:40We have to help each other.
02:42Brush your Hope is a very good initiative.
02:44Especially, children are used to taking risks.
02:50Everyone thinks that they are very brave.
02:54Sometimes, they forget their goals.
02:56Sometimes, due to shame or some accident, you can harm yourself.
03:04So, Brush Your Hope is a very good thing.
03:06We have come here in support of it.
03:08So, I hope that we can spread this awareness.
03:13It's all comes down to shame.
03:16Everyone thinks that what they have done is wrong.
03:18If you think that you have made a mistake, the first thing you should do is to own up to your mistake.
03:26You should speak to people who can help you.
03:28They are also human beings.
03:29It can happen to everyone.
03:31I would just like to say that the kind of structure that Maharashtra Cyber has created
03:36and the kind of helpline that Brush for Hope has created,
03:41that is a very hard thing to see.
03:43I am very happy that there are all these tools out there
03:47which can help boys, girls, men and women.