• 2 days ago
दिल्ली: दिल्ली में बीजेपी सांसद दिनेश शर्मा और केंद्रीय मंत्री कृष्णपाल गुर्जर ने अपने आवास की नेम प्लेट पर तुगलक लेन का नाम बदलकर स्वामी विवेकानंद मार्ग कर दिया है। इसको लेकर दिल्ली के राजनीतिक गलियारों का सियासी पारा चढ़ गया है। इस मामले पर पक्ष और विपक्ष आपस में भिड़ गए हैं। जहां केंद्रीय मंत्री कृष्णपाल गुर्जर और बीजेपी के राज्यसभा सांसद दिनेश शर्मा अपने निर्णय का बचाव करते नजर आ रहे हैं वहीं तमाम विपक्षी पार्टियां इस मुद्दे को लेकर बीजेपी पर लगातार हमलावर हैं।

#bjp #dineshsharma #sp #congress #tughlaqlane #SWAMIVIVEKANANDMARG


00:00Today, when it was morning in Delhi, a new political uproar was going to be created in the Lutyens zone.
00:10Actually, on the nameplate of BJP MP Dinesh Sharma and Central Minister Krishnpal Gurjar's Tughlaq lane house, Swami Vivekananda Marg was written instead of Tughlaq lane.
00:23This matter is now being discussed in Delhi's political streets.
00:29As the matter started to escalate, BJP MP Dinesh Sharma and Central Minister Krishnpal Gurjar presented their opinion to the public.
00:41I don't know who is doing this controversy.
00:45Because there is no controversy in it.
00:48If you search Google, you will see the place Vivekananda Road.
00:54If anyone wants to come to my house, they can search on Google.
00:58Vivekananda Road is not in my time.
01:01That means it must have been there earlier.
01:03I entered yesterday.
01:05When I was asked what to write in the nameplate, I was told to write whatever is written next to it.
01:12I didn't know everything in such a big depth.
01:15Vivekananda Marg is written next to the house.
01:20And Tughlaq lane is written below.
01:23So, in my nameplate, Vivekananda Marg and Tughlaq lane are written together.
01:29There should be no controversy.
01:31I made India famous all over the world.
01:38So, such great men who are the ideals of this country and for us.
01:44Their name and the feelings of the people of the country.
01:51So, such great men have our faith in Swami Vivekananda Ji.
02:02In their ideals.
02:04That's why we have written the name Swami Vivekananda Marg.
02:08Even after the clarification of the BJP MPs, the opposition is continuously attacking the BJP on this issue.
02:14Congress leader Udit Raj said while attacking the BJP leaders in this matter,
02:19what else can they do?
02:22This is a kind of disgusting act.
02:25What else can they do?
02:26What else can they do other than changing the name?
02:29If the situation of the country changes, then it is possible.
02:32That's why they keep making their vote bank.
02:36If you want to change, then change the city of the village.
02:41There should be development.
02:43Delhi is full of filth.
02:45There should be change in it.
02:47Clean it up.
02:48Develop infrastructure.
02:50And create employment.
02:57There should be change.
02:59This is a disgusting act.
03:02Sapa's National Chief and State Councilor Ram Gopal Verma said while attacking the BJP on this issue,
03:08that apart from changing the name, this government does not know how to do any other work.
03:13Those who have an unstable mind, they do this kind of work.
03:17This government does not know how to do anything other than changing the name.
03:21Have you ever done anything new?
03:23Count one new thing that the government has done, other than changing the name.
03:28Aurangzeb Road.
03:30Balana Road.
03:33They just change the name.
03:34They are very good at changing names.
03:36Those who have an unstable mind,
03:40those who are good at deceiving people,
03:44they keep doing this kind of work.
03:46On the other hand, yesterday's Dham's Peethadheeshwar,
03:49surprisingly said to Rahul Gandhi,
03:52that Rahul Gandhi's voice sounds fine on Tughlaq lane,
03:55but not of any sane person.
03:59Mohammad bin Tughlaq.
04:02In history, he has been called the wisest fool.
04:07A person, a king, a king
04:11has been called a wise fool.
04:13That is, he has been called wise and a fool.
04:16He has been called Tughlaq.
04:17Mohammad bin Tughlaq has been called.
04:20The road on his name
04:23is a symbol of foolishness.
04:25Rahul Gandhi's voice sounds fine on Tughlaq lane,
04:28but not of any sane person.
04:33That doesn't seem right.
04:35Tughlaq lane has been politically challenged
04:38by the BJP's strategy of making Vivekananda Road.
04:41But we will have to see in the future
04:43how much political benefit the BJP gets from this step.
