00:00We are always attentive, we are always covered, we are always attentive to everything that can happen.
00:09All our numbers reflect a decline in all viral diseases, in all infectious diseases,
00:17renal diseases, tuberculosis, everything is going down, thank God.
00:20So in that aspect, the country is on the right track.
00:23And understand that you can always attend our information networks to stay informed.
00:29But the country is protected and covered.
00:32Thank you very much.
00:33And the VIH, the propagation?
00:35And the VIH, Minister?
00:36The VIH is also covered and protected.
00:38We have vaccines, we have reagents and we have everything covered.
00:41We do not depend on any international dependency to cover our patients.
00:45Thank you very much.