• last week
लखनऊ, यूपी: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस से पहले दिग्गज महिला नेताओं की प्रतिक्रिया सामने आ रही है। बीजेपी की नेता और यूपी राज्य महिला आयोग की उपाध्यक्ष अपर्णा यादव ने कहा कि महिला दिवस को हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया जाना चाहिए। साल के 365 दिन महिलाओं को गौरवान्वित महसूस होना चाहिए। वहीं तुगलक लेन का नाम बदले जाने को लेकर कहा कि भारत में एक नए युग की शुरुआत हो रही है। भाजपा की सरकार आने के बाद से एक नई चेतना जागी है। तुगलक कोई बहुत अच्छा शासक तो था नहीं, विवेकानंद जी की गिनती महान व्यक्तियों में होती है। इसके अलावा अबू आजमी के बयान पर अपर्णा ने कहा कि राजनीति में किसी का भी महिमामंडन बिना इतिहास पढ़े नहीं करना चाहिए। औरंगजेब कोई बहुत अच्छा शासक नहीं था। इसके अलावा संभल के सीओ के बयान पर कहा कि होली और जुमा ऐसा नहीं है कि पहली बार साथ आ रहे हैं बल्कि पहले भी कई बार ऐसा हुआ है। जिसको होली नहीं खेलनी है वो न खेले। प्रदेश की पुलिस भी निगरानी कर रही है।

#aparnayadav #bjp #statecommissionforwomen #internationalwomensday #abuazmi #aurangzeb #tughlaqlane #delhi


00:00First of all, I would like to wish all of you a very happy Women's Day.
00:05Because Women's Day is not only for women, but for the entire society.
00:10The society is created by women.
00:12Because the power of women, after God, has been given to women on this earth.
00:20So, I think we should celebrate it with great enthusiasm.
00:26We should celebrate it with joy.
00:28And this should not be limited to just yesterday.
00:32On 365 days of Women's Day, we should feel proud.
00:38I feel that a new era is beginning in India.
00:44India's glorification of women had come to an end somewhere.
00:49I think that was a great gift from the Congress Party.
00:53Since the time the government has come to power, a new era has started.
01:00There was no good king named Tughlaq.
01:05There was no road named after Tughlaq.
01:12So, naming a road in the name of such a cruel ruler is wrong glorification.
01:22Dr. Vivekananda did a great job.
01:24Dr. Vivekananda is one of the great scholars of India.
01:29Not only in India, but he is one of the greatest scholars of the world.
01:36And the kind of philosophy, the kind of love for Sanatan,
01:41the kind of dedication he has shown towards his Guru,
01:45has inspired the youth.
01:48Even today, there are many people connected to the Ram Krishna Mission.
01:54And they take a lot of inspiration from the character of Swami Vivekananda.
01:59So, I think Swami Vivekananda is a better name.
02:02The rest, whatever the central government decides,
02:05it is acceptable to me.
02:09But Dr. Vivekananda has done a great job.
02:15This is not praise.
02:17Nobody has the courage to do this.
02:19I think, first of all,
02:22no one should glorify such people in politics.
02:27Take a lot of history as a witness.
02:32Don't talk about Aparna Yadav or XYZ or the so-called narrative of the Indian People's Party.
02:38This is utter nonsense.
02:41Pick up history.
02:43Why aren't you reading history?
02:45History has all the facts.
03:15There is nothing untouchable from the pages of history.
03:21It is in our curriculum.
03:23All the educated people know what Aurangzeb has done to the Indians.
03:29Such a person is glorifying such a person in politics.
03:39He is glorifying such a person.
03:41What is the need for this?
03:43Are you comparing him to God?
03:45God means God.
03:47The holy month of Ramzan is going on for the Muslim brothers and sisters.
03:51Aurangzeb can be God for them.
03:54But God is God for the Muslim brothers and sisters.
03:57So, the Indian people,
03:59it is not necessary that they are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians.
04:03They are very sensible.
04:05They understand who is right and who is wrong.
04:09Live with what is right.
04:11I abhor anything that is wrong.
04:15Even if it is from my party, I would have done the same.
04:23But this is from the opposition party.
04:25So, I say that you should pick up history and read it.
04:29How cruelly they have done all this.
04:31You are talking nonsense.
04:33You can't glorify yourself by talking nonsense.
04:41We have to do responsible politics.
04:43We have to see what our Prime Minister is envisioning for us.
04:48What will India be like in 2050?
04:51Will we talk about Aurangzeb?
04:53Will we talk about Tughlaq?
04:55Will we keep our ideals like Swami Vivekananda?
04:59Will we talk about Bharatvarsh?
05:05He was so powerful that he tore the lion's jaw.
05:10So, let's talk about this.
05:12Let's talk about history.
05:14It is not the first time that Holi and Jumma have happened at the same time.
05:18It has happened many times.
05:21I think that the people who don't want to play,
05:27and there will be no such person who will go and color anyone.
05:32They will be a bunch of hooligans only.
05:35And for that, the Yogi government has set up a very good police force.
05:40Every square is closed.
05:42You must have seen everywhere.
05:45Since the time of the Yogi government,
05:47the Prime Minister has clearly stated that
05:49he will not tolerate any kind of hooliganism,
05:51whether it is on Holi or any other festival.
05:54One thing is fine.
05:56Coloring, playing, celebrating,
05:59that is a different topic.
06:01That is a different kind of celebration for him.
06:03You play at home.
06:05Outside, you play in your neighborhood, in your colonies.
