• 2 days ago
जमुई, बिहार: जमुई के मटिया गांव की महिलाएं पालक, गेंदा, गुलाब की पंखुड़ियां, चुकंदर, अरारोट और संतरे जैसी जैविक सामग्री का उपयोग करके केमिकल मुक्त हर्बल गुलाल बनाया जा रहा है जिससे पर्यावरण के अनुकूल होली उत्सव को बढ़ावा भी मिल रहा है। इसी कड़ी में लक्ष्मीपुर के संस्थापक और आउटगोइंग सर्किल ऑफिसर निर्भय प्रताप सिंह ने बताया कि पिछली बार हमने गांव को आत्मनिर्भर बनाने का लक्ष्य रखा था और तब से महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने, उनका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने और उन्हें अपना घर चलाने में सक्षम बनाने के प्रयास जारी हैं। इस पहल के तहत पिछली बार हमने 6 क्विंटल हर्बल गुलाल का उत्पादन किया था और इस बार हम 45 क्विंटल का उत्पादन कर रहे हैं।

#holi #holi2k25 #holifestival #colours #hindufestival #bihar #biharnews #jamui #herbalcolours #syntheticcolours  


00:00How many gallons are you packing?
00:087 gallons
00:20What is this made of?
01:30What are you mixing?
01:38Last time we wanted the village to become self-reliant
01:42And we have been trying since last time
01:44To engage the women
01:46To make them self-reliant
01:48To make them confident
01:50So that they are able to run their own house
01:52Last time we produced 6 quintals of Harva Gulal
01:56And this time we are producing 45 quintals of Harva Gulal
01:59And this time we have produced 40 quintals
02:01And as you can see
02:0320 women are making Harva Gulal
02:05Since the last one and a half month
02:07And this is a project of two and a half months
02:09And they make it with their own hands
02:11And with Arra Road
02:13In this we have
02:19And for fragrance
02:21We use Lemongrass
02:23And Rose Water
02:25And Arra Road
02:27Which is a raw material
02:29So we are making it with these three things
02:31There is no side effect
02:33Like we used to see Holi
02:35Because of chemicals
02:37We used to stay away from Holi
02:39Because it will cause infection
02:41It will cause problems for children
02:43It will cause problems for elders
02:45Today there is an alternative for Jammu
02:47Which is made by Nature Dedi
02:49For Jammu, Holi is our culture
02:51It is our identity
02:53And the whole world knows Holi
02:55We have taught women
02:57How to make Harva Gulal
02:59Like it is made of Spinach
03:01It is made of Orange
03:03It is made of Cucumber
03:05So first we cut
03:07The cucumber
03:09And then we grind it
03:11And then we extract the juice
03:13And then in Arra Road
03:15Our Nature Dedi
03:17Prepares it with her own hands
03:19Earlier they used to make Bidi
03:21They used to earn
03:2350-60 Rupees
03:25They used to get sick
03:27So they used to pay more
03:29Now they earn 200 Rupees
03:31And there is a lot of work here
03:33In the market
03:35We can see 5 quintals of material
03:37And we are making it
03:39And selling it
03:41The material is not in stock
03:43There is no chemical
03:45There is no side effect
03:47Like earlier
03:49There used to be a problem
03:51Now there is nothing
03:53There is no chemical
03:55It is all Harval
