जम्मू और कश्मीर: स्वच्छता, हरियाली और सांस्कृतिक विरासत को बढ़ावा देने के लिए स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण के तहत वॉल पेंटिंग अभियान के तहत राजौरी का रंग-रूप बदला गया। इसी कड़ी में नगर परिषद के सीईओ मोहम्मद यूसुफ ने कहा कि स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण 2024 पहल के तहत, हमारा अभियान शहर की स्वच्छता और सौंदर्यीकरण पर केंद्रित है। हम सरकार के संदेश को पेंटिंग के जरिए लोगों तक पहुंचाने का काम कर रहे है जिससे हमारा स्वच्छ और सुंदर लगे। राजौरी के बाद हम मंडी में भी यह अभियान चलाएंगे।
#rajouri #jammu #kashmir #wallpainting #jandk #jammukashmir #municipality #jammukashmirnews #mandi
#rajouri #jammu #kashmir #wallpainting #jandk #jammukashmir #municipality #jammukashmirnews #mandi
00:00I'm going to take a picture of you and then I'm going to take a picture of you and then
00:27We have a campaign going on called Swachh Survection 2024, under that we have to go
00:52which is to bring the tone towards visible cleanliness and beautification.
00:57Our overall idea is to work for the beauty of the tone.
01:02As you can see, the wall painting is being done outside the Boys High Secondary,
01:07outside the DC office and we will take it to the market as well.
01:10The walls were in a very shabby condition and the looks were not good.
01:15But now we have taken this initiative, which will have a message of cleanliness.
01:19In the painting, the local culture will also be depicted and promoted.
01:24At the same time, the messages of the government will be given in a visually beautiful way through the painting.
01:35This will fulfill a lot of our goals.
01:38Firstly, the message will be conveyed and our tone will be beautified.
01:42But at the same time, the whole tone will have an aesthetic and beautiful look.
01:47Absolutely. When it is written there, say no to drugs,
01:53when it is visually shown what is dry waste and what is wet waste,
01:59then it will have an impact on people.
02:01So we are promoting cleanliness through visuals.
02:06You see, what a person sees, hears and sees, has a greater impact.
02:11We are taking a psychological step to fulfill multiple of our goals and aims.