• 2 days ago
Dylan Efron Reveals Why He Really Posed For Those Viral Thirst Traps _ The Rundown


00:00You guys, we have Dylan, Faithful as Frick, and Fraud!
00:07I remember exactly a year ago, almost,
00:10we were at dinner with friends,
00:11and you were like, I got the call to be on Traitors.
00:14And I was freaking out at the table,
00:15I was like, you have to say yes!
00:16So there's one episode left, and there's the reunion.
00:19We just saw Tom get murdered,
00:21and you left us on a cliffhanger.
00:24So explain to me, you figured out
00:26that Danielle and Carolyn were the Traitors.
00:30Like a while back.
00:31What made you guys go for Carolyn instead of Danielle?
00:33Look, that was such a hard decision,
00:35but at that point, for me personally,
00:37I had a better feel on what Danielle would do next.
00:40So I thought Danielle might recruit Brittany or me.
00:44I had no idea what Carolyn would do.
00:44So I had kind of laid the groundwork with Danielle,
00:47like, hey, if it goes to final three, you, me, and Brittany,
00:49I'm gonna throw stones, I wanna end the game with you, Dani.
00:52So it was just a lot of groundwork
00:54that I had laid out with Danielle
00:56that I wasn't gonna vote her out.
00:57Have you seen this tweet here?
00:58They don't look at you like Tom Sandoval
01:01looks at Dylan Ephron.
01:02They ain't worth it, that shit.
01:04He's like, that's my man right there.
01:05I didn't know much of Tom Sandoval before I got there.
01:08Okay, so I know that you would call your girlfriend
01:11on those phone calls that you got.
01:12Did she tell you anything about Sandoval?
01:14She told me about one podcast he was on,
01:16I think it was The Vile Files,
01:17and that I listened to about 10 minutes
01:19of a Vile File podcast.
01:21So I meet him for the first time,
01:22I was like, oh, you look familiar,
01:24and he's like, oh, you probably know,
01:25like, I was mentioned in the White House, all these things.
01:27And I was like, oh, I listen to a podcast you're on,
01:29which apparently I shouldn't have said,
01:31but that's Tom, like, people are so mean to him,
01:34and it just falls off his shoulder.
01:36I mean, he had quite the redemption arc from this show.
01:40I think he won a lot of people back
01:42with that baby doll bird singing thing.
01:45I think I was crying that episode.
01:46So like, we hear the mission,
01:48and then it takes an hour before that mission starts.
01:51Alan reads the mission,
01:52immediately he starts doing vocal warmups.
01:55And we're all just like, no, like, stop.
01:58He goes to the medic, he's like, I need a cough drop.
01:59And we're just like, Tom, we've got an hour, bro, stop.
02:02But that's Tom, he's just, he gives 100%.
02:05Has Bob the Drag Queen said anything to you
02:08since leaving the show?
02:09You are misguided.
02:10That should be your drag name, misguided.
02:12We talked about maybe bringing Misguided to life,
02:15which would be-
02:16What does that look like?
02:18Please give us some insight.
02:20We'll see, I'm only gonna do it with him,
02:21so we'll see what we come up with.
02:23You know that everyone has been
02:24shipping you and Ciara online.
02:26You're a taken man, you broke everyone's hearts.
02:28But she did say, she was like,
02:29that man is too outdoorsy for me.
02:31Is there ever a moment where you're saying to yourself,
02:33I'm outside too much?
02:35It's the opposite, I get mad at myself
02:36that I'm indoors too much.
02:39How did you get into the great outdoors?
02:41My brother and I are so lucky to be raised
02:43in San Luis Obispo, where it's so accessible.
02:45So we were always going to the lake,
02:47to a river to fish, just camping.
02:49What does your family make of all of this?
02:51They're having so much fun.
02:52My dad's mad at me because I haven't been home
02:53since the show came out.
02:54Because the last year I was coming home non-stop.
02:57Because I've got a little brother and sister
02:58and I love them to death.
02:59But since the show aired, I haven't actually gotten home.
03:02So they text me just saying like,
03:03we loved that episode, but when are you coming home?
03:06Okay, there's another photo that broke the internet.
03:08And let's just say, gay Twitter went insane over it.
03:12What was going on here?
03:14Who took the photo?
03:15Was there some convincing?
03:16Was that a pose that you came up with?
03:19What's happening?
03:20My girlfriend took the photo.
03:22This was more that I'm trying to make her laugh
03:25as she's taking photos.
03:26And then a couple months later, I was like,
03:28ah, I never posted that, it's kind of funny.
03:30Hit it in a carousel and then the show comes out.
03:32It was found out pretty quick.
03:34I'm shocked every finale of Traitors.
03:36Is this one going to shock me
03:37just as much as previous seasons?
03:39I think Alan said, this season's so intense,
03:41but the ending is so different than the rest of the show.
03:44And I think he kind of summed it up perfectly.
03:46It's a very strange ending.
03:49Like, it shouldn't have happened what happened.
03:51Wait, that's really weird that you say that.
03:54It shouldn't have happened what happened?
03:56Now my interest is even more piqued.
03:58I didn't think I could be more curious.
04:02I wouldn't have ever predicted this ending.
04:04Catch up on the rest of Dylan's adventure
04:06on Traitors, only on Peacock.
04:07Thanks for having me.
04:08You are the best.
04:21You are the best.
