• 2 days ago
Lahan Bekas Hibisc Fantasy di Puncak Akan Dikembalikan Sebagai Area Hijau


00:00The Hibis Fantasi tour in Puncak Bogor was dissolved on Thursday, March 6, under the government of the Governor of West Java, Dedy Mulyadi, due to violation of environmental and operational permits.
00:14Found in one of the dissolving processes, Dedy said that the land of the former tour project would then be managed by the West Java Provincial Government and returned to its function as a forest or green area.
00:26According to Dedy, the family's tour actually has a permit to manage an area of ​​4,800 square meters.
00:34However, the construction actually violated the permit because the area expanded to 15,000 square meters, so that it reached the riverbank.
00:44We have checked one by one, so this is closed, dismantled starting today, then later it will be a land managed by the West Java Provincial Government to become a forest.
00:54What is the target of this dismantling?
00:57It takes time, sir. Heavy equipment and super heavy equipment must be dismantled.
01:02Dismantling and dismantling were not only done by the Hibis Fantasi.
01:06Previously, Menkopangan Zulkifli Hassan, Minister of Environment, Hanif Faisal Nurofik, as well as Governor Jabar Dedy Mulyadi to Regency Bogor Rudi Susmanto,
01:16sold three other tourist attractions in the Puncak area of ​​the West Java Provincial Government because it violated the permit.
01:24From Bogor, West Java, Fazar Ilham, Antara News Agency, reported.
