Welcome to Tues Your Own Adventure! Join Jules and James as they take look at games where you are the final boss!! It was in you all along.
00:00Hello all of you little demons, Jules here for WhatCulture.com, back again with another
00:04episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted Choose Your Own Adventure, the weekly
00:09medieval themed format where I, the Crown Jules of WhatCulture.com, take a list chosen
00:13by you, yes you, the person who knows their bike is not on the wall and is throwing out
00:18this shot.
00:19It's really bothering me, I can see the recording over here, it's bothering me this
00:22negative space.
00:23So we're going to turn this into positive space, James, if you would please, that's
00:30just going to be there so that I don't freak out too much.
00:33Enjoy, yes you get to decide what list I don't like to you each and every week and this week
00:38we have none other to thank than Lemming of Doom for their suggestion of boss battles
00:44where you are the final boss, because this is the thing, as you may well know from watching
00:50WhatCulture over the many, many years that we've been around, we do love ourselves
00:54a good boss battle, however, even though most of them are tests of our skills learned up
00:59until that point or brand new experiences, there is sometimes a rogue element that developers
01:03love to throw in there and that rogue element is you, because today we're going to be
01:07talking about times where you, yes you my friend, were the final boss.
01:12And you know the drill by now, say hi to me here in the live chat and put your suggestions
01:15for next week's episode down in the comments section below.
01:18But with that in mind, let's get on with this list, shall we?
01:20Ow, my ear!
01:22Number 8, Evolve.
01:23Now in all honesty, you could really have put any asymmetrical multiplayer title into
01:29the mix here, because yes, it's, well, you are the final boss that every other player
01:33is trying to kill, but I thought that we'd give a special shout out to the rather dubious
01:38Evolve title today, because that was really the first game to put that idea of one versus
01:44everyone onto the map, or into the mainstream at least.
01:47Here we find a team of players taking up the role of hunters, tasked with just one
01:51mission and that is to bring down a gargantuan monster that is controlled by another player,
01:56and also to stay as a group, which for some reason is constantly ignored by at least one
02:00member of the team, usually leading to a party wipe later on.
02:04I'm not bitter, I swear, I'm not, seriously though, f***ing Charles, thanks for that every
02:10single time that we played, thanks mate!
02:12Now while all of this infighting is going on, the other player who is draped in their
02:16best Scooby Doo robes is off hunting the wildlife in order to evolve into an even more
02:21powerful being, and as such, it's a game where you create your own villain arc, moving
02:35from a relative weakling with a grudge to an all powerful world ending entity.
02:39And trust me, there is no purer pleasure than dropping onto the hunters with a fully beefed
02:43up super squid, nailing them with special attacks, separating each member, and then
02:48devouring them whole.
02:49In their eyes, you are most definitely the final boss to their multiplayer experience,
02:54and to be honest, that is a role that many players were more than happy to step into.
02:59Double Dragon Arcade
03:00Now you know the expression, you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends?
03:05Well thanks to the Double Dragon Arcade experience, that is somewhat altered to, you can't choose
03:10your family, but you can definitely choose your frenemies, because that, hoo boy, when
03:15it came to the end of that game, talk about a rug pull.
03:18While protagonist brothers Jimmy and Billy Lee, also known as Bimmy thanks to a hilariously
03:23brilliant mistranslation, have been as thick as thieves throughout the base game, and have
03:28kicked evil in the face so many times that it's developed a foot fetish, but when it
03:32comes to the closing moments of the title, it turns out that the only defeat that Bimmy
03:37is interested in licking in is defeat of his brother's girlfriend Marion, as in a
03:42shocking turn of events, he challenges his brother to a fight to the death for her affections.
03:47Because that's what all women want, isn't it?
03:49For some absolute scrub to just step up and beat the piss out of his brother and win you
03:53like a trophy.
03:54It was a very different time.
03:56In these moments, blood being thicker than water is thrown out the window, as now the
04:00only blood on show here is splattering against the floor as the two players square off against
04:04each other.
04:05On the bright side, it's you versus the person who you've been working with all
04:08this time on the couch next to you.
04:10Suddenly the tension is ratcheted up to the extreme, with all camaraderie being replaced
04:14with ganragerie, and you'll need to bait your supposed friend into whiffing attacks
04:21in order to land that killing blow and reign as either a brother forced to knock some sense
04:25into his sibling, or a dirtbag who literally tried to steal his brother's partner just
04:29because he felt like having a long live the king moment.
04:34Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy
04:35Now when you load up the utterly barmy Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy, you might well
04:40assume that the final boss involved in this game is either going to be the massive mountain
04:44in front of you, or the absolutely heinous control scheme as both are going to take a
04:48lot of effort to overcome.
04:50Side note, I hear that swearing loudly at both definitely helps.
04:53However, upon beginning your uphill climb, you'll soon start to realise something,
04:58likely aided by the voice of Mr. Foddy himself, that it's not actually the mountain that's
05:02the final hurdle, but your perceptions about perseverance and never giving up.
05:07In a tangible sense, yes, the mountain is the object to climb, but you are the climber,
05:12and as such will experience setbacks, moments of frustration, and the ability to learn and
05:16recognise patterns in order to overcome them, making it a perfect visual metaphor for life
05:23Sometimes we will be faced with situations so utterly overwhelming it will feel like
05:27we will never get over them, and sometimes, as with the controls, you're not often best
05:32equipped with the right tools to make the job any easier.
05:35However, it's through learning to work with your body, your mind, and your outlook that
05:39you will come to see that you have the ability to achieve any goal and cross any milestone
05:44if you just keep working at it and learning from your mistakes.
05:47You see, in this situation, you are the final boss here, but I want to clarify something,
05:52you are not a final boss to be defeated.
05:55There's nothing wrong with you that needs to be outwardly changed in the sense that
05:58you need to conquer yourself, here, you actually get the most out of this game when you learn
06:03to work with what the game presents to you as mechanics and also free yourself from anger
06:07and resentment to try and enjoy the experience, and then you'll realise that there really
06:12is no mountain that you can't overcome.
06:15Metal Gear Solid
06:16Right, okay, so every single time that I have to talk about a Metal Gear game, I start to
06:21I start to sweat more than Fatman being told that no sir, you can't have a stick of lard
06:26in your soda because a. it's not on the menu and b. we are a solicitor's firm.
06:31And that's because with plots as complex and interweaving as those presented in this
06:35franchise, it's easy to get lost and make mistakes that diehards will call you out on.
06:40For example, even talking about Metal Gear Solid's final boss, Liquid Snake, is tough
06:45because while he is most definitely Solid Snake's evil twin and most definitely qualifies
06:49for this list, technically you're both evil twins as you were both made through the
06:53cloning of Big Boss.
06:55Plus there's the insinuation that of the two, Solid Snake is the more evil of the pair,
07:00with Psycho Mantis even calling you true evil during your encounter.
07:05Plus several of your allies also comment on how Solid Snake seems to enjoy war and killing.
07:10And to add even more insane petrol onto our burning brains, as you're a clone who has
07:15most definitely got a fair share of skeletons in the closet, that means that during the
07:19original NEAR's game, Metal Gear, when you take on Outer Heaven and reveal Big Boss
07:24to be its leader, it means that to him, you're the evil invader coming in and messing up
07:29his plans as you're the evil clone.
07:31Oh, oh yeah, that's right, my brain is just leaking out of my ear, fantastic, thanks for
07:37So yeah, the next time you play as Solid Snake, just remember that you're playing as a pretty
07:40horrific and evil clone, and no amount of sick skateboarding tricks should ever make
07:45you forget that.
07:47Mass Effect 3 The Citadel
07:49So Mass Effect 3's The Citadel DLC may well be one of my most favourite video game expansions
07:55Now while some may see it as little more than paid fan service, to many it was a love letter
08:00to the series that actually felt better connected to the source than much of the vanilla experience.
08:05Here was a tightly crafted and personal story that doled out emotional beats and some delicious
08:10action that always felt complementary to the situation, rather than being just placed in
08:14to pad out the runtime.
08:16Plus it contains some deliriously cheesy moments that are just too good to hate, and by that
08:21I mean that it introduced you to the final boss of this experience, and that was... you.
08:27And by that I mean a clone of you.
08:29Yes, that's right, this evil Commander Shepard was created by Cerberus as a backup, but who
08:34has now broken loose and is looking to steal your identity.
08:37As you might expect, this twists and turns through moments of betrayal and people questioning
08:42your intentions, and culminates in a boss battle with the clone who actually uses your
08:46chosen build to inform its attacks.
08:49Which itself is just an absolute chef kiss of a touch to this experience, in fact that's
08:54how I'd sum up the entire expansion as a whole with a mighty... put that in the box.
09:01Waxworks 1992
09:02Now while most entries on this list focus on the idea of you either battling your clone,
09:07or the person sitting next to you as making you become the final boss, when it comes to
09:121992's horror survival game Waxworks, well they took that concept and they ran with it,
09:18some would say into the very ground.
09:20Because Waxworks presents the player with a family under a rather nasty curse, and not
09:25the type of curse that makes you devilishly handsome and speak with dulcet tones in exchange
09:29for your hair follicles, but a curse that always affects your entire bloodline.
09:33Because here every single time that one of the family would give birth to twins, one
09:37of them would always turn evil in order to serve Beelzeblob.
09:40Dammit, I meant to say Beelzebub and now here he is, just alright mate I haven't seen you
09:46in a while, to be honest I'm pretty sick of this guy, but I do have a way of getting rid
09:49of him.
09:51Right, that's it, he's done, he's been poochied, thanks mate by the way, I really appreciate
09:58that note-
09:59Beelzeblob's gone.
10:00Now as you can imagine, this makes family reunions pretty bloody awkward indeed, yet
10:07this is exactly the task that is given to the player, to travel through time and eliminate
10:12these evil twins, thus breaking the curse.
10:14So far, so very weird, but it all culminates with you travelling back in time to the moment
10:20of your family's cursing, and killing the witch before she can ruin so many generations
10:24and birthday parties.
10:26However of course there's a twist, because this is a horror game after all, and upon
10:30killing the witch, you then travel back to the present time, only to find out that in
10:34her dying moments, she actually cursed you, not the entire family, just you to become
10:40a demon, and then you and your brother just leave the museum that you were in, and that's
10:46But you have become the evil twin now, and therefore you are most definitely the final
10:52F-Zero GX
10:53Now here we come to the curious case of F-Zero GX, which if you're to listen to the hushed
10:58circles of gamers that crowd around, I dunno, like bin fires, under bridges sometimes, you'll
11:04hear them whisper of this game, of how absolutely amazing it is, how utterly ridiculous the
11:10speed is, how tight the controls are, and how lamentful it is that Nintendo seems to
11:14quash any idea of it ever coming back.
11:17That's probably why they hang around there, because they're worried that big ninty's
11:20just gonna arrive there and just stamp them out of existence.
11:22But still, it's a fantastic game.
11:25But the reason why this is a curious entry on this list is because while F-Zero X introduced
11:31us to your typical clone-gone rogue in the form of Bloodhawk, and that said shadowy racer
11:35was unlocked after beating every challenger that game had to offer on its highest difficulty,
11:40in GX there is no way this pretender to the throne could ever be counted as the game's
11:45final boss.
11:46I say that because the true final test of this game's story mode is a one-on-one race
11:51with one of the game's designers, as you must battle a staff ghost and race perfectly
11:55on a track without any walls whatsoever, meaning that you'll be sipping on a delicious cocktail
12:00of pain and humility for days to come.
12:02So yes, we have this weird situation now where if you were the game developer on F-Zero GX
12:08to put in that staff ghost race timer, then technically you are the final boss and play
12:12against yourself.
12:13So technically, I'm right, and it does qualify for this list, and if not, if you've got
12:18then just remember this.
12:19Evil finger temple of doom.
12:21I can do what I like as long as I'm doing this.
12:25Dark Seed 2
12:26Oh Dark Seed 2, you are so incredibly weird but I love you so much.
12:31Seemingly acting like the love child of HR Geiger and Mortal Kombat's live-action capture
12:36technology, Dark Seed 1 and 2 are a trip into insanity that will make you question many,
12:41many, many things.
12:42many, many, many, many, many, many things.
12:44For you see, while it first appears that luckless loser Mike Dawson is once again on a quest
12:49to stop a parallel dimension from invading his own, things take a turn for the Twin Peaks
12:53in the final moments of this sequel.
12:56Here Mike has somehow defeated a giant monster using only his wits and his why-yes-I-do-have-my-porn-collection
13:02alphabetized stash, and is now chatting with his pal Jack, who so desperately wants to
13:07be the Fonz that it's likely that he's got a tattoo of Henry Winkler's face on
13:10his tongue.
13:12That's good Fonzie, nom nom nom.
13:14Jack reveals, in a rather well-laid twist I have to admit, that you and he are actually
13:18the same person, and that he's actually the Mike Dawson from the parallel universe,
13:23only clearly cooler and with the ability to turn into a bloody demon.
13:26Now, as you might expect, turning into a bloody demon versus Mike's ability to wear sports
13:32coats doesn't work out well for this Mike.
13:35Or this Mike that I've just hit.
13:37And so now lays dead on the floor.
13:39Having stolen our identity, Jack now rides off into the, uh, uh, gloom set of the other
13:45You can't call that a sunset, I'll tell you that for much.
13:47Clearly preferring to go home over live in our reality.
13:50Which is all well and good until you start to question, wait a minute, what?
13:53What was the point of trying to merge the realities if you're just gonna go back and
13:56live in yours?
13:57What's the point?
13:58I, I...
13:59What's the point of this game?
14:01And there we have it my friends, those were eight video games where you are the final
14:06I hope that you enjoyed that, and please let me know what you thought about it down in
14:08the comments section below.
14:10As always, I've been Jules, you can go follow me over on Twitter at RetroJ, but the O is
14:14a zero, and the same handle for Instagram if you want to go and check out the silly
14:17stuff that I'm doing over there like painting my models.
14:20Oh yes indeed, and don't forget to give James Downs some love as well.
14:24He's probably put some weird meme up over here that he, but I never understand what
14:28half of them are.
14:29I'm too old.
14:30I'm too out of the loop.
14:31But I enjoy that he enjoys them.
14:34But before I go, I just want to say one thing.
14:36As I explained in the Bennett Foddy example, sometimes we can see ourselves as a final
14:40boss, a hurdle to overcome, but I just want to really encourage you to be kind to yourself.
14:46Try not to stand in your own way by seeing yourself as an enemy, because trust me, you
14:50are a great person.
14:51You deserve love, happiness, and success, and trust me on that one, you do.
14:56Everybody does.
14:57All right?
14:58So if you need some help, if you feel like you're standing in your own way, then try
15:01and step back from situations that are causing you extreme stress, and remember, it is more
15:05than okay to ask for help sometimes.
15:07In fact, I totally encourage that you do so, all right?
15:11Because at the end of the day, I just want you to live a healthy and happy life.
15:14Big love to you, my friend.
15:15Now go out there and smash it.
15:17As always, I've been Jules.
15:18You have been awesome.
15:20Never forget that.
15:21I'll speak to you soon.