00:00Who would you rather marry, Taylor Swift or Kylie Kelsey?
00:03Kylie Kelsey.
00:04Kylie Kelsey.
00:05Kylie Kelsey.
00:06I'm making bank.
00:07Taylor Swift.
00:08Taylor Swift because she's, uh, she has a lot of money.
00:10Taylor Swift because she's got a lot more money.
00:12Kylie Kelsey.
00:13A hundred percent.
00:15Kylie Kelsey.
00:16Kylie Kelsey.
00:19I hate Taylor Swift.
00:20I can't take Jason's wife.
00:21I'm going Taylor Swift.
00:23Oh, definitely Kylie.
00:24Kylie Kelsey.
00:25It's a lot easier to deal with Kylie than it would be for, uh, Taylor Swift.
00:26I'd probably go Swift.
00:28It's like the devil you know.
00:29It's not even a question.
00:31All day, every day.
00:32Kylie Kelsey.
00:33For sure.
00:34I went to high school with Kylie Kelsey.
00:35Shout out Kylie.
00:36I'd rather marry her.
00:37Taylor Swift all day.
00:38Kylie Kelsey.
00:39I hate Taylor Swift.
00:40Her music's horrible.
00:41And listen to anything else.
00:42Kylie Kelsey all day, bro.
00:43Bro, give me Taylor.
00:44No, Taylor is the GOAT, though.
00:45They hate on her, but she's still from Philly, kinda, so she's still the GOAT.
00:46Taylor Swift.
00:47Taylor Swift.
00:48Taylor Swift.
00:49Taylor Swift.
00:50Taylor Swift.
00:51Taylor Swift.
00:52Taylor Swift.
00:53Taylor Swift.
00:54Taylor Swift.
00:55Taylor Swift.