Elon Musk joined Joe Rogan for a shocking and revealing three hour discussion, where Musk did not hold back, exposing his findings about corruption, fraud and scams since being the director of DOGE which aims to cut the waste of the US federal government.
00:00Elon Musk joined Joe Rogan for a shocking and revealing 3 hour discussion, where Musk did not hold back.
00:07Exposing his findings about corruption, fraud and scams since being the director of DOGE, which aims to cut the waste of the US federal government.
00:17Here's another way to look at this.
00:19Imagine if there are people like you and the DOGE team out there in the world.
00:24Imagine if one of those works for an organization like USAID or any other organization and has this understanding of how much fuckery is involved, but they have evil intentions.
00:38And they're entwined in this system for decades and decades and they've built a career and all the entanglements that come with it.
00:45And they start moving shit around.
00:48You could probably do it easy.
00:50It sounds like the way you've laid it out, if you were a career person who's in there forever, who knew how everything works, and you were very clever, you could make some shit happen.
01:01And you could probably do it in conjunction with some people that you know that are forming an NGO.
01:06Hey, let's all work together.
01:11And this is the resistance that you're facing.
01:14I think it's the biggest scam of all time.
01:17This is not something you ever thought out to do.
01:19This is the biggest scam of all time.
01:23Of human history.
01:24Of human history, yes.
01:27I think you're right.
01:29What else could be bigger?
01:31A trillion dollar scam. There's never been a trillion dollar scam.
01:34Musk then doubled down, adding George Soros' masterful use of NGOs to rinse billions from the American taxpayer is also a massive scam.
01:44It's so insane that that's been going on for so long.
01:48It's a gigantic scam.
01:49Maybe the biggest scam ever.
01:52And how many NGOs?
01:54I think there's a total number of NGOs, probably millions, but in terms of large NGOs, tens of thousands.
02:04It's kind of a hack to the system where someone can get an NGO stood up for a fairly small amount of money.
02:15George Soros was really good at this.
02:17George Soros is like a system hacker.
02:20He figured out how to hack the system.
02:22He's a genius at arbitrage.
02:25These days, he's pretty old, but a genius at arbitrage.
02:29So he figured out that you can leverage a small amount of money to create a nonprofit, then lobby the politicians to send a ton of money to that nonprofit.
02:39So you can take what might be a $10 million donation to a nonprofit to create a nonprofit and leverage that into a billion dollar NGO.
02:50A nonprofit is a weird word.
02:52It's just a nongovernmental organization.
02:55And then the government continues to fund that every year.
02:59And it'll have a nice sounding name, like the Institute for Peace or something like that.
03:03But really, it's a graft machine.
03:06Online commentators were shocked with this person saying,
03:10Elon Musk literally just exposed Democrats' George Soros money laundering scam on Joe Rogan.
03:18This commentator agreed, saying,
03:37One issue where Trump and his doge master Elon Musk of getting unadorned praise from people like me around the world, Kristen,
03:46is their efforts to get rid of waste in government.
03:49And this email, this idea of sending an email out to bureaucrats and public servants, asking them what they've done in the last week.
03:58Here's Donald Trump on that.
04:00We have people that don't show up to work and nobody even knows if they work for the government.
04:04So by asking the question, tell us what you did this week, what he's doing is saying, are you actually working?
04:11And then if you don't answer, like you're sort of semi fired or you're fired.
04:16Kristen, this is just so obvious and so right.
04:20But there are so many leftists around the world up in arms about it.
04:24Oh, I know this is this had to happen.
04:27I mean, the government is by far the largest employer in the United States.
04:31I wrote an entire book about it called Government Gone Wild.
04:34It is nearly impossible until now to fire anyone in the federal government.
04:39You can basically be 100 percent incompetent and not get fired for it.
04:45And the opulence and wealth surrounding D.C. is just disgusting.
04:50These government bureaucrats have been so used to just getting paid and kind of just doing nothing in many cases that it makes their heads explode.
05:00It makes them furious that there might be some shred of accountability.
05:05Great to talk to you, Kristen.
05:07We need to get you out to Australia.
05:09You need to write another book about a little place called the Australian Capital Territory.
05:14Catch you next week.
05:15Oh, I would love to. Thank you, Chris.
05:18This did not go well with federal employees, with many having meltdowns.
05:23Blames why 77,000 federal employees have already taken the payout deal.
05:28They were like, we will literally instead of gutting the place before we got the place,
05:33we will give you a handsome payout if you'll just leave.
05:36And 77,000 federal employees said, you know what?
05:41I already know I'm useless.
05:43I will be gutted and therefore I'm going to gut myself and take the handsome paycheck on the way out the door.
05:50Those were the smart ones.
05:52The not smart ones are the ones whinging on CNN about like, think of it.
05:56You've always probably had a pretty low opinion of federal employees.
06:01The same goes here in Australia. Right.
06:03But watching them have a meltdown over the simplest request, which was basically justify your existence.
06:10Like, what have you done over the last week on the taxpayer dime while the taxpayer has been paying you?
06:16What have you done?
06:18And of course, Elon wouldn't have been able to go through the thousands of replies and fact checked whatever they said.
06:25You could have been like, change the world.
06:27This is what I did.
06:28The idea, like he said in that tweet, was just to check that, A, they were checking their emails.
06:35Therefore they exist.
06:36And B, they could string a few words together justifying their existence.
06:41It was as simple as that.
06:43And they have abjectly failed.
06:45So now he will go more scorched earth than he probably would have otherwise gone.
06:50Well, he said he will send a second email.
06:53And if people fail to respond to the second email, then they will face automatic termination.
06:57Wow, what a strange concept, I have to tell you.
07:00But Elon Musk's advocacy comes at a cost, with the tech billionaire eerily suggesting that if he destroys corruption, he will pay the ultimate price.
07:11But I think if I fully destroy the corruption and the graft, they will kill me.
07:21And despite the light heartedness with which it was said, this commentator is taking the threat very seriously.
07:28Saying, what's sad about this is it's not a joke.
07:32It's 100% truth.
07:34They already tried with Trump.
07:36And Donald Trump completely backs Elon Musk's deep dive into the corruption of federal agencies.
07:42You're talking about the last email that was sent, where he wanted to know what you did this week.
07:57You know why he wanted that, by the way?
07:59I thought it was great.
08:01Because we have people that don't show up to work and nobody even knows if they work for the government.
08:05So by asking the question, tell us what you did this week, what he's doing is saying, are you actually working?
08:11And then if you don't answer, like you're sort of semi fired or you're fired.
08:16Because a lot of people are not answering because they don't even exist.
08:20They're trying to, that's how badly various parts of our government were run by and especially by this last group.
08:27So what they're doing is they're trying to find out who's working for the government.
08:31Are we paying other people that aren't working?
08:34And you know, where's all this?
08:36Where's the money gone?
08:38We have found hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud so far.