En El Talar, una pareja de jóvenes ingresó a un hotel alojamiento, pero solo él salió. Guadalupe Giovanna Sosa fue encontrada desangrándose tras recibir un disparo en la habitación. Tiziano Fitz, su pareja, está detenido y afirma que el disparo fue accidental mientras manipulaban un arma. La relación era conocida por ser tóxica y él tenía una orden de restricción previa. Las cámaras captaron a Fitz saliendo tranquilamente del lugar tras el incidente. El caso ha conmocionado a la comunidad local debido al trágico final y las circunstancias que rodean el hecho.
00:00This incident shocked us all, a couple of 20 years old here in El Talar
00:05entered this hotel, of course, a minute later he came out alone, walking
00:13the images revealed it, the girl did not come out, 20 years, what happened?
00:18the employees called 911, they entered room 28 and found the girl
00:26who was bleeding from this shot that entered through her mouth and came out through her neck
00:33you will remember Luciano Fitz, this 20-year-old boy and Guadalupe Giovanna Sosa, also 20 years old
00:41the story of this boy, of this couple, was toxic to such an extent that for hitting him he had a perimeter
00:48the father told the daughter, please, get this boy out of your side, however, the girl did not listen
00:56he came back to look for him, they arrived at this hotel and allegedly he killed her
01:04yesterday, Facundo, Marina, the time came for the statement of this man, of this young man who is detained
01:12Do you know what he said? Let's see, and it reminds me of other cases, right?
01:16that they were manipulating, that they were playing with the firearm and that he accidentally shot the gun
01:24through the mouth to such an extent that the exit hole appeared through the nape
01:29but that he never tried to kill her, but they were manipulating the gun
01:34that they were playing with the gun and unintentionally the girl took the shot
01:39the truth is that after this fact, you will remember guys, the cameras showed that this young man
01:46as if nothing had happened, he withdrew from the place of the hotel accommodation
01:51Yes, the story was shocking, it was declared against the recommendation of his legal assistance
01:58and the explanation is unacceptable, Fabian, as you say, a gun in that context
02:04talking about a game and a shot in the mouth, of course this will be perpetual, it is approved
02:10Thank you Fabian, close from there, close from there, close Fabi
02:16Yes, no, no, that the couple lived here in the talar and that walking around the area
02:21the people themselves tell you that the boy was having a bad time, he did not have a good reputation in the place