• 2 days ago
Six ladies sit in H.S. examination: সংসার সামলে উচ্চমাধ্যমিকে বসলেন মা, শিক্ষকের ভূমিকায় ছেলে

#Motivationforhousewives #Mothergivinghihsexamwithhisson #highersecondaryexam #womensday #womenempowerment #eduction #learning

নিজেদের দৈনন্দিন কাজকর্ম সামলে এবার উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা দিচ্ছেন ওন্দা গার্লস হাই স্কুলের ভোকেশনাল বিভাগের ছাত্রীরা। মাধ্যমিকের পরেই বিয়ে হয়ে গিয়েছিল। তাই উচ্চশিক্ষার ইচ্ছা অপূর্ণ থেকে যায় সেই সময়। তবে অবশেষে সেই ইচ্ছা পূরণ হচ্ছে বাঁকুড়ার এই ছয় মহিলার।

In this inspiring video, six married women from Bankura, West Bengal, take a bold step towards continuing their education by sitting for their Higher Secondary examinations. Despite their responsibilities as mothers and homemakers, they show immense dedication and perseverance in pursuing their educational dreams. What happens when mothers sit for exams is truly remarkable, and their story is a testament to the power of education for all. These women are not just students, but also mothers who are setting an example for their children by appearing for the same exam as their sons. Their journey is a motivation for all to grow and continue their education, no matter what the circumstances. This video is a must-watch for anyone who believes in the importance of education and its impact on society.


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00:00The one who writes with his mind, the one who rides a cart when he grows up.
00:09In childhood, most of such poems were read by everyone.
00:13The essence of learning and learning is more than anything else in life.
00:17The light of knowledge takes the world from the darkness of ignorance to a new direction.
00:22Writing, that is, there is no place, time, place, age, time for learning.
00:28If there is a strong willpower and a strong mind, anything is possible.
00:33That story was proven again by Andar, Mandira Pramanik, Jyotsanapal, Chintamani Pramanik, Vidhika Malkopra.
00:41Presently, some of them do sewing, some do catering.
00:45But they get married after the middle age.
00:49So, even if the time to study was wasted, the will and desire in the mind was still there.
00:56Finally, they fulfilled that desire, Devi Saraswati.
01:00Husband, family, children, and all their daily work, now they are sitting in the high school exam.
01:09These students from the Vocational Department of Onda Girls High School
01:13are now reaching their final time at the Kritibas High School exam center in Vishnupur.
01:19And this school has played a very important role in the Onda Girls High School society.
01:27Six women are taking the exam from here.
01:31Among them, two of them joined us with catering, three with sewing, and one with volunteering.
01:39The main issue is the current situation.
01:42If we can take them to higher education, there will be no limitation.
01:47Because they still need higher education.
01:50Then we thought about how we can take them to higher education.
01:55Then we saw that if we enroll them vocationally, it will be possible.
02:00They supported us because they understood how much benefit they will get from this education.
02:08Mandira Pramanik got married in 2003 after taking the Mathematics exam.
02:13So, naturally, she stopped her studies.
02:16Her son is now in the 11th grade.
02:19And that boy is now playing the role of a mother's tutor.
02:22After studying near the school, she is now sitting in the high school exam center.
02:27But this is not the end.
02:29She knows that she has to go further.
02:34I wanted to pass the Mathematics exam.
02:39That's why I came to Sujo.
02:42When did you take the Mathematics exam?
02:44I took it in 2003.
02:48Then why are you still studying?
02:50Is there any problem in your studies?
02:52No, no. My son told me.
02:55What grade is your son in?
02:57He is in the 11th grade.
02:59How do you manage your studies at the same time?
03:02My son is studying.
03:04He is studying very well.
03:06He told me that he can study.
03:08So, I am studying.
03:10How is your exam going?
03:12It is going well.
03:14What do you want to do in the future?
03:18In the future, I want to see what I can do.
03:22How much I can earn.
03:26On the other hand, Jyotsanapal Chintamani Pramanik Vithikapalja
03:31has also said that he wants to continue his studies in front of his family and friends.
03:38I want to study Mathematics.
03:42How is your exam going?
03:44It is going well.
03:45What do you want to do in the future?
03:47I want to get a job.
03:53How much did you get?
03:55Rs. 6,000.
03:56There is a huge gap.
03:58Isn't it inconvenient?
03:59No, it is not.
04:00Is it easy to get a job from your son?
04:02Yes, it is easy.
04:04Can you get a job from your son?
04:07How is it going?
04:09It is going well.
04:11Can you get a job from your son?
04:13Yes, I can get a job from my son.
04:15I can get a job from him.
04:17Can you get a job from your son?
04:18Yes, I can get a job from my son.
04:21I used to sit at home.
04:23I like studying.
04:25I like it.
04:26I am going to college.
04:27I am studying with everyone.
04:29I am very happy.
04:31What do you want?
04:32I want to continue my studies in front of my friends.
04:38Studying is not the end.
04:40There is no end.
04:41In the current situation,
04:43there is no job and family.
04:45So, if you go to Shabalambi,
04:47there is no alternative to education.
04:49So, they are doing the same thing
04:51as they did in the past.
04:53This is what they know.
04:55This is what they know.
04:58Bureau report, One India, Bangla
