• 2 weeks ago
दमोह ( मध्य प्रदेश ) – मध्य प्रदेश के दमोह में पीएम मोदी द्वारा गरीब तबके के लिए शुरू की गई पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना गरीब तबके के लिए वरदान बन रही है। इस योजना के तहत गांव-गांव में गरीब आदिवासी महिलाओं को मुफ्त में सिलाई मशीन का पूरे 3 महीने तक सिलाई, कढ़ाई का प्रशिक्षण दिया गया है ताकि हर महिला आत्मनिर्भर बने और उन्हें स्वरोजगार का अवसर मिल सके। इस योजना का मकसद है कि कारीगरों और शिल्पकारों को सहायता प्रदान की जाए। मध्य प्रदेश के दमोह जिले के तेंदूखेड़ा ब्लॉक की महंगवा ग्राम पंचायत के नंदपुरा गांव में करीब आधा दर्जन आदिवासी महिलाओं ने ऑनलाइन पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना का फॉर्म भरकर पूरे 3 महीने तक सिलाई मशीन चलाने, कपड़ों में कढ़ाई-बुनाई करने का मुफ्त में प्रशिक्षण लिया और उसके बाद वो आज आत्मनिर्भर बनकर अपना और अपने परिवार का पालन-पोषण कर रही हैं।



00:00On 17th September, 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi started PM Vishwakarma Yojana which benefitted the Dalit, Pichhade, Adivasi and women of the country.
00:15And this led to the self-reliance of this sect.
00:20The women of Damo district of Madhya Pradesh also benefitted from PM Vishwakarma Yojana and made themselves self-reliant.
00:29And today, those women are able to take care of their families on their own.
00:36Vidyabhai Gond from Tendukhera block of Damo, Nandipura village, took training from this Yojana.
00:43And today, she is taking good care of her family.
00:49I had a online farm.
00:53I got this card from Janpath.
00:58I do manual work as well as sewing.
01:02I have a small shop.
01:04I take care of my children.
01:07My name is Pichhade.
01:09I was taught by the Bundelkhand Yojana and then by the FPC.
01:14I have three children and one daughter.
01:18I am all alone.
01:22Thank you for protecting me and serving me.
01:27This is how I have been able to take care of my children.
01:33A woman from Nandipura village, Rajni Adivasi says that she had filled the form for PM Vishwakarma Yojana online.
01:42After that, we were given training.
01:45And today, I am taking care of my family with a sewing machine.
01:50I filled the form online three months ago.
01:54I took training for seven days.
01:58I filled the form on behalf of Narendra Modi.
02:08I do manual work.
02:10I sew clothes.
02:11I earn Rs. 200-500.
02:13According to PM Vishwakarma Yojana, more than 28 lakh people have benefited from it.
02:21And this number is continuously increasing.
