The Karnataka Lokayukta team is conducting raids across eight districts, targeting government officials such as Chief Engineers, Executive Engineers, and Project Implementation Officers involved in State Highway Development Projects. The operation is based on corruption allegations against these officials, with leads gathered by the Lokayukta.
00:00So, the top story of this morning bulletin coming in from Karnataka, eight locations
00:04are presently being raided by the Loka Yukta and we are told these are very significant
00:10Remember, it's not just about the city and sites, it's about who is being raided.
00:15Kalaburgi, Bidar, Davangiri, Loka Yukta Heat is on government officials and contractors.
00:21What's happening?
00:22What is it that the Loka Yukta has that currently has led to even raids on engineers of government
00:30And remember, do some of these engineers, contractors who had got the tenders of government
00:36projects been able to amass a certain wealth or have some disproportionate assets and properties
00:44that is raising a question.
00:46Sagai Raj is joining me for the latest on that.
00:49Sagai, good morning.
00:50Tell me more about the eight locations and what is Loka Yukta sources telling you?
00:55Why is the heat on specific projects here?
00:57Sir, not only specific projects, these are the government employees who are associated
01:03with the government for a long time and there are allegations against these employees having
01:10disproportionate assets and gathering more wealth and subsequently Loka Yukta which has
01:15done their homework have raided all these places simultaneously this morning, eight
01:20places including Bengaluru, Kalpur, Ghee, Tumkur and other parts and these are the PWD
01:26engineers, electric engineers and other department officials who work in Khandaka government.
01:33Alright, this is a developing story and Sagai Raj will be on the ground to track all the
01:39latest about what precisely happened in this case.
01:50A top police officer's daughter turned out to be an alleged smuggler as well.
02:02Now shocking details are emerging in the actor Rania Rao gold smuggling case.
02:07According to exclusive information accessed by India Today, she is a Kannada actor and
02:11visited Dubai about 30 times and we are told passed in one year itself, four times in the
02:19last 15 days, four times in the past 15 days visited Dubai.
02:24Now her frequent trips we are told was the reason that the directorate of revenue intelligence
02:30got a spotlight on her, too many frequent visits that were reporting.
02:35Sources now say that she earned about 12 to 13 lakh rupees per trip and brought back several
02:41kilograms of gold which is usually beyond the capacity, the authorities need to be informed.
02:46Now she used to wear the same jacket for every trip and importantly the reason she was allegedly
02:53was getting away all this while because she would tend to use her influence, the fact
02:57that her father was in one of the top authorities of Karnataka police to avoid security and
03:04But when the arrest happened, officials rated the residence recovered over two crore rupees
03:08cash, gold worth two crore rupees, total seizure stands at about 17 crore rupees according
03:14to the authorities.
03:15Meanwhile, her father who is also Karnataka DGP of a certain department, Ramachandran
03:21Rao has claimed that she used to live separately and he is completely unaware about these criminal
03:27actions and this behavior of the step daughter.
03:34So that's the latest information coming in remember because this is important about what
03:40There are these frequent trips and remember almost always that the authorities they do
03:47keep a check the income tax officials those who are who are responsible of course with
03:52regard to the authorities are ensuring that they find out how precisely the situation
03:58turned out and one of the reasons that spotlight went on her was because of the frequent trips.
04:06Remember if within a year there have been 30 trips to Dubai and then in the past 15
04:12days itself there were allegedly about four trips that's what caught the eye of the official.
04:18So these are some of the details that we have and we'll bring you up to speed about what
04:24precisely is the reason that this Kannada actor has been caught.
04:32So this is what is happening.
04:33Remember that this has caught everyone's attention it's not just about the gold being caught
04:37because that has happened earlier as well.
04:39However what has caught everyone's attention is primarily the fact that she was also using
04:45or misusing must I say her influence that her father was in a top position and her father
04:51now says but I had no idea about these criminal activities and completely distancing herself.
05:04So let me now tell you more about how the situation was and specifically how did she
05:10get caught.
05:11She had taped gold to her waist, thighs were concealed and there were gold inside the clothes
05:19as well and according to authorities when she was raided when she was checked by a security
05:25eventually it was a modified jacket a similar jacket same jacket we are told that she would
05:30wear consistently and it was a modified jacket that could hide more than usual gold that
05:36you can bring into a country without informing authorities.
05:39There were wrist belts that were used to smuggle gold so she would keep all her gold here clearly
05:44on her body thinking she would be able to clear the security and scrutiny.
05:49Visiting Dubai 30 times in one year itself last year that was 2024, 4 times in last 15
05:57This was one of the trips that caught attention of the security agencies.
06:00Rania got about 1 lakh rupees per kg of smuggled gold.
06:03She earned 12 to 13 lakh rupees per trip for smuggling.
06:06Remember this is all coming in from our sources from the authorities about how the arrest
06:12The father who is a senior cop has meanwhile distanced himself completely about what he
06:16says was stepdaughter's actions.
06:18Now let me also tell you about how Rania Rao was taken in custody of the police.
06:24Coming to Dubai consistently with the husband caught attention of the authorities therefore
06:29concealed gold bars in her clothing, wore significant portion of gold trying to ensure
06:35that when she passes security it would be able to evade it.
06:39Smuggled gold hidden in a jacket used her influence to bypass security.
06:44This got the authorities concerned consistently using and do other family members do it?
06:50Is it allowed to use your senior family member who is a top cop, a senior authority to use
06:56that for yourself to bypass security?
06:58We will be tracking that and more.
07:07Prime Minister Narendra Modi visiting Uttarakhand and these are the live visuals coming in.
07:12Remember Uttarakhand is also called as the Dev Bhoomi.
07:16It has some of the most important Hindu sites, holy sites and these pilgrimage sites while
07:23of course have always been popular and famous that's clearly on agenda to also ensure that
07:29the Dev Bhoomi gets certain representation and finds that acknowledgement.
07:34Let's dip in now.
07:35We are told that these are the press ceremonies that are happening.
07:42This puja and darshan is at the winter seat of Ma Ganga in Mukwa and after this he will flag off a trek and bike rally.
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25:18and therefore certain winter tourism program that is being initiated as well there will
25:23be of course religious activities there will be sports activities as well and a boost to
25:28the small hill state of Uttarakhand the state that is known to send majority of forges into
25:35the armed forces that has beautiful scenic locations religious heritage sites and therefore
25:40now after Uttar Pradesh for the government both of the state and the center Uttarakhand
25:45becomes the next prime focus but this is do you also think Piyush that this is the
25:51double engine Sarkar at play that the BJP also trying to come forth to show that for
25:57the state which is which is where it is in government it is going to go all out to ensure
26:02that the highlights that the big points of that state specially when it comes to religious
26:07tourism must be developed must be highlighted but also remember we are talking about as
26:13I reiterate to ropeway projects that Prime Minister Modi himself has announced about
26:20and that's from Sonprayag to Kedarnath one of the biggest holy Hindu pilgrimage sites
26:25Govind Ghat to Hemkunt Sahib Ji as well Hemkunt Sahib remember dedicated to the Guru
26:31Gobind Singh Ji and therefore in many ways it's not just about the Hindu sites as much
26:36about the Sikh holy sites as well where the ropeway will be inaugurated but also remember
26:41this is to ensure that the economy on route must not suffer that there are shopkeepers
26:46those who are involved in other activities to with regard to local economy must also
26:51be must all still also have their opportunities because ropeway projects tend to sometimes
26:56get controversial too I have Sanjay Sharma joining me now for the latest on this Sanjay
27:05Sanjay tell me this you have had many visits to Uttarakhand but when we talk about Devbhoomi
27:12then why do you feel that it is very important that the way the government is promoting
27:18it is also very important for India that there is a civilizational aspect in it
27:24Absolutely, one thing about Uttarakhand or about the mountains people's life is very
27:31difficult there and in such a situation there are so many holy sites there whose security
27:38and which was accessible to the people, that is, reaching there and making it approachable
27:45is the responsibility of the government.
27:47The government has recently announced two major projects in Uttarakhand.
27:51The ministry has approved them, in which Kedarnath's ropeway and Hemkunt Sahib's ropeway are there.
27:58Along with this, the Prime Minister tells the importance of many things from his journey
28:03to his presence that what is the importance of the government, that is why he is here
28:08in the winter, where Gangotri's Ma Ganga is worshipped in the winter of the year, that
28:14is, in the winter season, so now this is to promote winter tourism, to promote winter
28:20tourism, the Prime Minister has gone there himself and before that the Prime Minister
28:25had gone to Kailash for darshan, from where the direct darshan of Mount Kailash takes place.
28:31So some messages have to be given in this way and obviously the Prime Minister's journey
28:36to these states, the whole global message about the security of the country is sent.
28:41So the Prime Minister being present here, he worshipped Ma Ganga and which usually
28:47takes place from May to October, till the time the Char Dham Yatra takes place, people
28:54come and go more.
28:56But by promoting winter tourism or by making people aware of the winter seats, it will
29:03be that there will be tourism here for years, devotees can come and visit Ma Ganga.
29:09Because where the Chief Math is, here for centuries, that is, more than a century before
29:16the history is found, since then the winter capital, because there in Gangotri, in Yamunotri,
29:23in Kedarnath, in Badrinath, there is so much snowfall that it is difficult to get the
29:28means to worship.
29:30That is why this tradition was made that from there below, that is, about 8 km, 10 km
29:36below Gangotri, this is the Chief Math and in all four Maths, there is winter worship
29:42in different places.
29:44It is in Kedarnath's Ukshi Math, it is in Badrinath's Joshi Math, it is in Yamunotri's
29:49Kharsali, and in Mukhi Math, that is, Mukhwa, Gangaji's worship takes place for 6 months.
29:55So now the Prime Minister has told people there.
29:57Sanjay ji, tell me this only, you said a very important point.
30:00Worship is there, but the main kapat that will open now, in a few weeks, but at this
30:06time, during winter, a lot of footfall falls in Uttarakhand, because if we talk about
30:11summer season, there is no place to keep your feet, it is completely packed.
30:15Why do you then think that Prime Minister Modi wants to focus on summer season as well,
30:20winter season as well?
30:21Why does he think that even at this time, we can encourage religious tourism?
30:28Absolutely, we are encouraging religious tourism and many people do not turn towards Uttarakhand
30:33because it is winter, where there will be darshan, nothing will happen.
30:36A lot of people, most of the people do not know that winter darshan, pooja is also
30:41done in Sanatan Dharma.
30:42And Shankaracharya ji himself has promoted all these things.
30:45So in such a situation, telling people, making them aware, encouraging them, the Prime
30:49Minister himself going there, in itself is a big message, a big message for the state
30:53government as well.
30:54And the central government has opened its treasures to increase mountain tourism,
30:59opened its heart, opened its treasure.
31:01And the state of Uttarakhand has also opened its doors.
31:04Sanjay, now tell us, when we talk about economy, when we talk about employment schemes,
31:09will there be a focus on that?
31:11As you said, it is not an easy life to live in the mountains, it looks beautiful, but
31:15it can be difficult, especially in the winter season.
31:17But when we talk about Uttarakhand, I want to consistently make it a point, so the authorities
31:22listen, that it should be responsible tourism.
31:25Because we have seen in Uttarakhand in the last few years that development took place,
31:29but maybe it happened here and there, everywhere.
31:32But that is why it should be ensured that there is responsible tourism, the economy
31:37should be encouraged, but there should not be any kind of disaster-type situation in
31:45Yes, absolutely.
31:46Regarding disaster, it is usually said that accidents teach us, but many times it happens
31:51that we are not able to take the steps that we should have taken.
31:57We are not able to take it as fast as we should have taken.
32:00And I have environmental experts in this too, and they will do it, but the Himalayas
32:06are the youngest mountain, the rawest mountain.
32:09There will be a big challenge in this, that on such a long route, keep the roadway safe
32:14throughout the year, because there are snowstorms there too.
32:17And how deep will it be, where the potholes will be, how deep will they be, how much
32:23will they be able to handle the weight of the mountains that fall.
32:28So these are very big challenges.
32:30It is not that easy.
32:32In this, if people make an example of China and the United States, then the mountains
32:37there are old.
32:38The Himalayas are the newest mountain, the youngest mountain.
32:41So there will be a lot of challenges here too.
32:43It will be interesting to see how technology helps in this.
32:47And I hope and I am sure that this is also being considered.
33:15Sanjay, stay on with me, because these are the latest visuals coming in.
33:19So you saw the puja ceremony, the prayer ceremony that was on.
33:23Now he is taking a view, soaking it in, of the beautiful snow that is still present on
33:29the mountains.
33:30Remember, there has been a fresh bout of snowfall in our Himalayan regions in the past few days.
33:35So he is being briefed about the area.
33:37This is the winter seat of Ma Ganga, as it is called, the Mukwa temple in the, in the
33:42reaches of Harsil.
33:43And a quick word from you there.
33:45Sanjay, when we talk about roadway projects, tell us a little distance.
33:49How much distance is left to reach, whether we want to go to Hemkunt Sahib or Kedarnath
33:56and how much time will be reduced from the roadway project?
34:00This time will be reduced a lot if things move in the right direction.
34:06Because the distance between the two places is 18 km to 21 km.
34:12Hemkunt Sahib is from Govind Ghat and Kedarnath is from Sonprayag.
34:17So the distance that is decided in 9 hours or 11 hours, people will reach there in 35
34:23to 40 minutes.
34:24They will walk about 1 km and then they will reach the temple.
34:29So they will have to walk less than 1 km on the roadway.
34:33Both these places are very dangerous, very sad and very sensitive places in nature.
34:40Now here you will have to see that by becoming a roadway, the heli service will get a little
34:46Because the environmentalists say that by flying a helicopter and the noise it makes,
34:53the mountains of the Himalayas are getting a little unorganized.
34:58It's good to share these challenges so that the authorities must be aware and I am sure
35:03they are looking at it as well.
35:05Sanjay, thank you very much for now.
35:07Let's look at these latest visuals coming in.
35:09This is the latest visual coming in from Bukhwar Temple.
35:14The folk dance of Uttarakhand from the local residents.
35:18Let's dip in to the sounds.
37:28Dressed in their traditional finest attire, the people of Uttarakhand, specifically this
37:42is the Uttarkashi district.
37:44Harsil and Mukba where Prime Minister Modi is visiting right now.
37:49And unlike earlier remember, Prime Minister Modi here just acknowledging, standing with
37:55a Namaste greeting.
37:57A day spent among the snow-clad mountains of Uttarakhand where he has plans to develop
38:04with regard to roadway projects.
38:06A winter tourism program as well so that the footfall continues not just in the summer
38:11season but also during the winters as well.
38:14We are told that there is possibly not going to be a night stay in the itinerary.
38:19We will try and get that confirmation.
38:21But for now, prayers were offered at the Mukba temple which is called the winter seat
38:27of Ma Ganga.
38:28And then he will go ahead to inaugurate a bike rally, a trek.
38:34But before that, a bit of dance, music from Uttarakhand traditional to the state.
38:41And we are told that the Governor, Governor-General Gurmeet Singh and Chief Minister Pushkar Singh
38:48who did welcome PM Modi at the Jolly Grant Airport and then with him to Harsil where
38:53he presently is.
38:54Union Minister of State for Road Transport Ajay Tamta also present at the event because
38:59remember this is an important initiative.
39:02It's full of challenges but it's also a mission for Prime Minister Modi to promote
39:07what is truly ours.
39:09It is about the land, about the culture, the heritage that is born on this land.
39:16And therefore to promote what is native, traditional and is our heritage to make it
39:23as a prime highlight for countries, religious tourism very similar to how whether it's
39:28Banaras or Prayagraj, Ayodhya are being promoted similarly being done now for the hill state
39:34of Uttarakhand.
39:46All right, so we will be tracking all that and more about the itinerary and the schedule
40:05of PM Modi in the hill state of Uttarakhand this morning.