• 10 hours ago
Karina Milei, hermana del presidente de la nación, enfrenta una denuncia en los tribunales de Comodoro Pi por presunto tráfico de influencias relacionado con la criptomoneda Libra. La coalición cívica acusa a Milei de ser la 'cajera' en un esquema de sobornos para facilitar reuniones con el presidente. Esta denuncia ha sido presentada ante el juez federal Marcelo Martínez y será investigada por el fiscal Eduardo Taiano. El caso ha captado atención internacional tras publicaciones en Estados Unidos que sugieren irregularidades. La investigación determinará si Karina Milei será imputada formalmente.


00:00It happened with Karina Milley, Lucía.
00:02Finally, the sister of the president of the nation, Karina Milley, was denounced in the courts of Comodoro Pi
00:08for the crimes of influence trafficking in the framework of the cause for the Libra cryptocurrency.
00:15Until now, the government had breathed that the sister of the president and the secretary general
00:20did not appear in the criminal cause that was opened to investigate this maneuver.
00:26Now yes, a complaint from the civic coalition points out against Karina Milley
00:32as the alleged cashier of the secretary general for the bribery charge
00:39according to the background of some businessmen and publications made in the United States
00:45regarding this issue.
00:47Stop there, stop there, Lucía. The civic coalition denounces Karina Milley.
00:50You said a word for being the cashier, the thing is to be the cashier.
00:54The complaint speaks of Karina Milley as the cashier of the secretary general,
01:00that is, who would have charged Coimas for businessmen to meet with the president of the nation.
01:08Something that Hyden Davies himself had said at some point and then he said no,
01:13but it was pointed out in some journalistic publications in the United States
01:19last week. For that reason, this criminal complaint against Karina Milley was presented.
01:26It fell into the court of the federal judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi
01:30and he is going to investigate the same prosecutor who investigates Javier Milley,
01:35who is Eduardo Tayano. Nacho.
01:37Let's see, Lu, do you think in brief moments we develop it well, we complete it?
01:41You had said that Karina Milley had not been investigated,
01:44she was not being investigated. From this there is a complaint.
01:47Let's see if they charge her or not, if the investigation progresses.
