Buenos Aires enfrenta una crisis energética en medio de una ola de calor sin precedentes, con temperaturas que alcanzan los 44.4 grados de sensación térmica. Más de 600,000 usuarios se encuentran sin electricidad debido a la explosión de dos líneas de alta tensión operadas por Edesur. La situación ha generado caos en el transporte público y preocupación entre los ciudadanos, especialmente aquellos electrodependientes.
00:0044.4°C of thermal explosion in the city. It is very hot, there is a huge blackout, more than 600,000 people without light.
00:13This is what is happening today in Buenos Aires. And here we are, accompanying you, of course.
00:20Good afternoon everyone, welcome. This is how we start the show.
00:25No rating! We are free!
00:28We do what we want, Mariana.
00:31Yes, today there is no rating, there is nothing, today we can do what we want.
00:34No, no, the truth is that the situation is serious, especially because the heat is very high and there are many people without light.
00:40620,000 people, 620,000 users, in fact, who are without light at the moment, mostly in the south of the Buenos Aires suburban area and in the south of the city of Buenos Aires.
00:52Almost all of the homes where there is no light, or almost all of the buildings where there is no light, who provide the service is the company Edesur, which has not yet given an explanation of what happened.
01:06It is known that there are two high voltage lines that apparently exploded, that apparently are not working and they are trying to solve them.
01:14It is the second strong blackout in the day, because at dawn 550,000 users had been affected, then the energy had been recovered and at 12.40 noon these two high voltage lines exploded again and there are already 620,000 users affected.
01:30And do you know when this can be solved?
01:32When you go to ask the company and even the company's social networks, they say, the technicians are working to solve it, they do not give an estimated deadline of when they could fix it.
01:43If it is what is known, if what is known is that there are two high voltage lines, large, important, that supply a large number of municipalities and towns here in the city of Buenos Aires and there is no estimated time to fix it.
01:56We know everything that entails this, then the lack of water, the lack of light, the lack of water, all the issues we have with insecurity and the lack of light close to night, this is imminent that it is fixed.
02:09At the peak of heat, 44.4 degrees Celsius of heat at the moment.
02:15So the reason why it exploded was the heat?
02:17In the government they believe that yes, in the government they believe that, and they even accuse the Ede Sur company of the lack of investment precisely to maintain that line.
02:27And it is Mariana the perfect storm, what Martin points out well, to this double blackout that occurred the first in the early morning and another in the last hours, particularly affecting the southern area of the city of Buenos Aires.
02:39And a good part of Lamba, you have to add the almost historical temperature at this time in terms of the thermal sensation.
02:47And you have to take good care of yourself today, right?
02:49Try to drink a lot of water, obviously we already know, and go out if you need to go out, right?
02:54It is necessary, because in addition the center of Porteño, Mariana, at this time is a chaos.
02:58It should be remembered that a good part of the subways were also cut off.
03:01Now I am asking for information to Emova.
03:04There is a video, Lu, there is a video that is very, very strong, because it is people trapped in the subway, with the lights off, without air conditioning.
03:14No, no, for a claustrophobic directly.
03:17If outside there is 44 degrees, there Franco should be at least more than 50.
03:22And many people with mental health problems, as you well point out, Mariana, that this type of situation is suffered by the fifth plane.
03:29Or someone who does not suffer from claustrophobia can start to suffer in a situation like this.
03:34That video was recorded by the bear, he had a horrible time.
03:38Hello bear, you spent it 44 degrees, how are you?
03:44Look, it's gay friendly.
03:48I'm not going to take anyone out of the closet, it's much more than friendly, but let him say it.
03:52They told me, I don't know, it seems that the bear gave it to the pear at the end of the week.
03:57It's a burst.
04:00It is slowly taking, more and more movements are being incorporated.
04:05We are going to recommend Mariana the bear not to go to the center, because at this time there are more than 50 traffic lights that stopped working at the more than 4,000 intersections.
04:15We are going to say some that are off at this time.
04:18This is up-to-date information that is happening to me from the city government.
04:219 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo, central place if there are any.
04:24Acoite and Alge Gallardo, Amancio Alcorta, Ibelezar, Fiel, Leandro Alem and San Martin.
04:30Some of the many.
04:32And at this time EMOA is happening to me, the company that is in charge of the subways in the city of Buenos Aires.
04:37Lines A, C, D, H and Premetro provide full service between the headers.
04:43Line E works with a limited service between Boedo and Virreyes.
04:47In any case, beyond the fact that it has been normalized, the truth is that it is as you pointed out.
04:51The best thing is if you can avoid the center.
04:54We will be updating all this information.
04:56I thought of all the electoral people, people who have the need to have electricity in their home for their own life.
05:04And how is this solved?
05:06It is a great question.
05:07An immediate response from the state.
05:09I was just refreshing the social networks of DESUR.
05:12And the last tweet says, we report that there was a failure in a high voltage line that affects several of our substations.
05:19Our technicians are working to restore the service.
05:23We keep in touch.
05:25You don't need me to tell you how many comments there are below and how many insults there are for the company.
05:30Well, today, March 5, is the day of energy efficiency.
05:35No, you are charging me.
05:36No, it's like that.
05:37Yes, yes, yes.
05:38It's like that.
05:39Since 98, exactly.
05:40It was stipulated that day.
05:41That is, exactly 28 years ago.
05:44And it was stipulated for something special?
05:45Yes, it was stipulated precisely to begin to raise awareness around the world, Mariana,
05:49about the responsible use of technology, of energy.
05:53But, in addition, we also accompany a series of tips that at this time in Argentina we could not apply.
05:59For example, take advantage of using natural light today.
06:03Turn off the lights you don't use.
06:05Use low-consumption lamps.
06:07Keep the bulbs clean.
06:09Well, air conditioning, right?
06:11So many times we talk about the temperature.
06:13Inapplicable in Argentina.
06:14No, another explanation for this.
06:16We miss you, Doc.
06:17Of course.
06:18No, no, no.
06:19Yes, we miss you.
06:20We miss you.
06:21All these days, all these days that are celebrated are the reverend Cuete.
06:25Because they made him the day of 98, of efficiency or energy efficiency.
06:30All the tips that Franco Torcha suggested and much more.
06:34Well, but it doesn't concern me that there is a day.
06:36Agency of Control, Ministry of Healthy Energy.
06:38I'm not going to listen to you because you have the importance.
06:40You know what?
06:41For me you have the importance of a burnt fluorescent tube.
06:43So you know.
06:44Of course.
06:4627 years later, we are worse than in 91.
06:50Do you know why?
06:51Because you are going to govern us now.
06:52Because there is no investment.
06:53I understood that you are going to govern us now.
06:54Because they spent all the money on nonsense.
06:55It's true.
06:56Instead of spending it on images.
06:57I don't know if it's nonsense.
06:58They gave you the concept.
06:59They stole it.
07:00I don't know what.
07:01But the reality is that every year we have the same problem.
07:03And it's getting worse.
07:04Because the truth is that it's not the same.
07:06It's getting worse.
07:07It's getting worse.
07:08And with very high temperatures.
07:09There had not been large blackouts during the summer.
07:10It arrives now, just in March.
07:11But we are talking about a peak time of heat.
07:12Let's say.
07:13A peak time in terms of temperature.
07:14Let's go to our cell phone.
07:15If Juan is still standing.
07:16Are you melted, Juan?
07:17How are you?
07:18You don't know what this is.
07:19It's tremendous what you feel here.
07:20The heat.
07:21Mariana, good afternoon.
07:22Good afternoon.
08:25There is no other.
08:26Yes, forget it.
08:27You have to move on.
08:29Well, it's tremendous.
08:30The truth is that.
08:31The truth is that.
08:32The heat is impressive.
08:33It's been hot, right?
08:34Because it's been many days of heat.
08:35But today is something impressive.
08:36The truth is that it feels a lot more.
08:37And on top of that, well, all these blackouts make that to the fullest.
08:38There can be no type of resource to loosen the heat.
08:42Mariana, let me update you on something that happens to me too.
08:44That is, official information from the mobile company.
08:46The line B is currently unserviced.
08:47He entered to be unserved.
08:48We just said that they were all working.
08:49Less the limited premetro, we reiterate, between the stations Boedo and Virreyes.
08:50Line B at this time is unserved.
08:51I'm wondering when it is supposed to be restored.
08:52It is one of the most important lines.
08:53The one that is the most public.
08:54For the return of the people from work.
08:55Of course.
08:56For the return of the people from work.
08:57And the people who work.
08:58For the return of the people.
08:59And the people who work.
09:00And the people who work.
09:01I am asking you.
09:02It is a very important line.
09:03It is a very important line.
09:04It is a very important line.
09:05It is a very important line.
09:06I'm asking when it is supposed to be restored.
09:09It is one of the most important lines.
09:11It is the one that attracts the most public.
09:13And for the return of people from work, right?
09:15Of course, there is still a long way to go.
09:17There were stations that were already closed.
09:19Tribunals do not work for several months.
09:21They are making improvements, of course.
09:23It can be that it is a little hot, it rains a little and everything collapses.
09:27But it is not casual.
09:29On the official website of ENRE,
09:31when you enter the state of the electrical service, it is collapsed.
09:35It can not be known because ENRE allows you to see in real time
09:40how many users are affected by power cuts.
09:43There are so many people who are trying to enter that the page is collapsed.
09:47In other words, you can not even have a record today
09:49or an updated number of how many people are affected.
09:51This is outrageous, it really is outrageous.
09:53Because taxes go up more and more.
09:55People pay more and more.
09:57They ask us to put the effort.
09:59We put everything.
10:0144 degrees, the light is cut off.
10:03600,000 people without light.
10:05It's really outrageous.
10:07Until when? When is the time to invest?
10:09When is it going to happen?
10:11The climate imposes another type of investment today for companies in general.
10:14Because you just detailed this.
10:16We come from how many days approximately of storms and a lot of humidity.
10:19At least a week.
10:21A sudden change to this thermal sensation,
10:24to this heat with the sky completely clear.
10:27This is called climate chaos.
10:29Here Dr. Alessandro is going to tell me that it does not exist.
10:31I want to tell you that climate change exists
10:33and that it is increasingly challenging
10:35precisely in its cross with the use of energy
10:38and the investment that must be made in energy and the replacement of energy.
10:42Of course, because if there was solar energy,
10:44today we would have energy.
10:46But we have to think, Mariana,
10:48that our energy matrix is really almost all.
10:52I mean, how do you get to have electric energy in our country?
10:56That's what we talk about when we talk about energy matrix.
10:59We are talking about the bulk.
11:01They are fossil fuels.
11:04That is, either oil or gas.
11:06It comes from the burn.
11:08So, well, that's what we have to transform.
11:11And well, the doctor mentioned...
11:13And now the wind energy, right?
11:15A little cleaner energies.
11:17When Macri invented, brought wind energy,
11:20all the deaf appeared.
11:24Updated data, Mariana.
11:26Yes, please.
11:27What the Energy Secretary says right now
11:29is that there are 366,000 lightless users in AMBA,
11:32that is, currently,
11:34and that the cut is due,
11:36beyond the temperatures, of course,
11:38to a failure in the high voltage lines
11:41of the coastal zone Hudson.
11:43That's where it failed.
11:45There are 366,000 currently.
11:47At 12.40 p.m. there were 620,000 registered.
11:51Now the updated number speaks of 366,000.
11:55The number of lightless users has dropped,
11:57but it is still a lot.
11:59Let's go with Juan. Let's see, Juan.
12:01Yes, let's continue here, Mariana.
12:03Well, the people, as you see there in the fan,
12:05there are not many people on the street.
12:07There are not many people on the street.
12:09Taking into account that, well...
12:11It's like in the northern provinces,
12:13that at this time people don't walk on the street,
12:15that's how it is, of course.
12:17How am I raised?
12:19For me, 44 and a half is very common, guys.
12:21Excuse me, I'm in a hurry for life.
12:29But in economies where you can do that,
12:31a big city like this,
12:33if you have so much time in the afternoon,
12:35well, that has economic and financial repercussions,
12:38that is, inactivity brings financial consequences.
12:41Well, so people stay as long as they can inside.
12:44We see very few people in the microcenter.
12:46They are about to close the banks in a little while,
12:48so the activity begins to decrease.
12:50We are going to try to talk to the people who are starting to leave,
12:52who are starting to try to return to their work
12:54and will realize that some transports are not working.
12:57That's key, Mariana.
12:58That's key.
12:59That's why it's good to inform yourself before leaving
13:02what you have to return to your country.
13:04It is also important to make some recommendations
13:06in the face of the heat wave.
13:08Drink water, wear light clothes,
13:10take care of older adults,
13:12go out in the sun, to minors too.
13:14I say that's important because the heat wave can be dangerous.
13:18Bellivoni just said that you can't work with this heat.
13:22But you can't do it in the cold either?
13:24No, no.
13:25He wanted to continue.
13:26With no climate.
13:27You wanted to continue with the nominee of Zurrito.
13:28I don't know if you know that...
13:29I thought he was going to come relaxed, traveling.
13:31What happened?
13:32Did you come stressed?
13:34Did you come bad?
13:35Did you come with the cold?
13:36Like fallen.
13:37You can't work with this heat.
13:39Holidays stress you too, let's understand it.
13:41But the truth is that I really appreciate
13:43that Dr. Isaaco has come with a tie and a shirt
13:45on a day like today.
13:46My daughter-in-law gave it to me.
13:48Ah, good!
13:49Did you come on a motorcycle?
13:50I came on a motorcycle,
13:51there were no traffic lights,
13:53that's what I like.
13:54Look here.
13:55No traffic lights, no order.
13:56All right.
13:57We have lived, they locked us up for the pandemic,
14:00they filled us with traffic lights,
14:01they ask us everything.
14:02I am happy with the heat.
14:04Ah, you want freedom in that heat.
14:06He wants energy.
14:07Freedom advances.
14:08Very good.
14:09Mariana, you were talking about the electrodependents.
14:11They arrested me.
14:12You know why?
14:13Because she is running for office.
14:16You are running for office?
14:17No, no.
14:18Don't come to me with the bell.
14:21I ask you, please, to investigate with respect.
14:24I'm going to investigate a little.
14:25Third, third.
14:26Let's see, Lu.
14:27Mariana, you mentioned, and very well,
14:29the issue of electrodependents.
14:31Throughout the day, they had to rescue
14:33three electrodependent people in the city of Buenos Aires.
14:36And also, the firefighters had to rescue people
14:38locked up in elevators.
14:40Because we just saw the situation of the subway.
14:44Let's remember, at this time we are serving,
14:46Line B at this time is not working
14:48and it is not yet known when it will work again,
14:51because obviously it depends on electricity.
14:53And they had to stay, some people stayed,
14:56imagine you are coming down from your house
14:58and you were locked up in the elevator.
15:02No, and knowing that they were not going to rescue them.
15:05I mean, if it's a blackout, imagine, of course.
15:07Of course not.
15:08It has to do with the type of life we have here,
15:10precisely, in other places.
15:11And that's where we realize how dependent we are.
15:13No, and then the lack of water,
15:15we have to say this, because immediately the water is missing.
15:17The most affected neighborhood, San Nicolás,
15:18which is an area of workers, right?
15:20I mean, the tall buildings with a lot of people,
15:22the center, the center of Porceño.
15:24The most affected neighborhoods were Almagro,
15:26they are being, really, Almagro, Caballito,
15:29La Paternal, Villa Urquiza, Balvanera,
15:31Boedo, Parque Patricios,
15:33Constitución and San Telmo.
15:35And San Nicolás.
15:36In that area, of course.
15:37Sorry, which are the most affected neighborhoods?
15:39It must be said that the south of the city is always affected.
15:41The south company, yes, is the one that is most affected.
15:45We see that Juan is still walking.
15:47Juan, are you going to a particular place?
15:49We are recommending to the people to stay at home
15:51and you don't stop walking.
15:53I see that he has no direction.
15:56No, we are looking for the shadows.
16:00He is looking for the shadows.
16:02We are looking to see if we can get to the subway line.
16:05Ah, perfect.
16:06To see how the movement is.
16:08Which one are you close to?
16:09To see, well, we are close to Dobelisco, so...
16:11There you go.
16:12There you go.
16:13There it is.
16:14Now I know where it is.
16:16The node, the node.
16:17I'm worried about the cameraman, who is hot.
16:20Poor, he's hot.
16:21No, they don't know what the cameraman is.
16:24He is...
16:25He fell from the sidewalk.
16:28He is fainting.
16:30You are at 1100, you are at 1100 or 1200 de Cerrito.
16:35You are close to the studio, doctor.
16:37At least seven blocks away.
16:38We can go to Alessandro's studio and check the cameras.
16:41No, no, no.
16:42All the lazy people left.
16:43He's going to go through El Colo, through Barcelote.
16:46Of course.
16:47But I still insist on the few people on the street.
16:49It's not natural.
16:51It doesn't speak, of course, of the heat it's doing.
16:54Here they make some clarifications to me.
16:57The service will normalize just after four in the afternoon.
17:02Just after four in the afternoon, that is, in about 40 minutes, more or less,
17:06that it begins to normalize, that it is completely normalized.
17:09And not everywhere at the same time.
17:11When we talk now, currently, that there are 366,000 users without light,
17:16we are talking about more than 1,100,000 people.
17:20That is good to clarify, because of course, when one mentions users,
17:24one refers to a house.
17:26Of course, but there are several houses.
17:28There are more than one person's house.
17:30More than 300,000 users, or approximately 300,000 users,
17:33are more than one million people.
17:35So when we talk about 600,000 users without light,
17:37we are talking about two million people.
17:39Two million, two hundred thousand people who suffered
17:42between noon and three in the afternoon, the cutoff of light.
17:45Mariana, and until a little while ago, at least, until about 35 minutes ago,
17:49both the National Congress was without light,
17:53attention, because we had legislative decisions this week.
17:57I'm sure nothing happened.
17:59Senators and deputies were without light.
18:02And the Casa Rosada too.
18:03The Casa Rosada too, and attention, because what they tell me is that,
18:06in addition to the fact that there is no light,
18:08it is happening that there is no signal from the cell phone,
18:10for the most part, they say.
18:12There we have a poor victim, let's see.
18:15Yes, how do you get away from the heat, teacher?
18:19And now, no, it's impossible.
18:22You have to drink water, wear light clothes, very well.
18:25Yes, more or less.
18:27How do you get home?
18:29How do you get home?
18:31Now we are waiting to go to Retiro, and there we take the train.
18:35Ah, by train?
18:36Yes, we have to go by train.
18:38Are there no lights in the house or is there light?
18:40Yes, it's 40 minutes, a little more.
18:42In your house, what are you from?
18:45Let's see if there is light.
18:46Yes, in Bulognese, yes.
18:47Yes, we are lucky.
18:49Here we found, we came from 11 and we found that there was no light,
18:53everything was without light, so it went down.
18:56Do you have water to hydrate in case of doubt?
18:58Yes, yes, we have water, we have.
18:59Very good, thank you very much.
19:00No, thank you.
19:01Very good, people putting on gloves, every day.
19:04Let's see, let's see, the heat, how do you get out,
19:06how do you get away from the heat?
19:08No, thank you.
19:09Well, I don't want to talk.
19:11He grabs her with all his hair up,
19:13you have to get out of your house.
19:15Of course, I don't either.
19:19Let's see, you should have seen me a while ago with the rollers.
19:26I had a moment.
19:29Let's see, Juan, there he goes behind the people.
19:31Oh no, people working.
19:33One question, sorry to bother you.
19:35How do you do to work?
19:38I imagine the heat.
19:39Yes, we have another one.
19:41Do you have water?
19:43Well, he has water there, we see him working.
19:45How long have you been?
19:48How many hours do you work?
19:51I'm working, huh?
19:52Worker, well, he says more than 8 hours.
19:54More than 8 hours working.
19:56The bad mood he has, imagine.
19:58The least he can have is bad mood.
20:00Heat is there, leaving everything.
20:02Mariana is the ...
20:03Let's see, we see the lady walking.
20:05How do you do to hold on?
20:07You are not having success, Juan.
20:09We are not having success.
20:12Diana, I notice that people are not in the mood to talk.
20:16But it's hot too.
20:20We see him, how are you doing?
20:22I'm fine, everything is in order.
20:23Well, a lot of heat.
20:24How do you do?
20:25Are you walking, working?
20:26We are looking for a job here in the city.
20:28Looking for a job.
20:29Yes, we come from San Luis Capital, so nothing.
20:31We are already from here, born in Buenos Aires.
20:33Well, but he is used to the heat, then.
20:36You are used to the heat anyway.
20:38No, yes, there it happens that the climate is drier.
20:41And here it is more humid.
20:43But nothing, I don't know.
20:45One who was born here missed everything.
20:47Do you have water?
20:48Are you prepared for the heat?
20:49I have the water from the backpack.
20:50Well, let's bring him luck, let him get a job.
20:52The last procedure is left and rest for a while.
20:54Well, luck and success for the job.
20:56Thank you very much, guys.
20:58Thank you very much.
21:00Juan, we'll be back in a little while.
21:02Let's see if we can take the temperature of the street.
21:05Let's see how much it is.
21:07Juan is two blocks away from a place where a high-voltage cable exploded.
21:12And El Same is working in the place.
21:14This is in Pellegrini, Perón.
21:17They are already working there.
21:19When, they also explained to me from one of the companies,
21:22when the machine is repaired, the generator machine is repaired,
21:27it takes approximately two hours to regenerate the same electricity that it generated before.
21:34It has a time, of course.
21:36It has a time in which it regenerates the same electricity.
21:40Juan, you have to point to the girl, because now the girls are free of clothes.
21:45You have to go ask the girl.
21:47Let the candidate be.
21:49What do you want to do with your life?
21:52If I were a mobile operator, I would be here.
21:54No, you are not a mobile operator.
21:55You are a lawyer.
21:56You are going to run for office, right?
21:58No, I don't know.
21:59Sorry, we are here in the polls.
22:01It's like paying pollsters.
22:03They measured it and it's third, Mariana.
22:05It's third.
22:06It's third in the vote.
22:07It wouldn't be the first time.
22:08Oh, my heart.
22:09Wait, but then I don't want you to say no,
22:11that I got off, that the candidacy is testimonial,
22:13that we all want to help you.
22:15You never won.
22:16And for what party are you going to run for office?
22:18The Integral Party.
22:20It's new.
22:21It's relatively new.
22:23Who presides it?
22:24Ten years.
22:26I ran for office.
22:27I am the president and I am everything.
22:30So they don't betray me.
22:32They don't betray me.
22:33It's fine.
22:34The strategy is fine.
22:35Consciousness can betray me.
22:36No, well, they asked me.
22:37They asked me and there were people.
22:39And you measured well.
22:40Incredibly, I measured very well.
22:43The number two, which is woman or man.
22:45Not exactly.
22:46No, no.
22:47You didn't know.
22:48No, I don't allow it, Mariana.
22:50You didn't find out.
22:51Didn't you see the posters, Mariana?
22:52Didn't you see the posters?
22:53We are together.
22:54No, no, no.
22:55The poster says, Mauricio returns.
22:57And below it says D'Alessandro.
23:00Ah, yes.
23:01Does that exist?
23:02I'm going to kill you.
23:04What a nice idea you had, really.
23:06Stop, don't change the subject.
23:07To compete.
23:08Very good.
23:09No, no, I'm sorry.
23:10I'm finding out about this.
23:11It seems to me that I should know.
23:13Just like I have a panelist who doesn't speak, the bear.
23:15He's there.
23:16One who talks a lot.
23:17He's white.
23:18Uncheckable, says the bear.
23:19The bear gets excited as he can.
23:20Uncheckable, he's saying.
23:21I sent Guido to put it there.
23:24Let's see.
23:25The poster.
23:26I want to see.
23:28It seems to me that this compromises his opinions here in the panel, doctor.
23:32But I don't have any.
23:33I hope his political activity is compatible.
23:36Cristina Pérez, you have to go.
23:38No, I don't want him to leave.
23:41No, I want to leave it here.
23:43I have an unchangeable pendular behavior.
23:45You see, Mauricio 2025 and below it says D'Alessandro.
23:49I'm about to faint.
23:50Mariana, Mariana.
23:51Yellow like the bear.
23:52And the bear.
23:53Now we vote.
23:54Don't tell me.
23:55Look at the bear.
23:57We did it, we did it.
23:58There is a confabulation.
23:59Amadito or the bear.
24:02I think Mauricio Macri, letter, document.
24:04This is an approbation.
24:05D'Alessandro, stop, stop.
24:06Yes, it is an approbation.
24:07It's true.
24:08It's an approbation.
24:09Mauricio, what is it for?
24:10The bear is with you on top.
24:11I don't understand anything.
24:13I went to the kindergarten with Mauricio Macri and for the first time two ex-students of
24:18kindergarten 1 of Tandil face each other.
24:20They were together in kindergarten 1.
24:23Look at you.
24:26When I went to the kindergarten, this is good that we know this.
24:32There was no OPD in those days.
24:34The kindergarten was invented by Perón in 1949.
24:36There were no color rooms.
24:38Nothing, if you were lucky.
24:41There was a room.
24:44It is true.
24:45There was only one room.
24:47We dressed up as little Chinese and we didn't know who was little Chinese and who was little Chinese.
24:54Tortilla Feliz
24:56Of course, they were already non-binary