• 2 weeks ago
A rescue horse left sad and confused after his best friend was rushed to hospital couldn't contain his excitement when the pair were finally reunited after more than a week apart. For days on end, Leo, a Palomino Percheron, at BraveHearts Equine Center, in Paris, Kentucky, was seen staring into the distance, wondering what happened to his best friend, Lou, who had been by his side through so much. The pair arrived at the center in April 2024, having been "thrown away" by their owners, staff said. According to the center, Leo and Lou had been through years of hard labor, but when they became too old, sick and injured to work, they were sent to kill pens, only to be rescued. When they arrived in Kentucky, they were emaciated, had overgrown hooves and moth-eaten coats from lice, and it took months of nutrition, farrier work and fungal baths from the BraveHearts team to nurse them back to health. From the day they arrived, it was clear the pair shared a special bond – but, one day Lou, who is aged between 15 and 20, had an impaction colic, and needed to be rushed away for emergency surgery. Leo, who is around 20, was left saddened and confused about what had happened Lou, and for days on end he could be seen staring off into the distance, wondering where his friend could be. But then, more than a week later, the center got the news that Lou was well enough to return home from the hospital – and so they knew they had to plan a surprise reunion for Leo.


