• 2 days ago
90 Day The Last Resort Between the Sheets S01 E08


00:00Who are you I have some fangirl asking for you
00:07Yes, run she's on her way
00:16Bonus clip
00:25He wouldn't pick up the phone he wouldn't call back I
00:29Made the suggestion to visit his house with cake and stop by he told me I can write restriction order on me
00:35Do you think he's hiding something? It's possible. He calls me often
00:48He's coming out of his comfort zone, he's shaving his armpits. Oh, yeah, if I do all this you're gonna sleep with me
00:53This is great. Like go ahead shave my armpits. I'm gonna dance
01:01Miss Rama, did you kiss her? Yeah, did you touch her?
01:06Exactly. Okay
01:08Sneaky Julia dragged me to one of the bathrooms and she started kissing me the moment
01:15I realized that I already had her tongue inside my mouth. Oh
01:19my god
01:20That's your Julia
01:28Told me he are afraid so not they're gonna take his money take his beer
01:32Yeah, you know the fact that they took those words and twisted it. I don't think that really anybody
01:39Understands what I'm talking about. They completely don't get me
01:43What do you like that? No
01:47Something else had to be going on because he didn't want to go he was angry it was just
01:53Unsettling this was a hundred percent strange
01:59Okay, rude, please Jasmine got involved because it had nothing to do with Jasmine I think in Jasmine make every situation worse
02:09Thank you, okay
02:26We got this girl
02:32Oh, I have too much to say
02:37Okay, guys, let's start watching the episode
02:39We're gonna start it off with sand therapy and it's going to include some never-before-seen footage. Okay
02:47Ready for it
02:48Welcome everybody. I'm so pleased to introduce to you. Sarah Malone. She is a clinical hypnotherapist
02:55Spiritual healer teacher and life coach. I saw them doing this from my balcony. How did you my room? Yeah, but I wasn't invited
03:04Unfortunately, neither. Well, hello everyone. I am Sarah. Thank you Heidi for that introduction. Go ahead and lift your trays
03:10Today, we're going to be using a tool called sand tray therapies. I remember we did that
03:15Go ahead and just start to make your picture in the sands
03:19Tapping into the parts of you that are somewhat more difficult and challenging to talk about with words
03:25We woke up that morning
03:27It was still kind of awkward in the morning and we wasn't in the best of places
03:30But I was definitely excited to about the sound therapy because it meant that we didn't need to talk to each other
03:36We could just do things in the sand
03:38honestly for me my weak point is
03:42Expressing how I feel like with words anything that's not words
03:45As I'm interested in because it might help me express things better
03:50Rob, would you like to take us through the story?
03:54Well, it all starts out with us getting married
03:57imagining a
03:59Nice future together
04:01The Rhino is her mom
04:03worried about this
04:05golden chest
04:06Instead of worrying about little baby Sophie. Oh
04:10Sophie's mom never wanted to see me as
04:14Someone worthy someone good enough and I am very hurt
04:21Like I understand like this trash is junk like she's a junkie
04:26She's clean now, but it just brought back a lot. I never got a chance to really know the real Sophie
04:33She never really let any of us in unless you know, she was bitching about Rob
04:37But I thought it was kind of douchey of Rob to put the trash can and the Rhino be like, that's your mom
04:43She's up our relationship. It's like, okay take some accountability for your two men
04:49Your mom is across the ocean
04:53It's hard when someone struggles with addiction and I don't want it to affect my marriage
05:01And I don't think that's our main reason but I can see how
05:04It might have affected my life as a baby and then not my marriage I really did appreciate that exercise
05:12Sophie needs to see that her mom has not and does not just automatically have her best interest at heart and
05:21I was actually really surprised that she didn't try to flip it on me in some way
05:26Because I know I came in kind of like screw it. I'm just gonna go for it
05:30I'm gonna I'm gonna put it out there how I feel and I was a surprise that Sophie got emotional and
05:36And you know that it sunk in on some level
05:46Okay, I'm finished this says imagine because
05:51I've always like imagine like I would meet someone
05:55You know that would love me properly
05:58And then we got married and
06:01then after that the romance the joy and the happiness that all stopped and I felt like I
06:06Would got married and I was kind of forgot about
06:09the phone
06:11Signifies where it started. We had issues with you know, Rob and his texting and that's just where it begun. I
06:19Wasn't surprised that Rob didn't comfort Sophie. I got the feeling that Sophie's sand story
06:24Even though true, I think it got directed based off of Rob's and it was almost like a retaliation
06:31To the things he had in his I think that he's heard a lot of this before so it was like
06:38He gets sick of hearing the same story over and over again
06:41And I think it's hard to comfort a person who is playing the same record over and over again and not changing anything
06:49And then this again signifies that
06:52As time went on after the marriage things just got very ugly and I wasn't a priority
06:57So I was hurt and now I have issues from the pain that I felt here
07:02And I start being ugly to Rob back during the sound therapy. It kind of made me realize to that
07:12Kind of does remind me of my mom a lot too in a sense where I've kind of always had issues with my mom
07:17In a sense where I've kind of always had someone around like that that kind of manipulates me
07:22And I don't know like I'll accept so much from the person that I love and then I'll forgive them so easily
07:27You know, I've always done that with my mom like when she's not
07:31Doing good. She takes it out on me and then but then she's the best and I forgive her and I think that happens with
07:37Because that's just what I'm used to really which I don't want to be used to that
07:40I want I want like healthy love and I don't want to have to force someone to try and chase me
07:45I don't want to keep forgiving someone. I want to just have a healthy love. It's just cuz I just don't know what that looks like
08:08All right, let's watch Jasmine arrive at your honeymoon suite, yes, please
08:21Welcome to our crib
08:23You see you see the energy the vibe. I'm trying to put out like
08:27Like I'm this rich mansion owner. Welcome to my mansion party, you know
08:38I'm staying here girl. I was in a goofy mood and
08:43We had brought these robes we actually got these robes and brought it with our name on it Julia has one, too
08:49We got him in Dubai. We stayed in one of these like amazing
08:537-star hotel or whatever and was my birthday and so they decorated the room with like this big happy birthday
09:00Brandon they made us a cake with our like photos from Instagram on it and then they made us to like these silk robes
09:07So that's where the whole thing came from
09:17Tried to but I already got rejected
09:21Not one of them pedals got moved that night
09:28Chinese Rama did you kiss her name? Did you touch her?
09:33Exactly. I thought everything was good
09:36And great. So this is shocking to see yeah that they did not get down
09:41I think it's him. I don't think she wants to have sex with him
09:45I think she wants to be him to be a different type of guy like Julia just wants Brandon to be more assertive when it
09:51comes to sex
09:51but at the same time the only time he gets like that is when he drinks and
09:55She doesn't like him when he's drunk. So like when he hit the thing that makes him the guy that she wants him to be
10:02Turns her off
10:04Jasmine do this. She's just like yeah, so I mean she's trying to be a romantic. I thought I did the same
10:11She's not rejecting me. Oh my
10:18Julia gets turned on by me faster than she does with Brandon
10:36Took me by surprise
10:38when the when when the camera guys were changing the
10:43Cards, there was like a small break. She's very sneaky. She grabbed me into one of the bathrooms
10:51She locked the door and she kissed me in the mouth with tongue
10:55She was like I never kissed a woman. I wanna know how it feels and I
11:01Kiss her back
11:03Because I mean it was gonna be her first kiss with a girl and I wanted to cause a good impression
11:10It's gonna be a hot night
11:13Julia Jasmine says you pulled her in the bathroom and kissed her
11:20I mean like I love Jasmine a person but she's not attractive like a woman
11:46I should be a sex coach
11:51Talked to Jasmine maybe I'll talk to Gino, huh?
11:55Gino for the position he's in because I'm like seriously, bro. I don't understand how he can deal
12:01He just doesn't understand what's going on in our relationship
12:04Yeah, like I understand why you and Jasmine aren't having sex
12:07But I don't even I don't even hear I'm not even hearing a reason for why Brandon and Julia aren't having sex
12:12I want that crazy sex that hot sex, you know
12:16Just tell me what to take and I will give that to you I can believe
12:20Brenda he have problem and it says that's crazy me for me
12:24If I'm gonna tell you what I wanted you're gonna follow that. No
12:27Yes, when I say season what of them is a nice couple is a love each other
12:34But they don't do sex. That's me
12:37question for me like stuff but
12:41Both of them they can fix it is easily like, you know, so the situation
12:45Come on dance for me
12:52Dance for me. What is this dance for me? I see Julia
12:56When she's like feeling the pressure from Brandon to be intimate and be sexy
13:02She flips it on him and she's like, let me see you dance you dance for me, and I like that
13:06I like that as a you know a way for her to still
13:11Stay present in the moment and it gets Brandon an opportunity to like know what it feels like to be on the spot to be
13:17Sensual Brandon. Yeah, let's start
13:25Now get close to her get close to her, you know what it looks like I was invited like to a party of
13:37Jasmine's gonna get some I'm not you know, what? Okay, if you don't know I have to tell you
13:44Sneaky Julia dragged me literally dragged me to one of the bathrooms
13:50She closes and locked the door and she started kissing me
13:57The moment I realized that I already had her tongue inside my mouth. Oh
14:05I can't really like when was that when when in the night was that there was like a small break. Oh
14:13My god, that's your Julia
14:16Wow. Oh
14:18my god, I
14:20Knew there was a pervert in there, you know
14:27Were you just sitting on the couch I have some fan I have some fangirl asking for you
14:43Yes, run
14:47She's on her way
14:48All right, Stacey. It's time to watch her stand therapy with Florian and it's gonna include some never-before-seen footage. Okay, I'm ready
14:58Stacey we'll go ahead and give you an opportunity now to tell your story
15:04This is
15:07You know
15:08my dad my mom
15:10my sister
15:12Right here. I have a twin
15:14Stacey's tray was really revealing to me because her figures in her sand tray were all laying horizontal except for three
15:21Figures and they were making a triangle
15:24It was Stacey Darcy and Florian and that to me stood out and spoke volumes to me because it seemed as though
15:31this is the
15:33Triangle that they live in every day. I feel like the twin thing is is
15:39an issue at times
15:41She recently said something to Florian I
15:45What did she say? Why don't you tell her?
15:48Should be single. Yeah told it told Florian. Yeah. Oh, no, this is bad. This is bad told
15:56You that you should be single. Yeah, he said to Florian you're better off single
16:00Basically, I feel like Stacey feels vulnerable
16:04And she feels like cornered by his sister being main character of her marriage
16:10No now I see the toxicity, you know, because like
16:16Darcy's input causes a lot of trouble in Stacy's marriage with Florian and it's like it's a marriage of three
16:23That's a problem
16:25Heidi what do you think about that? I
16:28Think you have this tangled web
16:30I do think that
16:32You and your sister and even Florian have to do really well with some couples counseling and or family therapy that we could possibly do
16:41Yeah, I agree
16:44It's a lot
16:46Stacy came into therapy into this retreat to work on her marriage and I think
16:54Suggesting that Darcy come there was kind of stepping on her toes so to speak
16:59But you know in this process of therapy a lot of people want to go around the problem over the problem under the problem
17:06But the truth is is you have to go through it and in order to go through it that meant Darcy had to come
17:12Florian. Yeah. What do you think about that? Is that something that you're comfortable with?
17:17I'm comfortable, you know
17:19And then the day like it's my town, you know
17:25So Florian if you will just look over the pieces and go ahead and just start to make your picture in the sand
17:33This is the st. Michael it's for the Stacy brother is passed away
17:44And this represent my sister passed away oh
17:52My gosh, you're gonna make me cry for real guys
17:55It was the love in the middle like a family, you know
17:59Like a family, you know
18:00You both experience something as
18:03Tragical like losing a sibling. Yes, and and you're healing each other. That is so beautiful
18:09Yeah, I love it. I want to let each other go. Yes family is the core of our relationship and we just
18:17You know, we stick together because of that
18:22That's beautiful Florian, how are you feeling Stacy?
18:27Emotional I
18:29Was really hoping Florian would dig a little deeper and just see what would come out in a different form of therapy
18:35he goes to
18:37what he knows and that for Florian is if I go and talk about family and all the things that are important to me that
18:44Touches my wife and Stacy buys into it. She's like he's talking he's sharing and she gets teary-eyed and now they're linked again
18:52And I think that that's what they're doing is creating this scenario where they get to their fundamental
18:59Baseline level of family and then they feel connected and loved and then their their relationship feels solid, but this is a false
19:07Reality, that's that's not gonna make your situation any better. If you just continue to play it safe
19:14Now we have a bonus clip some never-before-seen footage from your time in the honeymoon suite
19:24You are neat Lauren then some move and shave your arm, do you have a razor?
19:30Yeah, prove to her that you're willing to do whatever it takes. I'll shave everything
19:35Go get the razor
19:38Go get it
19:58He's trying really hard Brandon is very nice I'm trying really hard very hard he's coming out of his comfort zone
20:03He's shaving his armpits. Oh, yeah
20:06And what if I do all this you're gonna sleep with me. This is great. Like go ahead. Shake. I think I'm gonna dance
20:11I think I think Brandon no need to talk. You can do the actions as soon as talk. It's come very soft
20:19Very like yeah, babe, let's do it seemed like that's babe. Let's do it
20:27What do you guys think
20:31Why is Jasmine so into it that's the most I've seen a smile
20:35Brandon shaving your armpits is the most
20:38I'm gonna get in this
20:42You don't like sex no, it's just this it's easy for me to give and not having sex because like
20:53Just just like say no. I prefer sex over
20:57Yeah, I will do it. But like then I want to have sex
21:01Like you don't want to have sex after doing that you just want to I mean there's some time I have some time mood
21:08But usually it's a game
21:12No, there's more work you can just lay there you have to do nothing
21:19Yes, oh you guys do anything just like
21:25That's like Rob's like a starfish I do the work he just lays it
21:33Something between us
21:40There's something right there by your hand
21:51Sorry, I'm sorry plastic thing
22:00It's a bonus or no, no
22:22Think even go to toilet in this head. I mean even shower in this head
22:28I'm sorry for my reaction
22:29But you didn't even know does he have here or doesn't and the funny part he shaved only half of this here and here
22:36He has like here if you shave it all like shave it all
22:39But yeah, it's exciting because like I felt like Gina sleep in the head, you know, like something we are the boat guys, you know
22:52Think she's at a party. Oh boy. I think joy is
22:58Suspect she said we invite everyone to our suite. So it was like set in a group. I
23:04Didn't get any personal messages
23:10You know, he's talking about respect and he's not giving respect he just took offense to it and was being a dick
23:22Julia let's go guys. I think it's too late. You should invite everybody
23:29These plans are really hot but you didn't buy it. He told me I have to call him
23:36Somebody invite me I come to prepare myself to change the clothes, you know my boy. Come on sweet. I too late too late
23:46Think I was disgusting how Florian was talking to you like I was there when you invite everyone, you know
23:51So I didn't understand why what I did wrong because it's like I'm doesn't send anybody messages
23:58I doesn't like I said to my front of everybody avi old vibe and he just so angry at me
24:04but like I doesn't want to like
24:07Back to him because in a house is Joseph. It's not a brand in there, but Julia doesn't like Joseph
24:14Who's Joseph my drunken alter-ego? Oh
24:17Yeah, it doesn't sound like a wild crazy name, right? I don't like it either but it's my middle name. That's why
24:24And I'm so scared if like if I'm gonna fight this
24:28Florian Joseph will be are coming and start fight with
24:35It's not Brandon. It's Joseph and this is why I'm so quiet. I'm so I'm not going to do I'm not gonna say anything bad to
24:42You but he would just keep keep what I said, okay, it was embarrassing. I think even Stacey was embarrassed
24:48Yeah, he was talking to you like
24:53Like even me I'm very upset in the moment actually just why you will not invite like means, you know
24:58we're absent like something and then
25:01Realize that just me just for Rosa is misunderstanding
25:06For Flory just Flory he's so
25:09Sensitive. Yeah, he's so sensitive. He's so stubborn
25:12Yeah, because of you maybe his culture like something just he was being a little bit of a baby about it
25:17He was mad that he didn't get a formal invite
25:20But he can't let go he can't let go of his of his like the what what he expects or what he thinks should happen
25:26Or how things should happen? Yeah
25:38Something else has to be going on
25:40You're really burning it for me
25:44This was a hundred percent strange reaction something else had to be going on because he didn't want to go he was angry
25:51it was just
25:53unsettling but he
25:56Also pulled in a lot of negative energy and I don't know if he wanted attention
26:01I don't know if he didn't want his wife to go to the party. I don't know what that was, but he took his
26:08What he needed and if it wasn't that he wasn't happy and that's not really fair to have an expectation of somebody else's behavior
26:18I feel like he brings out my nasty side. I
26:24Don't like to be told what to do like I will you know, like speak my mind
26:30that's the one thing is like I feel like he doesn't like that when I defend myself and like
26:35You know speak my truth, but I don't like when he gets like that either I hate people disrespect what's wrong with you
26:46I think the big sign of not to be with the man is if he wears a shirt with the open buttons Betty or in
26:55Now Gino
26:56It's a red flag
26:59Stacey you need to run and run fast
27:05Stacy got to do this, but Jasmine you did it. It's called Sam
27:12What you're gonna do is
27:14Create a scene based on something that happened at last resort. I do smell
27:20Can't think of body. Just gotta pick the first thing that I say. Yeah, you like playing the sand
27:29Do-do-do-do-do-do go with your gut. Oh my god, okay
27:34This is a very important moment this person comes
27:39Walking over there's like a played-out scene. Okay, take it to the next level
27:45Said Natalie
27:53Yeah, she can be yeah, you ready I'll be waiting for it I think I might know what's coming. Yep
28:00Yeah, this is the night in the bar where Natalie flip
28:05Sophie's drink. This is a dessert. This is rough and these are the chicken wings
28:11Okay, how the chicken wing and this is a coyote, you know trying to hide and these are the camera guys
28:17This is Julia. Yeah. No, this is right here. Just be like like this. Oh
28:24And then we and then we put Julia. This is Julia like this
28:30That's Julia on all fours
28:33Working her but yeah in my story
28:37It changes the camera guys were like you Rob and then a coyote
28:43Get him and from die. Oh my gosh. I
28:47Know it's a sad story
28:50Can you guess what it is?
28:55This was the night of our homework assignment where the sexy cowgirl cowboy came out and I'm like riding my stallion
29:02all night long, you know
29:05Giddy up horsey
29:07Giddy up
29:10That's you having fun being drunky and that's your wife looking over
29:22Yeah, here's the horse the stallion
29:26Florian and this is us making out. Oh my god. Okay. I'm pin
29:41I know our kindergarten t-shirt would be very proud of us
29:50We're gonna watch when Florian Jasmine got into the fight at the hot tub, yeah. Oh I wasn't that for this
29:59So Stacy's not coming no, she won't come if Florian is the problem
30:04Florian is that out of the hell but Stacy's gone. Yes. Thanks. Jasmine. Oh, she's nice
30:18Hi, beautiful. Of course Jasmine got involved because it had nothing to do with Jasmine. I think it's Jasmine make every situation worse
30:25Yeah, I can handle this by myself easily. But after this is like it's huge fight. Yeah
30:33We're waiting for you in the mansion. How possible nobody text you. Hey, let's go
30:39Julia and Brandon they won a prize and they were very cool and nice to invite everyone
30:45They said it out loud
30:48But just need to prove a point to them like invite people like invite, you know
30:51Like go to the people knocking it or say like hey you want to come or no?
30:55I think I open new school here, you know to teach people how to respect
30:59The child there had to respect
31:02The guests I can do it for free with these people. I can open my own class
31:06It's gonna learn a lot for my culture is this case is going to grow up by polish. You need to respect people
31:12Especially like
31:28I'm really sad. I missed everything cuz I mean, I'm sure it was, you know, not great for you, but I kind of wanted to see
31:35See his like man-child tantrum
31:41Got him. Yeah, you got her. Yeah, I know how to push this button boy. You don't stop
31:50I feel bad like Stacy because it stays every time she's in bed in bed sport for Laurie
31:55Just that's what I feel like. I wish he can understand her like, you know, just I
32:00Will tell him just come on and you have to understand her like, you know, just I know your culture mean who just see
32:07His cultures his culture stubborn. Yes
32:10You are you on the tree? You want to treat?
32:14What does he want a treat doggy treat called earth? Oh, he called her dog. Wow. Yeah. Oh
32:29This is not what I want in a marriage, I don't want to always be put in a weird position
32:35Mm-hmm, you know, he's talking about respect and he's not giving respect. I wanted to just
32:43Get away from him at that point and I was just I was ready to walk away
32:54All right, the next clip is going to be where's Josh
32:59Was Josh. Yeah, he's not using like one clip. Yes. He's never
33:14But just honestly feel like every time
33:17We have disagreement. He just runs out of resort and he has more important things to do
33:23You left the resort, I don't know he wouldn't pick up the phone she wouldn't call back. I
33:30Don't know. Do you feel like if you called Josh right now? He was
33:41She wouldn't answer me
33:42He wouldn't respond my message. That's the worst. I hate being ghosted. Oh, he cost me often
33:49I feel like yeah, and after he's like, I was busy and I'm like, man, you didn't respond me for two days
33:54I don't even know if he's at the resort anymore if we're in relationship and we trying so hard
34:00Why we cannot even talk on the phone watching Natalie. I can feel a sense of
34:07Loneliness, I feel a sense of
34:10Almost abandonment in these moments. She needs reassurance
34:14So she's gonna send text messages
34:17She's gonna continuously look for him to provide her something that she's lacking in this relationship and for him
34:24I'm sure it becomes so overwhelming. So for him, he's gonna pull back. He's gonna withdraw
34:30But at the end of day really what is the root of this what's causing us to act and behave in this certain way?
34:35And if I can understand my partner my significant other and if Natalie can understand Josh and what's contributing to that
34:43I feel like that gives us a step up. It will definitely change the dynamic
34:51She will not pick up
34:53I made a suggestion to visit his house with cake and stop by he told me he can write restriction order on me
35:01Was he joking? Well, I don't know. Definitely he doesn't want to see me there. Do you think he's hiding something?
35:08well, um
35:10Like with me if you stop by I open my door and say hi I have nothing to hide but with him
35:17He's so you know, like this is mine my car my home
35:21My this mother and I was a guy who treats you mean it's a guy who treats you mean
35:27It doesn't really matter at this point. So I mean it's his choice
35:30I think that's really self-aware of you to recognize that and yeah, I agree. I
35:39Felt bad for her. Yeah
35:41You see we're talking about relation. What is it? I cannot even and it's constantly we cannot talk because he's always like that
35:50Behind these doors you see completely different story because I think in before like oh my god
35:56Yeah, absolutely normal just what he doing with Natalie. Yeah, when I first met him I thought the same
36:00Yes, I mean I still thinking Natalie over top but how he treat her
36:07No, he like treats her like a hoe. He has no problem having sex
36:11But it's like when it comes to showing emotion all that stuff. He won't do it because his emotions aren't involved
36:17I feel like Natalie is always there regardless of if he leaves or not
36:20She's waiting
36:21she clearly likes him a lot and it's just really sad because he's leading her on and I think it's kind of like at his
36:26Grown age you're doing this so that you know
36:29You're 50 and you're doing this like that's insane like at a certain point does it not get old to be a ho no
36:36Like you would think
36:44I think it is missing for our relationship
36:46That's attention because Brennan doesn't tell me compliment so he never let's say. Oh, you're so beautiful
36:51I compliment Brennan and say look at your eyes is your eyes so beautiful
36:54Your eyes so beautiful and it's like I said, look you look handsome if Tom Cruise will be our find you you will be
37:01replace him
37:03It's nice. Actually is everybody say he look like young Tom Cruise. Even this guy just walk in the street and say look
37:12Let's go to the next clip which is a surprise arrival at the honeymoon suite
37:28Made a deal of my
37:30Show up at the party was like is Josh really gonna make it because I knew
37:35That he's somewhere at resort if he didn't leave so there was a huge possibility
37:40We bumped into each other at the party, but as soon as I arrived I realized that he's not there and my heart kind of sink
37:54Like sex therapy and what did you what you guys fight about he started to go on about all our problems like that
38:01He's not sure he can bring me home on what I'm saying to him Josh has been three years
38:07Three years is a long time though not to introduce
38:10Natalie to Josh's family. I think it's a long time. There's something wrong here
38:15I also think that like she keeps asking him if if he's serious, but it's like if
38:20Three years of my life three years of my life. Okay, three years of your life
38:24What about what you want to do about that if he ain't doing something if he's not stepping up then you should move on
38:31We had a conversation this morning
38:36And Josh said in his life he needs stability and you're a little all over the place
38:44What does it mean
38:46Like you're crazy
38:48I'm Natalie and I crazy. Yes
38:51I'm a good crazy. She's a psycho crazy and trust me. There's a difference
38:58He told me he are afraid so Natalie gonna take his money. Take his business
39:03My party from expecting Josh to be there turned to a party
39:08Unexpected reveals about myself. So I was like, okay, so I just listen
39:15Josh said he needs stability. Oh my god, and you're a little too much for stability
39:22When Josh explained that whole like why he can't move forward with his relationship
39:27made so much sense to me and I for some reason thought if I explain this the right way to Natalie she's gonna be like
39:34oh, well, I can absolutely do that and I'll change right now and
39:39We'll be happily ever after
39:41It's my drunk brain thinking and I could like everybody could be best friends happy all problems to go away
39:49Each of you he says different story. Yeah, so like each of you has totally different
39:59Well, I was jumping to conclusions there I don't think went that way like the way you look at the relationship
40:05It's not the same way. He look at the relationship. I tried to explain myself to
40:10Brandon a little bit about like, you know, why I'm being so careful one
40:15We were having guy talk myself him and Rob and it's like we were talking
40:20Amongst men about our issues and I felt in a safe place
40:24I feel like you know, Brandon kind of broke the bro code a little bit, you know, like maybe he's not trustworthy to
40:31talk to
40:33Because you know, he's going out there and he's saying things behind my back and I'm not there to defend myself
40:39and so
40:40yeah, I think it's a I think it's a little I
40:44Mean honestly like seeing that it makes me realize that I really couldn't trust anybody at that resort
40:57Next time on between the sheets honestly don't even want to talk to you right now. They suspecting your husband
41:04I'm the first one to respect my husband and for him to have to remind me that goes to show his insecurity
41:10He flirts openly I think in a weird way. He's afraid of me doing the same thing
41:17All of a sudden Josh arrives
41:20Flushing in his sport car. He likes to show he likes paparazzi around
41:26We were caught in some restaurants by paparazzi and after we saw a certain magazine
41:31I think he did organize
41:34Yeah, we were in New York. Yeah, and we were sitting with a bunch of people
41:40Well, you know Veronica Tim all of them Chantel
41:43She thought I was looking at Chantel and she became extremely jealous. Why is he even telling this story?
41:50Why do you want everyone to already think she's more crazy than she is to make you look better cuz you actually look worse
41:56Cuz then why are you with her? Don't sit there and say oh, you know, you have to have sex. No
42:01No, why no?
42:03Well, I'll tell you what cuz we'd fight every day
42:06Gina's expectations are damn unrealistic
42:09Gina, would you come sit here? The group wants to save them
42:13They may not be able to
42:15Do shit. It's not cheating
42:18But I can see and that's cheating once you're a cheater
42:23You're always gonna be a cheater, but this is not it's just good me for four years
42:27I think that Judah should have taken this to her grave. She should have
