• 3 days ago
Hudson and Rex S01 E04


00:00What's up, guys?
00:20You guys ready for midterms?
00:23What Dr. Sharp isn't here yet?
00:25No, no, no.
00:27We haven't seen him.
00:30Okay, let's go.
00:46Dr. Sharp?
00:52Hey, Dr. Sharp, get...
00:54He's dead.
01:17This one sure took a lot of planning.
01:19And research.
01:21And behind her is in tarn feather the centuries-old revenge and humiliation ritual.
01:26Is that what killed him?
01:28Doubtful. But I haven't found any other signs of trauma yet.
01:31Okay, thanks.
01:37Detective Hudson, I understand you discovered the body?
01:39Yeah, I thought he was passed out. I tried to wake him up.
01:44What's your name?
01:46Toby Whelan. I'm the teacher's assistant.
01:49I was supposed to invigilate the midterm this morning.
01:52Professor Sharp have any enemies that you were aware of?
01:55Um, I mean, he was a pretty divisive figure around here.
01:58I was fielding death threats against him on social media, but neither of us actually thought someone was going to follow through.
02:04Death threats? Did you report them?
02:06Yes, I sent them all to campus security.
02:11Excuse me.
02:16More pine tar.
02:18Sarah, come here.
02:22There's more pine tar out here.
02:41There, there's more.
02:44Yeah, the trailing's here. Killer must have gone into a car.
02:49With any luck, the vehicle and driver were caught on camera. I'll pay a visit to campus security.
02:58We were ready for you, Detective. The head office gave us a call.
03:02Here's a list of the death threats. Although I don't know if you could call them that.
03:07They're less of the I'm going to kill you and more of the go die variety, but...
03:10Well, it seems a lot more credible now that he's dead. What about the security footage?
03:15Well, I didn't find your mystery car, but maybe you guys will have more luck.
03:19Maybe the driver knew what route to take to avoid the cameras. Building's secure at night?
03:24Yeah, we lock up every night. But we keep a log of the comings and goings.
03:30Professor Sharp used his keycard to let himself in at 12.08am.
03:34That seems late to be arriving.
03:37These guys keep strange hours. I have known profs to sleep here.
03:41Where's his parking spot?
03:43Not far, but he didn't come here by car. His spot has its own security camera.
03:49He was a prime target for vandalism and key scratches.
03:53Popular guy.
03:55You know, I was actually going to be a cop. I would have made the cut too, if not for my bad knee.
04:02Thanks for this.
04:05We got the talk screen back. Sharp's blood alcohol level was within the driving limit, but there was something else in his system.
04:12He was roofied? How much rohypnol does it take to stop a man's heart?
04:16A lot more than he took. It wasn't what killed him.
04:19See here?
04:21Brachial hemorrhages in the face, plus D-mod cyanosis.
04:26So he suffocated.
04:27I won't know for sure until the autopsy, but it looks that way.
04:30I also ran the DNA I found on the feathers that were thrown on him.
04:33You ID'd the goose?
04:34Funny. I figured the down probably came from a coat or a pillow. Over time, they can absorb sweat saliva, so I checked for human DNA.
04:42There was DNA, but I didn't find a match in the system.
04:51How can new ideas be presented, civil conversation be generated, when the media is a fascist lynch mob?
05:00I graciously agreed to be here today. Why? So I can be tarred and feathered for free speech?
05:06Have we really sunk so low?
05:09This is Professor Sharp. Six weeks ago.
05:11Tarred and feathered. Someone used his own words against him.
05:14There was a recent newspaper profile on Sharp. He seemed to think it would be flattering. Instead, they called him out for stoking hatred.
05:20What hatreds words?
05:21Anyone who didn't look like him. Your skirt, your hoodie, your hijab was asking for it, sort of thing.
05:26No shortage of people who hated the guy.
05:27I checked all the security data, and there were a few other people aside from Sharp who had access to the lecture hall. Here we go.
05:33The cleaning staff, the campus security, and a teacher's assistant.
05:36Toby Whalen, the guy who found the body.
05:38Yeah, the logs show that he was in the building just a few hours before the murder.
05:42As a teacher's assistant, he would have had easy access to the professor, would have known his schedule.
05:46He also had pine tar on his hands.
05:48Wait, but that's because he touched the body.
05:50Or maybe he touched the body to hide the fact that he already had pine tar on his hands.
05:54And what about Sharp's car? It's not at his house or in his designated spot at the university.
05:59If he was feeling the effects of the Rohypnol, maybe he left his car somewhere and took a cab.
06:04Well, I'll check with the cab companies and ride share, see who picked him up.
06:07My understanding is that the university's McGrail residence had an incident where a large quantity of drugs were confiscated.
06:13McGrail, that's Toby Whalen's residence.
06:15Then it's time we pay Toby a visit.
06:22As a resident advisor, you must know a lot about the students on your floor.
06:25What can you tell me about Toby?
06:27Um, he's quiet, keeps to himself, but he gets pissed off when people take his clothes out of the dryer.
06:32You know where he is?
06:33Yeah, his room's on the third floor, room 315.
06:37Let's go, pal.
06:38Look, to be honest, I didn't agree with Professor Sharp's politics, but he was a master in the field of anthropology.
06:45I mean, his ideology on modern human behavior, it's revolutionary.
06:50What were you doing in the professor's office last night at 9 p.m.?
06:53I go in every evening to help prepare for the next day's class.
06:56Where'd you go after you left?
06:58There was a party here. I hung out with some friends and then I crashed around at 2 a.m.
07:05Well, I'm gonna check that out, and I'll be back again.
07:14Excuse me.
07:21Rex, what's up?
07:23What is it?
07:46This university abandoned Megan when the systems designed to protect her, to protect us all, abandoned her at her every turn.
07:54She may be gone, but we cannot let her be forgotten.
07:59What happened to Megan?
08:00She was assaulted on her way home from the student pub.
08:02A few weeks later, she took a bunch of pills and drowned herself.
08:05Oh, I'm sorry.
08:06I didn't know her personally. It's more about what her death represents.
08:10She was publicly shamed, and her life was destroyed because of it. She said so as much in her video.
08:15What video?
08:18I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. I just wanted you guys to be proud of me. I'm sorry. I love you.
08:33Tragic. She was found two hours later at the bottom of the pool.
08:38It must have been a difficult time for her friends.
08:41Yeah, no doubt. She posted the video to a message board on the university website.
08:47It was taken down quickly, but not before it was passed around.
08:51It's impressive that Rex could smell pine tar through the garbage.
08:55Unfortunately, that same waste compromised any retrievable DNA.
09:00That's too bad.
09:01I did find something unexpected in the autopsy.
09:04I was partially wrong about cause of death.
09:06Wait, he didn't suffocate?
09:07He was drowned. Well, dry drowned, to be precise.
09:10Scratches found in his windpipe suggest he was intubated and a small amount of water was poured into his lungs.
09:16It would have taken hours for him to suffocate and die.
09:18So, before or after he was tarred and feathered?
09:20Well, we're still working on that.
09:23Drugged and drowned. That's the same way Megan Bailey took her life.
09:26That could be a coincidence.
09:28No. I think they're connected.
09:35You're kidding me, right? No, no, no. Not a good idea. Sorry. I think you should find someone more qualified.
09:39Look, I just need someone to go to the hospital.
09:41You're kidding me, right? No, no, no. Not a good idea. Sorry. I think you should find someone more qualified.
09:44Look, I just need someone to go into the residence undercover as a student. All right?
09:48It's where the gloves were found and it could be where the rohypnol came from.
09:51Yeah, Sharp's TA is still a person of interest.
09:53Let's not forget Megan Bailey's suicide. It cannot all be a coincidence.
09:57Why me?
09:58You can still pass as a student.
09:59Okay, but I still have so much work to do. I gotta go through all the campus security footage and there's just a lot of stuff.
10:05I got that. Okay? Just leave it to me. I'll take care of it.
10:10Okay, just don't. Please don't close all my tabs, okay? They're all important. Just...
10:14Don't you worry about it. Just, uh, remind me what a tab is.
10:19I'm kidding, Jesse. It's a joke.
10:21Come on, let's get you set up. We don't want you to be late for class.
10:28That's the bolo I put on Sharp's car. It's been spotted.
10:32Here. The campus student pub.
10:59Yeah, no worries.
11:01You see this guy here last night?
11:03Yeah, he comes in most evenings.
11:06That's none of my business.
11:11Okay, he was at a table with a bunch of guys for most of the night, and he had a drink in the back with a young woman.
11:17Did they leave together?
11:18No, she left first around 9.30. He left a half hour after that.
11:23Was he drunk?
11:24No. Only had a couple.
11:26Oh, why'd he leave his car here then?
11:28How would I know?
11:31This girl, you recognize her?
11:33She's the voice of the college newspaper. She bought the round, put it on her credit card.
11:37I'll take that receipt.
11:45Hello again. Hi.
11:48Alicia Gillis. Didn't properly introduce myself last time. I'm Detective Hudson, Major Crimes.
11:54What's this about?
11:55You had a drink at a bar last night with Professor Sharp just hours before he died.
11:59I bought him a round in exchange for a soundbite for a piece I've been working on.
12:02I wanted to know how he slept at night, knowing the role he played in Megan's suicide.
12:05What role's that?
12:07After she was assaulted, Sharp went on his YouTube channel and made an example of her.
12:10Said it was her own fault for getting drunk.
12:12Did you get your soundbite?
12:19Yeah, no, I had nothing against Megan Bailey as a person.
12:22As a noted doctor of anthropology, I'm well versed in both male and female behaviorism.
12:28And I merely shared an informed observation.
12:31Where did you go after you left Sharp at the bar?
12:34Went home, watched a movie with my roommate.
12:37Around midnight, I Skyped with my parents.
12:40I'm gonna be late for my next class.
12:41Yeah, one more thing.
12:44How did you feel about what happened to Sharp?
12:47I mean, the guy's a total ass.
12:50But nobody deserves that.
13:02How's it going over here?
13:04There's no trace of any cars leaving the professor's building after he was tarred and feathered.
13:09And my eyes are going buggy.
13:12I have no idea how Jesse does this all day.
13:14Oh, wait, there. Pause. Pause it.
13:19What is that, a sedan?
13:21Yeah, dark colored. Navy blue, maybe?
13:23Taking a tight corner, almost as if it's trying to avoid the camera.
13:27Alright, I'll check to see if we can see it anywhere else.
13:29But you know what? A set of fresh eyes would be a big help.
13:33Think of it as video forensics, hmm?
13:36Okay, slide on.
13:40You lost?
13:41Uh, no, no, no. I'm actually transferring from University of New Brunswick.
13:44Jesse Goodman.
13:45Yeah, that's me.
13:46Okay, cool. Yeah, I've been expecting you.
13:47Hi, Kevin Conway, the resident advisor.
13:49Nice to meet you.
13:50Let me show you around.
13:52This is the common area. Great for game nights and study sessions.
13:56Pig pond in here.
13:58Well, I heard a rumor you guys were the party residents.
14:01Party residents?
14:02Yeah, party residents.
14:04Pig pond in here.
14:05Well, I heard a rumor you guys were the party residents.
14:08Party favors were easy to find.
14:10You mean drugs.
14:11Uh, yeah, yeah, it's true.
14:13I'm the guy who makes sure things don't get too crazy.
14:17But, you know, we do have a lot of other fun amenities.
14:19A screening room, free use of the pool, and the next building over.
14:21Well, you don't need to sell me.
14:22I mean, just getting farther away from my parents is reason enough for me, so.
14:25I hear that.
14:27Oh, Toby.
14:29Jesse, this is Toby Whelan.
14:30Toby, hi. You're Professor Sharp's TA, right?
14:32I heard about what happened.
14:33I'm sorry.
14:34Look, he's one of the reasons why I transferred over here.
14:37Yeah, yeah.
14:38His essay on culture versus conflict was intense.
14:42Well, uh, some of us are getting together here tonight to pay tribute to Dr. Sharp.
14:46You're more than welcome to join us.
14:48Yeah, I might just do that.
14:50Okay, cool.
14:51I'll see you soon, then.
14:52See you, man.
14:54Uh, right this way.
14:55I'll show you the other floors.
14:59I went through the list of campus parking passes for dark-colored sedans.
15:05What about that one?
15:06Why? What's special about it?
15:08Belongs to Toby Whelan.
15:14Warren came through.
15:15Have a look at this.
15:21Pine tar.
15:22Yeah, with fibers that appear to match.
15:25The work gloves found at the residence.
15:27There was also something in the trunk.
15:29I don't know if it's related to the crime, but it's interesting.
15:34What is that? Is that a bike grip?
15:36It's too wide for a bike.
15:43Let's go!
15:54Come on!
16:19Fleeing from the police does not help your case, Toby.
16:21I didn't kill Professor Sharp!
16:23Innocent people don't run.
16:28So why run?
16:31I saw you searching through my car, and I just freaked, okay?
16:35There was pine tar on the steering wheel.
16:38Did you drive your car this morning?
16:39What? No, I walked to class.
16:41I swear, it wasn't me.
16:44What was in the backpack?
16:47That's the thing about dogs, Toby.
16:49You can't hide anything from them.
16:53You recognize this? Huh?
16:56Here, let me help you out.
16:57This is the answer grid to the exam that Professor Sharp was giving this morning.
17:02We found multiple copies in your bag.
17:05Look, teacher assistant is a low-paying job.
17:10You were selling the exam answers.
17:12I was just trying to avoid having to ask my parents for any more money.
17:15But this proves I didn't kill Professor Sharp.
17:19How do you figure that?
17:20Because the midterm was canceled because of his death.
17:22Why would I sell exam answers to an exam that wasn't even going to happen?
17:26That doesn't even make sense.
17:34You're releasing him?
17:37His alibi checks out.
17:38His friends say that he was at the party, and pictures from social media back it up.
17:42Maybe he slipped away for a few minutes.
17:44His car was at the scene. He had pine tar on his hands.
17:47Letting him go might lead us to some more answers.
17:50I hope you're right.
17:54Professor Sharp, while you lived life on his own terms,
17:58you would never let a little death come between him and some good scotch.
18:03So tonight, follow his lead.
18:06As we celebrate a complicated man and his groundbreaking work.
18:10To Dr. Sharp!
18:11To Dr. Sharp!
18:13You're here.
18:14Glad you could stick around, Jesse. Wouldn't miss it.
18:20It's my girlfriend. I'll be back.
18:21Sure. Yeah.
18:23Hey, hey. Glad you called. I have a question for you.
18:26What is the protocol on drinking while undercover?
18:30Moderation is key.
18:31You know, I don't think I really like scotch.
18:34It's an acquired taste.
18:35Look, I need to ask you something.
18:38I'm putting together a social media timeline for the party at the residence last night.
18:41But I'm having trouble identifying the participants.
18:44Oh, well, easy.
18:45Just, instead of finding everyone on Instagram,
18:47just check the people who tagged themselves at the residence that night.
18:49And use hashtags. That'll give you something close to the full picture.
18:52Of course. That makes sense. Thank you.
18:54Listen, can I give you some advice?
18:56Yeah, of course. Of course.
18:57When doing undercover work, do not lie more than you have to.
19:00Okay? Just be yourself.
19:02People can sniff out BS faster than Rex can sniff out a T-bone.
19:06Oh, hey.
19:07Still here.
19:08Yeah, yeah. Gotta go, babe.
19:15So, uh, I heard you were the one who found him this morning.
19:21Somebody actually took the time to tar and feather him.
19:27You know what? That is so unbelievably twisted.
19:30And what sort of demented person would do such a thing?
19:33I don't know. I don't know.
19:35I don't know.
19:41What, uh, what drew you to Dr. Sharp, anyway?
19:48I lost my parents in an accident when I was nine.
19:53I was raised by my uncle, my dad's brother, and he wasn't really around.
19:56So, I spent a lot of time alone.
20:01And when I was a bit older, I came across some of Sharp's earlier writings.
20:06And, yeah, his ideas just put everything into focus, you know?
20:13I didn't feel alone anymore.
20:16I can't explain it. I can't explain it.
20:20I'd say you just did.
20:23And I think you earned another one of these.
20:26Well, in that case, twist my arm.
20:35I'm glad I caught you.
20:36I solved the mystery of the rubber grip in Toby's trunk.
20:39It's from a wheelchair.
20:40It wouldn't explain how Sharp was moved from the car into the classroom while unconscious.
20:44Any prints?
20:45Several. The chair was probably in public use.
20:48But none were a match for Toby Whelan.
20:50Well, it supports Toby's story.
20:53Maybe somebody did borrow his car without him knowing.
20:55Yeah, maybe.
20:57Where are you parked?
20:58Just up front.
20:59We'll walk you out.
21:01Let's go, Rex.
21:19Rough night?
21:20Yeah. Give you some Tylenol.
21:23Really? I heard maybe you were looking for something stronger.
21:31So, what is it you're looking for?
21:36I'm, uh, looking for Slow Molly.
21:42Forget it. I heard you were cool.
21:44No, wait, wait, wait. What's wrong?
21:48You're asking for Rohypnol.
21:51Yeah. It's for my own use.
21:53Rohypnol calms me down, so can you help me out or not?
21:56Money's not an issue.
21:58Not. Campus security busted my stash last week. All I have is my backup kit until I replenish.
22:04Well, I'll be.
22:05When I'm restocked, I'll find you.
22:20Charlie. Yeah. I think I found something.
22:24Just the man I'm looking for.
22:25Detective. I was just about to go on my rounds.
22:28Well, I won't keep you for long.
22:29My sources tell me that, um, someone on your team confiscated drugs from a dealer in the McGrail residence.
22:36You know anything about that?
22:38No. It mustn't have been on my shift.
22:44I assure you our policy is to notify law enforcement any time drugs are seized.
22:49Who's locker's this?
22:51I think it's a spare.
22:53Do you mind if I take a look?
22:55Uh, don't you need a warrant for that?
22:57Wow, you tell me. Do I need a warrant for that?
23:00Let's have a look.
23:19Whoa! Who put those there?
23:21For somebody who wanted to be a cop, you should know not to touch evidence with your bare hands. Come on.
23:26You're right. Yeah, no, I wasn't thinking. Um, I can assure you I will be doing an internal investigation to find out who seized those.
23:32Yeah, you do that. In the meantime, these are coming with me, okay?
23:41What's up, Joe?
23:43So it turns out Professor Sharp did order a rideshare the night he died.
23:46From the bar?
23:47No, an apartment building near the campus. 11.45 p.m.
23:51Well, it was more than an hour after he left the bar.
23:53Yeah, I got the names of every single renter in that building. One name popped.
23:57Who was it?
23:59Easy, pal, easy.
24:01Alicia Gillis, we need to talk.
24:03Why didn't you tell me that Sharp was in your apartment?
24:10Um, okay, yeah, so he just showed up. I don't know how he got my address.
24:14I mean, he sounded wasted on the intercom, so I went downstairs and told him to leave. That was it.
24:19Sharp left the bar at 10 p.m. and he called for a ride at 11.40.
24:23Your apartment is only three blocks from the bar. That timeline does not track, Alicia.
24:27Well, he wasn't that drunk when I left, so maybe he stopped at another bar.
24:31So you're saying that he was never in your apartment?
24:34That's right.
24:36What's this?
24:38It's a warrant to search your apartment.
24:40You can't.
24:41If Sharp wasn't in your apartment, then why did Rex pick up his scent all over your soap?
24:51I really don't even know how to explain it. Not even to myself.
24:56Um, he was charming.
25:01I guess he seduced me.
25:04Don't stay out too late. You have midterms in the morning, and being drunk is not an excuse.
25:11Huh, where have I heard that before?
25:14Oh, right, you said the same thing about Megan Bailey after she was brutally assaulted on campus.
25:18It was those same hateful words that led to Megan's death.
25:21No, no, that's enough. Everyone should be free to express their opinion without the fear of retaliation.
25:27And I'd very much like to hear what else you have to say.
25:33Oh God, this is humiliating.
25:36Professor Sharp had Rohypnol in his system. Any idea how it got there?
25:39You think I roofied him? He came on to me.
25:45After we messed around a bit, I realized he could barely function, so I sent him home.
25:51Let me show you something.
25:54I graciously agreed to be here. Why? So I could be tarred and feathered for free speech?
26:00I'm familiar with the sound bite.
26:02I did some digging, and it turned out that you were there that night, and not just in attendance.
26:07He was responding to a question that you asked.
26:11Yeah, I'm in journalism. Asking questions is what I do, and there were a lot of other people there that day.
26:16Sure. But nobody else brought him up to their apartment the night before he died, and then lied about it.
26:21I pride myself on being one of the leading voices of feminism among the student body.
26:27How would it look if people found out that I just let myself be seduced by the most misogynistic professor on campus?
26:36Hmm. You checked out her alibi?
26:49Yeah. Roommate backs up her story. And her parents confirmed that she was on a video call with them at the time of the murder.
26:55Seems convenient.
26:57Agreed. It's all a little too perfect.
27:00Well, it doesn't mean she wasn't involved. It just means she didn't act alone.
27:04I'll check in with Jesse. Tell him to keep his ears open.
27:08Yeah. All right.
27:11Let's go, Rex.
27:13Great. Yeah, yeah. I'll see what I can find out. Okay.
27:19Oh. Looks like someone needs electrolytes even worse than I do.
27:24Here, drink up, my man. It'll help with the hangover.
27:30It's that obvious, huh?
27:31Well, they didn't make me an R.A. for my pretty face.
27:34Hey, cheers.
27:37Well, hey, when you get a chance, there's some paperwork I need you to fill out for non-residents who crash overnight.
27:42Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you guys out.
27:44Oh, no, no. No worries. I'm going to go grab a bite, but if you meet me in my room in, like, half an hour, I'll get you squared away, okay?
27:49Sounds good.
27:51All right. Later, man.
27:55Okay. Scotch.
28:01I ran the bag of drugs for Prince. There were a couple of sets on it.
28:06One was presumably the dealer, who is not in the system at the moment.
28:09She will be soon. And the other?
28:11I got a hit from the SJPD database.
28:14Are you telling me there's a cop involved?
28:16Not quite. So every recruit who tries out for police training gets printed as part of their background checks.
28:21These prints came from the academy applications. Lane Beatley.
28:24He was rejected, by the way.
28:25If only the hiring process was as stringent for campus security, the genius grabbed the bag with his bare hand when I opened the locker.
28:32Well, actually, the prints I'm referring to were on the inside of the bag.
28:36On a blister pack of pills.
28:38What kind of pills?
28:43One of the students was circulating illegal drugs, which appear to be involved in the death of a professor.
28:49Want to tell me how your Prince got on these pills?
28:52You're the one who confiscated them.
28:54You think I killed them?
28:56You were on campus the night that Sharp died.
28:58You have access to all the buildings, and no one thinks twice when they see you there.
29:03Of anyone who knows the best routes to take to avoid the security cameras, it's you.
29:08I was in another building.
29:10You can check the logs for when my keycard was used.
29:13How can I be in two places at once?
29:15Hey, buddy.
29:20Tough day?
29:22Duh. It's just all too neat.
29:25Three suspects, three solid alibis. I just need a thread that I can pull at.
29:30I might just have that thread.
29:32When you thought Sharp's murder was connected to Megan Bailey's suicide, I did a little research.
29:38She wasn't the only one.
29:39When you thought Sharp's murder was connected to Megan Bailey's suicide, I did a little research.
29:44She requested a rape kit, but because of a backlog, it went unprocessed.
29:47That's terrible.
29:49Yeah, and all too common, I'm afraid.
29:51No wonder women don't come forward.
29:53Anyway, I went ahead and had Megan's kit expedited. I just got the results back.
29:56Do you know who assaulted her?
29:58No, unfortunately, no. We didn't get any DNA from the man who attacked her, but we did get Megan's DNA.
30:02And it matches the DNA on the feathers we retrieved from Sharp's body.
30:06I think they were from her pillow.
30:08So Sharp was killed in the same way that Megan took her own life.
30:12And then the feathers from Megan's pillow were used as part of the crime.
30:16The killer knew Megan personally.
30:29Hey, you're up.
30:32Hey, thanks for letting me hang out last night.
30:34Yeah, well hopefully we can do it again when you transfer here.
30:39Hey, did you know that girl, Megan Bailey?
30:42Not well. I saw her around the residence.
30:46It's really sad for Kevin, though.
30:49Kevin? Why?
30:51And they were friends, maybe more than friends, I don't really know.
30:54I think it hit him pretty hard.
30:58How long are you planning on keeping me here?
31:01Not much longer.
31:02We have your friend Alicia in the next room.
31:05She's telling us a fascinating story.
31:07I don't know any Alicia.
31:09Oh, she knows you. In fact, she's telling us that you are the mastermind behind this whole plan.
31:14Apparently you had a real grudge against Sharp.
31:16I don't know what you're talking about.
31:18She wants us to cut a deal for her.
31:20She gives us you and then we let her off on a lesser charge.
31:23Hey, you sit tight.
31:27Sharp, he loved to humiliate me.
31:29Telling me I'm useless, calling me a rent-a-cop.
31:35So you killed him for it?
31:37It was supposed to be a harmless prank.
31:39Humiliate him in front of his students like he did me.
31:42How was I supposed to know that he'd have a heart attack or whatever?
31:45That's how he died, right? It's not like the Tart Feathers killed him.
31:48How many people were in on this prank?
31:51It was just the three of us.
31:53You, Alicia and Toby.
31:57You don't know what you're talking about. You're fishing.
32:00I'm done talking.
32:14What are you doing?
32:17I'm looking for Kevin.
32:19That's not his room.
32:21It was Megan Bailey's room before she died.
32:24I saw Kevin come out of here yesterday.
32:27Kevin had a weird fixation with Megan.
32:31He even switched from pre-med to poli-sci to spend more time with her.
32:35It was super weird.
32:37But if you're looking for him, his room is downstairs.
32:40It says RA on the door.
32:50Whoa, whoa, whoa.
32:52No more scotch ever.
32:54No more scotch ever.
33:48Oh, good.
33:50Found your way in here.
33:51Seen my little cocktail kicked in.
33:57Why'd you drug me?
33:59You lied to me.
34:01What, first you couldn't wait to get out of your parents' house, then they died when you were a kid?
34:06Two different stories.
34:08So, I did a little research and it turns out that you work for the cops.
34:14Killing Sharp took a lot of planning.
34:18Can't have you messing it up now.
34:22I'm not here. You know what to do.
34:25What's this?
34:27I'm going through a photo timeline of the residence party, trying to find a gap in Toby's alibi.
34:34Well, his alibi holds up, but there seems to be someone else who was there who was staggering his post.
34:39To make it look like he was there the whole time.
34:43The images don't quite match up with all the others uploaded around the same time.
34:46So he faked the timeline. Who was it?
34:48This guy.
34:49Kevin Conway.
34:51The resident advisor.
34:53We need to let Jesse know.
34:55Well, Jesse texted me a few minutes ago and it was gibberish.
34:59I tried to call him back, but he didn't answer.
35:01I thought it was a butt text, but now I'm not so sure.
35:04I think he may have been trying to type Kevin Conway under duress.
35:08I'll send every available car to meet you. Go, now.
35:11Let's go.
35:15Split up.
35:17Split up. Knock on every door.
35:28What can I do for you, detective?
35:30Where's Jesse?
35:34I don't know what you're talking about.
35:37What do you got, buddy?
35:42That's Jesse's phone. Tell me where he is, now!
35:47You're too late!
36:07I told you, you're too late!
36:09Arrest him. Have Sarah Trong and the paramedics meet me at the pool.
36:12I told you, you're too late!
36:14Arrest him. Have Sarah Trong and the paramedics meet me at the pool.
36:41Arrest him. Have Sarah Trong and the paramedics meet me at the pool.
36:56Come on, buddy.
37:12Come on.
37:19Jesse, over here.
37:21I don't think he's breathing. Come on.
37:23How long was he under?
37:25I have no idea.
37:29You don't know how long he was out?
37:31No. We swallowed a bunch of water.
37:33Where are the paramedics?
37:35No, no. They're on their way.
37:37Come on.
37:39Come on, Jesse.
37:41Come on, Jesse!
37:44Come on, Jesse.
37:46Come on.
37:48Come on.
37:50Over here!
37:53You're okay. You're okay.
37:56Get in here. I don't know how long he was under.
38:08I have most of the pieces, and I know how they fit together.
38:12But why the tar and feathers?
38:14Alicia and Lane wanted to humiliate him. It was their idea of a prank.
38:18But you wanted more.
38:20I wanted justice. For Megan.
38:23I only needed the other two so we could be each other's alibi.
38:28All I had to do was roof him and hail him a ride back to his place.
38:32But the bartender was watching me the whole time, so I never got the chance.
38:35That's why I was forced to invite the professor over.
38:39I grabbed Toby's car keys, drove to Sharp's house and waited for him.
38:43When he got dropped off, he barely knew where he was.
38:46They didn't even resist when I put him in the car.
38:48And that's where you intubated him?
38:50Yeah, something I learned in pre-med.
38:53I knew if I poured just a trickle of water into his lungs, he'd drown slowly.
38:58That way he'd still be alive when you handed him off to Lane.
39:01Oh, yeah. You didn't think it was just a prank?
39:06We put the prof in a wheelchair so I could move him easier.
39:10And then Kevin took my security fob so he could hit all my checkpoints for me.
39:15But not before Kevin made sure that Toby saw him at that party.
39:19Establishing his own alibi and supplying you with one at the same time.
39:23And I used the professor's fob to get into the lecture hall.
39:28That's where I did the trick.
39:29Oh, that's where I did the tarring and feathering, but he was still alive.
39:34But not for long.
39:36I didn't know that. I never would have participated in the fight.
39:39But you did participate in the cover-up, which makes you an accomplice.
39:45Whatever happens to me, it's worth it.
39:48I love Megan.
39:50She loved me.
39:52If Megan loved you, why did she file two complaints against you last year with the university?
39:58It's a lie.
40:02I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
40:06I see that.
40:08I know I shouldn't have had those last few drinks.
40:10Look at her.
40:13Your unwanted advances contributed to that moment.
40:17You blamed Professor Sharp for his role in her death.
40:22What about your own?
40:28I don't know.
40:42Are you still at the hospital with Jesse?
40:49I almost lost him today.
40:51Yeah. He took a big risk.
40:53But he also knew if he got into trouble, you'd be there for him.
40:58And you were.
41:03We were.
41:07Yes, I mean, you two.
41:12You know I never forget you, buddy.
41:26Welcome back, Jesse.
41:28Great work, man.
41:30I don't know about that.
41:32Are you kidding me? Kevin's going down for murder, and Alicia and Lane would be lucky if they get off with manslaughter, and you were a big part of that.
41:38Well, that's, that's good. Case closed, as we say. Obviously, we don't really say that.
41:43There's just one problem.
41:46You went into Kevin's room unlawfully.
41:48Right. I mean, I was roofied.
41:49I don't think you have to worry, but Superintendent Donovan wants to see you right away.
41:54Really? Am I in trouble?
41:57I don't think you'll be suspended, but, I mean, he's probably just warning.
42:01This will go on my permanent record, won't it?
42:03Oh, most certainly, yeah.
42:09All right!
42:20Congratulations on your first undercover job.
42:23You did great.
42:25You did scare us a little bit there at the end, so.
42:27Okay, enough praise. Let's cut the cake.
42:32Looks like someone already beat us to it, huh?
42:35You know anything about that, buddy? Huh?
42:42How was it? Pretty good?
42:45Oh, thank you.
42:47Looks delicious.
42:49All right, who wants cake?
42:53Next time on Hudson and Rex.
42:55You've never seen a tree used as a murder weapon before?
42:58What is it, pal?
43:00What are you doing out here all by yourself?
43:02Her name is Brooklyn Weber. She's a live-in pet sitter.
43:04Brooklyn belongs to a web-based job site called Creature Comforts that pairs pet sitters with pet owners.
43:11I just finished Brooklyn Weber's autopsy.
43:13Rex, go!
43:16Where were you between 4 and 7 a.m. yesterday morning?
43:18I'm a suspect?
43:20That's worth looking into. Right after Rex has done his lunch.
43:22Hey, what are you doing? It's mine!