• anteayer


00:00Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. I hope you're all doing very well. The light is flickering in front of me
00:05I don't know why the bedside lights in my bedroom at the minute. They're not they're malfunctioning
00:10We have flickers going on. Is someone trying to contact me through these lights make yourself known. I hope you're all doing well
00:15It's currently a Saturday right now
00:17And I thought I would just start a new vlog because I've fallen behind a little bit again
00:21But it's okay because we're picking it back up. Bambi's just gone down for a little nap and
00:26I actually just had some parcels arrive
00:29I just thought you know, actually now's probably the perfect time to start a new vlog
00:31And I've booked myself a FaceTime appointment this evening
00:35Which on a Saturday evening like for me to be going anywhere is just absolutely miraculous
00:39So I'm gonna be leaving the house this evening, which is crazy tomorrow
00:42I actually have a really exciting day because I am going to the BAFTAs, which is very exciting
00:48I'm going to BAFTAs with Amazon, but it's the film BAFTAs
00:52So it's like the really big one where like all the huge
00:55Hollywood actors are gonna be there and I actually like get very starstruck. So for me, I
01:00Probably won't be able to handle it
01:02I just have always gotten very starstruck like even if I'm at like any red carpet and I see someone that's I
01:07Don't know not even necessarily like that famous, but I've seen them on TV. I'm like, oh my god. So I've got the BAFTAs tomorrow
01:13So I thought if I start the vlog now
01:15Then I could probably bring you guys along to that
01:17Also to be doing something on a weekend feels so weird because anything on a weekend like I will normally always say no to
01:23Because like my Saturday and Sunday time is like my phone basically goes off
01:28Like I don't communicate with anyone like I just switch off to the outside world
01:32And it's just like me Bambi soft plays and we just have the nicest times at the weekend
01:35But I thought BAFTAs is a really prestigious one to have been invited to and to go to so I thought it's a Sunday
01:42But we make the effort. I also feel like I'm really puffy this morning
01:47Probably because I haven't been eating the best the last couple of days and or drinking like anywhere near enough water
01:52So I thought a face gym is necessary. I haven't been to face gym in so long
01:56Also, I have been
01:59Getting a little bit order happy recently. I've been ordering myself quite a few things just because I had a humongous
02:06Wardrobe clear out when Carla reorganized my wardrobe like I literally got rid of I'd say
02:12Three-quarters of it and I do actually need to do a depop upload soon
02:14And but I thought out with the old in with the new goodbye skies are gray. Hello skies of blue. What did I get here?
02:23Can't actually remember. I didn't order on end
02:27They actually have an end shop in Manchester. It is so cool
02:31But I never really go into City Center to go there enough
02:34But let me see what I've got saw a girl wearing this jacket in Harrods the other day when we were getting those chicken
02:41Sandwiches and I knew it was from House of Sunny because I'd actually seen it on
02:46Line before and I thought you know, that's my sign. Like I've considered buying that before and she made it look
02:53Unbelievable, so I ordered it, but I feel like it's a little bit loud for me
02:58I feel like am I I don't know am I crazy for thinking I could pull this off
03:03Okay, it's bright yellow and now I'm questioning like am I actually deluded for thinking that I could wear this I mean
03:10What one thing I will say is that there's like quite a lot of padding on the inside so I feel like
03:16It's not the most flattering jacket. I've ever seen. In fact, actually, it's
03:20Really not that flattering the girl that I saw wearing it like she literally made it look I mean
03:25She was basically a supermodel. So no wonder it looks good on her
03:28But we're gonna get another mirror. Is it cute because I feel like maybe now that I've taken off my
03:34Sweater and it's not literally looking huge
03:37I do feel like with blue jeans a little white vest top in the warmer season like this is a really
03:43Cool jacket something a little bit different. I'm not sure if I can pull it off to be honest with you next up
03:48I got a little top from acne studios, which I actually saw
03:54If you watch my last vlog where I was trying on some leather jackets
03:58I actually showed this top hanging up and said I really liked it
04:03I don't know if I got in a slightly too big size though
04:06I just thought the vest on top of a t-shirt like that with a pair of jeans would look really cute
04:12Yeah, I think I like that
04:13It's nothing like crazy special but with a nice pair of jeans and boots
04:18Nice earring. It's really cute. It's got a little logo there
04:22Don't hate that. No, I just turned into a clothing haul, but I feel like I never ever do like mini hauls or show you guys
04:29Cuz I should the reason why I don't do that because I never buy anything anymore
04:32I'm just so uninterested in buying more clothes
04:35Like I really sounds like so cliche, but I'm really trying to build like a capsule wardrobe
04:40That I don't just do like huge orders of like random stuff anymore. I say that after just buying a yellow leather jacket
04:47this I bought as a
04:49gym jacket just to wear
04:52with leggings
04:54Also nice like walks and stuff like I got on walks
04:57This is actually from essentials, which is actually not a brand that I really buy anymore
05:02like about three years ago used to be like the brand that
05:05Everyone wore and if you didn't have one of those tracksuits, it was like
05:09those tracksuits were just like
05:11everywhere and
05:12But I don't really think it's I I personally don't buy it for the branding
05:17I actually just bought it because I thought the fit of this jacket is really nice and like with gym leggings and gym trainers
05:22This is
05:23Right up my street. So yeah, I'm glad I bought that. That's a good little purchase. I love the collar. I love
05:29Big collars like that. It's really nice
05:32Probably more parcels. I'm just currently opening a Zara
05:37Order that I placed I didn't think I got that much but actually upon reflection
05:40I got loads and I just wanted to say I
05:44Don't think I have ordered a pair of trousers ever
05:48Pretty much ever in my life and not had this situation. I do have chunkier thighs
05:55That is where I carry my weight. It's in like the
05:58Lower and latter half of my body always buy my trousers and jeans in a size like 12
06:04I was frustrating thing ever is that I don't think I've ever like got on a pair of trousers that I've not had to have
06:09tailored in the last
06:12Just years basically
06:14Because they actually fit so so nice like I'm obsessed with these these are unreal
06:20I think I actually have a matching jacket to make it a cold in
06:24The other parcel. They're like a suede effect. They are so nice. Um, I pick these. Yeah, these are a size large
06:31I feel like this outfit is literally just exactly the reason why I feel like I don't really bother
06:38Clothes anymore and I just feel like I have kind of given up on the whole
06:42Trying to expand my wardrobe thing. It's like I don't know. I just feel like nothing is ever quite
06:48worth it for me and I think it's ever quite right like even this jacket like it's come and
06:53The button is literally like dangling off like I think with a tiny little pool that is just literally gonna fly off
06:59And I don't know. I just feel like I just I'm so so fussy on everything. I buy these days
07:05I just nothing is ever worth
07:08Keeping to me I just literally return everything this jacket is quite sweet. It was
07:1470 pounds I got it in a size medium. Um, I
07:19Don't particularly love the collar
07:22But I do quite like the color and I feel like it's kind of giving new new vibes
07:27And I ordered I think I told you guys I ordered I in my Sam Ritzville
07:31I said I ordered a couple of new new jackets again got them sent them straight back because I was just not
07:37I just didn't love them enough to keep them and on one of the jackets. They actually sent me the complete wrong jacket
07:41Um, so I had to return them, but I do feel like this is giving like a similar vibe
07:45So I'm literally wearing my bra
07:47But I feel like this is giving a similar vibe because they're one of the jackets I got from you
07:50He was like it had checks on it. Like it was kind of this same energy
07:54So yeah, I don't I don't hate that. I know this was gonna turn into a full-blown Zara. Well, I probably would have
08:01You're literally balancing my pillow right now. This is a complete mu-mu jeep literally identical to this
08:07You know what? I actually quite like this
08:11Let's see. This jacket was 50 pounds and I got it in a size medium
08:15I actually if I could go again would probably get it in a large
08:19Um, I could have gone again before at the tag off, but it's okay because I actually think it's fine
08:23I'm from more like I would personally wear this is like a top
08:26I would just put like a bra underneath and then I just wouldn't take this off
08:30If I was to put like a top on underneath I think he would bulk it out a little bit too much
08:34but again, yeah this jacket is
08:37It's definitely definitely a jeep for the mu-mu. I'm currently in the market for the perfect suede
08:44bomber jackets
08:46so I did order a couple of
08:49Suede bombers in this order. This one seems quite nice to be fair. I think I'd wanna
08:54tuck it. Oh
08:56Yeah, that is really nice actually
08:59It is quite pricey. This is keep looking at the trousers. I think it's about 160 pounds
09:07Yeah, this is quite special to be fair. I think I'll be keeping this. This next one is not at all
09:12What I thought it was. I mean I could see this looking cute on someone, but I just don't really think it's my style
09:17I just think it's a little bit too a
09:21little bit too like girly vibes for me and also the fabric like I say, it's like a
09:26Brushed faux suede soft veloury type fabric. I just don't overly love it
09:33So that will be getting a return
09:35This is another jacket that I picked up, but I just feel like it's not as nice as the other ones
09:41I've decided to keep and I
09:44Feel like cuz I'm trying a lot of things on with these suede trousers and like they're all going it's making you
09:48confusing me making me think that it's nicer than it is, but I actually think it's just slightly too long and and not
09:56As flattering as I would like to justify keeping it just tried on a little long-sleeved top that I ordered as well
10:02Which I actually don't hate I feel like I love the wash of this and anything long-sleeved, you know, I'm sold
10:09This was 20 pounds. And so literally just a nice simple
10:14Long sleeve top to look cute with jeans speaking of jeans. I have ordered a pair here. Let's see how this goes
10:24Frustrating not every day tailor trips like not every day because like from the front they fit so nicely
10:30They sit a really nice position on the waist
10:33They fit like I mean they are
10:35Slightly more snug on the thigh than I would like I like I used to be super loose
10:39But they're really really good length. I could wear these with heels and then
10:43Did it did it did it?
10:46What the heck is that like you just can't wear that anywhere like
10:54They don't actually really fit my bum very well, what size are these
11:0040 UK 12. Yeah
11:03so I don't really know about that, but they
11:06They're probably not really nice enough to bother getting tailored
11:11What are this pair of trousers and what's nice about these trousers that it actually comes with a belt included
11:16So that's quite nice. Oh, well, I actually really like those. I'm such a trouser girly
11:22I love wearing trousers to the office with like tank tops and trainers and boots and stuff. They do need a good steam. These were
11:3040 pounds so not the cheapest not the most expensive. I'm gonna stop there because this has turned into a completely unintentional
11:38Clothing haul and like I haven't done that in so long and I feel a little bit like it's just what the people want and also
11:43Probably should have like I'm conscious that the camera angle is so so bad
11:46What other things that I get I got this striped top
11:50Which I thought I mean, I love my stripes
11:52I feel like you guys know that by now
11:53But I thought this again was like a bit of a mew mew
11:56Jeep like I never ever tell you guys like what I buy anymore
11:59But like I say, it's because I don't really buy anything anymore
12:02And I'm normally just wearing like maybe samples and now I've been literally living in my maybe tracksuits
12:07I think I'm gonna take Bambi to soft play this afternoon. Then I've got a face gym and then just tomorrow
12:12So it's go go go as always
12:15Okay update I have just touched down at the Trafford Center my favorite place and
12:22We have such a nice afternoon. We went to a soft play just local to us and it was absolutely
12:29Rammed like I've never seen that soft play so busy
12:32But at the weekends like the soft plays always get so crazy
12:34But I just like I've said it before but I actually don't know what I did with my life before soft play existed like
12:40Any slight inconvenience soft play any bored moment soft play like it's just it's like my happy
12:46It's mine and Bambi's happy place and Tommy's on Bambi duty this evening, and I I'm gonna go for my face gym appointment now
12:52I'm a little bit early
12:53So I'm gonna have a little wander around and see if I can
12:55Whilst I'm on my shopping spree and in my out with the old in with the new era
12:59I wonder if I can find anything. I've heard pretty bad things recently though
13:02They're like all my friends have come here to like go clothes shopping recently. I found absolutely nothing, but
13:07We can have a little look and Saturday night at the Trafford Center, I'm probably asking for trouble, but
13:13Cuz it's my happy place. Let's just go for it. Also. You guys know I probably won't be able to vlog in there because my
13:18fear of vlogging in public and
13:20Is like at an all-time high like I've never been like so bad at it like I don't know why but yeah
13:27I'm just really really bad at it at the moment so bear with me
13:41Is crazy so that side we've also called the piece of cake
13:47The face gym pro face gym pro was used on that side
13:52Look at the difference of the lift even my eye and my eye looks like it's sitting higher
13:57Especially in the corner of mouth and your eyebrow you can always see this just look straight and then this look that is in
14:04So yeah that is that has really worked, I thought you sold it to me
14:13Those results have just sold me like I don't really splurge like that
14:19I know it's crazy not to be dramatic, but I actually just had the most
14:24Lovely experience ever in there. I had the best face gym appointment, and then I quickly went to Astrid and Miyu to
14:33I've got because I've got the BAFTAs tomorrow
14:34I want to basically normally I would put a big earring in for an event like that
14:38But I am determined to keep my little stack going that I've got yeah
14:44Which by the way I am loving so much
14:47And I've got this thing that I need to put you guys on to it has changed my life in regards to my piercings
14:54Talking like I literally have a hundred piercings
14:55I have literally three and but basically since I've got this thing that has changed my life with my piercings
15:00I feel like suddenly I need about 80 million piercings
15:03How many times can I say piercings, but basically tomorrow?
15:06normally at a big event I put in like a huge gold statement earring, but what I want to do is keep my
15:13Maria Tash earrings in but I just wanted I went to Astrid and Miyu which I do feel like if you're looking for like a
15:21Maria Tash esque look but the prices are literally just insane
15:26I'm the first person to say it's not it's an absolute treat yourself moment
15:30And it's the same with Astrid and Miyu like it's not it's definitely not cheap
15:33Piercings and like a lot of them in there like real diamonds and real gold and it's absolutely not cheap
15:39But I do feel like Astrid and Miyu gives you that same effect
15:42But at a slightly more affordable price point and the girls in there at the Traveller Centre one
15:47The service is just always so so good like they're such lovely girls
15:51Like I literally always have like really nice chats with them, and I'll show you when I get home
15:55But basically I just bought a couple of cuffs
15:57To basically make the ear look really jazzy and like really like I've got a lot going on in there
16:02I've got one for there, too
16:05And my Facetim appointment was so good. I had such a lovely girl do my Facetim appointment. She was called Leone
16:10I've not had her before but then again
16:11I haven't been to Facetim in so long and she managed to sell me. She didn't even try
16:17I literally was just like I need that they've used it on me so many times
16:20But I feel like maybe they haven't done it in a way where it's like
16:23Half of the face first so that I could really look at the transformation it gave me, but oh my goodness like
16:29I don't know if I really showed it in the video
16:30But when I was looking at myself in the camera
16:32I was like one half of my face was like pulled up and the other half of my face was like down
16:37And I was like I think you may have to sold that to me obviously because I'm on my like no filler journey still like a
16:43Good few years on I'm always looking for things that can give me a bit of a lift a bit of a
16:49Gorgeous effect without having to do anything permanent, so I feel like that is an amazing one
16:53So I'll let you guys know how we got on with that. I am gonna leave now
16:56I'm so thirsty I have to get this from a vending machine also want a petition the Trafford Center
17:01to switch from
17:03Staying open at 10 on the weekdays
17:06Like basically in the weekdays Monday to Friday they stay open till 10, but on the weekends on a Saturday
17:11They only stay open till 9, but I just feel like that is so
17:14Counter like it doesn't really make any sense because if I look on a weekend
17:17It's the time where people like are off work. They have a bit of more time
17:20They don't have to go up early in the morning
17:21So they have a little bit more extra time to shop in the evening or is in the weekdays who's staying out till 10 o'clock?
17:26Shopping not me, but tonight. I was like automation a put when I was ready to go
17:30I was ready to do Zara mango self which is I was like ready to shop, and it was like we're closing anyway
17:36I am gonna get driving home back to the girly and
17:39I will update you guys when I'm back good morning guys
17:42So it's currently the next day at the house for the pilgrimage to London at about 7 a.m.
17:49So nice early start, but I've just been sat in the car for literally three hours
17:53I have been dozing a little bit, so it's been quite nice. It's been very peaceful basically today for the Baptist
17:59It's a really early red carpet. I've never been to an event where the carpet is at 2 p.m.
18:05That's the time that like the carpet starts normally a carpet start like 6 or 7 and that's why I've had to get up
18:12So early and also would have got the train but trains on a Sunday don't start till 11
18:16So I wouldn't have made it in time see last night. I told you guys about oh, I've got a battery
18:20I told you guys about my piercing pillow, which has literally changed my life
18:25So basically what is this a pillow essentially with a hole in it so when you pop it down
18:29You put your ear through it so that your ear
18:31Doesn't rest against the pillow and make it so sore because that is the killer for me when I get a piercing
18:37It's bedtime that it hurts so much
18:39The thing is with this is that you have to really get the angle right for your ear to not be touching
18:43What's underneath it cuz I put a pillow down and then lay this down
18:46Put my ear through and sometimes it does still touch the other pillow and can still hurt
18:50But I like raise it a little bit at the fun
18:52Anyway, I could highly highly recommend it's like really changed the game for me and has made this piercing process
18:58I got these two new piercings so much better and easier and if I was to get another piercing
19:03I would definitely use that just starting makeup
19:06Hair is half done and for today's makeup. We are going for something a little bit
19:13Smokier which is exciting because we basically been repeating the same makeup look for about five years
19:20But today we're gonna branch out a little bit
19:23We have done something similar to what I'm kind of visioning before
19:26But it was a long time ago, and I'm actually thinking even maybe slightly smokier than that
19:30But the only thing I would like is to still look
19:33Lifted and not sleepy because basically my fear is that every time I put more product on my eye
19:38I my eyes tend to go like not very bright and they look quite shut
19:43I'm just someone that I personally feel like I suit like a really heavy
19:46I look but I do trust Holly that we can do it in a way that looks
19:50like I've got more on but it still looks bright and lifted and
19:56Sort of like dragged up
19:58Because when I look back at pictures of me like wearing heavy lashes and stuff
20:01It looks like my eyes are literally shut like this. So I think maybe it's because I've got dark eyes and stuff
20:06It just doesn't really don't know just never really feel like it suits me
20:09Never you brush my brows and all that the skin flakes off. Is that normal?
20:14Cuz I I just I always
20:17Drop it in the brows
20:19No, you asked me that every time I've never ever used retinol ever off that one time
20:24I was using an eye cream
20:25I was like your skin is actually coming off when I'm more standard because my skin's always that dry
20:29But she was like your skin is coming off in my hand when I'm doing stuff and I'm like, oh, yeah
20:32I've been using you've been using retinols. Let me look at the IQ up and use it
20:36I was like, oh, yeah, it's pure. I didn't know what retinol was. Remember that was in the flat
20:40Yeah, it was a murad one
20:41I remember in a green bottle and I was using it thinking it was just like an eye cream and you were like
20:45Your skin is falling off. So so far. This is the glam
20:50Not you really enjoying this heavier eye
20:52I feel like it's actually lifting the corners of my eye, which is great because I don't have that shape
20:57I so anything that can enhance making it look slightly more
21:01Lifted is great
21:02But I was actually just gonna say to Holly that I've been getting a few messages saying that
21:07People think that if I had some of my tail
21:10After all of this if I had some of my tail taken off it would lift my eyes more
21:14Yeah, it would but I think I think you can do that now because you know, it comes back
21:20So basically after all that growing and all that stress of having no tail everyone's I think your tail needs to come off
21:25I'm like brilliant. You couldn't write it. Yeah people are like just to let you know
21:29I really do feel like it would be more
21:32Lifted if you had less of an eyebrow tail, which I do see what you mean
21:37Because it kind of drags your eye down a bit
21:42Yeah, yeah, but I'll speak to Fiona my brow girl and see what she says
21:47She's kind of like whenever I give a suggestion. She's a wizard for it
21:50She's like, yeah, like let's just see like the other day when I have my brows done we trimmed
21:55Like these hairs are normally like quite long and we actually trimmed them so they're all kind of in line
22:01And when I first had it, I wasn't sure if I liked it
22:03But then like in the following days, I was like, oh my god, I absolutely do love it
22:07Um, so yeah, this is the glam so far to trust the process type thing
22:11I can't believe she just left me with this contour on my face. This was me
22:14I'd be so scared. It was gonna not blend out. The only annoying thing is I've got a couple of like
22:21Said like if I when I put something on my face, I have to blend out straight because I feel like otherwise it yeah
22:26But that's like really creamy. Yeah
22:29What is it?
22:32It's more like a really glossy. Do you mean like a nothing? It's like enough. Uh-huh
22:37Here we are
22:38glamola, I
22:41Am obsessed with this smokier. I feel like we're on something here
22:45Have we just broadened our horizons potentially?
22:48I'm gonna get changed in a minute. I put my little air cuffs on I got love it. Thank you so much. Feel great
23:11I like it
23:40Guess maybe I get the line cuz I'm a licker. Uh-huh. And on that note we are ready to go
23:47Got my coffin mastered me. I actually done cuffs cuffs on both sides that one with a little star and then this slightly plainer one
23:57So happy with the look
23:58photos done
24:00boobs pushed to the side
24:02We're good to go
24:30So the fastest
24:3314 hours long
25:24Team we are back
25:26from the BAFTAs and I'm just pouring
25:30peppermint tea because I have to be honest I
25:34Got the world's worst
25:38This is TMI. I
25:40Got the world's worst trapped wind from sitting in the same position
25:45There's so many hours the ceremony I've got to be honest with you
25:49It put the ong in long. It was such a lovely evening though, but also
25:54Because I got such a sore stomach
25:57from sitting in the same position
25:59We had to leave like halfway through the meal because I was in so much pain
26:02I was like I literally cannot sit here
26:03Like does anybody else get that like when they sit?
26:06Crunched up for too long or like if you're driving in like the same position for too long
26:09Like I kept really bad trapped wind. I don't even I'm not really even like a drumpy gal
26:13So I don't even know why the winds getting trapped because it's not like the wind would usually exit
26:18I'm saying too much. But like it's like I don't maybe it's not trapped wind. I don't know, but I just get the worst cramps
26:24But first BAFTAs tick it was such a nice evening. I like for me was the fact that Timothee Chalamet and Kylie Jenner
26:31Were in the same building as me
26:35Like Kylie Jenner is my
26:38Just love her so much like she is my favorite like my favorite celebrity by far like cliche to say
26:43but I'm just quite utterly obsessed with her in every single way, so
26:48Tomorrow is Monday my one of my favorite days of the week a chance for a new beginning
26:52And it's nice to be starting it in London
26:55We just have a day of work tomorrow in London, and then we are coming home in the afternoon
27:00But again really annoyingly is kind of a little bit secret what I'm doing tomorrow
27:03So I won't really be able to show too much of it
27:05But I'll still bring you guys along and show you what I can also if we have time
27:10Sorry, but stay with me. Um, I really want to get that extra piercing done. I've been speaking about but we don't stop thinking about it and
27:19Basically, there's a piercing that I wanted to get last time
27:22I was at Maria Tash and I didn't do it because I was basically too scared
27:26but I
27:27wore it that cuff tonight from Ashton me you and I feel like it's confirmed that I definitely want that pierced because wearing a couple
27:33All the time not practical because they do just fall off. Although the cuffs looked really good tonight
27:39I'm gonna drink my peppermint tea
27:41I'm gonna get into bed. I'll take you upstairs because the bed set up is really cozy and cute
27:45We're actually in the same room that we had
27:48For when we stayed for the maybe pop-up, so it's over two floors. It has like a huge lounge area
27:57big staircase
27:59Actually has a lift inside the room as well, which I haven't used because a little bit terrifying but
28:06Behind that door there is a lift dressing room bathroom through there and then in here is the bedroom
28:14I don't know if I did vlog that week three musketeers in our skims
28:18Valentine's collection
28:20We are skims basically skims ambassadors at this point because we do love the skims pajamas so much but
28:27I'll go on there
28:34Right night guys, I'll catch up with you all in the morning
28:38Good morning, everybody
28:41We are exiting our room in a rush
28:45We are all ready to go
28:48Bye-bye room. We nearly passed out from heat exhaustion in here so hot
28:53This is our room did we had for the
28:57Maybe pop-up week. I love this room a lot and then up there is like a gorgeous balcony that comes off of the bedroom
29:04So you can look over it's so special in here
29:07staircase up to the room very grand
29:10Quick outfit of the day very very quickly
29:12I am wearing my new suede jacket from Zara that I spoke about the start of this video
29:18I am wearing some brownie gray jeans from Bershka
29:23My Miu Miu ballet flats underneath this. I'm also wearing the new acne tank t-shirt
29:28That I got in that little haul at the start of the video and I'm wearing my Bottega bag
29:33Which I absolutely do not get enough cost per wear out of so I need to start wearing it more
29:38I'm not sure where my glasses are from but that is the look for today. We are actually gonna head to Harrods this morning because
29:47We want to get another piercing lol
29:49We don't really have the time for it, but we're making time for it
29:53it's actually gonna make us a bit late to our first thing we've got going on, but I
29:56can't stop thinking about that piercing so
29:59Here we are
30:01Left my camera in the car. So we are
30:04Vlogging on the phone. Perfect. So lovely we could do
30:08That's the smallest pair that we have. That would be really sweet just as like a little addition. I'm gonna get
30:15this in
30:18I'm very excited
30:48So basically Fran doesn't like coffee or tea
31:18But she likes it smoothies and juice and stuff. So we were like we'll get her a nice smoothie
31:22Anyway, we've got like a banana smoothie. This is what's come
31:28We need to find someone to give that to because it's just gonna go to waste otherwise
31:33She doesn't I bet my life that she doesn't want it
31:39So the jewelry is killing yet cuz mine it's got a pure heartbeat. Oh
31:49Smoothie mango pineapple and banana
32:00So I'm back now from London
32:02I managed to get back with like a good hour to spend with Bambi which was so nice because I really really missed her
32:11The last two days because obviously like I say on a Sunday
32:14I would never ever normally be doing anything other than just spending the day with her
32:17So I did have a little bit of mom guilt that like on a Sunday
32:20I was kind of it kind of felt like what that's the thing and you're not so weird
32:23I keep saying that tomorrow's Wednesday because it feels like today's Tuesday
32:27Because yesterday felt like a Monday. How many days of the week can I say in the same sentence?
32:32But basically yesterday felt like a Monday because it kind of felt like a worky thing like we'd ever know
32:36Normally only ever have things like that on a working day. So to do it on a Sunday was just a bit different
32:41but we need to have a conversation about this piercing because I
32:46I don't know if I like it guys. Like I'm feeling really like
32:50Conflicted. I don't know if I like it
32:53What do you guys think?
32:54Do you think I got too big of an earring in there because I feel like it might be the earring that's throwing me
33:00off like I
33:01Rang my friend before and she was like, oh, I feel like it might be the earring. That's too big
33:08Like is that what's throwing you off like should you've got something smaller in there and I'm like, oh is it that but basically
33:14Listen, you know, I'm a Maria Tash stand till I die. So no shade against Maria Tash
33:18I just feel like I don't know if the it like if it suits me
33:22Like am I cool enough to pull it off? I just feel like it's not really
33:26Given what I thought it would give and like that's quite bold of me to say because normally I thought when I make decisions like
33:31That I've really thought it through and I'm like confident in my decision whenever I've got any of my other piercings
33:35I'm like, yeah, I know I want that but with this the fact that I'm like straight away or I'm not sure
33:39I know that I'm like
33:41Not feeling it. Listen worse comes to worse. I feel like it doesn't suit me
33:44I just take it out doesn't really matter the picture that I was obsessed with and like wasn't able to stop thinking about was this
33:48That's when they were holding the earring up to my ear and saying that this is what it could look like
33:52But I feel like it just doesn't look the same what now it's in there. Like I just think it doesn't really
33:57There I'm like, oh my god, that looks so good. But now it's in I'm like, does it look like a piece of wax?
34:02It's like hanging out of my ear. Okay. Sorry. I just went off to do a little bit of skincare
34:07Just put my serums on my brows and lashes and I also put some of those Mario Badescu
34:12They're not subtle like you barely be able to see them. But these Mario Badescu dry patches, they're called. I absolutely love them
34:18I've got some under the skin bumps and I have a photo shoot which has a cool time of half seven tomorrow
34:23And it's in city center. So I'm gonna have to get up at the crack of dawn and
34:29Yeah, I've got a really exciting photo shoot tomorrow and
34:31It's part of that meeting that I was at the other day that I said was a big secret
34:36But we've got the shoot that's more
34:37We're just gonna be a really fun day. I'm gonna bring this book to a close here
34:41I think because I can't show you any of tomorrow's shoot
34:43So it's just gonna be annoying me carrying it on
34:45Also one thing when I was doing my serums, I completely forgot to say I'm doing that thing that people say to have an influencers eat
34:51when it was to talk about something they put the fingers like this like
34:54don't know I was doing that and
34:55one more thing about my piercing like how do you how many times have I mentioned piercings in this video like you'd think I'm
35:00Literally like a piercing advocate. Like am I gonna become a piercer in my next life? Am I gonna stop here some people?
35:05Basically, I wanted to tell you that the pain of this piercing was like quite something I've never experienced
35:11She said to me it was gonna be a similar pain to this one
35:13Well, I can quite frankly tell you that it's not and that pain overtook my whole face. It was like
35:19It took my breath away. It wasn't like I mean, I've had more painful things happen to me in my life
35:24But it was extremely not pleasant like compared to these ones
35:27I had the other day. These were like a needle going through butter. This was like
35:32Or it was just it was hot. The pain was bad not to put anyone off but also
35:37Just letting you know
35:37I hope you enjoyed this vlog anyway
35:39At least I like made it out of the house in this one and you got to see a bit of like different stuff
35:42you know and anyway guys if you made it to the end of this video, I love you millions and hopefully me and my
35:49Earring, I don't know if I like or not
35:51We'll see you all in my next one
35:52Let me know what you think about it below guys because I'm really going under about it like the more I look at it
35:55more I'm like
