The Rookie | Season 07 Episode 7 | The Mickey
00:00Previously on The Rookie.
00:03So I sent a reckless text?
00:04Reckless text? That's criminal conspiracy!
00:07The fact that you are mad at me kind of blows my mind.
00:10The fact that you are judging me instead of empathizing is blowing mine.
00:13You're moving.
00:15The Hammer is called The Hammer because he likes to fight.
00:18And there's no one who loves to fight more than cops.
00:22You're welcome.
00:24We shouldn't.
00:25I know.
00:27Good morning. Thanks everyone for being here.
00:30The hardest step is showing up.
00:42What's on your mind?
00:44I messed up.
00:46With Lucy, I think.
00:49Well, Valentine's Day is tough.
00:51No, look, things have been solid between us recently.
00:54You know, I really feel like I earned my way back in.
01:00You know, both on a personal and professional level.
01:04And then, we ended up in this hotel room.
01:09And I knew it was a bad idea in the moment.
01:12That I was being selfish.
01:14That I hadn't finished doing the work to fix what I had broke.
01:20I just, I couldn't help myself.
01:23This is said with love.
01:26But you're using a lot of I language.
01:29I felt this, I did that.
01:31But Lucy was a willing participant, yes?
01:33Yeah, of course.
01:35Then why are you taking away her agency?
01:38If this was a mistake, then it's one you made together.
01:42If this was a mistake, then it's one you made together.
01:57Last day as a rookie!
01:59Oh, no, I'm sorry.
02:00It's okay.
02:01It's very exciting.
02:02Yeah, no, it is awesome.
02:05Oh, I sensed a butt in there.
02:07You know, a high percentage of rookies suffer a setback on their last day.
02:10So you just gotta stay on top of it and don't get distracted.
02:13Well, that's certainly taking the fun out of it.
02:15No, no, I'm sorry.
02:17It is amazing.
02:19New lipstick.
02:21You're a little bit more made up than usual.
02:24What's happening?
02:26I'm just switching it up a bit.
02:28Come on.
02:29Maybe I should too.
02:34Stay the course.
02:36Tomorrow I can go crazy.
02:37Tomorrow when I'm no longer a rookie.
02:40Oh, I'm gonna win for you like I know you won't need to.
02:47Hang in there, man.
02:51You got your back, big dog.
02:55What's happening?
02:56Everybody's heard you and Baylor are fighting.
02:58Cops got some more than middle schoolers.
03:00First marriage is just a trial run.
03:02There's no shame in divorce.
03:04Every cop goes through this.
03:05Okay, it's not my first marriage.
03:07And we're not getting divorced.
03:09It's just a fight.
03:12I used this guy for my last three divorces.
03:16How many times have you been married?
03:17This decade, just three.
03:20You keep that.
03:21I don't think I'll be needing it.
03:23I get it.
03:27Stay strong.
03:30This is ridiculous.
03:31Couples fight.
03:32I mean, granted, it's a bad one, but it's not over.
03:37I feel like you don't believe me.
03:38I feel like you don't believe yourself.
03:41I don't know.
03:42It's just...
03:43God, it's taking up so much space in my brain.
03:44I just gotta get it out of my head.
03:45You know what helps me?
03:48Pull some felony warrants, get in trouble.
03:50Last thing I'd be thinking about is a personal woe.
03:55I mean, you and Camila were on completely different paths.
03:57It's clearly for the best.
03:58I know.
04:00But my problem's right now.
04:01Mine ain't compared to yours.
04:03How's the cancer treatment going, my brother?
04:04So far, so good.
04:06You sure you're ready to be here, boot?
04:07Yes, sir.
04:08Thanks for asking.
04:09I'm not asking to be kind.
04:10I'm asking because if you're not up to the task,
04:12you put the life of your T.O. in jeopardy.
04:14No, sir.
04:15Yes, sir.
04:16I mean, I am good to go, and I will not let her down.
04:18Make sure you don't, or we're gonna have problems.
04:26You're here early.
04:28Sometimes being Detective Harper is easier than being Mama.
04:31Or Mrs.
04:32Yes, that one is really tough right now.
04:34The constant arguing over policing is wearing me out.
04:37Harper, you're needed in interrogation one.
04:39For what?
04:40No idea.
04:41That's just the message I was given.
04:48What do you...
04:51We were supposed to talk this morning,
04:52and you left before I woke up.
04:54I'm sorry.
04:55I just...
04:56I have a really heavy case load right now.
04:58Nyla, you always do.
05:00But you're the one who raised the red flag
05:03about our relationship,
05:04and how our jobs make our marriage
05:06that much more difficult sometimes.
05:08And yet you've been avoiding talking about it.
05:11So yeah, I've had to resort to gimmicks like this
05:13just to get some face time with my wife.
05:17Okay, uh, you are not wrong.
05:21What if there is no way to make you feel good about what I do?
05:26Then we deal with it.
05:29I mean, maybe that tears us apart,
05:31or maybe we get stronger by solving it together.
05:34But either way, it's a hell of a lot better
05:36than this little dance of silence.
05:40Now, I gotta go to a meeting.
05:43I'll see you tonight.
05:52How are you feeling?
05:53Pretty good.
05:54All things considered.
05:56Yeah, well,
05:57seems like there's a lot of options
05:59with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
06:00Have you had any lymphedema?
06:03Not a lot of people know about that side effect.
06:05Something's going on with my rookie.
06:07It's on me to do the homework.
06:08Yeah, or try to catch me in a lie.
06:11Never occurred to me that you would lie about something like that.
06:16I know I don't have the best track record,
06:17but I would never lie about cancer.
06:22If you have any doubts,
06:23you know, you can always check my medical records.
06:25I'm a rookie.
06:26I signed away my medical privacy when I joined.
06:29I might do that.
06:32Yeah, you should.
06:34You know, I'm open to anything
06:35that'll help rebuild the trust between us.
06:41Hey, stranger.
06:42What's up?
06:43I need to show you something.
06:44Can you meet me at the apartment?
06:46Yeah, I don't like the sound of that.
06:48I'll be there in ten minutes.
06:50But it's my last day as a rookie.
06:52I understand.
06:53Well, I was hoping to avoid situations
06:56that would jeopardize my graduation from the FDO program.
06:59And yet, as your training officer for this one last day,
07:02I set the agenda,
07:04and I say the agenda is go hard.
07:06Okay, is this so you won't have to think about Bailey?
07:09If it is, do you really think it's a good idea to say her name?
07:12No, sir.
07:13I am fully on board with going hard.
07:16Whatever my T.O. wants.
07:17Great. Check the box.
07:18See who's got warrants.
07:19Make sure they're felony MBA,
07:21so they're in a fighting mode.
07:26The ball's in his court.
07:27John knows where to find me when he wants to talk.
07:30And if he doesn't?
07:33He will.
07:34Obviously, I don't really know what's going on
07:36because you've been maddeningly vague,
07:38but it's been a week.
07:40Might be time to reach out.
07:42Do you want me off your couch?
07:45A little.
07:47A timeline would be nice.
07:5010-99 at 1600 Edgewood Street.
07:5310-99 at 1600...
07:54What's that?
07:55Barter alarm.
07:56I've asked the dispatch to alert all nearby units.
07:58Shelters and clinics have them
07:59to speed up the response time for break-ins and assaults.
08:02It's the Guest of Honor's woman, Shelton.
08:0427 out of 100 responding to that 10-99,
08:061600 Beachwood Street. Code 3.
08:08Copy. Follow-up call reports disgruntled husband
08:10attempting to enter armed with bat.
08:12They're punching. Let's get there.
08:16Out of my way! I want to talk to my wife!
08:18With a bat? Restraining order says 100 yards.
08:21No! I warned you!
08:24Drop the bat!
08:33Get up! Drop the bat!
08:42I got him! I got him!
08:48I saw your head hit the concrete.
08:50How's your vision?
08:51Fine. Cody went down harder than I did, thanks to you.
08:55I'd still like to get you evaluated for a concussion.
08:57And look, splint this wrist.
08:59The bruising and swelling indicates a fracture.
09:03Why is it taking so long to find a hot warrant?
09:06Turns out we've got most of the real bad guys in custody.
09:09Yay, us.
09:13Checking again.
09:147, Adam 15. I have an in-progress 211
09:16at Lock, Stock and Barrel gun supply.
09:18RP spotted a blue van speeding from the scene approximately five minutes ago.
09:22What are the odds that's our van?
09:24Fairly small, given there's several thousand blue vans in Los Angeles.
09:27We're still going to stop and investigate and hope it's full of armed robbers?
09:31Now you're getting the swing of today.
09:387, Adam 15. We are Code 6, Lancaster and Western.
09:42Investigating possible suspect vehicle.
09:44Driver, please exit the vehicle, keeping your hands where I can see them.
09:56No problem.
10:00Steady, Officer Juarez.
10:01Please, you go clear the front.
10:04Step forward for me, sir.
10:05What can I help you with today?
10:07It's not illegal to run out of petrol, is it?
10:09A van matching this description was involved in an armed robbery.
10:13Well, it wasn't this one.
10:14I've been stuck here since about half past, waiting for a rescue.
10:17All right, the front's clear, but I can't really see the back.
10:20Well, I knew a smile and a more gallop.
10:23Sir, I'm going to need to see some ID.
10:24And I would love to show you some, but I left the house without my wallet.
10:28I barely remember to put on a shirt, if you can picture that.
10:31It happens to all of us.
10:32Well, then I'm going to need to see inside that van.
10:35No problem. Just a few bits and bobs inside.
10:38You know, nothing of note.
10:39Which is a shame, really, because if something tells me being handcuffed by you would be quite the treat.
10:48Yeah, sure, sure.
10:59What about the guns?
11:00Got to write them off.
11:07Well, sir, I think you got your fight.
11:17My room looks bigger.
11:18Well, that's because it's clean.
11:23This the new booth?
11:24Yeah. Tomorrow. What's up?
11:26It's a pleasure to meet you.
11:29What's up?
11:30Um, I got this on campus.
11:35Ooh, you worried about cavities?
11:40They're Xanax, with a kick of ketamine.
11:42So I hear. I haven't tried it.
11:44These are incredibly dangerous. You overdo it on these and your heart stops.
11:48Where did you get these?
11:49My roommate's boyfriend. Said first one's free. Want me to make an introduction?
11:54Yeah. I mean, if you're up for it, we just have to find a believable buyer.
11:58Somebody who is not a rookie.
12:01Whoever it is needs to look like a college student.
12:03I can do it.
12:07Whoever it is needs to look like one.
12:10Wow. Okay. I get it. Thank you.
12:13I get carded at movie theaters. I can do this.
12:17I'll introduce him as my boyfriend. I'll say he goes to UCLA.
12:21Yeah, tomorrow vouches for me. I make the buy. Easy.
12:28You can't do this, man. I need to talk to my wife.
12:31Shut up.
12:32You can't stay there forever.
12:33Shut up or I'll bust a teeth out your mouth. You hear me?
12:38You just threatened a suspect in police custody?
12:40He's an asshole.
12:41Yeah, he files a complaint against the city and wins, he'll be a rich asshole.
12:43That what you want?
12:44No, sir.
12:45Hey, what's up?
12:48There was a call back in Texas my first year on the job.
12:51I didn't get there in time.
12:54He killed the kid, too.
12:57Look, those calls are hard for all of us.
13:01All right?
13:02But crossing the line gets guys like this to get out of jail free card, and I know you don't want that.
13:06No, sir.
13:09I'll do better controlling my emotions in the future.
13:12I saw that flawless elbow strike that knocked the wind out of him.
13:15It's badass.
13:17I don't know. Necessary, maybe.
13:19It's not the first time I've had to defend myself from a man.
13:23That's why I do what I do at the shelter.
13:25After my ex broke my rib, I swore never again.
13:31So now I am a blue belt in Krav Maga, and it's the other guy that has the broken rib.
13:38I'm a capoeira master and a level one Krav Maga, for now.
13:42For now.
13:43I thought I sensed a kindred spirit.
13:45But you know, tough women, they often come with dark stories.
13:50I just like to learn new things.
13:52I see. Well, if you ever want to talk martial arts, you know where to find me.
14:01Big guy's called the Hammer.
14:03His partner is Mickey Barnes. Their prince turned up at a gun store robbery in Bakersfield.
14:08M.O. matches three other heists in the area.
14:10They've been selling guns for the last four months.
14:12Are they planning some kind of attack?
14:13They're not exactly planners.
14:15Most likely, they stole the guns to sell.
14:17At least they didn't steal any more today.
14:19That isn't quite true, though, is it?
14:21Uh, no, sir. They also got the police-issued weapons in the back of the shop.
14:27And the M.O., and a police radio, and the onboard computer, and the vehicle itself.
14:34Officer Nolan, remind me again, how many times has your shop been stolen?
14:39Twice, sir. Believe me, I know how serious this is, and I will fix it.
14:43It wasn't entirely Nolan's fault.
14:46Isn't this your last day on probation, Officer Juarez?
14:49Was I saying anything?
14:51Sir, we will get everything back.
14:53The tracker is still active in the shop.
14:55We will chase it all down just as soon as we get a temporary replacement.
14:58Don't lose that, too.
15:01Officer Chin.
15:02Why do I hear you're Code 6 at your apartment?
15:04Tamara came to me with a lead on a guy who's dealing ketamine on a college campus,
15:08and I was wondering if I had your permission to send Ridley on an undercover buy.
15:13You think he's ready?
15:14Uh, yeah. I mean, it's a simple hand-to-hand. He can do it.
15:19Okay, I trust your judgment. You'll need backup. Grab Smitty.
15:23I was thinking maybe Harper and Lopez?
15:26They're busy. It's Smitty or no one.
15:33Yeah, that is them, all right.
15:36Good news is they parked the shop right next to the stolen weapons.
15:40Yeah, bad news is they're surrounded by stolen weapons.
15:44So what's the plan?
15:46The last thing we want is to get into a firefight. They're too well-armed.
15:54Ain't no harm in looking.
15:55Yeah, I'm referring to the audible gasp.
15:59I say we wait till they separate, then move in, divide and conquer?
16:05Great. How about we take Mickey?
16:07Good try, Boot. We will take Mickey. You two get the hammer.
16:12After this morning's debacle, you two should be thanking us for giving you a chance at redemption.
16:16Your thank you card's in the mail.
16:18Can I just get one quick peek?
16:22Oi, you done yet?
16:24Nearly, but I'd be a lot closer if you got off your arse and helped.
16:28I just put on a clean shirt.
16:30But when you're done, pull this people carrier out so I can back that copper's motor in.
16:34And this one better run.
16:36That wasn't my fault. Dodgy Paul told me it was top of the line.
16:40Oh, and it never occurred to you that a car thief named Dodgy Paul might be lying?
16:52Hands up.
16:54Ooh, all right, lovely. They're up.
16:56Turn around.
16:58Now it's getting kinky.
16:59Ooh, I do have a gun in my right pocket, but I'm also happy to see you.
17:21Hands up.
17:23Hello, sweetheart. You miss me?
17:25Hands on your head, turn around, walk towards us nice and slow.
17:28I think we know what I'm going to say to that, don't we?
17:30I'm unarmed. You can't shoot an unarmed man, can you?
17:35You're right. We can't.
17:44Work smarter, not harder, am I right?
17:46Julie, what?
17:48Robbie doesn't help.
17:54The dealer is Andy Hirsch, 21 years old.
17:58This is a simple buy-walk deal.
18:01Buy drugs, walk away, that's it. We will come back for the arrest.
18:04We just need to get the buy on the wire.
18:06There's also the manufacturing arm. We need to know who's importing the raw materials.
18:10No, no, no, no. That's not today.
18:12Today, you buy and you walk.
18:13Got it.
18:16That's him.
18:28Andy, hey.
18:29What's up?
18:31This is my boyfriend, Seth. He goes to UCLA.
18:34Oh, my condolences.
18:36Yeah, we keep getting our asses kicked and Tam's telling me that I got a transfer.
18:41Damn, ew.
18:43It's cute.
18:44No, it's not.
18:45Yeah, well, life's better on this side of town, so...
18:47That's what I hear.
18:48You got better teams, better candy.
18:53Quality doesn't come cheap.
18:55It's not a problem.
18:56Yeah, only the best for my girl, right?
18:58You're together. We get it. Jeez.
19:00The kid's just selling it. Maybe he's into her.
19:03Either way, what's the problem?
19:07He's not right for her.
19:08Parenting is hard.
19:10But at some point, you gotta let the kids spread their wings and make their own mistakes.
19:16Smitty, do you have kids?
19:18Do I.
19:23300 a pop.
19:29Okay, you got the buy, now walk.
19:32Buy, walk, buy, walk, jeez.
19:36Can you get more?
19:39I got a friend who's throwing all these parties and, you know, he's always looking.
19:42Yeah, I can get as much as he wants, assuming he can pay.
19:46Yeah, I'll let him know.
19:49Good to see you.
19:58You just opened the door for a bigger bust. High five, kid.
20:03I can't believe we did that.
20:04How are you so calm?
20:05Because I got a good partner.
20:06Ridley, it was risky to push for more product.
20:10But it worked.
20:13I never should have listened to Mickey.
20:15You can't pull a heist while Mercury's in retrograde.
20:18And it's transiting Aries, you could not have timed this worse.
20:22Last time this happened, my fiance left me.
20:24Yeah, maybe she left you because of the stars, maybe it was all the arrests.
20:28Nah, she said it was all the cheating.
20:30That'll do it.
20:47Go back to work, go back to work.
20:49He can't see you.
20:50So, just to be clear, you still think that you're going to walk on how many felonies?
20:56And so much evidence.
20:57I can't remember a time we had this much evidence.
21:00Can you?
21:01Uh, let's see. Fingerprints, surveillance video, eyewitness accounts, body cam, shop cam, dash cam.
21:07I mean, it is literally a mountain.
21:10Even if that were true, you need me.
21:13Need you for what?
21:14To get to the bigger fish.
21:16We're supposed to deliver those guns to the butcher.
21:19So, do you really want to bust me, some street-level cheeky little pirate, or do you want to take down a real shot caller?
21:29Mmm. That's compelling.
21:31But Mickey Barnes is both snake and charmer.
21:34You, of all people, know my ability to sense exaggeration is flawless.
21:38He's telling the truth.
21:40Okay. What's the timeline?
21:43Hammer and Mickey are supposed to deliver the guns to the butcher tomorrow.
21:48The DA's office can offer reduced sentences if the LAPD can provide full surveillance and arrest the butcher.
21:54I'll authorize it.
21:55But we need to move Mickey and the Hammer to a safe house tonight.
22:00Which means I need officers ready to transport and work a graveyard.
22:04Rumor mill says Nolan is looking for anything to distract him from his domestic situation.
22:09And I happen to know another lonely senior officer happy to pick up an extra shift.
22:16Checked and double-checked.
22:21Well, then that's it.
22:23You have reached the end of your last day as a rookie.
22:27I can't believe I made it.
22:29Thank you for everything.
22:30Being your training officer has been an honor and a privilege.
22:36If I may have your attention for a moment.
22:43I am so proud to announce that my rookie, Officer Selena Juarez,
22:49has successfully reached the end of her POST mandated training.
22:55And has reached the capacity of solo beat officer.
23:00Congratulations, Officer Juarez.
23:23Oh, hi. I was hoping I'd see you again.
23:27I've been thinking a lot about what you said.
23:31About tough women having dark stories.
23:36I, um, I might have lied in the ambulance earlier.
23:41We all do.
23:44Easiest way to protect ourselves.
23:46I've been collecting ways to protect myself for years.
23:50I fight fires. I shoot guns. I jump out of planes. I save lives.
23:54Is it working?
24:00My ex was unimaginably cruel.
24:04He died trying to kill me.
24:08But he never hit me while we were married.
24:13And even now I have a hard time labeling what he put me through as abuse.
24:20I never looked like the women in a Lifetime movie.
24:23There were no black eyes. No broken bones. Just a lot of grey area.
24:29Getting physical in the bedroom.
24:33Play that turned rough.
24:36No one knew I needed rescuing.
24:40So I rescued myself.
24:42But in the end, none of it even mattered.
24:44Because my ex found me and ripped my life apart again.
24:49And even now, he's dead and he's still haunting my marriage.
24:54My husband, who is the greatest man I've ever known, isn't speaking to me.
25:00Because of something I did out of fear, I was trying to protect myself.
25:06But if we don't work, my ex will have taken everything from me.
25:11He would have won.
25:15He can't win. He's dead.
25:20You won.
25:22You got out alive.
25:24And you have all the power now.
25:25So yeah, you can talk about what it was like.
25:28For real.
25:30Grey areas included.
25:33Especially to this, this husband of yours.
25:37That you love so much.
25:40He cannot help you heal.
25:42He cannot help you heal if he doesn't know what's still alive inside of you.
26:12He has custody of the phone that you'll be using to communicate with the butcher.
26:15Are we clear on everything?
26:17What's a hoodie password?
26:18What part of no internet do you not understand?
26:20I thought you lot had rules against cruel and unusual punishment.
26:23Apparently not.
26:26Oh, this is gonna be a long night.
26:28It's going home to an empty house.
26:31You and Bailey still not talking?
26:33Oh, Hammer.
26:35Got a couple of sad coppers in here, mate.
26:37What happened, fella?
26:38Catching Mrs. Stefan out.
26:39Don't engage.
26:40Mate, give the poor shot a break.
26:42A man's heartbreak is no laughing matter.
26:45I wouldn't know.
26:46I tend to be the one doing the breaking up, if you know what I mean.
26:49Weren't you getting engaged the last time I arrested you?
26:51Yeah, and then you and that lady cop won the ring off of me, then everything fell apart.
26:56You won a ring off him?
26:57Randy pawned off Bailey's ring the day of your wedding.
27:00Hammer bought it, Lucy and I got it back.
27:03You're welcome.
27:07Babe, we need wine out here.
27:09On it.
27:10So, James and I are supposed to talk tonight, and I just can't do it again.
27:17You know, it's like I start talking, and then he starts talking, and fundamentally we agree.
27:23Policing in this country should be better.
27:25But then we get into the details, and all of a sudden we don't agree, and then it's a fight.
27:31And we don't even know how we got there.
27:34Thank you, Wesley.
27:35No problem.
27:36But it comes with a little unsolicited advice.
27:38Oh, God.
27:39No, no, this is good.
27:40Please, I need a man's perspective.
27:46Generally speaking, we're simple, straightforward creatures, and we do like to talk.
27:51But that talk has to have an endgame.
27:53We're working it out.
27:55But what do we decide?
27:57You know, like, what's the plan?
27:58And James doesn't have to change his position or tactics, because philosophically, you agree with him.
28:04So, it's on me to do something.
28:08Actions speak louder than words.
28:09Basic guy code.
28:12Look at him.
28:13He can't take it.
28:14Soft in the belly.
28:16What you gotta say now?
28:18Perimeter's secure.
28:19Ingress and egress have been double-checked.
28:21Sheriff's office is still posted out front and out back.
28:25Burner phone's quiet.
28:27I suspect the butcher won't reach out until morning.
28:30I can take first watch if you want to get some shut-eye.
28:32I'll sleep when I'm on shift.
28:33But go ahead.
28:34You look wrecked.
28:36Hard to sleep when she's not there.
28:38Um, can I ask you a personal question?
28:41Usually I'd say no, but I've been working on being more emotionally available.
28:45So, shoot.
28:49How did you, um...
28:51With Isabel, how did you know when it was over?
28:55I didn't.
28:56Not for a long time.
28:58It turns out you can only fracture something so many times before it's impossible to put back together.
29:03Problem is, I didn't realize that until I tried.
29:08You're saying the only way I can know for sure that it's over is to try and fix it?
29:13If that's what you want.
29:14We're both so dug in, I don't see how we can move forward.
29:18One step at a time.
29:19And maybe you're right.
29:21Maybe things between you and Bailey can't be fixed.
29:24But don't make the same mistake I did with Lucy and quit before the battle's done.
29:29If you love her, fight.
29:33Otherwise you might spend the rest of your life wondering if you could have done more.
29:41You are one hour away from being a full-fledged cop.
29:46How do you feel?
29:48I think mostly.
29:50And also not.
29:51No, being a rookie was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
29:54And as a reward for passing, I get to keep doing it for 30 years.
30:09Tamara and Seth are...
30:12On a date?
30:13They'd be so cute!
30:15That's a bad thing.
30:16How good that would be.
30:18Where do we even start?
30:21It's like Ice Cream Jango.
30:26Some boss man Javi wants to meet you.
30:33Great, get in the car.
30:37Sorry guys, he's mine tonight.
30:39So come.
30:42This ice cream was like $30.
30:44Somebody's gotta eat it.
30:47Don't worry, I'll be back.
30:49I promise.
31:05Hey, are you with Seth? I saw that photo.
31:07I mean, I was, but he just left with Andy.
31:10Stop. Andy from the drug buy?
31:12Yeah, he had a couple guys and said Javi wanted to talk.
31:15I took a picture of the plate, just in case.
31:17Okay, and Seth went with them?
31:19Yeah, I mean, they just think he's a buyer, right?
31:21He'll be okay.
31:22He has his police ID on him and his off-duty weapon.
31:25If they search him, it's over.
31:43Hey, what's up?
31:44Hey, Seth is in trouble and I was hoping that you could help me and Selena get him out of it.
31:49We're tracking a license plate.
31:51I want a safe house detail tonight with Nolan.
31:53Let me get an officer to replace me.
31:54Text me your location.
31:59Your shift doesn't start for 20 minutes.
32:01Lucy call. Seth's in trouble and they need backup.
32:03I'm gonna call the station and have a replacement officer brought in.
32:05Get two. I'll go with you. The handoff isn't for hours.
32:08Where's Mickey?
32:09In the loo.
32:10I'm gonna move him along.
32:15Mickey, let's go.
32:20Mickey, I'm coming in.
32:35What's going on?
32:36Do not move.
32:37Is there a problem?
32:38Where's Mickey?
32:40Get down on the floor.
32:41Look, hello, Will.
32:43Hammer, do not push me.
32:45I need you in cuffs so I can check on my sergeant.
32:47You need to tell me what's going on.
32:49Where's Mickey?
32:53Get his gun.
32:54Hammer, if you take one step, I will shoot you.
32:57Mickey, what in God's name are you doing?
33:01I'm gonna get us out of here.
33:02But we've made a deal with the coppers.
33:04And I made a different deal, all right?
33:06I'm a lawyer. The butcher's gonna set us up.
33:08What if I don't want to get set up with a butcher?
33:10I'd like to set up with a fresh start.
33:13A new chance at love.
33:14I don't have time for this.
33:16You owe me.
33:17Now get his gun and tune him up a little.
33:19You like fighting cops? Knock him around.
33:21Let's go.
33:22He's gonna shoot me.
33:23No, he isn't.
33:24Yes, I am.
33:25He shoots you, I shoot his partner.
33:27Shoot them both.
33:28Don't worry about me.
33:29That's just unreasonable.
33:31Use your nerve.
33:32There is no reason anyone needs to get shot, okay?
33:34So, Hammer, will you get his damn gun?
33:40No, I want my deal.
33:47I can't believe you just did me dirty like that.
33:49Well, next time you change the plan, you'll talk to me.
33:52Well, here he is.
34:02Turn around.
34:07Harvey has to be Harvey Rocio.
34:09He has a history of importing and pressing Xanax.
34:12Okay, what's his last known address?
34:1445th and Fig.
34:15Harvey is a career criminal.
34:17He'll definitely search Seth when he arrives.
34:19Yeah, we need to stop them.
34:23You know what?
34:29God, I love this song.
34:34Hey, man, you know, I can total drive if you want.
34:40You're kidding me, right?
34:43All right.
34:44Be easy, guys.
34:56Yeah, how's it going?
35:00License and registration.
35:01Yeah, sure thing.
35:10That's not mine.
35:12Turn off the vehicle.
35:19Let's go.
35:20Can you please not tell my parents?
35:22My dad, he's gonna kill me.
35:23Sure, kid.
35:26In you go.
35:35Thank you for the rescue.
35:37Thank Tamara.
35:38She told us what we needed to find you.
35:41It's a good thing we were hanging out, huh?
35:43I wouldn't say that.
35:46Hey, can you get these things off me?
35:51No, I'm sorry.
35:52I don't have any keys on me.
36:00Ah, I heard things got a little rough at the safe house.
36:02Yeah, thanks for volunteering us.
36:04Thanks for the middle-of-the-night wake-up call.
36:05Are the butcher's guys in interrogation?
36:07Ready and waiting for you to flip them,
36:08get an arrest warrant for the butcher,
36:09and take all the glory.
36:10Oh, it's good to be detective.
36:13I'll be right there.
36:14Hey, do you have a minute?
36:15Of course.
36:16Okay, so I've been thinking about putting feet
36:18to all this talk about policing with James.
36:21If I were to start a group of cops
36:23who are dedicated to reform, would anyone join?
36:26You might make a few enemies, too.
36:28Oh, I don't care about that.
36:29Great, let me be the first to sign up.
36:31Do we get a secret handshake?
36:32No, there's nothing secret about this.
36:34The whole point is to put a public face
36:35on change from within.
36:38May I recommend matching T-shirts?
36:40Think about it.
36:41How's Seth?
36:44Yeah, he's great.
36:45Um, I need to talk to you about something.
36:47About how weird you were about us hanging out?
36:49Tamara, you don't know Seth like I do.
36:53What does that mean?
36:54He lies.
36:55A lot.
36:56Like, habitually.
36:57He's training to be a cop.
36:58I know, and I'm working on that.
37:00But the point is...
37:03You can't date him.
37:05I can't?
37:08I misspoke, right?
37:10I just think that...
37:11That's not up to you.
37:14What was that about?
37:17Well, she has a thing for Seth,
37:20and I tried to warn her about him,
37:21and it did not go well.
37:23You want me to put the fear of Bradford in him?
37:28That would just make things worse.
37:34Officer Miles-Penn?
37:36I responded to the incident at your shelter yesterday morning.
37:39Of course.
37:40Call me Diana, please.
37:42Thank you for your prompt response.
37:45It looked like you had things pretty well under control.
37:48I did, until I didn't.
37:51One of the most frustrating things about being a woman
37:55is that no matter how strong, how skilled I become,
38:00an angry 200-pound man will always have the upper hand.
38:04Well, that's actually why I'm here.
38:06If you're interested, I would like to offer my services to you,
38:09freely charged, as a security guard,
38:12for your shelter or the Downtown Women's Center,
38:14when I'm off duty, that is.
38:16That's an incredibly generous offer.
38:20I just don't want to see another woman get hurt.
38:24Neither do I.
38:30I have coffee, wine, or sleep aid, depending on your vibe.
38:37I love you.
38:38And I'm sorry I had to run out last night.
38:40It's all good.
38:42I know who I married.
38:44And I love you, too.
38:49So I'm doing a thing.
38:50I realized it was time for me to put my money where my mouth is,
38:54so I talked to Gray,
38:56and he has given me approval
38:58to start a police accountability advocacy group within the station
39:03so that cops who believe that changes in policing are necessary
39:07can work together to be that change.
39:10And I hope you don't mind,
39:11but I have volunteered you to be our chief community liaison.
39:19Of course I don't mind.
39:22Of course I don't mind.
39:24But won't that cause trouble for you down at the station?
39:27I have been undercover with cartels, so those cops don't scare me.
39:31So, let's get to it.
39:32What is first on the agenda?
39:36Well, by far, the most important action item is this.
39:54Do you want some coffee? I made a pot.
39:58No, thank you. I'm good.
40:02Right, this is the part where I explain why I'm here.
40:06If you want.
40:10We could just sit.
40:11No, I want to explain.
40:16There's a lot I haven't told you about my marriage to Jason.
40:20Not because I wanted to keep secrets from you.
40:23I was in denial about a lot of my experiences.
40:29And I made a new friend recently
40:31who helped me see that denial is no longer serving me
40:36and reminded me that you are the best ally to help me face what happened and heal it.
40:44For years, I've only acknowledged the emotional abuse Jason put me through
40:50because it kept me out of the battered wife category.
40:54But when he escalated to framing me, stalking me, and trying to kill me,
41:02so did I.
41:04Malvado was a desperate move for safety.
41:09I was, I was scared.
41:12So scared that it, it broke me.
41:17And I did a stupid thing.
41:23And then I made you feel judged instead of supported.
41:28I wish I could go back and do it all over again
41:31and show you that the fear I was feeling about that phone was for you.
41:39For the danger you put yourself in.
41:41But all I can do is apologize
41:45for making you feel alone because you are not alone.
41:54You're loved.
41:57I know how we fix this.
42:00The answer's together, right?
42:30You're loved.
42:32I know how we fix this.
42:34The answer's together, right?
42:40You're loved.
42:42I know how we fix this.
42:44The answer's together, right?
42:51Damn it.