• anteayer
ad thankyou to some of our favourite brands for sponsoring today’s tour vlog!!!💕🥹🌸⛅️✨🧚🏼 links below to shop some of their products we mentioned when getting ready for the show🏼🏼🏼 #skincare #makeup

YSL Beauty Lash Clash Extreme Volume Mascara: https://www.lookfantastic.com/p/yves-saint-laurent-lash-clash-extreme-volume-mascara-9ml/13451486/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=commercial-lorealluxe-sophiaandcinzia&utm_content=lorealluxe

Armani Beauty Luminous Silk Foundation: https://www.lookfantastic.com/p/armani-luminous-silk-foundation-30ml-various-shades/11918789/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=commercial-lorealluxe-sophiaandcinzia&utm_content=lorealluxe

Prada Beauty Soft Matte Rouge Lipstick https://www.lookfantastic.com/p/prada-soft-matte-rouge-refillable-lipstick-3.8g-various-shades/15395325/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=commercial-lorealluxe-sophiaandcinzia&utm_content=lorealluxe

Lancôme Génifique Ultimate Serum: https://www.lookfantastic.com/p/lancome-genifique-ultimate-dual-repair-augmented-serum-30ml/15452165/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=commercial-lorealluxe-sophiaandcinzia&utm_content=lorealluxe


We have a podcast!
Listen here:
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-girls-bathroom/id1461748146
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5RVJabFxj8BInR9wkspD87
Acast: https://play.acast.com/s/thegirlsbathroom


00:00but we're in melbourne i'm just gonna hold you we're in melbourne would you like me to
00:08yeah save your arms so you can stay nice and still thank you sofia always looking out for
00:13me and mark what a day we've had today guys we've had a trip so this is our what we've done it
00:18though i've done it this is our only day on tour where you're thinking you're probably thinking
00:24what hairstyle is this what are we going for tonight marks on a wood switch um we woke up
00:30in brisbane yes so we had our three shows in brisbane woke up in brisbane this morning i had
00:35to get straight on a flight to melbourne yes and we've literally landed went to the hotel
00:41put our suitcases down and come straight to the venue so it's 25 past four shows to start for
00:47another three hours so we've got plenty of time and this is our dressing room here in melbourne
00:52so we've got three shows in melbourne we haven't got three shows here though have we
00:56no we've got two shows here we've got one here
01:02here somewhere else and then here yeah but love the bulbs we really appreciate these in a dressing
01:08room and also it reminds us of just like a gorgeous old theatre and we love that we love
01:13those vibes yeah we're going to picture something more of it from the 1920s the roaring the roaring
01:1920s oh one of jay's friends is calling him oh we're ordering yochi hello hello
01:29oh jay we've got your phone someone's calling you
01:37jay's gonna get one as well jay what are you getting on your yochi um i'm gonna get
01:42some cookies
01:49i go for the butterscotch i really recommend it if you haven't tried it sofia's got a rich
01:56palette me and grace tried it um when we were in the shop a little tester and we were like
02:01oh my god that's actually so good okay because i was just getting playing for a while and then
02:05my eyes and my taste buds were oh i actually just love the wild curls
02:11looks really nice we're doing what wet look it looks good it looks like you've just like
02:17you've air dried it i mean i know it has partly air dried but yeah watch my head it's still wet
02:22it is still damp you've got a lot of hair that's why all right yep she's on the way
02:27we're gonna start our makeup makeup is happening i've used what have we used today this has been
02:34my base of choice we've been liking this on tour armani georgio armani luminous silk remember we
02:41bought this for the first time in that airport once and we were like oh my god we've heard
02:46kendall jenner uses this when we were like 20 and we tried it for the first time uh it's such
02:51a classic like natural glowy um foundation one of the best it's one of the best foundation
02:59really good name yeah it's like what it is on the what it says on the tin
03:05so it's the perfect like treat foundation special occasion yeah that's so true special occasion
03:13special occasion for the taking out tour we've also just ordered betty's burgers a nice like
03:19gym to go to tomorrow yeah it's very rainy well this is the first rain we've seen in us is it
03:26uh no we've seen rain i don't know have we we were in dole's when it rained yeah it's raining
03:33here in melbourne i don't think they're having the best summer weather so we're just wondering
03:39how to spend our next couple of days i've got loads of breakfast spots i've got loads of
03:43yeah chintzy's found all the food spots yeah we think i wish we think we're going to try and get
03:47a day pass like a nice gym then we can yeah it'd be nice to just be in one place for a bit yeah
03:52sauna steam do a nice couple's workout oh yes
03:59there's a mark superstar superstar couples who train together stay together together oh
04:09i'm wild and i'm free all right what you're doing with the hair tonight then
04:13tell the people we're doing we're panicking no we're not mark i'm not really
04:19marky we're um because we're wearing these like beaded oh yeah go on that's nice i don't like it
04:27when you do that um we're wearing like
04:37beads so i thought uh like fresh out the ocean vibes he goes with the olive oil spray
04:49world you're having a wet look yes and i'll wash it tonight oh could get a blow dry tomorrow
04:57they'll be they'll be scared if i know i'll actually have to wash it tonight won't i
05:02i could get it rewashed the fire alarm off
05:06be fine last time mark's pretty good who's in the palladium fire alarm
05:11fire burst in the room because of the olives what is it olive spray it's just coconut oil
05:19i love it it smells so nice smells like holiday so nice i hate it really why you it's because you
05:27use it all the time part of your kit smells like a car refreshment what you don't think
05:32that smells like when you just get your car mounted i um i would never my mind would not
05:37go there but now you've said it i can see but it feels smells like holiday to me it's relaxing
05:42right i'm gonna start my makeup it's five we've ordered yochi hamburgers as you know
06:01i'm gonna prep my skin i'm gonna use the lancome advanced
06:07youth activating concentrate it concentrates it that's a really nice serum actually it's
06:14really nice because we need the most hydrated skin for the stage and this one's really beautiful
06:25it's very like lightweight and silky supposed to help like strengthen the skin barrier
06:32yeah and it's just a really nice base for under makeup really because
06:37you just don't want any dry bits you know you want the healthiest flumpiest skin
06:44oh yeah gorgeous and i might just do a little bit of gracie yochi
06:52oh good morning melbourne it's one o'clock you're not gonna believe what time we what
06:58are you doing what's the gimbal doing i know it was freaking out yesterday guess what time we woke
07:04up naturally we set no alarm this was our first day we were like we're not gonna set an alarm
07:08we're gonna have a light because we had a travel and show day yesterday i'm not setting no alarm
07:13and then savir just goes where's four it's 12 and i was like oh my god 12 gonna be in the venue at
07:21so we're just meeting the guys downstairs gonna have some breakfast we found a diner with all
07:29day breakfast because that's kind of what we want it still feels like it's are they down here oh
07:36yeah they might maybe they're in the other layer shall i say we're outside yeah a few layers to
07:42this place um but last night's show was so good yeah it was really good it was the first one in
07:48so that's our first one in melbourne so we've got two more in melbourne to go who was it was a it
07:54was a really good show it's a really nice venue as well it was like nottingham theater bar do
07:58you want me to see if i've got it it gave like yeah just like theater have a look in there
08:06there might be one in there if you just have a look in one of the crevices
08:11okay so we're in the cbd this is where we're usually always staying so we've found this
08:15which is the like actual center so we've found operator diners all day it's just like an american
08:23diner vibes yeah pancakes they've got tacos they've got like a little bit of everything
08:28and then they've got like a little bit of everything and then they've got a little bit of
08:32operator diners all day it's just like an american diner vibes
08:38yeah pancakes they've got tacos they've got waffles and everything
08:43gorgeous oh guys it says that kathryn was here oh my god yes
09:01look at my milkshake
09:12i like it please it's really nice
09:18we've all ordered like uh breakfast muffin
09:27dairy dairy
09:31i got almond matcha i added maple tastes like home comfort i love these cups i love this shape
10:06we've both ordered like a muffin thing
10:09egg and cheese with a hash brown and pancakes so we're just let me try the fruit and it's
10:53i can't get over that that's so good that would be nice like with a chicken
11:01try it
11:08ice cream all right we're gonna try
11:11my first round i know i was thinking that
11:16all right give it a new texture how's she going i love this bread like me too it's like
11:30where do i go
11:40it is so good oh that is just everything you want in the morning
11:55the cheese
12:01the muffin is so soft isn't it it's like a pillow
12:28i'm fucking stopped excuse my french
12:35nice and warm i've got a ketchup
12:59melbourne does feel like new york vibes isn't it
13:01yeah it's very city-curvy like block three we're at the venue i'm stealing these they
13:10are like poly pocket i love them plastic colors these are our dresses for tonight
13:16flower girls that's what we can do oh sorry wow
13:27we've seen a poster of us outside so we need to go and see it with our own eyes
13:30mark said it's been vandalized
13:38hey scott tired today we didn't wake up till 12.
13:43oh good idea yeah yesterday was a long trip it was long oh wow it's massive
13:49look yeah let's have a look
13:56oh wow oh my god it's huge
14:04grace said this is um like twice the size of any venue we've done so far right
14:14wow look at that dome up there
14:18that is gorgeous wow love it
14:32stage looks really pretty it's amazing i had no idea
14:38wow yeah look at that like you see that pink arch that is
14:44is stunning
14:46this is gorge gorgeous venue on the sun shining they haven't seen the sun in melbourne yet oh no
14:57we've been vandalized
15:09yeah wow it's massive
15:20she is a fugly slip she's a mama she's a hammer of course oh but it's such a nice poster hey
15:28it is
15:32send a picture to cabela your work's being vandalized
15:37mama actually asked me to sit
15:41just finishing off the makeup we've actually got lots of time today it is quarter past five
15:46we're already very early we're kind of ahead of schedule even though i feel like we started
15:50late we did yeah crazy i think because the hair was just like a the hair was just a
16:01anyone could do it you know probably could have done this myself
16:06just um she's doing mascara and i have a bit of lippy the ysl lash clash a classic
16:16it's the this is a brown one actually yeah this is the brown one it's the biggest mascara brush
16:22look at that look at that she's a mammoth she's a mammoth look at that it's the biggest brush
16:27they've had and this is the mascara mark uses so you know it's good so you know it's good
16:31because mark's got lovely eyelashes yeah all about the volumization so i need to just put my
16:37mascara now i'm gonna do that and look at this guys this is the prada lipstick we've all been
16:44fascinated it's beautiful by let it focus do you see like is the camera showing you like the
16:53in that i was focusing on my hand
16:58oh like tiny little like it looks furry almost it's got loads of like
17:03tiny little bumps on it it's very satisfying and it's got a little triangle it looks like um
17:10and this is mad what's that material i don't think the camera's really getting it but
17:16we just need to put in like a bit of pink in there because these are our outfits for tonight
17:19we are in pink we're flower gleam and glow so also watching a bit of tan gold oh this is
17:25beautiful look at that a bit of pink the brown is also nice for when you've got no makeup on
17:34yeah it's a bit softer also it's really nice like if you're doing like a softer eye
17:38yeah you know that's why mark likes it yeah mark likes to wear it without makeup
17:44wow she's gonna fly away i'm flying away hi hi these are the prada beauty monochrome
17:55soft matte lipsticks bt dubs there's loads of colors i'm gonna put it on now we'll also leave
18:01mascara i love this brown brown's really nice just for like a softer it's really good look
18:08i really like that i mean fiona says back in the heyday they used to wear brown
18:12in the heyday they used to wear blue mascara i f***ing hell yeah crazy kids it's actually
18:18bringing out my green yeah i think brown is probably a better color for us i think with
18:23green eyes they say that you should do brown yeah it's meant to dark i've got my own don't
18:29share mascaras you get eye infections right i'm gonna but this is the ysl lash clash right i'm
18:33gonna go in with this in the middle and then i'll put some yeah and we'll leave links to the makeup
18:38bits we mentioned oh it's giving just eight a f***ing cherry cherry you know what you get so
18:47scared of that lipstick you just saw it but then yeah it's given such a nice glow
18:58all right we're gonna do a sound check shortly guys we've got some
19:06oh my god this is so exciting can't wait to see you girls tonight enjoy some of our
19:10fave of the aussie cupcakes we love you lani grimshaw and eliza jones oh my god that is so
19:18nice thank you
19:28it's a great pick me up you ready yeah
19:41oh my god
19:49yeah oh my god oh my god yeah come on jay yeah sorry jay yeah but jay what do you i want that one
20:00which one i want the red velvet i want the devil's i'll have the lemon if no one else wants
20:13we need to just pop it in in one yeah i don't i feel bad you have the best scarf i don't want
20:18i'm going red what's that one red velvet show them people camera eats first oh wow pop it all
20:25in one so this is just what we need i'm gonna do chocolate i just like chocolate what are you
20:35gonna do but you do the best scarf are you sure yeah look at mine even though you said i want it
20:44right who's ready cheers
20:48three four two
21:05oh it's so good
21:09wow oh
21:14thank you jay no problem sometimes all you need is a bit of cake just like a perfect
21:22look at mine hello hi hello how are we
21:31mark mini cupcake for you what are you screaming about yeah yeah
21:41good morning morning we're at a place called walrus for breakfast and look
21:49we've got blueberry pancakes we've all got these rolls yummy yummy yummy
22:03we really are ladies we are back at the factory theater day three melbourne let's get it
22:13mark got i got a blow dry lovely blow dry
22:17grace just looked at me and said not by mark
22:22so she's getting in the car james mark went to this place called machi machi and he very kindly
22:29and it's been like a thing so this is called the what the panna cotta matcha yeah
22:37do we shake yeah i assume yeah it's still cold one would assume do i shake it yeah vigorously
22:44matcha latte with panna cotta extra sugar
22:49oh it's not mixing oh my god i feel like it won't mix because that the textures
22:56right oh is it too full it's a straw
23:09now should i try and mix yeah i fear it's gelatinous and won't
23:14oh god no movement right so we're gonna get down to the bottom of it let's get down to business
23:30are you ready
23:37have you ever had those um
23:40gelatinous um what are those yogurts where they're like oh my god yeah that's what's at
23:46the bottom it's nice is it nice you know what are they the ones that people suck up on tiktok
23:52yeah those crème brûlée oh yeah
23:59oh i hate the texture do you it's like gone off yogurt it's like it's like greek yogurt
24:06and it needs to be mixed it's the crème caramel yogurt that texture there it's pleasant
24:12we've got more beverage we're back with another matchy matchy order
24:16because it was on it was on over eat i've never had pearls right we can try it grace
24:20what you've never had a pearl grace oh my goodness and that girl got us those two drinks
24:27and you try it there that's what it is oh yeah but they were like flavored look at the texture
24:33it's gelatin look sophia look at the way it moves it looks like angel delight
24:40all right you go first are you what did you get grace the same as so no mark got this without
24:45do i mix it oh you didn't get uh yeah mix that what did you get a brown sugar shaken coffee
24:53tapioca pearls yeah mark had this and i tried it and it was really good but you've got it with no
25:09the pearls just like gummy bears they're like chewy
25:14even i can drink that that's not coffee that's just milk
25:18oh my god try that grace oh my god i just got a plump of the toffee at the bottom
25:25grace you're gonna love that it's just like toffee milk chew the pearls
25:31brown sugar shake it like it with pearls apparently
25:34now this is the matcha with strawberry cheese foam strawberry cheese foam
25:43and there's no ice in it mark i'm sorry i'm making an order anyone else i think it's a slush
25:49i'll have another one please
26:03blended yeah it's a slushy bottomed up did you not mix the cheese in
26:12this is the best drink ever peel that top off and lick the cheese
26:19hi that's a wrap on melbourne our six show run is done yeah i can't believe we did six in a row
26:28that's insane the first tour we ever did was like six shows in total we've done them all in one go
26:34now we've got three in sydney that doesn't make one in auckland and then that's it
26:38we've only got four left guys it's going so quick but we're just about to take like put our clothes
26:45on head on back and we're gonna fly these all our jewelry is like from lavissa it's amazing
26:51when we get to sydney we've got an airbnb so we can all be so close
26:59okay we're gonna take our dresses off guys look at this gorgeous letter that was left in the
27:03confession box thank you and it's a gorgeous letter in there and little road a strawberry
27:15that is and the sunshine thank you ronnie
27:34this was this i've seen it
27:47but he's lying
27:50we've got a nutella acai bowl oh my fucking god it is
28:08half past 10 oh my god and we leave for the airport at 12 so we're having a nice
28:15slow morning she's a mama she's an m they're actually mama i'm sure they have this somewhere
28:21else as well because i've seen green oh that is nutella oh it's the best take a taste test
28:30and we've also ordered green like the egg lab egg yeah no so we can get a bit of both before the flight
28:45um the flight's only an hour and a half as well so we're chuffed about that but we do need to pack
28:51up this fucking room it's chaos but at 11 we can we've got an hour so yeah
28:58we're watching lovers line guys we just pulled up to our bondi beach
29:04we just landed in sydney
29:05we have a house we have a house we have a house
29:14we're on this cute little street we're very excited to be back in sydney
29:20the flight was only an hour and 20 minutes it was so easy so easy and nice right i'm just gonna get
29:28the car
29:35oh my god it's huge oh my god oh my god
29:46no we've got all this i think we've got a pool
29:51oh my god
29:54oh my god wow
29:59right let's go up we're gonna go up the stairs
30:07it's massive oh my god it's so bright up here
30:12oh my god it's perfect bedroom here gorgeous beautiful beautiful gorgeous
30:23gorge gorgeous single bed gorge down here
30:37oh and what's down here wow oh the master suite
30:49i can't believe it guys can't believe it all this wardrobe space as well
30:53this is beautiful wow guys we did a cole's order for the the airbnb we've got some
31:02chewy oh chewy caramel tim tams makeup wipes baby bells those are our favorite pea crisps
31:10oat milk cocoa pops for mark beautiful
31:18beautiful scenes beautiful beautiful look at that beautiful
31:26and we ordered from locks in a box
31:33for dinner yay we're all set at the table
31:39hello this is this really has become a rite of passage now this is sophia and chintzy from the
31:46future we are now in auckland we're so ahead we're about to do our final show of the taking
31:55off tour tonight oh my god we just recorded a podcast episode yeah from our bed which was lovely
32:03so now um we're gonna go for a lovely walk it's a beautiful blue day outside beautiful day we need
32:09to see these streets of auckland because we've only seen it when the sun was down yes and we've
32:13only got a day to see it two days yeah two days so thank you very much for watching the melbourne
32:19vlog next vlog is the cody vlog but we had a beautiful time in melbourne we didn't get we
32:27didn't get to do that much because we had a show every day so i'm sorry if we didn't vlog but we
32:31that much of the of the scenery we need to be back and we need to so much we need to see and there is
32:37we've just loved every single place so thank you so much for watching guys we'll see you next week
32:43and we'll see you with cody bye
