• anteayer
Giving you my thoughts on EVERYTHING coming in the new expansion pack!

Playing Businesses & Hobbies on stream today! https://www.twitch.tv/lilsimsie
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Creators who made the builds in Nordhaven!
Eva Rotky @EvaRotky
- Konst Modern Museum
- The Old Foundry
Kellyhartx @Kellyhartx
- Old Torget House
- Spilled Neon
yohannabuilds @yohannabuilds
- The Rouge Note
- Terra-Potta
Laireen35 (https://bsky.app/profile/laireen.bsky.social)
- Koffieboon
- New Harbor Park

Use my creator code “LILSIMSIE” when purchasing Sims packs to help support my channel! I’ll earn a 5% commission on your purchase! #EAPartner (This video is not sponsored, but I do have an affiliate code & I've been gifted Sims packs in the past.)

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This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.

Business Inquiries: teamlilsimsie@unitedtalent.com
00:00:00This is my review of the new businesses and hobbies expansion pack for The Sims 4,
00:00:04and in this video we are going to go over literally everything that's coming in the pack.
00:00:08We'll talk about what's good, what's bad, and also whether or not I think this one is worth buying.
00:00:13I was given early access to this pack by EA, but I am not being paid,
00:00:17I literally just got to play with it early. When they do this,
00:00:19they give us a second version of The Sims 4 with just the base game and businesses and hobbies,
00:00:24and this version has a couple of quirks. You're gonna see a watermark with my username floating
00:00:28around the screen, and that's actually on the game. I didn't just put that on the video to
00:00:32be annoying. This version also has no gallery access, so it might look a little bit different
00:00:36than normal Sims, and it's technically not final software, but usually nothing changes between now
00:00:41and the release. And also because I only had businesses and hobbies, I can't really talk
00:00:45about cross pack compatibility in this video because I haven't been able to personally test
00:00:49that out yet, but I have played many hours of this expansion pack over the past week,
00:00:54and I am ready to walk you through everything in it. Real quick for the sake of transparency,
00:00:59I do have a creator code with EA, so when you use my code at checkout, I will earn a 5%
00:01:04commission on the sale of Sims packs. I mention that because I understand that for some people,
00:01:07that might complicate things when making a review, but I truly have no reason to lie to you,
00:01:12and I'm making this video not to sell you a Sims game, I'm making it because I want you to know
00:01:16what you're buying and know whether or not it's worth spending your money on. This game is really
00:01:20expensive and I am not some evil supervillain trying to trick you into paying EA, I just want
00:01:25you to know what comes in the pack. Okay, so with all that being said, let's dive into the game.
00:01:29At its core, this pack is about monetizing your Sims hobbies. It comes with a couple new hobbies,
00:01:35but it also gives you the tools you need to make money off of any hobby in the game,
00:01:39including all of the base game ones and all of the skills that come with other packs.
00:01:43You'll primarily do this by running a small business, and this is the major new feature
00:01:48of the pack. So let's start there. Any Sim can open their own small business, including children
00:01:52and teens. You just click on this owned businesses tab and then pay 750 simoleons to register your
00:01:58Sim's small business, and from here you can completely customize it. You can choose a name,
00:02:03you can pick a custom icon from a really long list of options, you can also write a description,
00:02:08and then you choose your business activities. And this is where you really customize what kind of
00:02:12business you're going to run. There are a few business presets, and these are basically just
00:02:17all of the existing community lots. You don't have to use these, it's mostly just an easy way
00:02:21for you to set something up by default. So if you wanted to own and run your own gym, the default
00:02:26presets are to have Sims come and work out and then come and shower. My preference is to add
00:02:30activities myself, and there is a really long list of activities to choose from. Pretty much
00:02:36anything your Sim can do is on this list of business activities. There's food-related ones
00:02:41like drinking bar drinks or drinking coffee. You can even have your Sims come here and cook
00:02:46themselves. There's also art and music ones like doing pottery, getting tattoos, playing instruments,
00:02:52or you could have them come here and watch live entertainment. You could have them do hobbies
00:02:56like working out, doing woodwork, reading. There's a bunch of game selections, there's different social
00:03:01activities like fighting and being romantic. They can do outdoor stuff like looking for frogs or
00:03:07using the hot tub. You can make a ghost business and have ghosts come and possess objects. There's
00:03:13a bunch of kids activities as well if you wanted to make some sort of indoor playground or after
00:03:17school hangout, and there's even home-related activities like sleeping and cleaning and
00:03:22watching TV. So when I say you can literally do anything, you can literally do anything with this.
00:03:28And once you set up what sort of activities your customers will do, you can choose how they'll pay
00:03:32you. So you can pick to have no entry fee. This is probably best if you're trying to run a store
00:03:38and you want to make your money from them buying your stuff. Personally, I would not recommend this.
00:03:42This pack isn't really about stores, it's more about selling a service. So I would charge an
00:03:48entrance fee. If you pick hourly, they'll start off by paying you about 5 simoleons per hour to
00:03:53be inside, and if you pick a one-time fee, they'll just pay at the door when they first get there.
00:03:58With this by default, they'll pay you about 23 simoleons, but this will go up as your business
00:04:02levels up. And you can also change the price modifier. You can have it be discounted or you
00:04:08can make it extra expensive. Just keep in mind that if you make it too pricey, they'll probably
00:04:12be less likely to pay it. This price modifier affects both the cost of entrance but also the
00:04:17cost of goods on your lot. So if you're trying to sell your custom ceramics, they'll be more
00:04:21expensive if you increase the price modifier. And you can't do it separately, so you can't offer a
00:04:26discounted entrance fee and then charge higher for your pots. It happens all at once. And lastly,
00:04:31in this initial setup, you can choose your target customers. You have got a whole bunch of options
00:04:36to choose from. You can set it so all of your customers have to be rich, and you can make it
00:04:40required. You can make it a cult business where ghosts are more likely to visit. You could have
00:04:45everybody be single. You could make a place that a bunch of teens hang out in. You could even set
00:04:50it up so that infants, toddlers, and children come to your lot, and you can pick if the caregiver
00:04:54stays with them or not. This is kind of an option for you to make a daycare, which we'll talk a
00:04:58little bit more about later. So with this target customer criteria, by default it just means that
00:05:03sims who have these skills or these traits are more likely to come to your business. But if you
00:05:08select the required button, it means that they have to have those skills or traits to come to
00:05:13your business. I actually wouldn't recommend making it required unless you have a very specific idea.
00:05:19In my experience, when you require it for entry, you sort of limit your customer base. There's not
00:05:25many sims in the game, and there's certainly not that many sims that have specific traits,
00:05:30so if you make it so that everybody has to be evil, it means that you have like, two customers
00:05:34who can come to your shop. If you just prefer that those customers are evil, you might get some extra
00:05:39people in there, but you still got some room to make some good money off of it. In this case,
00:05:43I've set it so our preferred customers have some artistic traits and different artistic skills,
00:05:47and now we are good to go. Once you've set everything up, you can hire an employee.
00:05:51You don't necessarily need to have extra employees, and you can run it by yourself.
00:05:56This might be the kind of thing that you work up to as you're progressing with the business.
00:05:59It's kind of similar to running a vet business or running a retail store and get to work.
00:06:03You don't necessarily need the extra help, but it can be nice to have. And I actually think that
00:06:08the employee system in this pack is worlds better than any other business you can run in this game.
00:06:13It is a little bit different, so you have to know a sim to hire them. You can't hire strangers like
00:06:18you can in other packs. You don't have to know them well, but you have to have at least met them
00:06:23before. And you can also hire sims in your household this way. Usually in previous packs,
00:06:28the entire household owns the business. So for example, if you own a restaurant, the entire
00:06:33house technically owns the restaurant. Every person in your household can access the settings.
00:06:37In this case, a single sim owns a small business. Technically, every person in your house could have
00:06:42their own small business, you just can only open one at a time. And I guess the hiring of household
00:06:47sims is kind of a formality in this case. It's kind of funny because you will still pay them a
00:06:51wage, but it just deducts it from your household funds and then adds it right back. And sims can
00:06:56own their own small business while simultaneously being an employee of a different one. They can
00:07:01have a real rabbit hole job and still be an employee of your small business. And the nice
00:07:05thing about them being an actual employee is that you can manage their employee tasks,
00:07:09so you don't have to formally hire the sims in your household because they can just help out
00:07:13without working for you. But if they're hired, they'll do those employee tasks autonomously.
00:07:18I found this menu to be a massive improvement from the other packs. You have a giant list of
00:07:24tasks to choose from. This includes things like cleaning, repairing, scrapping, half-finished art
00:07:29projects. If you've played The Sims 4 for any amount of time, you'll know that townies love
00:07:34to half-finish a painting and just leave it there on the easel. So scrapping paintings is actually
00:07:38a time-consuming, important task. You could also set your employees to be in charge of hosting
00:07:43classes or lectures. You could have their job be to create pottery that you can sell. I set one of
00:07:48my sims to tend the tattoo table, and every morning when I opened the business, she autonomously went
00:07:52there and started tending it. And obviously, I could just click on it myself, but it's really
00:07:57nice to have all those things pre-set and then the business kind of just runs on its own. And
00:08:02it works really well with employees that are outside of your household. I keep saying it,
00:08:06but I just found the employees from this pack to be so much smarter and so much better at their
00:08:10jobs than the other business packs. And I mentioned how a single sim owns the business, not the whole
00:08:15household, but you can easily transfer ownership if you wanted to. The business will still retain
00:08:20all of its perks and its levels and stuff. I did this because my sim's grandma ran a business and
00:08:24she was about to die, so I had her pass the business down to her granddaughter. I actually
00:08:29don't know what would happen if a business owner died, but I'm guessing it would just have you
00:08:33transfer it to a sim in your household. Also if you want, you can create a custom employee uniform.
00:08:38Most of the time my sims were running their business in their pajamas because I didn't set
00:08:42a uniform and I was too lazy to make them change. They would kind of just roll out of bed and go
00:08:47downstairs and start hosting lectures. The possibilities of this small business thing
00:08:51are basically endless. It is so customizable that you can kind of create any community lot
00:08:56that you want, and the big difference here is that you are the one that owns it. So you could do
00:09:01something as simple as opening a pool. We have pool lot types in the base game, but this time it's
00:09:07your pool and they have to pay you to use it. You could have a bar where sims order drinks and play
00:09:13games, and instead of it being owned by some invisible entity, you are the boss. You could
00:09:18cheese it a little bit by having sims pay you to come and paint and then sell their paintings back
00:09:22to them. I was doing this and I was making a lot of money that way. Or you could get a little bit
00:09:26more creative and make some sort of hybrid business that does tattoos and also sells
00:09:31cotton candy. I have so many ideas of things that I want to try when the pack is officially out and
00:09:36I've got all of my other packs. I want to make a petting zoo, a laundromat, a bed and breakfast,
00:09:40maybe an art gallery, a cat cafe. I literally have a spreadsheet of stuff that I want to do with this
00:09:46pack, and I found that I mostly prefer running my small businesses at home. But if you want,
00:09:51you can also buy a separate business off your lot. This is the new small business lot type,
00:09:55and if you've played with other business type packs in this game, this is pretty similar.
00:09:59But you don't have to buy a second lot, you can just assign rooms in your regular house to be
00:10:04part of the business. All you have to do is register a small business and then any sim can
00:10:08change the assignment of different rooms on their regular residential lot. And again, this is
00:10:12completely customizable, so you could have the entire ground floor be public, you could have just
00:10:17one room be public, you could make a fake garage detached from the house that's public. You can
00:10:22also assign rooms to be employee only because maybe you've got a candy store and you want the
00:10:26kitchen to be just for employees. All of these different room assignments are essentially just
00:10:29door locks, it'll just affect what sims can enter where. Everybody can see everything,
00:10:34and when you go visit a small business lot, you can still see their house. It's not like
00:10:39for rent where they're separate and there's loading screens between them. Picture it more
00:10:42like the doors are just locked for certain sims so you won't have random customers walking in
00:10:46and out of your bedroom. I will admit that I did still have a few random people get into my house
00:10:51part, it was usually just one or two sims and it was usually the same guy. My guess is that maybe
00:10:56that sim was somehow visiting my lot and he wasn't technically a customer. I never like,
00:11:01talked to him or invited him over though, so it was kind of weird when he started sleeping in my
00:11:06bed. I can see myself getting really annoyed at this in the future, but it's just so typical
00:11:11Sims 4. I got random sims breaking into my house all the time, even pre-this pack, sometimes there's
00:11:16just people that walk in and start opening my fridge, so I'm not really surprised that it
00:11:20happened here too. Every business has a renown level, which is basically its star level. You'll
00:11:26increase this by having happy customers. It takes a lot longer than I expected to level this up,
00:11:31like it was actually difficult. It's definitely not an easy process to max it, but you will get
00:11:36some nice perks as you level up, like higher level businesses will have a higher base price for entry.
00:11:41And you know I love a skill tree, and they have given us one for our small businesses.
00:11:45As you level up, you'll get perk points that you can spend to purchase perks on this skill tree.
00:11:50This is a major improvement, I think, from the way you buy perks and get to work. Those work a
00:11:55little bit more like reward traits that you buy with satisfaction points. This is more like how
00:11:59werewolves and vampires work instead, and there are three types of perks that you can buy. Schemey ones,
00:12:05neutral ones, and dreamy ones. And these kind of tie into your business alignment, which we'll get
00:12:10into in a second. There are 15 perks to choose from and they range from small things like having a tip
00:12:15jar, to more chaotic things like having sims be able to commit insurance fraud. Some of the more
00:12:21positive ones are the ability to give bonuses to your employees, offering a customer appreciation
00:12:26day where all the goods and services are free. I don't know why anyone would do that. You can
00:12:31choose to activate or deactivate this whenever you want, and I actually had a lot of fun doing it
00:12:36because I got a couple random things. I feel like if you have other packs, there's some potential to
00:12:40get some really good money this way. It's just maybe hit or miss. I'm picturing them paying me
00:12:45with those golden frogs from Jungle Adventure and me getting like, 13,000 simoleons, but they could
00:12:50also just give you a rare crystal. By the time you unlock this, you'll probably have a lot of
00:12:55money, so it's not a huge deal if one sim pays you with something cheap. This white collar robbery
00:13:00one means that you could steal stuff anytime, anywhere. You can make fake payments for your
00:13:04bills, you could mine crypto coin. This muscle memory one means that you'll build skills faster
00:13:10when your business is open, and irresistible scent means customers will stay longer, so they're more
00:13:15likely to pay you more money for that hourly fee. I did an entire rags to riches video where I tried
00:13:20to make money through fraudulent insurance claims. I just went around stealing people's stuff,
00:13:24bringing it back to my business, and setting it on fire, and then getting paid by insurance. I also
00:13:29made a surprising amount of money mining crypto with that simo coin feature. I was getting like,
00:13:34one or two thousand simoleons every time. Now, they will try and tell us that business alignment
00:13:39is a primary feature of this pack, and frankly, I do not agree and I actually find this kind of dumb.
00:13:45It is an interesting idea in theory, but when I was actually playing, it felt more like a side
00:13:50quest with exclusively negative effects. So depending on how your sim interacts and behaves,
00:13:55your business will develop an alignment. I kind of had to go out of my way to get this, I wasn't
00:14:00really building it just naturally. You could lean towards the orange and be virtuous, or towards the
00:14:05purple and be nefarious. You're either a dreamer or a schemer. And when you're good, you might try
00:14:10to inspire others with your business story, or offer bonuses to your employees. And when you're
00:14:15bad, you might commit fraud-related crimes or behave shadily. When you get to the top of either
00:14:21alignment, you'll get a bonus trait, but also a new fear. And this is what I mean by it always
00:14:27having negative effects, because even if you wanted this, even if your sim is shady, they'll
00:14:32still get a fear from it. Schemers will get a new fear of being exposed, and dreamers will get a
00:14:37fear of being judged. I do think this makes sense, and for a storyline, it's great. You're at the top
00:14:43of your game, you're trying to be a good person, of course you're gonna have some fear of judgment.
00:14:47But honestly, this is so annoying for gameplay. It made me regret trying to get to the top,
00:14:52like why am I being punished because I finished the alignment? Other sims are also supposed to
00:14:58treat you differently depending on if they agree with your alignment or not, so if they have
00:15:02conflicting traits with your schemer alignment, they might dislike you more. They also threaten
00:15:07that if your sim's partner has conflicting traits with it, they might divorce you over it. So again,
00:15:11cool idea in practice. I think in reality though, it just feels kind of weird and surface level,
00:15:17and I almost would rather they have spent their time and energy on a different feature. I didn't
00:15:22even really find those bonus traits to be that useful. The whole thing is just that you might
00:15:27feel internal satisfaction or internal guilt over it, and you might have customers that argue with
00:15:33you over it or like it. Don't get me wrong, I love being a schemer, I just wish that it was
00:15:39functionally different somehow because it doesn't feel that impactful, and honestly, I probably won't
00:15:44try to get to the top again, but I am being really mean. So let's switch gears for a second and talk
00:15:48about something that I love, which is the new pottery skill. This is one of two new skills in
00:15:53this pack, and many of you know that I have been begging for this for so long. I was so excited
00:15:59about pottery. It is a full 10 level skill and you need two different objects to craft ceramics.
00:16:04You'll need the pottery wheel and also the pottery kiln. Your sims can sit at the pottery wheel and
00:16:08select from 14 different objects to craft. These range from decorative things to fully functional
00:16:14items. There are a few vases that you can actually put flowers in, and I discovered this because it
00:16:18let me put spinach in the vase, but you can also put the flowers that your sims grow in there.
00:16:23You can also make a functional tea set and a functional incense burner. There's a planter pot
00:16:28that works with the gardening skill, but is 10 times cuter than the default base game ones.
00:16:32And after you've created that item on the wheel, you can leave it unglazed or you can take it to
00:16:36the kiln which has an attached workbench for glazing. There are 10 different glazes to choose
00:16:41from and they're the same across all the items. After they glaze it, they'll then fire it in the
00:16:45kiln and your object will be complete. Sims who are level 10 can repair broken ceramics. I was
00:16:50sort of hoping that this would be a bigger feature because they had really hyped up Kintsugi as being
00:16:55a big thing in the pack. In reality, they can just click repair on something and then it puts it
00:17:01back together. Kintsugi is a beautiful Japanese art form of repairing broken pottery, so I guess
00:17:06I just sort of expected there to be a little bit more to it in the game. In-game, it doesn't feel
00:17:12like an art form, it just sort of feels like you've got a bonus swatch of each item. And then
00:17:16the other major skill is tattooing, and I actually think that tattooing is a lot more in-depth as a
00:17:21skill than pottery is. It is also a 10 level skill, and you can start out building the tattoo
00:17:26skill by designing tattoos on the sketchpad, by getting mentored by another sim, or by just straight
00:17:32practicing tattooing on another sim. I think it is hilarious that you can immediately start tattooing
00:17:37on another human without having ever practiced before. Skill level zero, and you can tattoo a
00:17:42person. But as you level up the skill, you'll unlock more tattoos and more stencils to use in
00:17:47the custom tattoo mode. I'll get to that in a bit. There are quite a few tattoos to unlock,
00:17:52some you have to unlock by designing them on that sketchpad, and it's kind of just like, painting.
00:17:57You even get a painting in your inventory that you can put on the wall, and others you unlock by
00:18:01being bad. If you happen to accidentally give someone a botched tattoo, there is literally a
00:18:05flop tattoo design for every body part, and you only unlock that if your sim happens to do it
00:18:11accidentally. When your sim tends a tattoo table, you will have townies come up to you and request
00:18:15a tattoo. It'll just open up this big menu of tattoos and you can scroll through and pick one
00:18:19for them. You can also offer tattoos to people, and with this you'll have a few more options.
00:18:24You can offer tattoos, custom tattoos, dedication tattoos, custom dedication tattoos, tattoo removal,
00:18:30and tattoo touch-ups. So let's break that down a little bit more. When you click offer a tattoo,
00:18:35it gives you that massive in-game menu that you can scroll through and choose from, but when you
00:18:39offer a custom tattoo, you can go into casts and get a little bit more detailed with it. With this,
00:18:44you can choose to layer tattoos and you can also use the new paint mode with the custom drawing
00:18:49tool and stencil to create your own. If you've ever seen Cats and Dogs, Werewolves, or even Horses,
00:18:54you're probably already familiar with this feature. This is the brand new paint mode for tattoos,
00:19:00and with this you can literally make whatever you want. You can use different stamps,
00:19:04there are stencils, and there are brushes. And I won't lie, I am a little bit intimidated by this.
00:19:10I don't usually use the paint mode from those other packs either because I don't feel like
00:19:14I'm very good at it. You can make the brush really small if you want to, you could just
00:19:19put a stamp. And even though I don't personally think I will use this very often, it is still
00:19:24such a great tool to have. Tattoos are so personal and I can't think of a better way to do this in
00:19:30game. It is really great that people have the ability to make them this way now, and even if
00:19:35you're scared of paint mode, I think you'll still get a lot of use out of this tattoo overhaul
00:19:39because this custom tattoo mode is also how you can layer them. Before, if I wanted a tattoo on
00:19:44my sim's arm, I had to pick one. If I swapped it out, it would just replace it, but now I can add
00:19:50a layer and use multiple tattoos on the same part of the body. So Bella now has three tattoos on her
00:19:56arm right there, and I could add a layer and paint on top of it as well. I'm gonna hop back into the
00:20:01game for a second to talk about dedication tattoos. This is a little bit surface level,
00:20:05but if you want, you can get a tattoo dedicated to another sim. I had my sim get a tattoo for her
00:20:10sister and when I showed it to her, they both got a cute moodlet. This is gonna matter a lot more to
00:20:14you than it will to your sim, so it feels a little bit less like a main feature and more like a small
00:20:20storytelling tool. That's not a bad thing, it's just something to note. Tattoo touch-ups and
00:20:24removals work about how you would expect as well. When you give a bad tattoo, your client might yell
00:20:29at you. When you give a great tattoo, they might give you an extra tip. And you don't have to only
00:20:33give out tattoos, you can also get tattoos yourself. There is a tattoo parlor in town and
00:20:38the artist there has level 8 skill, so she can give you quite a few different tattoos. My sim had
00:20:44more of them unlocked though, so I found myself kind of wishing that I could give myself a tattoo.
00:20:49I almost wish that they had maxed her skill and unlocked all of the custom ones for her,
00:20:53just to give you a better customer experience. But with that, we've kind of covered the major
00:20:58theme of the pack. Now I want to get a little bit deeper into all of the additional gameplay.
00:21:02One of my favorite parts of the pack is the new skill mastery feature. This lets sims who
00:21:07have max skills gain additional perks. There are 18 of them total, and some affect specific skills
00:21:14and others are a little bit more broad. Final touch lets you increase the quality of crafted
00:21:18items, so things like your pottery or your paintings. Space benders can teleport. Creative
00:21:23aura lets sims emit an aura that helps other sims nearby gain creative skills faster. In the zone
00:21:29gets your sims extremely focused and they won't have any need decay temporarily. Pigeon hold means
00:21:34you'll learn a certain skill type faster, but other skills a little bit slower. So you might
00:21:38be creatively pigeonholed and you'll get all of the creative skills more quickly, but maybe be a
00:21:43little bit worse at building like the fitness or logic skills. Each sim has potential to earn four
00:21:48total, and elders are more likely to discover them. From my understanding, if you have an extremely
00:21:53high skill level, you continue doing that skill and you do things like go to lectures or go to
00:21:57classes, you can increase your chances of unlocking one. It's pretty rare, I played for about six hours
00:22:03in a save with one sim and I only got two of them, but I also think there's some random chance
00:22:08involved with this. You'll get a pop-up offering you one of the perks and then you can choose to
00:22:11accept it. Elders can also bestow these perks on another sim, so you don't have to leave it
00:22:17completely up to chance. If you have an elder sim in your household, they can pass those perks down
00:22:22to a loved one, or you can maybe befriend one of the townies who have the perks and then ask them
00:22:26to bestow it upon you. There's no downside to this, like the elder won't lose theirs, it's just
00:22:31a way to share that knowledge. You can also buy a potion for 8,000 satisfaction points that lets
00:22:36you pick out any mastery perk. I assume that you could buy this more than once if you wanted to,
00:22:40and 8,000 points is kind of expensive, but if you've been playing with a sim for a long time,
00:22:45it is super doable. I like that this gives you something to keep working toward after your skills
00:22:50are already maxed, and I like that it's a feature kind of focused on elders. I also love that you
00:22:55can pass them down because they are hard to unlock, so it's nice to keep that knowledge in
00:22:59the family. Passing on knowledge is a big theme of this pack. There are actually three new ways to go
00:23:05about this. The first is through mentoring, which I guess we kind of already had in the game. It's a
00:23:10lot different now though, and a lot easier to access. Anybody with level 5 in a skill or higher
00:23:15can offer mentoring to another sim, and you could choose to do this for free out of the kindness of
00:23:20your heart, or you could offer paid mentoring, and your hourly rates for mentoring will go up
00:23:26as you build your skill. It's actually pretty expensive, so you can make some good money doing
00:23:29this. Also, if you are highly skilled, you can offer to be another sim's mentor. This is a new
00:23:34relationship category, and there are even some sentiments tied to it. My sim's grandma was her
00:23:39mentor and granny got this ungrateful mentee moodlet because she felt frustrated like her
00:23:44granddaughter wasn't trying hard enough or being thankful enough. You can also ask other sims to
00:23:48be your mentor, and I found that this was a really great way to build skills quickly. I swear it
00:23:53almost doubles the speed that you gain skills. I can see myself using this a lot in future saves,
00:23:59and mentoring is more of a one-on-one thing, but your sims can also give lectures and host classes
00:24:04now. Anybody who has level 5 in a skill or higher can host a lecture, and you can literally do it
00:24:09for any skill on any lot as long as you have the whiteboard. So you could stick one of those
00:24:14whiteboards at the bar and start lecturing about fishing if you wanted to. Hosting a lecture doesn't
00:24:19build any skill, but listening to a lecture is a great way to build skill really quickly, and classes
00:24:25are sort of like extreme lectures. The difference is that you can only host a class in a small
00:24:30business, and it's a lot more structured. A lecture is just one interaction, but a class is a to-do
00:24:36list of a bunch of interactions including lecturing. It's kind of like hosting an event, and you'll get
00:24:41a few different tasks you have to complete, and your customers will pay you more based on the
00:24:45quality of the class. So if you get a gold star, they'll leave happy and pay you more, but if you
00:24:50don't manage to complete any tasks, they'll leave unhappy and not pay you at all. And like lectures,
00:24:54you can host these for literally any skill. You're also required to do some lecturing and some
00:24:59mentoring as part of the class. To host these on your lot, you'll need to have a few required items.
00:25:04If you wanted to host a video gaming class, you'd need to have some computers nearby to the
00:25:08whiteboard for the students to use. It tells you what you need, and it's also pretty self-explanatory,
00:25:13like you can't host a painting class without easels. Aside from hosting classes, your sim can
00:25:18also attend classes, and this is a really really amazing way to build skills. By default in Nordhavn,
00:25:24there are two classes you can take. You can join a pottery class or a writing class at two of the
00:25:28lots. I sort of wish that there were more classes set up, because I really enjoyed using this as a
00:25:34tool for skill building. As a student, you'll have basically the exact same task list, just from the
00:25:39opposite perspective. So instead of hosting a lecture, you'll listen to one. This is something
00:25:44that I will use all the time. Sometimes I like to have my sims take skill classes with university,
00:25:50but that's just a rabbit hole, and they don't even really build that much skill. This is cheaper,
00:25:55fully active, and you progress your skills so quickly. This is basically what I've always
00:26:00dreamed of university having. I think I might add these whiteboards to the rec center, to the student
00:26:05union, maybe the community spaces in Evergreen Harbor. I also might try to make a little school
00:26:10for adults to take classes, because I would love to have more sims be able to use this. And on this
00:26:15knowledge theme, there is also a new family recipe feature. With this, you can create a custom family
00:26:21recipe and add a special touch that'll have very interesting gameplay effects. So you start by
00:26:26picking a base recipe, and this can be any recipe that your sim knows. So if they're at level one,
00:26:30they'll have less options, but if they've maxed the cooking skill, they can make it anything.
00:26:34Then you'll select a secret ingredient, and this is just one of the food collectibles. As far as I
00:26:38can tell, this only impacts the price because you can still craft it even if you don't have the
00:26:42ingredient in your inventory. And then finally, you'll pick a meal effect. You do have to unlock
00:26:48these, so you won't have all of the options straight away. And there is some sense to how
00:26:51you unlock them. For example, the fertility unleashed one makes sims who eat that food more
00:26:56likely to have twins or triplets, and you'll only unlock this after you've had a child yourself.
00:27:01There's an academic ace one that makes sims finish their homework faster, but you have to have
00:27:06finished school to unlock it. I started with an elder and she did not have this unlocked by default,
00:27:11so you'll have to actually play with a sim to get these. Others are a little bit easier to unlock,
00:27:16like if you've beaten someone up, you can get the spontaneous rage effect. If you call the sadness
00:27:21hotline, you'll get comfort food, and that one can decrease the duration of sad and uncomfortable
00:27:25moodlets. And these recipes can be passed down through generations, so once you've created a
00:27:30family recipe, you can teach it to other members of your sim's family, and then they'll be able to
00:27:34cook it even if they haven't unlocked those special touches themselves. They just have to
00:27:38be taught the recipe and it takes like, two seconds for them to learn it. I think this is
00:27:42gonna be so cool for my legacy challenges, and I like that it's completely customizable down to
00:27:47letting you type the name of the recipe. I also like how this feels kind of tied to elders. It's
00:27:53not an elder-specific activity, like anybody can make a recipe, it's just stereotypically kind of
00:27:58an elder thing, and I'm always asking for more elder gameplay. And this one is kind of a fun
00:28:03bonus because I did not expect to get something like this in this pack, and while we're talking
00:28:07about food, this is probably a good time to mention the new candy making feature of the pack.
00:28:11So we now have the Kate and Berry Sweet Treats Fabricator. I don't know, it sounds kind of
00:28:17familiar, right? But this is a new kitchen appliance that unlocks a bunch of new candy
00:28:22recipes. It's not a separate skill, it just uses the regular cooking skill, kind of like how the
00:28:26waffle maker or pizza oven do. There are 22 different variants you can cook and they're all
00:28:31different colors and flavors of jelly beans, lollipops, and cotton candy. If you wanted to,
00:28:35you could sell them at a shop or you could just make them for fun. They're not worth very much
00:28:39money, but I did find that my cooking skill went up really quickly when I was making them. I maxed
00:28:45the skill in less than a day, so it might be a pro tip for trying to speed through the cooking skill.
00:28:50And also, if your sim has level 5 mischief skill, they can create shocked candy. I thought that this
00:28:55would just mean sour, so I clicked it thinking maybe they'd get an uncomfortable moodlet or
00:29:00something. No, they literally mean shocked candy. Like when you eat this, their eyes start glowing
00:29:07blue and you can summon lightning strikes outside. I don't think it's dangerous, and nobody died when
00:29:13I was testing it. You can make shocked versions of any of the candies and your sims will have that
00:29:18ability for a few hours until the moodlet wears off. I feel like I should also mention that the
00:29:22candy is absurdly huge. It is so Sims 4 coded, the lollipops are literally the size of their head,
00:29:28maybe even bigger. I understand that this is probably animation related, so they can use the
00:29:32same animation for the cotton candy and the lollipop, so it has to be the same size, but it
00:29:36is so funny. I guess it's not that unrealistic because they sell giant lollipops at like, Disney
00:29:41World, but I cannot get over how silly they look eating these things. Now there is one sim who
00:29:46really, really likes cotton candy. I found them just kind of leaving it around sometimes, and I guess
00:29:52maybe it's not one sim, it's more like three. And they're not really sims, they're raccoons in a
00:29:59trench coat. This is Trashly Real Person, and they are a sneaky, scammy raccoon that sells
00:30:05sneaky, scammy art. If you ask Trashly to see their wares, you can buy a few things. Most importantly,
00:30:11you can buy mystery boxes. There are three different types varying in price. The most
00:30:15expensive one will get you the best stuff, and the cheapest one will have less of a chance of
00:30:19getting the good stuff. I have probably opened over a thousand of these, so I know them very,
00:30:25very well. You'll get random collectibles like crystals or plants, you might get literal trash
00:30:30like food out of the trash can, you might get build mode items which is usually kids furniture
00:30:36or kids art, and you also might find stuff from one of the new collections which we'll get back
00:30:40to in a second. In my experience, Trashly will likely come to your front door and try to teach
00:30:45you how to open a small business. I think that's meant to be a mini tutorial, so it is pretty easy
00:30:49to meet them. You can also find Trashly hiding out in an alleyway in the more modern neighborhood
00:30:54near a trash can. This is what Trashly calls their shop, and they will make a joke to you
00:30:58about not having an actual physical location. The dialogue with this sim is pretty funny.
00:31:02Obviously, you cannot flirt or woohoo with them because they are raccoons in a trench coat. You
00:31:07also can't hire them for your business, but it'll let you try and then they'll get snarky with you
00:31:11about it. Let's talk about the collections though, and I need to take a deep breath before we get
00:31:16into this because honestly, this was one of the most frustrating things I have maybe ever done
00:31:20in The Sims. There are two collections in this pack. The first is Trashly's certified art, and
00:31:26in it there are 16 pieces of edited versions of base game art. So you might find that bust statue
00:31:32with googly eyes added to it, or the sketch replaced with sketches of raccoons. They are
00:31:37actually all pretty cute. As far as I'm aware, the only way to get these are by opening Trashly's
00:31:42mystery boxes, or I guess maybe if you have that perk for your business where you can get paid in
00:31:46collectibles instead of money, but the boxes are the main way to go about this. I am not kidding
00:31:50when I say that I opened over 1,000 boxes to complete this collection, maybe even closer to
00:31:561,500. I literally sat there for an hour straight, non-stop opening boxes. I gave myself arm cramps
00:32:03doing this because I was just clicking the same thing over and over and over and over. I got the
00:32:08first 15 pretty quickly, and then the last one just would not show up. I was looking for that
00:32:13stupid raccoon sketch and the worst part is that that was the first one I got in a different save,
00:32:18and then of course in the save I actually needed it in, I just couldn't find it. You might have a
00:32:22different, easier experience than me, but genuinely I felt like I was gonna lose it over that dumb
00:32:28raccoon. I know people always joke about crashing out these days, I was genuinely crashing out over
00:32:33this collection. I wanted it to be over so bad. I was near tears over this, I don't think I'm ever
00:32:39gonna do this collection again. I really do like the idea of the mystery boxes and I did have a
00:32:43good time with it in the beginning. When I post that collection video, you're gonna watch me slowly
00:32:47devolve. I just think this is maybe more fun if you want one piece of art for your house, and not
00:32:52if you're relying on this repetitive game of chance to complete the collection. Also, maybe not
00:32:56advisable to just open box after box after box for over an hour straight in real life. The other
00:33:02collection is not as bad. The other one is called the Nordhavn Bike Parts, and you'll fish these up
00:33:07from the canals around town. There are 28 pieces total to find, and each one has a little quote
00:33:12about a lovely woman in town. As you collect everything, you'll piece together little bits and
00:33:16pieces about her life, and it actually is really cute. I don't want to spoil it too much, but it is
00:33:21a really sweet detail. These are also cool pieces to hang on your wall, and there are some pretty
00:33:26cool color variants. If I could offer you any advice, you need to fish in every single fishing
00:33:31spot in the world. There are two different spots in each of the two neighborhoods, so there's four
00:33:35total. You'll go to each of them and then spend a long time cleaning the canal. This is a different
00:33:40interaction and it's not just fishing, and you do have to fish in all of the spots to finish it.
00:33:45You can't just stand in one place and get them all. I will say that this one also got a little
00:33:49bit repetitive, but it wasn't as bad. And at least I can give you advice for this, there is no advice
00:33:55to be had with the mystery boxes. The only advice I can give you there is good luck and maybe avoid
00:34:00trashly at all costs. And I finished this collection pretty soon after the trashly incident,
00:34:05so I was already on the edge. And when you finish it, they give you a voucher for a free bike.
00:34:10It's not a special bike, it's just the same bike you can buy in build mode, and when I used the
00:34:13voucher, it gave me the exact same red bike that I already owned, which is kind of funny, but not
00:34:19exactly an exciting reward. I also think that I maybe would have liked it better had I not just
00:34:24spent hours and hours trying to finish these collections and crying about trashly. I really
00:34:28do love collections as a feature, and I always have fun playing with them. So for that reason,
00:34:33I am glad that this pack came with two, but I will always hate you at trashly. But anyway,
00:34:38let's talk about hobby meetups. There are a total of seven different hobby meetups that happen in
00:34:42Nordhavn. These are kind of like, mini festivals, and I think we're all probably pretty used to this
00:34:46concept because we have something like it in almost every pack. Basically, once a day a few
00:34:51skill building items will spawn in the town square, and then sims will show up and interact
00:34:55with them. There's a fitness one, an artsy one, a music one, a cooking one. There are always two
00:35:00per day, one in the morning in one neighborhood and then one in the afternoon in the other. These
00:35:05are a good place to meet sims with similar interests to you because those people will
00:35:09gravitate towards those hobby meetups. You also might run into sims with skill perks, and if you
00:35:13get to know them, you can ask for them like I was saying earlier. I was kind of scared about these
00:35:18because the last thing The Sims 4 needs is more notifications. We get so many pop-ups about events
00:35:24like these for every single world, but thankfully you can choose what events you do get notified for,
00:35:29and they are all off by default. So when you click on the sign in the town, you can opt in
00:35:34to notifications for these. You could choose one of them, many of them, all of them, and you can
00:35:38also easily turn them off if you change your mind. I like how this makes the town feel more lively,
00:35:43and I do really enjoy that there is always something going on. This just isn't something
00:35:47that I feel like I need to go out of my way to attend. They kind of just happen and it's fun
00:35:52if you stumble upon them, but I wouldn't really consider this a major pack feature or anything,
00:35:57and I don't think I'll come to these if I'm living outside of the world. While we're talking
00:36:00about gameplay, I feel like it's important to mention some of the biggest cons or downsides
00:36:04that I found with businesses and hobbies, and I am devastated to have to tell you this, but there is
00:36:09not a new woohoo spot or death type in this one. In every review I make, I always say that those
00:36:15are hallmarks of a good pack, and I think we got kind of spoiled in the last couple expansions
00:36:19because they came with multiple of both. We literally had a woohoo pack and a death pack
00:36:24last year. I can't really think of an item that screams woohoo that would go along with this one,
00:36:28but I wish we could have at least gotten a new death type. Imagine if there was like,
00:36:32a poisonous candy flavor. In Lovestruck, you can choke on the chocolate, could they bring that
00:36:37back? Also, they literally made it so you can wield lightning if you eat the shocked candy.
00:36:42Why is that not dangerous? Shouldn't that at least have a chance of backfiring? I was also
00:36:47really annoyed that there isn't a true food display case. They're giving us one, but only
00:36:52as an early purchase reward. So we have this whole candy making feature, the ability to run
00:36:56a candy shop, and you just have to put the candy on a regular shelf. I hate that they put the food
00:37:01shelf behind a special paywall, and not just any paywall, a limited time one so it can go away
00:37:06forever if you miss out. The other two items I think are fine to miss out on, it's just a lamp
00:37:11and a statue. You don't need those to play, but I hate when people miss out on important things like
00:37:17this. It just really sucks that if you don't buy the pack straight away, you'll miss out on what
00:37:21feels like a kind of essential item. We do have a glass display shelf, but it's kind of a generic
00:37:26glass display shelf. It doesn't look like it's made for food. The early purchase one looks like
00:37:30a fridge, and I'm really excited about selling handcrafted food in my businesses, and I don't
00:37:35want to just shove it in a glass box. I want the food box. And I actually didn't have the early
00:37:40purchase items in this early access version, so I can't test them, and I really was feeling the
00:37:45lack of that fridge. I have never been a fan of these early purchase things, but in this case,
00:37:49I think this was actually bad of them to do. Okay, and this last one I'll mention I am not
00:37:54really sure is fair to be called a con of the pack. It's more just a con for me personally.
00:37:59A lot of us have been really hyping up the ability to build daycares and hotels now with the new
00:38:03business features. We were basing all this excitement on a few of the business activities
00:38:07that we saw in the trailer. You can set your employee to care for little ones, which made us
00:38:12all think that we could run a daycare. This was a big deal to me because daycares are one of my
00:38:16number one most requested features for The Sims 4, and I am sad to report that while you can
00:38:21technically run a daycare, I guess it's more like a glorified indoor playground that you can charge
00:38:28admission for. Your sim can bathe and feed the kids when they visit, but you can't see their
00:38:34needs or know what they need from you. You can tell when they're stinky because it's visible,
00:38:38but you don't know when they're hungry or lonely or whatever. You also don't actually need to care
00:38:43for them, they can just hang out and use your toys and they'll still pay you even if they're
00:38:48miserable. There is no benefit to you taking care of them and you don't lose out on anything if you
00:38:53don't. So if you want to run a daycare, you can, but it's more like playing pretend. I wouldn't
00:38:58really call this a daycare at all and I was pretty sad about that. I still want to be able to run a
00:39:04daycare so badly, and hotels are kind of the same thing. I guess you could technically open a
00:39:08business and charge people to sleep there, but they won't stay in an assigned room or have it
00:39:14function like an actual hotel at all. It would be more like a bed and breakfast, and even that's a
00:39:18generous name. I think maybe it's more like running a hostel. And they never said that you could run
00:39:23a daycare or a hotel, that's just something that I had really hoped for so I was kind of disappointed
00:39:28when it didn't turn out to be how I was expecting. That wasn't ever the goal of the pack, and I do
00:39:32really like all of the other businesses you can run, and I hope that those two are still dedicated
00:39:37features that we can get in the future. I still really really really want a real hotel pack too.
00:39:42Also, I think that we should address the elephant in the room. I think a lot of people have been
00:39:47comparing this pack to Get to Work. They say it should have been in Get to Work, it should have
00:39:50been a pack refresh, and I can see where those thoughts are coming from, especially since both
00:39:55of the packs are kind of like, sales oriented. I think the key difference is that Get to Work is
00:40:00solely about running a retail store, and with businesses and hobbies it's more about running
00:40:05a business in general. With this pack, you can sell a service and not just an item. And yes,
00:40:10you can sell items, but you can only sell craftables. It's really more about monetizing
00:40:15a hobby and not so much about running a shop. I think for me in the future, if I want to run
00:40:20a store, I will still use Get to Work for it. The sale of items feels more like a side thing
00:40:26in this pack. Like maybe I run a tattoo parlor and I sell prints of my tattoos on the side,
00:40:32or I have a pottery business where I primarily teach classes, but you also can buy my pots if
00:40:37you want them. I also think it being a home business and letting you live on the same lot
00:40:42as your business is a huge deal and a really big difference. I don't really agree that this should
00:40:46have been a pack refresh because A, I don't know if they're ever gonna do one of those again.
00:40:50We only got the Spa Day one and it was years ago. But also B, this pack is fully fleshed out,
00:40:55and we wouldn't have gotten as much with it if they just did like, a little mini overhaul to
00:40:59the Get to Work retail system. And like I said, selling stuff isn't even really the primary
00:41:04feature of the pack, it's not really about retail. And I also don't think that it's wrong for them to
00:41:09revisit themes like this, and I wouldn't even really say that this is them revisiting Get to
00:41:14Work, it's just a sort of similar broad concept. And I just don't think that the entire idea of
00:41:19selling stuff should be completely off the table just because they made a different way of selling
00:41:24things ten years ago. When it's different enough, which I think this is, I think that's okay.
00:41:28Also, Get to Work kinda sucks. Respectfully, it's a really old pack, I would never tell you to buy
00:41:33that one over this one. You know that TikTok sound, that this is what I wanted, the pastels?
00:41:37This is what I wanted. This pack is what I've been asking for and wanting for so long,
00:41:42and it really is an apples and oranges thing with Get to Work. Yeah, they're both fruits,
00:41:45but they're not the same. Let's move on though, because I have been talking a lot about the world
00:41:50without actually talking about the world, so let's take a peek at Nordhavn really quickly.
00:41:54This is a Swedish-inspired world, and I think it pretty clearly takes inspiration from Stockholm.
00:41:59This northern coastal city is known for its thriving independent local businesses and the
00:42:03enchanting beauty of its cold seasons. There are two neighborhoods in this world with 12 lots total.
00:42:08For comparison, Lovestruck had three neighborhoods with 12 lots. Life and Death also had three new
00:42:14neighborhoods with 12 lots total. 13 if you count Groom's Office. So it's pretty comparable to other
00:42:19recent expansion pack worlds, with the key difference being that it only has two neighborhoods.
00:42:23I was sad about this, but I don't know if it's necessarily a bad thing to have two larger
00:42:28neighborhoods instead of three smaller ones, it's just different. This is Ivarstad, which is kind of
00:42:33the more modern section of town. It was originally an industrial district, so it's got a lot of old
00:42:38factories that have been converted into living spaces. It also says just maybe steer clear of
00:42:42that one dark alley. They say a shady character hangs out there at night. And then across town,
00:42:48this is Gammelvik. This is the more historic neighborhood, it's the oldest part of town,
00:42:53and each of these two neighborhoods have six lots, four full ones, and two empty ones. Overall,
00:42:57I really really like the style of this world. I think the environment is extremely impressive,
00:43:02it is beautiful everywhere you look. There are quite a few little details that I really enjoyed,
00:43:06like the bike lanes that have actual sims cycling down them. Some of the shell buildings are
00:43:11clickable, like if you click the train station you can travel or go train spotting. There's
00:43:16also a clickable church and you can take a rabbit hole tour of the historic building.
00:43:20These are just little things that your sims will go off and do on their own and then come back
00:43:23with a moodlet. And sometimes I find that the bigger neighborhoods in this game feel a bit more
00:43:28empty because everything's kind of spread out, but because in this world they so often have events
00:43:32going on in that central part of town, it does help to make them feel more lively. Each neighborhood
00:43:37also has a little section of market stalls, and they'll sell a variety of food and collectibles
00:43:41all the time. So even when there isn't an event going on, there is still usually a concentration
00:43:46of sims over there. I don't love that there are four empty lots in this world. This might
00:43:51be controversial, but I am team zero empty lots. Personally, I wish that everything was full by
00:43:56default. I would rather choose to replace them if I wanted, and I know that not everybody likes that.
00:44:01They're always gonna leave a couple empty lots for you to use as a starting point. I just think
00:44:05that four is too much, like a third of the world having nothing on it makes it feel kind of empty.
00:44:10I wish they had given us a second starter home, or maybe like a park or a pool or some other kind
00:44:15of bonus community lot. And speaking of community lots, we have a museum and a lounge, but there's
00:44:20also technically a tattoo parlor, a coffee shop, and a pottery studio. Those last three are all
00:44:26small businesses owned by townies. There are four townie families in this pack, and I am so excited
00:44:31that we get to have so many families and community lots because the lots are dual purpose. I think
00:44:37that alone makes this one of the better worlds that we've ever gotten. It's rare that we have
00:44:41this much to do in a world, and three of these lots feel like new community lot types. There is
00:44:47also an empty small business venue that you can buy and fix up, and this feels like my childhood
00:44:51dreams coming true. If you've been following my channel for a long time, you'll know that I used
00:44:55to have a Fixer Upper series where I would renovate sort of run-down buildings in-game. I love this
00:44:59kind of thing and it is really cool to have one officially in the game. It also reminds me a
00:45:04little bit of that Fixer Upper hotel you can get in The Sims 3 Island Paradise. Sorry to bring up
00:45:08hotels again, I just love the storyline here of buying this older run-down building and then
00:45:13trying to repair it. And while we're talking about these lots, we have to go into build mode. This
00:45:17entire pack has a sort of Scandinavian style and you can definitely see that in the build items.
00:45:22There's a lot of clean lines, light wood tones, leather, and accent pops of color. A lot of this
00:45:27stuff is pretty clearly business-focused, so we've got a variety of new shelves and display items for
00:45:33you to sell your crafted collectibles. We have quite a few new signs and a bunch of different
00:45:37decals for you to use as logos for your business. There's actually 30 different logos total and they
00:45:42gave us a color, a black, and a white version of each. These will all slot onto the new wall signs
00:45:48and they match all the logos that you can make when you're setting up your business. They've
00:45:51kind of given us one for everything you might possibly want to run. There is also a new bathroom
00:45:57set including a new toilet stall. I won't go item by item and point out everything because this video
00:46:02is already pretty long, but I will show off a few of my favorites. There is a beautiful new bed in
00:46:07this pack with some really nice solid color swatches. It's pretty neutral, so you could use
00:46:12this anywhere. There's also a few new couches, chairs, and ottomans. This couch has a million
00:46:17swatches because they gave us every color both with and without the throw blanket. I feel like
00:46:22that makes it so much more usable because it's kind of weird to have the same couch twice with
00:46:27that same throw blanket on it. Looks a lot cooler when it's not quite so samey. We have a new single
00:46:33tile desk that I adore and I'm going to use so often. I'm also obsessed with all these new plants,
00:46:38but especially this new wall plant and this little potted palm. We've never had fireplaces like this
00:46:45before, and we've got two new modern variants that are also pretty big in this pack. I love that we
00:46:50got three different variants of this bookshelf. I like to tile bookshelves along an entire wall,
00:46:56and I hate when it's super obvious that it's just the same thing repeating over and over.
00:47:00Since we have three different variants, it's gonna look so much more realistic,
00:47:03and they're only 260 simoleons, so you could use these in a starter home. I also really love these
00:47:08two new wardrobes. This smaller one has some fun pattern swatches and some solid wood colors,
00:47:14and I like how this one is tall and skinny. I really like the size of this rug and it's got
00:47:19a nice combo of some more traditional swatches, more modern patterns, and also some plain neutrals.
00:47:24There are so many different fairy lights in this pack. They've also given us a million different
00:47:31pieces so you can combine them to create custom shapes. There's wall ones, there's ones for the
00:47:35ceiling, and there's even a fence with fairy lights on it. We have five different fences total.
00:47:41We also have seven different wallpapers and five new floors. I love all of them, except I hate that
00:47:48we don't have any brick colors that match the surrounding tile. We don't have access to any
00:47:53of this stuff or even any colors that are remotely similar. I don't understand why they always do
00:47:58this. They taunt us with all of these nice floor patterns off a lot and then don't even give us
00:48:03anything like it. There is not a new kitchen set in this pack, which I'm always disappointed by.
00:48:09I'm a little bit less disappointed because we did just get a kitchen set in the base game,
00:48:13but I still want more kitchens. Overall, I really like the build mode of this pack. I was worried
00:48:19that it would struggle a little bit being torn between home and business because I often find
00:48:23that when expansion packs have two different build themes, we kind of end up getting two
00:48:27half-finished themes. In this case, I actually think that it all matches and works together
00:48:31pretty well. At least all of the buy mode stuff does. We do have two completely different styles
00:48:37of doors and windows, but I feel like there are enough variations of both that it still feels
00:48:42pretty complete. We've got all of these different more modern ones, and then all of these are a
00:48:46little bit more traditional. There are 15 windows and 10 doors, total. I really like this solid
00:48:54glass panel door. I have been wanting something like this for so long, so I'm really glad to
00:48:58finally have one. And I also think that all of the build stuff here will tie in really nicely
00:49:03with a few other packs, like most of this stuff will match Dream Home Decorator and Tiny Living
00:49:07really well. I always appreciate when packs work well together. And now moving on from build mode,
00:49:12let's dive into Create-A-Sim. I won't spend too much time in CAS because I'm not personally a
00:49:16huge CAS player, but I will give you a brief overview. Starting with the most important part,
00:49:21traits and aspirations. We have two new traits, Idealist and Shady. Idealist sims hold high moral
00:49:28standards and strive for a better world guided by their values and principles. They are committed to
00:49:33doing what they believe is right, even when it's challenging. And Shady sims excel at exploiting
00:49:38situations and bending rules for personal gain, often without regard for conventional ethics or
00:49:43fairness. They thrive in mischievous activities and can influence others to adopt their way of
00:49:48living. So those kind of tie in with the new business alignment that we have. And the two
00:49:54aspirations are a little bit like tutorial modes. The first is called Master Mentor,
00:49:58and this sim wants to learn from talented mentors and then pass that knowledge on to others. As
00:50:03you're playing through this, it'll have you get a mentor, learn skills, take classes, and then
00:50:08eventually host classes and mentor other sims. And the other one is called Esteemed Entrepreneur,
00:50:14and this sim wants to run a small business full of happy customers, either through business
00:50:18practices rooted in idealistic dreams or tricky hustles based on pragmatic schemes. And this one
00:50:23will take you through running a business and have you max out both your business renown, so your
00:50:27star level, and also get to the max of one side of the business alignments. We talked a lot earlier
00:50:32about tattoos, and these make up a pretty big chunk of the CAS in this pack. There are 18 new
00:50:38ones in CAS unlocked by default, and then more that you can unlock by progressing through the
00:50:43skill in-game. I was nervous that we would get less of the other CAS stuff because we had so
00:50:48many tattoos, but I actually went back and counted to compare to life and death, and we have almost
00:50:52the exact same distribution of numbers of shirts, pants, and full body outfits as we did to that pack.
00:50:58They both have like, nine pairs of pants. We got 13 new hairstyles for adults in this pack,
00:51:04and they gave us six of them for children as well. I also literally own a bunch of this CAS stuff in
00:51:10real life, like this shirt. I own this shirt in this exact yellow color. Some of the CAS is also
00:51:16kind of giving legally blonde to me, and there's also a bunch of stuff that would work well as like,
00:51:21workshop clothing. Stuff that you could use when you're painting pottery and whatnot. A few of them
00:51:26even have dirtier swatches. We have six new pairs of shoes, and I'm kind of obsessed with the boots.
00:51:32I also adore these new hats that we got. There is quite a bit of overlap between the masculine
00:51:37and feminine frame CAS. I would describe a lot of this stuff as almost business casual. There are a
00:51:43few things I really love, like this new sweater with the crossbody bag. Kind of obsessed with this
00:51:48little sweater, and also this tucked in t-shirt. Kids also got three new shirts and a few new full
00:51:54body outfits, and like I was saying before, we have a few of those adult hairs also converted for
00:51:58children. A couple of these are actually the same full body outfits that the younger sims have.
00:52:03They've been doing this a lot recently, where they give us a few of the same things across age groups.
00:52:08I think some people might consider this lazy, but personally if the alternative is to have nothing
00:52:13for toddlers, I would rather them make conversions. I don't really see a point in them making a
00:52:16hairstyle only for adults or only for children, so I'm glad they made a converted version for both.
00:52:22Toddlers did not get any new hairs, but they did get three new full body outfits and two new hats.
00:52:28They're the same hats the older sims have, and infants even got two new full body outfits. We
00:52:32have this raccoon onesie, and also a little set of overalls, but that just about covers all of the
00:52:37main parts of the pack that I wanted to point out to you. This video is really long, and there's
00:52:42still some stuff that I feel like we haven't gotten a chance to cover, but now that you know
00:52:46what's coming, I want to dive a little bit deeper to talk more about my final thoughts on the pack.
00:52:51First of all, I have been pretending to run businesses like this forever. Since the very
00:52:56beginning of The Sims 4, I have been building community lots with pretend apartments above them,
00:53:01I've been owning retail lots with Get to Work and just pretending that I live on the same lot as
00:53:05the store, and now with this pack we can run businesses and actually live there with them.
00:53:10This feels like a missing puzzle piece of the game finally falling into place. I think that
00:53:14The Sims really shines when they give us formal tools to accomplish stuff that we've already been
00:53:19pretending to do, like they saw the trend of all of us building tiny houses and they gave us a
00:53:23tiny house pack. They watched us making fake apartments and they gave us for rent, and now
00:53:27they've seen us begging to live on the same lot as businesses and wanting to live above our stores,
00:53:32and they gave us businesses and hobbies. I have been begging and pleading for multi-purpose lots
00:53:37for years, and these aren't exactly multi-purpose lots, but they're similar and they're almost
00:53:43better in a way that I couldn't have really predicted. I think I always imagined being
00:53:47able to put two different community lots on the same place, like a combo restaurant and gym. I
00:53:54didn't expect them to make it like this, where I could assign all the rooms separately. So obviously,
00:53:59this is good when you want to have a combo residential and community space. It's not so
00:54:03good for other multi-purpose lots because you can't combine any lot types, but you could kinda
00:54:09still make that restaurant gym by setting your sims to eat food and use gym equipment. And most
00:54:14often, I want to combine a business and a residential lot more than I want to combine
00:54:19multiple businesses, so this actually works out fine. And don't even get me started on pottery.
00:54:24Again, one of those things that I have been wanting forever and ever. When I saw pottery
00:54:29on that teaser, I was near tears. I have always felt like pottery would be the perfect skill to
00:54:33add to this game, and I'm so glad that we finally have it. I do think that it's maybe a little bit
00:54:38smaller than I expected. I would have liked to have a few more options of items that I could
00:54:42craft, maybe if we had a few more simple vases and like, some mugs and some bowls to decorate
00:54:48kitchens with. I do like all of it, I just would like to see maybe a little bit more. And also
00:54:53because I was so excited about this skill, I'm more prone to being disappointed by it because
00:54:58I had really hyped it up in my head. I was really pleasantly surprised by all of the tattoo
00:55:03improvements in this pack, I honestly didn't see that one coming. I never expected them to make a
00:55:07tattoo pack, and I think it's a really nice addition to The Sims 4. I mentioned this earlier,
00:55:11but tattoos are so personal, and us just having a handful of the same default tattoos to use over
00:55:17and over again just wasn't cutting it. Being able to custom draw them now is huge, and I can't wait
00:55:23to see what artists do with it on the gallery. People make some really incredible stuff with
00:55:27cats and dogs, they'll paint things like tigers or custom pet breeds, so I can't even imagine
00:55:32how great all of the tattoos on the gallery will be. Now this is a hobbies pack, and it technically
00:55:38only comes with like, two and a half hobbies. I would say that pottery and tattooing are full
00:55:42ones, and then candy making is like, a little bonus. So yes, we only have a couple, but it does
00:55:47also gamify all of the other base game hobbies. Because you can use literally any of the other
00:55:52skills to make a business as well, we actually have quite a bit of variety. And that's not even
00:55:56counting all of the other skills from other packs. I do feel a little bit weird talking about that
00:56:01because I haven't personally been able to test other pack stuff, but it seems like cross pack
00:56:05compatibility is going to be a major highlight of this one. You don't need to have other packs to
00:56:10enjoy this, I played it a ton and I didn't have any other packs installed. But if you do have
00:56:15other packs, this will give you a new way to use them. So in a way, it'll almost add value to some
00:56:20stuff that you already own because it will give you some additional content for it to tie into.
00:56:25And it's rare that I say this, but I think that this one would make for a really good
00:56:29first pack. I think that businesses and hobbies has really good bones. If you're gonna buy just
00:56:34one Sims pack, I like to recommend stuff that really easily ties into my average everyday
00:56:39gameplay. I want something that I can use with every Sims household, so I often recommend things
00:56:44like seasons or cats and dogs for that. And with this one, we can create pretty much any community
00:56:49lot that you want, and there's essentially a complete skill system overhaul. So it's got a ton
00:56:54of stuff specifically for businesses and hobbies, plus a framework to work well with anything you
00:56:58ever buy in the future. And it's also a ton of fun only with the base game. It's got a really big,
00:57:04beautiful world, the cast and build items are pretty versatile. I don't ever want to make a
00:57:08blanket recommendation for players on a pack because I don't know you or your playstyle that
00:57:13well. We're all different, we all have individual preferences, but I do think that the average Sims
00:57:18player will get a lot of use out of this. For comparison, I love Life and Death, and I think
00:57:23a lot of you love it as well, but I probably wouldn't tell someone who is new to the game to
00:57:27buy that as their first and only Sims pack. Businesses and hobbies though, this one I think
00:57:32has got range. It's so hard to talk about the value of Sims packs because I'm not sure that
00:57:37any of the expansion packs are worth $40 full price, but this one does hold up compared to
00:57:43recent packs. If it were worse or if it had less content, I would tell you, but I think they've
00:57:48kind of been on a roll recently. They're all pretty good for different reasons, and they all
00:57:52have a similar amount of content. $40 is a really steep price for any extra Sims DLC, especially
00:57:59considering how much DLC the game has. And I get the FOMO thing, like you want to buy the pack right
00:58:04now when it first comes out, but you will also enjoy this pack six months from now when it
00:58:08finally goes on sale for the first time. You don't have to buy it straight away just because it's
00:58:12shiny and new. You will get those three bonus items if you buy the pack before April 18th.
00:58:17Please don't feel like you need to rush to go out and get those, the pack isn't going anywhere and
00:58:21it's okay to miss out on that lamp. I am still mad about that fridge though, but I haven't even
00:58:25played with it yet, so don't go and buy the pack right now because you need the fridge because I
00:58:29don't even know if it's good. If you are planning on buying this pack or any Sims pack ever from the
00:58:33EA app, I would really encourage you to use a creator code at checkout. You don't have to use
00:58:38mine, but please use somebody's creator code. Most of your favorite Sims creators will have a code
00:58:43that's usually just their username, but you can always ask them or check their bios or video
00:58:47descriptions to find it. They'll make a five percent commission on the purchase, so with this
00:58:51pack, they'll earn two dollars from every person who uses their code when buying it. It's unfortunately
00:58:56not a discount code for you, but it does mean that EA gets less of your money and they give it to a
00:59:00creator instead. It's basically a free way for you to support them since you are already going to buy
00:59:04the pack. So again, you do not have to use mine, although you could if you wanted to, but please
00:59:09use somebody's if you're gonna buy any Sims pack. I feel a little bit weird anytime I mention the
00:59:13creator codes, especially in a review, so hopefully you know that I'm not being swayed by the possibility
00:59:18of a commission. I am always gonna be honest with you about the pack. I have everything to
00:59:23lose by lying to you, so I would never do that in a video like this. I have no reason to sit here and
00:59:28pretend to like a pack just to get two dollars from you. I used to obsessively read Carl's Sims 3
00:59:34guide when I was a kid because I had very limited funds and very limited opportunity to buy Sims
00:59:39packs, so I would sit there and read the same guide for pets over and over and over again just to be
00:59:45sure that that was the one that I wanted. I had to know everything coming in it and I had to make
00:59:50sure I was getting the right one, and that's my goal with a video like this. I want to give you
00:59:54those tools to know everything coming in the pack and make that decision for yourself. I'm also
00:59:59gonna be posting a ton of businesses and hobbies content here on YouTube this week, so make sure
01:00:03you're subscribed to my channel so you don't miss it. Tomorrow I am posting a feature-length film
01:00:08of gameplay, it's like two hours long. I'm also gonna be live streaming on Twitch every single
01:00:12day playing more of the pack. I'm able to answer more questions and kind of get into more detail
01:00:17in those streams because they are longer. My Twitch name is just lilsimsie and I'll link that
01:00:21down below for you. I will be live tonight, but then I'll post it onto my second YouTube channel
01:00:25called More Simsie right afterward, so you can subscribe to me there as well to see like, the
01:00:29full three hour long live stream re-upload. And now I'm done plugging my own content, okay? I
01:00:33promise. I hope this video was helpful. I have spent a really, really, really long time on it.
01:00:39I really do put my heart and soul into these reviews, but I think that just about covers it.
01:00:44So I'm gonna wrap this up here. If you made it this far, you are dedicated, so thank you again
01:00:48for watching, and I'm gonna catch you all tomorrow. Okay, bye everybody. Also, this is my longest
01:00:54review that I've ever written. The script is over 11,000 words. For comparison, my Lovestruck video
01:01:00was 7,000. Is that a good or a bad thing? I don't know.
