Love Is Blind S08 Ep02
00:00:09In real man Taylor Swift's on vocal rest wasn't predated 60 people at one time
00:00:15So I feel like you need a good coating like whiskey
00:00:21Look at you keep it over here. I didn't even see that yellow parts on your shoes
00:00:26I guess I didn't even make the connection
00:00:30Those like these have hearts on them open hearts open minds can't lose can't lose
00:00:44Well, this is Daniel in case you needed no, I never told you my dad's name is Daniel it is
00:00:53Don't think that's a bad thing. Okay. I love my dad. Okay good. He's a good man. Yeah
00:01:00if anything it
00:01:01Made me a little excited when you said that your name was Daniel
00:01:05So he was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer in September
00:01:09dang, so he's been doing treatment and the doctors are all very confident that
00:01:14Everything's headed in the right direction and he's gonna be fine. But you know when you get that initial news
00:01:19Mm-hmm. I think as a nurse to like my mind goes to worst-case scenario
00:01:24Immediately, of course a very real thought
00:01:28Was the thought of not having him next to me, yeah to walk me down the aisle
00:01:32I love my dad and of course he's had like
00:01:36You know an extra
00:01:39Piece of my heart recently. It's unfortunate that it takes an illness or something to make you realize those things
00:01:49Sorry, no, you know, I don't apologize. It's just that's real life
00:01:54Yeah, I remember playing catch with my dad, I'm so thankful for my parents
00:01:59Yeah, there's like so much stuff that I would take with me into like a marriage. I haven't had very many long-term relationships
00:02:05yeah, and I'm looking forward to a
00:02:09Marriage where I get you flowers or like just randomly like write you a little note. I love the little things
00:02:17Something as small as you know
00:02:19I say I'm hungry and there's a knock on the door 20 minutes later
00:02:22And it's my favorite food or something like a Taco Bell. It makes me happy. I love
00:02:29Got a tattoo that says Taco Bell
00:02:32Where is it? It's inside my bottom lip
00:02:36Shut up. Yeah, is that your only test? It's my one and only yeah
00:02:43Why does that make me more attracted to you? It was like the one place I could get it where my mom would never know
00:02:48about it
00:02:49But I finally got brave enough to tell her about it
00:02:53So, oh my god. Yeah
00:02:56So, I don't know if you know anything about lip tattoos, but they fade really quickly
00:03:00Yeah, so it technically only says Taco B right which is almost cooler
00:03:06If things work out here, I will get a matching Taco Bell tattoo. No, I want you to get the fast food that you prefer
00:03:11I'd probably do
00:03:14Maybe chick-fil-a. It's a good choice. I will literally do that. I'm not even kidding
00:03:20I've never even met you. I know
00:03:44It's more important to you of who they are versus what they look like, oh for sure. Yeah. Yeah
00:03:49Which is really good. If they make me laugh, I know immediately. I think they're attractive the best right the best, right?
00:03:56And like just your banter that you have. Yeah. Yeah, right. I like
00:04:00We talked about those dad bods. Yeah
00:04:05I do not have a type at all like physically
00:04:09Jawline baby face blonde brunette brown sugar cinnamon muscles dad bod everything
00:04:17It's been all over the board, but they've all been pretty much funny
00:04:23Working as an oncology and bone marrow transplant nurse, it's
00:04:27Totally changed my perspective on life and you just can't sweat the petty stuff like life is so beautiful
00:04:33So, of course, there's gonna be bad days bad things
00:04:35But there's just so much to be grateful for. Hello. I have so much optimism
00:04:41Enthusiasm, you know spunk I have a lot of love to give and I want someone to want me for my heart
00:04:48Sarah oh my gosh, Ben
00:04:51How are you doing? I've been I've been thinking about you today
00:04:56Yeah, of course. Are you just telling everyone this? No, I have no I really have it
00:05:00Okay, cuz this is putting a huge smile on my face. Oh, yeah, and I can't say that I haven't been thinking the same
00:05:07Oh, really? Yeah, that makes me feel good, too. Oh my gosh. Well, that's what you're for
00:05:13Oh, really? Do you have any sex with you right now? I got some Snickers. Ooh, I might do some monster trail mix
00:05:20Oh, I want to do that's the best. It is really good. Oh, just can't I'm doing a Rice Krispie bar
00:05:25Oh, I had one earlier today. Would you say you're eating habits are more healthy?
00:05:29So if I are you I should say cuz when I keep like any look in you ending like right, right
00:05:36No, no, I would say are you a health nut? I love food. I'm a huge foodie and
00:05:41If I'm gonna be going out to eat, I'm gonna order what I want, you know
00:05:44And like love that it's probably something I need to work on
00:05:48Is there a special dish that you're really good at cooking? Everything is just like so easy like in my air fryer
00:05:53Yeah, okay steak in the air fryer does not work. I don't know. I've never tried it. I've tried it you have twice
00:06:00Oh, okay. I mean it tastes like steak, but it doesn't look good
00:06:05Like if I'm gonna go out to eat I'll order a steak sure, but I'm not gonna make that in my air fryer
00:06:10Yeah, I don't really order steak usually going out to eat because my dad makes the most amazing steak I've ever had
00:06:16Oh, well, yeah, my dad also makes amazing steak. Okay. We'll just go. Yeah, let's go to our parents house
00:06:20Yeah, just like that's perfect
00:06:22I can't wait for you to try my dad's steak and then I can't wait to try your dad's steak and then our dads
00:06:25Will meet and then they'll just and then they'll try each other's steak
00:06:29We're big one happy family
00:06:34Okay, are there any questions that are on your list for me? We talked about your religion. Mm-hmm
00:06:39I want to hear more about that. I grew up in a very strong Christian household
00:06:43there's a lot of things that I believe about like the Bible and I believe about
00:06:49You know the Christian faith. Mm-hmm, but it's all
00:06:54Hard to obviously know for certain. Mm-hmm. I believe that you know, there's the one true God that loves us
00:07:02And that's pretty much it. I'm not religious. I was raised Catholic. I do think there is a higher power
00:07:10But the main thing
00:07:13for me, that's really tough about
00:07:16Religion is my sister Lisa. She's like my best friend. She's gay
00:07:20okay, and she is my absolute one number one like she's just
00:07:27Like the best person ever and there's so much
00:07:32Hypocrisy and I'm not saying all the time because there is good
00:07:35but for me, I find it really difficult to go to a church and like practice when
00:07:41it's like love thy neighbor, but then it's also like
00:07:44LGBT is gonna go to hell like that and while while the priest maybe has like sexual allegations
00:07:50Like I'm sorry, but no, I hate the word religion. I
00:07:54Like using the word faith. Oh, I love
00:07:58So would you feel comfortable being around my sister a hundred percent? Okay. Yeah, like what do you go to Pride Weekend? Yeah
00:08:06No, no discomfort around that community at all. I have
00:08:09Yeah, some of my closest friends are that way like that's why I had to make my faith my own right because it's like I
00:08:15Come from like, you know the background of like Catholicism where you know
00:08:18That was a sin and then I dealt with that in college where I'm like, I don't know if it is
00:08:23Yeah, because of the people I've met and because I hadn't been around people like that growing up
00:08:28And so it was like going to college kind of open my eyes to it and I'm like wait
00:08:32Like this is love. It shouldn't be something that people, you know
00:08:36Call out as a sin. Yeah, that's why I call it a faith and not a religion. Okay. Yeah, I like that
00:08:42Sounds like you've really thought about it, too. Yeah
00:08:45So like do you go to church like every week I do okay
00:08:50So would you want your partner to go with you I would prefer it yes, yeah, I
00:08:57Am open to finding a church that accepts all people and others
00:09:01I'm not gonna try and convert you like I want you to be comfortable that you're not being pressured on anything in that way
00:09:07Yeah, okay
00:09:09Well, thank you so much Wow Ben. That's so nice. Oh, thank you. No, I really do. That's that's very comforting
00:09:16Yeah, it is. It's a tough. It's a tough conversation for sure, but don't ever have any filter on questions that you ask me
00:09:21Oh, yeah. No, I never hesitate to ask questions. Perfect
00:09:29My parents divorce definitely had an impact on me
00:09:33that's probably why I was single for a lot of the time through high school and college and then
00:09:38seeing my two older brothers get married and then my parents remarried really pushed me to
00:09:44Re-evaluate my headspace on marriage. I want to find a wife and
00:09:49The qualities that Sarah has that's something I want around me all the time
00:10:12Dave was like so validating in our last
00:10:15conversation how he felt about me and us and then to walk in today and hearing Molly tell me that her like
00:10:22Number one person is Dave
00:10:24Hearing her say his name
00:10:26Was like a dagger to my heart. I feel pretty good about my number one. I know I want to know. Yeah
00:10:35Only cuz we know for sure ours is our are not the same I get it. Yeah, I
00:10:40Have no idea if Molly knows that like I'm another person that he's talking to
00:10:49If she does I like
00:10:52I'm sad that that's like something that she would
00:10:56Be so casual about bringing up to me. Oh my god. Does she want me to know?
00:11:03Where her connection is at and start to doubt my own I
00:11:07Don't know the answer to that
00:11:09This would work better if you don't talk
00:11:12She's trying to date the person that I want to marry
00:11:16that fucking sucks I
00:11:22Want to like run back into the pod and be like Dave explain yourself
00:11:31Now I'm in this situation where I'm like
00:11:33oh my god, like this person can really get to know me and like really figure me out as a person and still like
00:11:40pick someone else I
00:11:44Had kind of a tough day yesterday like there was a moment that I just started to get so in my head
00:11:50It's kind of crazy how different my fears about all of this have changed in the last like 24 hours
00:11:56Yeah, I think going into this I had a fear that I wouldn't be able to fully
00:12:02Like feel some of these feelings in a setting like this. Yeah, and now I'm here and I'm like, oh my god. I
00:12:10might be really vulnerable and open with someone and
00:12:15go all in and
00:12:17Really want a future with them and then not be chosen at the end of this and I'm like, oh my god this
00:12:24There are very real outcomes in this that could leave me very hurt
00:12:28And so yes, I totally agree. I just like thought about that a lot today
00:12:32Did you hear what I said last night? I
00:12:36Didn't we were joking about you having another date after that? Oh, I did hear that
00:12:42You heard me tell you to cancel your next. Yes. Yes. I did hear that. What was your response?
00:12:47I don't remember
00:12:48I'll give you a little like context I guess. Okay, so like yesterday you like completely changed my day
00:12:57You really did and then after it ended last night and like I got back into the pods and one of the girls I was
00:13:03like pretty high on
00:13:06she like is just so fun and
00:13:10Funny which is like super weird to say I guess right now
00:13:14I know deep down that like I want you and me to like explore every possible option
00:13:20Mm-hmm. I want that for you, but I also like don't want to hear about it. I
00:13:28Totally agree I
00:13:30Don't get you in a good way. I feel like I can tell you anything
00:13:35I just feel like at home when we're doing this like right now from last night. I feel like we haven't left
00:13:41I agree. We're diving right back in. I know
00:13:46So you are at home. You're cooking yourself dinner. What do you want to put on in the background?
00:13:51Are you putting on a playlist? I have a playlist for everything. I have a sex playlist Wow
00:13:57I don't can you like make a new one for like like for you is your old sex playlist?
00:14:02Yeah, we can totally change that just specifically one for your wife. Maybe yes, like I I love Cat Stevens
00:14:10Chill, I feel like you would connect with my sister on music probably really cuz I'm like Cat Stevens like that's something
00:14:18I don't know who that is really but she might love that
00:14:21I sister-in-law and I want to open up a little bookstore
00:14:25We could do like live music on Friday and Saturday night. Oh, I would love bar, too
00:14:30Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh my god. I like it. Okay. Tell me your deepest darkest secrets
00:14:38Shoot deepest darkest secret. I like actually like have feelings for you. I
00:14:45Like actually have feelings for you, too
00:14:52My head is like spinning cuz I'm just I never thought this was gonna happen to me. Yeah
00:15:01My sister's gonna be mad at me
00:15:04You said you wouldn't do that like, yeah, I didn't think I would but I met this girl Lauren and like I don't know
00:15:11I don't think what I'm feeling right now is like fake right and I
00:15:16Didn't want to say that
00:15:19Like I just don't get excited about guys that often. So my like heart is beating fast right now
00:15:24So it was mine mine's kind of like you just kind of made me nervous in a good way. Oh my god
00:15:30Lauren, you're awesome
00:15:42Hello, it's Dave
00:15:44It's Molly Molly. Yeah last night. It was fun. Very fun
00:15:50One of the things that's really important to me is being together and someone making things fun
00:15:55Yeah, and I feel like that is someone you really are. I think you're right. Yeah
00:16:00We both like to do these things that are fun not like super overwhelming that's just like huge for me I've
00:16:07Discovered yeah, cuz I've never had that in a relationship
00:16:11It's like have you ever had a bad day? Like no
00:16:16Yeah, like me and you
00:16:20Huh me and you from the start like I love that natural chemistry that we have. Oh, thanks. Yeah
00:16:28Yeah, I
00:16:30Think it was the first time we talked where you said that you didn't have the same integrity
00:16:36Growing up or that your mom taught you to have. Oh, yeah, and that you really work to get that integrity back
00:16:42And I love that you
00:16:44Realize that there's pretty much nothing short of murdering someone that would bother me because we all have a past. Yeah
00:16:52For sure. Okay. Yeah, did you murder someone?
00:16:55Well, I can't say okay, cuz then I'll go to jail we can't get married
00:17:00I'll find out later if they deserved it. Maybe I'll be okay with it. Wow. Yeah, that's love right there. Yeah
00:17:07What about life stuff? I mean, I do love my house. Oh you bought a house
00:17:12Yeah, it's just so small but it works well for me now. So yeah, I mean good for you
00:17:18I I mean, I don't own my place instead of doing that. I like started my own business on the side
00:17:24What what kind of business a medical distributing?
00:17:28Thing. Okay. I want to have like five different businesses that I can
00:17:33Just kind of manage and just be my own boss for all of them
00:17:37Like my dad has his own business. My sister is like a badass
00:17:41It's a lot more expensive than I thought it was gonna be like to maintain and like keep it going
00:17:46Absolutely, but especially when it comes to work and stuff. I don't like when people tell me what to do
00:17:51Yeah, man
00:17:53Graduating college. I did not apply myself
00:17:56Academically, like I probably should have I did either and that's why I dropped out. Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah
00:18:02either funny school story, you know, you could take like
00:18:07Regular class or honors class honors English. You got a 5.0 if you got an A
00:18:12Mm-hmm, so it really weighted your GPA better
00:18:15And there's this teacher that like cheap a bunch of couches and they would just read poems
00:18:19Really and everybody would get A's. Oh cool
00:18:21our first assignment was like you have to read the scarlet letter and then like write this thing on it and
00:18:27I didn't read it
00:18:30Definitely just read like the back of it. Yes. Yeah, we're waiting to paper get my paper back and
00:18:36I just had a six a six
00:18:40It was out of a hundred six out of a hundred and I'm sitting there like, okay
00:18:43Maybe she forgot like maybe she forgot the zero. Yeah, maybe it's a 60
00:18:47Yeah, I like lean over to my friend Sam. Like what'd you get? He's like, oh, yeah, like 82
00:18:52I was like, uh, he's like, what'd you get? I go a six
00:18:57And there's just X's through with the entire page
00:19:00Oh, it's just completely wrong and it was actually a six. Yes. Congrats
00:19:06So we're we are both not
00:19:09Academically inclined we're not we might if we have kids we might have to say our kids are gonna need to figure something else
00:19:16We're gonna have to pay a little more attention. Yeah
00:19:20Hmm I was kind of having a tough time yesterday and then after our date
00:19:25I was just like extremely giddy and like I don't know just kind of like happy
00:19:30I'm like finally figured out like that's exactly what I want. We're gonna have so much fun together and like
00:19:37There's ups and downs, but like I'm just not worried about the downs cuz like I still feel like we're just both positive
00:19:43Yeah, I don't know how to explain it I guess but yeah, do you feel that I do feel that for sure
00:19:51It's weird. I know I I do. Yeah, I've never quite had this
00:19:56I've never had this love that for us. Yeah, I
00:20:01Like that it's mutual. Yeah, it really is
00:20:04Gosh, I just feel like I can tell you like anything and I don't know you're not gonna like
00:20:11Judge me or hold hold it against me. Really? No, I won't you got anything to tell me that
00:20:17You're scared up. No, I mean kind of I'm trying not to like talk about this too much because it's not really that relevant
00:20:24My last serious relationship it ended cuz I cheated on her
00:20:29Okay, it was just stupid like I completely regret it and I would never ever do it again
00:20:36Well, that's great to hear when you said that integrity line, I felt like it was probably something with the past relationship
00:20:42Yeah, and I'm like, I'm not gonna lie like when I go
00:20:47To like bachelor parties or something in like Vegas or just like out like I definitely have girls that come up to me
00:20:53Yeah, when I go to that stuff now in the future, like I'm just not gonna even entertain it. Yeah, unless I'm single
00:21:02Well, I think that shows a lot about your growth
00:21:04I don't ever judge what someone's done in the past because I've made mistakes as well
00:21:09I haven't necessarily cheated on someone because I've you know, never been in that and I really had that fully serious relationship
00:21:16But I did participate in someone else cheating on their girlfriend
00:21:21Oh, yeah
00:21:22I had a lot of guilt about it and I had to try and figure out like why I did that knowing
00:21:27There they were in a relationship I know does that suck it sucks. Yeah and like in that situation
00:21:32It was someone that I had
00:21:34You know past history with and I really did care about him. I was hopeful for something in the future and
00:21:44You know lines got crossed
00:21:47But I can relate and I would never do that going forward as well. And if I'm in a relationship
00:21:54You know, we're a team. We're trying to win win the game together. So what is winning the game dying together?
00:22:01Yeah, I
00:22:03Guess yeah, I guess in marriage. That's kind of what it is
00:22:07Okay. Well, I was really nervous about telling you that so thank you for
00:22:12being understanding sure and
00:22:16Yeah, that actually means a lot. Yeah, of course
00:22:21Molly Molly Molly
00:22:35Yes, I feel like I'm like kind of freaking out when the feeling is like reciprocated
00:22:40You're like where she's like, I'm like really
00:22:43into you I
00:22:45Don't understand what's going on right now. I don't either like I
00:22:50Kind of like it though
00:22:55Do I hear one of my songs
00:22:57Absolutely. Okay. This is like my family's song. Okay, let's hear it
00:23:01This one song is just like childhood
00:23:04I just remember this being blasted when we're like cooking dinner my dad. He has a signature dance move
00:23:10Could you please do it? Okay, stand up. Okay, I'm standing up
00:23:14Put your arms in front of you like bent at the elbows like 90 degrees 90 degrees
00:23:18Take your right hand
00:23:20And go all the way to the left like put it in front of you all the way to the left in front of me
00:23:25And then your left hand like up. Okay all the way up. Yeah. Okay, you're just like shake your hips, okay
00:23:45Will say okay, you're pretty amazing
00:23:49I've never had this experience before. I have a lot of personality
00:23:54Mm-hmm and someone that matches me on that that is like sometimes a little more difficult to find as well
00:24:01Like your personality is like very bright and very like uplifting which I love
00:24:07Thank you. Yeah, I love it. Oh my gosh, you're making me cry. I'm blowing my nose. Sorry. No, I love
00:24:18Just going through all this it just
00:24:21shows me how important finding your person is like family is like my grandma and like we talked about like I I
00:24:29Stepped away from my job to like help. Yes
00:24:32just seeing how
00:24:34Her mind's not all there and like she still
00:24:39Loves my grandpa and she forgets his name
00:24:42But every night when I'm like, okay grandma time to time for bad
00:24:45Like let's get you ready for bed
00:24:47And she still says I need to go kiss my husband and like she has to walk over there
00:24:52She like kisses my grandpa and he just kisses her and she doesn't even really remember him
00:24:59like it's just it's amazing and and it was hard for me to be like, yeah, like I am technically between jobs and
00:25:07that's uncomfortable for me to say cuz like that's not something I'm proud of necessarily, but
00:25:13like I
00:25:14am able to
00:25:16Help my family like I'm able to really spend time with them like as much as I can and that is worth
00:25:24More than just a stupid job. I am so glad you feel comfortable
00:25:28sharing that and like
00:25:30That is super important to you. I can tell for sure
00:25:34Oh, yeah, and then I just want to say I hope you let that feeling go of feeling like guilty
00:25:42Of your job situation. Like I hope no one makes you feel
00:25:46like that is something you should be prioritizing over your family
00:25:53Yeah, I a hundred percent
00:25:56Think that that is what I mean, that is what you should prioritize
00:26:00Yeah, and especially with it being like as important as you were describing it to me and no matter what anyone says
00:26:08You're doing it the right way. Yeah
00:26:12This has been by far like the best I've date I've had no I can
00:26:16Confidently. Yeah, stay the same not even just in here either
00:26:21Really? Yeah
00:26:23You said that because I was thinking the same in the fields man. Yeah, I definitely am
00:26:43Hello hello, this is Madison. Yes. Oh, yes it is
00:26:49Madison I'm so happy to be here with you right now. I'm here just for you. Yeah, I mean you're flattering but
00:26:58Are you being honest? I really am actually I'm coming here and instantly like I'm just so calm and you have such a good voice
00:27:06voice of an angel
00:27:10Comforting I feel the same way about your voice. It's very good. Oh, I'm glad you like it
00:27:14I feel like I'm constantly smiling with you in this pod. I know
00:27:19Madison yeah, are you a cuddler? I'm a big cuddler
00:27:24Are you cuddling is like my favorite thing ever? I am just like a heater though
00:27:30Like I'm a furnace. Oh, no, we're gonna be sweating
00:27:35Are you also a furnace? Yes, I am
00:27:38I'm constantly hot. You know what? We got to keep things spicy sweaty. Yeah, okay
00:27:45Yeah, and I'm a big cuddler lately, you know, I've just been cuddling with my dog
00:27:49Well, actually lately I haven't been cuddling with anyone not even my dog. I brought
00:27:54My little stuffed animal with me that is adorable. So it's a bear alien, but it's called a barely in Wow
00:28:02Okay, that's genius. Is that so cute? That's so cool
00:28:06So I've just been cuddling with the barely in do you sleep with it every night? I do
00:28:09I like literally cuddle it all night long. I would love to cuddle right now
00:28:16You're the first person that I wish that like you were just like right here next to me on this couch
00:28:20I know I need a bear now barely in. Oh, I would love that
00:28:27Things are getting complicated in the pods. I
00:28:31have basically
00:28:32narrowed it down to just two boyfriends both Mason and Alex and I'm not ready to
00:28:39Decide between the two which is the weirdest thing to say. I mean, you know, I
00:28:45Guess it's not too weird
00:28:48This is Mason. Who's this? This is Madison say this man's yeah
00:28:52This is Mason, who's this? This is Madison say this man's yes
00:28:58Me you're the only one who calls me that's here. I love that. Yes
00:29:02Are you a night owl? No, I am. I'm definitely a morning person. Are you I have a bit of insomnia at times
00:29:09But I wouldn't say that makes me a night owl. Like I really love getting into bed at like 10 p.m
00:29:14Reading a good book reading a book is great. Yeah, I'm a big reader. I he
00:29:20Am not a big reader at all. I
00:29:24Really wish that I could read I I can read
00:29:29I was gonna say do we need a reading lesson? No, no, no
00:29:33I'll be your teacher. I love that put on a little little teacher outfit for you. Oh my god
00:29:39Hey, just get in a teacher outfit, please
00:29:43So you can outfits what's the what's the best Halloween outfit you've ever had are you the sexy girl at the party?
00:29:49Um, I can be and then sometimes I like to do like funny ones. So last year I did both
00:29:56I was like the sexy ninja. Oh
00:29:59I had on these like really tall boots and
00:30:03Like fishnets with like kind of a leotard on okay, and then I also had this like stitch onesie. Oh
00:30:12I'm like kind of a crazy dog mom. And yeah, he just like looks like stitch sometimes
00:30:19Yeah, and so I bought him a stitch costume for Halloween. And so
00:30:23Me and my dog had matching Halloween costumes
00:30:28I love that you're a stitch. That is my favorite Disney movie
00:30:32Period have you seen the movie her?
00:30:36No, oh man, that's one of my favorite films
00:30:39It's a guy who has his phone is just an AI bot and the whole premise of the movie is
00:30:46Yeah, this guy just falls in love with the voice in his head
00:30:49Am I the voice in your head? You are the voice in my head. I was really really happy when I heard your voice coming in
00:30:56here I
00:30:59I like to think that I am
00:31:03At the top of your list or something like that because I I really enjoy hanging out with you no literally I was like
00:31:12Not that you're my number one or anything, but I was just saying I just have this like effortless like comfortability with him
00:31:20yeah, that like I
00:31:22just love like
00:31:25It's my favorite. I I feel the same with you. Well now you can go home no matter how many other dates you have
00:31:33Yeah, like the rest right yeah, I
00:31:37Will definitely consider that yeah, I mean don't you press you into anything, but I mean you could probably pressure me into a lot
00:31:45I'd love to hear it
00:31:47Madison you never disappoint me always a pleasure
00:31:52Madison there's so many times where I just want to like burst through the wall and just
00:31:56Start cuddling because that's some of the stuff we talked about
00:32:00When I'm in the pods and trying to sleep at night, it's she's always on my mind I
00:32:06really really
00:32:08Envision myself with her a lot. Okay, Mads. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay, bye
00:32:17But I've never connected with anyone the way that I've connected with Meg it's Meg is Mason
00:32:24I get really excited whenever I hear your voice. I get really excited, too
00:32:28There's so much chemistry there
00:32:32unreal honestly
00:32:34Mason, what's up? What's your last name? Horatio? What is it?
00:32:38Horatio Horatio. Yep. That's so cool. I think you're one of the only people who knows that Margaret is my real name really
00:32:45Yeah, that's awesome. What is your favorite pet name?
00:32:50Pet me. So like what do you call your significant other? No, like what do you want to name your dog? Oh my god
00:32:56I'm kidding. Of course. Yeah, I like babe. Oh, so not like daddy or no, I'm kidding
00:33:02I was gonna say, you know, so kidding. I think that's kind of weird
00:33:06I was gonna say yeah, if you want to call me daddy daddy. Yeah, daddy. Hora check
00:33:13What about you I like baby girl baby girl, yeah, it's just cute
00:33:17Okay. I actually have a question. Do you like forts? Oh
00:33:21Yeah, I haven't done a fort in so long
00:33:23I love making forts and just like getting it real cozy for like a movie night
00:33:28Like making forts with my nieces and nephews is so much fun. Oh, how could it not be?
00:33:33Yeah, bring like Christmas lights in there too to really like make it super cool and chill. Oh my god
00:33:39I would love that like what a fun date night to like do a fort get some pizza
00:33:42We can like do a movie marathon. Like how fun is that?
00:33:46Straight out of a rom-com. Why are you so cool? I've never lived with a partner
00:33:50Have you?
00:33:52No, actually, no
00:33:53Okay, my fantasy of like when I buy my first house with my partner like move in is like everything's in boxes
00:34:00Yeah, we're exhausted. We're sweaty. We're tired and we're like, let's just order Chinese
00:34:04We get in like our little silky pajamas and like eat Chinese together
00:34:07Just like with boxes all around us and then like have sex on the floor
00:34:11That's like and then like sleep in a fort. That is such a good fantasy to have. Okay, would you be down like truthfully to move?
00:34:19Like 45 minutes out of the city to where you have like lands and like we can do a garden
00:34:24And it's like we're a little bit more removed
00:34:26But then we can drive into the city if we want to you say things that I swear to God
00:34:31They just like created this AI bot. That is just saying the things that I want to hear
00:34:36I feel the same about you when you said you like Moulin Rouge and like things are a little bit more like
00:34:43Underground or not super mainstream. I love when people are like with you on that wavelength
00:34:47You're not real. You're an AI robot
00:34:51Have you seen the movie her you're kidding me. Are you you're not real? I'm Scarlett Johansson right now. Yeah, you are
00:35:02Can't believe that you brought up the movie her. Oh my god. It's one of my top ten for sure
00:35:07Is it your top ten? Yeah, I don't what else is in your top Oh top three for sure. Okay
00:35:14Inception is number one
00:35:17No, well, that's my number one favorite movie kidding
00:35:21Yes, is that real?
00:35:24Christopher Nolan, that's my favorite director. Well, we'll just add that to the movie marathon list. I really really enjoy talking to you
00:35:31I swear to God, you're not real. No, I'm over here. Okay, there's a person over here. I love that
00:35:55Every time I talk to somebody I'm just go back and forth on my list your favorites usually who you talk to last, right?
00:36:07When it finally comes down to picking the one it's gonna be so hard
00:36:12Quit playing. I can't wait to tell my boyfriend to break up with his girlfriend
00:36:17You better have something really good to say
00:36:21My ladies I
00:36:23Gotta ask. Oh lord, you know, I'm all about the fit. So I just want to know what's up
00:36:28Okay, so I I look real cute today. Oh real. Yeah
00:36:32You missing out today of all days today the day that's like you really that I'm missing out
00:36:37I can't miss it. I need to be there. I have this light blue dress on. It's really low cut
00:36:42That's my favorite color and it's like fitted and it like goes down to like right past my knee heels
00:36:49Yeah, I was the girl in high school that wore heels every day. You was running around Park Center and high heels
00:36:55Yes, ask about me
00:37:00What about me is different from what you have dated in the past well, it's more of like sporty basketball player type is
00:37:09Is what I have typically gone for really yeah, I don't know I just like similar to me, you know
00:37:15No more athletes no more. Well, are you saying you're not an athlete? I feel like a dancer is an athlete. Oh
00:37:22What thank you for recognizing
00:37:25How about you I'm sure younger. Yeah, you're younger for sure a lot of I mean like their profession a lot of times
00:37:32They were creatives
00:37:34I'm trying not to bash these man. Um, no go for it
00:37:39You know, they were just a little bit more like self-centered and you don't really seem that way, you know, you just wait
00:37:45No, I'm just kidding. That's so funny. I
00:37:48Came here really to date somebody completely different
00:37:51So I don't want to continue to date the type of guys that I've been dating
00:37:56So you are quite refreshing. Oh, thank you. Yeah, you're full of compliments. I'm serious
00:38:03I'm really not even laying it on thick. I like that you're passionate about
00:38:07Coaching and stuff like that and giving back and that you're passionate about basketball like all those things
00:38:13But I think the biggest thing is like I can feel that you're just like a very like kind person
00:38:19And that's like most meaningful to me. Well, thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that. I
00:38:25Don't think I've ever dated a nice guy in my entire life
00:38:30You deserve a nice guy someone that should treat you, right? I
00:38:34I appreciate that. I appreciate that. I love that
00:38:44Virginia is just such a kind loving
00:38:48Genuine person and every time I speak with her
00:38:51I feel like I can just lay down and close my eyes and listen to her for hours
00:38:55I hope you have a good rest of your day. I appreciate it. But between Virginia and Brittany, it's very even right now
00:39:03Just like teeter-totter up and down. Hi
00:39:07Okay, dad, I don't feel like if I had to choose today I could pick between the two
00:39:13I think they're both really amazing women and
00:39:16In different ways. I feel like me and Brittany have a instant connection. We both are interested in the same things
00:39:23We were both basketball players throughout like our whole life and she also coached basketball. How you doing shooter?
00:39:31When I come into the room she kind of just like brightens my day and
00:39:35Honestly, I didn't think I would say this
00:39:38But I do think I can fall in love and and get down on one knee and propose to someone
00:39:43So I wanted to ask you like you're like parents. What are their thoughts on you being here?
00:39:48Well, my I didn't tell my dad so he doesn't know at all. My dad doesn't know at all
00:39:53Oh, wow, but he talked so much the whole Eastern Seaboard is gonna be aware
00:39:57So I'm like Willie you I'll tell you after what did you just say? His name is Willie. My dad's name is Willie
00:40:03What is it William or just Willie? It's Willie. It's just Willie. Mine is just Willie
00:40:10Yeah, and it's so crazy because his dad's name was Willie too he's a junior so he's no stop yes
00:40:16He's my dad is a junior. Oh
00:40:20It's not the same
00:40:22Dad's last name is my last name, which I don't think it is
00:40:26Willie Pete with the stinky feet
00:40:28You talked about your dad not knowing. I don't remember if you said anything
00:40:32I did tell my mom my mom heard like jaw drop
00:40:35She was like what her reservations were more so about like reality TV and like protecting me from like weird
00:40:42Things that makes sense. My mom did she didn't want me to play basketball. She's like all the basketball players
00:40:48She's saying like dress like boys, you know
00:40:50So she's like she didn't want me to do that and she didn't want me like popping my butt and twerking and cheerleaders
00:40:55I was really sheltered. So my mom had us listen to gospel like my whole life. So we really just gospel to you
00:41:02I love gospel
00:41:11I listened to that in the mornings all the time like but my mom didn't let us listen to a lot of like hip-hop
00:41:19Me and my brother's sister all of us put like Lil Wayne Carter's on our Christmas list and I guess my mom
00:41:26I don't know if you remember like in Best Buy where you can
00:41:29Listen to the song the the albums before you like buy them like with the headphones there
00:41:34she must have done that and heard all that cursing and she got we opened up that box and it was a
00:41:42Millennium Will Smith getting jiggy with
00:41:45We were so disappointed and I got Dixie chicks too and I'm like what my Dixie chicks, but I'm not mad at it
00:41:52I would have been
00:41:54Who's your favorite artist?
00:41:55I can listen to give you on like all of his music from top to bottom and not skip a song
00:42:01Have you heard unholy matrimony sing some of the words? I'm not doing that
00:42:06I'm not that good. It was a safe space. You can bellow to the mountain tops. I'ma sing with you cuz
00:42:12Okay, that's what I want
00:42:14Yeah car listening to me. I want us both to be singing in the car. I love it
00:42:19I love yes, and I think that's a big part of why I want to be married right that partnership
00:42:25They may not want to drive an hour and a half with you to go pick up an outfit or a dress or something
00:42:31But they're like, all right, I'm gonna come come with you
00:42:34you know like that's such a beautiful thing to know that you have the comfort and
00:42:40Just peace in having partnership and know you have a person that has your back for the rest of your life
00:42:47Wow, that was beautiful
00:42:50Thank you
00:43:01Do you have a favorite animal penguins penguins are
00:43:05I've always wanted to go like on a cruise to like
00:43:08Antarctica or something or Alaska? Yeah, they have cruises that you can actually go penguin. Yeah, they do. I think that would be amazing
00:43:15Yeah, they do and then the babies and they're so fluffy
00:43:18They're just so cool
00:43:20They like waddle around and then they're like so fast at swimming. It's like such a unique thing
00:43:25I just like one of my favorite things about penguins. Is there one of the like only monogamous?
00:43:32Animals and they give a rock
00:43:35I think that's one of the coolest things on
00:43:39Our first date. Do you remember what you said?
00:43:42I do you said I'm gonna take a nap
00:43:48Yeah, I said what makes you feel comfortable and you're like I need to take a nap
00:43:54Please do not nap
00:43:56It's been absolutely
00:43:58Incredible getting to know every part of you
00:44:00I've had like an incredible time falling in love with who you are as a person your laugh your voice
00:44:07And I would love to take the next step with you
00:44:12Forever could never be long enough for me
00:44:16Feel like I've had long enough. Would you get engaged with me?
00:44:23Love that surely
00:44:25shifted my way
00:44:41I'm so excited. I know I'm excited too. I'm so freaking excited to see you. Oh, my legs are jello. Okay
00:45:21Woke up thinking about you. I was thinking about you last night in the dark hotel room just silence
00:45:26No phone. I was doing a lot of thinking dark in a bed thinking or
00:45:33No, I'm kidding. So, how are you feeling today? I feel like today could be like kind of a turning point for things
00:45:40You know, you kind of either just stay on the surface or you get deep. Okay, I've got a deep question for you
00:45:46Hey, hit me. What are you like when there is conflict in a relationship? Do you ever get upset and yell or like say?
00:45:53Anything like hurtful no, no, first of all, I can't physically yell
00:46:00but also I grew up with a really angry dad and
00:46:05That's never who I want to be instead of getting like
00:46:10Mad or violent I get very logical. I like that. Yeah, what about you?
00:46:15I've been in some like pretty brutal situations. I'm really proud of myself that I handled in like a very calm way
00:46:22Yeah, like I was cheated on with someone that I was living with. Oh shit. I'm sorry
00:46:26Yeah, we lived together for two years and I got saw some texts and it was it was really bad
00:46:31But we figured it out you guys stayed together. No. No, we didn't. Have you ever cheated before? No, I have not
00:46:39It's unusual
00:46:41Unusual, I feel like I asked that question a lot and a lot of the times I get a yes, really
00:46:47Yeah, I've also been cheated on
00:46:50Multiple times what?
00:46:52yeah, and this is kind of one of the reasons like I came on love is blind people can kind of look at me and
00:46:59You know initially want me once people start getting to know me. They're like wow, I didn't think that you would be
00:47:06cool smart funny
00:47:08Whatever. Like I just thought you were just this pretty girl. I've been single for two years now. I don't
00:47:14Take that kind of bullshit anymore
00:47:18But yeah, I've been really hurt over these past few years. Well, first of all, I'm sorry that you have been hurt in the past
00:47:23I know how traumatizing that can be
00:47:26Do you think that that is going to affect a future relationship or have you worked through those issues of like trust and all that?
00:47:34I'm gonna trust you until you give me a reason not to so, do you know the different attachment styles?
00:47:39I do. Do you know which one you are? I
00:47:42Am an avoidance. Oh
00:47:47Talk about it. Yes, so avoid it
00:47:51Yeah, so I mean I think that's my natural inclination right is to be an avoidant when I feel someone's energy start changing towards me
00:47:58I get scared and I kind of run it's in a sense of like well, I don't need them anyway
00:48:03And I don't know if that's like out of a healthy place or not
00:48:05But there's just like certain things where I'm just like that's not my problem
00:48:09That's not my problem. Do you know what I mean? I
00:48:12Do yeah, and I think that's maybe a little bit of a trigger for me because past relationships I dealt with that
00:48:18But like on the extreme end of it. Yeah
00:48:21I'm more anxious. I feel like I'm not good enough
00:48:24And so I want you to show me that yes, you care about me and that you are not abandoning me
00:48:31Yeah, and for you, it's like let me get away and be on my own because I don't need you to
00:48:37Show me that I'm good enough. Yeah
00:48:39I think that could lead to some issues. I don't know. Obviously. I never like want to make you feel anxious
00:48:46It's not actually not even on the radar
00:48:48Ultimately, that's what I've noticed in myself. I've recognized those patterns
00:48:53Just for like some context. I think I told you like my mom's a drug addict
00:48:58Yeah, and I remember when I was like 12 years old
00:49:02My stepdad had like taken too many pills or something and I had to make sure that he was like still breathing on my birthday
00:49:09That was like my norm. Wow
00:49:11So I wrote them this letter and I was just like it's either drugs or it's me. Mm-hmm
00:49:17And they didn't choose me
00:49:20And so I've just had to really like rely on myself for everything. Yeah for a while
00:49:26I thought not meeting anyone was like a really good thing like but it's not
00:49:32And I've learned that I'm ready to have someone in my life that like I can rely on and like I can trust
00:49:38Fully like it's lonely not having that and so I don't know if that helps give you context. It really does
00:49:45Yeah, like I really got emotional when you're talking about your parents like that. That's that's real
00:49:51I know I'm like tearing up. I'm sorry about that
00:49:53But it's really good that you have recognized that about yourself and shows a lot of growth
00:49:58I mean even on your side of things like the fact that you're the one asking me about that like I think that says so
00:50:03Much about you as a person. Well, like we all have things that we have to like grow in and like
00:50:09Do better in and I think as long as we can commit to doing that like that's the best that we can do for each
00:50:15Other, you know, like I don't expect you to never hurt my feelings
00:50:19But I do expect for you to tell me when I hurt your feelings. Mm-hmm so we can work through it. Yeah
00:50:26I'm not perfect
00:50:27But like I feel like you and I it seems like have gone through a lot and are very self-aware people
00:50:34And I'm in a place in my life where I know I can be a very good partner to someone
00:50:40And I'm ready to be that for someone. Well, I'm really glad to hear that. I
00:50:45Know you sound scared over there. I'm definitely not scared. I just think I have been in
00:50:51Relationships with people like that like not like you but like a very extreme version of an avoidant person
00:50:58Yeah, like an unhealed person. Yes. Yes, exactly
00:51:02That scares me a little bit. I'm sorry
00:51:04I don't mean to scare you but I just want to be honest like, you know
00:51:08That's the whole point of this like I don't want you to get into this and be like that terrifies me
00:51:13After being married. Yeah
00:51:14Are you the type of person that like you need that emotional connection with someone before you can have a physical connection?
00:51:20Probably. Yeah. Yeah, I would say I'm that way, too
00:51:25That's good. Yeah, like I'm not like a first date kisser. I
00:51:29Like that. Yeah, that's good
00:51:33No, I'm really not I do think
00:51:36Physical affection and sex is an important part of a relationship. Mm-hmm
00:51:41I really enjoy that part of a relationship because I think it's just like fun and like I
00:51:47Feel like it's a really good like
00:51:51Connection, but I like come from like a very religious background. I think I've talked to you about that
00:51:57But so like the topic of sex has always been really taboo
00:52:03for women and girls in the church
00:52:05there was just a lot of shame around it and
00:52:08like very embarrassing to think about very embarrassing to talk about like you just were not like allowed to like, you know be
00:52:16You know a human in that regard. Mm-hmm. Unless we're talking about sex after marriage
00:52:21Yeah, you know, I didn't have sex until I was like 22. Wow, really? Yeah
00:52:28Hmm. Anyway, I feel like I've done a lot of work to like not have like shame around it
00:52:34Because there was a lot of shame around it for a while
00:52:37And so yeah, I think it is like an important thing for me to talk about before getting married, you know
00:52:51Maybe maybe we can wait that maybe that's like a few dates from now
00:52:56You think so? Maybe
00:52:59I'm just putting it all out there. Honestly, yeah
00:53:03That's fair. I'll warm up to it quickly. I think
00:53:06It's okay. I'm not judging. All right
00:53:11When I came in here, I thought that you were the strongest connection
00:53:16And so I'm trying to really think about it though. I don't want to like make wrong decision
00:53:21I want to obviously like make a very informed decision. Yeah, I'll have to think about the
00:53:27attachment style
00:53:30conversation and
00:53:32Maybe we are initially attracted to people in here that are similar to people that we have dated out in the real world
00:53:39I don't know if like that's why I'm initially attracted to you is because
00:53:43You are similar to them or if it's just because I like you, you know, yeah
00:53:48I know there's a lot to consider in here and it's like it's just a lot. Yeah. Yeah
00:53:54Well, thanks for being honest, I hope I didn't scare you off
00:53:57I do understand if that is scary for you, but I hope that I can prove you. Otherwise
00:54:03You were the person that I wanted to talk to the most probably. Mm-hmm. I love the way that you think and
00:54:11You just seem like such a sweetie boy
00:54:14Which is just very opposite of what I have normally gone for. Yeah, I really do like talking to you
00:54:40All I can do is think of questions for you, it's like oh I should probably you know
00:54:45Think of generic questions for other people, but it's like everything just comes back to Mads. I love that actually
00:54:52It's a kind of crazy. I was in bed. Mm-hmm putting a pillow under my arm
00:54:58Yeah, and I was like wish it was me. I
00:55:04Really it was like I wonder how it feels to have Madison here instead of this pillow. I smell really good
00:55:11I like that. Do you like talking about like what you're wearing? Yeah. Okay today
00:55:17I'm wearing this like baby blue slip dress. That's like pretty short
00:55:23Oh my god, and then I'm wearing these like brownish kitten heels
00:55:30I'm gonna have to step up my game if I'm gonna be seen next to you
00:55:34Okay, you see that little box has a question mark on it, yeah, let's do those
00:55:39What character would I play in a movie it'd be a rom-com
00:55:44Okay, the girl is like, oh, you're my best friend. You're my best friend
00:55:49And then at the end she realizes that she's in love with you. Okay, so I'm the hopeless romantic hero
00:55:54Yes, that gets the girl of his dream. Hey
00:55:59Yeah, I think you would be definitely a villain
00:56:06Someone who's not a bad person. It's just they've been in a shitty situation that made people like, oh
00:56:14Maybe she's not evil. Maybe she was just treated wrong. I'm
00:56:20Now you calling me a villain. It's not a bad
00:56:24No, you're right. A very very sexy villain that everyone wants to be for Halloween. You're not wrong. Okay
00:56:31I've dealt with a lot of like
00:56:33Jealous or insecure people if I know that they don't like me like I'll probably make it worse
00:56:37So I would love to never cross you
00:56:42Please don't wrong Mads. Please don't wrong Mads good
00:56:45Do I seem more of a creative or in a political type?
00:56:52Anacolitical anacolitical just the fact that you said anacolitical
00:56:57It's crazy. I think I just answered it right there for you. Yeah
00:57:02Okay, we can come back to these I want to listen to the music yeah, hey DJ play number four
00:57:16Say I feel really happy right now me too. I like you Megs
00:57:23What's that? I like you you like me. Mm-hmm. Really? How much?
00:57:29Um, you know a lot I like you too not bad about it though
00:57:43This puppet thing is hard
00:57:45You gotta have some athletic skills, right? Yeah, I grew up playing tennis volleyball and soccer
00:57:52Do you still have your volleyball uniform? No, I don't say that's like the biggest turn on ever
00:57:58Well, I have better things
00:58:03You'd like the dress I'm in right now, yeah, yeah
00:58:08Mini skirts are like you could be wearing that and I would literally do anything you tell me
00:58:13It's like I tell you when I was wearing my micro mini skirt
00:58:17When as in I was talking to you while you were in that. Yeah
00:58:22So badly want to see it I'd come over and just give you a little lap dance. Oh
00:58:27God yes, it was twerking when I said that you can twerk
00:58:33Okay. Well, this is gonna work just fine. I mean I can shake my ass
00:58:37Do you want to know something about my nipples? I do. Yes. Okay, they're pierced. All right
00:58:47No, I have the most fun with you the thing that I look forward to the most is like spending time with you
00:58:52I was thinking about that with like the pillow last night and stuff. It's like
00:58:56just crazy to think about I
00:58:58Like that a lot. I'm blushing
00:59:03I like how you are afraid to like express your feelings
00:59:06I'm glad you say that because I have a big fear of how I can't really articulate myself
00:59:13Well, I say like wrong words and shit and it's like with you I can actually
00:59:18Talk and feel comfortable. So anacolitical
00:59:23Anacolitical, you know what word I can't say just to make you feel better. What's up?
00:59:30Infuriated, it's a hard word. I was infuriated
00:59:34Why can't I say that?
00:59:36My god
00:59:50I haven't felt this giddy for a long time. Yeah, like I am getting right
00:59:55What do you think horror check is like what horror check is his last name? So I heard her what the hell is horror?
01:00:02That's Czechoslovakia
01:00:10Hearing that is just like a punch to the gut. I just want to talk to my boo
01:00:14We have so much more to talk about. I really like Mason, but I have not explicitly said you're my number one
01:00:21You're my favorite connection like you're the only connection that I could see something with outside of this
01:00:26I feel like I'm kind of playing this coy game
01:00:29We're like all drop subtle hints and say things but I don't want to scare him off, too
01:00:34Like I don't want to be like hey, I'm really feeling this but truthfully I feel so
01:00:40Strong and sure about this connection and like how could it get better than this for somebody? It's Meg baby girl
01:00:48Yes, say it again
01:00:52The fact that you said the movie her yeah, that's insane
01:00:57I feel like there's like synchronicities. It does make me like pause and kind of like think about our connections
01:01:02Yeah, so do you still have questions you want to ask?
01:01:06Some things I really want to know about you hit me. What was the best Halloween costume you've ever had Gwen Stefani?
01:01:14The blue hair the black leather skirt and the blue fuzzy bra really? Yeah, I was it was fire
01:01:20I've never looked so hot in my life. Honestly, you usually get the sexy outfits or sometimes I'll go sexy. Sometimes I'll go goofy
01:01:27I really like dressing up for Halloween. That's awesome
01:01:30I love that that was your question. Like I was expecting some real deep shit and you're like, what's your best Halloween costume?
01:01:38Feel like I have so much. I want to know about you Mason, whatever you want to know Maggie
01:01:42You let me know when was your last relationship? I was two years ago. Okay, mine was too. Okay
01:01:47I really thought that I was gonna go to college find my man get married and like do life with them
01:01:53When that didn't happen, I was like, oh shit
01:01:55I was like, what am I gonna do now?
01:01:57I thought that was my future for sure, but I wouldn't change anything
01:02:01like I'm so glad I have my 20s to explore and be in California and like build my friend group and be a flight attendant and
01:02:07Kind of go crazy after how I was raised. Mm-hmm. And now I feel like in my 30s
01:02:11I'm kind of like settling into who I am a little bit more
01:02:14Yeah, settling into my career a little bit more, but I really still want to be in love
01:02:19How do you feel about being married in a few months if I met my person and I'm 100%
01:02:26Confident it's my person. I feel ecstatic
01:02:29What about you a big fear of mine coming into this was like people who are gonna just utilize this for all the wrong reasons
01:02:37Yeah, I agree. It's just crazy to actually meet people who are actually genuine
01:02:41I know care about this process. I know really actually looking for their partners
01:02:48Honestly Mason, I've never even asked these questions to someone I've been in a relationship with
01:02:53Like talking about like hey, where would you want to live?
01:02:55What would you want our house to look like do you want to have kids like can we travel with them?
01:02:59What is that like almost building a future and like thinking if you have similar dreams together?
01:03:03Yeah, I've never done that in a past relationship
01:03:06And so I love doing this because I'm like, oh my god
01:03:09like there are actually men who want this like there's actually men who like genuinely want to get married and start a future and buy a
01:03:15Home and like it makes me excited because even if I don't find my person here, I'm like excited just to be like, okay
01:03:22Like these men exist they're out there and like I totally will find it
01:03:25yeah, I mean just learning the stuff about myself being here totally is
01:03:29Mind-blowing because I never got a chance to like actually think about all the things that I want in a partner
01:03:35Yeah, this is just such a good experience regardless if you come out of here with someone or not
01:03:40No, totally
01:03:41My hope is like I find my soulmate and we'll just be madly in love and even if it's hard
01:03:45Like I have no question that this is my soulmate and I will find them again in every single lifetime
01:03:52That's what I'm holding out for my soulmate my person my lover that is
01:03:58Perfect. That was poetic. I mean I want that. Do you believe in reincarnation? Yeah, okay
01:04:03I definitely think that there is something to that because I don't believe energy dies that kind of plays into that question
01:04:10soulmates I
01:04:12Do think there is like soulmates that you can like just if not
01:04:20Be with in a different lifetime just like kind of energy being matched in some form essentially
01:04:26Yeah, so I I do believe in soulmates. Okay
01:04:32Every incarnation is real. I feel like I've had quite a few lives. You are definitely a
01:04:37Amazing spirit, please just let me like go into the earth and like become a little mushroom or something
01:04:42You can be anything though. You can go into the universe and be so no, I'd be a butterfly. I love butterflies
01:04:47I would probably be a
01:04:50Dolphin, you'd be a dolphin. I think swimming around and just being like the og
01:04:55Yes, good guy of the sea like what sex is still enjoyable. Exactly. Not a downside
01:05:01I don't know about butterflies, but you know, I'll fly over to the ocean and I'll let you know. Oh
01:05:06Are you scared of getting hurt in here? Like one of my core wounds is like not feeling good enough
01:05:12Yeah, and so thinking about a man that I like choosing someone else over me
01:05:16It is really scary like putting yourself literally in the situation that you've been in in the past and knowing that that could happen
01:05:22Yeah, mega. I am terrified. I'm petrified. I'm petrified. I'm so fucking scared about me, too
01:05:29I'm really enjoying our connection. Yeah
01:05:32Yeah, I
01:05:34Get really really really excited every time I leave our pods and
01:05:40Get a lot more confused. That's for sure
01:05:44Really yes, okay
01:05:50Well, let me keep confusing you okay, go ahead I'm up for the challenge excuse me all you want I would love to
01:05:56We move
01:06:03Excuse me road road, dude. I just saw my number one and like the energy was different
01:06:15Okay, so my number one just now
01:06:17Like he's it's not I'm not his top. I know I know after that. I'm not his top. We're just fine
01:06:22But it makes me switch my energy up to where I'm like, I guess not what I thought it was that yeah
01:06:26Cuz he was like every time I see I get excited, but it confuses me
01:06:32I was like I said, well, let me keep confusing you but also I'm not confused. Yeah
01:06:39But now I am I am I am confused as oh
01:06:43That energy just threw me for a loop. It's a little shifty
01:06:49Shifty like give me something. Tell me you like me
01:07:07This whole experience reminds me of
01:07:10Playing the lottery when you're waiting to hear the numbers you daydream
01:07:14It's like what would I do like if I would move like what else would I buy like what would my life look like and
01:07:20You let yourself daydream and like it's like, of course like that's who went who wins the Powerball, you know
01:07:26No one wins the Powerball. This is insane
01:07:30But with Joey I won the lottery leave the lottery. That's crazy
01:07:35and he
01:07:37Asked me to freaking marry him. Oh my god
01:07:40I've chosen Monica to be my wife, and I haven't even met her yet
01:07:50When I start to picture what he looks like it's terrifying
01:07:53That's terrifying to think about like actually seeing Joey's face and seeing what he looks like to see
01:08:01Someone who's like foreign to me like you are a stranger to me
01:08:17Monica might not like my style my hair. She might not like these bright shirts that I love to wear of course. There's fears in that
01:08:25Absolute worst case scenario would be me getting knocked up a couple times
01:08:28She might not like these bright shirts that I love to wear.
01:08:30Of course there's fears in that.
01:08:32The absolute worst case scenario would be I go out there
01:08:35to give a hug and Monica turns around and runs the other way.
01:08:37Every second that goes by I can see it with my eyes and it's dark again.
01:09:08I looked inside and I saw my destiny.
01:09:15I saw my destiny.
01:09:37I saw my destiny.
01:10:07I saw my destiny.
01:10:37I saw my destiny.
01:11:07I saw my destiny.