• anteayer
Pranking My Friend with Doey The Doughman 😱 Can Luke survive his OVERPOWERED Abilities?

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🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today's video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Firelight #Minecraft
00:00Joey might look like your average harmless buddy, but he's hiding a dark
00:06Secret he can eat people's souls to transform into his most
00:12Terrifying form and I'm using him to pull up these scariest pranks on my friend Luke. Yo, what's good guys?
00:19I heard we're gonna beat the world record in fortnight of one win were any for 1.5 wins. Oh
00:25Luke thinks just because he got these three hotshot new friends that he can forget about little old me
00:31I'm about to give him a friend that he'll never forget
00:36That's right
00:37I am Joey the doughboy from the latest chapter of
00:40Puppies playtime and you do not want to get on Joey's bad side cuz this guy is RP now
00:44It's time to test Luke. Will he take in new friends? What's this guy? He wants to be my friend
00:50Is this guy, you know weirdo, you know weird don't get lost
00:56Guys, this is what I'm talking about. Luke got these new friends and just wants to abandon me like this
01:00What is this pipsqueak doing? So it's been he's our friend now. Stay away if you know, what's good for you
01:04Oh, I know it's good to me. Don't worry because I have this absorb ability and Joey is hungry
01:12Wait, let's get taller and hold up. I got two new items. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa remold and quick dough
01:19You're telling me every time I absorb souls I get even more powerful guys
01:23Imagine what happens when I absorb all three of Luke's new friends. I'm gonna become godly powers
01:28Come on, we just need Lukey to separate from his friends real quick
01:31I don't want him interfering in my plans, bro. If you find small-sized telling to get back bro
01:36We ain't playing these games anymore. Okay, I gotta see these sheep
01:38So, you know what?
01:39I'm gonna grab my wheat and you know what I'm gonna feed them because these sheep need to be fed
01:43They're hungry by the way guys stick around cuz when Joey unlocks his final form if you played puppies playtime, you know
01:49Stuff gets wild and now that Luke is separated. It's time to prevent him from getting in my way at all. Hey Luke
01:55How you doing? What is going on? Who is this clown bro private?
02:01Property, please leave bruh leaving is something you won't be doing
02:07Look, dude, he's sinking down into it
02:09What is going on? Did this guy just turn my box? Wait, I'm sinking and so my sheep
02:15This isn't good and now that he's trapped there it's time to head over and eat his other friends now
02:20Y'all might think I'm acting like a toxic ex right now
02:23But if anything this shows how committed I am to Luke wait pause that sounds kind of sus
02:27Okay, I could have sworn I saw one of Luke's friends over here
02:30Wait, there is is he thinking that an iron door is gonna stop me, but Joey can get through anything and hold up pause
02:38Why is this guy Jeff Bezos? He lives in a mansion. Wait, maybe Luke's just a gold digger
02:43Well, just in case let's go in and eat his soul, all right, how do we get in here though guys
02:47Uh, maybe one of my items wait remote, of course, Joey can literally turn into anything he wants and right now I'm slithering snake
02:55I'm a sneaky slithering snake. All right, can we maybe fit through these little holes in the door? Okay?
03:00No, that is new levels of tiny that is like EY stream height levels of tiny. We are not getting in that way
03:05Surely there's another way we can fit in this mansion though. Wait, is this a little gap here?
03:09Yo, it's got like some sort of little cellar
03:11Mission complete we are in what can we do in here guys? We need to go eat that guy's soul
03:17Okay. No, this guy is kidded. Look at all this stuff, bro. This guy's rich. Okay, we need to lure this guy down here
03:24Somehow because otherwise all these items he might actually be able to take Joey down wait items. That's it guys
03:29All right, ladies and gents. It's time for a redstone tutorial
03:34I'm gonna show you guys how to make the most annoying thing that you can prank your friends with but it's also gonna double
03:39Perfectly as a little bit of a distraction. That's right guys. We are making a noise machine first guys
03:44You just wanna make a piston like this beautiful
03:46Now all you want to do is come up over here put your little gates down here some old gates because these things sound
03:53Super annoying that would annoy me. I would go absolutely insane furious bazonka bullies if I heard that
03:58All right
03:59Then you just want to grab some more observers like this and the whole idea is like a chain reaction that triggers the observers as
04:04It goes and now what you want to do is go ahead and connect these up in a redstone signal like so and you know
04:10What just for the funsies of it? Let's go ahead and just go like this a boom
04:14All right. Now what you want to go ahead and do is Chuck an observer one facing this way
04:19Okay, I'm kind of too ginormous as doughy right now. We need to go ahead and turn back into the snake, bro
04:24I gotta do a snake slithering tutorial. There we go
04:27Just like this if you guys didn't know if you put an observer back-to-back like this
04:30It actually spams a redstone signal which is going to be perfect and now it's time
04:34Let's use the annoying machine to get this fool down here
04:38Oh, that is annoying. But now we need to hide. Otherwise if he sees us, he might actually dip us
04:41Okay, hi behind the wall. Okay, here we go guys. Let's sneak up behind him while he's distracted
04:48You can run from Joey look how tall I am now, okay, can we make this thing shut up?
04:55Thank you, bro. I am becoming overpowered. That's two down one to go
05:01All right, where do we whiz?
05:03I don't know what Joey's widow whiz would be but I need to find this guy and actually don't remember what his name tag
05:08Is guys if you remember, can you rewind and comment down below because I have no idea what this guy's name is
05:13I can't even see any players. Are they even players around bro? What is happening? No this village ain't it, bro
05:19This is not where you want to be on the EY server. Okay, let me see
05:21Where could this guy be that is a big tower wait slim strong. Oh, that's the guy
05:27Okay, we need to figure out how we can get in here though
05:29Does this guy think that these defenses are gonna be enough to stop Joey? Um, think again, buddy
05:34We're about a stretch even higher. Look how tall I am
05:38Okay. Now all we have to do is click at the top of the tower and jump on. Oh
05:42Yes, dude, Joey would actually make the perfect spot
05:46He can literally infiltrate any base, but now it's time to sneak on in and when he's not upstairs, okay
05:51But this is perfect because we can actually set up another trap to get this fool stuck up
05:55Stairs and once he does get trapped we can go ahead and eat
06:01So guys this one is even simpler than the last one
06:04All you want to do is go ahead and break these blocks around the bed like is so so you want to do at this
06:09Chuck a dispenser. Ah, I'm too tall. Why is Joey two-ton tall?
06:14Okay, turning to the snake again for the tutorials. You know what guys pretty things better snake doughy or regular joy
06:20I feel like snake dough is kind of chill
06:21All right. Now what you want to do is just go ahead and put some soul sand down not be a wittle guy
06:26Just like the snake doughy
06:27We want to be nice and scary and now if you put carpet on top guys if you didn't know when you walk on
06:31Carpet with soul sand under you actually get slowed down. I mean look how slow I'm moving versus when I'm walking out here, bro
06:37And now I did I got a slowness potion from the chest before this is perfect
06:41Now we have to do is put a pressure plate right here, and I'm literally sorry, but you can take some of my junk, bro
06:47I mean this belongs to your house. Anyway, so now when he comes up here to sleep
06:50He's gonna be trapped. Now. All we have to do is wait for this fall and then we can absorb his soul. Yeah
06:58His name tags coming and it's nighttime. Yes. Okay, this is perfect. Wait for him to go forward just a little bit
07:05Walk on the pressure plate, you know, you want to
07:09For me buddy
07:14What guys do I look a little different from before I became unfriendly doughy?
07:20I even got two new abilities Oh Luke is so done for he's gonna regret not wanting to be my friend
07:27Um, my cake is too fat to get out here technical flippin difficulties
07:33Look Luke's enjoying a little gift from Elliot. See you guys
07:37That's what friends are for they give gifts to each other and don't betray their best friends. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming
07:44That's what Doris told me and we're almost out of here and then we can call for backup. I need backup ASAP
07:49Oh my gosh, please. Let me out of here. Let me out of here. Okay, guys quickly come we need to stop this thing
07:56Does he not know I absorbed those fools? That means I can literally take control of them use the law
08:00And yeah, that's right guys cuz Joey can absorb anything and then literally control it your task soldier
08:06Is to bring Luke out here so I can give him a hug
08:10Please guys, where are they? Wait, there's an intake. Yo, wait, that's them strong. Okay, it is. Okay. Yo, what's up, man?
08:17How is it?
08:19You okay, man? Wait, why are you going outside? Why are we come on?
08:23You just want to come out and
08:35We went to hitting immediately, bro, you can't damage Joey he's literally invulnerable
08:44You're watching this fool and skidoos skidoos
08:49Just hide behind the tree. Oh my gosh. No, I'm stuck in one of the blocks
08:54This man can't get out. Oh, this is too much fun. I'm having way too much fun with this, bro
08:58This is what Luke deserves for abandoning me. He's true friend. Take this
09:03Okay, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Boom. Oh, yeah, baby. Where you going?
09:07Lukey, where you going? Come back. We need to go outside. We need to go outside and think of a plan
09:11Okay, we need some way to get in there man. It's time cover up all this boys windows. We're getting in there
09:18Oh Luke must be so terrified right now. This is so good, bro. Come here, Lukey
09:23Wait, is this the guy from poppies playtime?
09:26Maybe if I check the wiki then I can find out their weakness and then use it against them
09:31Okay, come on, Lukey, you know, you want to come out make amends with Ethan
09:35Why don't you call some help, you know call for your true friends to come and help you. You know what I'm saying?
09:40Okay, why they're indestructible. Oh great. Thanks to his clay body
09:44Okay, he has one weakness being made out of clay freezing door you will hurt them okay, okay freezing that will hurt them
09:56What can you do what can you do against the unbeatable dolly it's time to call it quits
10:01Look, it's time to give up and say you miss Ethan. You want your friend back? He's right there. He's right there
10:07Okay, we need to get some snowballs ASAP. Okay
10:09Take this and that wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no. No, why is my screen freezing and did my skin just change?
10:14Wait, hold on. No stay back. Stay back. Get those things away from me
10:17Throw the snowballs, throw the snowballs, throw the snowballs. The eyes, they're changing. This is working. Wait, they're standing still. Wait, this is good
10:23Just keep going, keep going, keep going. Chill, chill, chill, chill. Why is my skin freezing? What's happening? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, stop, stop, stop
10:31They're gone! We got rid of them! Yes!
10:34But no, my hat, look at it, it's covered in this stuff. There's no shot, ain't no way
10:41That's how I get beaten. Look, I'm literally nothing now. Wait, but I got this item, reanimate?
10:47Oh, that's time. It's time guys, time for round two
10:50Luke thinks he can beat me like that? As I was saying earlier guys,
10:53Dowie has one more form and I've been hiding it up my sleeve. Maybe it's time to show Lukey what nightmare Dowie can do
11:00We won that battle. That's good. But now we need to find my friends and make sure everything's okay
11:04Because I don't even know what's going on anymore
11:07Lukey, where are you? Okay, it looks like he's straight up ran
11:10But this is where my poor body was destroyed by Luke, but not anymore Luke. It's time to reanimate
11:23Guys what's happening? Oh guys, okay. I haven't seen this in Poppy's playtime. What's going on? Why is it coming towards me?
11:30Okay, this is kind of scary, I can't look
11:36Dude, this is the final boss in Poppy's playtime
11:39Luke's gonna want his best friend Ethan back after he sees how overpowered I am. Wait, did I just eat his house?
11:46Yo, I can eat everything. I can absorb not only people, but objects as well
11:53Oh, ain't no way boy. Luke. I'm sorry, but your house is going night-night
11:59Good night my house. Time to get a little cake buffet
12:03Wait, look how big I've become after eating Luke's house. Oh, Joey cannot be stopped. Yo guys, are you here?
12:10Hello, is anyone here? This isn't looking good. Oh, no, they must have you know eaten them. No, no, no
12:16They couldn't have right. This is bad. Where are they guys? I need your strength right now, bro. Where is this man gone?
12:23Hello, I just want to absorb him and become his everlasting friend. Is he in this house over here, bro?
12:28Where is this man? Hello? It's okay. That's okay. We can just walk outside. Wait, what is that thing?
12:44Bro, is he throwing snowballs at me?
12:49Yeah, sorry Luke that ain't gonna work you're gonna need a lot more cold stuff than that. Oh, this is your friend's house
12:54Yeah, no, this isn't safe anymore, sorry Luke, um, this whole thing is going in my belly
13:12Let me eat all of this house nom nom nom nom. Okay. Um, I ate the house. I don't think Luke is
13:19Oh, yeah, he ran that way. Hey Luke, come over here boy
13:22I'm gonna eat you. You want this tree? Not anymore. Where are you going?
13:27Dude, I can literally taunt this guy. Look how fast I am. Oh, he thinks he can run to this house for safety
13:31Yep. Nope. Not on my watch. This house is gone, too
13:36I need to hide someone. Oh, yeah, you're not running that way Luke. Sorry this bridge this bridge is going down
13:41Sorry, son, you can't run that way
13:44They're just eating all the houses. Okay, you know what? It's fine while they're distracted eating that other house
13:49I'm just gonna hide in this blue house right here
13:51You know, I don't think they'll they'll notice it maybe because they also have blue on them, you know
13:55They won't know that I'm in this house. Is that blue house gonna be your safe house? Oh, oh no
14:00How do I guys Luke beat me? Oh shucks. My giant doughy form can't just kidding guys. I can just eat the house
14:12This is why you should have never abandoned me Luke I am overpowered as you can see Ethan has the power
14:18He's got the risk
14:20Infinite or a baby. That's why you guys should subscribe because I have the power to do literally all of this
14:25I made a mistake. I made a mistake. There's not many houses left. This is good. I know where to go
14:30I'm literally out of options right now. What is going on? There's literally no escape for you
14:35I will devour the entire world. There is no escape nowhere for you to run
14:43This world is mine. I'm like Justin Bieber. I bought the whole Chuckie cheese
14:48I'm just living in this world and I'm consuming the whole thing. Does he think he can escape through this house?
14:53Yeah, no, sorry Luke. This house is gone to my bad homie. Sorry to give you false. Hope it's time Lukey
15:00I'm gonna absorb you now. You can't run anywhere. You can't hide anywhere get over here
15:05Don't we want to eat?
15:11Say that's a big success, but also I want to know what happens when you get absorbed by doughy
15:15So we're gonna TP to Luke and find out
15:18Where am I? Okay. I don't even know. Why is it so colorful?
15:23Wait, am I inside that thing because it looks like the same colors that they were. Oh, no, this isn't good
15:30No, the inside of doughy is trippy. This is like a dream bro. Wait, what is going on up here?
15:36What have we got? Wait, we have control buttons in here. Hold up. This could be OP wait deploy minions
15:41What does that do if I click that?
15:51Yo, that's the doughy quicksand Luke does not want to jump in there or he is so done for bro
15:56You've got a traverse this subway. He thinks he can get away from now. I'll just deploy more minions, bro
16:00You can't get away from them. Right? What are the buttons we have here final boss and night?
16:04Hey, wait, what's Luke's worst nightmare?
16:14Wait and the doughies are taking them out. They're absorbing them. That's Luke's worst nightmare
16:18I mean, I literally made that happen, which means we actually made Luke so terrified today. If this is his worst nightmare, bro
16:24This is why you should never abandon me
16:26Ethan is your beloved friend. Why would you let him go? Wait, what's the other button? I've only have three final boss
16:33Don't mind if I do
16:39Stop I am the final boss. That's right guys because I am Joey
16:45Luke you best be sorry boy
16:50Time to die Luke if only your best friend was here
16:57To save you my best friend. Wait, Ethan. That's right. I can call him. Maybe he'll hear me
17:08Wait, I'm his best friend. He's actually calling for me. All is forgiven. It's time to take this thing out for
17:14Lukey look Luke. I'm here. Don't worry. I'm here to save you
17:22With the power of friendship Luke I will take him down
17:28Yes, Luke. I got you, bro. That's why I'm your best friend
17:33Wait, we're inside Joey's stomach and I just punched Joey into oblivion Luke the place is collapsing
17:50Ethan you actually saved me. I don't know what I'll do without you man
17:54You know what Luke? Me neither Luke
