AT AGE 18, Nick first started to experience hair loss, and at such a young age, it really affected him. He witnessed his hairline disappearing overtime and his confidence was knocked as a result. He was desperate to try anything to hide his baldness. At first, Nick tried simple solutions such as always wearing caps; even on nights out he would wear a cap but it was hard to chat to women. He recalls once taking the hat off as requested by a potential love interest in a club and when he did, the woman promptly told him to put it back on. It was another bash to Nick's already dwindling confidence… After time, Nick says he eventually found it hard to socialise due to his hair loss and began to be envious of his friends who still sported full heads of hair and strong hairlines. Nick says he always wanted hair but had no solutions on how to achieve his desired look so, he researched hair transplants. He thought they were expensive and might not last. So he then landed on hair systems. He was skeptical at first and didn't think they would be authentic enough. However in 2021 Nick found a salon that did the systems and coincidentally it was just two streets away from his home. He had a consultation and was colour matched. He says: “The first time I wore a hair system it changed my life, my confidence skyrocketed, I was out and feeling myself, socialised better, didnt think about my hair, had no fears, they all disappeared." Nick says his friends and family have always been supportive, especially his mom, who went with him for his first consultation. Nick is open about wearing a wig and says he went public on social media to help other men on their journey who are struggling with confidence and self esteem due to hair loss.
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