En el capítulo 83 de "Palabra de Honor" se desarrolló una nueva actividad.
00:00:46¡Muy buenos días!
00:01:09Sí, es que es bacano.
00:01:11A mí sí es muy bueno.
00:01:12¿Y qué pasa si hoy día me dejo, me retiro?
00:01:15¿Te vas a retirar?
00:01:17Ella no tiene escrúpulos.
00:01:19Yo, sinceramente, allí ya estaba un poco reacia a ella.
00:01:22Y me decía, ¿qué te pasa?
00:01:23No, estoy cansada.
00:01:24No, ¿qué me pasa?
00:01:25No, que no me apetece estar contigo, sinceramente.
00:01:27Y yo le pregunto a Fanny, Fanny, ¿qué es lo que has dicho de mí?
00:01:29No me acuerdo, no me acuerdo.
00:01:30No sé si te acuerdas, pero sabes que es tan grave.
00:01:32¿Por qué yo se lo dije?
00:01:33Yo he dicho que eres una chunga.
00:01:35Que es la reina y que eso es lo único que he dicho.
00:01:37No he dicho nada más.
00:01:38Pero son todo cosas dentro del juego.
00:01:40Cosas que ocurren aquí.
00:01:41Y cosas que no llenen a las personas.
00:01:46Tú dices que te tiró el palo o no te tiró el palo en indirecta.
00:01:49Sí, me ha tirado.
00:01:50¿Y tú a ella?
00:01:51Sí, también.
00:01:52Vale, ya está.
00:01:53No, yo no te he tirado ningún palo.
00:01:56No he querido responder a esas indirectas que tú me has tirado.
00:02:00Porque no quiero nada contigo.
00:02:03Pero no directamente conmigo.
00:02:05Si lo quisiera, lo hubiera obtenido.
00:02:07Tú me lo querías porque dijiste que faltó tiempo.
00:02:11Si yo hubiera seguido insistiendo, lo hubiera hecho.
00:02:15Yo si salgo con alguien, no estaría con alguien hoy en día.
00:02:18Me gustaría alguien así, que se empoderara,
00:02:20se fuera a seguir más, que no necesite nada.
00:02:23Eso es lo que uno busca hoy en día.
00:02:25Entonces te voy a gustar siempre.
00:02:26Ajá, ¿y tú a mí?
00:02:29Eso es lo que nunca lo voy a permitir.
00:02:33Lo que más me molesta, y que me hizo sentirme contigo,
00:02:36es que la manera que eres tú, tan firme, tan empoderada,
00:02:39que no te soporta ni nada nadie,
00:02:41vengas a aceptar a esta persona en tu vida,
00:02:43que después de lo que te dijo...
00:02:45Sí, y a mí no se me olvida eso.
00:02:46Yo lo tengo súper presente, porque a mí me dijo,
00:02:48guau, súper, súper doble cosa.
00:02:50Lo peor de lo peor, que no te afecta a ti.
00:02:52Claro, pero después encontré, puta, a lo mejor,
00:02:54sí, sincero sus disculpas, a lo mejor sí se equivocó, ¿sabes?
00:02:58O sea, no la voy a permitir.
00:03:00Alguien se equivoque a ese nivel.
00:03:03No me interesa ser amiga de una persona así.
00:03:05No lo fui, y no lo voy a ser ahora.
00:03:11La dupla de Figueroa y Cuevas, ¿quién va a la competencia?
00:03:14¿Lo conversaron, supongo? ¿Estuvieron hablando? ¿Lo vieron?
00:03:17No, no hemos conversado nada, mi comandante.
00:03:19Ya, ¿y quién va a ir?
00:03:20Yo creo que con el desempeño que hizo ayer Fer,
00:03:22debería ir ella.
00:03:24Está con el dedo roto.
00:03:26Ella dice que ella es la número uno aquí,
00:03:28entonces tiene que demostrar que es la número uno.
00:03:30Yo no tengo que demostrarle nada a nadie a mi comandante.
00:03:33Si ella viene aquí diciéndole a todo el mundo
00:03:35que ella es la número uno,
00:03:36que viene aquí a ganarle a todo el mundo,
00:03:38bueno, que vaya y compita si está ella.
00:03:40Yo no tengo nada que demostrarle a nadie a nadie.
00:03:42Ella está completa en este momento.
00:03:44No quiero ir a la competencia de hombres,
00:03:45yo fui a la competencia de mujeres.
00:03:47No estoy ni ahí con ganarme el título de buena compañera.
00:03:50Así como Fallon me traicionó en el mercado pago,
00:03:52yo también puedo traicionar por acá.
00:03:54Si tú tirás, yo también voy a tirar.
00:03:57Entonces que vaya ella,
00:03:58porque más encima ella tiene una predisposición súper mala conmigo,
00:04:01entonces ¿por qué yo voy a tener que ir a competir por ella?
00:04:03Está difícil.
00:04:28Ya están todos arriba,
00:04:29por lo tanto en tres, dos, uno,
00:04:32¡vamos con la prueba individual!
00:04:43Tratando de mantener la posición,
00:04:45Dutch está un poco complicado también.
00:04:47Sué muy concentrado, Vico muy concentrado,
00:04:50Fallon y Raimundo.
00:04:53Julie parece que está con un dolor fuerte.
00:04:56Al igual que Andrés Cañulet, que ya lo suelta.
00:04:59Y como observamos, es Andrés Cañulet quien queda sentenciado.
00:05:27Fallon está medio complicado, al parecer.
00:05:30¿Está decidiendo soltar o será alguna estrategia?
00:05:34¡Suelta Fallon!
00:05:35Larra Videl es el ganador absoluto.
00:05:37Vico, vistiendo el color naranja,
00:05:40que se corona como el triunfador de esta competencia individual.
00:05:45¡Suelta Fallon!
00:05:46Larra Videl es el ganador absoluto.
00:05:48Vico, vistiendo el color naranja,
00:05:51que se corona como el triunfador de esta competencia individual.
00:05:57¿Qué cambiaría de Fanny que me parece falsa?
00:06:00Eso sí me parece muy falsa.
00:06:02¿Por qué?
00:06:03Porque llegó con nuestro grupo,
00:06:05nosotros la hemos consolado cuando estaba mal,
00:06:07y de la nada, de repente, se fue al otro grupo.
00:06:10Como vio que con Fallon no le funcionó,
00:06:12que ha sacado temas muy feos de Fallon,
00:06:14que nosotras mismas le hemos dicho a ella
00:06:16que no tocara esos temas porque eran temas delicados,
00:06:18siendo que nos caía mal Fallon en ese momento,
00:06:20y ella se metió con ese tema.
00:06:22Después quiso hacer lo mismo con Fer,
00:06:24la amenazó con tocar un tema muy heavy de Fer,
00:06:26y nada, siento que todo lo que hiciste acá fue muy falso.
00:06:29Yo opino que la Yuli es fome, ponte tú.
00:06:32¿Y qué te pasa a ti con que te digan que eres fome?
00:06:34Me chupa tres...
00:06:35Y la verdad, porque sé que no lo soy.
00:06:38Me ha demostrado que es una persona falsa, hipócrita.
00:06:42Ayer también por la tarde hablé con Yuli
00:06:44y me contó lo que tú habías dicho de nosotras,
00:06:48de Fallon, de Andrés, de Reina y de Natu.
00:06:52Según me cuentan, tú le comentaste a Yuli que somos.
00:06:57Y raras.
00:06:59Yo no he hablado de ellos,
00:07:00yo nunca he dicho un comentario de ellos,
00:07:02entonces siguen dándome, dándome, dándome.
00:07:04Las iré eliminando una a una.
00:07:06Si quieren guerra, guerra le vamos a dar.
00:07:11Está hablando Ray, está hablando Ray, espera.
00:07:13Puta, ¿quién está viendo mi vida cabrón?
00:07:17Yo soy joven, lo estoy pasando bien.
00:07:20¿Va a estar en Instagram en algún momento?
00:07:22No, no miente, pero...
00:07:24¿En grupo?
00:07:25En grupo, sí.
00:07:27Medio embustero.
00:07:36Ese Juan del Ray, amigo, lo encuentro un... total.
00:07:39De verdad, lo encuentro súper poco hombre.
00:07:42Porque yo a él no le he hecho nada,
00:07:44yo solo conté una situación que era real.
00:07:46Que algo intuí cuando entró así y dije,
00:07:48chucha la cagué.
00:07:50Ah, pero menos mal que hiciste una culpa.
00:07:53Cuando entré, cuando entré dijo chucha la cagué.
00:07:56No antes.
00:07:58Qué intuición más desarrollada.
00:08:02¿Por qué dice que es infiel?
00:08:04Porque él mismo se ha sentado conmigo y me ha dicho que lo hacía.
00:08:07En el pasado, hace dos años, loco.
00:08:09¿Qué dos años?
00:08:11Hace nada.
00:08:12¿Hace nada?
00:08:13¿Nada de qué?
00:08:14Si hace dos años que no estoy contigo.
00:08:16Hace dos años que lo dejamos.
00:08:18Hace poco lo volvimos a intentar y ahí ya me porté bien.
00:08:21Pero la infidelidad no se te ha ido hace dos años,
00:08:23eso lo lleva sin nato.
00:08:24Y que nos respetemos.
00:08:25Que no opine.
00:08:26Pero todos podemos opinar.
00:08:29Eso sí.
00:08:30Cuidemos las reacciones porque todos tenemos derecho a opinar.
00:08:34Porque él necesita una mujer sumisa.
00:08:37Y él comprobó que yo no soy así.
00:08:39Él se enamoró de una zoe, la cual él no sabe sostener.
00:08:42Él lo que hacía era apagarme poquito a poco para que la gente no me viese.
00:08:46Y por eso yo salí de ahí.
00:08:48Creo que es una persona que se cree sus propias mentiras.
00:08:52No ha sido nada sincero con ninguna de las chicas que yo he tenido conciencia.
00:08:56Le da igual mentir a toda costa con tal de defender su verdad para él no quedar mal.
00:09:02Le importa mucho su imagen.
00:09:03Me tiene mucha rabia acumulada.
00:09:05Y que el día de mañana no se las haga a otra persona.
00:09:08Y que puedas cambiar estas cosas porque creo que eres una persona maravillosa
00:09:11y que si cambiasas esas cositas serías un tío que te comerías el mundo
00:09:15y que se puede ser feliz con cualquier mujer.
00:09:21Muy buenos días.
00:09:22Estoy muy feliz porque el Señor de la botillería está conmigo.
00:09:27Hoy vengo a ver esas almas perdidas, esos pecadores que están acá adentro.
00:09:32Saludos para todos los pecadores que me están mirando en este minuto en sus casas.
00:09:35Porque no se vengan a ser que no han cometido algún pecador en esta vida.
00:09:39Todos hemos cometido un pecador.
00:09:46Yo tengo un gozo en el alma.
00:09:49Gozo en el alma.
00:09:51Gozo en el alma.
00:09:53¡Gozo en el alma!
00:10:00Muy buenos días a todos los pecadores.
00:10:03¡Ay, tú eres la más pecadora!
00:10:10¡Me empiezo a transformar acá adentro!
00:10:12¡Mira esa cara! ¡Mira esa cara!
00:10:15¡Mira esa cara!
00:10:16¡Esa cabra está en de mí, ¿o no? ¡En de mi objeto!
00:10:19¡En demonía!
00:10:20¡Me encanta la lengua!
00:10:21¡Venimos desde Europa, maldito!
00:10:23¡No! ¡Todas las que vienen de Europa son todas las más pecadoras!
00:10:26Bueno, la culpa la tiene la Daniela porque yo se lo he dicho y a ella no le importa, así que...
00:10:30A mí no me ofende.
00:10:32Y mañana va a ser su mejor amiga.
00:10:34No es de ofender, Daniela. No es eso.
00:10:37A ver, ¿qué? Cuéntame.
00:10:38Estoy dando mensajes erróneos.
00:10:40O tú que no quieres educar.
00:10:41¿Por qué tengo que educar?
00:10:43Yo a ella le he dicho, a mí no me ha ofendido.
00:10:46Pero esto se tiene que decir así.
00:10:49Porque valoro que ella no tiene mala intención.
00:10:51Y si una persona no tiene mala intención, yo no me voy a enfadar con esa persona.
00:10:54O ella no tiene mala intención porque no sabe.
00:10:56Pues ya está.
00:10:57Y como no sabe, yo le digo, se tiene que decir así.
00:10:59Peor me parece decir, haz lo que te dé la gana, que es lo que has hecho tú.
00:11:02Y no quiere decir como se dice.
00:11:04Eso me parece peor, pero cada cual que haga lo que quiera con su vida.
00:11:07Yo le he dicho que yo no la voy a educar.
00:11:09Pues como tú no la educas, la educo yo.
00:11:10Y es lo que hice ayer por la noche.
00:11:12No me ha ofendido, pero se debe decir de esta forma.
00:11:18Ya está.
00:11:20Pero dime por qué.
00:11:21Que no lo he dejado.
00:11:34Welcome to a new adventure.
00:11:36In other words, honor, loyalty or betrayal.
00:11:38Biko proved once again to be the strongest man in the last individual competition.
00:11:42Joshua and Ray were far from victory
00:11:44and feel they must train more than ever to be up to the task.
00:11:47In this context, the recruits must choose their strongest rival
00:11:50and be encouraged to confront them with their virtues and defects.
00:11:53On the other hand, the rules become stricter
00:11:56and those who do not respect them will have to deal with the commander.
00:12:05I saw a gentleman.
00:12:06If we look at him now, he is a gentleman, delicate.
00:12:09That's why he worries about the rain.
00:12:11A good man, you know?
00:12:12But there are others who can be ...
00:12:14I say to myself, actually the good ones are well fitted.
00:12:18But I didn't know them, it's like ...
00:12:20No, who goes down to that?
00:12:25And that was what inspired me as Fabio at the beginning.
00:12:30Very bad passions, good.
00:12:31Let's see, I don't know.
00:12:32What does the service of the ranch do with you?
00:12:34And he finishes eating and leaves?
00:12:35I see him carbonizing everywhere.
00:12:37It's that the good one is like everything.
00:12:39Yes, well, like on the list.
00:12:41But it's like he's going to be with you, but he's also going to eat someone else.
00:12:44He has no personality.
00:12:46He's just going to be fooling around.
00:12:48Just to laugh at the other one.
00:12:51Poor my compatriot Josué.
00:12:54No, Josué is bad.
00:12:55He must be having a very bad time.
00:12:56Since you got to number four, no matter how much they paint your face like Rambo,
00:12:59you're not going to be number one.
00:13:03They paint your face as if it were war.
00:13:05And in the end they all lose, brother.
00:13:08Oh my God, how funny.
00:13:11This is going to kill the passions because as a child he is fooling around.
00:13:14And I feel like he's trapped with me because I don't let him in and he's already like that.
00:13:20Why don't you let yourself be known?
00:13:22It has to be mutual, let's talk.
00:13:25But here the state of mind, maybe.
00:13:28Yes, everything melts there.
00:13:31And I'm someone who likes to laugh.
00:13:35Keep doing body paint on the body, next time.
00:13:39He paints his face there.
00:13:41He thinks he's going to intimidate someone with a painted face.
00:13:44It's like he's going to eat me.
00:13:46Not me.
00:13:48But not me.
00:13:49No, he's a good brute who doesn't know how to be gentle.
00:13:53I mean, my life could be like this for a while.
00:13:56Well, I hear two words in what he says in his ear.
00:14:02Last night we were joking and he was jumping all the time, attacking me all the time.
00:14:07Until it got to a point that I didn't get into the game.
00:14:10I didn't get into the game at any time, you can tell Javi.
00:14:12I'm going to tell Javi.
00:14:13Until it got to a point that I had to leave.
00:14:15I had to leave because I was going to explode.
00:14:17And it's the first time I've ever given a kiss to a boy, even if it's a joke.
00:14:19And it's really f*****g funny.
00:14:21And it's f*****g funny how much he makes fun of himself and laughs.
00:14:23Because I know his look and I know everything about him and he wanted to die.
00:14:26Because he can play, but he can't let the rest play.
00:14:33He's flying.
00:14:34For him, he lost.
00:14:35He doesn't understand anything.
00:14:36He doesn't understand anything. What happened?
00:14:37As if he had lost the Champions League.
00:14:40We haven't slept in two weeks.
00:14:42He has a very fragile masculinity.
00:14:43Very fragile.
00:14:44He's number five.
00:14:49It's a possibility.
00:14:50I felt a little bit of shame when we were telling him about the messages.
00:14:54I still have affection for him.
00:14:56But we know what happens.
00:14:58I think the first time I talked to him was when we went out to win or serve.
00:15:02And he wrote to me and said, send me your number.
00:15:05And I said, yes.
00:15:06And then he told me all the stories that I uploaded.
00:15:09He invited me to go out on the weekend and all that.
00:15:14And then when I wrote to him, it was to tell him,
00:15:17Hey, come in.
00:15:18The word or not?
00:15:20And nothing else.
00:15:21And he says that I talked to him on WhatsApp.
00:15:24He also says that I talked to him and I didn't talk to him.
00:15:26Well, I hear what he says to you the same way he says to me.
00:15:28I think he sends you a message and sends it to 10.
00:15:33And on Friday, it's done.
00:15:34As is?
00:15:36No possibility.
00:15:39Hello, good afternoon.
00:15:40Good evening.
00:15:41How are you?
00:15:43Dani, how beautiful.
00:15:44Like you.
00:15:46Vico, champion.
00:15:47Once again, congratulations to Vico.
00:15:49And to Zoe, who did a spectacular job today, who also won.
00:15:51Come on, let's get together downstairs.
00:15:52I'm here to give you a prize, Vico.
00:15:53It could have been for me.
00:15:55One more?
00:15:56One more.
00:15:57One more.
00:15:58One more.
00:15:59One more.
00:16:00One more.
00:16:01One more.
00:16:02One more.
00:16:03One more.
00:16:04One more.
00:16:05One more.
00:16:06One more.
00:16:07One more.
00:16:08One more.
00:16:09One more.
00:16:10The first of men, man.
00:16:11Hey, you're in a good mood.
00:16:12Hello, Lore.
00:16:13How did the competition go?
00:16:16We lost.
00:16:17Something went up.
00:16:18Did one more morito go up?
00:16:19Mati, today we women take the face out for men.
00:16:20You also competed?
00:16:21Yes, I was third.
00:16:23I beat him.
00:16:24I beat him.
00:16:25I beat him.
00:16:26I beat him.
00:16:27I beat him.
00:16:28I beat him.
00:16:29I beat him.
00:16:30I beat him.
00:16:31I beat him.
00:16:32I beat him.
00:16:33And you too?
00:16:34Yes, they beat me.
00:16:35What didn't you like about the competition, for example?
00:16:36I didn't like that it was a static exercise, I've never trained that.
00:16:39He's standing like that.
00:16:40Let's see who can take it.
00:16:41Yeah, but it's effort.
00:16:42You devalue them because you lost.
00:16:43I'm devaluing them.
00:16:44What are you saying?
00:16:45There are losers, but there are winners.
00:16:46Today we're going to give them away.
00:16:47With you, the great winner, Chico Mombadre.
00:16:49And you won.
00:16:50But take advantage of the parade, please.
00:16:51You're a great winner.
00:21:26See you again.
00:21:33See you again.
00:21:39I bet.
00:21:45They're all the same.
00:21:47Oh, it's true, they're all the same.
00:21:49I'm going to attack you.
00:21:50I'm going to attack you.
00:21:56When I was in high school, I was very nervous
00:21:58and I was very hysterical because in the end
00:22:00I didn't think I would ever see him again in my life.
00:22:03And that also played a bad joke on me
00:22:05because in the end I spoke very badly,
00:22:06I was very upset, everything affected me.
00:22:08That was also part of my discussions with Fer and Juli
00:22:11because my skin was very thin
00:22:13and I'm really not like that, you know?
00:22:15Now I'm calm.
00:22:17I've told him everything and people know the truth.
00:22:19They're seeing how he is.
00:22:21But, well, with Fabio's kiss...
00:22:24It was a game, but for him it's not a game
00:22:27because it's the first time I've seen a man kiss me in front of him.
00:22:29It's never a game.
00:22:31Because he knows I would never do it
00:22:32because I know that would kill him.
00:22:34Well, as he drove in the car, it was like...
00:22:36No, no, you know why he did that?
00:22:39To get my attention.
00:22:40No, of course he did it to get my attention.
00:22:42He's all day trying to get my attention with Gala.
00:22:45All day and I see him staring at me.
00:22:48I've already asked Gala
00:22:49like three times to paint his eyebrow red.
00:22:52And while I was painting his eyebrow red, he was staring at me.
00:22:54And like laughing and laughing.
00:22:56Do you think it bothers me?
00:22:56It doesn't bother me at all.
00:22:58But look, it bothers you.
00:23:00You have to get into your head
00:23:01that you have nothing to do with it.
00:23:03You go through, you continue, you eat, you compete.
00:23:06Don't talk to him, don't get close to him, stay away.
00:23:09Do it for your own good and do it for the good of the rest
00:23:10because in the end, when people end up getting bored,
00:23:13they're going to end up getting in a bad mood with you too, you know?
00:23:16So that's why it's better to avoid all those dramas.
00:23:23Good evening, Palabra Honor.
00:23:25A rebelling dynamic today.
00:23:27I'm going to tell you.
00:23:32You're like the queen of Chile.
00:23:34How are you?
00:23:35How are you?
00:23:36Good, how are you?
00:23:37All good?
00:23:38Let's go to the amphitheater.
00:23:45Good evening, Battalion.
00:23:46How are you?
00:23:48How are the recruits?
00:23:50The dynamic that comes next is quite revealing.
00:23:56Because today we are going to test their rivalry.
00:24:00We are going to find out what they really feel
00:24:04and think of each other.
00:24:06The dynamic is called,
00:24:07and if I were, for example, if I were Fabio,
00:24:11how would I behave?
00:24:13If I were a queen, what would I keep
00:24:16and what would change about your personality?
00:24:18We are going to call a recruit who is going to sit in this chair
00:24:22and you, on the board that you have there,
00:24:24will have to write down who is the rival of the recruit
00:24:28who is sitting here.
00:24:29You don't have to argue it,
00:24:31you just have to write the name.
00:24:33The majority of votes for that name,
00:24:35we are going to sit here.
00:24:37And then we are going to ask you the question,
00:24:39and if you were the other person,
00:24:41what would you change
00:24:43and what would you keep of that personality?
00:24:47We are going to start,
00:24:48and if I were, with our recruit,
00:24:51Yuli Caña.
00:24:54Who do you think is the rival of Yuli Caña
00:24:58within the reformatory of Palabra Honor?
00:25:04Zoe, Fabio, Zoe too.
00:25:07Zoe, Fanny, some say Fanny, Fanny.
00:25:13We have Fanny, Fanny, Fanny, please Fanny Cuevas.
00:25:18How are you Fanny?
00:25:19Why do you think your colleagues think you are the rival?
00:25:23I have no idea.
00:25:24Yuli, and if you were Fanny Cuevas,
00:25:27what good things would you keep of her attitude?
00:25:30That sometimes she is in a good mood.
00:25:32So her mood is good and contributes to the good mood of the house.
00:25:37I mean, yes, she came with a lot of energy.
00:25:39But only sometimes, you said.
00:25:41Only sometimes, yes.
00:25:42Sometimes not.
00:25:44And what would you change,
00:25:45if you were Fanny,
00:25:46what would you change about you?
00:25:47What would I change about Fanny that I think is false?
00:25:50That I think is very false.
00:25:52Because she came with our group,
00:25:54we have consoled her when she was bad,
00:25:57and out of nowhere, suddenly, she went to the other group.
00:26:00As she saw that with Falon it did not work for her,
00:26:01that she had brought out very ugly songs from Falon,
00:26:04that we ourselves told her not to play those songs,
00:26:07because they were delicate songs,
00:26:08being that we didn't like Falon at that time.
00:26:10And she got involved with that song.
00:26:11Then she wanted to do the same with Fer,
00:26:13she threatened to play a very heavy song by Fer.
00:26:15And nothing, I feel that everything you did here was very false.
00:26:18And if I didn't tell you anything before,
00:26:19because for me that you went to sit at the other table,
00:26:21it was like a favor they did to me.
00:26:23And if you were Yuli Caña,
00:26:25what things would you keep, what things would you eliminate?
00:26:28My boyfriend.
00:26:29No, I don't want to refer to anything.
00:26:32I don't make sense of what you say, no.
00:26:34Does it bother you that I say that I am false?
00:26:37False, I am from Yuli, I have never said anything about Yuli.
00:26:39No, not from me, but from Falon, yes.
00:26:41And you never told him everything you told him.
00:26:43Because I don't understand why Falon has so many lawyers,
00:26:46if I talked to them directly.
00:26:47It's not just Falon.
00:26:48And what do you think about what she says, that you are false?
00:26:51That everyone has their own opinion.
00:26:53I think that Yuli is hungry, put yourself.
00:26:56And what happens to you when they tell you that you are hungry?
00:26:58It sucks my guts, Mati, really.
00:27:00Because I know I'm not.
00:27:04Do you find anything positive, Yuli?
00:27:07Okay, thank you very much Fanny.
00:27:08Thank you very much, Yuli.
00:27:09You're welcome, Mati.
00:27:11We are going to call Agostini's recruit.
00:27:17Who do you think is Fabio Agostini's rival?
00:27:21Myself, he says.
00:27:23Gala says Falon, Dico.
00:27:29Everyone says it's Josue.
00:27:30So, please, let Josue come in.
00:27:36If you were Juvenal, what would you keep of your personality?
00:27:42Well, I don't know, his way of...
00:27:44Not to compete, because he's a bad loser, but...
00:27:46But what a bad loser.
00:27:47But what a sportsman he is. He's good and healthy.
00:27:48That's what you would leave of his personality?
00:27:50There are many things, we are talking about just one.
00:27:52Yes, of everything, please.
00:27:54Well, he's a faithful boy, I like him a lot.
00:27:59What would you keep of your personality?
00:28:03He was faithful and now he's unfaithful.
00:28:05Why does he say he's unfaithful?
00:28:07Because he's sat with me and told me he was.
00:28:10In the past, two years ago.
00:28:12Two years ago?
00:28:13Two years ago?
00:28:14Not at all.
00:28:15Not at all?
00:28:17Two years ago I wasn't with you.
00:28:19Two years ago we broke up.
00:28:20Not long ago we tried again and he didn't treat me well.
00:28:24But you didn't lose your unfaithfulness two years ago.
00:28:26You've been like that since you were a kid.
00:28:28Two years ago I'm not unfaithful.
00:28:30You learn from your mistakes.
00:28:31So you won't do it with the next girl you have?
00:28:36Why is he laughing at you?
00:28:37Why is he laughing at you?
00:28:38Because he's laughing and everyone is laughing.
00:28:42What else do you think is wrong with Scott's personality?
00:28:46He's a bad loser.
00:28:47He's a bad loser.
00:28:49Because he doesn't like to be told what he doesn't want to hear.
00:28:52He's picky.
00:28:53Yes, I'm picky.
00:28:54But because this piece of shit just won.
00:28:57The first thing he did was...
00:28:59Take that! Take that!
00:29:03And I admit it.
00:29:04That's wrong.
00:29:05But when I lost, I got closer and said...
00:29:07Brother, I congratulate you, you beat me.
00:29:09This time you beat me.
00:29:10I gave him a minute of advantage.
00:29:11In the meantime, I went to cheer you up.
00:29:13Come on, brother, you can do it.
00:29:14When you're done, I'll give you a hug.
00:29:15This lady is right.
00:29:16This guy is a liar.
00:29:17Do you agree with Fabio that he's a bad loser, Juan?
00:29:22Can I give my opinion without being interrupted?
00:29:24Of course.
00:29:25As Fabio says, he doesn't know how to lose, but he doesn't know how to lose in anything in life.
00:29:28He's a person who has a constant competition in his head
00:29:31and everything in life for him is a competition.
00:29:33He should be a little more humble in that sense.
00:29:37For example, I have a stomachache.
00:29:39Oh, my gut hurts.
00:29:40Oh, it hurts more.
00:29:41Shut up.
00:29:42We're talking about style.
00:29:43Hey, no, no.
00:29:44We're all giving our opinion.
00:29:45That's the grace of the dynamic.
00:29:46And let's respect each other.
00:29:47I don't give my opinion.
00:29:48But we can all give our opinion.
00:29:51Coco, let's watch the reactions because we all have the right to give our opinion.
00:29:55If you were Juan, would you go back to Soé?
00:30:00I don't know, I'm not saying that...
00:30:01I think she's a lovely, nice girl and everything,
00:30:03but do you realize that everything is a mess between them?
00:30:06Of course I wouldn't go back.
00:30:07And you, Fabio?
00:30:08If you were Fabio, would you be with Soé?
00:30:10No, fuck.
00:30:11Out of respect for your hair.
00:30:13Why are you laughing?
00:30:15Because I look at him and he's laughing.
00:30:17Do you know why I laugh?
00:30:19So much respect.
00:30:20You talk about respect.
00:30:21Yesterday you ate the whole sandwich at the party.
00:30:23And not once with a friend.
00:30:25And you ate Daniela in front of her.
00:30:27But I'm already single and I can do what I want.
00:30:30I don't!
00:30:31I don't!
00:30:32But with another friend.
00:30:33Another friend.
00:30:34And Daniela is not my friend?
00:30:35Well, you just got here and I already had her in front of me.
00:30:38And I had already kissed her before you got here.
00:30:41Soé, Soé.
00:30:42I met Soé a month ago.
00:30:43Yeah, yeah.
00:30:44But you just said you're single and you can do whatever you want.
00:30:48I'm talking to him, not to her.
00:30:50You're recriminating Fabio, aren't you?
00:30:52I'm recriminating Fabio, not her.
00:30:54Don't mess with me.
00:30:55She's already done it to me before.
00:30:56She went out with friends of mine in the past.
00:30:58But if you've been here with three or four, why can't she be with me?
00:31:01Even with Canile?
00:31:02I'm not talking about her.
00:31:03I'm talking about you.
00:31:08What do you think is the worst thing about Fabio Agostini that you would change?
00:31:14I don't know, man.
00:31:15There has to be something.
00:31:16He's too feminine, too much.
00:31:18Too feminine.
00:31:21What a bastard.
00:31:22He has personality.
00:31:23Yes, yes.
00:31:25He was with 2,000 women before.
00:31:27Of course.
00:31:28He said he was going to be with 2,000 women and I think that's already a disease.
00:31:31I said it as a joke.
00:31:32Very fanfare.
00:31:33As a joke, no.
00:31:34Joke, Fabio.
00:31:35It wasn't a joke.
00:31:36You told him.
00:31:38How am I going to be with 2,000 women?
00:31:39You're crazy.
00:31:40It's true.
00:31:41Crazy, degenerate.
00:31:42He was a degenerate.
00:31:43Thanks a lot, Fabio.
00:31:44Go sit down.
00:31:46Next, it's the turn of the recruit, Daniela.
00:31:50While the question is for all of you.
00:31:53Who do you think is the rival of the recruit, Requena?
00:32:02I see Fanny with an N and Fanny with two Ns.
00:32:06Fanny with an Y and with...
00:32:08And with an I.
00:32:09And with an I.
00:32:10Oh, and there's another different name, which is Cuevas.
00:32:13So, let's call Fanny Cuevas.
00:32:15Who, according to her teammates, is the strongest rival of Dani Requena?
00:32:21I wanted to ask you something.
00:32:23I would like us to do this exercise with sincerity,
00:32:26because I would like to clarify certain issues with you.
00:32:29Until now, we haven't done anything.
00:32:32I should have called you Attacking Fanny, right?
00:32:35Attacking Fanny, this activity.
00:32:37We're going to start with the pleasant part.
00:32:39Dani, if you were Fanny Cuevas,
00:32:41what would you keep from your personality?
00:32:43It's a bit complicated, but come on.
00:32:45I'm going to see if I can rescue something.
00:32:49That she gets up in a good mood.
00:32:51Yes, and she gets up and encourages her teammates?
00:32:53No, she gets up soon, with good feet.
00:32:55And that's the only thing?
00:32:56I'm very angry.
00:32:57I'm telling you the truth, I'm very hurt.
00:32:59And now I want to talk to you.
00:33:00Dani, we're going to get to know your anger
00:33:02and your comments about this,
00:33:04but I wanted to know,
00:33:06and if you were Fanny Cuevas,
00:33:08what would you change about your personality?
00:33:10I would change my arrogance,
00:33:12because since she arrived,
00:33:14she has believed better than the rest.
00:33:16The falseness,
00:33:18because she has shown me
00:33:20that she is a false person, a hypocrite.
00:33:22Like what, for example?
00:33:24I remember the first day you arrived,
00:33:26I was with you, we showed you the house
00:33:28and we started with good feet.
00:33:30I saw certain acts of yours that made me distance myself
00:33:32and we had some confrontation.
00:33:35Later, you apologized to us
00:33:37and until now we had a correct relationship.
00:33:39We got along well.
00:33:41Just this morning,
00:33:43I had a conversation with Falon
00:33:45and I had told him
00:33:47something about Fanny that makes me suspicious.
00:33:49Don't ask me what.
00:33:51Yesterday, in the afternoon,
00:33:53I spoke with Juli
00:33:55and she told me what you had said about us,
00:33:57about Falon,
00:33:59about Andrés, about Reina
00:34:01and about Natu.
00:34:03You told Juli that we are
00:34:10And I have taken advantage of this moment
00:34:12to tell you in front of everyone
00:34:14so that if you have something to clarify,
00:34:16please clarify it.
00:34:18Because I tell you the truth, it has hurt me a lot.
00:34:20I don't think Juli lied to me
00:34:22with something so strong.
00:34:24There I go with the hypocrite.
00:34:26Fanny, is it true
00:34:28what is being said about you?
00:34:30What is being said about me is incredible.
00:34:33I don't want people to see me
00:34:35because of my image.
00:34:37Daniela will come out and see
00:34:39if that is true or not.
00:34:41I personally don't remember
00:34:43saying weird things.
00:34:45Those words didn't come out of my mouth.
00:34:47Sexual words came out of your mouth.
00:34:49I didn't say anything against gays
00:34:51and I didn't say they were.
00:34:53I don't think it should even be a comment
00:34:55of that kind.
00:34:57That's what I'm saying.
00:34:59It's not true.
00:35:01I don't want people to see me
00:35:03because of my image.
00:35:05I don't want people to see me
00:35:07because of my image.
00:35:09I don't want people to see me
00:35:11because of my image.
00:35:13I don't want people to see me
00:35:15because of my image.
00:35:17I don't want people to see me
00:35:19because of my image.
00:35:21I don't want people to see me
00:35:23because of my image.
00:35:25I don't want people to see me
00:35:27because of my image.
00:35:29Fanny, don't you remember or didn't you say it?
00:35:31No, I didn't say it.
00:35:33I didn't say it.
00:35:35But I do see your bad intentions
00:35:37as women.
00:35:39And yours.
00:35:41You're a double discourse.
00:35:43Just like they make you a pro-feminist
00:35:45and everything you came here to say about Fallon.
00:35:47I didn't say anything
00:35:49that Fallon doesn't know.
00:35:53I never said those things.
00:35:56Thank you very much, Dani.
00:35:58Thank you very much, Fanny.
00:36:00You can take a seat.
00:36:04We call to this chair
00:36:06our recruit,
00:36:22Rai says it's me.
00:36:24Reina says it's Rai.
00:36:26Fabio says it's Rai.
00:36:28Lore says it's Rai.
00:36:30Andres says it's Rai.
00:36:32Fer says it's Rai.
00:36:34Zoe says it's Rai.
00:36:36Fallon says it's Rai.
00:36:38Dani says it's Rai.
00:36:40Juli says it's Rai.
00:36:42Jo says it's Rai.
00:36:46Rai even stood up alone.
00:36:48I never referred to you
00:36:50as I never referred to her.
00:36:52Believe it or not,
00:36:54it's going to be hard.
00:36:58these are the boards
00:37:00that everyone has
00:37:02that the biggest rival
00:37:04in the house
00:37:06I didn't expect
00:37:08everyone to say it,
00:37:10but I did expect it.
00:37:14let's put ourselves
00:37:16in their shoes.
00:37:18If you were Rai,
00:37:20he has the same humor,
00:37:22he's a gentleman,
00:37:24he's kind, he's cordial,
00:37:26he's loyal to his people,
00:37:28he's sincere,
00:37:30but, however...
00:37:32But, however,
00:37:34the part that interests us...
00:37:36Sometimes I feel
00:37:38that he's not so direct,
00:37:40that he goes too far,
00:37:42and sometimes when he's caught
00:37:44with some things,
00:37:46he becomes a victim.
00:37:48He's deflating you.
00:37:52He's talking about Rai.
00:37:54He's talking about Rai, wait.
00:37:56In this moment of my life,
00:37:58I'm young,
00:38:00I'm having a good time.
00:38:04Did Rai ever lie to you?
00:38:06No, he doesn't lie, but...
00:38:08In a group?
00:38:10In a group, yes.
00:38:12Kind of in a group.
00:38:14In a group.
00:38:16In a group.
00:38:20Did you ever experience
00:38:22a situation where you surprised him?
00:38:24Yes, of course.
00:38:26My elimination duel
00:38:28of winning or serving.
00:38:30What happened there?
00:38:32That's why she's like that with me.
00:38:34But wait,
00:38:36he's telling us, please.
00:38:38He's saying that I'm resentful.
00:38:40Are you upset?
00:38:42No, I'm not upset.
00:38:44I was upset and then...
00:38:46But it's what I feel.
00:38:48What did you do to Falon when I left?
00:38:50Let's unmask this thing.
00:38:52Wait, let's go in groups, please.
00:38:56Let's make history and go in groups.
00:38:58First of all,
00:39:00in your elimination duel
00:39:02of winning or serving,
00:39:04when he said goodbye,
00:39:06Rai promised you heaven and earth.
00:39:08What did Rai say?
00:39:10Do you remember what you told him at that moment?
00:39:12It was wonderful the moments that I lived with you.
00:39:17Three days later...
00:39:18Three days later, she ends up flirting with Gala.
00:39:22I don't know, it was...
00:39:23Girl, realize it.
00:39:25It was the phrase of reality.
00:39:29He killed all my passions.
00:39:31Yes, I for something...
00:39:34Yes, yes.
00:39:35Because I sensed something when he came in like that,
00:39:37and I said, fuck, I fucked her.
00:39:39Ah, but thank God...
00:39:42When I came in, he said, fuck, I fucked her.
00:39:46Not before.
00:39:48What a more developed intuition.
00:39:50Yeah, yeah, but...
00:39:51You clarify that you darken.
00:39:52That was directly, and that's why when...
00:39:56Gala, Gala, it's not called Gala, it's called Javi.
00:40:00And Javi was directly bothered by Fallon, who was a size.
00:40:05I explained to him that it was...
00:40:07No, yes, it was different.
00:40:08Yeah, but I...
00:40:15Beautiful ending.
00:40:16For you, was it a beautiful ending, Gala?
00:40:18The truth is that...
00:40:20Well, we were always clear.
00:40:23I don't know what to say.
00:40:24Well, I'm super clear in this.
00:40:27Honestly, honestly, Mati, I don't know what to say.
00:40:31He's very smart, if you realize.
00:40:33Because you can say whatever you want to him,
00:40:35but we all fall.
00:40:39A round of applause for you.
00:40:41Thank you very much, Javi.
00:40:42Anything else to say?
00:40:43Get out, bastard.
00:40:49And to finish this activity, we're going to call Zoe.
00:41:01Josue says Andres, Dani also says Josue, Fabio says Josue.
00:41:05Josue says me, but an O with a skull.
00:41:09Joe, please, step forward.
00:41:11You have been chosen as the strongest rival.
00:41:14The rival of Miss Zoe.
00:41:16Let's remember that this is a game, right?
00:41:19It's a game.
00:41:20It's a game.
00:41:22It's a game.
00:41:24Having said this slogan, I wanted to ask you a question in the supposed.
00:41:27Let's play.
00:41:28You become Josue.
00:41:30What would you keep of your personality?
00:41:33He's a very introverted person,
00:41:36but I think if he brought out his feelings more,
00:41:41he would do much better in everything.
00:41:44He plays like a child, he throws himself on the floor like a child,
00:41:46trains like a child, competes like a child, gets angry like a child.
00:41:48But in the end, that child thing is what makes him so beautiful,
00:41:52because in the end he is a very tender person.
00:41:54And I think that sensitivity should not be lost.
00:41:58And well, I don't know, that's what I would keep of him.
00:42:01Hey, but so many good things.
00:42:03I didn't know I had so many good things.
00:42:05Look, how nice they think of you that way.
00:42:08Does it excite you?
00:42:09Well, to get excited like that, no.
00:42:11Because in the end I know who I am,
00:42:13but I do value that other people also take that into account.
00:42:18But wait, if the good has been long, the bad will be even longer.
00:42:22It's good that you reminded me because I was missing a part.
00:42:24If you were Jo Bernal,
00:42:27what would you change about your personality?
00:42:29The bad things.
00:42:30I think he's a person who believes his own lies.
00:42:34He has not been honest with any of the girls I have been aware of.
00:42:38He doesn't care about lying at all costs,
00:42:41just to defend his truth, so he doesn't look bad.
00:42:44He cares a lot about his image, just to...
00:42:46She's texting me.
00:42:47You're going to have the opportunity, Josué, please...
00:42:50He also doesn't control his way of speaking when he turns on.
00:42:57And regarding me, he has a lot of accumulated anger,
00:43:00but I think he can learn from me that those things are not good,
00:43:04and that tomorrow you won't give them to another person,
00:43:07and that you can change those things,
00:43:09because I think you're a wonderful person,
00:43:10and if you changed those little things,
00:43:12you would be a guy who would eat the world,
00:43:14and who can be happy with any woman.
00:43:16What do you think of everything Josué said?
00:43:18It doesn't justify that I had a toxic relationship,
00:43:21and that's why I was unfaithful.
00:43:23In the end, what I did was wrong, fatal.
00:43:25I'm not going to defend it.
00:43:26But, well, she has the right to think whatever she wants,
00:43:31so it's true that I don't agree in certain aspects,
00:43:34in certain things.
00:43:35I'm not proud of that.
00:43:37Karma has also returned it to me well.
00:43:39Jo, if you were Josué, what would you keep from her?
00:43:44Her energy, her joy,
00:43:47that she was also like a girl.
00:43:49I felt like I could get my inner child out of her.
00:43:53She was very extroverted.
00:43:55We connected in many aspects.
00:43:57I could throw a net at her, just like she did,
00:44:00but today I wouldn't change anything.
00:44:02I don't think you should change people.
00:44:05And in the end, I think I was wasting my time
00:44:08trying something that I knew was never going to happen.
00:44:10I'm freaking out.
00:44:11She mentioned at some point that you had,
00:44:14perhaps, like a rage within you.
00:44:16Yes, in the end, as she said, I hurt her,
00:44:19but like her, she has also done many things wrong to me.
00:44:23Obviously, I have that rage, that anger, that hatred within me.
00:44:27Hatred is a very ugly word.
00:44:29But it's the reality.
00:44:31My relationship with you has always been love-hate.
00:44:33Hatred is a very ugly word.
00:44:35Is hatred okay?
00:44:36Yes, just like you have hatred and resentment towards me.
00:44:39No, I don't hate you.
00:44:40You're very wrong.
00:44:42You're very wrong.
00:44:43I don't hate you and I'll never hate you.
00:44:45Because I'm a person you love, you can never hate me.
00:44:47You have things I don't like, but I'll never hate you.
00:44:50That's the only thing I've said.
00:44:52In the end, I prefer to stay with what's good.
00:44:54You're a person I've loved and I don't want to throw you out.
00:44:57I have a different kind of personality and I don't have that evil within me.
00:45:02Jo, thank you very much.
00:45:04Thank you very much for being honest today.
00:45:05Thank you very much too, Zoe.
00:45:07Please, go sit down.
00:45:08And thank you very much to each of you who came here.
00:45:12I hope you loved this dynamic.
00:45:15Have a good night.
00:45:18I've never said or referred to anyone.
00:45:22I haven't even made any kind of judgment or comment
00:45:26about any of the people you're talking about.
00:45:28It's all legal.
00:45:29I mean, yes, I talked about Fallon.
00:45:31Who do we know about him?
00:45:33But, friend, talk more about what happened in front of everyone.
00:45:36I can't either, friend, be saying no, no, no.
00:45:40You have to believe what you want.
00:45:42Obviously, I feel bad.
00:45:43Yes, I feel bad that I cry, but I don't think I'm going to cry.
00:45:46But I don't think Julie has made up her mind.
00:45:48Yeah, I don't think so either.
00:45:50That Juan del Rey, I find him a total asshole.
00:45:53Really, I find him a super little man, you know?
00:45:56Because I haven't done anything to him.
00:45:58I only told him a real war situation.
00:46:00I ignored him from that day, I ignored him until now.
00:46:03And why does he keep hitting me, hitting me, hitting me, hitting me?
00:46:05Why so much insistence from them to put me against him?
00:46:10They're all against you, of course.
00:46:12And everyone talks to him.
00:46:17What do you think of what they said?
00:46:19No, because everyone thinks what they want.
00:46:21I'm still on my line.
00:46:22It doesn't matter, it's super strong.
00:46:24Very strong, friend.
00:46:25It would hurt me a lot, because right now I would still grab you.
00:46:28Obviously, I know it would hurt you.
00:46:30I trust your word.
00:46:31If you tell me it's not like that, I'll give you the vote of confidence.
00:46:34But only because of the good vibes I have for you.
00:46:36If not, I wouldn't believe you.
00:46:38I don't care.
00:46:39I don't believe you.
00:46:40It's your word against what they say, you know?
00:46:42It's your word against what they say, you know?
00:46:44And I'm going to trust you.
00:46:46I mean, more than trusting, guiding you is what I've done with you.
00:46:50I thank you.
00:46:52I didn't know what to say, because how am I going to defend myself from something I haven't said?
00:46:56We found out about this yesterday, because Ayu told him.
00:46:58And maybe that's why you felt a distance from the whole group.
00:47:01Like, colder and everything, because we wanted...
00:47:04To understand too, obviously.
00:47:06To know when to tell you.
00:47:07And we all wanted to know if it was true or not.
00:47:09What can I say?
00:47:10It's that...
00:47:11It's up to each person how they are.
00:47:13I'm not a bad person.
00:47:15I've never talked about them with you.
00:47:17I've never said bad things about them with you.
00:47:19For me, that's what makes the most sense.
00:47:21I've never come here to say shit.
00:47:23I think that's why they're all against you.
00:47:25They're pissed.
00:47:26I wish I had a better memory to remember every single thing they said about you.
00:47:30So I can also say the day, the time, and the...
00:47:33When they said things, you know?
00:47:34That's how it works.
00:47:36They keep it there.
00:47:43I've never said anything about Dani.
00:47:45And if I did...
00:47:55He's resentful.
00:47:56Of course he is.
00:47:57He reproached him yesterday at the party.
00:47:58And Fabio reproached him today.
00:47:59And between jokes and jokes...
00:48:00The truth comes out.
00:48:03I just asked her,
00:48:04Hey, how are you?
00:48:05Would you go back with her?
00:48:06I'm not arguing that much.
00:48:07And she said no.
00:48:08That she wouldn't go back with you.
00:48:10He's going to tell you that he wouldn't go back.
00:48:12You're going to lie.
00:48:13I'm telling you, if I tell him to go back,
00:48:14and I behave the way I have to behave,
00:48:16the way he likes me to behave,
00:48:18because he needs a submissive woman.
00:48:20And he proved that I'm not like that.
00:48:23He fell in love with a ZOE,
00:48:24which he doesn't know how to sustain.
00:48:25What he did was turn me off,
00:48:27little by little,
00:48:28so people wouldn't see me.
00:48:30And that's why I left.
00:48:32That's why I'm telling you.
00:48:33He's doing things...
00:48:34I didn't want to tell him in advance,
00:48:35because I didn't want to hurt Gala.
00:48:37But I was going to say,
00:48:39you use people to hurt them.
00:48:42I knew that was going to be a detonating bomb.
00:48:44Do you feel that he's...
00:48:45For example, because mine is more playful,
00:48:46but do you feel that he's...
00:48:47Yours is more playful, more fun,
00:48:48and more such,
00:48:49but he's using her.
00:48:50It's true that until you came,
00:48:52they were more distant,
00:48:53and suddenly they have come together more.
00:48:55I don't know if organically,
00:48:56or because, as you say,
00:48:58maybe he's trying to make you jealous of her.
00:49:00He's trying to see what,
00:49:01to see where I explode.
00:49:03He's like, hey, I don't give a shit.
00:49:05Maybe, of course,
00:49:06the thing that's going to hurt him the most
00:49:07is that he doesn't care about you.
00:49:08It's that what's happening to him,
00:49:09he's seeing that I'm ignoring him.
00:49:11And that's what's hurting him.
00:49:12And that's what's hurting him the most.
00:49:13He's never kissed me with a boy.
00:49:16In his life.
00:49:17So that's why I think he's realizing
00:49:18and it hurts him.
00:49:19And that's it.
00:49:26She's probably talking shit about me.
00:49:28Is she going to cry?
00:49:31But I know that
00:49:32she's probably talking shit about me.
00:49:33Let her.
00:49:35Let her.
00:49:36She's going to enjoy the king now.
00:49:38Long live.
00:49:39Let her enjoy.
00:49:41No one has surpassed me.
00:49:43He's my friend.
00:49:44He's my friend.
00:49:46He comes from a very conservative family.
00:49:49And a lot of things about me
00:49:51he didn't like.
00:49:52Even when he was with me.
00:49:54Like, for example,
00:49:55that I kissed women.
00:49:57I, for example,
00:49:58I go out to dance.
00:49:59I also have my hair,
00:50:00I dance,
00:50:01I don't know,
00:50:02because I like it.
00:50:03Come on.
00:50:04What are you doing?
00:50:05You can be looked at a lot.
00:50:06My dad, on the contrary,
00:50:07taught me to defend myself.
00:50:09If they tell you something,
00:50:10you defend yourself.
00:50:11And when I went out with him,
00:50:12he didn't tell me,
00:50:13don't get like that.
00:50:15But maybe when I went out,
00:50:16he didn't tell me.
00:50:17No, it's just that you like it a lot,
00:50:18just like Fadi,
00:50:19do you remember when he made me see you?
00:50:21A comment like that.
00:50:23On the one hand,
00:50:24I understand that
00:50:25you have to be proud
00:50:26of the girl next to you.
00:50:27But, of course,
00:50:28suddenly you can feel like,
00:50:29I don't want to be looked at so much.
00:50:31But that's your thing.
00:50:33That's your thing.
00:50:34There's a way to handle it.
00:50:35Instead of me trying to feel less,
00:50:38so that I don't do it,
00:50:40the girl goes, the girl goes,
00:50:41the girl goes, the girl goes,
00:50:42the girl goes.
00:50:43It's not that he wanted to change me.
00:50:45He wanted to turn me off
00:50:47so that the light
00:50:48was only at home
00:50:49and no one else saw it
00:50:50because he was afraid
00:50:51that another person
00:50:52would fall in love with me.
00:50:53That's going to be
00:50:54a toxic relationship.
00:50:55For a relationship to be toxic,
00:50:56there have to be
00:50:57two sides, always.
00:50:59Why do you also accept
00:51:00to be toxic
00:51:01if you're not?
00:51:03Because I've been toxic
00:51:04like that in the relationship.
00:51:05I don't see it that way.
00:51:09He's mad.
00:51:10That's what he said to me.
00:51:12He's mad.
00:51:13Yes, I'm pretty mad, but...
00:51:15Because of all the shit
00:51:16he told me.
00:51:17But he forgot something anyway.
00:51:19And I haven't told him anything,
00:51:20at least.
00:51:22I could have told him everything.
00:51:24And what pisses me off
00:51:25is that after all I've done,
00:51:26he keeps saying
00:51:27that he's surpassed me,
00:51:28that he's surpassed me,
00:51:29that he's surpassed me.
00:51:30And he doesn't stop talking about me.
00:51:31He talks shit about me.
00:51:32I don't know what,
00:51:33I don't know how much.
00:51:34I'm the way I am.
00:51:36If he likes me the way I am
00:51:37and he buys me well,
00:51:38if he doesn't,
00:51:39I don't care.
00:51:41I don't need to sell
00:51:42everyone's motorbike.
00:51:44It's heavy, man.
00:51:45He's surpassed me so much.
00:51:46Stop talking about me.
00:51:54Here you go.
00:51:55I find it more comfortable
00:51:56up here than down here.
00:51:57Let's see.
00:51:59Look how energetic they are.
00:52:09You've only had one serious relationship,
00:52:10from what I see, right?
00:52:12Like relationship, relationship.
00:52:14I had a first relationship,
00:52:15but it was when I was...
00:52:17Yes, when you were very young.
00:52:19Like this is the first relationship
00:52:21as if it were serious.
00:52:22The first relationship
00:52:23is always the most stormy.
00:52:25Because you're learning a lot too.
00:52:27But it's normal that...
00:52:29A disaster.
00:52:30That you now have a feeling
00:52:31that it's a disaster.
00:52:32But you'll see,
00:52:33with the passage of time,
00:52:34at some point in your life
00:52:35you'll remember all this
00:52:36and you'll say,
00:52:37well, experiences.
00:52:39In the end,
00:52:40I don't regret anything
00:52:41I've lived.
00:52:42I mean, do you realize
00:52:43what I don't want to...
00:52:44Sometimes you have to learn
00:52:45based on beatings.
00:52:46And making mistakes.
00:52:48We're going to ask
00:52:49for this woman
00:52:50not to scream,
00:52:52not to cry,
00:52:53not to argue in vain.
00:52:55Without power.
00:52:56Without power.
00:52:58And to be able to live
00:53:00her story
00:53:01tied to nothing
00:53:03or to no one.
00:53:24We're going to ask for this woman
00:53:26not to scream,
00:53:27not to cry,
00:53:28not to argue in vain.
00:53:30And to be able to live
00:53:31her story
00:53:32tied to nothing
00:53:33or to no one.
00:53:35But to be able to live
00:53:36her story
00:53:37tied to no one.
00:53:39And to be able to live
00:53:40her story
00:53:41tied to no one.
00:53:43What is it that I didn't write down?
00:53:45I don't know.
00:53:46I mean,
00:53:47suddenly she wakes up
00:53:49and says,
00:53:50I didn't do anything.
00:54:15I'm going to repeat it one more day.
00:54:17Since I won't let you sleep one more night,
00:54:19I'm going to wake up the first one every day.
00:54:21I'm going to start with candles until you wake up all of you.
00:54:25Good night.
00:54:45Oh, yeah.
00:54:47I hope nobody fucks me up.
00:54:51Good morning.
00:54:53Good morning.
00:54:57Who are you going to let sleep?
00:55:01Ray, Josue and Javi.
00:55:05You're not going to sleep at night?
00:55:07In the morning, I'm going to sleep.
00:55:09In the evening, I'm going to sleep.
00:55:11In the evening, I'm going to sleep.
00:55:13In the evening, I'm going to sleep.
00:55:15In the morning, I'm going to sleep.
00:55:23There are people
00:55:25who have a hard time sleeping at night.
00:55:27Maybe they don't feel well.
00:55:29Yesterday, they were
00:55:31a bird every five minutes.
00:55:33I don't know what.
00:55:35And I don't know when,
00:55:37when they were already 25 minutes down
00:55:39with a laugh like the other day.
00:55:41I don't know.
00:55:43I have to make them laugh.
00:55:45But if you all laugh, they're going to keep doing it
00:55:47because it looks like nobody is serious.
00:55:49I mean, the respect is zero.
00:56:01Hello, good morning.
00:56:03Good morning, friend.
00:56:07It's getting really hot to cut Marcial.
00:56:09You're bad.
00:56:11You have a bad family.
00:56:13That's what the movie is going to be called.
00:56:21Look, everyone got up early.
00:56:23We did them a favor.
00:56:27Good morning.
00:56:29You're going to go hug her,
00:56:31kiss her, tell her,
00:56:33you're the most beautiful person.
00:56:35Just like you did with Rubén,
00:56:37you're going to take her
00:56:39and we're going to sit in front of her
00:56:41and say, friend, she wants to say yes.
00:56:43Friend, do you want to say something?
00:56:45Do you want to say something?
00:56:47I don't care if they come to talk.
00:56:49I'm going to keep the same.
00:56:51I don't watch the videos.
00:56:53I don't make a decision.
00:56:55Although today, if I have to sing,
00:56:57I'll sing for Julie.
00:56:59As far as I predict, as far as I believe.
00:57:01What are you going to tell me?
00:57:03I haven't said it, I don't believe you.
00:57:11Very good morning.
00:57:13I'm very happy, because the botanist
00:57:15is with me.
00:57:17Today I come to see those lost souls,
00:57:19those sinners who are in here.
00:57:21Greetings to all the sinners
00:57:23who are looking at me at this moment
00:57:25in their homes.
00:57:27I don't know if they have given up
00:57:29and they haven't committed any sin in their life.
00:57:31We have all committed a sin.
00:58:04Good morning to all the sinners.
00:58:07Good morning.
00:58:09You are the most sinful.
00:58:14I'm starting to transform in here.
00:58:17Look at that face.
00:58:19Look at that face.
00:58:21This goat is in demonia.
00:58:23In demonia.
00:58:25We come from Europe.
00:58:27Not all who come from Europe are the most sinful.
00:58:33We come from Europe.
00:58:40How atrocious to receive me in this way.
00:58:44Please, enough.
00:58:48Let me go, pig.
00:58:51Let me go, pig.
00:58:53They respect me.
00:58:55Give me the time.
00:58:56From now on, enough.
00:58:57Very good.
00:58:5815 minutes left for him to get up.
00:59:00Please, get dressed.
00:59:02Look at this pig.
00:59:04Get dressed.
00:59:05Get dressed.
00:59:06Don't make me bored.
00:59:07Why are we going to make up something like this?
00:59:10Of a person that we received with all the love when he arrived.
00:59:14You would look bad.
00:59:15And I know you won't do it.
00:59:16You are smart.
00:59:18And that's why I believe in you.
00:59:20You are a hypocrite and a coward.
00:59:22At least admit your mistakes and I'll give you an apology.
00:59:25We had a nice time.
00:59:28You look gorgeous.
00:59:29You look very pretty, my daughter.
00:59:32You have a very beautiful body.
00:59:33You have been served with something.
00:59:363 minutes and 26 seconds.
00:59:39Come on, son.
00:59:40Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:59:41Let's go.
00:59:42Word of honor.
00:59:45You are in the right place.
00:59:46Where does fear come from?
00:59:50You already said what you said and did what you did.
00:59:52No vaya a ser mañana que tú me traiciones, nadie está libre de las tentaciones.
00:59:58Aunque están brindidas todas las misiones, Diosito me llena de bendiciones.
01:00:23Agostini, ¿qué estás haciendo acá?
01:00:25Ay, mi comandante.
01:00:27¿Qué estás haciendo acá, dígame?
01:00:29No la vi venir.
01:00:30Obvio que no me vio venir, pues mire cómo está tapado.
01:00:32¿Qué hace segundo día consecutivo acá acostado en este lugar?
01:00:36Es mi... mi rinconcito de descanso.
01:00:39Pero usted tiene que estar allá en la diana, entonces me voy a tener que llevar las hamacas, pues.
01:00:43No, ¿por qué?
01:00:44Porque usted no está cumpliendo, pues. Llévese su ropa de cama. Vamos, rápido.
01:00:50¿Qué habrá pasado que no viene la comandante Rattia?
01:00:52Yo la avisé a salir para afuera.
01:00:54Te lo juro, la avisé a salir para allá.
01:00:56Ay, el Fabio está durmiendo ahí atrás.
01:01:00Me hace perder mi valioso tiempo viniendo a buscar este lugar.
01:01:04Acaba de llegar, ¿no?
01:01:05Tuve un montón de rato ahí esperando que usted se despertara, pues.
01:01:08Ah, ¿cómo que me está tratando de mentirosa?
01:01:11Cuando empiece la diana, tiene que estar arriba, no acá.
01:01:15Parece ser que les gusta mucho la fiesta nocturna y en vez de dormir aquí,
01:01:19viene a molestar a reírse y luego se va a dormir allá.
01:01:21¿Se cambió en la mañana o se fue anoche?
01:01:23No, se fue. Vino a hacer ruido y se fue.
01:01:25Se molestan a todos los que están aquí durmiendo.
01:01:27¿Y se largó?
01:01:28Se fue.
01:01:29¿En la noche?
01:01:30En la noche, toda la noche afuera.
01:01:36¡Jafarón, ponte acá, ponte el gorro!
01:01:39Oye, ahí viene.
01:01:40Hostia, ya están todos vestidos.
01:01:44¡Buenos días!
01:01:45¡Buenos días!
01:01:50¡Buenos días, Sargento Fox!
01:01:51Muy buenos días, Comandante Arratia.
01:01:54Homenaje a quién es el día de hoy.
01:01:56A Cristóbal Colón.
01:01:57Ah, yo pensé que...
01:01:59Yo pensé que era Dora la Exploradora.
01:02:02¿Sabe qué? Vaya al tiro, vaya a cambiarse.
01:02:05¿Cómo, cómo?
01:02:06Oiga, vaya al tiro.
01:02:08Ya, váyase al tiro y se cambia de ropa y viene de inmediato.
01:02:11Tiene un minuto para esto.
01:02:15Baje caña.
01:02:17Baje. El último que baja paga penitencia.
01:02:26Agostini Larraíder al frente.
01:02:31Quiero que me informe cómo estuvo el servicio ayer,
01:02:34si Agostini hizo o no su labor de hacer aseo.
01:02:38En la mañana, mi comandante estuvo repartiendo.
01:02:41Él se repartió, obviamente, primero.
01:02:43No hizo nada, no lavó, no limpió las mesas,
01:02:46no barrió, no trapeó.
01:02:47No lo vi haciendo nada, en verdad.
01:02:49No almorcé.
01:02:50Pero no porque usted no almuerce no va a hacer aseo, pues.
01:02:52Eso no es problema del resto.
01:02:53Además, repartía.
01:02:55Así, como con...
01:02:56Con rabia.
01:02:57Con rabia.
01:02:58Y yo le decía, pero con cuidado, con amor.
01:02:59Lo vi eso.
01:03:00A las damas de la cárcel le serví con cariño.
01:03:02A estas cuatro bestias sí que me da que les serví
01:03:04como si estuviéramos en la cárcel, es verdad.
01:03:07Como yo no lo puedo penalizar físicamente,
01:03:10porque como está lesionado y con orden médica...
01:03:13Emocionalmente me va a castigar.
01:03:15Le voy a dar...
01:03:16Acá es loca.
01:03:18Donde más le duele.
01:03:19Esta vez será el estómago.
01:03:20No va a desayunar...
01:03:22No me jodas.
01:03:23En una hora.
01:03:26Ya, venga para acá.
01:03:27Venga, tiro.
01:03:28Venga, venga, venga.
01:03:33Acá se va a parar como centinela.
01:03:35No me digas.
01:03:36Recuerde que tiene...
01:03:37Se puede mover un paso para allá, un paso para acá.
01:03:40Solo puede mirar para adelante.
01:03:42La terapia de la risa.
01:03:44Hagamos la terapia de la risa.
01:03:56Pero todo esto por servirle brusco a aquellos tres animales?
01:03:59No, y por encontrarlo allá.
01:04:00Y no cumplir que usted debía hacer hace dos veces.
01:04:06No puede hablar con nadie.
01:04:12¿De qué me perdí?
01:04:13No estábamos haciendo una terapia de risa.
01:04:15¿Y si no cumple, comandante?
01:04:17¿Qué pasa?
01:04:18Eh, Fabio.
01:04:19Es una duda porque hay algunas veces que las penitencias no las cumple.
01:04:22No salga nadie.
01:04:23Como usted.
01:04:24Sí, yo siempre...
01:04:25La menos indicada.
01:04:26Yo me hago cargo, comandante, pero me parece injusto...
01:04:28Pero todos los días la tengo acá al frente.
01:04:30Y usted no se ha corregido.
01:04:32No, comandante.
01:04:33Todos los días la tengo acá al frente.
01:04:35Pero usted ha sido reincidente.
01:04:37Así es que Sargento Fox va y la va a dejar.
01:04:40Como no le gusta estar en el calabozo, la deja en el calabozo hasta cuando yo venga a buscarla.
01:04:49La Fanny ningún día hace ni una...
01:04:51Llevo toda la cuestión hasta el final.
01:04:53Sargento Fox, no se puede sentar.
01:04:55No se puede sentar.
01:04:56Parada en medio del calabozo.
01:04:58Estoy de acuerdo, comandante.
01:04:59Usted dijo que hoy día iba a haber la sanción para la otra recluta y no la ha visto.
01:05:02Ley pareja, comandante.
01:05:04¿Ley pareja?
01:05:06Bueno, eso lo decido yo.
01:05:07Según la conducta de cada recluta, yo voy a ver qué sanción es la que puedo dictar a cada recluta.
01:05:14Ordenados pasan a tomar desayuno.
01:05:24No puede hablar, recuérdelo.
01:05:26¿Con quién voy a hablar?
01:05:27Estamos vigilando, oiga.
01:05:29Así mismo lo quiero.
01:05:33Llevo media hora, ¿eh?
01:05:34Bueno, listo.
01:05:37¿Quieren ver enojado a Fabio? Déjenlo sin desayuno.
01:05:40No le guarden desayuno a Fabio.
01:05:42No, no le guarden, no le guarden.
01:05:46No le guarden a Fabio.
01:05:56Agostini, en medio del camino.
01:05:59¿Estoy en medio?
01:06:00Aquí, en medio, más atrás.
01:06:01Y mirando para allá, no para acá.
01:06:03Yo estoy ahí en mi oficina esperando que pase el tiempo.
01:06:06Me voy a quedar sin el desayuno.
01:06:22¿Dónde está la banda?
01:06:25Te pegas al chiliquito que quería hablar contigo.
01:06:27Que nosotros te vamos a llevar allá y te vamos a entrar allá.
01:06:29Me da igual, que si quiere hablar conmigo le voy a decir,
01:06:31no te creo igualmente.
01:06:36¿De dónde salió?
01:06:38Tan fuerte, con esos brazos tan grandes.
01:06:41No me valoran en esta casa.
01:06:43A mí tampoco.
01:06:44Pero no importa, nos valoramos entre nosotros.
01:06:46Me van a putear si te hablo, pero...
01:06:48¡No puedo abrazar a nadie!
01:06:49Si me abrazaron a mí, ¿qué quieres que haga?
01:06:51Cuevas, ¿por qué estaba abrazando a Agostini?
01:06:53Una papachó.
01:06:54Ah, él la abrazó.
01:06:55Sí, no, yo...
01:06:56¿Usted la habló?
01:06:58Yo solo dije ese hombre tan fuerte que está parado.
01:07:01Ya, acompáñelo.
01:07:02Si yo le dije, pues, le dije.
01:07:05Pero no importa, la acompaño.
01:07:09Ahora se te castigaron.
01:07:10Venga para acá.
01:07:11No la abrace.
01:07:13Coloquese acá, Cuevas.
01:07:15Y usted acá.
01:07:16Solo miradas.
01:07:18Si se hablan, se van a quedar sin almuerzo.
01:07:21Para terminar este desafío, va a poder tomar desayuno.
01:07:24Si sigue hablando, no hay almuerzo.
01:07:25Yo vendré a levantarle el castigo, estoy en la oficina.
01:07:36Una mañana silenciosa.
01:07:43¿Le molesta el silencio a usted?
01:07:46Yo lo escuché un poco, pero...
01:07:50Después me doy el mismo.
01:07:51Cagados de la risa, pero recagados de la risa.
01:07:54Y yo con tapones.
01:07:55Yo no sé si lo va a escuchar.
01:08:00Nosotros llegamos sin hacer ruido directamente.
01:08:03Y ahí te mandaron a...
01:08:05Sin hacer ruido.
01:08:06Sí, sin hacer nada.
01:08:08No sé.
01:08:09No estaban dejando de dormir.
01:08:10Yo también estaba cagada.
01:08:11Y yo ese día antes me di cuenta que se nos había escuchado a un montón.
01:08:14Ya, pero estábamos en la cocina, o sea, en el otro lado de la casa.
01:08:17Pero no hay que gritar tanto, no.
01:08:19Pero vamos, que por las mañanas pasa exactamente lo mismo.
01:08:22La mañana es peor.
01:08:23Y le hicieron ruido a propósito en la mañana.
01:08:33¿Estás estresada?
01:08:34Sí, un poco.
01:08:35¿De la actividad de ayer?
01:08:37Sí, ahora también.
01:08:39Como sigue metiendo cizaña.
01:08:41¿Te jodieron ahora?
01:08:42No, sí, pues sí.
01:08:43Porque ayer estuvimos parados así todo el rato.
01:08:45Y me aburrí en un momento.
01:08:47La verdad, que llegaste antes.
01:08:49Y la comandante dijo que me iba a castigar.
01:08:51Todavía no me dice qué es.
01:08:52Pero lo va a hacer, sí me lo dijo.
01:08:55Ay, que eran lejos y pareja, no era duro.
01:08:57Empezó a alegar.
01:08:58Y la mandaron para la cárcel.
01:09:00Y después empezó a alegar el Rai también.
01:09:02Métanse en lo suyo.
01:09:03Cada uno sabe lo que hace.
01:09:04Una niña muy mala.
01:09:05¿Por qué mala?
01:09:06Si yo no le he hecho mal a nadie.
01:09:07Aquí todos nos hemos portado mal.
01:09:09Por eso estamos aquí, ¿no?
01:09:10Aquí no hay ningún santito.
01:09:11Quisiera ser mala.
01:09:16Cuidado, están mirando ahí.
01:09:21Todos los días lo mismo que pesado.
01:09:25Me empiezo a tener que portarme bien.
01:09:28Es inconcebible.
01:09:29Se les dice silencio y no pueden aguantarse.
01:09:35Cámbiate, ponte aquí un ratito.
01:09:41Pero te había hecho un grupito, ¿no?
01:09:43No, mi mejor amigo soy yo misma.
01:09:45¿Con la que mejor te llevas aquí?
01:09:48Una reina.
01:09:49¿Y los dos qué peor?
01:09:51Y el rayo, creo.
01:09:52Y la Lore, que se mete en todo lo que no tiene que meterse.
01:09:54La dura.
01:09:55¿Dormes al lado de ella?
01:09:57No, pero todo mal.
01:09:58Sí se fueron en la mensajola.
01:10:00Lo bueno es que genera una unión.
01:10:01No se hablaban y ahora que llegué yo se hablan todos.
01:10:03Por lo menos tienen alguien para nominar.
01:10:05A mí.
01:10:06Pero igual fue feo todo lo que pasó ayer.
01:10:08Yo no he hablado de ellos.
01:10:09Yo nunca he dicho ningún comentario de ellos.
01:10:11Entonces siguen dándome, dándome, dándome.
01:10:13Las iré eliminando una a una.
01:10:15¿Y quieren guerra?
01:10:16¡Guerra le vamos a dar!
01:10:20Ayer, la Lore, como te decía.
01:10:23Claro, pero no.
01:10:24Vos varios.
01:10:25Te dijiste la hueá de los varios úteros.
01:10:27Y decías, los cojones.
01:10:29No, ese tampoco tengo.
01:10:31Y decías, dale.
01:10:32Fue como, en verdad.
01:10:33No entendió, no entendió.
01:10:35Bueno, la culpa la tiene la Daniela.
01:10:37Porque yo se lo he dicho y ya no le importa si...
01:10:39A mí no me ofende.
01:10:41Que mañana va a ser su mejor amiga.
01:10:43No es ofender, Daniela.
01:10:45No es eso.
01:10:46¿A ver qué? Cuéntame.
01:10:47Estoy dando mensajes erróneos.
01:10:49O tú que no quieres educar.
01:10:51¿Por qué tengo que educar?
01:10:52Yo a ella le he dicho, a mí no me ha ofendido.
01:10:55Pero esto se tiene que decir así.
01:10:58Porque valoro que ella no tiene mala intención.
01:11:00Y si una persona no tiene mala intención,
01:11:02yo no me voy a enfadar con esa persona.
01:11:04Obviamente no tiene mala intención porque no sabe.
01:11:06Pues ya está.
01:11:07Y como no sabe, yo le digo, se tiene que decir así.
01:11:09Peor me parece decir, haz lo que te dé la gana.
01:11:11Que es lo que has hecho tú.
01:11:12Y no quieres decir como se dice.
01:11:13Eso me parece peor.
01:11:14Pero cada cual que haga lo que quiera con su vida.
01:11:18Pues como yo le educo, se la educo yo.
01:11:20Y es lo que hice ayer por la noche.
01:11:21Le dije no.
01:11:22No me ha ofendido.
01:11:23Pero se debe decir de esa forma.
01:11:25Chicos, acostumbrarnos a apagar el horno.
01:11:28Basta, basta, basta.
01:11:29Zoe, basta, porfa.
01:11:30En serio, apagalo.
01:11:31Dejalo ahí.
01:11:32No quiero escucharte más todo el tiempo.
01:11:33Pero que solamente estoy diciendo que se puede incendiar.
01:11:36Que está oliendo a quemado.
01:11:38No se quema si es un horno.
01:11:39Está hecho para eso.
01:11:40Ya se apaga en dos minutos.
01:11:41Huele a pan quemado.
01:11:42No, no hay pan.
01:11:43No hay pan adentro.
01:11:44No hay pan adentro.
01:11:45Basta de opinar.
01:11:47Todo está mal.
01:11:48No he dicho nada.
01:11:49Por favor, hacelo o no lo hagas.
01:11:52Huele a quemado.
01:11:53Solamente he dicho que tengamos cuidado para que se apague el horno.
01:11:56No puede andar relatando todo lo que hace.
01:11:58O sea, voy a levantar la cosa, voy a sacar la cosa y te voy a poner.
01:12:00Hacelo o no lo hagas.
01:12:02Deja de relatar tu vida.
01:12:09Voy a abrir el calabozo y voy a tomar mi desayuno.
01:12:10Ya, ya.
01:12:13Gracias, comandante.
01:12:14Vaya, vaya, vaya.
01:12:16Más allá de que sepa o no sepa, si no sabes, omites.
01:12:21No lo dices.
01:12:22O pregunta, si no tienes mal.
01:12:23Claro, si quieres saber o conocer, preguntarte.
01:12:26Mira, no estoy de acuerdo con lo que decís porque durante toda mi vida he tenido muchísimas experiencias
01:12:31de gente con curiosidad, gente con maldad, sí.
01:12:34Gente con inocencia y desinformación.
01:12:36¿Qué es lo que le pasa a ella?
01:12:37No tiene ningún tipo de tal.
01:12:38Pero sí que es verdad que yo entiendo a la reina porque de la forma que se tiene que decir es esta.
01:12:42A partir de ahora, ya lo sabes.
01:12:44Ella tampoco tiene por qué saberlo.
01:12:46Mi padre tampoco lo sabía hasta que me hice el cambio, mi madre.
01:12:49Tenemos que educar nosotros mismos.
01:12:51Lo siento mucho, pero así la sociedad va cambiando.
01:12:55Sí, a lo mejor tú no lo tomas así, pero es raro que te digan así como...
01:13:01Ay, cómo no se le nota que, no se le nota que.
01:13:04Una wea que...
01:13:07Te callas.
01:13:08Te callas.
01:13:09Este comentario está de mal.
01:13:10Ya está.
01:13:11No saquéis cinco pies al gato.
01:13:12Que vosotros hubierais reaccionado de otra forma.
01:13:15Pero es vuestra reacción.
01:13:16No podéis tampoco pretender que yo reaccione de una forma que no me pertenece.
01:13:19Ay, Dani, qué loca.
01:13:26Se ha olvidado de nosotros.
01:13:27Tenemos hambre.
01:13:28¿Tienen hambre?
01:13:29¿Por qué se está yendo a acostar allá en la mañana?
01:13:32Porque me estoy estresando demasiado.
01:13:33No puedo entrenar, no puedo hacer ejercicio, no puedo hacer las competencias.
01:13:38Todavía se burlan de mí en mi cara.
01:13:40Estoy muy solitario últimamente.
01:13:42La Natu no está.
01:13:43¿Pero la salud es lo primero?
01:13:44La Natu no está.
01:13:45Minimí no está.
01:13:46El pelotudo este está todo el día jodiendome también.
01:13:49Váyase para adentro, Bernardo.
01:13:51Lo único que yo le pido es que usted se puede ir en la mañana,
01:13:54pero la Diana tiene que estar acá adentro.
01:13:57Sí, mi comandante.
01:13:58No haya fuera.
01:13:59Así será.
01:14:00Una forma muy buena de desestresarse es haciendo aseo.
01:14:02Mal concepto.
01:14:03Usted tiene que, si yo no lo ensucio, no lo ordeno.
01:14:06Sí, pero aquí hay áreas comunes.
01:14:09Yo dejo todo limpio.
01:14:10Mi bandeja, mi cama.
01:14:11Sí, pero insisto, hay actividades que son en común como lo aseo.
01:14:14Su dupla es una de las que más colabora en el rancho.
01:14:18Entonces era solo aportar un 0,005%
01:14:22y sabía que esa dupla igual lo iba a terminar.
01:14:25Pero usted desaprovechó esa oportunidad.
01:14:27Y usted, Cuevas, ¿por qué atacaste?
01:14:29Se está quemando la hoguera.
01:14:30Me está quemando la hoguera.
01:14:32Se está quemando la hoguera.
01:14:33¿Por qué?
01:14:34Yo le dije que no le hablara.
01:14:35Y vino, lo abrazó y lo atacó.
01:14:36Bueno, pero creo que también le sirve.
01:14:38Vayan a tomar desayuno.
01:14:41Muchas gracias, comandante.
01:14:42Sí, mi comandante.
01:14:47Ya, entran a tomar desayuno.
01:14:57Hoy día te levantaste atravesadísima.
01:14:59Porque con todos eres muy...
01:15:04Pero cuando nosotros te vamos a decir algo,
01:15:06te ponen en contra nosotros.
01:15:08Yo soy simpática con todo el mundo.
01:15:10Con nosotros y los que más.
01:15:11Con Coco.
01:15:13No, no lo estás haciendo ahora.
01:15:14Porque tampoco estás entendiendo
01:15:16y que al final te estamos defendiendo.
01:15:18Yo sé que no necesitas defensa de nadie.
01:15:22Lo valoro y lo agradezco.
01:15:23Pero, ¿qué queréis que le diga?
01:15:24¿Qué mal me sienta Lorena que hagas eso?
01:15:26Pues no.
01:15:27Entonces, ¿qué queréis que le diga?
01:15:28¿Qué queréis que le diga?
01:15:29Yo creo que estáis super bien.
01:15:32Pues ya lo sabes.
01:15:33Entonces, ¿dónde está el debate?
01:15:35Si crees que estoy bien con lo que le he dicho.
01:15:37Con tu punto de vista y lo que pensáis,
01:15:38yo no puedo hacerte cambiar nada.
01:15:40Nadie puede.
01:15:46Bueno, pues nada.
01:15:48Bueno, pues nada.
01:15:51Buenos días Zoe, ¿cómo estás?
01:15:52Paradas contigo, estamos.
01:15:54Tú no puedes estafar conmigo.
01:15:56Soy el único que te ha protegido.
01:15:57Ayer me encontraba muy mal
01:15:59y lo pasasteis por el forro de los cojones.
01:16:01Eso yo no lo sabía.
01:16:02Estabais abajo chillando y de risa y todo.
01:16:04En plan, comentarios en plan de hablar, de conversaciones.
01:16:06En plan, de ya está bien.
01:16:09Hay algo muy común aquí, ¿eh?
01:16:10No, vale, que sí.
01:16:11No, pues para que lo sepas.
01:16:12Pero que si va a ser así todos los días, ok, ya está.
01:16:14Porque me jodo y ya está.
01:16:15Es horrible, es horrible.
01:16:16Ya está, pero no sé.
01:16:19¿Me ayudas a dar un abrazo?
01:16:21¿Qué? ¿Esperar a alguien un abrazo?
01:16:22Sí, necesito un abrazo más que nunca porque voy a llorar.
01:16:25¿Por qué vas a llorar?
01:16:26Porque sí.
01:16:27Qué mentirosa.
01:16:28No, sí.
01:16:29A ver, mírame.
01:16:30¿Por qué?
01:16:33No lo sé.
01:16:35Oye, te lo ataste mal.
01:16:37Ya está.
01:16:39Pero dime por qué, que no lo has fijado.
01:16:53¿Tenís pena?
01:16:55No, porque estaba debatiendo con la reina y con...
01:16:58Por vuestra culpa.
01:17:00No, es que no lo sé.
01:17:01Que de repente me ha emocionado y le digo, no lo sé.
01:17:03Me he colapsado por un momento y he llorado.
01:17:05Porque se han levantado y me han dejado sola
01:17:07y eso me ha conectado con rechazo.
01:17:10Ay, qué loca.
01:17:13Cómo te vamos a rechazar.
01:17:14Qué loca.
01:17:15Ya está.
01:17:16¿Y ahora qué mierda te pasa?
01:17:18¿Qué te pasa?
01:17:19Que nada, que nada.
01:17:20Es tonterías.
01:17:22Bueno, me quería dar un...
01:17:23Ay, me ha dado un pico.
01:17:25Cuenta, ¿qué te pasa?
01:17:27¿Extrañas a alguien?
01:17:28A ti.
01:17:29¿Por qué?
01:17:30Porque José no quiere acosarse conmigo, por eso lloro.
01:17:32Tú déjamelo a mí, vas a ver cómo te he terminado.
01:17:34Si no te doy yo, para que te calles la boca.
01:17:40Después de tu conversa, perdón, con la Daniela,
01:17:42pero la vi como que estaba medio alojado, ¿no?
01:17:44Se puso a llorar.
01:17:45¿Se puso a llorar?
01:17:46Dani, porra.
01:17:47Porque yo y la Fallon pensamos una opinión y la Dani otra,
01:17:50que estaba súper bien y válida.
01:17:52Y nunca la criticamos a ella.
01:17:54Y justo nosotras dos nos paramos.
01:17:55Yo me fui a hacer un café y la Fallon empezó a limpiar
01:17:57y se puso a llorar porque se sintió como rechazada.
01:18:02Pero la postura de la Dani,
01:18:04si estamos todos claros que no le afecta estas cosas.
01:18:07A veces te afecta y dices que no te afecta,
01:18:09pero no puede ser.
01:18:10Yo ayer lo vi genial,
01:18:11que comentases lo del tema de transmitir un buen mensaje,
01:18:15Y ahora yo me siento mal porque no me sale
01:18:17a lo mejor sentarme tan directamente con Fanny.
01:18:20Porque al final ha sido la primera persona
01:18:22que me acogió aquí en la casa.
01:18:24Pero es que yo no puedo ser falsa.
01:18:26Ya la acogeré ahora después.
01:18:28¿Con lo que dijeron de ella?
01:18:29Que yo no sé si es verdad o no.
01:18:31¿El comentario?
01:18:33No sé si hablaste con ella,
01:18:34pero yo hablé con la Fanny y ella prometió y dijo
01:18:37que no fue cierto el comentario que estaban diciendo.
01:18:40Yo sí creo que puede ser mal interpretado.
01:18:42Alguna cosa que ella dijo,
01:18:43por lo que entendí de lo que dijo Julie,
01:18:45de lo que dijo ella,
01:18:46fue que no es normal que la Fallon no se junte con mujeres,
01:18:49que no sepa tener amigas.
01:18:50Algo así entendí yo.
01:18:51Pero la Natu y la Dani son mujeres.
01:18:53Pero por eso te digo,
01:18:54la interpretación de ella, de la Julie,
01:18:57que tiene una mirada súper subjetiva,
01:18:59lo pudo haber llevado a ese lugar.
01:19:01Porque ella ya lo ve desde la rabia hacia Fallon.
01:19:07¿Quién se va a cansar antes?
01:19:08¿Tú de que ella se bese con algunos
01:19:11o ella de que tú te beses con algunas?
01:19:13Ahí va a estar la clave de lo que va a estallar.
01:19:15Igual le sigo teniendo cariño.
01:19:17Sigo teniendo, a lo mejor, sentimientos por ella.
01:19:19Que quiere liarse alguno delante mía,
01:19:21no es la primera vez que lo hace.
01:19:23Delante tuyo.
01:19:25¿Te estás quedando loca?
01:19:26Sí, la verdad que sí.
01:19:29Gracias, joder.
01:19:33¿Te da celo?
01:19:37¡Qué mentira!
01:19:38¿Cómo me hicieras en mi cara?
01:19:39¿No te da celo?
01:19:41Si lo están haciendo a posta, para tocarme los ojos.
01:19:43¿Pero te da celo?
01:19:44Yo creo que en el pasado,
01:19:46si yo me hubiera molestado, me hubiera puesto celoso.
01:19:50A día de hoy, siéndote sincero,
01:19:52lo que haga ella me la repampinfla a lo más grande.
01:19:55Me molesta más por parte de él,
01:19:57que lo he empezado a considerar un colega y un amigo.
01:20:00Y que intente de jugar con...
01:20:03¿Y si era tu colega y quieres que me vaya?
01:20:05Bueno, pues yo tengo un colega aquí
01:20:06y lo menos que quiero es que se coma a mi ex.
01:20:12¡Vamos a la cuenta de tres!
01:20:17¡Muy bien, Josa!
01:20:19¡Ya saben, ya saben!
01:20:21¡Tres pasos!
01:20:25Salí, que no voy agarrando.
01:20:27¡Bien, bien, bien!
01:20:28¡Arriba, arriba!
01:20:29¡Se han picado!
01:20:31¡Guarda, guarda!
01:20:33¡Ese me dijo, c***o!
01:20:35¡No, no, no!
01:20:36¡Alto, alto, alto!
01:20:37Dale, no hay chocando, amigo.
01:20:39No hay chocando.
01:20:40¡Se está picando, se está picando!
01:20:42Pero no hay chocando.
01:20:43No voy agarrando, no voy agarrando.
01:20:44¡Se está picando!
01:20:45¡Se está picando!
01:20:49¡Uno, dos, tres!
01:20:50¡Vamos, padre!
01:20:58¡Suelta, suelta!
01:20:59¡Suelta el aro, suelta el aro!
01:21:00¡Muy bueno!
01:21:01¡Muy bueno!
01:21:06¡Tres pasos!
01:21:07¡Tres pasos!
01:21:09¡Cuidado, cuidado!
01:21:10¡Cuidado, cuidado!
01:21:11¡Tres pasos!
01:21:14¡Al pase, al pase!
01:21:15¡Vámonos, vámonos!
01:21:16¡Vámonos, vámonos!
01:21:18¡Tres pasos, tres pasos!
01:21:23¡Vámonos, vámonos!
01:21:28No quiero estar más acá.
01:21:32¿Qué le pasó?
01:21:33Nada, amigo.
01:21:34No me siento bien.
01:21:35¿Por qué tenés pena?
01:21:36No quiero estar acá, Juan.
01:21:37Ya, tranquila.
01:21:38Así suele pasar.
01:21:39Tampoco quiero que me vean así.
01:21:42Zoe me contó que Fanny está diciendo
01:21:45que si nos vamos nominadas no va a competir.
01:21:49Se viene buena idea.
01:21:53No está dispuesta a sacrificarse
01:21:56por alguien que no quiere respirar su mismo aire.
01:21:58Pero entonces ella dice
01:21:59es que no quiero luchar por una persona que tal.
01:22:01Uno, estás luchando por ti.
01:22:03Dos, lo que me da la sensación
01:22:05es que no quieres demostrar que no eres buena.
01:22:09Ay, Dios mío.
01:22:10Qué difícil.
01:22:12Pero a mí eso no me importa
01:22:14porque como te dije ayer, amigo,
01:22:15aquí yo no vengo a ganarme el papel
01:22:17de la buena persona, de la mejor compañera.
01:22:19Para nada.
01:22:20Te quiero decir esto mirándote a los ojos.
01:22:25Chávez, una lástima lo que sucedió ayer.
01:22:27Sé que a ti te afectó eso.
01:22:29Sé que...
01:22:30Me dolió porque no me lo esperaba.
01:22:31Yo voy a validar todo lo que tú sientas
01:22:33porque no es mi intención hacerte sentir mal.
01:22:35No recuerdo si bien dije eso o no.
01:22:38Yo creo que no.
01:22:40Porque no son mis palabras.
01:22:41Yo lo dije en un contexto
01:22:43de personas con quien me estaba juntando.
01:22:45Con un grupo de amigos.
01:22:47¿Cómo utilizas algo
01:22:49de lo que nosotros conversamos
01:22:51para exponerlo y para atacarme y para...
01:22:53Que nunca fueron amigos.
01:22:54Matarme, weón.
01:23:06¿Estás enojado?
01:23:07No, tranquila, no más.
01:23:12¡Ay, qué rico ese masaje!
01:23:16¿Estás enojado?
01:23:17¿De dónde vas?
01:23:18¿Estás enojado?
01:23:20¿Estás enojado?
01:23:21¿Estás enojado?
01:23:38¡Venga para acá!
01:23:40Siéntate, ¿qué te pasa?
01:23:51¿Hay que tirar todo ya?
01:23:52Sí, los huevos, los huevos.
01:23:53¡Espera, espera!
01:23:54¡Faltan los huevos!
01:23:58¡Espérate, te faltan los huevos!
01:23:59¡Te faltan los huevos!
01:24:00Dos huevos.
01:24:04¡No puedo!
01:24:13¡Porro amarillo!
01:24:16¡Sácate la bolera, amigo!
01:24:17¡No sirves vestido!
01:24:18¡Sácate todo!
01:24:19¡Eso, po!
01:24:23¡Ay, qué maravilla, amiga!
01:24:24¡Dale con todo!