• 5 days ago
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 78 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 78 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 78 Completo HD
Las Hijas de la Señora García Capitulo 78 Completo HD
00:00:00♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... oh. ♪
00:00:30Tell me!
00:00:38I have to do something so that Valeria and Mar listen to me.
00:00:42Oh, Ofelia, I think you have to tell them the truth.
00:00:47Stop insisting on that.
00:00:50I have to find another way.
00:00:53Forgive me, Ofelia,
00:00:54but I'm going to keep insisting until you do it.
00:00:58Let's see, let's see, what am I going to gain?
00:01:02That your daughters understand for everything you've been through.
00:01:06No, Amparo, no!
00:01:08If they only knew all the abuse you've suffered, Ofelia!
00:01:12Enough, Amparo! Enough!
00:01:18Better help me think of another solution.
00:01:23I don't want to destroy the image of someone
00:01:28they loved so much.
00:01:32Arturo, please, you have to calm down.
00:01:34And you, Valeria?
00:01:36That you reproached me because I doubted you?
00:01:39And that I doubted your sister?
00:01:41That first because she had married my father,
00:01:43then her baby, and then Rocio?
00:01:47You told her I didn't trust you enough.
00:01:52I know, this is different.
00:01:54What's different?
00:01:56I'm the only one to blame here, Arturo.
00:01:59Because I was the one who fell in love with Valeria.
00:02:02When did you fall in love with her?
00:02:07When you saw me suffer for her?
00:02:11Or when I confessed to my brother
00:02:13that she was the love of my life?
00:02:16No, she would never fail you.
00:02:18I've also suffered a lot, by the way.
00:02:20Sure, and you went to console my brother, didn't you?
00:02:23Don't say anything you might regret.
00:02:25Be very careful.
00:02:26I saw them!
00:02:32I saw them kissing!
00:02:36There's a video of you.
00:02:42Arturo, it was my fault.
00:02:45I'm sorry.
00:02:51I wouldn't have expected anyone to betray me.
00:02:55Except for my brother,
00:02:57and the only woman I've ever loved.
00:02:59There's nothing between Nicolas and me.
00:03:02Really, and we feel terrible.
00:03:04Because you're the only thing we care about.
00:03:07Oh, God!
00:03:08It's true, Arturo!
00:03:09I did want to tell you.
00:03:11I wanted you to hear it from my mouth,
00:03:13but I couldn't.
00:03:15I'm sorry.
00:03:16I feel bad. I feel terrible.
00:03:18You don't have to feel bad.
00:03:20Because I don't want to see you again in my life.
00:03:28If you only knew,
00:03:33the sacrifice I'm making for you.
00:03:36What are you talking about?
00:03:37It doesn't matter.
00:03:41It doesn't matter.
00:04:00But you know that telling them
00:04:02is the only way they can understand you.
00:04:05No, no.
00:04:07There has to be another way.
00:04:09God says so, our Lord.
00:04:12The truth is the only thing that will set you free.
00:04:16Yes, I agree.
00:04:18The truth will set us free.
00:04:21But God gave me the blessing of being a mother
00:04:25to avoid all that suffering for my daughters.
00:04:28Even at the cost of losing them.
00:04:32You've suffered a lot
00:04:34and you've been carrying this pain for a long time.
00:04:38I think that when you take it out of your heart,
00:04:41it will change and it will be for the best.
00:04:45Maybe you're right.
00:04:48But I'm going to try something else.
00:04:53I'm going to make
00:04:58another sacrifice for my daughters.
00:05:02One more time.
00:05:07That shouldn't have happened.
00:05:11If only I had been able to talk to him before.
00:05:15Would you have changed your reaction?
00:05:17No, but I would have preferred a thousand times
00:05:20for him to find out about me than the way he did, Valeria.
00:05:24Oh, my God.
00:05:27Valeria, please forgive me.
00:05:30Forgive me, it's not your fault.
00:05:33Of course it's my fault.
00:05:35I told you I was confused.
00:05:38At this point,
00:05:40the most important thing for me is to fix things with Arturo.
00:05:44For me too.
00:05:46I don't even understand, Nicolas.
00:05:48How did he know what happened? How did he know?
00:05:51Neither did I, but he said through a video.
00:05:53It can't be. It can't be.
00:05:56Forgive me.
00:05:58Please forgive me.
00:06:00I have nothing to forgive you for.
00:06:03It was both of us. We both caused this.
00:06:15Oh, my God, no.
00:06:19No, no.
00:06:25Arturo, what happened?
00:06:28It's true, right? They were cheating on you.
00:06:33I'm glad you unmasked them.
00:06:35You don't deserve to be betrayed, son.
00:06:37Did you really think you were doing something good
00:06:39by showing me that video?
00:06:41You were trusting the wrong people.
00:06:43All I did was open your eyes.
00:06:45Well, you shouldn't have shown me that!
00:06:48Why? Do you prefer to live cheated?
00:06:50Well, in this case, yes.
00:06:51I just wanted to protect you.
00:06:53It's the only thing I've wanted all my life.
00:06:57Well, you took away the little happiness I had in life.
00:07:01Because I always believed that I would be able to trust my brother.
00:07:05I didn't realize I wasn't.
00:07:07But he's not your brother. You have me.
00:07:10We could be you and me, alone.
00:07:13I don't want to see you again.
00:07:18I'm sick of this!
00:07:23Arturo, son.
00:07:27Wait, son.
00:08:05Please, I'm begging you.
00:08:10When did I get so confused?
00:08:14When did my heart get so confused?
00:08:33Promise me I'm okay.
00:08:35As okay as I love you.
00:08:40Promise me you won't hurt me again.
00:08:44I promise. I promise.
00:08:46As okay as I love you. I promise.
00:08:50I love you too.
00:08:53I'm an idiot!
00:08:56We're going too fast.
00:09:00But the faster you go, the more you can escape the pain.
00:09:19Nico, what's wrong?
00:09:27Why are you like this? What happened?
00:09:30I hurt him, Michelle.
00:09:33I hurt my brother.
00:09:35Arturo knows everything.
00:09:38I tried to explain, but he was out of it.
00:09:42You don't know how sorry I am, Nico.
00:09:44All of this is so unfair.
00:09:47I did want to tell Arturo everything
00:09:51before he made all this misunderstanding.
00:09:54Arturo knows you. He knows how you are.
00:09:57And even if he doesn't seem to understand, I know he will.
00:10:02It's just that I was furious with both of them.
00:10:05I lost him, and I also lost Valeria.
00:10:10And the worst part is that I know
00:10:12I'm the one who has to fix this.
00:10:16But for the first time in my life, I don't know how to do it.
00:10:42Why, Valeria?
00:10:45Why did you betray me with my brother?
00:10:49How could I have never met you and given up
00:10:52what I feel for you so I wouldn't see you again?
00:11:01I can't do this.
00:11:05I can't do this.
00:11:07I can't do this.
00:11:11I can't do this.
00:11:17I can't do this.
00:11:37I can't do this.
00:11:44When are you coming back?
00:11:46I have things to take care of about the distribution of the clothes.
00:11:49All of this is so sudden, and you're acting so weird.
00:11:51I already told you. I feel like you don't tell me anything anymore.
00:11:54You don't have anything to worry about.
00:11:57You're the one who's very nervous.
00:12:00No, no, it's not that.
00:12:01The thing is that you're treating me horribly.
00:12:03I don't like it.
00:12:10Can we meet early tomorrow?
00:12:13I'm sorry, but I have to go.
00:12:37This is like the house of the Portillas.
00:12:41Let's see, how was it?
00:12:42No, like this, bent over here.
00:12:45No, like this.
00:12:46No, no, bent over.
00:12:49With its tag.
00:12:51What else do we have here?
00:12:55This is for some photos.
00:13:02Let's see.
00:13:04What do we have here?
00:13:06Let's see, what do we have here?
00:13:08Oh my God.
00:13:10This is for my grandson or granddaughter.
00:13:16Something tells me that she's going to be a girl.
00:13:20And she's going to be as beautiful as her mom.
00:13:30You look just like me.
00:13:33How pretty.
00:13:45Oh my God.
00:13:57The sacrifices you make for your children
00:14:01never end.
00:14:09I heard that Mar came to see you.
00:14:14Yes, she was here, but...
00:14:17I know it's wrong.
00:14:19But I swear she was the one who came, and I didn't do anything...
00:14:22Don't worry, son.
00:14:24I know.
00:14:25I've seen everything you've suffered up close.
00:14:29And believe me, I've suffered it with you, by your side.
00:14:35With great impotence.
00:14:39I'd give my life to avoid all that pain.
00:14:44I'd give my life...
00:14:48to avoid all that suffering you've gone through.
00:14:52Because I can't be with her.
00:14:55Because she...
00:14:57took another path, son.
00:14:59I'm so tired of all this.
00:15:02I know.
00:15:04I know, I know.
00:15:05Just like I know you're a great man.
00:15:09A good man.
00:15:12And look...
00:15:15Life will end
00:15:17by putting things in their place.
00:15:32Good morning.
00:15:33Good morning.
00:15:35Good morning.
00:15:36Good morning.
00:15:43What happened to your kids, Mr. Luis?
00:15:46I haven't seen anyone.
00:15:48What happens to my kids and to me is our business.
00:15:52Of course.
00:15:53Yes, I heard Leonardo went on a trip.
00:15:55Yes, he told me yesterday.
00:15:59The truth is that when he left, I saw him strange.
00:16:03I was worried.
00:16:05Mr. Luis,
00:16:07do you know what's wrong with him?
00:16:10If you don't know,
00:16:12I don't.
00:16:14No, yes.
00:16:15I know.
00:16:17Leonardo is very upset
00:16:18about everything that's happened to you.
00:16:23I'm going to the office.
00:16:25I'll go with you. I'm going to see my brother.
00:16:32Good morning.
00:16:48excuse me.
00:16:50Can we talk?
00:16:58I want you to tell me
00:17:00everything that Paola really did.
00:17:04Are you sure?
00:17:07Yes, I need to know the truth.
00:17:17Good morning.
00:17:18Can I help you with anything?
00:17:20Good morning.
00:17:22A few months ago,
00:17:23my wife came to buy a painting.
00:17:26You have no idea what I'm going through, Marco.
00:17:29Calm down, tell me.
00:17:32I don't even know how all this happened.
00:17:35Arturo came
00:17:36to complain to Nicolás and me
00:17:38that we were cheating on him.
00:17:40No, no, no.
00:17:41How do you think?
00:17:42That can't be.
00:17:43And you better than anyone else knows.
00:17:45There's nothing wrong between Nicolás and me.
00:17:47I know.
00:17:48Did they tell you like that?
00:17:50He didn't even let us explain.
00:17:52He was furious.
00:17:53Well, let's see,
00:17:54where did he get the idea
00:17:55that they were together?
00:17:59He says he saw a video.
00:18:01I don't know where he got it
00:18:02or who showed it to him.
00:18:04A video?
00:18:06I hurt him, Mom.
00:18:08And the worst of all
00:18:09is that I destroyed the relationship
00:18:11between Arturo and Nicolás.
00:18:13No, no, no, no.
00:18:14Don't say that.
00:18:16It's the truth.
00:18:18They have always gotten along very well
00:18:19and now because of me,
00:18:21nothing will be the same again.
00:18:25In case that wasn't enough,
00:18:26I have to keep seeing them at work.
00:18:28I think that with time,
00:18:29Arturo will listen to you
00:18:31and he will understand
00:18:32that none of this
00:18:33that you two did
00:18:35was with the intention
00:18:36of hurting him.
00:18:38We did it
00:18:40and I will never forgive myself for that.
00:18:43I love you.
00:18:47I love you.
00:18:49I love you.
00:18:51He sent me to Abuzón again.
00:18:53Nico, you have to give him time.
00:18:55No, no, you don't know Arturo.
00:18:57I don't want to, I can't.
00:18:59I don't know, but he has to process
00:19:01everything he heard.
00:19:03I never wanted to hurt him.
00:19:06Arturo didn't deserve this.
00:19:09I know.
00:19:15Answer me, Arturo.
00:19:22Give him time.
00:19:25I can't.
00:19:27We know how Arturo is.
00:19:29The best thing is for you to know
00:19:31that it will be very hard for him
00:19:32to forgive something like this.
00:19:34I know.
00:19:36Well, then give him space.
00:19:38Better think about
00:19:39what will be the best way
00:19:40to tell him
00:19:42because it won't be easy.
00:19:44Do you want me to go with you to your meeting?
00:19:46No, how do you think?
00:19:48This is something I have to face
00:19:50by myself.
00:19:52Well, but it's going to be
00:19:54Arturo, Nicolás,
00:19:56and Priscila's crazy.
00:19:58Hey, no way.
00:20:00Look, all I hope
00:20:02is that Arturo is calm,
00:20:04that he lets me at least talk to him, right?
00:20:06What would help you the most
00:20:08is to clear your heart.
00:20:10No, no, no.
00:20:11What would help you the most
00:20:13is to clear your heart.
00:20:15I don't have the head for that, Mar.
00:20:17I know that in matters of love
00:20:19the head doesn't know what to say.
00:20:21You have to listen to what you feel,
00:20:23listen to your heart.
00:20:26It's just that if something happened to Nicolás
00:20:28it was because Arturo left with Priscila.
00:20:30He moved away and hurt me.
00:20:32Well, then tell him.
00:20:34No, because I don't justify myself either, Mar.
00:20:36Nothing justifies me.
00:20:38It's not about that,
00:20:39it's about the truth.
00:20:41Everyone has something to blame.
00:20:44Not just you, Val.
00:20:47I don't know, Mar.
00:20:49I feel really bad.
00:20:51I know,
00:20:53but if you allow yourself to feel
00:20:55what you really want,
00:20:57I think everything could be better.
00:21:15What's wrong?
00:21:17Are you okay?
00:21:20I have a lot of problems.
00:21:23I'm sorry. Sit down.
00:21:27Cami told me everything that happened to your dad.
00:21:30Yes, those are some of the problems I have.
00:21:33I can imagine.
00:21:35Camila was also very bad.
00:21:37She stayed here to sleep.
00:21:39Too many things for her.
00:21:41For everyone.
00:21:43Hey, but I'm not coming to that.
00:21:45Sure, tell me.
00:21:48I'm here to tell you that I'm leaving the company
00:21:51I have with Nicolas.
00:21:53And I wanted to tell you before you formally join her.
00:21:56But why?
00:21:58Did something happen?
00:22:00Because they betrayed me in the worst way possible.
00:22:03Then just ask me and I'll get my money.
00:22:06Arturo, if I decided to invest,
00:22:07it was to help you.
00:22:09I will always be by your side
00:22:11and this is my way of showing it to you.
00:22:13Ask me.
00:22:15Ask me and I'll leave you without a word.
00:22:17I can't destroy their lives.
00:22:19I wish.
00:22:21I can't be like them.
00:22:25Look, I have no idea what they did to you.
00:22:29But it's obvious that they hurt you a lot.
00:22:32You have to make them pay.
00:22:35Priscila, please.
00:22:37Arturo is still his partner.
00:22:39They need a lot of money.
00:22:41I can't be responsible for them losing it.
00:22:48You're too good.
00:22:56What do you want, Ofelia?
00:23:03Give you this?
00:23:04It's the money you gave me.
00:23:06And why?
00:23:08Why are you giving it back to me?
00:23:10Look, what they say
00:23:12that money doesn't bring happiness,
00:23:14it's true.
00:23:16I managed to have all this money,
00:23:18but I didn't feel happy.
00:23:24I know.
00:23:26You want more.
00:23:30In fact, I think I'm going to be happier
00:23:32seeing you fall.
00:23:35So keep your money.
00:23:38I'd rather see you suffer
00:23:40when you pay for everything you've done.
00:24:05I'm sorry.
00:24:07I'm sorry.
00:24:09I'm sorry.
00:24:11I'm sorry.
00:24:13I'm sorry.
00:24:15I'm sorry.
00:24:17I'm sorry.
00:24:19I'm sorry.
00:24:21I'm sorry.
00:24:23I'm sorry.
00:24:25I'm sorry.
00:24:27I'm sorry.
00:24:29I'm sorry.
00:24:31I'm sorry.
00:24:32I'm sorry.
00:24:34I'm sorry.
00:24:36I'm sorry.
00:24:38I'm sorry.
00:24:40I'm sorry.
00:24:42I'm sorry.
00:24:44I'm sorry.
00:24:46I'm sorry.
00:24:48I'm sorry.
00:24:50I'm sorry.
00:24:52I'm sorry.
00:24:54I'm sorry.
00:24:56I'm sorry.
00:24:58I'm sorry.
00:25:00I'm sorry.
00:25:02I'm sorry.
00:25:04I'm sorry.
00:25:06I'm sorry.
00:25:08I'm sorry.
00:25:10I'm sorry.
00:25:12I'm sorry.
00:25:14I'm sorry.
00:25:16I'm sorry.
00:25:18I'm sorry.
00:25:20I'm sorry.
00:25:22I'm sorry.
00:25:24I'm sorry.
00:25:26I'm sorry.
00:25:28I'm sorry.
00:25:30I'm sorry.
00:25:32I'm sorry.
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00:29:56I'm sorry.
00:29:58I'm sorry.
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00:30:20I'm sorry.
00:30:22I'm sorry.
00:30:24I'm sorry.
00:30:26I'm sorry.
00:30:28I'm sorry.
00:30:30I'm sorry.
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00:35:48I'm sorry.
00:35:50I'm sorry.
00:35:52I'm sorry.
00:35:54I'm sorry.
00:35:56I'm sorry.
00:35:58I'm sorry.
00:36:00I'm sorry.
00:36:02I lost what I loved the most and all I want now is to get it back.
00:36:10But, well, I think it's too late for you.
00:36:14Take advantage of your money while you can.
00:36:19You're a curse. No one believes you at all.
00:36:22Money is not happiness. Happiness is peace.
00:36:32I miss you a lot, Juan.
00:37:03The lawyer wrote this document for you.
00:37:07What is it?
00:37:09It's a letter for the judge.
00:37:11Here it makes it very clear that he has to release you because Paula agreed to the repair of the damage.
00:37:17So there is no longer any crime to pursue.
00:37:23I told you I was going to make it.
00:37:25I can't believe it. What do I have to do?
00:37:29You just have to sign it, hand it over to the authorities and in a few days they will have to release you.
00:37:49Here it is.
00:37:50Very well, I will enter it as soon as possible. Excuse me.
00:38:00I can't believe you convinced her.
00:38:02It wasn't easy, but I wasn't willing to leave you here.
00:38:07Thank you very much, brother.
00:38:09Believe me, from now on, that woman will never mess with you again.
00:38:17Mission accomplished.
00:38:26Ay, ay, ay, ay.
00:38:32Mission accomplished.
00:38:47What's wrong, Paula?
00:38:48Ophelia, you have to do something.
00:38:49I don't have money.
00:38:52He got very bad. He doesn't want to know anything about me anymore. He doesn't want to see me.
00:38:56What do you want me to do?
00:38:59You have to help me.
00:39:01Rocio, I can't do anything else for you anymore.
00:39:04The worst of all is that the only culprit is your daughter.
00:39:09Yes, because Valeria is just playing with Arturo and Nicolás. She's with both of them.
00:39:14No, no, I don't understand you. Valeria would never do something like that.
00:39:18I saw her kissing Nicolás.
00:39:21Oh, Valeria.
00:39:23I told Arturo and he went crazy.
00:39:26Well, what did you expect?
00:39:27Hey, you just got to the life of your son and you get into doing things you don't care about.
00:39:34Of course I care.
00:39:36They're cheating on him.
00:39:39Now I understand why Arturo wants you away from him.
00:39:42No, no, no, don't tell me that.
00:39:43It's not that they don't measure the consequences, woman.
00:39:46The only one to blame for everything is Valeria.
00:39:50Oh, no, don't get Valeria involved in your problems.
00:39:53What's going on with her, that she's with the two Portilla brothers, is something they must solve.
00:39:59Oh, no, look, nothing else. But how can you tell me?
00:40:03Hey, if you really want me to help you with something, stop getting involved in what you don't care about.
00:40:11I'm telling you from experience.
00:40:13Now, if you'll excuse me, please leave.
00:40:17No, no, no, I can't lose Arturo again, no.
00:40:20No, no, no, no, that'll be your problem.
00:40:23Look, neither I nor my daughters have anything to do with it.
00:40:28I've been looking for my son for years and I'm not going to let anyone get away from him.
00:40:34I don't care what I have to do and you know that.
00:40:43Oh, no, Valeria.
00:40:46I'm going to miss you.
00:40:52What's wrong?
00:40:55I don't think you care, but it's Leonardo who's ignoring me.
00:40:59I'm so sorry.
00:41:02Do you know it's your mom's fault?
00:41:05My mom's not even here anymore.
00:41:07You know how she is.
00:41:09Just like I know who you are.
00:41:11Omar, I don't understand why you're saying that.
00:41:15I've always been on your side.
00:41:17Stop it, Paula. Don't be so hypocritical.
00:41:20You know what's funny?
00:41:22That you feel so safe because you have Luis' protection.
00:41:25No, Paula.
00:41:27What gives me confidence is that he doesn't let me cheat so easily.
00:41:30And much less because of you.
00:41:35I'm going.
00:41:37Yes, I'm going.
00:41:47How are you?
00:41:48Camila, what are you doing here?
00:41:49Juan's not here.
00:41:51In fact, I came to see you.
00:41:53I brought you this shirt, Juan.
00:41:55To replace the one I burned with the iron.
00:42:01You didn't have to do it.
00:42:04I also brought you other things.
00:42:06A new iron so your clothes don't get burned.
00:42:09A microwave.
00:42:11Because the one you have doesn't work anymore.
00:42:14And, well, I thought a new coffee maker would help you.
00:42:17With the fact that you like coffee so much.
00:42:19None of this was necessary.
00:42:21I know.
00:42:23But you helped me a lot.
00:42:25And this is a little to return the favor.
00:42:28Dad, Camila.
00:42:31Thank you very much for all this.
00:42:33But we just wanted you to feel comfortable.
00:42:37That's all.
00:42:39I know.
00:42:40And that's how it was.
00:42:42Even though it was more of a burden than a help.
00:42:45So that's why I wanted to make you these gifts.
00:42:51But we don't need any of this.
00:42:57You are much more valuable than all the things you can buy.
00:43:03When you understand it, you will be able to see life differently.
00:43:18Nice to see you.
00:43:32Good morning.
00:43:36How do you feel?
00:43:42Good morning.
00:43:45How are you?
00:43:47I'm fine.
00:43:49I'm fine.
00:43:51I'm fine.
00:43:53I'm fine.
00:43:55I'm fine.
00:43:57I'm fine.
00:43:59I'm fine.
00:44:00Good morning.
00:44:02Leonardo told me that he was reviewing the pendants.
00:44:06And he sent me the data of the supplier by mail.
00:44:08Before you continue, I want you to know that I am leaving the company.
00:44:11No, Arturo.
00:44:12Don't make any decisions.
00:44:13You and I have to talk.
00:44:14I have nothing to talk to you about.
00:44:16Let me explain to you.
00:44:19And when you have all the elements at hand,
00:44:21you decide what you are going to do.
00:44:22Let's see, Nicolas Esperanza.
00:44:24The best thing is that we fix this as soon as possible.
00:44:27For the good of everyone,
00:44:28the project of the work that you two have put in,
00:44:31the one who leaves the project is me.
00:44:42What's wrong with you?
00:44:44I can't believe Camila saw me.
00:44:47Me neither.
00:44:50I thought that with everything that had happened,
00:44:52we would never see her again.
00:44:54We shouldn't.
00:44:57I didn't see her well.
00:45:00Not at all.
00:45:02She's probably very upset with everything that happened.
00:45:09I think we were very hard on her.
00:45:13No, we weren't.
00:45:16Especially after how she lied to us.
00:45:21Besides, Susana
00:45:24we couldn't accept the gifts.
00:45:29But I promise you,
00:45:31I promise you, my Susana,
00:45:34that little by little
00:45:36I will buy you all that she brought us and that...
00:45:42The truth is, we need it.
00:45:44I don't care about the gifts.
00:45:50Well, it hurt to see her like that again.
00:45:53Because even though she made a mistake,
00:45:55I did show her a lot of affection.
00:45:59My beautiful little girl.
00:46:02Come here.
00:46:07My beautiful girl.
00:46:08You're extraordinary.
00:46:11Who did Valeria betray you with? Was it Nicolas?
00:46:14Don't get involved in this, Priscila.
00:46:19If Arturo leaves the company, I'll take my money.
00:46:21All I want is for there to be no more problems between you two.
00:46:26You wouldn't have thought that before.
00:46:28Enough! Shut up! Do you want to?
00:46:32You have no idea how things are, so shut up.
00:46:36They're all the pictures we took.
00:46:38The time they need and what they're going to bring me as a model.
00:46:41Excuse me.
00:46:42No, Valeria. Valeria, no.
00:46:44If you want, you can go after her.
00:46:48Priscila, leave us alone. I need to talk to my brother.
00:46:51Leave us alone.
00:46:52If it's about the brand, it's something I'm interested in.
00:46:55Leave us alone, Priscila, please.
00:47:09what happened with Valeria
00:47:12was my fault.
00:47:14Completely my fault.
00:47:16And I did want to tell you,
00:47:18but a lot of things happened and I didn't find the right time.
00:47:22You never found the right time to tell your brother.
00:47:26Your brother!
00:47:28You want to take the love of his life from him.
00:47:30I didn't want to take it from you.
00:47:32I fell in love.
00:47:35I fell in love in silence with Valeria
00:47:38a long time ago.
00:47:40What do you mean a long time ago?
00:47:43Yes, while you doubted
00:47:45and doubted Valeria,
00:47:46I gave myself the task of meeting her.
00:47:49But I also saw that you were there
00:47:52changing for her.
00:47:54And that's why I stayed away.
00:47:56For you.
00:47:57That's why I locked you up.
00:47:59So that you were happy.
00:48:01Oh, what a sacrifice. Thank you.
00:48:03It's not that it's a sacrifice, Arturo.
00:48:05I stood aside for you
00:48:07so that you were happy.
00:48:11And if I dared to get close to Valeria
00:48:13it was because you came back with Priscila
00:48:14and you stayed away from her.
00:48:16If I stayed away from Valeria
00:48:18it's because you have no idea
00:48:20what you're capable of hiding.
00:48:22Because I couldn't forgive her
00:48:24for not telling me that...
00:48:28Nothing, damn it, nothing!
00:48:30It's just that, brother,
00:48:32things shouldn't have been like this.
00:48:35I swear, Arturo,
00:48:38for our mother,
00:48:41that I did everything I could.
00:48:42I did everything I could
00:48:44to stay away from Valeria,
00:48:46to not be with her.
00:48:48I was going to Boston,
00:48:50but because of my dad,
00:48:52I stayed here.
00:48:54I don't care what you think!
00:48:56What does Valeria feel?
00:48:58She's confused.
00:49:05I'm going to make life easier for you
00:49:09if you have anything to do with it.
00:49:12Start with someone
00:49:14who's not with me,
00:49:17who's with Priscila.
00:49:42Las Noticias,
00:49:44what happens in every region of Mexico
00:49:46and the world.
00:49:48A quick and practical tour
00:49:50of every story you need to know.
00:49:52I'm Carlos Hurtado
00:49:54and I'll be waiting for you
00:49:56on Las Noticias,
00:49:58a newsroom in Enemaz,
00:50:00Monday to Friday at 5.50 a.m.
00:50:02for Las Estrellas.
00:50:04We have the best for you
00:50:06to start your day at 9.
00:50:08Advice, fashion, games,
00:50:10and a lot of fun today.
00:50:12And at 12,
00:50:14notes, recipes,
00:50:16all about the famous and more
00:50:18on Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:50:20Casey Aisenberg revealed
00:50:22that she went alone
00:50:24because no one expected her to win.
00:50:26From Monday to Friday,
00:50:28with Las Estrellas.
00:50:30A girl who went to a party
00:50:32with her friends.
00:50:34She was seen for the last time
00:50:36on the side of a road.
00:50:38They leave their home
00:50:42And from March 6,
00:50:44on VX.
00:51:13The most beloved teams
00:51:15of the Clausura Tournament
00:51:19Exclusive games,
00:51:21streaming only on Vix Premium.
00:51:23Subscribe and follow
00:51:25LaLiga MX now.
00:51:42LaLiga MX.
00:51:44LaLiga MX.
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00:54:30LaLiga MX.
00:54:32LaLiga MX.
00:54:34LaLiga MX.
00:54:36LaLiga MX.
00:54:38LaLiga MX.
00:54:40LaLiga MX.
00:54:42LaLiga MX.
00:54:44LaLiga MX.
00:54:45Is there something you don't like?
00:54:47Are you two new?
00:54:49Aren't you happy?
00:54:51He knows how to make you happy.
00:54:53Now we have to keep making him happy.
00:54:56Very nice.
00:54:58And I didn't wash my face.
00:55:01We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
00:55:04Mondays to Fridays with the stars.
00:55:06Rafael gets together with the women.
00:55:09Rafael, come here!
00:55:12And Alejandra only thinks about him.
00:55:14Rafael, you are getting farther away from me every day.
00:55:18But the time has come to decide.
00:55:20Ricky, and Maria.
00:55:22Yes, yes, yes.
00:55:23And Daniel.
00:55:24This Friday's grand finale with the stars.
00:55:28We have the best for you to start studying.
00:55:30At 9, tips, fashion, games and a lot of fun just today.
00:55:34What name are you thinking?
00:55:36My friend from when I was little.
00:55:37What's her name?
00:55:39And at 12, notes, recipes, everything about the famous and more,
00:55:42tell me now.
00:55:43Jesse Eisenberg revealed that he went alone because no one expected him to win.
00:55:47Mondays to Fridays with the stars.
00:56:14Can you give inheritance to my parents?
00:56:17My dear inheritance, we know how to make you laugh.
00:56:20This Thursday at the end of the no-tip.
00:56:22This guest will lose a screw and a tire.
00:56:25Adamari López.
00:56:28Help me get a cat.
00:56:30Brian, go with the lady.
00:56:32Don't you offer her anything else?
00:56:35When I'm in a hurry, more crazy people find me.
00:56:39In Bola de Locos, we know how to make you laugh.
00:56:42Fridays at the end of the no-tip.
00:56:44To get here, first you'll have to laugh until you die.
00:56:48My name is Marilu.
00:56:49I have the best job in the world.
00:56:51In Mexico, there is the tradition of celebrating death in peculiar ways.
00:56:55Here, we all go live.
00:56:57We know how to make you laugh with I Die For Marilu.
00:57:00Sundays, 8 at night, for the stars.
00:57:04And available on VIX.
00:57:06The best games of the MX league are on VIX.
00:57:10The most beloved teams of the Clausura Tournament are back.
00:57:16Exclusive games.
00:57:18Streaming only on VIX Premium.
00:57:22Subscribe and follow the MX league now.
00:57:40Receive the medical treatment you need.
00:57:45Or scan the QR code.
00:57:58Exclusive interviews.
00:58:03Analysis and opinions.
00:58:04Contacto Deportivo.
00:58:06Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
00:58:0811.30 at night.
00:58:09With the stars.
00:58:19Valeria, I'm talking to you.
00:58:21I have nothing to talk to you about, Priscila.
00:58:23I do have something to tell you.
00:58:26I can't believe you dared to do this.
00:58:29Since I saw you, I knew you were a slut.
00:58:31But you didn't know...
00:58:32Shut up and stay out of this.
00:58:35You see?
00:58:36The good thing is that Arturo realized by himself
00:58:38what kind of woman you are.
00:58:41You made things so easy for me.
00:58:44Arturo will be back to my side soon.
00:58:46And good for you.
00:58:48Do whatever you want.
00:58:51Hey, have you talked to Valeria?
00:58:55I haven't heard from her in a long time.
00:58:58I called her, but she didn't answer.
00:59:01But I know she's not well.
00:59:04Rocio came and told me something about her
00:59:07that worried me a lot.
00:59:09What did she say?
00:59:10She said that she's not well.
00:59:12She's not well?
00:59:13She's not well.
00:59:14She's not well.
00:59:15She's not well.
00:59:16She's not well.
00:59:17She's not well.
00:59:18That worried me a lot.
00:59:20Don't be so mean, Ambaro.
00:59:22Call her.
00:59:23Maybe she'll answer you just to know if she's okay.
00:59:26Yeah, I'll call her.
00:59:28But it's absurd that you're still separated.
00:59:41Priz! What happened?
00:59:42I got so intrigued by your call.
00:59:45Cami, I'm sorry.
00:59:46but it was something I couldn't explain over the phone.
00:59:51You won't believe what I'm about to tell you.
00:59:54But I know why Arturo was acting so weird.
00:59:57What's wrong?
00:59:58Valeria's bitch betrayed him in the most cruel way.
01:00:03What did she do to him?
01:00:04I don't know how to tell you.
01:00:07But I think Valeria was just playing with him
01:00:10because she's with someone else.
01:00:12I knew it.
01:00:13I don't know why I'm not surprised.
01:00:16This is beyond what you think.
01:00:19Valeria cheated on Arturo with Nicolás.
01:00:27That bitch?
01:00:29You can imagine how Arturo is right now.
01:00:33You know what?
01:00:35This isn't over.
01:00:36That bastard is going to hear me out.
01:00:46Well, I'll wait for you here, Vale.
01:00:51What happened?
01:00:52I heard her sad,
01:00:54but she said she'd be here in a bit to talk.
01:00:58I hope everything's okay.
01:01:01Where are you going?
01:01:04I don't want to be here when Valeria comes.
01:01:07Stay. That would be best.
01:01:09No, I don't think she wants to see me.
01:01:13You know how much I hate her.
01:01:16You can tell me everything when you're done, okay?
01:01:35Son, how are you?
01:01:39I know that after everything that's happened,
01:01:41we've been apart,
01:01:43but I need you.
01:01:45What's going on?
01:01:47You know I always try to keep everything under control,
01:01:50but there's something I can't handle.
01:01:54You're the only one who knows what to tell me.
01:01:57Thanks for wanting to talk to me.
01:02:01I fell in love, Dad,
01:02:03with a woman who's forbidden.
01:02:05I swear nothing's happened between us.
01:02:08I just dared to steal a kiss from her and that's it.
01:02:11Who is it?
01:02:16I fell in love.
01:02:17I fell in love with Valeria.
01:02:19I fought against that feeling, but it got the better of me.
01:02:24And the worst part is that I hurt my brother
01:02:27and I don't know how,
01:02:29but Arturo found out before I could talk to him.
01:02:33I'm very sorry.
01:02:34I swear I don't know what to do.
01:02:38I'd rather forget the woman I love a thousand times
01:02:42than lose my brother.
01:02:45That's the hardest part of love.
01:02:47You never know when or who you'll fall in love with.
01:02:54But just as you suffer for Arturo,
01:02:55I know he's suffering for you.
01:02:57Because like good brothers,
01:02:59they want what's best for each other.
01:03:02If Valeria could fix things with him,
01:03:06I swear I'll do anything.
01:03:09Michelle is in the city.
01:03:12We can go to Boston.
01:03:13That's exactly what I want you to understand.
01:03:16That decision won't be yours or Arturo's.
01:03:19It has to be something Valeria decides.
01:03:22And then, yes,
01:03:23you'll have to live with the consequences of her decision.
01:03:38Come in.
01:03:40Sit down.
01:03:42Oh, what are you doing here?
01:03:47I'm sorry for coming like this.
01:03:51I have to talk to you.
01:03:54I don't have much to offer, but can I make you coffee?
01:03:57Or can I get you a glass of water?
01:04:00Don't worry, ma'am. Thank you.
01:04:03Oh, God. What's going on?
01:04:05Is Mara okay?
01:04:07Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
01:04:09I'm the one with the problem.
01:04:12I can't stop thinking about what she told me.
01:04:17I need you to tell me everything you know about Paula,
01:04:22I don't think it's my turn to talk, Leonardo.
01:04:27It's up to you, Mara.
01:04:29I need to know who the woman I married really is.
01:04:47Why does it have to be my brother's wife
01:04:50when I meet someone who makes me do this?
01:04:54How dare you say that?
01:04:56She's my brother's wife.
01:04:58How dare you mess with my brothers?
01:05:00You're a whore!
01:05:03I'm warning you, I won't let you, your mom,
01:05:07or Mateo hurt me.
