A team of astronauts crashes on the surface of Venus. Accompanied by their robot, they explore the surface and end up destroying the Venusian God. This film is also known as "The Gill Women" and "The Gill Women of Venus".
00:00:00The future of mankind is being guided behind closed doors.
00:00:06All over the world, scientists are working on projects designed to take man beyond the confines of this Earth.
00:00:13You are looking at the actual models of spacecraft now being developed by agencies of the United States government.
00:00:20This is an Apollo spacecraft designed for elliptical orbit of the Moon.
00:00:25Its lunar landing vehicle can transport three men safely to and from the Moon's surface.
00:00:31These are other types of manned and remote control mechanisms, each designed for a specific function.
00:00:38Many already in operation as satellites of this Earth.
00:00:41Some in readiness for the moonshot.
00:00:44Others designed for space.
00:00:46A few to serve as space stations.
00:00:48And the most complex of all, prototypes of craft capable of putting a man on the surface of another planet.
00:00:55Wheel was one of man's first inventions and has been with him all of his civilized life.
00:01:00But now it, like so many other of his creations, must be modified to fit his new demands.
00:01:06These are three types of variable radius wheels designed to transport a vehicle over a rockies.
00:01:13New concepts are being created almost daily.
00:01:16Some will never get beyond the drawing board.
00:01:18But others, or their descendants, will become part of man's greatest adventure.
00:01:23The exploration and colonization of space.
00:01:27All over the world, men and women are working to make that dream a reality.
00:01:32Every aspect of the journey is being analyzed from the tiniest control devices to the mightiest rocket engines.
00:01:39But it's not enough to just get there.
00:01:43Just as the great explorers sailed from Spain and England and France to discover the Americas so that the colonizers might come later,
00:01:50so will our exploration spacecraft precede the colonizers of the planets.
00:01:55Already plans are being made for the colonies.
00:01:58Sources of food and power must be found.
00:02:01Artificial atmosphere is created.
00:02:03Everything done to build an Earth away from the Earth.
00:02:07No man living today can predict exactly what the future holds.
00:02:11But this much we do know.
00:02:13All through man's march across this Earth, the wildest dreams and fantasies of one age have become the commonplaces of the next.
00:02:21The motion picture you are about to see can be called today a fantasy of the future.
00:02:28But one day, maybe not too far distant, audiences will be able to look back on it in the same spirit with which we view pictures about the first covered wagons crossing the plains.
00:04:47A planet named after the goddess of love.
00:04:52This is where I left her.
00:04:5826 million miles away.
00:05:02Because I know she exists. I know she does. I know it.
00:05:06All the time we were there, I heard her.
00:05:09Her and that sweet, haunting sound she makes, like the siren that tempted Ulysses.
00:05:17I think I'm crazy back here on Earth.
00:05:27Crazy, still intoxicated by the atmosphere back there.
00:05:33But wait a minute, I'm getting ahead of myself.
00:05:37Let me tell you the whole story.
00:05:39All of it.
00:05:41From the beginning.
00:05:43And see what you think.
00:05:48It was two years ago, in 1998, that the first manned spaceship left Earth for the planet Venus.
00:05:56This attempt ended in tragedy.
00:05:59A meteor hit the ship.
00:06:02Everybody, everything was lost.
00:06:05Everything but the will to get there, to explore Venus.
00:06:10And so, it was only six months later that the second attempt was made.
00:06:16The code name for Earth Control was Marsha.
00:06:44First stage rockets ready.
00:06:46Main rocket stage ready.
00:06:48Fuel ready.
00:06:50Stabilization center ready.
00:06:52Power ready.
00:06:53Air conditioning ready.
00:06:54Radar ready.
00:06:55Guidance ready.
00:06:57Paddling ready for takeoff.
00:07:04Attention flight personnel.
00:07:06Loading elevators are now being withdrawn.
00:07:09Countdown continues at 20.
00:07:11All stations prepare for zero red.
00:07:13Countdown continues at 10.
00:07:28Zero red, minus five.
00:07:30Project Red Planet.
00:07:32All units clear.
00:07:34Switch over to standby.
00:08:04There were only two men on the new mission.
00:08:30Astronaut Howard Sherman and Captain Alfred Kearns.
00:08:34But there was another being with them.
00:08:37Kearns' invention, Robot John.
00:08:40Awaken, John.
00:08:45Glow, John.
00:08:48Monitor, John.
00:08:53I hear you.
00:09:01Everything went smoothly the first part of the voyage.
00:09:04They traveled over halfway, 17 million miles without mishap.
00:09:09Radio contact was maintained with Marsha at Earth Control,
00:09:12and they stopped on schedule at the United States Space Station, Texas, for refueling.
00:09:20All landing personnel report on flight.
00:09:24Standby to receive flight number 87 from Earth.
00:09:50Earth Control, we listened to their progress with more concern than anyone else.
00:10:08Refueling A-OK, over and out.
00:10:13Because we were the command crew, and if anything went wrong, we were set to follow.
00:10:19There were three of us.
00:10:21Commander William Billy Lockhart.
00:10:26Astronaut Hans Walters.
00:10:29And me, Andre Frenot.
00:10:34I remember how worried we were as we listened to their voices from so many miles away.
00:10:39Kearns calling Marsha. Kearns calling Marsha.
00:10:44Refueling completed.
00:10:46Ready for blastoff.
00:11:11We begin our relay.
00:11:41We begin our relay.
00:12:10They were on the last leg of their journey.
00:12:25And then they saw it, Venus.
00:12:33Cloud formations, 30 percent ash content.
00:12:36And they prepared to land.
00:12:41A planet of fire below us.
00:12:45Is it a new world, or will it consume us all?
00:12:51At any moment now.
00:13:30And then, suddenly, things started going wrong.
00:13:41Black clouds. Light.
00:13:44I don't like the looks of this.
00:13:48I'm turning control over to Robot John.
00:13:51Ahead, Steve. Mountain. I am going up.
00:13:56Wow, close call.
00:13:58We're watching on the location finder. The area is strange.
00:14:02This is truly a prehistoric planet.
00:14:07Landing location is square 73.
00:14:10We're now dropping our beacon.
00:14:12Landing 300 meters southwest of square 73.
00:14:16Uh-oh, there's water beneath us. We're drifting.
00:14:37Kern. Are you there?
00:14:46It's hopeless.
00:14:50Well, very soon after that, it became clear there was only one thing to do.
00:14:55Blast off for Venus ourselves.
00:15:08Complete the mission. Explore the planet.
00:15:11And attempt to rescue Kerns and Charmin.
00:15:18They were still alive.
00:15:33Keep coming.
00:15:36Launch on. That's it.
00:15:42Cover me, Kern.
00:15:43Look out. There comes another one.
00:15:45I've got him.
00:15:47Charmin, behind you.
00:15:51Look out, Charmin.
00:16:00Look out.
00:16:03Okay, John.
00:16:06Just a few more connections.
00:16:17Course 110.
00:16:19Secure yourself to that boulder, John.
00:16:22Proceed. Proceed.
00:16:43He's better equipped to fight this place than we are.
00:16:56I'm wondering if we should be here at all.
00:16:59Why don't you catch a bus and go home?
00:17:01Don't think I wouldn't if I could find one.
00:17:05There he is. He's up.
00:17:07Hold it tight. He can hold it.
00:17:12You better go first, and I'll come along after you.
00:17:17Within two hours, we were ready to go.
00:17:47Venus lay ahead, but our thoughts were with Kerns and Charmin.
00:17:59If they were alive, would we be able to find them?
00:18:12We got to Space Station Texas ahead of schedule.
00:18:15Repeat, stand by to receive unassisted landing.
00:18:46Refueling was accomplished in record time.
00:18:50There was no time to lose.
00:19:15It's funny, considering the way things turned out.
00:19:28What I was thinking about as we sped through the dark universe on our way to an unexplored planet.
00:19:40I was wondering if maybe there wasn't some reason that Venus had been named after the goddess of love.
00:19:46If maybe there wasn't some wise old astronomer way back in the dawn of time who knew something.
00:19:53Something he kept to himself.
00:19:56But before I could come to any conclusions about it, we were preparing for our touchdown on Venus.
00:20:02Where maybe I'd find all the answers.
00:20:05And then almost before I knew it, we were there, we were landing.
00:20:36We're landed.
00:20:44Don't begin celebrating yet.
00:20:53Is our level okay?
00:20:55Yep, there it is.
00:20:57On the button.
00:21:00Boy, it sure feels strange to have weight.
00:21:06Yes, it does seem strange, that's sure.
00:21:09But it's nice and solid.
00:21:11Well, I don't know about you fellas, but I'd like to see Venus.
00:21:14Open number three and hit the beam.
00:21:24Deeper, try the port viewer.
00:21:29Telescreen gets it okay.
00:21:31We'll pan port.
00:21:34Formations of weird rock.
00:21:39Something's there.
00:21:40I'll switch on the outside sound pickup.
00:22:07That was the first time I heard her.
00:22:10A human being?
00:22:11Hold it.
00:22:19It's finished.
00:22:21Transfer it to playback.
00:22:22Meanwhile, you might check upon the atmosphere, Hans.
00:22:26It better be good.
00:22:27Then you better get your spacesuit.
00:22:28We'll move out.
00:22:29Andre, I want you to attempt a contact with Sherman by radio.
00:22:34If you raise them, tell them to report their position.
00:22:37Then get yourself into a spacesuit.
00:22:39We're gonna walk about.
00:22:40I'll be right behind you.
00:22:41That'll be handy if I slip.
00:22:42Get popping now.
00:22:45It's 4.7 on oxygen.
00:22:47That's pretty close.
00:23:16I'm gonna take a look around.
00:23:25Keep on the rope.
00:23:26Don't get out of visual contact.
00:23:55It was a weird, desolate place, but it fascinated me.
00:24:15And I forgot all about Kearns and Sherman and what we were there for.
00:24:20Received a message.
00:24:21What did they say?
00:24:22Marsha has radar movement.
00:24:25She can't be sure, but it looks like two objects.
00:24:27One metallic and moving in the area we expected to search.
00:24:30Probably Kearns and Sherman.
00:24:32Come on, Andre.
00:24:53You'll contact us.
00:25:12Come on.
00:25:14He's got eyes.
00:25:17Get it off me!
00:25:20Grab that tentacle there.
00:25:32He's got his legs.
00:25:33Free his legs.
00:25:40Hold him free.
00:25:45There you are.
00:25:55Hans, help us.
00:25:57He likes the water.
00:25:58Unless it's broken.
00:26:00Let me help you.
00:26:01Get a shot of that, Andy.
00:26:07Careful, Andre.
00:26:09You want to fight that thing again?
00:26:14Can you imagine that?
00:26:16He's bashful.
00:26:18Why don't we take one of those things home for the zoo?
00:26:21You've got to be more careful, Andre.
00:26:23If we hadn't heard you call me...
00:26:25I didn't call.
00:26:27You called out to us.
00:26:28We heard you.
00:26:29But I didn't call you.
00:26:31It sounded like Blockhart.
00:26:34Let's be getting back.
00:26:36All we knew was that Marsha at Earth Control...
00:26:39had spotted what was probably Kearns and Sherman...
00:26:41and approximately where they might be.
00:26:45So we started out in our space car...
00:26:47heading in that general direction.
00:26:50Not stopping to investigate the many prehistoric sites we passed.
00:26:56But we were still unable, no matter how hard we tried...
00:26:59to make radio contact with Kearns or Sherman.
00:27:02So we had no way of knowing what they were going through...
00:27:05on that distant part of the planet.
00:27:19Let's rest.
00:27:20We have very little oxygen left us.
00:27:23Hope they're on the way.
00:27:25Looking for us.
00:27:27Through this heat.
00:27:31They may not be able to make it through to us.
00:27:35You better hope they'll get through it and spot us.
00:27:44I'm beginning to feel like my head's swimming.
00:27:49Of course.
00:27:51It's your torn suit.
00:27:53Infection is getting through.
00:27:56Maybe we ought to take some Quinselin.
00:27:59We'd have to rest after.
00:28:56Too much water.
00:28:58My mechanism is in danger.
00:29:02Need protection.
00:29:05All right, John.
00:29:06Find shelter.
00:29:20Don't stop.
00:29:23Go on.
00:29:25We have to go on.
00:29:27Come on up.
00:29:28Back there.
00:29:53If he can't stay here, we'll be washed away.
00:29:57Bring him this way.
00:30:00There is no water.
00:30:04Come on.
00:30:05Just a little bit further.
00:30:07There's a cave right over there.
00:30:09Come on.
00:30:10That's it?
00:30:15Just a few steps further.
00:30:35I don't think I can go on much further.
00:30:38John, stay with us.
00:30:41Make sure they find us.
00:30:44They should know.
00:30:48must continue to work the laws of mathematics.
00:30:52There's always a precise probability mathematics might prove.
00:30:56Mathematics might...
00:31:06Here is...
00:31:08Here is Marsha.
00:31:10You... you must help us.
00:31:12It's... it's closing in.
00:31:15I await your order.
00:31:18I await your order.
00:31:26them find us.
00:31:41The shoreline is the best.
00:31:43If we do, my friend, we'll never make it to him.
00:31:46Fat chance there is of finding him.
00:32:03That voice again.
00:32:05Hold on.
00:32:34Almost sounds like a girl.
00:32:37A girl?
00:32:41Or a monster.
00:34:02Wake up.
00:34:04Wake up, Marama.
00:34:07Our sisters are calling.
00:34:09Wake up. Wake up, Nala.
00:34:13Our sisters are awake.
00:34:15They're hungry.
00:34:17You have slept enough.
00:34:19It's time to go into the sea.
00:34:56They're not well, little sister.
00:35:07It's a human.
00:35:09Well, there are sure no humans here.
00:35:11Well, we're humans.
00:35:14Well, no one else has made it. You'd better believe it.
00:35:16But it sounds so human.
00:35:18You mean like that 40-armed plant that just grabbed you.
00:35:20I still say it's a girl.
00:35:22A girl?
00:35:23With blue scales.
00:35:25Could be.
00:35:26He's on to something.
00:35:28It's possible that before us, other men got here.
00:35:32Especially in this age.
00:35:34You ought to know that, Hans.
00:35:36To a man of science, anything is possible until proven otherwise.
00:36:18Well, I can't imagine any people in their right mind exploring planet Venus.
00:36:24Come on, Hans.
00:36:26We're here.
00:36:28And we're in our right minds.
00:36:30Aren't we?
00:36:31Let's go.
00:36:59It's our beloved God, Terra.
00:37:02He's angry.
00:37:10We must leave this place.
00:37:13Follow me.
00:37:16Lord save him.
00:37:19There's no response from Kern or Sherman.
00:37:21Well, we should soon be there.
00:37:23Keep trying.
00:37:24Maybe we can bring them in on the helmet, Mike.
00:37:27Kern has an auxiliary.
00:37:28I am.
00:37:33I'm getting...
00:37:36A woman.
00:37:37Must be Marshall.
00:37:40Static's really awful.
00:37:42Hear it?
00:37:55Move it up.
00:37:56Point to point on the dial.
00:37:57You'll find it.
00:37:59I'll try it.
00:38:04John, hello.
00:38:06John, listen.
00:38:07This is the command ship.
00:38:09Are you there?
00:38:12Come in.
00:38:13Up one more point.
00:38:14Come in.
00:38:16Better go to solar battery.
00:38:17Much bigger reach.
00:38:18I'm on it now.
00:38:23You must hear me, John.
00:38:25Please open your mic and answer me.
00:38:27You must obey me, John.
00:38:31No response.
00:38:32Try another point.
00:38:34One, two, five.
00:38:36You have to readjust your frequency for transmitting.
00:38:40If you hear me.
00:38:41I hear you.
00:38:43I have adjusted.
00:38:46Can you report your position and plot number?
00:38:49Square forty.
00:38:51In shelter.
00:38:53Tell me what's outside.
00:39:02That's square forty.
00:39:03Not far.
00:39:04Ask him about the men.
00:39:06We would like to know.
00:39:08Kern and also about Sherman.
00:39:20How much time before we get there?
00:39:22Who knows?
00:39:23Commander, maybe the robot can help.
00:39:26Keep an eye on the compass.
00:39:28Grab on to them.
00:39:33You will listen, John.
00:39:35First you will obey me and do precisely what I say.
00:39:40You will listen.
00:39:42Listen, John.
00:39:43Obey my every command.
00:39:46Remove container two.
00:39:49From Kern's first aid kit.
00:39:52Container two.
00:40:10Remove one tablet.
00:40:12One tablet.
00:40:14Then open his helmet.
00:40:22I have one tablet.
00:40:27Place the tablet in his mouth.
00:40:29You must do this quickly.
00:40:33Revive him with water.
00:40:39Pour it over his face.
00:40:42Then close his helmet.
00:40:57At least we know they're alive.
00:40:59Let's hope they stay that way.
00:41:05Commander, look there.
00:41:13I'm ready with the astral gun.
00:41:14Some kind of flying reptile.
00:41:16He may not see us.
00:41:22He hit him.
00:41:23He's turning around.
00:41:24Maybe not.
00:41:25We're in for it now. He knows we're here.
00:41:28Lock it.
00:41:29Take it down.
00:41:33Here he comes.
00:41:36Don't miss on him.
00:41:38Here he comes again.
00:41:43Open hull.
00:41:44We'll submerge.
00:41:47We were forced to submerge, even though we had killed the flying reptile,
00:41:51because of the damage the creature had caused when it hit us.
00:41:55And it was a good thing, too.
00:41:57For here, under the sea,
00:41:59we were to find the second clue to life on Venus.
00:42:15Let's put it down for a minute and take a rest.
00:42:18It's not far to the beach, if our calculations are correct.
00:42:24I hope this will run again.
00:42:26Don't worry, it will.
00:42:33Look, the cliffs are all in even rows.
00:42:35Like streets.
00:42:38I'll look around, just five minutes.
00:42:40Might find something interesting.
00:43:04Nyla, come here!
00:43:19It is our God.
00:43:23He's dead.
00:43:27What makes Nyla and Marama so sad?
00:43:31Come, sisters, let us sing.
00:43:50Oh, terror.
00:43:52What evil demon has destroyed our God?
00:43:56We must carry him to the holy place and pray to his spirit.
00:44:00Lift him.
00:44:42Well, what do you know?
00:44:44It's... it's a statue.
00:44:53What's up?
00:44:54You just look, here.
00:44:56That's only a petrified tree.
00:44:58Only? Why, it's a bronze statue.
00:45:02And much more, Hans.
00:45:06You say rubies?
00:45:08Show me.
00:45:13The eye of an idol.
00:45:15An idol?
00:45:18Yes, a reptile.
00:45:20A reptile resembling that flying monster that attacked us earlier.
00:45:24Up there.
00:45:25You're right, Andre. I'm not laughing anymore.
00:45:28There was a civilization here.
00:45:30And I'll bet you there still is.
00:45:48Oh, great terror.
00:45:53We cry for the flesh of your spirit that lies dead before you.
00:46:32I swear to you, O Terra, you will be avenged.
00:46:37The evil demons that did this will themselves be destroyed.
00:46:54Something seemed to draw me away.
00:46:58To make me search for...
00:47:00I didn't know what.
00:47:07I felt something. I don't know.
00:47:09I felt as though I were being watched.
00:47:12But I didn't see anything except a harmless octopus.
00:47:17Yet, still feeling a strange presence,
00:47:21I went on.
00:47:31But then, as quickly as it came, that weird sensation vanished.
00:47:36And then there was nothing.
00:47:38Nothing but the sea.
00:47:41So I followed my original impulse, looking for a clue like the statue of the flying reptile.
00:47:58And I found nothing,
00:48:00except a rock that I liked for its shape
00:48:03and that could serve as a specimen for the geologists.
00:48:36Terra has spoken.
00:48:38We must return his flesh to the sea.
00:48:53Carry him away.
00:49:12Farewell, Terra.
00:49:15Sleep well in the sea.
00:49:29Who is this? What sisters are these?
00:49:37What is it?
00:49:39We've seen strange invaders walking under the sea!
00:49:43Did you hear, sisters?
00:49:46They had paved heads and walked in our ancient holy place under the sea.
00:49:51It was they who killed Terra.
00:49:53They must die.
00:50:01We're here.
00:50:03I couldn't have lasted much longer.
00:50:05You're not alone.
00:50:15Here we are, Skipper.
00:50:18We'll need more fire.
00:50:20Everything in the car is soaking wet.
00:50:27Ah, feels good to sit.
00:50:29How are the batteries, Hans?
00:50:31They stayed dry.
00:50:34The atom plant?
00:50:36Still hot.
00:50:38You've got that worried look again, Hans.
00:50:47You're right.
00:50:49I've pulled and checked every wire and part in that darn radio.
00:50:53It won't operate.
00:50:56I've tried everything I know.
00:50:58I tell you, it's simply hopeless.
00:51:00How about a long string and an oatmeal box?
00:51:07The radio will dry out.
00:51:09We know it's not a dead planet.
00:51:12Not completely.
00:51:14Our proof is the statue.
00:51:17And Ruby.
00:51:19And the woman.
00:51:21She's probably somewhere.
00:51:23For his sake.
00:51:24But the main thing is, there could be a whole race of people out there watching us.
00:51:28Hiding. Afraid that we'll observe them.
00:51:31And bite them.
00:51:33We came from above.
00:51:36Two of them were probably some kind of monster.
00:51:39What if they're human-shaped?
00:51:41They very well could look like that.
00:51:43But mind you, I'm only advancing a little hypothetical science fiction.
00:51:48Because nothing should be overlooked.
00:51:50Let's face it.
00:51:52They built a city that's now under the sea.
00:51:57Hans, it must be true.
00:51:59Many made it to shore from the sea.
00:52:02Then why didn't they build themselves another?
00:52:05We may find they did.
00:52:07When we explore the planet.
00:52:09Before we leave, I'll meet her.
00:52:13Beautiful song and a beautiful girl.
00:52:18She must have heard you.
00:52:20Where is it?
00:52:24I suppose it could be an omen.
00:52:28Or maybe she's helping us.
00:52:33If I could just see what she looks like.
00:52:55Can the car make it?
00:52:56I'm sure.
00:53:04A feeling of foreboding had come over me.
00:53:08A chilly, ominous sensation.
00:53:11I didn't know what it meant.
00:53:13And I kept staring at that rock I'd found.
00:53:17As though perhaps it might hold an answer.
00:53:33Thanks for waiting.
00:53:35She'll take care of you.
00:53:37Stop teasing him, Hans.
00:53:39He's in love.
00:54:29Oh, god of the fire mountains.
00:54:54Let your boiling, red-hot earth rain down upon the invading demons who dare bring death to Terra.
00:55:04Hear us, O gods of the Fire Mountain. Pour forth thy red-hot earth. Drown them in fire.
00:55:26Drown them in fire.
00:55:56Strange. It's gotten suddenly dark. Well, it's no wonder. What makes you say that? There's an ash cloud above us. An ash cloud?
00:56:16A volcano. Yes. It's spectacular. And beyond the volcano, it looks like the lights of a city. The red spot Andre saw. We must get a move on. Not right away.
00:56:36This might be our only chance to gather some samples. Lava and ash. To take away with us. All right. We'll go to a much better vantage point than right now. Sherman, come.
00:56:48But look at the magnificence. No one on earth has seen such a sight. Hurry, we must go to higher ground. I am hurrying. Are you getting the spectra sample?
00:57:17Getting it now. That's enough. The lava is rising.
00:57:26Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire
00:57:56Oh, we didn't report from John.
00:57:59There's no more time.
00:58:06Yes, I hear you.
00:58:08Carry us across the lava.
00:58:10Climb on, quick!
00:58:26Climb on, quick!
00:58:44Audibility getting better.
00:58:48Why is he talking?
00:58:49He's silent.
00:58:50Giving radio distance according to your request.
00:58:56And determining distance to miles.
00:59:01It's Lockhart.
00:59:02I hope so, my friend.
00:59:04I'm sure.
00:59:06They'll be by here any minute yelling, taxi.
00:59:14A remarkable invention you have here.
00:59:18Nice to hear you admit it, Alan.
00:59:23Temperature for extremities 500 degrees by self-reservation mechanism says I must eliminate extra weight.
00:59:37What now?
00:59:39Disconnect the mechanism.
00:59:42Open the door.
00:59:44Press panel.
00:59:46Hurry or we're dead for sure.
00:59:47I don't know which.
00:59:48Let me.
00:59:52I am forced to release some of this weight.
01:00:03He's going to throw us off.
01:00:04Pull the wires.
01:00:08In the lava.
01:00:09Speed, Hans.
01:00:10Smash the panel.
01:00:12I have. I've done everything.
01:00:44We must hold on.
01:00:45They'll be here.
01:00:54Wish me luck.
01:00:55For God's sakes, hurry.
01:01:13Easy, Rick.
01:01:14Go ahead.
01:01:47Here, let me help you out, my friend.
01:01:49I never thought I'd see your ugly face again.
01:01:53We save him and he insults us.
01:01:58No, we should have saved Kern's robot instead.
01:02:06Kern, you rescued us.
01:02:07Knew you'd make it.
01:02:08Is the robot finished?
01:02:41The end
01:03:05It was just a metal lump.
01:03:07Yet when his destruction was evident, he called my name.
01:03:14Looks placid and calm, but frightening.
01:03:21Yes, I suppose it does, if you use imagination.
01:03:27We'll soon be home.
01:03:29That's right, but we leave a friend behind.
01:03:35Come, join the rest of us.
01:03:43So we took stock of the situation.
01:03:46And though we tried to keep our spirits up, it was still pretty discouraging.
01:03:50The volcano had destroyed some of our provisions and our rocket ship's fuel supply was low anyway,
01:03:56considering the added weight of Kearns and Sherman.
01:03:59It looked like we'd have to be starting back very soon.
01:04:03What else is there to do?
01:04:07Well, we can look for Andre's girl.
01:04:19Very cute, Hans.
01:04:22Do you name him after us?
01:04:25Well, with triplets it's better with numbers.
01:04:29Looks to me like he's raising his own countdown.
01:04:33Why not names?
01:04:36I'd forget.
01:04:37I'm worried about him.
01:04:41So you really found proof there were people on this planet.
01:04:45Hard to believe.
01:04:51Believe it or not, my dear Mr. Kearns, it's true.
01:04:55And they could still be here.
01:04:57I don't go along with that.
01:05:00Could a human survive in a place like this?
01:05:03You survive.
01:05:06And man will almost always adapt himself in time.
01:05:10And don't forget in the dim past we all lived in water.
01:05:13For centuries our Earth was toxic.
01:05:16But that atmosphere evolved mankind's form.
01:05:19Adjusting the atmosphere.
01:05:22And I bet that these people on our planet couldn't live.
01:05:26The air would be poisoned.
01:05:28Afraid I don't share your opinion.
01:05:30You just can't close your mind to it.
01:05:33We found proof.
01:05:35Proof of intelligent being.
01:05:37And those lizard men of Kearns, that's proof?
01:05:40Look, suppose they do look like lizards.
01:05:43Couldn't they be people?
01:05:46They saw the ship.
01:05:48Got frightened.
01:05:49Then donned their lizard costumes, eh?
01:05:52And then jumped up and down to spook us away.
01:05:57What possible story could explain it better, huh?
01:06:00You're the winner.
01:06:02Joking aside, my friend.
01:06:04Man, lizard or what.
01:06:05I know there were or are intelligent people here.
01:06:08If we just had time.
01:06:09I think they might come to us.
01:06:12Look, even you, Kearns, said you thought you saw the lights of the city beyond the volcano.
01:06:18I said they looked like, not were.
01:06:21Here, you two.
01:06:22Have some coffee and rest your voices.
01:06:24If only there was some way to communicate with them.
01:06:27Some way to make them understand we were not an enemy.
01:06:30That we wanted nothing except to know their ways.
01:06:33Study their civilization.
01:06:36Or was it really all just fancy?
01:06:39Just my wishful imagination?
01:06:43And that sound only an accident caused by the wind in the canyons.
01:06:57Hey, hey!
01:06:58Hey, watch it!
01:06:59Now, that's for your countdown gag on my shoulder.
01:07:21Wake up, sisters.
01:07:48It is a new day.
01:07:50And our land is safe again.
01:07:54But what is that?
01:07:57Something strange is there.
01:08:00Come and see.
01:08:20It is one of the demons.
01:08:32It is sent to us by the god of the fire mountain.
01:08:35He shows us his power.
01:08:38Better get out and locate her, Andres.
01:08:51She wants you to stay on here.
01:08:52Just you wait.
01:08:54I think perhaps we should be trying to find her and take her with us.
01:08:59I'd vote for that.
01:09:01But she might not like us much anyway.
01:09:04If we can explore beyond those hills, I'll bet you money we find her and the city.
01:09:09You've been reading too many comics.
01:09:12Garn wouldn't believe she existed if she were sitting on his lap right now.
01:09:17Wanna bet?
01:09:19We're here.
01:09:41All of the invaders have not been destroyed.
01:09:44They are stronger than the god of the fire mountain.
01:09:48But now, terror will speak.
01:09:52I think we did a job we can be proud of.
01:09:55Look at all the samples we got.
01:09:57There's gonna be a large headline when they see all these great things we're bringing back to them.
01:10:03This one's loaded, old man.
01:10:06Steady, child.
01:10:08Bring the spectra.
01:10:22Oh, terror.
01:10:24Most powerful of all the gods, show us your wrath.
01:10:28Bring forth the waters and the fiery heavens.
01:10:33Let not one invader remain to walk your land.
01:10:48You have heard us, great terror.
01:11:00At first, we didn't pay much attention to the rain, though it seemed heavier than any rain we'd ever seen.
01:11:07But it continued without letup.
01:11:11In fact, it seemed to increase in strength.
01:11:15As we planned our takeoff procedure, which required some adjustment because of Kearns and Sherman,
01:11:20I know we all felt slightly uneasy, nervous, as we listened to the heavy rainfall on the ship.
01:11:27For myself, I listened with a sinking feeling,
01:11:32as though every drop were taking me further and further from ever finding her.
01:11:38Then suddenly...
01:11:45Quickly, Andre.
01:12:13This was all level ground when we landed.
01:12:18The stream's cutting a whole new channel above.
01:12:20Get there.
01:12:21Look there.
01:12:24A crack running clear across.
01:12:25If it widens any more, we'll all be gone.
01:12:28Quick, lighten ship for emergency blast-off.
01:12:30If we can beat it.
01:12:59Come on.
01:13:07Sherman, Kearns, everybody back to the ship.
01:13:16Hurry, Andre.
01:13:18Just finished.
01:13:39Look what I found.
01:13:43The humans!
01:13:45We can't leave.
01:13:46They're like us!
01:13:50We can't leave.
01:13:52They look just like us.
01:13:55We can't leave.
01:13:58Look her face.
01:13:59It was in the rocks.
01:14:01Commander, they're like us.
01:14:03Don't you see?
01:14:05They're like us.
01:14:06We must stay.
01:14:08We must stay.
01:14:38We must stay.
01:15:07They are stronger than our gods.
01:15:20They are stronger than Terra.
01:15:27Terra is a false god.
01:15:56There is a stronger god.
01:16:25There is a stronger god.
01:16:54There is a stronger god.
01:17:23There is a stronger god.
01:17:52Hear us, our strongest god of all.
01:18:04We worship you.
01:18:32Hear us, our strongest god of all.
01:19:02Well, that's the story.
01:19:06It's been two years now and there's been no plan to return to Venus.
01:19:10Lockhart and Kearns have moved on to other missions.
01:19:13There's Mars to be explored and Jupiter.
01:19:17But I can't forget her.
01:19:19And I'm going back.
01:19:22Maybe someday I'll see her.
01:19:25Maybe I'll die trying.