En este capítulo se realizó la última competencia individual femenina.
00:00:00Who is it?
00:00:01The Lucho?
00:00:03It's him, isn't it?
00:00:04Good evening.
00:00:05It's The Lucho.
00:00:06The Lucho.
00:00:07Tell me the truth.
00:00:35Te ha gustado o te gustaría besar en ganar o servir
00:00:43Cuál de los dos estaría más dispuesto a que yo le leyera las líneas de la mano
00:00:52Mira que interesante
00:00:55Le tiene mucho miedo enamorarte mucho pero hay alguien que te está esperando y que es mayor que tú
00:01:01Y va a aparecer va a aparecer no lo mires al porque él tiene cuantos tres años tres años más
00:01:08No mucho más mayor que te quieres quedar con él
00:01:13Estoy completamente de acuerdo
00:01:31En 3, 2, 1, ¡VAMOS!
00:01:45Se ha dado inicio a la última competencia por equipos
00:02:02Es la última competencia, todos quieren ganar
00:02:12Es resistencia
00:02:14La victoria nuevamente es para Resistencia
00:02:38Felicitaciones equipo Resistencia
00:02:51Buenas noches a cada uno de los participantes
00:02:53Quiero decirles que les voy a entregar una información que de ahora en más va a cambiar para siempre las reglas de ganar o servir
00:03:04Dentro de este sobre por decisión de nuestro público
00:03:08Está el nombre del participante que va a pasar a partir de hoy directamente a la semifinal de ganar o servir
00:03:23Y que va a ser señor o señora hasta esa instancia
00:03:28La persona que pasa directamente a la semifinal es
00:03:33Por ser el participante más votado por nuestro público
00:03:42¡VAMOS! ¡Gracias! ¡Vamos tú! ¡Vamos! ¡Histórico!
00:04:00¡Gracias! Es que tengo mucho hambre
00:04:03¿No queréis ver si hay algo?
00:04:05Sí, a ver
00:04:07¡No, ese es el que más me gusta a mí!
00:04:08No, pero es de manjar, ¿no es el que te gusta de manjar?
00:04:10Bueno, igual, debe ser igual de bueno
00:04:12No, ese lo compartes
00:04:13No, ese no lo comparto
00:04:14No, sí, una mierda
00:04:16¿Quién ha pedido? ¿Quién se ha acordado?
00:04:18¿Quién se ha acordado de...?
00:04:19Oriana, Oriana
00:04:20No te enseñan a compartir
00:04:21Bueno, son los niños, viejo, pues son los niños
00:04:23Comparte también, comparte, comparte, no seas malo
00:04:25Tío, ¿Quién se acordó de pedir...?
00:04:26¡Falo, tío! ¿Quién se acordó de pedirte la nevera?
00:04:30Pero miren la cantidad que hay en los listos
00:04:32Pero dile, dile
00:04:33¡No lo agarro yo!
00:04:34¡Pero que no lo vi, hijo!
00:04:35Cuando lo sacas, evidentemente me gusta, es el que más me gusta
00:04:38No voy a dejar que no me...
00:04:39Yo también quiero
00:04:40No, ven, ven, ven, vamos a compartir
00:04:41¡Que no me...! ¡Dame la...!
00:04:42¿Eres imbécil o qué?
00:04:46Te hubiera gustado seguir juntos
00:04:52Yo pensé que podíamos estar todos en realidad
00:04:57Pero sí estaba a gusto contigo
00:04:59Pero tú te fuiste en otra, muy impaciente tú
00:05:03Y entendí cómo era tu forma antes
00:05:05Te dije, mejor ser amigos
00:05:07Y llevarnos bien
00:05:08Pero yo sí estaba a gusto contigo
00:05:13¿Cómo te cambió la carita desde esta mañana?
00:05:15¿Cómo está la mañana, pal?
00:05:17¿Está el palo muerto?
00:05:19¿Qué te pasa?
00:05:22Ni en mi casa duermo, imagínate
00:05:24Pero Gala...
00:05:27Se le gira la ansiedad
00:05:30Intenta tomármelo...
00:05:33¿De verdad?
00:05:34Yo no me voy a hablar
00:05:36¡Pero me diste la razón!
00:05:39Yo no se lo siento sin códigos
00:05:43Yo no se lo siento sin códigos
00:05:44Así que no me bromees con un tema que para mí fue molesto
00:05:47Tú tampoco
00:05:48Porque no se huevea con el hombre que está con una que te cae bien
00:05:52Yo había un mes durmiendo con él
00:05:54Un mes durmiendo con él, son códigos
00:05:56Si tú te llevas bien conmigo, eso no te hace
00:05:58Ni aquí, ni en ningún lado
00:05:59Tienes códigos
00:06:00Pero Gala, acuérdate que esta estaba bien el pancho
00:06:02Y tú también te metiste
00:06:03Eso también es código
00:06:05Claro, uno se metía a meterle mal
00:06:06Se me traía a meterle mal
00:06:07Código de metal
00:06:08Se me traía a meterle mal
00:06:09Él lo vio
00:06:13No, yo con Pancho no tuve absolutamente nada
00:06:15Yo me presté porque existen actividades
00:06:20Porque existen actividades
00:06:22Podías haber jugado con todos los hombres de la casa
00:06:24Y lo hiciste justamente con el que estaba con una que te cae bien
00:06:32Transitando la recta final de ganar o servir
00:06:35Tres son las competidoras que van a protagonizar
00:06:38La última competencia individual femenina
00:06:42¡Tres, dos, uno, vamos!
00:06:55En ganar o servir, de vuelta al pasado
00:06:57Seremos testigos de un particular y nostálgico recorrido
00:07:01Por la casona a cargo de Botota
00:07:03Los ánimos de nuestros participantes se encuentran bastantes exaltados
00:07:08Y hoy deberán medirse entre ellas por última vez
00:07:12También volveremos a reír a Carcajadas con un clásico de nuestro programa
00:07:17Las Hermanas Péndulo
00:07:19Esto y mucho más en un capítulo imperdible
00:08:01¿Qué quieres con Perico? ¿Un mega taco?
00:08:04Perico no piensa que pasa a SEME
00:08:06Yo también puedo pensar, para mí no pasa a SEME, directo
00:08:11A lo mejor con el dólar, a lo mejor puedo competir con él, no sé
00:08:16Pero él me quiere tener en la vitrina
00:08:18Me quiere tener ahí en la vitrina que me ganó Mbembe
00:08:23Lo ha esperado todo el reality, todo el reality
00:08:25Pero estas cosas que yo no le presiono
00:08:27Tengo miedo, no le tengo miedo ni a palo
00:08:29Tiene mucha falencia
00:08:31Eso es lo que yo dije el otro día, tiene muchos puntos débiles
00:08:34Lo bueno es que este güey tiene muy inflado a raíz
00:08:38¿Tú crees que no lo ha conversado con él?
00:08:40Sí, sí
00:08:41No, por eso me pregunta, ¿pero vos le ganas?
00:08:43Todo parecido al otro que yo le dije que le gano
00:08:50A esos dos los menos como
00:09:15¿Qué tal?
00:09:17¿Pero no quisieron él?
00:09:20Por bobo
00:09:21Este no quiso
00:09:22¿Por qué?
00:09:23Porque si ganaban
00:09:24No, si yo soy señor, nos hacen una hueada
00:09:26No vamos a hacer nada
00:09:27Por pavo, te cagaste solo
00:09:36Somos Facult Sirviente
00:09:40Entré de sirviente y me voy de sirviente
00:09:43¡Hueón, te lo juro!
00:09:44Entré de sirviente a esta casa y me voy de sirviente
00:09:49Wake up, brother
00:09:50Somos un equipo
00:09:51Estamos limpiando todos nosotros
00:09:55¡Buen día, princesa!
00:09:58¿Por qué te preocupas?
00:10:03Se despierta la guagua
00:10:05La guagua no quiere descansar
00:10:11Entrenaron todos los hueones
00:10:14Si quiere llegar o no va a llegar ninguno
00:10:16Estaba hablando con el Luis y el Luis dijo que ni cagando le ganaba
00:10:20Más encima
00:10:21Más encima
00:10:37¡Mis brazos!
00:10:40No podemos, no podemos, pero así
00:10:47Un abrazo
00:10:48Luis Cara, Luis Cara
00:10:50A la noche le da noche
00:10:51A la noche le da noche
00:10:52Estás de una elegancia, mi princesita
00:10:55¿Cómo está?
00:10:56Muy bien, la verdad
00:10:57Ahora míreme, a ver
00:10:58Después de la visita del Luis
00:11:00¿Pero canta tan bien como usted?
00:11:02No, le falta un poquito
00:11:04Llegó Amanda
00:11:08Wake up
00:11:14¡Buen día!
00:11:16¡Buen día, Amanda!
00:11:19¡Y la primera semifinalista!
00:11:27Más que la felicito porque si es gracias al público en realidad es por usted
00:11:33Así que la felicito
00:11:34Muchísimas gracias
00:11:35Porque usted es muy trabajadora, muy aplicada
00:11:38Así que la primera semifinalista
00:11:41Supongamos que no pasa nada
00:11:43Más que bien
00:11:44¿Sí? Porque va a seguir así, así
00:11:45Siga, siga, siga
00:11:47Solo brilla
00:11:50El Rey
00:11:52El Rey
00:11:53Viene Amanda a revisar
00:11:55¿Qué haga? ¿La cama dónde está?
00:11:57El Rey
00:11:58O hácesela tú
00:12:00El día amanecí medio sexy
00:12:01Me siento así
00:12:02¿Medio sexy?
00:12:03Me siento así como...
00:12:04¿Cómo, cómo, cómo medio sexy?
00:12:06Yo lo veo
00:12:07Sexy entero
00:12:08¿En serio?
00:12:10¿Qué pa' usted ser sexy? A ver, muéstrame
00:12:11Nada, esto, la actitud, la mirada
00:12:13Ay, yo me podría sentar al lado suyo
00:12:15Siéntese donde quiera
00:12:16Pero yo quiero ser sexy
00:12:17¿Usted me puede enseñar?
00:12:19Recuéstese ahí
00:12:23Las piernecitas, no, po
00:12:24Y recuéstese un poco acá con su...
00:12:25Su mano
00:12:26Sí, po
00:12:27Un poco más atrás, un poco más atrás
00:12:28Déjese, déjese como...
00:12:29No, pero el cuello lo tiene muy tieso, po
00:12:31Pero tóqueme, pues, si no tengo miedo
00:12:33No muerdo
00:12:34¿Cómo es que recuéstese?
00:12:35Un poco más atrás
00:12:37Cuidado con el peinado, pa' mí el peinado
00:12:38Pero mire, mire
00:12:39¿Y así me toca en el aire?
00:12:40No, no, no, pero ponga la antebraz
00:12:41No sea tiesa, po, Amanda
00:12:44No tanto, po
00:12:47No, pero no tanto
00:12:48No, po
00:12:49Ahí, ahí y levante la mirada
00:12:51Míreme, míreme, así míreme
00:12:54Ah, sí
00:12:55¿Me entiende?
00:12:56Ah, ese, ahí
00:13:03Ray, fuerte hueón
00:13:04No, pero no tiene cabeza
00:13:06Pero con resistencia
00:13:07Sí, resistencia tiene, pero...
00:13:09También tiene 14 años menos, hueón
00:13:12Estoy bien, estoy en 50 ahora, bro
00:13:15No, vos estás, vos no estás a tus 100
00:13:16Y él tampoco está a 100
00:13:17¿Querés contar a Luis?
00:13:18¿Querés contar a Luis?
00:13:19¿Querés contar a Luis?
00:13:20¿Querés contar a Luis, pa' joder, hueón?
00:13:21Dice que estás a tus 100
00:13:26Alguien que me explique, señor capitán
00:13:29No, no, no, no, que yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
00:13:31Aquí hay un capitán
00:13:32Y el capitán tiene que saberlo todo
00:13:33¿Qué pasó?
00:13:34Vamos, vamos, que aquí viene
00:13:36Es que el Facu con Loreana le pusieron bueno
00:13:38¿Le hicieron? ¿Quién le...
00:13:40La quería ir a ver cómo estaba
00:13:41No, primero quiero respirar
00:13:47Se rompió una cama
00:13:48Se pegaron un porrazo de aquello
00:13:51Se pegaron un porrazo bueno
00:13:56¿Quiere que le muestre lo que están haciendo?
00:13:58¿Y ustedes lo dejaron ahí para esconder?
00:13:59¿Ese era el plan, que yo no lo viera?
00:14:02¿La verdad, botota?
00:14:05Estaba así
00:14:06Y el Facu le estaba dando
00:14:09¿Estaban saltando?
00:14:10¿Estaban saltando?
00:14:11No, le estaba poniendo bueno
00:14:12Estaban teniendo
00:14:15Estaban teniendo sexo
00:14:16Estaba queriendo el sexo
00:14:19Me parecen como viejas caguñeras los dos
00:14:21O sea, como si el sexo fuese una cosa ya
00:14:23Como si fuese una enfermedad
00:14:24Perdóneme, pero
00:14:25Lo mejor que puede haber en la vida
00:14:26Para el cuti, para tú
00:14:27Totalmente, pero
00:14:28Pero eso ya es
00:14:29No me toques
00:14:30Es que el Facundo hace
00:14:31No, eso es animal
00:14:33¿Puedo decir algo?
00:14:34Yo creo que usted está mirando
00:14:36Como el vaso medio vacío
00:14:38Hay que reutilizar, reciclar
00:14:41Está lleno de oportunidades
00:14:42Amanda, te arreglá la cama
00:14:44Ahí está, ¿ves?
00:14:48Ahí está, ¿ves?
00:14:49Pero me encanta
00:14:50Y a ustedes que les encanta
00:14:51Estar sentados
00:14:52Uy, verdad, podemos usarla acá
00:14:53¿Sabe que usted cada vez
00:14:54Que me mira con esos ojos
00:14:55Así como maquillado?
00:14:57¿Cómo que no sé?
00:14:59Como que
00:15:02¿Dónde está Torito?
00:15:03Que no pueden seguir mi ritmo, Amanda
00:15:04Yo soy un maldito
00:15:05No todos los días
00:15:08¿Sabe que lo miro y me desconcentro?
00:15:15¿Qué pasó?
00:15:23¿Para qué?
00:15:24Para sacarle celo
00:15:26Pero usted no está ni ahí, po
00:15:27¿Pero qué juegona?
00:15:28¿Por qué le echa la culpa al Ray
00:15:29Que él no quiso que funcionara?
00:15:31Yo le dije, pero fue...
00:15:40Deberían intentarlo una vez más
00:15:42Y aquí a nada
00:15:43Yo creo que afuera
00:15:44Tengan algo
00:15:52El Ray no se equivea
00:15:53Sí, galla
00:15:54Mira acá
00:15:56¿Para poder desayunar?
00:15:58Es que necesita dormir
00:15:59Entonces que se acuesta acá, po
00:16:02Hay un buitre allí
00:16:03Arriba de ese techo
00:16:04¿Lo ves?
00:16:05Se va a comer al Ray
00:16:06En cualquier momento
00:16:07Sí, está habiendo un muertito ahí
00:16:08Ray, que llegaron los buitres
00:16:10Se van a comer todas las carroñas
00:16:12Vete si no te mueves
00:16:15Lo que quedó de Ray
00:16:16De ganar este olvido
00:16:39¿Qué hiciste?
00:16:41Se me cayó el Valde
00:16:44Amiga, yo te afirmo y tú lo sacai
00:16:47Y yo te afirmo las patas, po
00:16:49¿Cómo te voy a dejar caer?
00:16:50¿Cómo te voy a dejar caer?
00:16:52Amiga, no me vayas a soltar
00:16:53¿Cómo te voy a soltar?
00:16:55¡Hasta aquí llegaste!
00:16:59¡Agárralo, po!
00:17:04No alcanzo
00:17:05¡Pero baja más!
00:17:06¡Si te estoy afirmando!
00:17:07Ay, amigo, me da claustrofobia
00:17:10A ver, firmame la pierna
00:17:23No alcanzas
00:17:25¡Maldito y prostituto Valde!
00:17:28Sal de aquí
00:17:30Y todo por lavar la plosa
00:17:33Amigo, ¿pero a qué vinimos?
00:17:34A lavar los platos
00:17:38A lo que vinimos fue
00:17:41A algo que le hagamos el amarre en esta casa
00:17:44Un amarre que nos resulte
00:17:57Vamos, tráelo
00:18:01Tráelo, po' amiga
00:18:04¿Estamos bien?
00:18:05¿Si te da mi ayuda?
00:18:07¿Cómo que ahora?
00:18:08¡Eh, cariño!
00:18:09¡Que le den todo el aguayo!
00:18:10Es lo que me tengo de cabeza al pozo
00:18:12Aunque te sientas muy poderoso
00:18:14¡Tú no eres nadie!
00:18:15¡Las mujeres podemos también!
00:18:25¡No, no!
00:18:28¡Ey, te p***ste!
00:18:29¡Ey, te vi venir por atrás y dije, se van a morir!
00:18:31¡No, no, no, no!
00:18:34¡No, no, no, no!
00:18:36¡Si no te perdono!
00:18:37¡No te perdono!
00:18:41¡Se viene la venganza, Pancho Rodríguez!
00:18:43¡Esto es una declaración de guerra!
00:18:46¡Se viene la venganza!
00:18:47¡Pero prepárate!
00:18:54¡Hágale bien la hueá, mira!
00:18:55¡Ya, ya!
00:19:01Problema en este equipo
00:19:03¡Qué bien!
00:19:04¡Estamos cagando!
00:19:07¡Hazle ahí!
00:19:08¡Gala, vos sos media boluda, no!
00:19:09Es boluda entera ahí
00:19:10¡Está cagando!
00:19:11¡Que voy a entrar al baño, Gala!
00:19:12¡Se metió en el facu!
00:19:13¡Está cagando!
00:19:14¿Qué le hiciste?
00:19:15Le abrió la puerta el facu
00:19:16¡No te puedo creer!
00:19:19¡Está cagando!
00:19:20¡Esta mujer, esta mujer, la verdad que no!
00:19:22¡Ni cagar, tranquilo, se puede!
00:19:23¡O estés cagando, te voy a hacer lo mismo, vas a ver!
00:19:25¡Madre que la parió!
00:19:31Escuchame, si perdemos, te voy a nominar a...
00:19:37¡Qué mal!
00:19:38No, está bien
00:19:40Y ahí, el güey, como no te eligió ayer la mejor cabidán
00:19:46¿Un puñal?
00:19:47No, no, no
00:19:49Y después
00:19:50¿Un puñal?
00:19:51Nos nominamos a Luis
00:19:52Y nunca andas
00:20:00Esta, si allá pierde el equipo de ella
00:20:04Si gana, se deja limone a ella
00:20:06Si pierde, va a nominar a la Dani
00:20:08Y en el circulo de fuego, tiramos a Luis
00:20:11Y van los dos para allá
00:20:13¡Esta sería buena!
00:20:14A ver, ¿qué va a ser, po?
00:20:15A ver, ¿qué va a ser?
00:20:16Nuevamente lo mismo que hizo con la Dani
00:20:18Que la Dani dijo, no, yo me retiro y lo dejo ganar a él
00:20:20No, porque la Dani es competitiva, va a competir
00:20:23Dani no se va a dejar perder ni caro
00:20:25Y Luis
00:20:26Y tiene posibilidades
00:20:27El Luis va a tener que tirar la toalla y virar
00:20:29Que ella como hueón, si no compite
00:20:34O te pones pa'lante
00:20:35No te creo
00:20:36Ahí está, ahí está, se metió abajo
00:20:37No te pongo, creo
00:20:38Está por el lado ya
00:20:39Está por tu lado, no
00:20:40Si se fue pa' tu lado
00:20:41Se fue pa' tu lado
00:20:43Se mete
00:20:44No, no, no
00:20:45Se mete bien en el agujero
00:20:46Ahí estaba, estaba pa'lante
00:20:47Y se va a querer meter, hueón
00:20:48Hijo de...
00:20:49Abrile entonces, abrile, abrile
00:20:51A ver acá, a ver acá
00:20:52Está hablando, está hablando, está aquí
00:20:53Ahí está, ahí está, ahí está
00:20:54¡Está hablando!
00:20:55¿Cómo que está hablando?
00:20:56Porque se escucha, tíntate
00:20:57Está abajo, está abajo, está abajo
00:20:58Escúchalo, grita
00:20:59Está hablando, ¿no ves que habla?
00:21:00Sí, Oriana, dice
00:21:01¿Qué va a decir, hueón?
00:21:02No, tonto
00:21:03¡Ahí está, cuidado!
00:21:04¡Ay, no!
00:21:07Se escuchaba, ¿sí?
00:21:10Tiene que estar en la cama Oriana
00:21:12Hija de...
00:21:13¿Era verdad o era mentira?
00:21:14¡Qué hijo de puta!
00:21:15¿Era mentira?
00:21:16¡Qué hijo de puta, qué hijo de puta!
00:21:17¿Ese chico es tonto?
00:21:18¿Sabés que no lo iba a creer, Luis?
00:21:19O sea
00:21:20Cuando Luis hizo...
00:21:21¡Ay, ratón!
00:21:22La cara no, no era tan de susto
00:21:23Dije, ¿este hueón?
00:21:24Pero como este hueón también dijo
00:21:25Saltó atrás, dije
00:21:26¡Estáis todos gilipollas!
00:21:27No, me sonaban las charlas
00:21:28Y decía, está hablando, está hablando
00:21:32Es que parecía el ruido del ratón
00:21:33El ratón no
00:21:34Está, hueón
00:21:35Ori, Ori, explícame eso de...
00:21:36Está hablando
00:21:44Veo gente muy relajada
00:21:46¿Qué pasó aquí?
00:21:47Carlita, deberías probar la zanahoria
00:21:50¡Ay, quédate ahí, boludo!
00:21:51Aguanta, aguanta
00:21:53¡Ay, qué rico!
00:21:56¿No? Y lo peor de todo
00:21:57que siempre estamos aquí
00:21:58y nos cagan las palmas, ¿no?
00:22:00Oye, ven
00:22:01Necesito pedirte un favor
00:22:02¿Qué tal si hoy día
00:22:03hacemos para nuestro público
00:22:05como un city tour?
00:22:08Y vamos recorriendo
00:22:09distintos lugares de la casa
00:22:10pero contando
00:22:13que hayan ocurrido ahí
00:22:14Vamos a comenzar
00:22:15por una parte muy especial
00:22:16para nosotros
00:22:17porque fue donde
00:22:18primera vez
00:22:19vimos a Amanda
00:22:25Buen día
00:22:26Bienvenidas y bienvenidos
00:22:28a Ganar o Servir
00:22:30Mi nombre es Amanda Belvillar
00:22:34Nunca había subido aquí
00:22:36No, mentira
00:22:37que nunca había subido
00:22:38Nunca había venido acá
00:22:41Dime que nuevo lugar lindo
00:22:43Aquí se han hecho cosas
00:22:44también como Romeo y Julieta
00:22:47Y a mí me tocó
00:22:48como decir Tutankamón
00:22:49creo que eso
00:22:51Y lo hice con Mariela
00:22:52¿Y cómo fue eso?
00:22:53¿Qué decían?
00:22:54Mariela, por favor
00:22:55¿Quién es tu Romeo
00:22:56del antiguo Egipto?
00:22:58¡Qué chistoso!
00:23:00¡Ahí está!
00:23:01Apareció Julieta
00:23:04¿Está tu papá?
00:23:10¿Usted tiene harta joya?
00:23:12¡Tengo terribles joyas!
00:23:14¡Tengo esclavos!
00:23:15¡Tengo cualquier terreno!
00:23:18¡Pero está jarte!
00:23:19¡Pero está bizarra!
00:23:22¡Quería una pirámide
00:23:23de este lado!
00:23:27¿Y oro también tiene?
00:23:30¡Puta esa hueá
00:23:31que me limpio el c... con oro!
00:23:33Pero aquí
00:23:34yo me acuerdo
00:23:35que se sentaban acá
00:23:36y aquí ocurrían
00:23:37los pelambres
00:23:38Acá he hecho un programa
00:23:39que se llama
00:23:40Destilando Veneno
00:23:42De hecho conversé con Pancho
00:23:43un día
00:23:44y ahí me dijo
00:23:45que le gustaba la Dani
00:23:47La Dani
00:23:48La Dani
00:23:50¿Y tú?
00:23:51Quiero que me digas la verdad
00:23:52¿Quién te ha llamado
00:23:53la atención acá adentro?
00:23:54¿Solamente la verdad?
00:23:55La más linda
00:23:56y la que es
00:23:57más parecida
00:23:58a lo que a mí me gusta
00:23:59de una mujer
00:24:00es Daniela
00:24:01Su estilo de vida
00:24:02las cosas que le gustan
00:24:03el surf, la yoga
00:24:05Eso a mí me gusta
00:24:06de una mujer
00:24:07Sí, sí, sí
00:24:08Eso es lo que me gusta
00:24:09de una mujer
00:24:10Por eso le hablaste
00:24:11por Instagram
00:24:12¡Mira qué sofá!
00:24:15Nosotros nos conocimos
00:24:16en persona
00:24:17Ah, ¿verdad?
00:24:18¿En la disco?
00:24:21Habías mirado ahí
00:24:22Sí, sí
00:24:23¿Y tú creíste que si ella
00:24:24no hubiera estado con Luis
00:24:26No hubiera estado con él
00:24:27Quiero decirte Luis
00:24:28que tanto quisiste
00:24:29meter al Pancho
00:24:30en el grupo de ustedes
00:24:31te querían comer la color
00:24:32y no te diste cuenta
00:24:35Eso es destilar veneno
00:24:37Ah, ya, ya, ya
00:24:38Ya te entendí el concepto
00:24:39Ese es el concepto
00:24:41Vamos al árbol
00:24:42Ya, vamos
00:24:48Carlita, te vamos
00:24:49a mostrar esto
00:24:50Este árbol
00:24:51se ha convertido
00:24:52en el árbol icónico
00:24:53de acá de Ganarosebiv
00:24:54ya que está amarrado
00:24:55por todos lados
00:24:56El joven ahí
00:24:57le hizo un columpio
00:24:58y ahora se le ocurrió
00:24:59hacer una hueá ahí
00:25:00para hacer esto
00:25:03¡No, no!
00:25:04¡Pajero, si me caigo
00:25:05en el pajero!
00:25:14¿Alguna vez te hay caído
00:25:15pangar así como
00:25:16de cuerdas y eso?
00:25:18Me he sacado la cresta
00:25:19Casi no hay aire, Carlita
00:25:21Casi no hay aire
00:25:22¿El golpe?
00:25:23Sí, alto
00:25:24¿Pero te has quebrado?
00:25:26¿Qué voy a hacer?
00:25:29Si así hago
00:25:30Si así esta
00:25:31Eres mi ídolo
00:25:32Si así esta
00:25:33no voy a poder ganar
00:25:35No, no, no
00:25:40¡Oye, oye, oye, oye!
00:25:41¡Oye, oye, oye, oye!
00:25:42¿Te crees que te cagaste tú?
00:25:45¡Ah, ¿me tenía que pegar?
00:25:46No, no, no
00:25:47¡Oye, oye!
00:25:48¡Oye, oye, oye, oye!
00:25:49¿Qué vas a hacer?
00:25:51¿Para qué vamos a hacer?
00:25:52¡Não não, não não!
00:25:53¡Se va frescar!
00:25:54¡Se va a frescar!
00:25:55¡Se va a frescar!
00:25:56¡Se va a frescar!
00:25:57Oh, my God!
00:25:58It's going to break.
00:25:59No, it's not going to break.
00:26:00It's going to break.
00:26:01Oh, I know how it's going to be.
00:26:02What's the name of that test?
00:26:03It's going to go like this.
00:27:53That's the way to do it.
00:27:56And they put a bull on it.
00:27:58Of course.
00:27:59But what did the bull have to do with the animal?
00:28:03Well, because imagine, a gentleman helped me hold my hair.
00:28:10And how did it come out?
00:28:24That's it!
00:28:33Thank you. Thank you very much.
00:28:35Has anyone else lost their ring?
00:28:39Several have lost theirs.
00:28:40Daniela has lost hers and Oriana has lost hers too.
00:28:45I'm going to show you another part that has been very special for us
00:28:48because we have had the best parties in this place.
00:28:51And here is a place...
00:28:53I remember when Falon...
00:28:56Yes, they kissed here.
00:28:58Yes, you see? It was a kiss.
00:29:00It was a kiss here with the bear.
00:29:01Falon, do you remember that I gave you a kiss?
00:29:04The kiss!
00:29:05It can be the dance.
00:29:06What does the audience say?
00:29:07What does the audience say?
00:29:08The kiss is unique.
00:29:12The guy knows.
00:29:15We are like little boyeras.
00:29:19Come here.
00:29:21Give him a hug.
00:29:22Come here!
00:29:30It was better than the real one.
00:29:32It was better than the real one.
00:29:36This was the first party.
00:29:38This was the first party with Sergio.
00:29:40Sergio did a mortal there and fell.
00:29:51He fell.
00:29:54Since then, we have always had parties in this place.
00:29:58This is the party place.
00:30:00And look, they always have a good time in the village.
00:30:03Did you like the melon with wine?
00:30:05I've never tried it.
00:30:06It's a Chilean tradition.
00:30:09Oh, I made a hole!
00:30:11You poked it!
00:30:13Is it dry?
00:30:16Come on!
00:30:21Barrio Vaquero Macarron!
00:30:24Barrio Vaquero Macarron!
00:30:26Barrio Vaquero Macarron!
00:30:29I'm going to show you another part that was very iconic.
00:30:33In fact, in this part, something happened that unleashed that you were a competitor.
00:30:45And here I was having a delicious breakfast.
00:30:48We were all there, the table was full.
00:30:50And in the corner was our Mr. Mateucci.
00:30:55Here is Mateucci.
00:30:58And Fabio comes.
00:31:00Hello! You were the protagonist of this story.
00:31:02I was the protagonist of the story.
00:31:04A symbolic part of the house, our dear table.
00:31:10For the gentleman.
00:31:11Come on, grab it.
00:31:14Do you want some protein?
00:31:16Do you want some protein?
00:31:30Let's see who has more fire.
00:31:32It's the Chilean.
00:31:34What did he do?
00:31:35Did he throw water at him?
00:31:36No, I hope not.
00:31:41He looks at me as if he were my son.
00:31:44Are you going to leave it to me?
00:31:46No, no, no.
00:31:48Who are you grabbing?
00:31:50You are good at arguing, but not at shaking hands.
00:31:52No, no, no.
00:31:53You never lose.
00:31:54I have it very clear.
00:31:55But that time you feel that you went beyond the limits.
00:31:58I know what the limits are and I have it very clear.
00:32:01I think Oriana and I are very much alike in that.
00:32:03Did you scream?
00:32:04What did you say?
00:32:05Yes, because they were both here.
00:32:07They are both huge.
00:32:08I was watching her.
00:32:10Yes, here, like this.
00:32:12Yes, I had them both on top.
00:32:14I was against the table, literally crushed by these two avatars.
00:32:20I wanted to go this way and I couldn't, there was no space.
00:32:25I thought I was going to get a punch at any moment.
00:32:27Who are you grabbing?
00:32:29Luis, please.
00:32:36I'm fine.
00:32:39It was great.
00:32:42Now I want to show you a place that you could accompany us.
00:32:47It is a place where we have done many things, talents, we have laughed, we have sung.
00:32:56There has been a point of reconciliation.
00:32:59A point of reconciliation?
00:33:01Yes, like Plaza Italia.
00:33:03Okay, this is our Plaza Italia here in Ganaro City.
00:33:06In my personal case, I think that if we have to have a conversation, which I will not have here in front of everyone,
00:33:10I did feel a lack of respect.
00:33:12That's why I have avoided it.
00:33:13They have actually asked me a lot of questions.
00:33:15They have asked me a lot of questions.
00:33:17I have avoided it.
00:33:18I have avoided it.
00:33:19I have avoided it.
00:33:20I have avoided it.
00:33:21I have avoided it.
00:33:22I have avoided it.
00:33:23I have avoided it.
00:33:24I have avoided it.
00:33:25They have asked me about her, everything.
00:33:26I get scared every time they ask me about her.
00:33:28I can lose my sister.
00:33:30This is a very heavy and delicate matter.
00:33:33I will not expose any of us.
00:33:36Are you okay?
00:33:39Our favorite theater.
00:33:41Let's see.
00:33:43What used to happen here?
00:33:45You could hear noises here.
00:33:47We thought they were fighting.
00:33:48For example?
00:33:49What kind of noise?
00:33:51Things like that.
00:33:52Was it Facu?
00:33:53No, it's not like that.
00:33:54That's why I want to ask you, what's going on?
00:33:56They're coming to fix it.
00:33:58And Luis is coming too.
00:34:00I don't know how he's going to rehearse.
00:34:02What are you rehearsing?
00:34:04He's coming.
00:34:06We're going to talk about opera.
00:34:11What's that?
00:34:13What's that?
00:34:15They're throwing it.
00:34:17No, it's like a bird, a weird bird.
00:34:19It sounded...
00:34:21It sounded frigid.
00:34:24I'm afraid.
00:34:28So the screams are because Oriana is in front of the mirror, and you're...
00:34:32She's sweating.
00:34:34And you're affirming the corset. How is it?
00:34:36She tells me, louder.
00:34:38And I tell her, no, slower, baby.
00:34:42I'm out of breath.
00:34:44And she's like, ah, really?
00:34:48People came to make a mess.
00:34:50Like the gala.
00:34:52When she went to the bathroom with Ray,
00:34:54she said her ring had fallen off,
00:34:56that's why she was like that.
00:35:00And finally,
00:35:02I want to show you
00:35:04a place,
00:35:06Puente de Roma,
00:35:08where Luis started screaming,
00:35:10screaming the bangal,
00:35:14We love you, Kiko, we love you.
00:35:16We love you, Kiko, we love you.
00:35:18You were so loud.
00:35:20I didn't scream, it was Luis.
00:35:22You were still there.
00:35:24Repeat, how did you scream?
00:35:28It's fake.
00:35:30It's fake.
00:35:32This bastard
00:35:34made all his team
00:35:42And suddenly,
00:35:44we see a chifulca coming,
00:35:46almost like bloodied,
00:35:48with a huge hatred,
00:35:50and he has him next to him and affirming him.
00:35:52He's taking my clothes
00:35:54along the way.
00:35:56They were great, damn it.
00:35:58But that person,
00:36:00because I tell him Kiko,
00:36:02and he's going to tell me, man,
00:36:04holy, double-faced, Argentine,
00:36:06he doesn't deserve anything, he doesn't deserve anything.
00:36:08I'm going to cry.
00:36:10It's enough because he loves to tell me,
00:36:12it's enough because I'm Argentine,
00:36:14I'm going to cry.
00:36:16I'm going to cry.
00:36:18Wait, wait, wait, stop.
00:36:20Poli, Poli, Poli.
00:36:22Why did you scream Kiko?
00:36:24No, I didn't scream.
00:36:26Hey, Kiko.
00:36:28Tell the truth, we're recording.
00:36:30I had to say Kiko.
00:36:32So why did you say Kiko?
00:36:34Because, I don't know, he bothered me,
00:36:36and he kept going.
00:36:38Because he says he looks like Kiko.
00:36:40Kiko? What's wrong with Kiko?
00:36:42He's a double-faced,
00:36:44he keeps telling me things.
00:36:46Tell me in my face.
00:36:48Tell me in my face.
00:36:50Stop, stop, stop.
00:36:52What? I'm not going to stop you.
00:36:54No, no, no.
00:36:56I'm not going to stop you.
00:36:58No, no, no.
00:37:00I'm not going to stop you.
00:37:02I'm not going to stop you.
00:37:04You actually went to stop Pancar to protect Luis.
00:37:06I went to stop him to protect Luis.
00:37:08As always, again, thinking
00:37:10that you were going to stop the fight.
00:37:12You fantasize all the time.
00:37:14They claimed Luis.
00:37:16Bull, bull.
00:37:18And others claimed Pancar.
00:37:20And nobody saw me, I was on the floor.
00:37:22I was going to hit him.
00:37:24No, but it was that iconic moment
00:37:26here in the house, among all that Carlita has shown you,
00:37:28and that they have been the protagonists in everything.
00:37:30So the real protagonists are Luis, Pancar, and you?
00:37:32Yes, I am the extra, my love,
00:37:34who is involved in everything.
00:37:37So this house, if you realize,
00:37:39has been tremendously high and low,
00:37:43and a lot of emotions.
00:37:45Hey, look, let's put it all together in the front.
00:37:47I'm going to look for them.
00:37:54Hey, today La Bota also did the house tour,
00:37:57a very nice tour,
00:37:59because we really commemorate those most iconic moments,
00:38:04which you have been protagonists in.
00:38:07How do you say it, Aureana?
00:38:08Thank you!
00:38:13Thank you for so many moments, Chiquillo.
00:38:15I love you.
00:38:16Bye, Chiquillo.
00:38:18Hashtag, real protagonists.
00:38:20You, you.
00:38:21Hashtag, real protagonists.
00:38:25Oh, my wonderful mentor.
00:38:27This is what you want.
00:38:28Maybe, what face are you making?
00:38:30No, none.
00:38:33Hashtag, real protagonists.
00:38:41I'm very hungry.
00:38:43Don't you want to see if they're there?
00:38:45Yes, let's see.
00:38:46It's just a usual dessert.
00:38:48Leave something for me.
00:38:52Don't eat, leave something for me.
00:38:54No, that's the one I like the most.
00:38:56No, but it's a delicacy, not the one you like.
00:38:58Well, it must be just as good.
00:38:59No, share that one.
00:39:01No, I don't share.
00:39:02No, yes, a piece of shit.
00:39:03Who asked?
00:39:04Who remembered?
00:39:05Who remembered?
00:39:06Oriana, Oriana.
00:39:07But they're two kids, old man.
00:39:09They're two kids.
00:39:10Share it, too.
00:39:11Share it, don't be mean.
00:39:12Dude, who remembered to ask?
00:39:13Falon, dude, who remembered to ask for the fridge?
00:39:17But look at the amount there is.
00:39:19Hey, but say it, say it.
00:39:20No, Falon decides.
00:39:21She's from the other team.
00:39:22Falon decides.
00:39:23Ask her.
00:39:24She's from the other team.
00:39:25You don't like this one?
00:39:27What about that one?
00:39:28What do you think?
00:39:29I don't like the gypsy arm.
00:39:31I know one that you're going to like.
00:39:33But why are you so selfish?
00:39:35Luis, share that one.
00:39:36I'm not going to argue.
00:39:37Where is it?
00:39:38Where is it?
00:39:39No, no, no.
00:39:40I asked for it.
00:39:41I share it.
00:39:42But this is delicacy.
00:39:43I love delicacy.
00:39:44Take it.
00:39:45Fuck you.
00:39:46I just said it.
00:39:47Luis, let's close our eyes.
00:39:48Are you a selfish person?
00:39:49You always want everything the same.
00:39:51Rock, paper, scissors.
00:39:52I'm not going to argue.
00:39:53Daniela, say it.
00:39:54I grab it.
00:39:55But I didn't see it, son.
00:39:56When you take it out, obviously I like it.
00:39:58Share it.
00:39:59I'm going to share it.
00:40:00Do you think so?
00:40:01You have to share it.
00:40:02I'm going to grab a spoon.
00:40:03I'm not going to leave it.
00:40:04I don't want it.
00:40:05No, come on, come on.
00:40:06We're going to share it.
00:40:07Give it to me.
00:40:08Are you an imbecile?
00:40:09Are you stupid?
00:40:10Don't make me angry.
00:40:11I mean, we're going to split it in half.
00:40:12They left it open.
00:40:13I don't want it anymore.
00:40:14I don't like it.
00:40:15I don't want it anymore.
00:40:16Which one do you like?
00:40:17That's a scandal for nothing.
00:40:18That's how I get on the real life.
00:40:19I don't like it.
00:40:20I don't like it.
00:40:21I don't like it.
00:40:22I don't like it.
00:40:23I don't like it.
00:40:29I know where you're going.
00:40:30I know.
00:40:32Be careful.
00:40:33Gala has been worried about you.
00:40:34Does she still love you?
00:40:35She still loves you.
00:41:17I would have liked to be with you.
00:41:20With you?
00:41:23I thought that we could be in the reality show,
00:41:26that we could have kept seeing each other,
00:41:28but I was happy with you.
00:41:30Would you change anything? Tell me the truth.
00:41:32I don't know, maybe it would have been after the last thing that happened,
00:41:36like being together for two or three weeks,
00:41:38and talking again.
00:41:40We were on good terms,
00:41:42but you were on another one.
00:41:43You were very impatient.
00:41:45I understood how you were.
00:41:47It wouldn't be comfortable for me to be with you here,
00:41:49if you were going to be drinking, as they say, with others.
00:41:52And I understood that it's part of your personality.
00:41:56So I said, it's better to be friends and get along.
00:42:00But I was happy with you.
00:42:02What would we be like now, if we had been together until the confinement?
00:42:05You would have fallen in love.
00:42:26Are you feeling better?
00:42:32If there's something that I have, it's healing.
00:42:34I've noticed it.
00:42:36I'm going to put on the wonderful competition outfit.
00:42:41I can't believe that there are only three of us.
00:42:43It's amazing.
00:42:46Unlike most reality shows,
00:42:48in Ganar o Servir,
00:42:50women have shown their faces.
00:42:52And the women's competition has been the hardest we've seen in years.
00:42:57This instance is coming to an end today.
00:43:00And we will witness the last female individual.
00:43:04Let's watch it.
00:43:25Give me a hug.
00:43:30There are three of us.
00:43:50Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the field.
00:43:53Let's give them a round of applause.
00:43:56There has to be applause, especially in these instances.
00:44:00We've started the final stretch.
00:44:03This is the penultimate week in Ganar o Servir.
00:44:09And an important announcement.
00:44:11This is the last female individual competition.
00:44:17You are the ones who have made it this far.
00:44:20Congratulations to all three of you.
00:44:22Each of you has earned this place.
00:44:25You have earned this moment.
00:44:27And why not say it?
00:44:28The prize doesn't always have to be for a man.
00:44:31Any of you could become the winner of Ganar o Servir.
00:44:36Now, I have a very important announcement to make.
00:44:39This is the last female individual competition.
00:44:43Today, through this competition,
00:44:46the one who gets the last place will be nominated
00:44:50for this new elimination week that we are living.
00:44:53However, in this opportunity,
00:44:56and as a result of this female individual competition,
00:44:59there is no immunity.
00:45:02On this occasion, you must fight for victory.
00:45:05But also, in the case of you, Daniela and Fallon,
00:45:08for maintaining the role of lady.
00:45:10Gala, if you get a better place than the two of them,
00:45:13you will be able to change roles.
00:45:16Before we go with the explanation of the game,
00:45:19let's also say hello to Oriana,
00:45:21who is already the first semifinalist in Ganar o Servir.
00:45:25Thanks to those of you who are at home,
00:45:28to whom we take the opportunity to greet,
00:45:30to thank for the tuning, the fidelity,
00:45:32and because you, Oriana's fans,
00:45:34made it possible for her to pass directly to that instance.
00:45:38And I think she loves that.
00:45:40But also that she will continue until that day as a lady.
00:45:43I don't know which of the two things fascinates you more, Oriana.
00:45:46No, no, I'm fascinated by everything.
00:45:47I love that the audience supports me,
00:45:49I love being a lady, I couldn't take it anymore.
00:45:51I was saturated, so it's not just moral support,
00:45:55but also physical,
00:45:57because I was fed up with being in that situation.
00:46:00I was already playing bad passes.
00:46:02So, I'm very, very grateful in every way,
00:46:06and above all, to know that I'm already taking a good step.
00:46:10I didn't want to compete so much.
00:46:14That said, let's do a little recount
00:46:17of the things you girls have done,
00:46:19because they are the three that must compete today.
00:46:22Fallon, I'm going to start with you,
00:46:24because your story has a little bit of everything, right?
00:46:26You arrived as a participant,
00:46:28any participant,
00:46:30however, you became captain,
00:46:32the first female captain.
00:46:34Since you arrived at the resistance team,
00:46:36your team only won,
00:46:38which I imagine makes you very happy.
00:46:40Something important you must have done there,
00:46:42commanding the team.
00:46:44Also, in the last two weeks,
00:46:46the individual did not go so well for you.
00:46:48However, now you come from a duel with Botota,
00:46:50you won, you showed your strength.
00:46:53Thinking about this last female individual competition,
00:46:56do you want to continue showing the strengths you have?
00:46:59And why not, even if it's not immunity,
00:47:01take the victory?
00:47:03Already in this last instance,
00:47:05one is already super tired, right?
00:47:07I hope not to lose.
00:47:09I always leave the best of me
00:47:11here in the playground,
00:47:13and I hope not to be nominated there again.
00:47:17That is a good goal,
00:47:19as well as the goal with which you entered this reality.
00:47:21You have said it many times.
00:47:23You are here for your children.
00:47:25I imagine it is a goal
00:47:27that you constantly keep very alert
00:47:29to give you a special strength.
00:47:31Yes, I think the whole reality
00:47:33has been with that goal,
00:47:35super present in my head,
00:47:37and that has kept me
00:47:39a little calm.
00:47:41That is, coexistence affects.
00:47:43And I feel that that goal,
00:47:45that goal has kept me
00:47:47super with my feet on the ground,
00:47:49trying to get as far as possible.
00:47:52I have reached it, right?
00:47:54And if I am in this moment now,
00:47:56it is because, of course,
00:47:58I also deserve to be in the final.
00:48:00Thinking about that,
00:48:02about the merits,
00:48:04what did you think it was,
00:48:06right, Oriana,
00:48:08that passed directly to the semifinal?
00:48:10Do you think it's fair, unfair?
00:48:12Do you think it's okay or not?
00:48:14Look, yesterday,
00:48:16a lot of things happened to me
00:48:18because I don't want to take away
00:48:20her merit for anything in the world.
00:48:22I think she has not done everything
00:48:24that we have done.
00:48:26But if the public
00:48:28decided it that way,
00:48:30who are we to judge it?
00:48:32Did you expect the public
00:48:34to give you their favor?
00:48:36Everyone expects that, Carlita.
00:48:38Everyone expects them to have votes, right?
00:48:40Everyone expects people to love you
00:48:42in the house, or that they like
00:48:44what you are doing here.
00:48:46But sometimes it's not like that,
00:48:48and that's it.
00:48:50I've done all this reality
00:48:52so that people don't vote for me.
00:48:54Not at all.
00:48:56Well, I think you get more support
00:48:58than you think,
00:49:00but there are a lot of people
00:49:02who often forget to vote.
00:49:04Well, there we have a public of terror
00:49:06with Oriana who doesn't forget that.
00:49:08It's not just support to say it,
00:49:10but also to act.
00:49:12So, everyone is invited,
00:49:14because all the kids are ready
00:49:16for you to give them your support.
00:49:18I have to say that I didn't know this,
00:49:20because I realized I wasn't the only one
00:49:22who congratulated me,
00:49:24but I didn't know I thought it that way.
00:49:26In any case,
00:49:28I've competed like everyone else.
00:49:30I've won three individual competitions,
00:49:32not one, three.
00:49:34So, yes, I deserve to be here,
00:49:36because it wasn't just the public.
00:49:38I've never treated
00:49:40any of my teammates
00:49:44in the sense of deserving more
00:49:46I don't know,
00:49:48when in other realities
00:49:50I wasn't the one
00:49:52who was favored by the public
00:49:54to get to the final,
00:49:56I didn't think about that.
00:49:58I focused on competing
00:50:00to get there,
00:50:02and I even won.
00:50:04And a piece of advice I can give you
00:50:06is to focus on what is your person
00:50:08and not on what you think is fair
00:50:10and not fair with the rest.
00:50:12Because if the public also votes for me,
00:50:14I'm also doing something good.
00:50:16I'm super disappointed right now.
00:50:20Thank you, Oriana.
00:50:22Dani, how are you?
00:50:24Well, a little nervous, to be honest.
00:50:26I can imagine.
00:50:28It's the last female individual competition,
00:50:30but you've always been mentioned
00:50:32as one of the strong competitors
00:50:34in this reality.
00:50:36I imagine you also see yourself
00:50:38there in the final, don't you?
00:50:40Yes, you dream about it.
00:50:42I mean, I dream of saying
00:50:44that I want to get there, obviously.
00:50:46Because, as I always said,
00:50:48I left a lot of things to be here,
00:50:50and when I left my kids to be here,
00:50:52they asked me to win.
00:50:54So I also want to
00:50:56make them proud, you know?
00:50:58To show them that their mom,
00:51:00that a woman can achieve.
00:51:02I think much more than for me
00:51:04is for them.
00:51:06Gala, how are you?
00:51:12We were talking about it the other day
00:51:14with the guys.
00:51:16I'm so happy to be here.
00:51:18The first time you came to the field,
00:51:20you said, what is this?
00:51:22What is this?
00:51:24I keep saying the same thing every time I come.
00:51:26What is this?
00:51:28I still don't understand it.
00:51:30Of course, but have you surprised yourself?
00:51:32Do you feel like you've evolved?
00:51:34I feel like I've evolved in some aspects.
00:51:36Because, to be honest,
00:51:38I wanted to be more calm,
00:51:40more patient.
00:51:42I won many times out of impatience,
00:51:44and it still happens to me,
00:51:46that my mind sometimes goes faster
00:51:48than my desire to compete.
00:51:50And either I drop what I have in my hands,
00:51:52or I forget to take a coin.
00:51:54But it's something I've been working on
00:51:56and I feel like I've improved it.
00:51:58I want to congratulate each of you
00:52:00for being in this instance.
00:52:02Each of you deserves to be in this final.
00:52:04But before throwing the stone
00:52:06towards the last week,
00:52:08I invite you to connect with
00:52:10the competition today.
00:52:12I wish you the best,
00:52:14and let's go immediately
00:52:16with the explanation of this game.
00:52:18This competition requires
00:52:20a lot of concentration and resistance.
00:52:22The objective of the game
00:52:24is to resist the weight of a Roman column
00:52:26as long as possible in each stage
00:52:28and avoid breaking the deck of cards.
00:52:30The game starts with the participants
00:52:32taking two strings that hold
00:52:34a heavy column.
00:52:36This will have to be supported
00:52:38by the competitors for three stages
00:52:40of four minutes each.
00:52:42The participants will have to advance
00:52:44through the traces marked on the floor
00:52:46once the judge of the competition
00:52:48tells them to do so, given the time.
00:52:50The first player
00:52:52who fails to resist
00:52:54the Roman column and breaks
00:52:56the deck of cards will be transformed
00:52:58into the first nominee of the week.
00:53:00Very well, the game is explained.
00:53:02Everything is very clear,
00:53:04everything is ready for you
00:53:06girls to shine.
00:53:08So, women, take your positions, please.
00:53:10Let's go.
00:53:16Passing the final line
00:53:18of winning or serving,
00:53:20three are the competitors
00:53:22who will star in the last
00:53:24female individual competition.
00:53:26Girls, are you ready?
00:53:30We start in three, two, one.
00:53:32Let's go!
00:53:38In this competition,
00:53:40the last female individual competition,
00:53:42it is time for these three women
00:53:44to show their strength
00:53:46and resistance
00:53:48in this test,
00:53:50in which they must release
00:53:52this column as our judge
00:53:54gives the indication.
00:53:56This indication
00:53:58has already begun.
00:54:00They are just in the first position
00:54:02and when the judge
00:54:04indicates it,
00:54:06they will have to go
00:54:08to the next stage
00:54:10in such a way
00:54:12as to hook
00:54:14the column in the second link.
00:54:18A cool afternoon
00:54:20without the sun.
00:54:22With a greater
00:54:26these three participants
00:54:28and really this test
00:54:30is for any of them.
00:54:32The difference is that only one
00:54:34will be able to resist until the end
00:54:36and win,
00:54:38of course,
00:54:40get the victory today
00:54:42in the case of the ladies,
00:54:44keep their role
00:54:46and avoid being nominated
00:54:48at all costs.
00:54:50Let's see how long
00:54:52this relaxation lasts.
00:54:54I'm looking from here
00:54:56at the judge
00:54:58who is still watching
00:55:00the stopwatch.
00:55:02It is not yet time to change.
00:55:04The girls, for now,
00:55:06seem very comfortable.
00:55:08Even those arms and legs
00:55:10do not get tired.
00:55:20We are very close
00:55:22to the judge
00:55:24giving a new indication
00:55:26and they are going to advance
00:55:28to the second stage.
00:55:30Remember that none
00:55:32can fall,
00:55:34slip accidentally,
00:55:36but not settle
00:55:38out of the position
00:55:40where the feet
00:55:42should be.
00:55:50This is win or serve,
00:55:52observing the last individual
00:55:54women's competition,
00:55:56a stage to which only three
00:55:58competitors have accessed.
00:56:00I remind you that Oriana
00:56:02has not had to compete
00:56:04because she was favored
00:56:06with the public vote.
00:56:08The time continues to advance.
00:56:10The judge
00:56:12is attentive to make the change.
00:56:14We are close to the indication.
00:56:16So far,
00:56:18the participants are very even.
00:56:26The judge has given the indication
00:56:28to move to the second stage
00:56:30for these three competitors.
00:56:32For now,
00:56:34trying to maintain
00:56:36the balance.
00:56:48The three extremely
00:56:52while Oriana
00:56:54with her dark glasses
00:56:56observes them
00:56:58each of them.
00:57:12We have been five minutes
00:57:14in this competition
00:57:16where three of them
00:57:18today must not only
00:57:20fight for victory,
00:57:22but also avoid being nominated.
00:57:30Gala looks very complicated
00:57:32trying to accommodate
00:57:34her arms,
00:57:36keep a position.
00:57:38This requires
00:57:40not only a lot of concentration,
00:57:42but also resistance.
00:57:44Arms, legs,
00:57:48So far,
00:57:50very calm
00:57:52Daniela and Falon.
00:57:54It is Gala
00:57:56who looks more complicated
00:57:58when the time continues to advance.
00:58:08We have been eight minutes
00:58:10in this competition
00:58:12where the judge
00:58:14is indicating
00:58:16that the change will be
00:58:18from now on,
00:58:20the third stage
00:58:22that our participants
00:58:24must begin to go through.
00:58:26Falon accommodating
00:58:28very easily,
00:58:30Daniela the same,
00:58:32the most complicated.
00:58:34It is Gala who wins
00:58:36in this last
00:58:38individual competition.
00:58:40She broke the vase
00:58:42after releasing
00:58:44her column.
00:58:46She has abandoned
00:58:48this competition
00:58:50as the first
00:58:52nominee of this new
00:58:54elimination week
00:58:56in this penultimate week
00:58:58of winning or serving.
00:59:00Falon and Daniela
00:59:02are still in competition.
00:59:06At least we are doing well.
00:59:14This competition is
00:59:16only for the honor,
00:59:18to get the victory.
00:59:20Remember that this week
00:59:22there is no immunity
00:59:24and also to maintain
00:59:26the status, the role of lady.
00:59:28We continue to observe
00:59:30Falon and Daniela
00:59:32very comfortable still.
00:59:34Falon trying to
00:59:36bend down a little
00:59:38as Daniela does
00:59:40to compensate all the weight
00:59:42that is done with the back of the arms.
00:59:44A better position is the one
00:59:46that Daniela has,
00:59:48it will allow her
00:59:50not to have so much pain for now.
00:59:52Falon continues to accommodate
00:59:54very concentrated,
00:59:56looking at her column
00:59:58and we are here with the judge
01:00:00waiting to observe
01:00:02the column first
01:00:06will lose in front of the one
01:00:08who has the victory and resists more.
01:00:10We have already passed the 10 minutes
01:00:12of this competition.
01:00:18Daniela is more nervous than Falon,
01:00:20the captain of the team
01:00:24against wind and tide.
01:00:26But we have in front of us
01:00:28two extremely strong competitors
01:00:30who have shown
01:00:32that when it comes to competing, nothing stops them.
01:00:36We have been 12 minutes,
01:00:38this is the last female individual competition,
01:00:40all expectant.
01:00:42This is a versus
01:00:44between Daniela and Falon.
01:00:46Let's remember that Gala
01:00:48has already lost being
01:00:50the first nominated this week,
01:00:52the penultimate in winning or serving.
01:00:56It's better for me to be the cylinder.
01:00:58Therefore, there is no change of roles
01:01:00because the two participants
01:01:02who are still in competition
01:01:04are the two ladies of the house.
01:01:0815 minutes, the competition continues
01:01:10and for now,
01:01:12none of them
01:01:14has abandoned the resistance.
01:01:20We continue to observe how time goes by
01:01:22and how none of our two competitors
01:01:24has loosened at all.
01:01:28Falon and Daniela are very comfortable.
01:01:34All expectant here on the edge of the field
01:01:36of our playing field
01:01:38to finally know who
01:01:40is going to win.
01:01:42Two powerful women,
01:01:44mothers, each with three children
01:01:46and both
01:01:48dreaming of reaching the grand final.
01:01:50It's Falon,
01:01:52it's Daniela, which of the two
01:01:54will get the honor today?
01:01:58It's a pleasure to discover them
01:02:00while we keep moving forward.
01:02:02There Falon accommodating a little
01:02:04the ropes that support the column.
01:02:18Falon clearly more uncomfortable,
01:02:22Daniela knows her body.
01:02:24She practices sports
01:02:26that allow her to have
01:02:28to be able to
01:02:30better balance
01:02:34to maintain a balance
01:02:36between the different parts
01:02:38that today must sustain
01:02:40this weight.
01:02:42Legs, abdomen,
01:02:44back and arms.
01:02:48We are already approaching,
01:02:50ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:52the 20 minutes of competition.
01:03:00This is only
01:03:02for the honor,
01:03:04but also for the pride.
01:03:06None of them wants to leave
01:03:08this personal victory
01:03:10so close to the grand final.
01:03:14It is Daniela who has begun
01:03:16to move a little more,
01:03:18to accommodate the arms, the legs.
01:03:22Falon is doing the same.
01:03:52They are both tired and bored.
01:03:54They are both tired and bored.
01:04:08Well, this last individual
01:04:10female competition has ended
01:04:12with almost a draw.
01:04:14Because of a photographic failure,
01:04:16we have checked that one of the two
01:04:18broke the vase before.
01:04:20What do you think it was, Falon?
01:04:22Me? Really?
01:04:24Dani's face, worried.
01:04:26For us it was a draw.
01:04:28Yes, girls, it was an absolute draw.
01:04:36No, we'll let you go on the count of three.
01:04:40On the count of three, all right.
01:04:42Actually, well, they mentioned it
01:04:44in the post-competition conversation,
01:04:46they could have been
01:04:48each one trying to accommodate
01:04:50because they are going to tell me
01:04:52that they did not feel absolutely
01:04:54any fatigue.
01:04:56No fatigue, no lack of strength.
01:04:58The bad thing is the hand,
01:05:00that is, pulling the hand,
01:05:02there the knot was starting,
01:05:04actually ending with the red hand,
01:05:06but it is to hold the rope.
01:05:08But the strength, the legs still had.
01:05:10The legs still had.
01:05:12Look how powerful.
01:05:14Well, remind our audience
01:05:16of the honor, because there is no immunity.
01:05:18Sorry, Gala, it's not to laugh at me,
01:05:20but it was like a lot of fun
01:05:22because it was by stages.
01:05:24It was like this.
01:05:26I felt like it was like
01:05:28oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:05:30And you had to hold the rope.
01:05:32I laughed and I just said,
01:05:34wait, you have to be serious, you lost.
01:05:36And I went over there saying,
01:05:38no, no, no, wait, you have to be serious.
01:05:40But very strange things are happening to me.
01:05:42It's okay to take it with humor.
01:05:44The fact of being nominated
01:05:46because, indeed,
01:05:48better than crying.
01:05:50No, it's okay, it's okay.
01:05:52Besides, when I saw the test,
01:05:54I've always said it,
01:05:56and it's not the first time I say it,
01:05:58the resistance tests,
01:06:00especially when it's with strength,
01:06:02with arms, are not my thing.
01:06:04And clearly they have a lot more strength than me.
01:06:06I mean, it was very likely
01:06:08that I would lose this test.
01:06:10Well, something to comment on,
01:06:12you're always looking, but with your glasses.
01:06:14Never losing your style.
01:06:16Is it comfortable to be looking like that?
01:06:18Of course,
01:06:20why fool us?
01:06:22But it made me,
01:06:24for parts, it was very funny
01:06:26the gala, I couldn't stand the laughter there either.
01:06:28And then, yes, it's true
01:06:30that I saw them very comfortable.
01:06:32At first I saw Dani dancing,
01:06:34I said, I already know the song she's dancing
01:06:36because she always says that she dances one
01:06:38in the competitions, before starting.
01:06:40I saw Palom dancing too,
01:06:42and I said, I don't understand anything.
01:06:44It was as if nothing.
01:06:46But very good, very good.
01:06:48I'm very happy for the three of you.
01:06:50Well, I'm also happy for you,
01:06:52and I'm glad you put on your glasses.
01:06:54It was incredible.
01:06:56For your fall.
01:06:58I thought we were getting along well.
01:07:00Of course.
01:07:02I'm very happy for your nomination.
01:07:04Don't worry.
01:07:06So nothing, girls, thank you very much.
01:07:08Now it's time to rest.
01:07:10Gala, strength for what's to come.
01:07:12And our official observer
01:07:14of the Oriana competitions.
01:07:16And you girls to rest.
01:07:18Thank you all very much.
01:07:20Thank you, bye.
01:07:22And no one came to the gentlemen.
01:07:26I paid with the hot shower.
01:07:38Hello guys.
01:07:40Welcome to my space.
01:07:42The sister pendulum.
01:07:50I'm back.
01:07:52Well, let's move on.
01:07:54Join me, because this is my place.
01:07:58We are going to invite here
01:08:00in our segment
01:08:02our dear Luis Mateucci
01:08:04and Facundo Gonzalez.
01:08:08Hello, little one.
01:08:10Here we are.
01:08:16How are you?
01:08:18Calm, comfortable.
01:08:20The truth is that I am great
01:08:22for this stage.
01:08:24What a mess here.
01:08:30High priest.
01:08:32The High Priest
01:08:34tells us about the traditions
01:08:36of what we learn.
01:08:38We see him surrounded by
01:08:40religious parnafernalia
01:08:42and accompanied by
01:08:44two followers.
01:08:46A Spanish and an indigenous.
01:08:48They assume him as a spiritual leader.
01:08:52It's the reality.
01:08:54It's win or serve.
01:08:56A Spanish that reads the Oriana.
01:08:58And an indigenous that could be
01:09:00on this side of the...
01:09:02They follow you.
01:09:04You are a spiritual leader.
01:09:06You can't...
01:09:08I am what Pangal wanted to be.
01:09:10The spiritual leader.
01:09:14Let's invite Pangal.
01:09:16As I see it...
01:09:18I don't serve to be a protagonist.
01:09:20Look how good you are.
01:09:22Without a filler.
01:09:24What would an alfajor be without a filler?
01:09:26Let's invite him.
01:09:30Come on!
01:09:32He's surrounded by men.
01:09:34We need Pancho.
01:09:46What's wrong with your face?
01:09:48Ask him.
01:09:50There's a Remember.
01:09:52Let's see how this story ends.
01:09:56There's a pastor.
01:09:5810 of gold.
01:10:0010 of gold represents
01:10:02the end of the road
01:10:04and the history of gold.
01:10:06The pastor said it.
01:10:08He nailed you.
01:10:12It's a card of legacy.
01:10:14Heritage and security.
01:10:20What was the question?
01:10:22I said what would be the end of this story.
01:10:24He died.
01:10:26The love is over.
01:10:30Let's continue with Pancho.
01:10:32The pastor.
01:10:34Let's ask Gala.
01:10:42Gala is looking for
01:10:44the blessing of the pastor.
01:10:46The priest.
01:10:52The priestess.
01:10:56The priestess
01:10:58He's talking about spirituality.
01:11:00The pastor.
01:11:02It's a card that refers to the mysteries of life.
01:11:04To the apparently inexplicable.
01:11:06The priestess is the arcanum of divinity.
01:11:08If you only knew.
01:11:12The only thing I know is that he's with me all day.
01:11:16Inner voice.
01:11:22It's the pastor's card.
01:11:24In conclusion,
01:11:26you are using him as an object
01:11:28whenever women use him.
01:11:30And you are waiting for the egg
01:11:32to move.
01:11:34Do you want me to tell you
01:11:36why he doesn't move forward?
01:11:38Do I say it or not?
01:11:40Because there is no second silver.
01:11:42It's a factor that complicates me.
01:11:44It's because he doesn't have a partner.
01:11:46No, but he was in here.
01:11:48Do you feel that you were an object
01:11:50to make him jealous?
01:11:52No, not at all.
01:11:54What do you like about Gala?
01:11:56I love her.
01:11:58I think we could have a good time.
01:12:00Let's go with you.
01:12:02You won't escape.
01:12:04Come on.
01:12:06I'm exclusive.
01:12:08I don't know how to tell you.
01:12:12My question is.
01:12:14To the bone.
01:12:16Am I going to continue with America after reality?
01:12:20Nine swords.
01:12:22Nine swords.
01:12:24This card tells us about fear.
01:12:28The effect of panic
01:12:30in our mind.
01:12:32It is essential to understand
01:12:34that this energy
01:12:36is mental.
01:12:38Fear has not yet become reality.
01:12:40Key concepts.
01:12:46Lack of sleep.
01:12:56Choose another card.
01:12:58They're going to get married.
01:13:00Here we go.
01:13:02If it doesn't work,
01:13:04it's over.
01:13:06The heart with the sword.
01:13:08Three swords.
01:13:10They're not going to be yours.
01:13:12They're not his.
01:13:14They're someone else's.
01:13:18The card of truth is painful.
01:13:22By no means.
01:13:24Reality sometimes
01:13:26translates as a storm
01:13:28in the mind and in the heart.
01:13:30Everything is temporary.
01:13:32Even pain.
01:13:34Key concept.
01:13:36Oh no.
01:13:40We're done with this.
01:13:44Key concept.
01:13:58Good night!
01:14:00This was
01:14:02my sister Pedro.
01:14:10Dani, who won?
01:14:12I was first.
01:14:14Who won?
01:14:18We tied.
01:14:20It was resistance.
01:14:22There's no immunity.
01:14:24Only Gala was nominated.
01:14:26I told Dani I couldn't stay too long.
01:14:28There's no immunity.
01:14:30At three?
01:14:32We let him go at three.
01:14:34We let him go at two.
01:14:36Gala slipped.
01:14:38How did you slip?
01:14:40Because when I went down,
01:14:42I had to push him to the cylinder.
01:14:44To the third one.
01:14:46I didn't have a grip.
01:14:48I had to push him to the third one.
01:14:50I had to push him to the cylinder.
01:14:56You didn't tell me how I fell.
01:14:58You didn't tell me how I fell.
01:15:00It was like yesterday.
01:15:02It was like yesterday.
01:15:04It was like yesterday.
01:15:06It was like yesterday.
01:15:12What a shitty flight.
01:15:14What a shitty flight.
01:15:18You ended in a funny way.
01:15:28Current situation.
01:15:30In my last women's competition
01:15:32in my nine years of life,
01:15:34I ended up on top of the cylinder.
01:15:42Carlita asked me
01:15:44if I had felt yesterday
01:15:46when the other one went to the semi-final.
01:15:48I was the only one who didn't greet her.
01:15:50I said no.
01:15:52You didn't think so?
01:15:54She was very down
01:15:56with all of us
01:15:58because she didn't do anything.
01:16:00I hate what we think.
01:16:02She didn't like it.
01:16:04I won four individual competitions.
01:16:06I won four individual competitions.
01:16:08I've done this.
01:16:10And I did that.
01:16:12And I did that.
01:16:14They asked you a shitty question.
01:16:16They asked you a shitty question.
01:16:18But it's not a conflict.
01:16:20But it's not a conflict.
01:16:22But it's not a conflict.
01:16:24It was nothing.
01:16:26It was nothing.
01:16:28I didn't get involved in that.
01:16:30I didn't get involved in that.
01:16:32It was something you had
01:16:34and they asked you and you answered.
01:16:38We got there
01:16:40and I was like,
01:16:42what the fuck?
01:16:44I said I was disappointed.
01:16:46I said I was disappointed.
01:16:48I said I was disappointed.
01:16:50I said I was disappointed.
01:16:52I said I was disappointed.
01:16:54I said it was unfair.
01:16:56I said it was unfair.
01:16:58I said it was unfair.
01:17:00You're stupid.
01:17:02You're stupid when you do it right.
01:17:04You're stupid when you do it right.
01:17:06But Oriana answered right.
01:17:08More performance!
01:17:10More performance!
01:17:12I answered
01:17:14I've been like everyone else
01:17:16I've been like everyone else
01:17:18and I haven't won ONE individual competition.
01:17:20I've won THREE.
01:17:22And you're going to say that?
01:17:24And you're going to say that?
01:17:26because I thought we were on good terms.
01:17:28You know?
01:17:29What do you say to that?
01:17:40Carlita asked Fallon how she felt
01:17:42because the other one had come out great.
01:17:44I find that you have to know how to be happy.
01:17:46Don't get frustrated by other people's success.
01:17:48Don't compare.
01:17:49But I don't say it to her in general.
01:17:51If you get frustrated because the other one is doing well,
01:17:53from here you screw yourself.
01:17:54But she said what I thought was unfair.
01:17:56Yes, of course.
01:17:57I say what some people think.
01:18:00Not most people.
01:18:07What is this?
01:18:08Leave him alone for a while.
01:18:10He's my friend, I want to share with him.
01:18:12Come on, I'll leave you.
01:18:13No, not now, because they're comfortable.
01:18:15You have to work.
01:18:16My loneliness.
01:18:17No, the detachment.
01:18:20Because of being stuck all day.
01:18:22When they leave,
01:18:23I imagine you're going to do your thing,
01:18:25he's going to do his thing before he sees you.
01:18:27It's going to affect your loneliness a lot.
01:18:29It's going to generate anxiety, it's going to generate everything.
01:18:31Get ready.
01:18:32And, Fallon, stay calm,
01:18:34because you're not going to leave here,
01:18:36you're just going to accompany me to a couple of places
01:18:38that I have to go to,
01:18:39but you're just going to accompany me instead of leaving.
01:18:45Hey, listen to me.
01:18:46And when they came,
01:18:47after that he didn't say anything to you?
01:18:50He didn't even apologize to me.
01:18:52As if nothing had happened.
01:18:55And did any of the girls comment on you?
01:18:57Gala told me yesterday,
01:19:00I told her yesterday that she should have been happy.
01:19:03It was very random.
01:19:04Even worse,
01:19:05that her friend told her.
01:19:06Oriana, even Panga got up.
01:19:08The world.
01:19:09It's just that even if it doesn't make you happy,
01:19:11you have to know how to chew and swallow.
01:19:13You have to miss shit.
01:19:14Of course.
01:19:15But it was expensive.
01:19:16I live.
01:19:18Look at this poster.
01:19:25No, I have to go down.
01:19:26I have to go down.
01:19:43We came here to see it.
01:19:44Tell him.
01:19:45Yesterday Luis made me a comment.
01:19:46We were talking about that topic.
01:19:47You are talking about something.
01:19:49About what?
01:19:50Yesterday you were...
01:19:51Luis made me a comment.
01:19:52Yesterday no.
01:19:53Today, today, today.
01:19:54Today was?
01:19:56When we got up this morning.
01:19:58We were talking,
01:19:59to be honest,
01:20:00about what happened to you.
01:20:02That it could have been,
01:20:03that it would have been a woman,
01:20:04which in your case,
01:20:05and it would have been a man.
01:20:06As if he had found it more fair.
01:20:08That's what we were talking about.
01:20:09Not that it would have been just one person last night.
01:20:11Do you understand me?
01:20:12He says it's not going to happen later.
01:20:14Buena is telling me.
01:20:15No, but it's ugly.
01:20:16I'm not going to lie to you.
01:20:17I thought you were my friend.
01:20:18I'm not saying anything bad.
01:20:19Absolutely nothing.
01:20:20He's being honest.
01:20:21Neither last night,
01:20:22nor the congratulations,
01:20:23were false.
01:20:24And what I felt,
01:20:25it wasn't for you.
01:20:26Because clearly,
01:20:27you are the one who,
01:20:28the most,
01:20:30in voting,
01:20:31and everything,
01:20:32because it is seen.
01:20:33It would have been good too,
01:20:34not to have given it
01:20:35only to one person,
01:20:36because everyone else,
01:20:37and believe me,
01:20:38that everyone else,
01:20:39may have felt their share of envy,
01:20:40just that they don't say it.
01:20:41Of course,
01:20:42they don't even drink it,
01:20:43and they drink it with water.
01:20:44She leaves me out of place,
01:20:45that this girl,
01:20:46I always knew she was envious,
01:20:47but to show it so much,
01:20:48I think it's too much.
01:20:49It hurts me,
01:20:50because I'm behaving super well with her.
01:20:51Yesterday I told her super nice things.
01:20:52That's why it hurts.
01:20:53You know,
01:20:54I considered her,
01:20:55when I was with you,
01:20:56I told her,
01:20:57it's a big loss
01:20:58that any of these two people
01:21:00I thought,
01:21:02I don't know,
01:21:03I don't know,
01:21:04I don't know,
01:21:05I don't know,
01:21:06I don't know,
01:21:07I don't know,
01:21:08I don't know,
01:21:09I don't know,
01:21:10I don't know.
01:21:11I told these two people.
01:21:12I thought she had
01:21:13a line of coherence
01:21:14as well,
01:21:15that she could follow,
01:21:16but I see it's not like that.
01:21:17Because you,
01:21:18in the end,
01:21:19at least you congratulated me,
01:21:20and everyone knows
01:21:21you're a whore.
01:21:22You have to know how to win,
01:21:23you have to know how to lose.
01:21:24There's the humility
01:21:25that many lack.
01:21:26I think it's a disappointment.
01:21:29Oriana is speaking to you,
01:21:30she didn't like
01:21:31the way
01:21:32Falon said it.
01:21:33According to how Falon told me,
01:21:34I don't find it right
01:21:35that one says
01:21:36That's the reason why you say and do what you feel, right?
01:21:40I had seen her as a person who liked everything, but it wasn't the way.
01:21:46They're talking about you.
01:21:48La Botota.
01:21:50They're talking about you.
01:21:51Why are they talking about me?
01:21:52I called Oriana and she told me, but this girl is going after me.
01:21:55For me?
01:21:56For you.
01:21:57And I told her, but what do you want me to tell you?
01:21:58What Gala is going to tell you?
01:21:59What Daniela is going to tell you?
01:22:00Oh, how happy, oh, how good, for you, everything.
01:22:04Here we all envy you in the fact that you have the name Barria.
01:22:07That they don't want to tell you is another thing.
01:22:09But there, the eight of you, you're there, promising the sizaña.
01:22:13Were they fighting, the eight of you?
01:22:15I mean, for some reason they called me.
01:22:17I'm going to fight.
01:22:20Hey, you use the pan and you always leave it stuck, it's super difficult to wash it.
01:22:23No, daddy, he washes it.
01:22:25Ask Falon what he says.
01:22:26They didn't say they were going to wash it themselves.
01:22:28Ask Falon what he says.
01:22:29I don't do anything.
01:22:30Oh, no.
01:22:31Today we are upset.
01:22:32Why don't you wash the pan, asshole?
01:22:33Yes, we are upset.
01:22:34Hey, Falon.
01:22:35Hey, Falon.
01:22:41You didn't hear her, did you?
01:22:49How has your face changed since this morning?
01:22:51How's the morning, man?
01:22:53There's a hole.
01:22:54There's a hole.
01:22:55Dead like that.
01:22:56What happened to you?
01:22:57Turn on the light.
01:22:58I don't even sleep at home, imagine.
01:23:00But, Galán.
01:23:01He tries to take it from me.
01:23:03It takes away his anxiety.
01:23:04That's called jealousy, Falon.
01:23:06He tries to take it from me.
01:23:07Oh, Falon, shut up.
01:23:09It's true.
01:23:10We've talked about it.
01:23:12You were right.
01:23:13In the end, you gave me the reason.
01:23:15You gave me the reason.
01:23:16Without codes.
01:23:17I'm not jealous.
01:23:18Without codes, nothing happens.
01:23:19Ah, without codes.
01:23:20I'm not jealous.
01:23:21Without codes.
01:23:22So don't make fun of a topic that was annoying to me.
01:23:23Without codes, as you say.
01:23:24You neither.
01:23:25Without codes, as you say.
01:23:26Because you don't fuck with the man who is with a woman who fits you well, period.
01:23:28You borrowed this for the whole thing with the guy in front of me.
01:23:30Knowing that I have been talking to him for a month while sleeping with him.
01:23:32But you didn't have anything.
01:23:33A month sleeping with him.
01:23:34Without codes.
01:23:35If you get along with me, that doesn't do you any good, not here or anywhere else.
01:23:38I didn't have anything.
01:23:39I felt jealous, but with reason.
01:23:40I had nothing with him.
01:23:41No, I had nothing with him, and there we were doing nothing.
01:23:43You lent him for the whole thing.
01:23:44You saw things he didn't have.
01:23:45You lent him for the whole thing.
01:23:46You saw things he didn't have.
01:23:47No, Falon, everyone will see.
01:23:48You don't have codes.
01:23:49Galán, doc, Galán.
01:23:50Remember that this was with El Pancho and you also got in there.
01:23:58I had nothing to do with Pancho.
01:24:01I slept with Pancho.
01:24:03I had nothing to do with him.
01:24:05It's not the same.
01:24:07He's the same.
01:24:09He's the same.
01:24:11No, I had nothing to do with Pancho.
01:24:13I lent myself to him because there are activities.
01:24:18Because there are activities.
01:24:20You could have played with all the men in the house,
01:24:22but you played with a woman you liked, period.
01:24:26I didn't do anything.
01:24:27I did commit it.
01:24:28And the one who was there, not a word.
01:24:31What's wrong with my partner?
01:24:33Rai, Rai, I'm talking about the one who was there.
01:24:37Rai, speak.
01:24:38The one who was there.
01:24:39I was wrong with Gala several times,
01:24:42to tell her things from outside,
01:24:44to defend Rai, for example.
01:24:48I was very wrong.
01:24:50I make mistakes, I felt jealous,
01:24:53because I was with him,
01:24:54because I had feelings,
01:24:55and you didn't care.
01:24:56And that's being selfish.
01:24:59That's not right.
01:25:00In life you have to be humble.
01:25:03No, don't put words in my mouth.
01:25:06No, no, no, no, stop.
01:25:08Stop, stop, stop.
01:25:09It has nothing to do with one thing or the other.
01:25:11I'm mixing...
01:25:12Humility to know how to recognize mistakes is not good.
01:25:14Now, egocentric, not humble.
01:25:16Can't it be that you never recognize a mistake?
01:25:18Stop, stop, stop, stop.
01:25:20I tell you what I think.
01:25:21Don't talk about things you don't know.
01:25:23Don't talk about things you don't know.
01:25:25The first thing to learn is to improve as a person.
01:25:27That's what I do.
01:25:28Don't talk about things you don't know.
01:25:30We all make mistakes.
01:25:31I've always told you,
01:25:32I'm going to do what I want.
01:25:34Don't talk about things you don't know.
01:25:36What's convenient for you
01:25:37seems like a lack of respect to me.
01:25:38Because I don't owe you loyalty.
01:25:41So don't lie to me now or ever.
01:25:43But I've never done it.
01:25:45Ah, perfect.
01:25:46I've never done it.
01:25:47You're always on another planet.
01:25:50You're always...
01:25:51You're giving me the reason.
01:25:52I'm not giving you the reason for anything.
01:25:54You don't care, I'm not going to take anyone.
01:25:55No, no.
01:25:56Stop saying stupid things.
01:25:57No, no.
01:25:58Stop saying stupid things.
01:25:59Stop insulting me.
01:26:00Stop insulting me.
01:26:01There's a Serrano, a Serrano ham.
01:26:02There you go.
01:26:03They're in my...
01:26:04in my coffee maker.
01:26:05Up there at the lighthouse,
01:26:06in the pink thing.
01:26:07There's the key.
01:26:08There's the key.
01:26:11You're so weird.
01:26:16And here begins
01:26:17the All for All Games.
01:26:19Give it up!
01:26:21Votota, who created the first computer?
01:26:25I'll say it, who created the first computer!
01:26:29You read it!
01:26:30He's saying it because he read it!
01:26:33He just read the question!
01:26:35Why do you swear you didn't read it?
01:26:39Swear for your...
01:26:40I'm going to swear!
01:26:41You're lying!
01:26:44You are pathetic!
01:26:46You are pathetic!
01:26:47You're lying!
01:27:19Love it. I'm just gonna pass out. Mucho. Mucho. Se me ha bajado. Y se lo he dicho a él.
01:27:23Entonces, si está pasando eso, se sientan, hablan, y no pueden seguir.
01:27:27Es que es la realidad. Eso es lo que deberíamos hacer. Y yo le penso ahora mismo. Te lo juro por mi mamá.
01:27:34Hoy les voy a pedir que ustedes, en el orden que yo les vaya diciendo,
01:27:39vayan mencionando a dos
01:27:43participantes de Ganar o Servir
01:27:45que no merecen llegar a la final y ganar este programa.
01:27:49Piensenlo, porque sus decisiones esta noche pueden tener consecuencias.
01:27:55Para mí, la columna vertebral del reality es la competencia.
01:27:59El que no ha ganado ninguna competencia individual es Rai.
01:28:02Gaste nueve años invicto yo en el Círculo del Fuego, te gané.
01:28:05La diferencia, huevón, es que tú estás como un huevonazo
01:28:10tratando, huevón, de quererte el papi Ricky, agarrándote a una a otra.
01:28:14¿Qué sabés tú? ¿Qué sabés tú?
01:28:16Lleváis dos semanas. ¿Qué sabés tú?
01:28:18¿Lo vas a escuchar o no?
01:28:19Estuve con la gala casi todo el reality.
01:28:20¿Pero lo vas a escuchar o no?
01:28:21Estuve con ella todo el reality para que hableis hueá.
01:28:24Y la otra persona, Rai.
01:28:28En cuanto es super feo lo que me estás diciendo tú también,
01:28:30yo quiero que te sentís reflejado como tú has sido en tu vida
01:28:32y me lo decís a mí por la edad que yo tengo.
01:28:34No, es que no es para relajarme.
01:28:36No es para relajarme porque me estoy poniendo algo feo.
01:28:38No lo harías ahora, porque si no...
01:28:40A mí me pinta todo el rato...
01:28:42Me va, se me acerca el Facu, me abrazo, me dice...
01:28:45Y a mí me tira una estupidez así de fuerte.
01:28:47Y si vos le decís la hueá que te hice la fiesta, la haría a nadie.
01:28:51Y fui respetuoso.
01:28:52¿Tú eres caído?
01:28:53¿Tú eres caído?
01:28:54Me dice de todo.
01:28:55No ligáis, no se lo repitáis, no.
01:28:56Pero no lo hice porque no llego a ese nivel.
01:29:00Cuando llegué, les anuncié que las decisiones que tomaran esta noche
01:29:06iban a tener consecuencias.
01:29:08Pues bien, hubo dos personas que en efecto se llevaron la mayoría de los votos
01:29:13por decisión de cada uno de ustedes.
01:29:16Debido al voto de sus compañeros, ustedes esta noche van a ser expulsados.
01:29:29Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org