We went out into Manchester and asked people on the street about their own definition of wealth, and what it would mean if they were to die ‘wealthy’.
00:00Hello and welcome to Manchester World, my name's Theo Keesingveld and today I'm out on the streets
00:03of Manchester asking people about wealth, specifically their personal definition of
00:07wealth. We basically want to know if they were to die as a wealthy person, would they be dying
00:11rich? Would they be dying with a wealth of friends or a wealth of experiences? Here's what he had to say.
00:16My granddad, he passed away recently unfortunately. It's okay, but the way, it's not like,
00:24I think happiness is a bit of wealth as well, because he went on a cruise like a couple months
00:29before he passed away. When you get to that point of like, oh I've done like everything I need,
00:33I'm like, I'm like chilling, then I think that's good. Everything really. Experience. Experience, yeah, getting older.
00:40And then it's comfortable. As you get older, you're more comfortable with your money then, aren't you? One comes with the other.
00:47If I lost everything I have, which isn't a lot by the way, if I lost that, like I'd be chilling, so I'd be
00:52like, I'm fine. I've still got everything that I hold value to in a way, so I think that'd be
00:58my answer.