• 2 days ago
SEBI New F&O Rule: भारत के बाजार नियामक(SEBI) ने इन बाजारों में जोखिम को और कम करने के लिए इक्विटी स्टॉक डेरिवेटिव्स(Equity Stock Derivatives) के लिए स्थिति सीमा को कम करने और सूचकांक डेरिवेटिव्स(Index Derivative) के लिए नियमों को कड़ा करने का प्रस्ताव(SEBI New F&O Rule) दिया है। नए प्रस्ताव अक्टूबर में घोषित परिवर्तनों के बाद आए हैं, जिसमें भारतीय प्रतिभूति एवं विनिमय बोर्ड (सेबी) ने डेरिवेटिव्स में व्यापार के लिए प्रवेश बाधा को बढ़ा दिया था और खुदरा निवेशकों की सुरक्षा के लिए व्यापार को अधिक महंगा बना दिया था.

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00:00Sebi has proposed new rules to reduce the risk of traders and investors.
00:07Sebi has proposed to reduce the position limit of equity stock derivatives and to tighten the rules of index derivatives.
00:15Prior to this, in October 2023, Sebi had tightened the rules of derivatives trading and made trading expensive to protect retail investors.
00:25The special thing is that the new proposals have come at a time when there is a growing concern in the market that the rise and fall in the futures and options market is affecting the entire share market.
00:35Since reaching a record high in September 2024, there has been a decline in the share market.
00:41So let's know about the rules once.
00:44The first is the calculation change of open interest.
00:47Until now, the calculation of open interest was done from the total value of the shares, which was called the national value.
00:53Now Sebi has proposed that it should be calculated on the basis of the future equivalent.
00:58This will make it more accurate to analyze the risk in the market and there will be no restriction on the shares in the wrong way.
01:05The second is the market wide position limit, i.e. the reduction in MWPL.
01:10The MWPL of any share determines how much can be invested in it at a time.
01:17At present, this limit is 20% of the market capitalization of the share, which can be reduced to 15% or 60X on average, whatever is less than the daily delivery value.
01:28This will reduce the rise and fall in the market and will help in stopping the fall.
01:32The third is the new rules of trading during the ban period.
01:35When a share exceeds 95% of its MWPL, derivative trading is stopped on it.
01:42According to the new rules, investors will be able to trade only those who have less open interest.
01:47This will maintain liquidity in the market and investors can be saved from loss.
01:53The fourth rule is intraday risk monitoring.
01:55Now MWPL is monitored once a day.
01:58Sebi has proposed that it should be monitored 4 times a day.
02:02This will immediately find out any problem in the market and the market will remain stable.
02:08The fifth rule is the change in the exposure limit for mutual funds and AIF.
02:12According to the new rules, all options will be measured by the Future Equivalent method.
02:17This will improve risk management and increase transparency for mutual funds and AIF investors.
02:23In short, these new rules of Sebi will help the market to become stronger and more sustainable.
02:28Sebi has asked for suggestions on these proposals till March 17, 2025.
02:33So what do you have to say about these new proposed rules?
02:36Share your views in the comments.
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