• last month
Nadi Arena (26/2/25)
00:00The Malaysian Football Union has been described as a balance between a new and old face for each authority.
00:07Former FAM executive, Christopher Raj, emphasized that the experience of the old is important to ensure the smoothness of FAM administration.
00:16This is also a learning curve for new excos.
00:21But the good thing is like Dato' Dollar Saleh and Zainal.
00:27I think Dollar Saleh is the head of the Technical Authority and Zainal is the head of the Competition Authority.
00:36In football, the Competition Authority is the most important authority for me.
00:45From the Financial Authority, the National Team and so on.
00:49The competition plays a big role because in the authority, things like the Premier League, President League,
00:59Ball 17 League, Super 5 League and so on are all discussed.
01:09Previously, the FAM announced the position of the permanent and ad hoc leadership of the Indonesian body.
01:16After the first meeting of the FAM executive leadership for March 2025-2029,
01:21among others, Dato' Nur Azman Rahman was announced as the FAM vice president.
01:27I think the trust in the secretary also depends a lot on the new president.
01:36Usually, in an organisation, you cannot change people just like that.
01:44This is also an opportunity for Dato' Juwari and Dato' Azman to work together.
01:52Dato' Azman also has his advantages.
01:55Here, both of them have to work together as a team to ensure that the FAM secretariat is better and there are no crisis issues.
