• anteayer
The Zizians are a strange group. An offshoot of the rationalist subculture, they took a leap and then some, leaping into a series of horrifying crimes across the USA. This is everything we know about the Zizians, and Jack "Ziz" LaSota, to date.

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00:00He is actually tied to a series of murders across the country.
00:03Who call themselves the Zizians.
00:05Known as the Zizians that some have described as a possible cult.
00:09That deadly shooting could be the latest in a spree of other killings around the country.
00:14We're still working to figure out the motives of this fringe group, the Zizians.
00:18They have joined a group with potentially alarming backstories
00:21and possible connections to killings in California, Pennsylvania, and now Vermont.
00:27Hey you, and welcome, my name is Mike.
00:31And in this old video we are going to take a look at what is quite possibly the strangest
00:36case that is still ongoing.
00:37And it is about this group, right, called the Zizians, who are linked to a series,
00:44a series of horrifying events all across the USA.
00:48There's a lot of adjectives being used to describe this group.
00:51You got genius, trans, vegan.
00:55Although the most common one you'll see used is death cult.
00:59The amount of crazy in this story would jam a woodchipper.
01:02But before we get into all of that,
01:05please subscribe to see new stories from the dark every single Tuesday.
01:09Now, you and I, let's give it a go.
01:30It was a Monday in mid-January 2025.
01:33Vermont, less than 10 miles from the Canadian border.
01:36The weather was bitterly cold, your hands couldn't feel your face and vice versa.
01:41This was not far from the town of Coventry, Vermont,
01:44and running through this area lies Interstate 91, the primary north-south road.
01:50It'll take you up to Canada or down to Connecticut.
01:52As it was the main road that leads through the area and it leads to another country you know
01:58border patrol were out in force in this area checking who's coming and who was going to make
02:03sure that everybody there and passing through there you know was meant to be there had visas
02:08and so on and so forth. Working that day was 44 year old David Malland though he went by his
02:14middle name of Chris. He was from Minnesota, an air force veteran engaged to be married and had
02:20worked border patrol for the last 15 years. He was parked up along the southbound lane watching all
02:27the vehicles passing through. A lot of them probably just you know crossed the border from
02:32Canada into the United States only minutes in minutes prior. At 3.15 though one car in particular
02:39it caught his eye. It was a 2015 blue Toyota Prius North Carolina plates. That vehicle had in fact
02:46been on the authorities radar for about a week by this point. It was even observed earlier on
02:52that very day. Agent Malland flashed lights and he pulled this Prius over and a couple of more
02:57you know law enforcement vehicles arrived soon after to just kind of get around this car and
03:02make sure it's all good to go. C2 people inside this Prius had come to the authorities attention
03:08earlier on after the employees at a hotel they'd been staying at expressed concern. They'd been
03:14wearing tactical gear or armed and so well this person called authorities and said you know make
03:19sure to keep an eye on them and so they had. Now finally agent Malland was pulling them over for
03:26what appeared to be a routine traffic stop. But minutes after agents walked over to that pulled
03:36up Prius shots rang out. Shots fired by those inside. Shots fired by a woman opening up on the
03:43the agents surrounding her Prius. Seconds later agent Malland lay in the cold snow. One of the
03:49suspects lay dead inside that Prius and the other lay also in the snow outside injured and shot.
03:56Chris Malland he was rushed to the hospital but tragically 45 minutes after he pulled over that
04:02Toyota Prius at 4pm he was pronounced dead. Breaking news tonight in Vermont a border
04:08patrol agent has been shot and killed near the Canadian border on I-91 in Coventry. The FBI says
04:15one suspect was also killed another was wounded. Officials insist there's no threat to the public.
04:21Parts of the highway will remain closed though during the investigation.
04:27The two assailants who had been inside that car would be named as 21 year old Teresa Jungblut
04:32from Seattle and 28 year old Ophelia Bockholt from Germany. Ophelia was a transgender woman
04:39to Carola and Johannes. Ophelia had worked as a quantitative trader at Tower Research Capital
04:45in New York City which basically means they implemented models using mathematics to find
04:49good trades, investments, that sort of thing. It's very numbers heavy, algorithm-y, mathematically,
04:55equation-y. The mind boggles frankly folks and you know the mind would also boggle at the salary
05:00she was on in that firm in New York City but that's what she did and she was pretty good at it.
05:06However, come this instant January 2025 Ophelia hadn't worked there for quite some time. It's
05:12believed she actually quit that job in the October of 2023. Due to her quitting that job and her
05:18actually being from Germany her visa, a H-1B visa, had actually expired also so that was one of the
05:23reasons the border patrol were kind of like Ophelia was the person killed in the shootout with the
05:28police. Teresa was from Washington State and had attended an elite private school there, had
05:36studied computer science and was in fact engaged to be married. Her fiancé was a man named Max
05:41Snyder. They'd gone to school together and much like Ophelia and Teresa he too studied computers.
05:49At the time of this shootout though in northern Vermont January 2025,
05:54Max, where was he I hear you ask? He was in California, in jail in California. In jail for
06:01what? Murder. The very same thing Teresa herself would now be in jail for in Vermont.
06:10Hundreds would turn up to Chris Malan's funeral and he was finally laid to rest
06:14in Fort Snelling National Cemetery with full military honors.
06:17But the insanity of this story, it's only just beginning.
06:26See the people involved, Ophelia and Teresa and even Teresa's fiancé,
06:30Max Snyder, friends and family would say they had all been acting different of late. Personality
06:35changes, stark ones, secret phones, mysterious trips. Ophelia had quit her job as a quantitative
06:40trader in October of 2023 and then vanished. Teresa had been reported missing by her parents
06:46in May of 2024. These three people, Max, Teresa and Ophelia, they were all linked together by a
06:53cult. The Zizian cult. What's been called by those that knew them as a death cult, if you can believe
07:00that. Look at you. Alright so I hear you're barking big dog you know you're probably wondering
07:05what the heck is a Zizian, right? Where are we going with this? Well it's a strange, you probably
07:11got that already, intellectual group of, you got mathematicians, intellectuals, some of whom worked
07:17at NASA, Google, high-tech shit, research institutes, a lot of them with artificial intelligence and it's
07:24been linked to at least six deaths across the United States. That deadly shootout in Vermont,
07:29a double homicide of concerned parents in Pennsylvania and two brutal attacks on the
07:35same landlord in California. And it all began with Jack Amadeus Ziz Lasoda, the head of of the Zizian cult.
07:53Ziz, as Jack Lasoda goes, transgender, was from Alaska, born in 1991 and studied computer science,
08:00if you can believe that. Computers, again. Ziz, you know, was described as a hacker from her very
08:06earliest years, always kind of struggled, sort of socially would have these big outbursts, but when
08:12they were in like high school they were able to hack their their school's computer system to get
08:17like payroll information and all this kind of stuff. Ziz's own father had worked with AI so it
08:22seemed to be kind of the family business and Ziz would go and intern at NASA. Then Ziz moved to the
08:29bay area for the tech industry, though Ziz's time in the area doesn't seem to have gone too well.
08:34Ziz at this time ran a blog titled Sinceriously. It's very much an engineer's or a very technical
08:42person's mind viewing the world. Everything is flowcharts, hacking, statements, true or false,
08:48extrapolations. A lot of people involved in this group are neurodivergent. You know, you can tell
08:53it's a computer nerd trying to write philosophy because that's exactly how it reads. It's full of
08:58very technical, uneloquent language that constantly references nerdy pop culture that unless you have
09:04the same one-track mind it'll largely come off as unintelligible. See Ziz at this time was drawn to
09:11the rationalist subculture which was a community that sprung up in Silicon Valley around you know
09:18computers and the early internet since around like the early 2000s. Basically it's a it's a group,
09:23it's a community of people who think very rationally about the issues, modern technology,
09:28computers, artificial intelligence, all the issues that that raises and to think and how can we solve
09:34these problems rationally. Altruism, how can we use technology to you know make the world a better
09:40place for everybody to solve all these existential issues. Transhumanism, you know, can we make robots
09:46out of ourselves, make ourselves like you know upload your mind. It's all very cyberpunk-y
09:52kind of type stuff and much of it also has to do with you know as you can imagine artificial
09:57intelligence probably the most like complex issue where the world is facing you know these days.
10:03Will AI keep growing eventually turn into Skynet and kill us all? Here's hoping. So rationalists
10:08are simply a community who are interested in these type of topics which are which are pretty
10:12interesting but Ziz will take this, take on this to the next level and then some.
10:20Ziz began to live on a boat, was trans and vegan and was unsuccessfully trying to break into
10:26Silicon Valley and things weren't going great for her around the year 2017. Ziz's blog,
10:31since seriously, really starts to get more bizarre and darker as time went by. Ziz had
10:36been living on a boat for about five months, couldn't get a job, became more and more obsessed
10:41with rationalism and working on computers all day and kind of started to view people as less
10:46than people, more like things. Soon Ziz would meet another person, a Gwen Danielson, who would join
10:53Ziz on the rationalist fleet they were building. Gwen believed that people, that's you and me,
11:00multiple personalities inside our head and you can activate these multiple personalities by
11:06switching different hemispheres in your brain. You might have one personality on this side,
11:10another personality on the other side. They could be so different, they could be different genders,
11:14you know, and if you can set one hemisphere of your brain to sleep, you can activate the other
11:19personality. Who knows? So they were starting this rationalist fleet in the San Francisco Bay Area.
11:27I mean one of the main reasons was they couldn't afford rent because it's a joke there. So they're
11:32like hey come on we'll go live on this boat, we can spend all our time clackity clacky and doing
11:38computer things. And I mean they only had one boat at the time but so I'm not sure if that qualifies
11:44as a fleet. But humble beginnings and all that, you know, maybe this will keep growing and growing.
11:48So the rationalist community very big in Silicon Valley and both Ziz and Gwen would become
11:54would become well known in it or I guess I should say infamous in it.
11:58Let me read you a brief snippet from Ziz's blog so you can kind of get an idea of what was going
12:02on up here. I described how in rationalist fleet me and Gwen ended up doing all the important work,
12:09most of the object level labor. But what mattered most was steering, course correction,
12:15executive decisions. These decisions could only be made by someone who was aligned as an
12:21optimizer, as in their entire brain. How this ultimately required sociopathy, for being unpwned
12:27by the external world. They said sociopathy to avoid being pwned was a tough game, miss one piece
12:33and you would be pwned. Everyone would try to pwn you. They said they would try to pwn me. What?
12:39Ziz and Gwen had ties to official rationalist groups like the CFA or the Center for Pornography
12:45Ziz and Gwen had ties to official rationalist groups like the CFA or the Center for Applied
12:50Rationality or the MIRI which is the Machine Intelligence Research Institute both interested
12:56in rationality and the risks of AI etc etc. But over time Ziz started to go like a little bit
13:02more extreme, like sort of an anarchist. She sort of viewed herself as a hero, frankly as a hero,
13:08though those who knew her would say she actually viewed herself as a Sith, like a Sith Lord,
13:14from Star Wars, which rocks frankly. But Ziz was described as a master manipulator who was
13:19extremely skilled at targeting those who were naive and vulnerable, using all sorts of words
13:25and phrases that would become integral to the Zizian movement. Single good, non-good,
13:30collapsing the timeline because of course they believed in multiverses so you know you
13:35one single decision can burn down an entire timeline. This is exhausting. That you can
13:40logic yourself through any situation to always come out on top and never lose, or get pwned of
13:45course, and that you can ignore basic human behavior. They wanted to enforce altruism to
13:50all living things via violent means, enforcing veganism. What does all this mean? I have no
13:57idea either. It's all sort of that insane cult jargon you see with many of them. You kind of
14:02need to be insane to get it. But ultimately it comes down to enforcing beliefs on others for
14:07complete control of them. For example, what did Ziz and the others do to new or prospective members?
14:14Cut them off from friends and family of course. Classic cult behavior with their own jargon and
14:20terminology and you're either with them or against them. And slowly but surely, targeting those Ziz
14:26knew were vulnerable, the group began to grow. A lot of them seem very neckbeard-y to be sure.
14:32You can imagine a fair few fedoras were worn. And a katana will pop up at one stage. Maybe even
14:39this person was a Zizian. Zizians would believe that the end justifies the means. So if the means
14:44means murder, well, so be it. And hey, listen, there's multiverses here. So if we kill them in this timeline,
14:51they'll be fine in another one, so don't worry about it. Because in that other timeline,
14:56you didn't decide to do something bad, so therefore you don't deserve to die. What their actual goals
15:00were though seems kind of like sort of unclear. Mainly it just seems like they were out there just
15:05to exist. Though maybe that also has to do with the fact that Ziz Lasoda, their leader, died. Sort of.
15:18In 2019, they had protested the Center for Applied Rationality alumni reunion. By this time, Ziz and
15:25the group had long been ostracized from normal rationalists. Zizians all wore black robes and
15:31Guy Fawkes masts, protesting this retreat in the northern California woods outside of San Francisco.
15:37They surrounded all the entrances and exits and refused to leave. They originally had intended
15:43to stop people from attending the venue, but they couldn't even get that right. They messed up and
15:48arrived late. So instead, they decided to prevent anyone from leaving, parking a van sideways on this
15:55small bridge. The CFAOR, Center for Applied Rationality, it's a think tank associated with
16:01rationalism. Though Ziz had come to believe they were all corrupted, sex predators, scandalous,
16:07discriminatory, all that. At the scene was Ziz, of course. Right hand, Gwen Danielson was there,
16:14along with two other Zizians, Emma Borhanian and Alexander Lethem. Emma and Alexander, of course,
16:20being top Zizian lieutenants by this point. This led to a bit of a standoff as the police believed
16:25these Zizians were armed and SWAT teams were called. This all became minor news at the time.
16:30The Zizians were all arrested and faced multiple charges, and they in turn accused the police of
16:36anti-trans discrimination. Though this seemed like a minor incident at the time, it would lead the
16:42Zizians off the cliff. Soon after, the Zizians, you know, they decided, okay, we're done with the
16:51rationalist fluke. That ain't working out too well. It's back to dry land we go. So they all
16:56moved into these ORVs on land owned by a man named Curtis Lind. And so the Zizian fleet. Remember,
17:07it was pretty much made up of one boat called the Caleb that would be abandoned and sunk in half
17:12moon bay. And so the next chapter in this bizarre tale of these vegan Sith Zizians began, and things
17:19would get very violent very soon. Curtis Lind was not part of the cult, but he was friendly with
17:28some of the members and he met them down at the docks. He was interested in boats himself. And so
17:33he said, you know, you can move into ORVs here on my land. I'll give you a good deal. This was in Vallejo,
17:40California. The 80 year old wasn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart. They were renting,
17:45but it was cheaper than what others would charge. He envisioned that this would be a place for
17:51artists and so on. He was a patron of the arts. These were not artists he was inviting. While
17:57living there, the Zizians were going through some legal difficulties owing to the protests and
18:02arrests at the CFA or retreat. That protest had not only made them infamous, it would be the catalyst
18:09for a lot of what was to come. And they were really not making it easier for themselves
18:14by refusing, flat out refusing to hire any attorneys who were not vegan. It's really not,
18:21it's really not going great for anybody at this, at this point, is it? However, then over time,
18:27things would get worse because relations, relations between the Zizians and Curtis Lind,
18:32they would start to get awkward, a little bit tense. See, they would move into Curtis Lind's
18:37land and then the pandemic would hit California. Then the state would mandate banning all evictions.
18:44You're not allowed to evict anybody. So the Zizians were like, well, he can't evict us
18:50because the state says he can't. So how about we just stop paying rent then? What's he going to do?
18:55And so things became tense. Curtis filed to evict them. The Zizians started carrying around knives
19:01in full view of Curtis. Curtis got a gun. Then on August 19th, 2022, Ziv died in a boating accident,
19:09a boating accident. Allegedly, Ziz was out there on a sailboat in the San Francisco Bay
19:17and she fell into the water at night. The Coast Guard were even called.
19:22Searches were done for hours, but Ziz's body was never recovered.
19:27Jack Amadeus Lasota left our lives, but not our hearts, on August 19th after a boating accident.
19:32Loving adventure, friends and family, music, blueberries, biking, computer games and animals,
19:38you are missed. Here's one message of condolence. Jack, you're one of this age's visionary philosophers.
19:44Reading your work was a privilege, and I have every hope your manuscripts will continue to shape
19:49the world of rationality for years to come. A life cut too short, a life cut too short,
19:55a life cut too short. The world is unquestionably smaller now.
20:03So now, no lawsuit for Ziz and Gwen Danielson's right hand, right hand galley, she would disappear
20:09herself soon after. Both Ziz and Gwen, they actually had active arrest warrants out for them
20:14since April of 2022. So them just having to disappear and or die made sense, you know,
20:22why not at this point? Gwen Danielson in fact would fake her own death.
20:27According to her lawyer who, you know, oh why is Gwen not turning up to court, I think she's dead.
20:32Though she would be spotted by numerous people hanging out at that trailer park after she died.
20:39Maybe it's a ghost. So now, back to the Zizian trailer park, with allegedly both the number one
20:45Ziz and number two Gwen, allegedly they're both dead, wink wink. Things still continued
20:52on Curtis Lynn's land and the Zizians by this stage, they numbered over 20 people. They would
20:58eventually reach a very explosive boiling point. By this stage, even the locals were describing
21:05them as a cult, witnessing them walking around naked, wearing gas masks all the time, carrying
21:11weapons and such. They were like kind of becoming infamous in this area as like the local weirdos,
21:17you know, stay away from them. And they were basically in there working on computers,
21:22on AI, on things, quantitative stuff, folks, quantitative stuff in these trailers all day,
21:31solar powered shit above the trailers, but not for long. What happened that day in November 2022
21:38is unclear. Curtis Lynn says that although tensions were pretty high between himself and the Zizians
21:44he was trying to kick out, this particular day they had asked him to come down to the land
21:50to fix a water leak. They had a problem with the water, so Curtis says, all right, I'll come down,
21:54I'll fix it for you. There's two sides to this story about what really happened. The Zizians
22:00said he came down and was threatening them with a firearm. Curtis says he went down there to fix
22:06the water link and suddenly they started laying into him, attacking him, attacking him with a
22:10katana. He says at one point he just looked down, the sword was sticking through his body. He'd been
22:16stabbed with a katana and he would actually lose a peeper. One of his eyes would be cut out
22:21from the blade. They studied the blade. Curtis then whipped out his gun, shooting two people,
22:26Alexander Lethem injuring Emma Borhanian, killing Curtis. The old fella still with a sword sticking
22:32out of him, he managed to go to a nearby neighbors for help, was airlifted to a hospital. He was
22:36lucky to be alive. Curtis Lynn would require one month of hospitalization for his injuries,
22:42which included approximately 50 puncture wounds, the loss of his right eye,
22:47a sword wound through his chest and facial lacerations. Emma Borhanian died at the scene.
22:56Patrick McMillan shows us how he found his landlord early Sunday morning,
23:00crouching over bleeding with a samurai sword through his chest. He banged on my door and I
23:07woke up and came out. He said I'm dying and he had blood squirting out of him and that sword
23:12sticking through him. McMillan says his 80 year old landlord, Kurt Lind, had been brutally attacked
23:18by other tenants of the Vallejo property, who Lind was in the process of evicting because they
23:23hadn't paid rent in years. They've been here for three years and they wouldn't leave and it's
23:29taken him a long time to get into court and get, you know, an eviction notice on him. They found
23:34out about the eviction notice. They figured I guess if they killed him that they, he couldn't
23:40be evicted. But McMillan says Lind had a gun and shot two of his attackers. There was one that was
23:47shot dead and the other had three bullets in her. This whole thing is just, it's bizarre. It's,
23:53it's, it's not, it's like it doesn't feel real. Carl Lind can't believe what his father has
23:58endured. He says the tenants had basically taken over the property and taken advantage
24:04of his father's generosity. And he just wanted this as a place to let artists or woodworkers
24:11or electricians be able to come and live in a little, in a trailer and then have a little
24:19container next to it where they could do work and have put their tools and have a safe place.
24:24I've known him for about 15 years and he will help anybody and he is always getting taken
24:31advantage of these people that he helps. He just doesn't understand that no good deed goes
24:36unpunished. Kurt Lind is recovering from multiple stab wounds and his family says he may lose an eye.
24:42Police say two people are now in custody on murder charges. Prosecutors would side with Curtis Lind
24:49and the injured Alexander Lethem and another Zizian, a Surrey Dow, they would be charged
24:54with Emma Borhanian's murder. Over the next few years while in jail awaiting trial,
25:00they would both try to escape multiple times. See the prosecutor said that Curtis Lind was acting
25:07in self-defense and even though he pulled the trigger that killed Emma Borhanian, she would
25:12never have been killed if the Zizians hadn't attacked Curtis Lind. So therefore the Zizians
25:16are responsible for her death. They were then charged with attempted murder and murder and a
25:21search of the property after the attack would uncover some weird shit in the trailers there.
25:27I'm talking used surgical equipment. What the hell were they doing to each other? I don't want to
25:32know. Like a dozen laptops, all sorts of expensive computer equipment. Who really knows what they
25:39were doing on that property? The mind boggles and the attacks linked to the Zizians would only get
25:45darker. After this incident, it appears many of the Zizians went their separate ways, though
25:57remained connected online and a number would reappear in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. So now
26:04let's go to late December 2022, one month after the attack on Curtis Lind in Vallejo. The Zizian's
26:12leader, Jack Ziz Lasota, is believed to be dead, you know, into the drink at the bottom of the San
26:17Francisco Bay, but that hasn't stopped the Zizians who are still going from strength to strength.
26:21The numbers only seem to be growing. I mean, except there's now one dead, Emma Borhanian,
26:27and two are in police custody charged with her death, Alexander Elitham and a Suri Dao.
26:33It wouldn't be long before they struck again, this time minutes before midnight, New Year's Eve. It
26:44was a cold winter in Chester Heights, a wealthy suburb of Philadelphia, when Richard and Rita
26:49Zajko let two people into their home at around 11.30pm on December 31st, 2022. Less than two
26:57minutes later, screams were heard coming from their home. Some shouting, Mom! And Oh My God!
27:05Lights in the house would flicker and the two people then left the Zajko home.
27:11The bodies of Richard and Rita wouldn't be discovered for days until a welfare check was
27:16requested and ultimately they were both located in the bedroom of their own home,
27:21having both been shot in the head.
27:24Pennsylvania State Police are investigating the deaths of Richard and Rita Zajko in Chester
27:28Heights. The Delaware County Medical Examiner ruled their deaths a homicide.
27:32It's shocking. You know, it's something that you wouldn't imagine even happening here.
27:37State police say they were called to the home on Highland Drive for a welfare check on Monday.
27:42They say the Zajkos were both found inside the home. Neighbors can't believe what happened on
27:47A brutal double homicide of these two normal, happy neighbors. They owned numerous properties
27:53in the area and were well-liked by all their tenants. One person saying about Richard,
27:58he was a great guy, great landlord, great person all around. The wife was an amazing person as well.
28:04Police began canvassing the entire neighborhood, questioning their many tenants as they owned
28:09numerous apartments, but it was all coming up short. The Zajkos were found in the bedroom
28:15but it was all coming up short. Who would commit this double homicide?
28:18And the police announced they didn't believe this to be a random act of violence.
28:23Soon, the couple's daughter and only child was tracked down, her name being Michelle Zajko.
28:30She was well-educated and had worked around the country. Michelle was 30 years old at the time
28:35and a high flyer. She had a master's degree in bioinformatics from Temple University,
28:40had worked for NASA, and was currently working as a researcher at the Children's Hospital of
28:44Philadelphia. When questioned as to her whereabouts when her parents were murdered,
28:48she said she was at a property she owned in Vermont.
28:55She wasn't charged with the murder of her parents, though she had purchased,
28:59in the months leading up, a firearm of the very same type that had killed them.
29:04She was considered a person of interest, and as such, she did not benefit from her parents'
29:10death due to the Slayer's Statute. Her parents had millions, so a likely motive if she was
29:15indoctrinated into the Zizian cult. After all, what do the Zizians believe? The end justifies
29:22the means. So, your parents have to go, sorry, but think of those millions of dollars! We'll
29:28get you new parents, suck on that. And guess what, so Michelle Zajko was eventually tracked down
29:34about a week after her parents' bodies were discovered, brutally. She was tracked down to
29:39a hotel in Chester City, Pennsylvania, and who was she staying with in the hotel? It's mad folks,
29:46you'll never believe it. It was Ziz Lasota. Somehow, Ziz returned. Ziz Lasota was found
29:54back from the dead, back from the watery grave, she lives still. Turns out Ziz was alive the whole
29:59time and just faked her own death. Who thinks up this shit? Stranger than fiction. Ziz was in
30:05the hotel room, lying on the floor, completely unresponsive, and had to be carried out. Ziz
30:11was in the room with another person, a 24 year old Daniel Blank. Daniel Blank had been Michelle's
30:18roommate for a time, and also provided Michelle's alibi for her parents' murder. He's been described
30:24as a simple and gentle person, but easily swayed and manipulated. Both Ziz and Daniel Blank were
30:32arrested, though Ziz was bailed out after a few months, $50,000, and promptly vanished once again.
30:44Michelle Zajko had lived in the Bay Area for a time, and was highly educated and had very
30:49high-paying, prestigious jobs, and was, of course, a Zizian. We don't know exactly how Michelle and
30:57Ziz met, probably through rationalism, commenting on each other's posts, and then um...
31:05Ziz was always described as a very manipulative person.
31:08So Michelle and her own partner and roommate, a person named Alice Munday,
31:12they began to get to know some Zizians. You know, they lived in the Bay Area,
31:16just a couple of miles from the, you know, Orvie Park, where the Zizian cult lived. They lived there
31:21for a while, got really big into it, and then they moved. They moved, the two of them, Michelle and
31:26Alice, they moved across country to Coventry for a month. Isn't that weird? So did Michelle Zajko
31:33kill her parents? We don't know. But, about a year before her parents were brutally murdered,
31:41Michelle had written this in her blog, because they all have blogs.
31:46Ziz informed me that the only way I could gain her trust was to murder Alice, her roommate in Vermont,
31:52preferably soon. Ziz helpfully suggested I use a gun with a potato as a makeshift suppressor,
31:58and that I might destroy the body with lye, and then told me that after, I should video call Ziz
32:03and show her the body before I destroy it, so she could get proof positive that I'd really done it.
32:08And if I didn't do it, Ziz planned to drive across the entire continental United States to murder me.
32:19Now, Michelle didn't murder her roommate, but Ziz did drive all the way across the entire
32:25continental United States, and then a week, a little over a week after her parents were
32:31murdered, Ziz was arrested pretty close by. As I said, neither Michelle nor Ziz were arrested for
32:36the actual double homicide, but they were viewed as mighty close to it. It ain't no coincidence,
32:42and both Ziz and Michelle, after that, they vanished once again. And so now, in this story,
32:48we're getting close to where it all began. January 2025, with the murder of David Malland.
32:54Earlier that month, January 2025, a young woman who called herself Connie, real name,
33:00Teresa Youngblood, called a realtor, asking to view a property in Coventry, Vermont.
33:06This was an extremely remote cabin deep in these New England woods.
33:12What Teresa, as Zizian, was, you know, wanting to do to get a cabin deep in these woods,
33:17that was near the cabin of Michelle Zajko, and, you know, the other Zizians, were they like trying
33:22to create this little community of compounds deep in their Vermont woods, where they could just be
33:27Zizians all they wanted? We don't know, but it's kind of looking that way. Were they trying to
33:33have this little cult in the forests? Teresa seemed very eager to view this cabin. Of course,
33:39herself, her fiancé, Max Snyder, and their friend, Ophelia Bockholtz, were all Zizians too.
33:45Teresa Youngblood had said goodbye to her mother and moved out of the family's home to live with
33:50a friend back in May of 2024. She also changed her phone number. Soon after, being unable to
33:57contact her, her parents, they reported her missing, and both of her parents told police that her
34:02behavior kind of changed in recent years, and they believed that she was lying about where she was
34:08going and who she was seeing. They also said that she had disconnected from childhood friends, and
34:13they had become concerned that she was being forced, you know, to act this way. They also guessed that
34:19she might be in a controlling relationship. Police told Teresa's parents, though, that because, you
34:25know, she was an adult, she was free to make her own decisions, and investigators later determined
34:30that there was no reasonable concern for her safety, so no missing persons report was actually
34:35created. So, where did she go? We still don't really know. Not much is, in fact, known about
34:41what the Zizians were doing over 2023 and 2024. However, in November of 2024, Teresa and Max,
34:50who had known each other since their private school days, they applied for a marriage license.
34:57Though, by this stage, Max would, well, soon be in jail on murder charges. See, also in January of 2025,
35:05two of the Zizians, they were getting ready to go on trial in April. This coming April,
35:12regarding the murder of Emma Borhenian and the attempted murder of Curtis Lind.
35:17They would rather not do that. They would rather not go on trial for those crimes, and the only
35:22witness there that day, who was not a Zizian, was Curtis Lind. This had been something they'd planned
35:28since it had originally happened, no doubt. And once again, the end justifies the means, and if,
35:35you know, thinking about it rationally, how are we not going to spend our lives in prison?
35:40Kill him. Time to collapse the timeline on Curtis Lind, and the Zizian to do it, Max Snyder.
35:46Vallejo police are investigating the city's first homicide of the year. Police say they were
35:50called to 3rd and Lemon Streets just after 2.15 this afternoon. Officers say they found one man
35:56who had been stabbed. They took that person to the hospital where he later died. On January 17th,
36:012025, Max Snyder was seen wearing all black, loitering outside Curtis Lind's home, Curtis seen
36:08him. He goes out, what the hell are you doing here? Max then grabbed Curtis Lind and stabbed him
36:14multiple times with a very large knife. Curtis dropped like a sack of potatoes. Max walks away
36:20before quickly about facing, walking over to Kurt as he lay on the cold ground, went down to him and
36:28slit his throat. To be sure. Max Snyder was arrested and charged with murder. His fiancée was on the
36:35opposite side of the country, about to commit a murder of her own. Facing a murder charge with
36:40two enhancements. He's accused of lying in wait and killing his 82 year old Vallejo landlord,
36:46Curtis Lind, on January 17th. But investigators say Lind's death was connected to another attack
36:53on him back in 2022. Lind's family posted on GoFundMe saying Curtis was the victim of an
36:59unprovoked violent attack by three young adults on his Vallejo property. He miraculously survived
37:05being stabbed multiple times.
37:13Teresa had been traveling with Ophelia and they'd stayed at a hotel in Vermont.
37:17Staff there, becoming concerned with, you know, seeing firearms and tactical gear,
37:22were like, well that's not the normal shit to wear around, and they informed the authorities
37:26who began to trail them. This eventually led to a traffic stop and to the deaths of
37:31Agent Chris Malland and Ophelia Bockholt. Inside their vehicle were hollow point ammunition,
37:39gas masks, night vision cameras, and another firearm that once belonged to Michelle Zajko,
37:46who may have killed her parents with it.
37:50And so, you have six deaths associated with the Zizian cult. Emma Borhenian,
37:55Rita and Richard Zajko, Curtis Lind, David Malland, and Ophelia Bockholt.
38:02Max Snyder has been charged with Curtis Lind's murder, Teresa Jungblut's been charged with
38:06David Malland's murder, and two of the Zizians are currently in jail for the attempted murder
38:13of Curtis Lind and the actual murder of Emma Borhenian. Who knows if, now that Curtis Lind
38:20is dead, who knows if, you know, what will happen at that trial. Maybe they will even walk free.
38:24And nobody is quite sure who murdered Richard and Rita Zajko, though we can hazard a guess.
38:30Police then began a nationwide search for Michelle Zajko and, of course,
38:35the Zizian's leader, Ziz Lasoda. As I said, this case is insane in every conceivable way.
38:42Who knows how big the Zizian cult is at this stage. It's probably, I mean, you'll find some
38:48people out there who'd be only mad to join. I've scratched that. Not all of them are actually still
38:53out there. On February 16th, 2025, both Ziz Lasoda and Michelle Zajko were arrested in
39:01Allegheny County, Maryland. Arrested alongside those two was also Daniel Blank, who, if you
39:06remember, was arrested with them both previously, not long after the Zajko double homicide. So,
39:13all three of them stuck together since, it seems. They were all linked to some property in Chapel
39:18Hill, North Carolina, where it seems the Zizian cult moved to after it had to leave Curtis Lynn's
39:25land in California. The three suspects, Ziz Lasoda, Michelle Zajko, and Daniel Blank,
39:31faced multiple charges, including trespassing, obstruction of justice, and possession of a
39:36handgun in their vehicle. Allegedly, they were arrested after trying to camp in a white van
39:41on private property in Allegheny County. The property owner saw their van, told them to get
39:46the hell out of here. They didn't. So, the owner called the cops, and when the police showed up,
39:52they found all three of them in that van with plenty of firearms, handguns, rifles, and ammunition.
40:00And so, that takes us to the story of this vegan, genius, trans death cult up to now. I mean,
40:07that's the only adjectives, like, the news media that I've been reading about has been using to
40:11describe Zizians. There's probably a hell of a lot more adjectives you could use to describe them.
40:16Biggest one, batshit insane, and pretty murderous. It's a lot to wrap your head around. You know,
40:23that's why I actually wanted to cover this story, because I was reading into it, and I began
40:26following it, and I couldn't even wrap my head around the timeline, and what was happening,
40:31and who the major players were. So, that's kind of why I decided to make this video. Hopefully,
40:35it made the story a little bit easier for you to follow, and this is kind of like just a concise
40:41version. You can really get into the weeds here on this story. If you want to read more,
40:46just check out the sources down below in the description. I can only imagine the more
40:52insane things that are going to come out, the Zizian death cult, although it'll be hard to
40:58top the insanity we've already had. As Ziz would say, probably should collapse this timeline.
41:07Thank you so much for watching. It truly means a lot to me that you're here watching this
41:11video. I'll never be able to thank you guys enough for the support, and I hope you enjoy the videos
41:16to come. Right, if you're looking for some cool ass VAT Chapter merch, you can check it out down
41:20below. It's pretty, it's rocking, I gotta say. If I do say so myself, you can check it out down below,
41:26or check out the VAT Chapter podcast, where this week we were talking about the Hex Hollow murder,
41:31which is a really, really good story. Next week, we're talking about, what's up next week? Oh,
41:36the story of John List, highly requested case. Or, we recently did Alan Leger, and we also did
41:43Carl Panzeram, and you know, we're going to be talking about more murders, crazy stuff. So,
41:47please check out the VAT Chapter podcast if you're looking for a little bit more, but until the next
41:51little video, which will be out when it's out, please take care of each other, and please take
41:55care of yourselves, because I love you. Mike out.
